darkwalker1131 · 4 years
fierrochase fanfic
Magnus and Alex double date
It had been 6 months since Magnus had seen sam and amir. That means 6 months since he had been to Midgard or earth as you mortals like to call it. I had been used to spending time with Alex my boyfriend/girlfriend more often I had to say I kinda liked it.
Me and Alex were supposed to meet amir and sam at amirs shop (fadlans falafel)
But Alex had killed me earlier that day(yep that's pretty regular here in Valhalla) and i was still a little stiff even with my faster healing.
"Ready," i asked him yep he was him today I can't tell you how I can just tell, "yeah i guess he replied" we started walking towards the nearest portal placed discreetly next to the elevator we had full access to them being the saviors multiple times.
We arrived in Boston a few blocks away from the best place on Midgard.
We started walking there, once we arrived we saw amir and sam talking they looked in the deep conversation we walked up to them hello i said happy to see them, sams face seemed slightly older than before meanwhile, amir looked the same with a large smile when he saw us. "Hi come over," he said patting the booth across from him and sam.
Me and Alex sat down, sam frowned what's wrong Magnus did Alex kill you already, "yes," i said pouting. That earned a laugh from them all.
"So what's been happing with you two," Alex asked sam and amir. "I bought a plane" sam exclaimed excitedly
"Hey amir weres the food," I asked impatiently
Oh ill go get it.
He came back with two baskets of falafel and my mouth was watering Alex saw my expression and laughed "Magnus and his falafel, my only competition" Alex said at this they all laughed.
Once amir set the baskets down I immediately grabbed one for me and Alex (maybe) and started eating while Alex told the two about our adventures how we accidentally opened a door and ended up in folkvanger and the elves and warriors decided to have a celebration for our arrival and we had to judge multiple contests as honored guests.
They laughed at our story.
"Wait i have an idea," i said abruptly, "your mother would be proud," Alex said with a smile
I ignored that "what if we went on a plane ride sam can fly it" sounds fun they all said.
-On the airplane-
Ahh, i screamed i have never been on an airplane, it was as if i could feel the air underneath not earth.
We landed on the runway everybody else looked fine but i felt horrible. As soon as i stepped out of the small plane i tripped on one of the supports for the wing. I fell on the ground with a thud they laughed while Alex walked up to me and helped me up, "thanks" i muttered slightly embarrassed "no problem" he smiled then pecked me on the lips which definitely helped a ton with the queasiness from the plane ride. I smiled "let's go" we went back to the portal back in Boston
'Magnus we need to talk to you sure I said to Alex as we walked up to the elevator.
We arrived at our floor in just a few seconds. We stopped right outside my door. "Magnus, i think i love you" i was shocked to say the least it had been two months since we got together but we have never said the l word. I smiled "that's great" personally i had been juggling those feelings too.
"I do to I think I replied" he smiled then we kissed like for real it lasted about ten seconds but it was the best 10 seconds ever by far.
He released and smiled I was the only one who could make him do that, i smiled back.
We both walked into my room and slept side by side that night.
Best sleep ever I woke up with a large smile on my face, in deep sleep next to me was Alex pulling the covers for himself as soon I got i smiled
"Hey, Magnus you look awfully cheery" tj said i quickly tried to push down they all knew i wasn't a morning person so they were probably suspicious as soon as Alex sat down they looked at him me and back then they seemed to come to a conclusion. Let me guess you two kissed recently like a real one and you slept in the same room, my face quickly reddened Mallory noticed and smiled.
Alex took a different approach "yeah so" he said bluntly. He leaned over and kissed me in front of everybody. From all over the dining hall came ooh's and aah's
The End
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darkwalker1131 · 4 years
a solangelo fanfic
Dark and brooding I thought while thinking about will… I am dark and brooding and will not fall for a stupid son of apollo I thought while stealing glances towards his table at lunch. But what if I have a chance. But he isn’t gay, is he?
-Will pov-
After treating Nico the son of hades I felt something, a feeling… I had a crush on Nico but he probably does not like boys… right?
“Hey Will,” Nico said after subconsciously walking towards his table after breakfast.
“Hey Nico you don’t need to come back to the infirmary i already gave you a clean bill of health”. Will replied with a slight frown
I know, I did not come here because of that, i just wanted to talk" Nico replied with a sheepish grin, that Will never thought he would see on the son of hades.
“Okay you want to go to the lake” will said to Nico
“Sure,” he said with a smile
(3rd person with character thoughts)
Nico and will walked up to the pier and sat down our feet dangling off the side our feet skimming the water.
