dasy8316 · 11 hours
the concept and idea of “you can always start trying to be a better person” is extremely important to me both in media and irl and i continue to be deeply deeply disturbed by the trend on this site pushing that these ideas in media are bad writing or even morally reprehensible
because theyd rather someone stay terrible or just straight up die than become a better person 
from a compassionate point of view it’s deeply distressing and from a pragmatic point of view it’s outright frustrating
it’s fucked up. 
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dasy8316 · 11 hours
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dasy8316 · 1 day
I've said this before but truly the #1 fastest way to make me block you and disregard any opinion you have about sex is by making clear that you do not have any understanding of the difference between consensually negotiated bdsm and sexual abuse. like sorry you're a clown, go honk your nose about it somewhere else because I'm not discoursing with you about something you don't understand
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dasy8316 · 2 days
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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dasy8316 · 2 days
so if you don’t know what shifting is, a quick explanation is that it’s the idea that the multiverse exists and that you can transport your soul into a multiverse where your favorite characters are real. It’s a whole thing and was hugely popular on TikTok in 2020+2021.
Anyway I am Not judging anyone or even about to comment on shifting in itself.
But there’s also a concept that you can “script” the universe you shift to and even pick your appearance while you’re there.
And in late 2021 I posted a cosplay video that got a fair amount of views and people kept tagging each other in the comments and saying stuff like “I’m faceclaiming her for next time I shift.”
Which I swear did not bother me I was like okay you funky kids.
But two people specifically started taking about using my face when they shift universes to date Draco Malfoy. And I was like man. Don’t use my face to kiss Draco Malfoy. Im begging you.
I didn’t actually say that in the comments mind you I just let them be.
So anyway a few months ago someone posted a video discussing that they were one of the main shifting influencers and they faked everything and they were just lucid dreaming the entire time. So as you can imagine, shifters were very upset to hear this
I made a single comment about this situation. Maybe two sentences. And people are. Very angry.
And now for months I keep getting comments on my TikToks that I’m too ugly to date Draco Malfoy. This is considered the ultimate insult to them, I believe.
“Trust me. Nobody wants that face dating Draco.”
They’re also mostly running K-Pop fancam accounts and I’m trying to figure out the Draco Malfoy K-Pop link but so far I’ve got nothing.
Idk where I’m going with this I just felt like other people should know that I’m currently K-Pop Draco Malfoy’s number 1 enemy.
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dasy8316 · 2 days
The narrative that men are all inherently bad, that masculinity can only be toxic, that any association with maleness is wrong, and that “choosing” to be more masculine is aligning yourself with the enemy,
Does actually hurt trans men.
A lot.
Nobody wants to be “the enemy”. Nobody wants to hurt women, to hurt their loved ones, to be an abuser. When these things are made synonymous with manhood, it becomes uncomfortable and even horrifying to realize that you yourself might be a man.
My ex was a lesbian who spent 5 years driving into me that any expression of femininity was virtuous and progressive, and any expression of masculinity was proof that I still “needed work”. For 5 years, I learned that the best thing I could possibly be was a feminine cis woman.
Two years after ending that relationship, I began to see transmascs (not many, but a few) speak up about the fact that trans men do face legitimate problems in society, and do not in fact oppress cis women. Not long after, I finally began to realize and accept that I myself am a trans man.
This is not an uncommon narrative. Demonizing maleness and masculinity as The Ultimate Enemy doesn’t help anyone; your enemy is the patriarchy. Not individual, marginalized and oppressed men.
All this serves to do is silence these groups, and make trans men fear the possibility that they themselves might be men. It perpetuates transphobia, it encourages violence against trans men, it silences trans men, and it pressures trans men back into the closet for fear of “becoming the enemy” instead.
Masculinity is not evil, men are not evil, maleness is not abusive, men are not all abusers and predators, testosterone is not “poison”, and trans men do not deserve to be punished for being trans men.
Think about who your words actually impact; do you think it’s the most privileged people who are going to listen and take them to heart, or do you think that it’s the oppressed who are ultimately going to be most harmed by your “righteous hatred”?
