darkxphobia · 4 years
Lightheaded/Fainting Starters
❝Whoa, hey, you okay there?❞
❝Please don’t pass out on me–❞
❝Stay with me.❞
❝I think you need to lay down.❞  
❝I need to lay down. Like, now.❞
❝Can you help me sit down?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out.❞
❝I don’t feel so good…❞
❝I can’t move.❞
❝I can’t sit up.❞
❝Why is the room spinning?❞
❝When’s the last time you slept?❞
❝Do you need to eat something?❞
❝When’s the last time you ate?❞
❝I think I just need to eat something.❞
❝Let me get you some water.❞
❝Here, elevate your feet.❞
❝How much did you drink?❞
❝I think I drank too much.❞
❝Did you drink something? Did you take something?❞
❝You’re really pale.❞
❝Can you hear me?❞
❝Hey – you passed out.❞
❝Are you gonna pass out again?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out again.❞
❝Don’t sit up yet. Just relax.❞
❝This isn’t normal. You’re freaking me out.❞
❝Thank god you’re awake, I was about to call an ambulance.❞
❝You’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna call an ambulance.❞
❝What happened? Did I hit my head?❞
❝You hit your head pretty hard. Just stay down.❞
❝What happened? I just found you laying here.❞
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darkxphobia · 4 years
Send 💋 to kiss my muse!
Bonus points if you add the reason for the kiss
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darkxphobia · 4 years
The Jock and the Nerd |
    While Scott didn’t have classes until the night, he always made sure to not stay in his dorm room as that could develop a very bad habit and he’d start skipping classes again…which was not a good thing. Walking to the cafeteria, Scott stomach started to sing the usual lunchtime song that Scott had made when he was in middle school and it stuck.
    Getting his tray and piling various meats and starches, Scott could feel his stomach agree with his choices of sustenance and checked out using his meal plan. Turning around, Scott saw a familiar looking person make eye contract with him, but then the person said hi and his name. At first, Scott didn’t connect the fact with a name for a second or two, but it clicked.
    Scott’s eyes widened and his figurative tail starting to wag, “Oz!? Holy crap! Hey buddy! I haven’t seen ya in a couple years! How’ve you been!”
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    Scott, as the puppy he was, didn’t notice nor remember Oz’s anxiety or such.
Their name. Scott had said their name, and it was like the tiny voices in Oz’s mind were on high panicked mode. Were they really that recognizable? Oz was sure that they stayed mostly to the shadows while desperately trying to fit in, something that shouldn’t have entirely worked the way that it did. They sucked in a breath through their nose, snorting with a grim realization: did Oz do something to Scott that forced the jock to remember the nerd?
Oz shook their head, feeling the heat rise to their cheeks and forehead. They took a deep breath, flexing their fingers against the backpack’s leather strap as they stepped closer to the table and the overly loud jock. The excitement in Scott’s voice probably would have been appreciated by 90% of the population, but Oz’s quiet persona often had him shying away the such ferocity.
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“H-hi Scott,” they said, immediately frowning after realizing they had already greeted the man, albeit a quiet greeting it was still the same. Their eyes fidgeted as they glanced in every direction but on Scott. “It has been a while, hasn’t it? I-I’m good. Just good...” Oz’s voice became quiet once more as their words droned on, and finally their dark eyes made contact with the older schoolmate. “Ha-have you been good?”
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darkxphobia · 4 years
Sunlight | Open Starter
Fushimi wasn’t a litterer. He actually despised people who did litter but sometimes he was clumsy and missed a trash can or had it fall from his pocket or such when he was walking. Things happen and well sometimes he couldn’t stop the inevitable.  He was walking to his apartment from his last class when suddenly he heard someone supposedly call out to someone. He turns to find that someone was apparently calling out to him and holding out a candy wrapper. He looks at it in surprise, it was the candy that he just ate two minutes ago. He swore he but the wrapper in his pocket but it must have slipped out.
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 “Oh. Oops. That was my bad. I didn’t mean to litter. Thanks for picking it up and returning it to me” he says. Sometimes he could be nice if someone was nice back that is. “Sorry for the trouble. I won’t do it again. I actually hate when people litter” he states.
Oz stared with wide eyes at the stranger, still trying to find their voice after discovering their own embarrassment with the situation. Every time they tried to utter something, it felt like a frog was stuck in their throat and there was a desperate croak to be set free.
“I- uh- sor- um.” Oz forcefully gulped, feeling the ebbing dryness pulsing against his tongue. They glanced down, taking a deep breath in an attempt to settle the mind. “I wasn’t, uh- I wasn’t trying to accuse you of littering.” Dark eyes stared at their yellow shoes, painfully watching the antsy nature of their feet as they refused to stand still. 
