darwinlerin21 · 4 months
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is the day before the next day. I woke up around 4am to cook breakfast and take a shower to prepare for school, but when I woke up, when I checked my messenger, there was an announcement that the class was suspended for 1 week due to the heat of day. after I read and found out that there was no school I went to sleep again. after I woke up again around 7am when I woke up I did housework and I helped my mother prepare the goods. then after I did everything, I played mobile games. after I play we already eat lunch after eating I went to sleep again around 12pm and I woke up around 3pm, when I woke up I helped my mom put the goods away again and then prepared dinner. around 7pm we ate after eating I rested after using my phone around 9pm I'm ready to sleep.
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Day 2 is the second day off. I woke up around 7am when I woke up I did housework and I helped my mother to prepare the goods again. then I done at all. so I thought about doing schoolwork so I started doing it. and that's when I finished I was hungry so I ate. after eating, I went to bed and rested, then around 1pm I fell asleep and woke up around 3pm. When I woke up, I helped my mom put away the goods again and then prepared dinner. around 8pm we ate after eating we rested. I finished my homework so I played mobile games again after around 9pm I was ready to sleep.
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Day 3 I woke up at 9am and I decided to wash my clothes after I made everyone my minisage my cousin to play badminton and that's when we played we enjoyed playing badminton. after we played we rested and then we ate.
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Day 4 this day I feel tired my body is feeling weak because I'm sick maybe because of tiredness and because of the heat of the weather so this day I just rested and ate to have strength again somehow.
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day 5 my mother took me to the clinic for a check up to find out what is wrong with me. after we waited for the result then we found out that I'm good no have any results found. so the doctor recommended me to drink my medicine and drink water because in the heat of the weather we need to stay hydrated. after we already home and I rested for fast recovery.
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