darkkvlack · 1 month
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.08: And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else IWTVTwT Version.
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darkkvlack · 1 month
Daniel Molloy promoting his new book and documentary:
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darkkvlack · 1 month
you RUIN armand's made up stories? you ruin his marriage like the claudia? oh! oh! vampirism! vampirism for daniel for One Thousand Years!!!!
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darkkvlack · 1 month
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darkkvlack · 1 month
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source via @brian-kinney-apologist
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darkkvlack · 1 month
louwee…. mon cher i have une question of utmost importance pour toi…. but you must answer me avec sincérité….. mon cœur…. would you still love me if i was one of those… slimy little creatures?…. comment dire….. a wörm? would you still love me if i was a worm, louieis? mais non! don’t turn away from me! c’est important! je refuse to sleep until you answer me!! or would you rather i have nightmares??? louies??? LOUIUIES!!!!!!
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darkkvlack · 1 month
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he has a 100% divorce rate btw
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darkkvlack · 1 month
daniel molloy character of all time once again: like imagine you’re a 20-something drug addict and a terrible journalist on account of being 20-something and a drug addict and you randomly meet a vampire at a gay bar and you think wow I might get drugs, gay sex and a story out of this and instead what you get is psychologically and physically tortured by his husband and your memories of it all erased and then 50 years later you’re DYING and those vampires show up in your life again to ask you to write the story of their happy marriage and your memory might be fucked but ON GOD you WILL ruin that marriage if it’s the last thing you do. and then not only do you succeed and walk out of it alive, but also with a bestseller, millions in your bank account AND immortality AND the knowledge that your annoying human ass was somehow the one thing that made that 500+ year old predator so mad that he broke his lifetime vow to never turn anyone. AND, on top of that, you’re out of the CLOSET.
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darkkvlack · 1 month
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darkkvlack · 1 month
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dreamstat + appearing whenever louis gets the ick
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darkkvlack · 4 months
From what I see you’re the one who came to op’s blog not the other way around, so it’s you who can’t stay in your lane! Also Stop cussing it just shows how immature and stupid you are.
I came here not to defend some imaginary character’s ego, but because of your attitude towards people who did nothing to deserve this harassment.
However, I think what offends you considering the ship dynamics really shows the problems you have as a person, so you’re the insecure person here but you just don’t know it yet.
Levi has never been a slave to Erwin he simply chose to follow him and obey his orders it’s no slavery! Isyama himself had said that their relationship is of an equal, so I don’t understand where you got the whole slave thing from. Now let me guess what triggered you here, it may have been Levi choosing to follow Erwin even though he is stronger than him and didn’t have to, which leads me to think you only care about Levi physical strength and looks rather than his whole character because if you did you would understand that this is what defines him as a person, that he never takes his power for granted and never thinks himself better than anyone.
Not liking Erwin and calling him ugly is your opinion and you have every right to think that, but let me remind you that Levi in fact thinks Erwin looks handsome which I think would be a tragedy for you, at the end of the day your fav character likes and respects the character you hate most and you can’t do anything about it. loitering in eruri blogs will only cause you blood pressure problems, and you seem like you have anger in you, I recommend avoiding them at all costs for your own health xoxo
Levi 'Jesus Christ Reincarnated' Ackerman's fans are free to dedicate their accounts to criticizing Erwin. However, they become upset if someone doesn't share their overly positive view of Levi or prefers Erwin 🤡 I'm trying hard to stay a Levi fan, but these insecure morons are making it nearly impossible.
I looked up jesus memes for a response to this and I have to say that I was not disappointed
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Thank you for your ask! :D
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darkkvlack · 4 months
First of all I’m going to assume that you are one of levi “fangirls” since you’re so worked up about it! If so what are you doing in this blog if you are minding your own business as you said?
Also it’s pretty selfish and childish of you to want people to enjoy things only in the way you are agreeable with.. I honestly can’t see what’s the problem in people shipping an imaginary character with another imaginary character! Is there only one way to see things and all the others are wrong? What if you’re colorblind! Would you ask people to stop enjoying the rainbow just because you can’t see all it’s brilliant colors?
Anyway for the love of god leave op alone and let people enjoy things the way they like. Stop being a brat you are ruining other people’s experience you party pooper
Levi 'Jesus Christ Reincarnated' Ackerman's fans are free to dedicate their accounts to criticizing Erwin. However, they become upset if someone doesn't share their overly positive view of Levi or prefers Erwin 🤡 I'm trying hard to stay a Levi fan, but these insecure morons are making it nearly impossible.
I looked up jesus memes for a response to this and I have to say that I was not disappointed
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Thank you for your ask! :D
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darkkvlack · 9 months
Another alternative ending (everyone lives, nobody dies) 😈
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Based off: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49372111/chapters/124590442
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darkkvlack · 1 year
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wow, the best birthday ever
also, s/o to the answer that made me decide to close replies:
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darkkvlack · 3 years
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Safe space!
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darkkvlack · 3 years
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consolation and trust
mo guan ghan and he tian
19 days by old xian
previous one : love and comfort
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darkkvlack · 3 years
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Also this?!?! Please my heart can’t take it this is so cute
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