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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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How to Close a Reading, as My Grandma Taught Me
“Interpreting the last card does not mean you are done. You have ten more things to do before the reading is through.”
1. Count the major arcana.
The more there are, the stronger the reading’s predictions will impact the querent’s life. If there are none or just one, almost none of it will matter in the long run.
2. Note the sequence of the major arcana.
If the querent is asking about someone, and the major arcana are between 0 and 16, that person is not meant to stay in their life. If the question is about a dream or an opportunity, and the cards fall between 17 and 21, it will manifest completely.
3. Count the cards from each suit.
The presence of all suits predicts a balanced outcome. More Wands means strong passion. More Swords means anxiety or manipulation. More Cups means the heart is running the show. More Pentacles means wealth is about to diminish or grow.
4. Mind the aces and the tens.
Two or more aces means the situation is only just beginning. Two or more tens means it is now coming to a good or bad ending.
5. Note the multiples between two and nine.
Twos mean clever thinking is of paramount importance. Threes speak of infidelity or the need for cooperation. Fours guarantee stability, just as sixes do harmony. Fives and sevens spell difficult challenges, but eights and nines promise that the labor is almost over.
6. Regard the ruling colors.
A dominant black predicts burdens and hindrances. Red and yellow combined ensure passion, clarity and manifestation. Blue and white together advise that the solution can be found through spirituality and intuition.
7. Count the court cards.
Nine times out of ten, court cards are people, not influences. They are doing the manipulation or they need to be manipulated.
8. Notice the suits of the courts.
Wands and Swords are friendly. So are Cups and Pentacles. Any other combination spells rivalry and obstacles.
9. Watch where the cards are facing.
“Is the woman in The World looking at The Tower? A tragedy has to occur before success can take over. Is the King of Cups facing away from his Queen? Their relationship is suffering. His love for her has begun fading.”
10. Look at the bottom of the deck.
If the outcome is good, embodying this energy will make it even better. If the outcome is bad, this is the hidden connection that needs to be severed.
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Vultures are holy creatures.
Tending the dead.
Bowing low.
Bared head.
Whispers to cold flesh,
“Your old name is not your king.
I rename you ‘Everything.’”
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Hear my plea
I call to you beyond
Below the tree
In Helheim you rest
Settled in Hel's welcoming nest
I call you now
Blood to blood
Help me find strength
Help me find wisdom
Oh Ancestors
Throughout my family line
Back through the ages in time
Bring to me the knowledge
I need to survive
Bring to me your will
Your power
Of that which rests within me
Hidden and asleep
Awaken it
Awaken thee
O Ancestors
I call you now
Rid thee of thine weakness
Give thee thy blessing
Vitality abound
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Every Greek Deity
- Underworld Version -
Hades // King of the underworld and dead; God of wealth Wealth/Riches Dreams Curses Earth Fertility Mining and Precious Metals Necromancy and Ghosts Funeral Rites and Mourning // dogs, Asphodel plant , The Screech Owl, Cypress tree, Helmet/Helm of Invisibility, mint, keys, coins, black animals
Persephone // vegetation , grain // Pomegranate, Seeds of Grain, Torch, Flowers and Deer
Achlys // The goddess of poisons, and the personification of misery and sadness.
Erebus //The god of darkness and shadow.
Chaos //The personification of nothingness from which all of existence sprang.
Erebus //The god of darkness and shadow.
Hypnos // The personification of sleep.
Tartarus //The god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld, the Tartarean pit
Styx //Titaness of the Underworld river Styx and personification of hatred.
