darksownvoid · 2 years
Based on a dream of my own
The nightmare was different than any Malik had had before, and his eyes darted around the room as he woke, taking in his surroundings and ensuring that it was indeed just fiction. He saw flashes of the dream as he closed his eyes and took a breath, forcing his tense body to relax and rubbing his temple.
It was different, but it was still only a nightmare, and he had plenty of experience bringing himself down from those. So he worked to steady his breathing, lest any of the mates surrounding him wake to his panic.
The images weren't going away though. He saw himself, his mates, and his children. And he heard the voice, coming from someone in his peripheral that he couldn't quite see. Whenever he tried he saw only the shadowy aura of a demon, faceless and unformed. It didn't matter what they looked like though- what mattered was their words. They wanted him to kill them, and he refused. But upon his refusal, he heard only detached laughter, and then he was moving anyways, as if commanded to do so. Bladed tendrils plunged through the organs of his loved ones as they moved to him, too quickly for them to understand what was going on, and even through the looks of betrayal they gave him, even through the choked whispers of his name as they died, Malik was filled only with coldness.
It was a coldness that he was capable of, towards his enemies or those he didn't care about. But here it was forced, and he couldn't move to express the rage or the pain he felt himself, he couldnt warn them to leave or say that he was sorry. He couldn't attack the source of the voice telling him to do it, who was also certainly the one forcing him, and Malik could only wake once all of them were dead, laying in broken, unnatural positions at his feet.
It had been so vivid, and still he remembered the details with perfect clarity. Even more so than his recurring nightmare of that night at the manor, and that fact chilled him. That was a memory ingrained into his mind moreso than any other, and even that faded from his forethought upon waking from dreams of it.
What had prompted this dream then? Dreams were often projections of whatever was on his conscious or subconscious mind, but he certainly hadn't been considering killing his loved ones. Who was the villain then, who had driven him to kill them regardless of his feelings, and who had seemed to revel in the situation? Malik had plenty of enemies, any of which could have been placed in the position of the faceless enity. ...Or /was/ it a representation of his own coldness? Of what he was when it was necessary?
...It wasn't something he wanted to think about. He couldn't think of any situation in which he would need to kill his family, and perhaps he was reading too much into it regardless. So he forced his mind elsewhere until he could drift back into sleep, albeit restless, unaware for now that the dream would recur, and unaware of exactly what that meant.
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darksownvoid · 2 years
A writing of Raine and Malik in the new timeline
Very rarely did Malik allow himself to procrastinate his duties, or to become too exhausted to do them. He sat in his office chair now however, one hand holding his pen idle. Much had taken place around him in such a small amount of time- his twin brother revealing himself being the latest of it all- and Malik felt... stagnant. As though the world was spinning faster every day, and he was only staying in place. As though nothing he did had any impact at all. ...As though his endeavors were pointless.
Dragan had likely been right. There would always be something stronger than him. Something more powerful that would stand in the way of him ruling. But it wasn't in his nature to stop trying, to give up all that he'd been working towards for centuries simply because he wasn't strong enough to have it. ...No, he would find a way. He would overcome whatever challenges were thrown at him like he always did. He would do what he could to expand his empire and grow stronger.
....Still, as all of this was going through his head, he stared past what remained of his paperwork, the pen in his hand unmoving. Very rarely indeed did he allow himself to procrastinate, but there was no focusing on his affairs at the moment. Nor could he allow himself to dwell on the thoughts- that was a rabbit hole he refused to go down if he had any say in it.
It was as Malik stood, intent on finding another way to fill his time, that Raine entered his office, unlocking the door with the keys he'd given her and shutting it behind her. There was a level of fondness at the sight of her, especially after the time she'd spent steering clear of his office, for a reason he'd still yet to figure out.
"...Raine." He nodded to her in greeting when she looked at him, before moving around his desk and stepping toward his couch- where she usually sat when she stopped by.
Once there, he sat and gestured wordlessly for her to do the same. She paused for a moment, clearly not having been expecting this. Malik normally proceeded with his work like normal when she found herself in there. Though they would speak periodically, it was oftentimes a comfortable silence that hung over the office.
"...Hey." She greeted him back and moved to sit next to Malik despite everything. She looked as tired as he felt, and she didn't argue when Malik's aura pulled her to his side, and an arm wrapped around her. "What's going on?"
"...Nothing, my dear." It was also rare that Malik spoke the thoughts that went through his head. He preferred to work through them on his own most of the time, but... He felt the need to speak some to Raine. To tell her how important she was to him, how much she meant and how he had missed her in the months she had stayed away. "...It's only that I have missed you being here. At times it is... difficult, even for me, to persist. But your presence here gives me reason to continue. A reminder to keep stepping forward when I feel I do not have the strength to walk. ...You do more for me than you know, more than I could ever name. ...Thank you, Raine." He cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Forgive me, it isn't often I speak of these things. But I felt it needed to be said."
And with that, he fell silent once more, content to sit there with her for some time yet. His work could wait- At the moment he wanted nothing more than to be by her side.
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darksownvoid · 2 years
"I should feel sorry for you, watching you drown in your denial... But I can't feel sorry for you watching you drown because you're a traitor."
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*Snorts softly, pulling you close and wrapping arms around you.* ...I am alright.
Tumblr media
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*The disappointment in that chitter only makes him want to pull Xanthias back to him, to refrain from letting go this time. So when Xanthias's arms wrap around him Malik returns the embrace easily, relaxing against him as he doesn't allow himself to do often. He rests his chin against Xanthias's hair, his eyes slipping shut as he does so.* ...Then stay, for as long as you are able. ...I've missed you, Xanthias.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*He hums, a grin tugging at his lips as he leans down to give Xanthias a short but firm kiss before pulling away enough to press their foreheads together.* ...And I you, my Silver Heart. *He stays like that for a long moment, content to do so, but ultimately pulls away further.* ...He awaits, I'm sure.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
....Xanthias. *He softens some, taking softly and taking his husbands hand, placing a kiss there.* If I thought otherwise I would advise against going to him. *He releases Xanthias's hand in favor of gripping his chin and tilting it to face Malik.* I care not who or what he will conquer. We are stronger as allies, and if I can see that then he certainly will too. You will have us all at your side if you wish.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*Another laugh, and he shakes his head.* What I'm rooting for is irrelevant, I am trying to help you. You'll want to see your children brought into existence soon, I presume. *An eyebrow raise.* And you will want to meet him on your terms, no?
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
Xanthias. Deadly serious. *His amusement is back now.* You and I both know you only postpone the inevitable.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*He hums.* I've heard, yes. My statement and the truth of it stands.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*He snorts softly.* Then he will inevitably come to you, and he will have the leg up because it'll be on his terms. Though I imagine the result will be the same, so do as you wish.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*He nods, thoughtful at the words, but he retains his smirk.* Go to him, then. He cannot father your children if you don't even speak.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*He laughs lowly at that.* ...Yes I've heard of him, though I've yet to meet him myself. *A head tilt.* You seem rather interested.
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*He tilts his head, smirk widening some.* Mhm?
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*Amused demon was amused. Now there is joy accompanied by a slight smirk.* Hello, Xanthias. Are you here because you desire more children as well?
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
Yes I do enjoy tormenting my muses. Who doesn't?
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darksownvoid · 3 years
*Hums, watching her. Licks a fang before disappearing.*
The g l a r e
Let him glare, he has no power here. I am safe.
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