darth-rhiannon · 10 hours
Man unintentionally teaches his Corgi sign language! 😊 Follow me for more smart puppers!
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darth-rhiannon · 10 hours
Random story thought: What if a fantasy story where there's humans and elves, who are less like different nationalities and/or "human, but in a different font", but more like the difference between dogs and wolves? Like they resemble humans, but are very, very clearly not human. And half-elves, like wolfdogs, are known to be theoretically possible, but so improbable and rare that they might as well be a myth. Like everybody's school had that one kid who loves lying for attention who keeps insisting that they actually know somebody who's a real half-elf for real.
And in the extremely rare case where their friend of a friend who's "totally actually a real half-elf" even exists at all, 99 times out of 100, the aforementioned suspected hybrid is just a 100% full human who's unusually tall, beautiful and autistic. Something that can definitely fool someone who's never seen a real half-elf, and is willing to believe that this friend's mom actually for real fucked an elf (instead of getting hunted for sport, and possibly eaten, which is the more likely outcome of encountering elves in the wild). But it's almost always just a full human with vaguely 'elvish' features.
But once in a blue moon, there actually is a real half-elf, and once you've seen one, you won't mistake a full human for one of them again. They're gangly, not just tall but long-limbed in a way that humans are not, their speech is strangely composed as if they learned their first language as a second language, and their eyes are piercing, wild, inhuman eyes, with a gaze full of strange instinctive wisdom that humans were never meant to know. Secret elvish thoughts that even they, personally, wish they didn't have.
And it sinks in to you that elves, that are so alien to you, would also find this poor creature just as strange and unsettling as you do.
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darth-rhiannon · 10 hours
artist who usually draws horses draws a wolf
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darth-rhiannon · 10 hours
Me: You know how when you were a kid and you’d wish that you’d get sick or injured in a way that would justify why you didn’t live up to your potential?
Everybody, apparently: No?
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darth-rhiannon · 10 hours
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Bi-donna you moved me
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
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like where did it come from i was literally doing a silly little art and craft
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
Fun, someone said the words “prior authorizations” around me and now I’m pissed off at 730am on my day off. I go off on this rant all the time. ALL THE TIME.
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
Bees don’t fly in the dark!
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
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cas' "oh god you're about to say something stupid aren't you" face is EVERYTHING
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
in the words of the great Elizabethan wordsmith William Shakespeare, in Hamlet Act IV Scene V, “When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” or, in the words of the great Twitter wordsmith @Horse_ebooks,
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
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forever soulmates & travel buddies
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darth-rhiannon · 20 hours
bella was lucky she didn’t have a cell phone of any kind because you know ya boi edward would be blowing up that phone 24-7 going “saw a snail today…. effervescent” or some shit equivalent
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darth-rhiannon · 1 day
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can’t stop thinking about this post on the crusader kings wiki
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darth-rhiannon · 1 day
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" In Space, no one can bother you Chill "
-Alien theme Lofi- .2024
IG: https://www.instagram.com/pixeljeff_design/
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darth-rhiannon · 1 day
I think I found Tuvix (the character) too off-putting to really get into the ethical dilemma of it. I did like the Doctor being the only character to refuse to go along with it tho
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darth-rhiannon · 1 day
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It came to me in a vision
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