“So what do you want to talk about,” I asked
“I was wondering if you want to go out sometime,” Nico said his face heating up
“Like on a date,” Will said smiling this was the lucky day he was going to propose the same idea later that day Will was also ecstatic his crush was asking him out this is great!
“Uh yeah… only if you want too” Nico replied nervously
“Sure, that sounds great I would love to,” Will said
“Really?” Nico asked incredulously
“Yeah sure where do you want to go, we could go to a spot I found a few years back it’s in the woods there’s a clearing and a forgotten picnic bench also the dryads are really nice”
“Yeah that sounds good how about tomorrow” Nico replied finally looking will in the eyes after his blush seeped out of his cheeks
“Sure” Will replied with his trademark blinding smile
-Next day-
So i was supposed to meet will at the spot in one hour, he told me the directions yesterday. I looked horrible i stayed up all night thinking of things to say and stuff.
Finally deciding that this would be casual I headed out with my usual attire although i did grab a new pair of jeans.
I walked through a small path exactly how Will described and ended up in a clearing the size of my cabin in the middle was will in a baby blue suit sitting on the picnic bench with a basket of food in hand (so much for casual).
“You look great,” Will said to me I figured he must have been sarcastic and or joking, but when i looked at his face his expression looked completely genuine.
Sit will said smiling whilst patting the spot next to him, not across from him right next to him the thought surprising did not make me sick (sitting that close to someone) instead all i felt was comfort as I sat down next to will his presence literally radiated a warm feeling.
“So how are you” Will asked awkwardly
“Great” Nico answered shortly
“What games did you play when you were a kid” Will asked
Well i liked mythomagic though you probably have never heard of it Nico answered
“Mythomagic!, that was my favorite game, my favorite was Odysseus he had the best-ranged attacks I always admired him "will said
"My favorite was Achilles he was the best” Nico replied, they continued chatting about mythomagic until the sun started to go down. As the sun started dipping will got up and smiled “that was great Nico i hope we can do it again some time” i enjoyed it too finally admitting his feelings for solace to himself. He resisted the urge to kiss will, luckily he was satisfied by this urge when will gently placed his lips to my cheek he withdrew smiling at my stunned expression and he walked off
-Next week-
I glanced over at a smiling will looking in my direction as i caught his gaze he looked away with a blush.
After finishing my breakfast i decided to talk to will maybe go on another date i thought happily
I walked up to will who gave me his signature blinding smile “hi” he said
“Want to go on another date, but i get to choose the place,” Nico said to will
“Okay sure, I guess you have been thinking about it a lot, which means you have been thinking about me” will said with a grin
I blushed furiously “yeah, so,” Nico said trying to control my blush.
So when" Nico asked
“Maybe tomorrow” will replied
-Tomorrow- We arrived at a mortal Italian restaurant of Nico’s choosing.
Will smiled at nico as they sat down right next to each other on the booth, again all i felt was wills warm presence.
nico smiled back. We ordered our food Will got a large calzone, Nico got a pasta
“Do you usually eat that much?” Nico asked in awe
Will smiled “ only when im enjoying myself”
Nico and will started chatting about random topics for an hour.
“The sun’s going down, i should go will said to Nico while getting up.
Okay great nico replied slightly saddened
Will noticed and said "hey i know its only been two dates but do you want to be my boyfriend” Will asked. Nico looked up at will as if thinking why me, Will seemed to know what he was thinking “because your smart funny and fun to be around” Will replied to the look nico gave him.
At this nico blushed but said yes.
-Next day-
Will decided he would visit his boyfriend early in the morning.
Will arrived at the hades cabin with a smile on his face.
Will knocked on the door
“Who in Hades is knocking on my door at 6 am” came a reply, the door opened revealing Nico in skull pajamas when he saw will his expression softened “what are you doing here,” he asked calmly.
“I came to say hi to my boyfriend” will said happily
“It been only a day,” Nico said
Well do you want to go to breakfast together" Will asked
“I could give you a doctors note and you can sit at my table,” Will said, at this Nico brightened by the idea of not sitting by himself, “ok sure” Nico replied
After sitting at the apollo table next to Will, nico got a few weird looks and a few knowing smirks from the aphrodite cabin. Chiron galloped over where will and nico were sitting “hello Will and Nico why is nico sitting here” uh he needs to he is not fully healed, doctors orders" will says handing Chiron a note. Okay, ill allow it for now.
-4 months later-
In four months Nico and will have not told anybody about our secret relationship though they were sure some people had their suspicions in 4 months they had gotten alot more comfortable around each other.
