daryldaemistica · 2 years
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I agree that the development process is a communication process, it has broad scope when it comes in different elements or aspect of life. When we say that development is a process it is connected to the method like planning, studying, facilitating, assessing, monitoring, progressing, or maybe evaluating. It is dynamic that is continuously changing over time. We people are developing through communication process also. Development communication process is essential to everyone because it is not only tackling about the media or how are maintaining the communication to others, it is also part of how are we managing and sustaining our communication skills to everyone.
Communication is not complicated or easy for us, we communication students have to know our own limitations and it is our responsibility to balance communication. Other people expect us to be more active in news, trending about the nation, knowledgeable enough about plagiarism and other laws that are related to our course or field of work someday. I do believe that development communication is a process in every day of our lives, it is useful and people are surviving because everyone has interaction or connection. Every field of work, people, and even media is developing for the better. The importance of communication must emphasize to the world for them to realize the other noises and other misunderstandings we are facing through media and personally has a reason. Broadening our knowledge on handling development communication will help us to be more understandable and knowledgeable in communicating.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
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Smoking is one of the problems in the Philippines, a lot of Filipinos are starting to smoke as their adolescents. It’s obviously giving a negative impact on the health of people and the finances as well. Tobacco use contributes to more than eight million deaths globally each year, according to one article that I’ve read the possible illnesses that a person can get when smoking is cardiovascular and numerous cancer disease.
In 2015 a lot of consumer groups started to launch a campaign here in the Philippines regarding to the policy of prohibiting advertisement of tobacco products to radio and television as well. The campaign supported the health professionals and medical organizations to ensure that the policy will work on people and give enough protection to the health of every Filipino. There are positive and negative impact regarding this policy especially there will be people who will be affected in their work. This policy will give huge impact to the business because knowing the fact that their advertisement banning in radio and television will create big cost impact on the production and sales. The campaign is initiating by policymakers, the realization of individual who wants to have a healthy living. They believe that without tobacco the life of people will be longer. It is written to some articles that the NGOs and LGUs and the other government approved the policy because it will give positive impact to the nation. Base on the calculation the smokers also reduce in 40% compared to other years. A lot of people realize that this type of campaign also helps the younger people to keep them away from getting smoking interest.  The policy and the campaign will have positive outcome if people will hear out the goals of this policy and will consider their health matter.
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The result of this policy and campaign is that the smoker reduces because prohibiting the advertisement on radio and television the people realized that it is not good for any health and it is just a waste of money. It became successful for policymakers that there will be no ads for tobacco products. As a result of this policy, the young generation cannot be influenced so easily or they will not be encouraged to try this. Because of this policy, people became more practical financially, though not everyone convinces at least the campaign spread awareness to what is the possible outcome of continuously smoking.
Make the tobacco at high prices so that people will doubt to buy it for themselves. Consistently ban tobacco advertisements so that people of all ages will avoid it. Give warning labels where people will think about the worth of their health and the possible outcome if they try to use tobacco. Implementing educational communication regarding avoiding tobacco so students will be knowledgeable enough on how to ensure themselves that they will avoid tobacco. Giving enough reminders in media about the outcome of tobacco so people will realize that tobacco is only giving a negative impact on everyone.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
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The development of communication I would like to specialize in is community and education. I actually thought that every type of communication is important and we should be knowledgeable enough when speaking to those discussions because through communication we all can provide a good outcome to the relationship of people and to unity. First I chose community communication because it tackles the interpersonal and it facilitates the community. I do believe that facilitating the community is also part of planning, producing, and evaluating messages. It has a connection to various people because the scope of community communication is broad. By communicating different aspects we are also improving the trust and the relationship of every group and people in this world. Second I wanted to specialize in educational communication. Education is very important nowadays because without education people will not improve themselves when it comes to broadening their knowledge. Education oneself needs communication because there are things we need to verbalize and not verbalize when teaching people. They can only realize and improve themselves if people around them are also helping them to improve. Educational communication involves people, procedures, ideas on the method to use in teaching, devices for presentations and discussions, evaluation, and many more. Educational communication is significant to everyone, not just for normal students but also for those students who are suffering from being disabled or special in different ways. Educational communication is giving light and hopes to everyone in this world, it gives people direction. These are the reasons why I chose the community and educational communication.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
ACTIVITY 10: Foundations
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Advertising is about selling products to people, persuading one another for them to be convinced to bring any kind of product that we are advertising. Development communication is used in this category because communicating to people through media or even in person is very important to have a connection and to persuade and make them believe what we advertised. We need to be convincing when speaking especially when we are gathering people who will support our products., especially when Communication is the key when we are advertising because it is where we convince and make people believe and trust us.