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dasy8316 · 3 days
Funny to me to think about the whole "oh you say you don't like <insert website> but you'll gladly reblog content FROM <insert website>" as like... trade exports between nations that all a little bit don't like each other.
"Come try these grapes. They're from Tiktok." "OH Tiktok? Wonderful. They grow the best grapes. We just don't have the right terrain for them here." "I agree. Lovely grapes. Wretched country though, I'd never live there." "Oh me neither. They cancel their peasants in the town square. Speaking of, have you seen the new textiles boypussydilf is selling in the town square? Imported from Instagram!" "Oh amazing textiles, Instagram has. Wretched country though." "Absolutely wretched."
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dasy8316 · 3 days
that fake uncited article that claimed odysseus was said to have hetrochromia in antiquity (he was not) led me down a rabbit hole of attempting to find any source on odysseus' eye color at all, only to discover there is none, which i find utterly hilarious given the repeated descriptions of his physical appearance. homer said "don't ask me the color of nothing he has MASSIVE TITS and THUNDER THIGHS. ive never looked him in the eyes in my life"
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dasy8316 · 3 days
controversial opinion but unfortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are mean to people, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have secret kind thoughts. fortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are kind in your actions and your words, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have mean thoughts. the power is in working against inner negative thoughts and being a better person despite it. you have the ability to cultivate the person you want to be.
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dasy8316 · 3 days
Things that work in fiction but not real life
torture getting reliable information out of people
knocking someone out to harmlessly incapacitate them for like an hour
jumping into water from staggering heights and surviving the fall completely intact
calling the police to deescalate a situation
rafting your way off a desert island
correctly profiling total strangers based on vibes
effectively operating every computer by typing and nothing else
ripping an IV out of your arm without consequences
heterosexual cowboy
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dasy8316 · 4 days
assessing select MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles they add to the existing set
currently, the recognized set of Jin Ling Uncles seems to be as follows: [jiang cheng, jin guangyao, qin su (aunt), mo xuanyu, wei wuxian, lan wangji, lan xichen, nie mingjue, nie huaisang]
in recognizing an individual as a Jin Ling Uncle, the fandom appears to use the following set of rules:
Rule 1: the biological siblings or half-siblings of jin ling's mother and father are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 2: an individual recognized by jin ling's mother or father as a sibling, regardless of legal status or biological relation, is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 3: the spouse of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 4: the sworn siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 5: the biological siblings or half-siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
these 5 rules explain why all of the above listed individuals can be described as Jin Ling Uncles (and aunts):
Rule 1: jiang cheng jin guangyao, mo xuanyu, unknown number of jin guangshan's other bastards
Rule 2: wei wuxian
Rule 3: qin su, lan wangji
Rule 4: lan xichen, nie mingjue
Rule 5: lan wangji, nie huaisang
with these rules in mind, i shall now assess a select number of popular MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts) said ship being consummated adds to the existing set of Jin Ling Uncles. for the sake of argument, let us consider "consummation" as used in the previous sentence to entail legally recognized marriage, on the same level as what wangxian achieves at the end of canon. affairs are not enough to make an individual a Jin Ling Uncle.
wangxian wang and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles, wei wuxian by virtue of being recognized by jiang yanli as a brother, and lan wangji by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao, jin zixuan's half-brother. uncles+0
xicheng xi and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, jiang cheng by virtue of being jiang yanli's brother, and lan xichen by virtue of being the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
sangcheng sang and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie huaisang by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
chengyao cheng and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, chengyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
xiyao xi and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, xiyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
nieyao nie and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie mingjue by virtue of being jin guangyao's sworn brother. however, nieyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
3zun the same reasoning given for xiyao and nieyao also applies here. uncles+0, aunts-1
nielan nie and lan are already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
suyao su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, suyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
susu su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle. if su minshan and qin su get married, that entails qin su divorcing jin guangyao, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
sangyao sang and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, sangyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
ruoyao wen ruohan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with meng yao would make him one by Rule 3. however, ruoyao officially getting together entails that meng yao never married qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
xueyao xue yang is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, xueyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
chengning wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen ning's sister wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengqing wen qing is currently not a Jin Ling Aunt, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make her one by Rule 3. following wen qing's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing's brother wen ning becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
ningxian wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with wei wuxian would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt. while ningxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengxian cheng and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles. while chengxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+0
zhanchengxian zhan, cheng, and xian are all already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
rencheng lan qiren is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following lan qiren's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, lan qiren's brother qingheng-jun posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. following qingheng-jun's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 3, qingheng-jun's wife madam lan posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+2, aunts+1
chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. uncles+1
juniors swear brotherhood + subsequent chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. if the juniors have all sworn brotherhood already, then all of the juniors become Jin Ling Uncles by Rule 4. uncles+4, jin ling becomes his own uncle.