Nico and will were walking on the path to get towards the dining pavilion for lunch when will suddenly leaned up to Nico and kissed him “what are you doing” mumbled nico
Will withdrew smiling “sorry i just had to do that” will and nico looked around to see campers looking at them all with a face of surprise, Will just smiled and continued walking towards the dining pavilion.
When they arrived they could not only see but feel the eyes on them some kids were smirking as if they knew it all along, i guess word travels fast,
Breaking the silence Will yelled “hi as you know this is my boyfriend Nico di Angelo” he said it as if nico was the greatest thing that ever happened to him. Instead of blushing Nico just smiled and sat down next to Will.
-4 and a half years later of peaceful dating-
Hey Nico Will said hi replied Nico, latching his hand to Wills. Over the years they had become so comfortable with each other they never got embarrassed while showing public displays of affection Will smiled leading Nico down to a different part of the creek he had found a few days ago.
Where are we going Nico asked his face scrunched up in confusion Will replied saying “you’ll see”
They walked for a few more minutes in comfortable silence when they arrived at the creek, this part of the creek looked wilder with Beautiful smooth gray stones on the forest floor while large oaks loomed over them.
Nico looked at Will nervously, Will just smiled pulling a wooden box out of his pocket.
“Nico di Angelo, my death boy, the last 4 years have been the best of my life and i intend to spend the rest of my life with you, Nico di Angelo will you marry me”
“Oh my gods yes” Nico replying his eyes wet
Will pulled out a beautiful celestial bronze ring with inscriptions that read Nico and Will, sun and dark shall live together till their dying days. It’s beautiful Nico exclaimed while Will put it on his finger. Then they kissed, it was not like any other it was filled with passion and love when they withdrew both of them were smiling. They walked together back to the hades holding hands, Nico and will were content with each other and that was enough, arriving at the hades cabin they opened the doors and headed to Nico’s bed, cuddling each other to sleep.
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darkwalker1131 · 4 years
a solangelo fanfic
Dark and brooding I thought while thinking about will… I am dark and brooding and will not fall for a stupid son of apollo I thought while stealing glances towards his table at lunch. But what if I have a chance. But he isn't gay, is he?
-Will pov-
After treating Nico the son of hades I felt something, a feeling… I had a crush on Nico but he probably does not like boys… right?
"Hey Will," Nico said after subconsciously walking towards his table after breakfast.
"Hey Nico you don't need to come back to the infirmary i already gave you a clean bill of health". Will replied with a slight frown
I know, I did not come here because of that, i just wanted to talk" Nico replied with a sheepish grin, that Will never thought he would see on the son of hades.
"Okay you want to go to the lake" will said to Nico
"Sure," he said with a smile
(3rd person with character thoughts)
Nico and will walked up to the pier and sat down our feet dangling off the side our feet skimming the water.
"So what do you want to talk about," I asked
"I was wondering if you want to go out sometime," Nico said his face heating up
"Like on a date," Will said smiling this was the lucky day he was going to propose the same idea later that day Will was also ecstatic his crush was asking him out this is great!
"Uh yeah… only if you want too" Nico replied nervously
"Sure, that sounds great I would love to," Will said
"Really?" Nico asked incredulously
"Yeah sure where do you want to go, we could go to a spot I found a few years back it's in the woods there's a clearing and a forgotten picnic bench also the dryads are really nice"
"Yeah that sounds good how about tomorrow" Nico replied finally looking will in the eyes after his blush seeped out of his cheeks
"Sure" Will replied with his trademark blinding smile
-Next day-
So i was supposed to meet will at the spot in one hour, he told me the directions yesterday. I looked horrible i stayed up all night thinking of things to say and stuff.
Finally deciding that this would be casual I headed out with my usual attire although i did grab a new pair of jeans.
I walked through a small path exactly how Will described and ended up in a clearing the size of my cabin in the middle was will in a baby blue suit sitting on the picnic bench with a basket of food in hand (so much for casual).
"You look great," Will said to me I figured he must have been sarcastic and or joking, but when i looked at his face his expression looked completely genuine.
Sit will said smiling whilst patting the spot next to him, not across from him right next to him the thought surprising did not make me sick (sitting that close to someone) instead all i felt was comfort as I sat down next to will his presence literally radiated a warm feeling.