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Psychology is the study of mind and behavior, it all connects to human experiences. It encompasses influences, social, and environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel at the same time. Development communication is introduced to this aspect because it is important to understand that psychology is also part of communication but the difference is that it is not about verbal communication, it is more about non-verbal. It is part of communication where people are understanding one another through this kind of communication.
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Theology is about religion or people's various beliefs when it comes to religion. It is the study of nature when it comes to God. Communication needs in this field because through communication we can express and make people understand the differences of every religion we have in this world. Non-verbal and verbal communication will help us, people, to emphasize respect and especially the importance of our beliefs to others.
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The humanities are the study of human experiences, in this field, various things are connected and those are theater, arts, literature, music, and many more. And every example has a communication connection, it communicates to people differently. We should understand that development communication is a special aspect of the humanities because it is where people understand the different perspectives and how they see the other things with their own eyes. Development communication will help the people to understand the various aspects of this world.
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The political economy is tackling philosophy, economics, politics, and sociology. It connects the state and the people to one another. Communication is badly needed in this field because this is where people communicate to unite, evaluate, and how and when people should implement policies and such. Just like for example the campaign for the presidential election, various people are speaking about why are they going to vote someone. They are emphasizing the worth of these candidates to persuade the Filipinos to vote wisely.
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Development communication is very in demand in this world, it is a key to interactions and connecting with everyone. We need to verbalize some of things for us to clarify the plans and what we really want. Communication is a brilliant way to unite the people and to understand one another despite those differences around us, we should be mindful of our own words and action to avoid chaos and misunderstanding to anyone.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
ACTIVITY 9: Definitions
Activity 9
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According to my understanding of Quebral communication meaning, it is very broad from a different perspective, it is connected with a lot of things. Society is changing and accelerating because of the communication of the people. People are having interactions where they are helping each one of them to innovate, create, communicate, and transform society. My own definition of development communication is when we are giving the people a command or it changed their behaviors on doing something. I believe that my definition of communication is somehow connected with the domains that are discussed in chapter six of this module, these three domains are cognitive or knowledge, affective or attitude, and psychomotor or practice. The development in communication can be seen if we as individuals can make changes or help others to change themselves in a good way. Being communicator students we must acquire the potential of speaking in a creative way and be knowledgeable because through that way we can easily get our listeners’ attention if we know how to communicate well. The cognitive, affective, and psychomotor is only part of achievement in acquiring a development communication. We are interacting and we are also helping society to improve. As communication students, it is our responsibility to be aware of how to communicate and help the people in society to realize the importance of social change. Communication influences a lot of people and it also gives progress to community improvement.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
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It is about how living systems behave, it is a powerful concept. It is born as a science of control and communication in the animal in the machine. It shows a piece of feedback information at work. Because of the innovation and changes in the world, it provides a lot of insights into politics, economics, social science, and laws. Through cybernetics, all types of interactions can be done by people.
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The dependency model is that people nowadays are depending on media information, television, radio, media. When there is a crisis the people are easily getting information because they depend on the media, the message is easily delivered to people because it spreads in the fastest way.
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Privacy is always a hot topic for people, especially for those celebrities, millionaires, or maybe some stranger. Invasion of privacy can harm people, it may give negative feedback. Some people are invading the privacy of individual just to get what they want, some also face death because of too much invading.
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Socialization is part of the daily lives of people, the social mobilization nowadays serves as a way of interacting with people. It helps people to connect with others like peers, families, or maybe anyone around the world. It gives education, information, organizing, monitoring, and evaluating as well.