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Eyes looking up, Oz stared at the stranger. “Sorry,” they muttered. The panic was rising, but it wasn’t choking him up too much. Maybe it was because this person was being pleasant and kind in such an awkward situation. “It’s fine if you do it again.” Wait, that sounded wrong. “I mean, littering isn’t always the most practical option, but... you said that... it was an accident.” The words continued to fumble out of his throat and he couldn’t stop the bout of word vomit spilling from his lips. “It’s, uh... fine...”
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darkxphobia · 4 years
Scaredy Cat |
@savage-cutie needs a starter
Nighttime was possibly the worst time of day for Oz. Meetings with their therapist had helped to soften the overwhelming fears that manifested within his mind. Those appointments didn’t diminish these fears, though, and once the sun set, their mind went on a haywire as darkness loomed.
But as they entered Ursa Traditional Dorms, there was no thought about how things could go wrong. Instead there was a sense of relief that washed away their prior anxieties, grateful to be in a fully lit building instead of relying on dimly lit light posts outside. In their newfound comfort, Oz let down their guard just as they saw a shadow creeping out of nowhere.
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“Ah!” Oz screamed, flinching as they covered their shoulders.
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darkxphobia · 4 years
Perfectly Platonic Starters
“You look like you could use a coffee.”
“Is that something you want to talk about?”
“Come on, sit down. It’s break time.”
“I needed that, thanks…”
“Here’s a blanket. You looked cold.”
“Thank god you’re back, I need to rant.”
“Is my sweater ever going to be returned?”
“Bad day? Emergency plans are in order.”
“Alright your ride has arrived, where to next?”
“I’m brushing your hair, it’s a mess.”
“You happened to go get lunch and ‘bought too much’ huh?”
“Your hugs are the best.”
“Hey. Hey. Heeeeeey. Come on. We’re gonna be late, get up.”
“I’m late, yes. You should be used to that by now.”
“How long as it been that we’ve known each other? Feels like ages.”
“There was something on your face, I had to get it off.”
“You’re sure people think we’re dating?”
“I think it’s hilarious people assume they’re dating just because they’re nice to each other.”
“I need to hang out with someone I like, can we pretend to be working for an hour?”
“Tea and coffee? What happened?”
“Here you go, one forgotten, left it at home in a rush, lost item!”
“I’m going for a walk, you want anything?”
“… sorry I took a nap on you.”
“I suppose I am now requisitioned to being a napping spot.”
“We could pretend we’re dating, but that might confuse your significant other, and then that might be a waste of petty effort for the sake of rumors.”
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darkxphobia · 4 years
Sunlight | Open Starter
The sun was in the perfect spot for Oz to head outside and practice some of their drawings. They sat on a dry patch of grass, the blades tickling the small of their back as they hunched over their notebook and began making magic happen. The Quad was a great place to work because it allowed Oz the opportunity to watch everybody and attempt to mimic their postures in their art. But today, as he watched the passing students and teachers, they saw someone drop something.
“Ah.” The single syllable left their mouth as they watched the tiny, glistening paper drop onto the ground, seemingly catching the sun’s rays. They nibbled on their lower lip before scooping up the notebook and shoving the pencils into it. Oz stood up and hurried after the pencil, picking up the tiny paper that fell. “W-w-wait,” they called out, finally catching up to the person. “You dropped this... candy wrapper?”
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The familiar words of a popular candy brand caught their attention, and Oz’s cheeks turned red from embarrassment. “I, uh... thought it was important,” they murmured, their voice becoming softer and softer the more he spoke. Their shoulders slumped. This is embarrassing.
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darkxphobia · 4 years
The Jock and the Nerd |
@friendly-werepup​ needs a starter
Oz tightened their grip on the leather strap of the bookbag as they walked through the cafeteria building on campus, the overwhelming throng of loud talking overstimulating their senses. It was too much for them, and they wished that they dared to have another peanut butter and jelly back in his dorm, but the required meal plan was wasting away. And they couldn’t handle another confrontation with their father about money left unspent.
When they finally dared to turn around on their heals to leave, a familiar sight stopped Oz in their steps. They stared at Scott Howl, star quarterback of their high school, and their mouth ran dry as it gaped open. Why was he at the same school?
And then there was the eye contact. Quickly Oz averted their eyes, heat quickly covering their face as they glanced down at their feet. It was now too late to turn back. They needed to do something.
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They slowly raised a hand in greeting and smiled towards the familiar male. His smile wavered as he felt his nerves bubbling into a muddled pool in his stomach. “Hi Scott,” Oz said, knowing that their tiny voice was barely louder than a whisper. 
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darkxphobia · 4 years
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I still love Monster Prom
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