darknightsims · 5 years
8 Awesome and Fun Challenges to Play in 2019 in the Sims 4!
Sims players have been creating fan-made challenges for the games pretty much since the series began in 2001. Challenges are a fun way to mix up normal game play; instead of just creating a Sim and living out a normal life, you can play by a set of rules and objectives to try to reach a particular outcome.
Some challenges are more difficult than others, but all are a creative and an interesting way to introduce a more linear game play style to The Sims' sandbox game play.
Players have been coming up with different challenges for The Sims 4 since the day it was introduced. Here are some of the most fun and interesting challenges for the Sims 4; try them if you're bored with the game and looking to mix things up!
1. The Legacy Challenge The Legacy Challenge is one of the oldest, most classic of Sims challenges. Players have been doing it for years, probably since the days of the Sims 1. The basic rules are pretty simple:
Create a Sim of your choice, and move them onto the biggest empty lot, but they must start in poverty (only $10,000 simoleons, excluding the cost of the lot). The "founder" has to build their house and wealth, and then procreate to make a second generation. You play on in the single family for 10 generations. There are various challenges throughout each generation and different flavours you can add to the challenge to make it more exciting or challenging. The legacy challenge is pretty fun for a few reasons: you get to play through one bloodline for so many generations, it's got a rags-to-riches story to it, and you can really see the growth of your Sims' home, family, etc.
Check out this website dedicated to the Sims Legacy Challenge (with rules for the Sims 4, 3 and even Sims 2!) here.
2. History Challenge This is quite a popular challenge for The Sims 4. Created by user Cloudseeker on The Sims 4 forums, this challenge is designed to start in the "prehistoric" age, and takes you and your Sims throughout various time periods, ending in the Modern era.
Create two Sims (your Ancestors) and place them in an empty world (delete all lots and all Sims, or download an empty world- see link for the challenge below for more details). They will start off as your prehistoric Sims. Prehistoric era Sims can't join any jobs, but can sell collectables, paintings or woodwork. Sims can't have a "house"; they must live in a tent or on the land and can only eat food that they've caught or grown (fish, insects, fruit). Complete the goals in the Prehistoric era to move on ("Reach level 10 Fishing, Gardening and Handiness skill on the same Sim" is one of the 5 goals in this stage). Move on to Early Civilisation, where your Sims can now build a house in the Roman Empire or Ancient Egyptian style! Progress through each era- Prehistoric, Early Civ, Middle Ages, The Old West, The Industrial Age, The Roaring Twenties, and the Modern Day- by completing goals and unlocking new game mechanisms! I really love this challenge- it's an extremely unique spin on the traditional legacy challenge and the creator put a lot of thought into the eras, game play and goals. A lot of Simmers really got into this challenge too (the forum post has 45+ pages of replies on it alone!), and if you're into using CC in your game, there's a lot of themed content for each of the eras, so you can make the game even more authentic!
Check out the full challenge rules here and check out some of the amazing era-themed custom content (cheetah print loin cloths for the Prehistoric Age, anyone?), here!
3. Decades Challenge The Decades Challenge is a variation of The Legacy Challenge/The History Challenge. It's not identical to the History Challenge though, because instead of going through various eras, it's more focused on American lifestyle between 1890 to present time.
You start off in 1890. Sims can only marry within their own ethnicity, can only marry the opposite gender, can't use electricity (obviously), indoor plumbing, can only "try for baby" (no woo-hoo for fun!), and all furniture must be wooden, among other things. By 1900s, Sims can have electricity and indoor plumbing, but only men are allowed to get jobs outside the home. In 1910, male Sims must go to "war", which is just feeding the cowplant and rolling dice to see whether or not they survive! Women can finally go to work in the 1920s, but by the 1930s, anyone in a career must lose their job (the Great Depression). Each decade continues with various challenges and things to unlock until you reach the current decade! This is another one that gets major points for fun and creativity. There's challenging aspects and it stays pretty true to how life was in each of these time periods. This is another one that would benefit from downloading some themed custom content for your game (if nothing else, it's a nice excuse to give your Sims pretty Victorian dresses!).
Full challenge details are here! Historical Sims Life is a great blog which offers some custom content you can use for this challenge.
4. 100 Baby Challenge Let's change it up a bit, hey? Instead of a history-based challenge, we have this extremely fun and classic, 100 Baby Challenge! This is another that's been played through most iterations of the Sims.