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ICT means information communication technology, it talks about the technologies like cellphones, the internet, publishing desktop, cellular communication, etc. This is the technology that develops through time, it gives information and reliable sources to people.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
Noise in communication is of two types, the first is external and the second is internal noise. There are numerous types of noises, it is a noise where it gives interruptions to the communication or to the message the sender is giving. According to the module, there is physical noise, psychological, physiological, semantic, and cultural noise in a process of communication. Knowing the noises will help the people handle the communication well. The list below is the noise that I usually hear when communicating to people, or when I am making something.
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Noise may be a negative part of communication because it gives interruptions, but through the noise that I’ve experienced, I realize that noise will help us, people, to socialize in a good way. We will know our limitations and the things we need to consider before having a communication. As a communication student, it is a responsibility to know on handling noise when there is communication because it is part of our field, we cannot make this noise become a hindrance to our work so easily, knowing on handling different types of noises in communication will be a great help for the improvement in socializing, skills, and personality development as well.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
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Interpersonal communication is much more like face to face communication to one another. This type of communication only happens when people are interacting with each other physically and verbally. This is where it refers to something that involves relationship between between people, that there are two or more people involvement. The mass media is the type of communication where the media is involved in communication, it is where the communication becomes a linear process that depends on technology that people are using. Most of people are now communicating through social media platforms especially those people who are staying to different places. It became a new medium of communication to maintain a good relation to people. The mass media can also be a way to interact with people nationwide. Interpersonal and mass media communication are both useful in communicating but of course it always has a positive and negative impact. There are differences and similarities between this two but still helpful to the development of every nation.
The medium that households all over the Philippines commonly own is the television and radio, these two things are the most commonly seen in Filipinos's houses. There are a couple of times I go to my friends house and there is always a radio and television, not every family can afford to have an internet connection or cellphone for all of the members of the family. And according to my observation people are using television and radio to have reliable news that is shared through news and other reporters that are giving reliable sources about the happening to people nationwide. I believe as an individual that television is one of the popular things that people are using because it gives entertainment to people and knowledgeable ideas to people.
The least common that Filipinos own is the internet for every household. The Philippines nowadays is a victim of poverty and lots of people are struggling to be employed and have work to survive in the society, most of the people in the Philippines do not own an internet connection. A lot of people are also struggling with the lack of connection especially to the situation right now where work and education of students depend on social media or technology. It is sad that the nation is struggling with something they don't want to struggle with but I know as a Filipino that through this struggle that everyone's encountering is a great opportunity to be more encouraged and inspired to work hard to have a better quality of living.
Most Filipinos are exposed to the media, even though we are lacking internet connection we are still exposed to the media, . The media is giving a lot of information that sometimes leads to misinformation to everyone but still continuously believing in the media more than the books. For me the least medium that people are expose is to the books, they are only depending on what they can gather to social media to the point that they are lacking on reading books and read comprehensively to gather information when needed. As a mass communication student, i believe that we should be expose with this two medium because it will help us to improve how to communicate and to gather reliable information. Being a mass communication student it is important to know how to balance, when, who, how are we going to conduct a research. It is our responsibility to research well and gain a lot of patience in gathering information because once we did something already we will never have a chance to take it back again. Media and reading books both have a positive impact if we individuals know how to use them in the right way.
The people are most believing to the social media, a lot of time happens that people were scam because of unreliable sources that gathered. Even me as individual, when i heard a news that is not familiar but trending to people, i usually go to twitter application to know what is the trending about. I admit that sometimes I believe false information and that is because I lack in researching and gathering more good information. People’s mindset when it comes to gather news is that media is the fastest way to gather news and correct information. Being innovative to new things is good but people must be reminded on how to balance their beliefs to avoid misunderstand and chaos for others in the future.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
ACTIVITY 5 - The Communication Process
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Communication came from the word “Communes” which means something in common. Communication is a process of exchanging information, it is not only verbal or nonverbal because various types of communication will serve as interaction to people, animals, symbols, etc. Communication includes the sender of the message, message, channel, receiver or decoder, and feedback. Through this process of communication, people are giving understanding to everyone. Communication is a process and should be understood by the people because this is where people are interacting and unite as one. If I am going to compare my definition of communication to Black and Bryant, I can say that the meaning is still the same it transfer and give information to one another it is just more elaborate on transmitting a message to one another. It only means here that communication has various ways to interact with people, and the goal of our definition is to understand everyone by the use of communication.
