darkturbulence · 3 months
am i settling for less or am i getting what i deserve?
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darkturbulence · 4 months
...and her voice reminds of the smell of cinnamon rolls on rainy Sunday mornings
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darkturbulence · 5 months
i miss her, so i play c.
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darkturbulence · 7 months
masih bertemu dengan ramadhan tahun ini. seperti biasa taraweh pertama masjid selalu rame orang.
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darkturbulence · 7 months
“Human relationships are strange. I mean, you are with one person a while, eating and sleeping and living with them, loving them, talking to them, going places together, and then it stops.”
— Charles Bukowski
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darkturbulence · 7 months
tidur jam 8
bangun jam 1
kerja sambil galau sampe subuh
responsible adult 🤝
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darkturbulence · 7 months
my mantra has always been:
“tomorrow, i’ll forget about it anyway.”
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darkturbulence · 7 months
wake up Al,
life starts today.
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darkturbulence · 2 years
we receive the love we think we deserve, we endure the pain we think we own
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darkturbulence · 2 years
some roads you need to take alone.
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darkturbulence · 2 years
i'm overwhelmed with gratitude.
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darkturbulence · 3 years
looking back, it wasn't a bad way to end 2021😏 Q4 well spent.
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darkturbulence · 3 years
hi world,
who would’ve known that writing could be so difficult? the thing is, to write in honesty and strength requires me to be true to myself, to be realistic yet idealist. i found it not easy, recent days, to write down all informations processed by the brain and emotions felt in every inch of my body.
OK so let’s moving on to talk about something else.
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and here are my answers:
1. rollercoaster, the ride was craziest in Q1-Q4.
2. not going to share it here, you dont have the ticket to the show hehe.
3. yayaya, i joined the party late. SPIDERMAN : no way home
4. for sure, Money Heist.
5. i cant recall. not that i didnt have one, its just i couldnt care less about them.
6. i laugh easily, even seeing someone will make me laugh.
7. i learned to be a job as a field engineer in charge! lame, i know. i always had this fear when i was still in the college, that all i knew was how to get good grades but not to earn money. even on my first month of working, i worried, big time, that i wouldnt be able to meet the expectation to deliver a job. the stress was intense knowing that real time money was at cost and the probability to lose a well was real, but hey i did it!
8. ........
9. “You’ll never be prepared so just do it. You’ll never be prepared until it happens”. as a planner, im still allergic to uncertainties, it drives me mad not knowing things, not having schedules, not being well-planned. to an extend where i can be such a perfectionist for most of the time, meaning that not being well prepared and giving 100% will flip me over my own face. haha. 2021 taught me that, on the one hand, the only time you’d be prepared enough was when you started doing it. life isn't going to wait for us, get yourself a courage to start it today. on the other hand, life didnt always throw you lemons when you’re bringing a bucket, sometimes it threw lemons when both of your hands were full, yet it happened. life isn’t only about rainbows, toughen yourself up.
10. helideck! the silent witness of my sweats, tears, and laughs. the place to witness beautiful sunsets and sunrises, making offshore life bearable (yes, im that melo-dramatic haha).
11. sleepyhead me be like sleepy calling Hellen haha.
12. not actually an advice.
13. learnt how to win over my ego (still learning until today).
14. idk KWKWKWWWKW?!?!
15. fuefuefeufeufeu OZAS.
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darkturbulence · 3 years
i know how hard it is to believe in someone’s words who talked about things that 180 degrees different from his or her past.
and i know how regretful it is figuring out that he or she was telling the truth but you simply did not give them any chance.
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darkturbulence · 3 years
udah satu bulan tinggal di Balikpapan
masakan masih biasa aja
kadang hujan di malam hari
temen-temen pada ngejob jadi susah ketemu
gue mulai belajar untuk menghubungi orang kalo kangen
setidaknya 12 jam hari gue digunakan untuk telfon Hellen
i began to find more joy in the mundane rather than grandiosity. is this me getting old and (even more) boring?!?! probably gonna write a little more on that later
most importantly,
i am overjoyed.
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darkturbulence · 3 years
I think it’s true that u should be careful with being too happy.
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darkturbulence · 3 years
been spending most of the days in my bed. loving it, tho. loving tonight's vibes. loving Alex Turner's voice. loving integra.its.ac.id. loving my current condition. what a sweet, sweet disposition, indeed.
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