Portable Generators
Be Safe Around Generators
When employing generators, always completely read directions supplied by the producer and seek help from licensed electricians in which appropriate. In addition to electrical safety, you must bear in mind that generators may create carbon monoxide. This deadly gas is invisible and odorless, and you cannot trust your senses for protection against carbon monoxide. If purchasing a generator, you also buy a battery-operated carbon dioxide alarm. It functions just like a smoke alarm clock, looking for an alarm if carbon monoxide levels become dangerous.
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A mobile generatorprovides electricity to specific equipment, such as appliances during utility power outages. This equipment usually plugs into the generator
 Portable generators can be used when temporary or remote electric power is required, but can also be toxic if they aren't isolated correctly. To correctly isolate portable generators, be careful you never link it to an electric outlet. Rather, appliances should be attached directly into the generator.
 The easiest way to work with a generator is to just plug in the equipment to be operated right into the suitable socket on the generator.
Never     connect the generator's electrical output to any live home or building     electrical circuits
Never     plug a generator into a wall outlet
Avoid     contact with bare wires and terminals
Use a     ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in any damp or highly conductive     area
If     you choose to have a transfer switch (permanent connection) installed for     a portable generator, contact a licensed electrician
Consult a licensed electrician to choose a generator. This will help ensure proper     installation, prevent back feeding onto the electric system, and make     certain it meets national and local electrical code requirements
  A permanently installed generating system is permanently attached to the home or business.
  Permanently Installed Generator Safety
Make sure a skilled electrician installs the standby generator so that its circuits along with Appalachian Power's circuits are not connected. That's, be sure they are "isolated." Otherwise, customer-generated power can return to the power line, electrocuting an Appalachian Power employee trying to revive power and power spread from Appalachian Power can overheat the generator, resulting in an electrical fire at your residence. The most common isolation way is to install a double-throw double-pole transfer switch.
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