It is important to discuss that communication is a process because through this discussion we will know the important parts of communicating and how communication must flow throughout the conversation. Knowing the process of communication will help us to be good communicators, we will know when to stop speaking when there are interruptions, we will also gain how to communicate well with others. As mass communication students it is our responsibility to study how communication flows because most of the time we will be interacting with a bunch of people, we will give reliable information once we are in the field of work. Knowing the basic knowledge of communication is important because it will also help us to interact and socialize with others, knowing our limitations and how to respect the individual's sides. We must understand as communication students how communication flows for our good and for knowing how to handle good communication with anyone.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
Activity 3: Development
Activity 3.1. The Hatching Process
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Self Assessment Questions
While referring to these pictures above, answer the following questions:
1. The egg shell broke because the chic inside is starting to develop itself, where it needs to develop again but through different phases of development. It needs a new environment where the chic can't get enough nutrients and good surroundings to be healthy and improve.
2. The force came from the chic itself, the chic is growing up slowly and cannot stay longer to its shell.
3. The chic inside the eggshell has the right time to move and break, it will only move and break once it has completely developed and will develop more in different ways. Developing takes a lot of time, it will only develop when it is ready to develop.
4. Most likely to happen when someone breaks an eggshell where the chic is still developing, obviously it will not develop according to its process. Why? Because it is not yet ready to hatch itself. Just like with people's development, we cannot force others to develop according to what we want, it takes time for them to realize when to grow up or develop itself. Because if we force people to develop, they will not develop completely. So we need to give time for them to develop or hatch and be ready to face a new phase.
5. The picture is only about the development of a chic or it can also compare to the people's development. Everything needs time to develop, developing in technologies, tools, people's ideas. personality, etc. we cannot force everything to develop according to what we want, we need to understand that development has a process and if we don't want to fail the process, we should know how to be patient on getting fully hatched or developed. Yes there are certain ideas or ways to develop and it is a good thing. To people's development and even to our surroundings, it is not bad to use alternatives, especially if it will bring good outcomes to the society.
6. Science can use incubators, a tool that helps the egg to hatch in a good and healthy way. Incubators are an alternative tool that could help the chic to develop accordingly, science is inventing machines and other things that could help the animals to develop and that is the same with how development happened, it has other ways and ideas where it could help the society to develop itself.
Activity 3.2. The Moth and Development
1. The action of Pepito was bad, yes his intention was good that he wanted to help and avoid seeing the moth having a hard time freeing itself from pupa. It is bad because he didn't follow the elder's instruction, he didn't listen, and lastly it gave negative cause which is the moth died. I can relate this part to how parents protect their child, they are forbidding children to go out daily and play and explore itself why? Because they know that their children are not yet ready to socialize, protect themselves and such that may cause harm for their children.
2. The change agency should understand the condition between the farm family, individual, community, or even society. Because understanding one another will help the other to adjust to know what are the things they need and are required to do in their field. It will also practice respect for differences or diversity.
3. When it comes to helping, we must always remember that helping is also part of developing people. It is required to help the people develop cognitive and experiences as well. We cannot instruct someone without telling them the reason why we are instructing them to do it.
4. When it comes to development, we should always remember that there will always be a struggle or problems that we will encounter during our journey, because struggles and hardships will help us to overcome and grow ourselves accordingly. The moth is having a hard time because it is developing. Just like other people who are working nowadays, all of them are still improving according to the trials they are facing. I believe that people can be developed fully and accordingly if they are developing through hard times because they will surely know how to get up, to be understanding, and to develop themselves.
5. The principle in this story is that hardships are part of development, it will give a beautiful outcome if everyone is developing according to their own struggles. Not every struggle is negative, yes it is hard to overcome it but once we overcome something, it will give beautiful outcomes either physical, mental, or personal development.
