darkibae-blog · 7 years
How you Interact: Poly-Relationship with Anti and Dark
I just really wanted to write this after you guys requested it! 
Hope you enjoy!
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- Be ready for a very possessive relationship with these two. 
-And it’s not just against strangers/friends, they will fight each other for your attention. 
-Most of the time it’s amusing. They’ll try to do things like; play with your hair, call you pet names, give you small gifts or just be affectionate to the point of almost smothering you. (Of course in their sense of affection which differs between the two.) 
-Dark will do small things for you, which include; rubbing your shoulders, giving you a flower, reading to you. He’ll try his best to seduce you through honeyed words and compliments. It works most of the time. 
-Anti loves to make you laugh. Whether it’s through annoying Dark or just messing around the house. He’ll curl up beside you on the couch, his head on your lap, whining for attention. He melts when you run your fingers through his hair.
-Then you have the problem of the other being jealous if you spent too much time with one of them. 
-They’ll glare and mutter. Becoming irritable to the point of threatening the one your spending time with. 
-This then breaks out into a war between them. With you standing on the side-lines either trying to stop it or just letting it play through. 
-If one is angry at you for something, the other will step in. Though they know you can handle yourself, it’s not in their nature to let a threat come close to you.
-But they’ll gang up on you if you seem to be ignoring them. Or if you’re in a bad mood and refuse to talk to them.
-It’s the only time you’ve seen them work together outside the bedroom. 
-And God protect anyone who tries to hit on you, or even wink in your direction. 
-Two evil entities, both obsessed with you, and some pervert happens to try and sweet talk you?…..Bloodshed and murder is assured. 
-Sometimes you don’t even know anything has happened until you spot a blood smear on Anti, or you find yourself somewhere away from the person that was talking to you. 
-You try to keep them from doing wrong, but you’re only one person. And they know how to keep out of sight. 
-But you have to remind yourself that they are demons. And you’re just happy they actually felt some sort of affection towards you than anger.
-When you’ve had a bad day, Dark will sit you down and have you close your eyes. 
-He’ll change your sense perception to something more relaxing. He warps your mind to become less restless and allow you to calm down. 
-Anti will cuddle with you, running his hand over your back to help you relax. Whispering sweet-nothings in your ear and nuzzling your neck. 
-He might complain and mumble about cuddling, but Anti enjoys it. And Dark is no different. 
-At night, there is always a small squabble over who sleeps how with you. But you are usually always in the center and you always make the decision for them. 
-Though the boys don’t really sleep, they enjoy the quiet with you. There’s no threats, no hassle. Just the three of you entangled together. 
-Of course, there’s the issue of a horny Anti or Dark. If one’s in the mood, the other isn’t going to miss out on any fun. 
-I won’t go into detail here, but there’s a lot of biting and rough pounding. Anti will use his glitch abilities on you, while Dark teases you relentlessly with his hands. 
-They don’t stop till all three of you have finished, and they’ll nuzzle you, finally allowing you to sleep between them in peace. 
(I fucking love this so much!)
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
my very dear followers
if you want to send me an ask, even if it isn’t related to my blog type, send it. i’ll be more than happy to answer it.
if you want to message me, go the fuck ahead. sometimes i don’t answer bc i’m busy but i’ll text you back when i will be able to. you can talk to me about anything, if it makes me uncomfortable i’ll stop it but if it doesn’t, no problem !
if you want me to check out your blog/fic, just ask. i’ll be glad to see some new contents and will be very grateful.
if you want me to give your blog a shout out, all you have to do is ask. i will do it - except if the content triggers me or is inapropriate.
if you want to tag me in something, please please do. if i ignored it i might not have seen the notifications, so you can send it to me to be sure i saw it
if you want me to give visibility to a project or issue, tell me. i can’t promise i’ll always do it but i will definitely give it a look
if you want to ask me why i’m late on something or if i’m still doing it, the ask button is right there. i’m sorry if i got late on something and you have every right to ask
if you want to communicate with me in any of these way or another one, just do it. it will make me so happy. you won’t look clingy or weird. as long as you are respectful, i will always appreciate to receive feedback or to talk to you
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
Don't worry dark, you're much cooler than he-who-shall-not-be-named (not Voldemort, the other one) (...but also Voldemort come to think of it)
Dark smiled, “I am. I appreciate the compliment”
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
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Honestly, making up your own dark version of youtubers is v pleasing.
Even though everyone’s deciding on a name for him, i’d still probably call him ‘Deafen’. Just a personal headcanon though.
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
Hey Scribs! Just wanted to say thank you. I started this blog like, yesterday? And immediately started spamming y'all with asks, but you and Admin have been so sweet and so nice that I feel like I know you without even knowing you. So thanks! And thanks to the Bois for indulging my stupidity lol 💜💜
“Aww it’s all good, doll! You’re so sweet!” Scribbles says blushing. “I hope the blog goes well!” Admin yells
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
My name is Crank
I’m a new entity, but that doesn’t mean I can’t fuck you up. I’m, in a sense, a glitch. I’m a computer/mechanic based entity. Talk to me if you dare.
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
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I call him “Corroded Crank” :D 
My take on the “other” side of Ethan? Yeah C: I’ll probably do a whole series on the Teamiplier gang!
@crankgameplays I hope you like it little blue boi!
Meanwhile Tyler’s like:
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
I need friens
Okay so I just dove headfirst into the Markiplier & friends fandom (Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Jack, Felix, etc.) but I have nobody to talk to about it and I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is getting annoyed lol.
I’m also just barely getting into shipping of any sort and I’m basically into what is canon (Amiplier, Septishu, Melix) buuuut I can’t help but love me some Tythan too but ESPECIALLY as a FRIENDship, they are just my faves anyway.
I’m also curious about all the evil personas, esp corroded/corrupted crank plz.
I’m anyway if anyone wants to ramble about that stuff or whatever feel free to message me, I need friends plz
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
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I have to give credit where credit is due as it is obviously inspired by @shamefulbirb ‘s Corroded Crank. idk why I did this, me bored. I was super anxious making this since I didn’t know if I wanted to post this because I was afraid people where going to say that I ‘stole’ or copied the same idea because they were both robots. I joined the tumblr community about two months ago and I didn’t even now about Corroded Crank  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Obviously an alter ego of @crankgameplays featuring my terrible handwriting :’v. Don’t kill me pls I cant draw creepy things….I’m terrified to post this
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
Reblog this if I can vent to you? Like completely skip all the awkwardness and just start talking to you.
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
*DaBbINg InTENsifIeas*
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
*gets into wresting stance* I won varsity state in wrestling and beat someone three belt degrees higher than me to earn my black belt in Tae Kwon Do! Come at me, Dark!
Dark sips his coffee, “maybe later. I’m drinking my coffee.”
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
*hugs Jeff* I'll protect you! I'm strong and on Varsity Wrestling! If dark is anything at all like (you know who) then I can take him!
Jeff hugs you tight and pokes his tongue and Dark. “Bring it bitch!”
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
Casual Reminder
You’re allowed to come into my inbox ANY TIME.
Got something your character(s) want to say/ask/do? Go for it.
Wanna plot something? Go for it.
Got a question about me? My blog? My character(s)? Go for it.
Simply need someone to talk to? Go for it.
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darkibae-blog · 7 years
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