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dasy8316 · 4 days
assessing select MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles they add to the existing set
currently, the recognized set of Jin Ling Uncles seems to be as follows: [jiang cheng, jin guangyao, qin su (aunt), mo xuanyu, wei wuxian, lan wangji, lan xichen, nie mingjue, nie huaisang]
in recognizing an individual as a Jin Ling Uncle, the fandom appears to use the following set of rules:
Rule 1: the biological siblings or half-siblings of jin ling's mother and father are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 2: an individual recognized by jin ling's mother or father as a sibling, regardless of legal status or biological relation, is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 3: the spouse of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 4: the sworn siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 5: the biological siblings or half-siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
these 5 rules explain why all of the above listed individuals can be described as Jin Ling Uncles (and aunts):
Rule 1: jiang cheng jin guangyao, mo xuanyu, unknown number of jin guangshan's other bastards
Rule 2: wei wuxian
Rule 3: qin su, lan wangji
Rule 4: lan xichen, nie mingjue
Rule 5: lan wangji, nie huaisang
with these rules in mind, i shall now assess a select number of popular MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts) said ship being consummated adds to the existing set of Jin Ling Uncles. for the sake of argument, let us consider "consummation" as used in the previous sentence to entail legally recognized marriage, on the same level as what wangxian achieves at the end of canon. affairs are not enough to make an individual a Jin Ling Uncle.
wangxian wang and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles, wei wuxian by virtue of being recognized by jiang yanli as a brother, and lan wangji by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao, jin zixuan's half-brother. uncles+0
xicheng xi and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, jiang cheng by virtue of being jiang yanli's brother, and lan xichen by virtue of being the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
sangcheng sang and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie huaisang by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
chengyao cheng and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, chengyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
xiyao xi and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, xiyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
nieyao nie and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie mingjue by virtue of being jin guangyao's sworn brother. however, nieyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
3zun the same reasoning given for xiyao and nieyao also applies here. uncles+0, aunts-1
nielan nie and lan are already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
suyao su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, suyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
susu su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle. if su minshan and qin su get married, that entails qin su divorcing jin guangyao, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
sangyao sang and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, sangyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
ruoyao wen ruohan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with meng yao would make him one by Rule 3. however, ruoyao officially getting together entails that meng yao never married qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
xueyao xue yang is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, xueyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
chengning wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen ning's sister wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengqing wen qing is currently not a Jin Ling Aunt, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make her one by Rule 3. following wen qing's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing's brother wen ning becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
ningxian wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with wei wuxian would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt. while ningxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengxian cheng and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles. while chengxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+0
zhanchengxian zhan, cheng, and xian are all already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
rencheng lan qiren is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following lan qiren's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, lan qiren's brother qingheng-jun posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. following qingheng-jun's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 3, qingheng-jun's wife madam lan posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+2, aunts+1
chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. uncles+1
juniors swear brotherhood + subsequent chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. if the juniors have all sworn brotherhood already, then all of the juniors become Jin Ling Uncles by Rule 4. uncles+4, jin ling becomes his own uncle.
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dasy8316 · 4 days
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dasy8316 · 4 days
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dasy8316 · 6 days
We've all gotten just a bit too comfortable being jerks to strangers on the internet I think
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dasy8316 · 7 days
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dasy8316 · 7 days
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crops under the cut
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