6. Yes, Mang Tomas is also responsible for the death of the moth, why? because first he is the one who introduces Pepito to the moth so it is his responsibility to explain the things that he should and shouldn't do. It is Mang Tomas' responsibility to give enough education to a clueless boy when it comes to handling a moth, especially since he is more knowledgeable on how it processes.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
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One of the problems in my community nowadays is teenage pregnancy. According to my observation a lot of teenagers are getting pregnant after the hit of the pandemic in the Philippines. Numerous women became a parent unexpectedly, their age is around seventeen to twenty years old. They obviously lose interest in studying and focus on social media, getting into relationships, and doing what they want to do without their parents' consent. Some people in our community are also suffering in poverty that caused other teenagers to stop studying. Teenage pregnancy is getting higher in our vicinity, and as a student of communication my only suggestion to this problem is to have a seminar for everyone regarding family planning, use of contraceptives, giving enough guidance to children and being open minded to the situation of every person. through this way, the teenage pregnancy will lessen and will be controlled.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
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The chart is the summary of Filipinos unemployment from the year of 2012 to 2021. As you can see in the chart the people who are unemployed are increasing and decreasing from year 2012 to 2019. But there was unexpected pandemic that became a cause for people to lose their job. By the year 2020 the rate of unemployment increased in 8.7, because some of the establishment closed down and fired most of the employees. On 2021, the rate of unemployment decreased but not so much maybe because many people graduated from college and still looking for a job. This is the unemployment rate of the Philippines according to the references listed below.
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Low food production is about the shortage of the food in a certain country. As you can see from the chart the 2012 rate is 3.0 low food production and from 2013 is lower again may be that cause the natural disaster where typhoon "yolanda" came to our countryand gives disaster. There are various reasons why the rate of low food production is increasing. Having a low food production is not good in a country because a lot of people are suffering and especially it may cause to poverty. The chart emphasize that Philippines are still recovering from the pandemic that is still happening worldwide.
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It can be seen in the graph the situation of the Philippines when it comes in illiteracy. It can be seen in the line graph from 2012 it is increasing and decreasing until 2016 but sadly the rate increased again at 2019 and decreased after the year of 2021. People should know on how to be literate enough to something to protect dignity and be qualify to work from other establishments or company. Through this way it may help to the situation of the Philippines to overcome one of the societal problems that is poverty.
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According to the updates of the government debt yearly, the Philippines got higher debt between the year 2020 to 2021 because of that the Philippine economy is falling. The position of the the Philippines is worsened because of the pandemic and other natural disasters that happened. As a communication student, the governemnt should explain their plans to the public so that Filipinos will not be bother about the current rate of the debt.
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daryldaemistica · 2 years
The data presented by the UN is very informative for all the people, it helps the individual to gain knowledgeable ideas about the situation of the countries when it comes to various inequalities. After reading the article, I understand the root of the inequalities when it comes to the economic, incomes, of the people. I felt sad after reading it because I remember the people who lost their jobs because of the unexpected pandemic, a lot of companies and establishments permanently closed and other people experiencing poverty. My family experienced inequality about finances, especially my mother who is a single mom. Some of our family members are degrading our position because we don’t have enough income to separate from our grandparent house. My mother became a lady guard but her salary is also not enough to the exerting effort she’s doing, her salary is enough just to feed us and support our education. But eventually my older sister finished her studies and work to help my mom financially. My mom is now having a sari sari store to also provide food and other expenses. There are goal 10 targets that presented by the UN, but the most applicable to the Philippines for me is first the empower and promote social, economic, and political inclusion because it will be the strength of every people to have no discrimination and it will improve the laws that appropriate to the situation. The second is to ensure enhanced representation, it will improve the institutions through developing decision-making and help of others as well. The third is to improve the regulations. It is giving extra effort to the reports about financial information, for me it is helpful in the Philippines because people will be aware of their surroundings and will be encouraged to develop. The last is to adopt policies when it comes to fiscal, wages, and social protection. I heard a lot of people complaining about their work because they are not getting paid according to their worth. Through this goal 10 the Philippines will improve the economy and help a lot of Filipinos.
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