darthcool · 6 years
This is depressing but really serious. They weren’t just numbers. They were human beings!!!
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“The monument at the center of the Republic military base plaza is an enormous slab of Geonosian rock listing the names of the clone troopers who fell in action in the Clone Wars’ first battle.”
This is really sad and cool
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darthcool · 6 years
I don’t get it.
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It’s so true tho! @meldy-arts
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darthcool · 6 years
Holy mother of God. This is even better than I pictured. Great job, Sam.
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Now, since I’m obviously not an artist, I decided to turn my attention to AzaleasDolls.com and get crafty with what I could in terms of imagination. So here we have two of my OCs that of course aren’t well known to the fandom (And lets face it, they never will be), Thane and Andromeda Wardin. 
And just to clarify, they’re SIBLINGS.
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darthcool · 6 years
Ladies and gentlemen, I require medical attention. This made my heart stop.
Can you draw an Adrienette fanbaby from Miraculous please?
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Parents:  Adrien, Marinette General: Sweet, Well behaved
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darthcool · 6 years
I agree. This is correct.
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I really love Plagg XDDDDD
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darthcool · 6 years
100% loving this
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Commission for @edendaphne from @midnightstarlightwrites of WDDM Chat and Ladybug! I loved working on this.
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darthcool · 7 years
Those Eyes
Kori and Mira were unloading boxes from the Starbird in the rain. The Togruta had been kind enough to help the Wren-Bridger family get settled into their new home on Lothal, and he was helping his friend bring in some of their belongings. The steps up to the house's door were wet, and Mira slipped. Her prosthetic leg lost control and she started to fall.
Almost without thinking, Kori dropped what he was carrying and caught the teenage human girl before she could hurt herself.
And that's when it happened. Those eyes. Those gorgeous mismatched eyes. Never in a million years would he deny that Mira was beautiful. Her smooth tanned skin......that luscious raven-colored hair.....
Those eyes.
Kori gently pulled Mira back onto her feet and picked up the box she was carrying. Luckily, it was full of blankets and not anything extremely fragile.
"Thanks, Kor", the girl gasped, still trying to catch her breath.
"No problem, firefly."
Firefly. Only Mira's parents normally called her that. Not that she was complaining. Kori was a pretty nice guy. There was just something about the way he looked at Mira that got her thinking. Did he actually like her? Like.......*like* her?
Once they got the boxes inside the house and took off their raincoats, Mira noticed that Kori's montrals and lekku were dripping wet.
'Must've soaked through his coat', she thought to herself as she grabbed a cloth and dried off his headtails.
Kori giggled when the fabric touched him. Togruta lekku were very sensitive to contact. Maybe Mira knew this, and maybe she didn't.
"There. All dried up."
The two teens plopped down on the sofa and relaxed, since all the moving was done. All that was left was for Ezra, Sabine, and Rona to finish picking up groceries in Capital City.
Mira almost didn't notice when her hand drifted on top of Kori's. She did notice, however, when his fingers intertwined with hers.
She looked at him and........those eyes.
The young Togruta male had an almost hypnotizing gaze. His smile........the delicate patterns on his face.......
Those eyes.
The two moved their heads closer to one another, not even thinking, and without a moment's hesitation......
Those eyes closed as their lips connected.
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Happy kids
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darthcool · 7 years
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The worst kind of revenge.
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darthcool · 7 years
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Jonah Wren-Bridger
Jonah is a warm hearted boy and is the kindest sibling of the three. He’s gentle and sweet and will always try and talk his way out a fight, leaving no injures or harm to anyone.
He’s confident and outgoing. He’s not afraid to stick up for others and never walks away from someone that needs him.
Unlike his sisters, he remains to not be force sensitive, but being the positive boy he is. He looks on the bright side, and uses the time not training with his sisters and dad to be with his mum, gaining knowledge from her culture.
He gains his mothers artistic side. Although his sisters appreciate art, and can draw. They don’t take a huge love for it as Jonah does. Jonah even replicates his mothers starbird to try and design his own version.  
He (Like Rona) seriously looks up to Mira. Both continue to believe she’s this strong, independent girl with no fear what so ever until they realize what’s really going on. 
He’s the youngest of the three. But still has his protective side, and will be as protective as possible over his sisters if he has to.
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darthcool · 7 years
Do you ship Reylo ?
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darthcool · 7 years
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The final addition is on his way
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darthcool · 7 years
Yes!!! Go, Sabine!!! Paint all the faces!!!
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I thought that Ezra’s skin looked a little too pink on @starwars’s post.  
So I decided to correct it.
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darthcool · 7 years
Bloomin' feckin' moron.
You don't type like you're British
My word, such a rude thing to say, my good man!  That the vernacular of how one speaks must be associated with stereotypes, even when typing on the internet, is a truly gross display of foolishness.
Now If you’d excuse me. I have a cracking cuppa waiting for me.
Ta-ta Luv.
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darthcool · 7 years
I dunno what the fuck just happened, but I don't really care. Imma get the fuck up outta here.
Rey: will you train me?
Luke: let’s do it!!
Rey: *displays her powers once*
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darthcool · 7 years
@ForceofLight found a StarWarsRebels Easter Egg in Battlefront 2 
Could they possibly be talking about Garazeb Orrelios? :>
((I’ve been waiting for this for months!!))
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darthcool · 7 years
Will everyone stop getting knocked unconscious for fuck's sake?!?!?
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The title of the video?
Everyone Dies in Star Wars: Rebels Season 4? Has Chopper Gone Dark Side? The Parallels Are Uncanny
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darthcool · 7 years
Mother of God. They're adorable.
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Luka: Togruta + Human Hybrid
Luka is the oldest and like his mother, he’s force sensitive.
At a young age, he’s very clingy to Mira (Basically a total mama’s boy)
Is a total sweetheart and softy.
Protective big bro, to others as well as his siblings.
Doesn’t start using the force until he reaches at least 10. 
Even when he’s a teen, he’s still a total mama’s boy. 
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Asha: Human with Togruta markings. Nickname: Ash
Asha is the second eldest and is also force sensitive
Like Luka, she prefers being with Mira than anyone else. And sticks with Mira more so than anyone until she’s an older teen. 
Gained her mothers’ sass
Won’t hesitate to kick someone’s ass if they tease her brother or sisters.
She gets stressed quickly. 
She feels very pressured by her family which leads to numerous breakdowns. 
Very into athletics and climbing. When young, she’d wonder of (Dragging a paranoid Luka with her) and climb to the highest peaks on Lothal. 
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The twins
Right - Kara: Togruta 
Left - Kina - Togruta
The two youngest and neither are force sensitive. 
Both girls take an interest in piloting and continually compete to see whose a better pilot. 
Kara is very excitable, very energetic and bouncy. She’ll yell halfway across the Lothal to get her families attention without caring about the weird looks she’s given.
Kina is almost as excitable, but a little more respectful of others, so when her sister yells at the top of her voice across the city, she’d usually laugh while also trying to stop her. 
Both are very close to their parents but tend to spend more time with Kori (Asha is without a doubt slightly jealous of the time her Togruta siblings get to spend with her Togruta dad) 
Luka and Asha both enjoy teaching both girls how to use training staffs, despite neither planning on getting lightsabers (Didn’t stop their nana training) 
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