Clotho // the spinner of the life thread
Lachesis // the measurer of the life thread
Atropos // the severer of the life thread
Penthus // spirit of grief, mourning, and lamentation
Adonis // life-death-rebirth deity
Amphiaraus // a hero of the war of the Seven Against Thebes who became an oracular spirit of the Underworld after his death
Angelos // a daughter of Zeus and Hera who became an underworld goddess
Askalaphos // the son of Acheron and Orphne who tended the Underworld orchards before being transformed into a screech owl by Demeter
Charon // ferryman of Hades
Cronus // deposed king of the Titans; after his release from Tartarus he was appointed king of the Island of the Blessed
Erebos // the primeval god of darkness, his mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth
Hecate // goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy
Aiakos // former mortal king of Aegina, guardian of the keys of Hades and judge of the men of Europe
Minos // former mortal king of Crete and judge of the final vote
Rhadamanthys // former mortal lawmaker and judge of the men of Asia
Keuthonymos// an Underworld spirit and father of Menoetes
Gorgyra // underworld nymph
Orphne // a Lampad nymph of Hades, mother of Askalaphos
Macaria // goddess of blessed death
Melinoe // Goddess of ghosts offerings to the ghosts of the dead
Menoetes // an Underworld spirit who herded the cattle of Hades
Nyx // the primeval goddess of night
Tartarus // the primeval god of the dark,
Thanatos // god of death
Zagreus// an underworld god
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simple fresh start spells ♡
♡ write a list of things to leave behind, burn it to banish them.
♡ burn a white candle all the way through, and whisper a wish as it died out.
♡ cleanse with lemon water and rosemary on all windows and doors.
♡ rub one side of a coin with ash and the other with moon water, place above your door.
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One of my favorite stunts ever executed in a movie is so simple yet incredibly groundbreaking and it’s in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy opens the door to reveal a full-color world.
The Wizard of Oz starts out in black & white — standard of the time and what people were used to.
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But then after Dorothy lands and opens the door, she reveals not only the magical land of Munchkinland but also the magic of technicolor in one single shot.
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Since technicolor was not very widely available prior to the Wizard of Oz’s release, for many people it would be the first time they were ever seeing a moving picture in color. What better way to pull it off than in a big reveal like that? Fantastic! I know by today’s standards this doesn’t seem like a lot for a movie, but this was a great trick given the technology they had. What a special way to bring some magic to audiences, especially in a time when things were really down in America during the Great Depression.
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Yule Tea Recipe!
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*not my image ―
Single Serving
1 orange spice tea bag 1 cinnamon stick or 1 or ½ tsp cinnamon 1 or ½ tsp cloves (whole or ground) 1 or ½ tsp nutmeg  1 or ½ tsp ginger  1 tsp honey 
Optional:  Sugar, type and amount of your choice. I used 2 tbsp of brown sugar  Orange slice(s)
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Yule ball
🌙 salt/sea salt, pine needles, dried rose petals, rosemary, dried orange peel, lavender, star anise, *coffee beans
🌙 First add the salt, then your herbs. After this you can add *optional items like crystals, ribbons, sigils, ...
As you add your items, state your intent and the purpose of each one.
Now you can decide, were to hang youre Yule ball - I prefer it in the corners of the room or near the window.
Please feel free to put other ingredients in it and hang the ball wherever you like. ❤ Try to collect some ingredients outside. 🌙🌲
Have fun. 🌙
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Winter Solstice Spell
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Happy Winter Solstice! I’m excited to celebrate the longest night of the year and hope we can reflect on ourselves together. I’ve created a spell that enchants us with winter wonders and helps us calm down so we are able to look inside ourselves. I like to drink this tea before I go to bed. I hope you have a wonderful night!
1 cup or mug of water
1 candy cane
half a tbsp of chamomile
half tsp on vanilla
heat up the water until at your preferred temperature
stir in the vanilla counterclockwise and place the chamomile in to steep
let it sit for about four minutes and strain out
mix again with the candy cane, but this time stir clockwise and chant
“A tired sky closes its eyes to dream,
creating a wondrous dance with the stars.
Time is remembered through its color and gleam,
but when the sky opens and light begins again so do we.”
Make sure you imagine a blue color swirling around you like snow in the breeze. A white snow with a tint of blue and although it feels cold on your skin, it creates a warmth underneath.  
Then let your mind wonder in the past memories that swim around your mind. Take in the good and the bad and come to a peace and reflection stance. Slowly blance your mind and body. And take your first sip.
I hope you all have a happy holiday!
- Kenzie!
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yule is coming up!! just wanted to remind u guys to have a good time and for the love of the gods i don't care what the spell tells you don't eat any fucking mistletoe
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If there was a way to run SUPER MEGA AD BLOCKER on this website I fucking would
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