"So how are you" Will asked awkwardly
"Great" Nico answered shortly
"What games did you play when you were a kid" Will asked
Well i liked mythomagic though you probably have never heard of it Nico answered
"Mythomagic!, that was my favorite game, my favorite was Odysseus he had the best-ranged attacks I always admired him "will said
"My favorite was Achilles he was the best" Nico replied, they continued chatting about mythomagic until the sun started to go down. As the sun started dipping will got up and smiled "that was great Nico i hope we can do it again some time" i enjoyed it too finally admitting his feelings for solace to himself. He resisted the urge to kiss will, luckily he was satisfied by this urge when will gently placed his lips to my cheek he withdrew smiling at my stunned expression and he walked off
-Next week-
I glanced over at a smiling will looking in my direction as i caught his gaze he looked away with a blush.
After finishing my breakfast i decided to talk to will maybe go on another date i thought happily
I walked up to will who gave me his signature blinding smile "hi" he said
"Want to go on another date, but i get to choose the place," Nico said to will
"Okay sure, I guess you have been thinking about it a lot, which means you have been thinking about me" will said with a grin
I blushed furiously "yeah, so," Nico said trying to control my blush.
So when" Nico asked
"Maybe tomorrow" will replied
-Tomorrow- We arrived at a mortal Italian restaurant of Nico's choosing.
Will smiled at nico as they sat down right next to each other on the booth, again all i felt was wills warm presence.
nico smiled back. We ordered our food Will got a large calzone, Nico got a pasta
"Do you usually eat that much?" Nico asked in awe
Will smiled " only when im enjoying myself"
Nico and will started chatting about random topics for an hour.
"The sun's going down, i should go will said to Nico while getting up.
Okay great nico replied slightly saddened
Will noticed and said "hey i know its only been two dates but do you want to be my boyfriend" Will asked. Nico looked up at will as if thinking why me, Will seemed to know what he was thinking "because your smart funny and fun to be around" Will replied to the look nico gave him.
At this nico blushed but said yes.
-Next day-
Will decided he would visit his boyfriend early in the morning.
Will arrived at the hades cabin with a smile on his face.
Will knocked on the door
"Who in Hades is knocking on my door at 6 am" came a reply, the door opened revealing Nico in skull pajamas when he saw will his expression softened "what are you doing here," he asked calmly.
"I came to say hi to my boyfriend" will said happily
"It been only a day," Nico said
Well do you want to go to breakfast together" Will asked
"I could give you a doctors note and you can sit at my table," Will said, at this Nico brightened by the idea of not sitting by himself, "ok sure" Nico replied
After sitting at the apollo table next to Will, nico got a few weird looks and a few knowing smirks from the aphrodite cabin. Chiron galloped over where will and nico were sitting "hello Will and Nico why is nico sitting here" uh he needs to he is not fully healed, doctors orders" will says handing Chiron a note. Okay, ill allow it for now.
-4 months later-
In four months Nico and will have not told anybody about our secret relationship though they were sure some people had their suspicions in 4 months they had gotten alot more comfortable around each other.
Nico and will were walking on the path to get towards the dining pavilion for lunch when will suddenly leaned up to Nico and kissed him "what are you doing" mumbled nico
Will withdrew smiling "sorry i just had to do that" will and nico looked around to see campers looking at them all with a face of surprise, Will just smiled and continued walking towards the dining pavilion.
When they arrived they could not only see but feel the eyes on them some kids were smirking as if they knew it all along, i guess word travels fast,
Breaking the silence Will yelled "hi as you know this is my boyfriend Nico di Angelo" he said it as if nico was the greatest thing that ever happened to him. Instead of blushing Nico just smiled and sat down next to Will.
-4 and a half years later of peaceful dating-
Hey Nico Will said hi replied Nico, latching his hand to Wills. Over the years they had become so comfortable with each other they never got embarrassed while showing public displays of affection Will smiled leading Nico down to a different part of the creek he had found a few days ago.
Where are we going Nico asked his face scrunched up in confusion Will replied saying "you'll see"
They walked for a few more minutes in comfortable silence when they arrived at the creek, this part of the creek looked wilder with Beautiful smooth gray stones on the forest floor while large oaks loomed over them.
Nico looked at Will nervously, Will just smiled pulling a wooden box out of his pocket.
"Nico di Angelo, my death boy, the last 4 years have been the best of my life and i intend to spend the rest of my life with you, Nico di Angelo will you marry me"
"Oh my gods yes" Nico replying his eyes wet
Will pulled out a beautiful celestial bronze ring with inscriptions that read Nico and Will, sun and dark shall live together till their dying days. It's beautiful Nico exclaimed while Will put it on his finger. Then they kissed, it was not like any other it was filled with passion and love when they withdrew both of them were smiling. They walked together back to the hades holding hands, Nico and will were content with each other and that was enough, arriving at the hades cabin they opened the doors and headed to Nico's bed, cuddling each other to sleep.
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