darksnuffels · 8 years
Someone wanna go with me on a long train ride through France and Italy and stop at little cafés and eat at corner restaurants and spend our nights drinking on the balcony of our hotel room?
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darksnuffels · 8 years
An actor held a class for us and said: “Every artist must die every time they create.” 
The plutonic weight was so palpable in his creative expression - overly dramatic to an extreme degree, emotional, yet precisely controlled, with the transforming metaphore of death. I suspect he must have Pluto in the 5th, or Scorpio on the cusp.
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darksnuffels · 8 years
I grew up thinking that in order to live a happy life, I had to get good grades and go to a prestigious university and get a highly paid job. But as I grew older I began to realise that in order to life a happy life, I had to choose it for myself and not live a life that others expect of me, whether it be your parents, teachers or friends. This is your life. I made a decision that I didn’t want to be successful and live in a big house with fancy cars in the drive. So, I packed my bags and got out of this little town that had suffocated me for the last 18 years and drank coffee in small shops in Germany, chased the Horizon in Australia, woke up with a mountain view in Singapore. How beautiful is it to know that your feet have walked the grounds of many different countries and your skin has felt the air of many busy cities. Please darling, do not get lost in society’s belief that you are only successful if you have a well paid job, like I once had. As humans, we are going to die, that is one thing we are guaranteed in life. What will you care about the most while lying on your death bed, your fancy cars, big house? Or the stories and experience you have encountered on the journey of this beautiful thing called life? So there’s one thing I ask of you: please travel. Whether you’re 21 or 49. It is never too early nor too late so see the beautiful world.
i-wonder-lust  (via wnq-writers)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
“Tips to prevent mood swings: avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary foods” that’s me diet tho mate
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darksnuffels · 8 years
“Sometimes I feel as though there are two me’s, one coating directly on top of the other: the superficial me, who nods when he’s supposed to nod and says what he’s supposed to say, and some other, deeper part, the part that worries and dreams… Most of the time they move along in sync and I hardly notice the split, but sometimes it feels as though I’m two whole different people and I could rip apart at any second
Lauren Oliver, Delirium (via wnq-writers)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
I am convinced that different people bring out different sides of you.
(via words-of-emotion)
Good Vibes here
(via words-of-emotion)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
“… and we are in bed together laughing and we don’t care about anything.”
Charles Bukowski
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darksnuffels · 8 years
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darksnuffels · 8 years
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darksnuffels · 8 years
He kissed my forehead. It was a simple, little act. But to me, it was like someone picked me up and placed me on top of the world. I didn’t need this boy, but man, I wanted him.
(via acupoflittlesecrets)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
You’re the first man I ever truly loved. And no matter what the future brings, you always will be, and I know that my life is better for it.
Nicholas Sparks, Dear John (via loveroftheligth)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
Find someone who makes you laugh until you cry, shows you off to their friends, holds your hand and doesn’t let go. Find someone who you’re comfortable calling at 3 am when you’re sad and have had too much to drink, someone who makes your cheeks turn a million colors of red just by smiling at you, someone who kisses your forehead and bites your lip. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve, never settle.
hearing this sooner could have saved me a lot of wasted time (via moofries)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
“ Have you ever felt yourself slowly fall for someone? I mean it starts out with friendship it always does. But then it starts to bloom into something more. At first you guys only did pointless banter and small talk, but slowly it progressed into long conversations about your past, and what you want for the future. They became more deep and meaningful. And when you’re with them, that’s probably the highlight of your day, just sitting next to them in silence makes you happy. That’s when it hits you, you realize, that you might like them more than a friend, because you can’t get rid of this knot in your heart that you feel with them. I mean now, every touch, every hug, becomes so precious to you, because you finally understand what’s happening to you, you’re falling for them. ”
- I think I’m falling for you (via young-wildandfresh)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
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Wendy: I wish there was a movie showing right now. A film about our lives. Everything that has happened so far. And the last scene would be us standing right here. Just you and me.
Mysterious Skin - (2004)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
Do you ever look at someone like wow this human right here…. this my favorite human.
(via little-random-thoughts)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
Sometimes home isn’t four walls, it’s two arms and a heartbeat
(via dirtyxangel)
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darksnuffels · 8 years
The most frightening sound in the world is your own heart beating. No one likes to talk about that, but it is true. In the midst of deep fear, it’s a secret beast pounding a giant fist on some inner door, demanding to get in.
Jonathan Carroll  (via wordsnquotes)
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