No quiero dejar de sentir, quiero que deje de doler.
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“I miss you caring about me. I miss you saying good morning and goodnight and hugging me when I’m sad and checking to make sure I get home safe. Now all we have is glances across the room and unsaid words in our minds. I guess I just miss knowing that I meant something to you.”
-i wish you still cared
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-and then one day, you decided I was too much of a mess for you.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
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“I’m going to have to give you up. And it’s the last thing I want to do.”
— but if I don’t let go now, I won’t make it
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You don’t want to talk to me anymore. My phone screen lights up and it’s never you. You aren’t excited to see me anymore. I’m trying to get used to the fact that it will never be the same again.
But that tiny ray of hope of the old you coming back, makes it impossible.
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I won’t ever be ready to let you go.
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i distracted myself and thought i was healing
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i fucking hate you
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I can’t make you love me, but every night I hope you will.
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“The thing is… everyone always tells you about the pretty side of falling in love and being in love. No one talks about the nights you spend lying awake for hours wondering if any of it is worth it. People can leave. People can fall out of love. People can change their minds. There is no way to know for sure if someone is going to stay. Love can only be secure through trust, but what about for someone who can’t trust. What about someone who was so brutally broken by the past that they never want to allow themself to fall again. Love is fucking scary.”
— mental breakdowns at 5 am are fun
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“I hope one day you love someone to the bones. To the point where you only want the best for them even if that doesn’t imply you being around. I hope one day you love someone so much it hurts to breath. And maybe perhaps that day you will finally understand how much I loved you.”
— D. M.
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“I’m trying to teach myself how to fall out of love with you.”
— I’m a poor student.
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After all this time, I’m still waiting for you to call me and say you’re sorry and you haven’t had a day where you haven’t thought about the way I used to hold you. Or even for you to just show up at my door and hug me, and in that hug I’ll understand everything. But in reality, I know the longer I wait, the more you’re getting used to your life without me. You’re happier without me as the time goes on.
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“Que alguien te diga “lo siento, te necesito” después de haber tenido una pelea, significa que le importas mucho más que su orgullo.”
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“No le escribas esta noche. A pesar de que lo extrañas y a pesar de que lo amas más que cualquier otra cosa, no lo hagas. Deja de perder tu energía en alguien que no le importa nada acerca de ti.”
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oh sorry i was thinking about myself did you want something
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