Have 100 babies in as few generations as possible! Once you have a baby with a Sim, you cannot have a baby with that same Sim again (yes, promiscuity is encouraged in this challenge- have as many baby daddies as possible ;)) No cheats are allowed, but you can age up babies immediately. You must give birth to a girl to continue the legacy. The youngest girl born to the founder continues the legacy when the founder becomes an elder and can't give birth. If you don't have any girls, you lose! This is a fun and silly challenge that lots of people love playing. You can make it gender neutral if you like by using mods (so men can get pregnant), but either way, it's a fun challenge that'll get you and your Sims out and making woo-hoo with everyone they meet.
Full challenge rules here!
5. Black Widow Challenge The Black Widow challenge is another of somewhat scandalous nature; the main challenge is to marry male Sims, kill them, and inherit their money!
Start with a Young Adult female Sim. She must have the materialistic, snob and romantic traits and should have the Serial Romantic aspiration. She can move into a house but you're not allowed to use any cheats for money! She also is not allowed to work- all the money she has must be inherited from partners. Meet a Sim and get married to him. Have a dinner party to show off your new partner, and while you're there, find a potential romantic interest. Cheat on the husband with the new romantic interest, invite him over and get caught cheating. Find a way to kill off the husband (some suggestions are here) and then marry the new romantic interest! Keep all the tombstones on the lot- aim for 10 husbands to win! There's a few other rules and goals that go with the challenge, but that's the main gist of it. The Black Widow Challenge is one that's been around since The Sims 2 as well- can you seduce and kill all the Sims in your town? Check out the full details here!
6. Homeless Challenge The Homeless Challenge is one that I'd actually say is a bit hard! As we all know, part of playing The Sims is making sure our Sims are happy, but it's a lot harder to do that when you don't have the typical creature comforts. For this challenge, you must:
Make a single Sim- they can be male or female and have whichever traits you'd like. Buy and move them onto an empty lot. Using cheats, remove all their money. Your Sim can not have a job, but can obtain cash by collecting, fishing, gardening, rummaging through trash, begging other Sims for money, writing books, playing instruments, painting, or any other hobbies. In the beginning, they'll have to use public toilets and sleep on park benches until you reach the part of the challenge which allows them to start building a home. Of course, you'll need to have enough money to do that too! As you progress in the challenge, there are mini challenges (like the "building permit" mini challenge- you deduct $500 simoleons from your Sim's money and then they can start building on their lot) that'll allow you to progress The game "ends" when you have $5000 saved and have built a basic house! This is another of my personal favourites. The mini challenges are unique and fun, and it's definitely hard trying to take care of a Sim who doesn't have all the necessities at hand. There's great pride when you reach the end of the challenge and see how far your homeless Sim has come!
Check out all the full details here.
7. Asylum Challenge Time to get a bit crazy! Literally. The Sims 4 Asylum Challenge is all about managing Sims with the insane trait. Can you do it?
Make a household with 8 Sims (or find some in the Sims 4 Gallery!). All Sims must have the insane trait. You must randomize their other traits (but they cannot have the "Self-Assured" trait. Randomize their aspirations. You can pick one Sim to control throughout the challenge. The goal is to have your controlled Sim complete their aspiration (to prove they've gained control of their life) and they can then leave the asylum! No cheats are allowed, and to spice things up, you can make the house only have 5 beds, 6 seats, just one bathroom, and the cheapest electronics. This is a fun and difficult challenge; you really have to work hard to control your Sim despite their insane trait, and you also have to watch out for the other uncontrolled insane Sims in the house. I like this challenge as it's based on an in-game trait, rather than an external set of goals or objectives.
Full challenge details are here!
8. Apocalypse Challenge Sims fans have long wished for an official post-Apocalypse expansion pack (think The Sims + Fallout), but the closest we've ever gotten was Sims 3: Into the Future. The Apocalypse Challenge, however, lets you use your imagination and pretend that you're living in a post-war world!
The year is 2015, and all of Simtopia's been wiped out by an apparent nuclear war! Thankfully, your Sim has survived in their bomb shelter, and the goal is to survive there until they die of old age. Create a sim and a "shelter." The shelter is a single room which can only have the basic necessities: cheapest bed (the prison cots from Get to Work or the camping beds from Outdoor Retreat would be great), toilet, and kitchen appliances (stove, fridge, counter). Your Sim cannot leave the lot (the rest of the world is destroyed and there's the threat of nuclear fallout). If your Sims die of anything other than old age- you lose! I've seen a few variations of this challenge online, but all of them have to do with survivalist living and gives you some unique restrictions on typical game play.
Check out the full challenge details here!
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