datadouble · 6 years
I had vanity issues at the time. /from amelia
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‘ had, is it. ’ the delicate blur of amusement and disinterest peeks jagged teeth at the corners of ax’s mouth. ‘ is that why you started changing? or do you just like being vain in more than one shape? ’
totd. / accepting. / @withlwolves
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datadouble · 6 years
DOCTOR WHO: TIME OF THE DOCTOR sentence meme. feel free to change context/pronouns/etc as necessary.
Emergency! You’re my boyfriend.
Ding dong! Okay, brilliant.
No, no, you’re not actually my boyfriend. 
So, I may have accidentally invented a boyfriend. 
I just need you to come for dinner. Just do that for me. Come to dinner and be my date. 
I emailed you some instructions. 
No, stop, stop, don’t move. Don’t do anything. 
And please, just learn how to use iPlayer. 
So why haven’t you just gone down there and had a look? 
Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of her.
Actually, would you mind waiting out here, please?
Remember. I want you back in one hour.
You got bored one night, didn’t you?
My eyebrows are just delicate.
That wasn’t quite what I was meant to say! 
Maybe it’s just nice here. I almost hate to find out what’s wrong.
There you are. What took you so long? 
I knew. I always knew it wasn’t over. 
Okay, is that it? Are you doing a clever thing?
No. Don’t you dare. No, no!
Don’t you move one step further.
Don’t be cool. Cool is not cool!
Does this mean you’re leaving? 
You tricked me!
I saved you!
You didn’t even say goodbye!
Hey, after all these years, I’ve finally found somewhere that needs me to stick around. 
You can do it. You’ve got it in you. Come on, just hang on in there. 
Why did you send me away?
If I hadn’t sent you away, I’d have buried you a long time ago.
Have you been paying attention? 
I had vanity issues at the time.
Change the future. 
Every life I save is a victory. Every single one. 
What about your life? Just for once, after all this time, have you not earned the right to think about that? 
We shouldn’t be having an argument.
Everything ends. And sooner than you think.
I’m not interested in changing history. I want to change the future.
Why didn’t you call me? I could have helped. 
Well, you’d better kill me, then. Go on. 
Give me those big, sad eyes. Look at me so I know you’re not lying.
Tell me you will never send me away ever again.
I will never send you away again. 
I might leave tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the day after that.
Other fish in the sea, that’s what I’m saying.
I’ve got a suggestion, that’s all. I’ve got a list of suggestions. 
I’d seen him before, lots of times, but he just looked so beautiful standing there. 
I wanted everything to stop. I wanted nothing to change ever again. 
He shouldn’t die alone. Go to him.
Were you always so young? 
No. You’re going to stay here. Promise me you will. 
I’ll be keeping you safe. One last victory. Allow me that.
Thank you. And goodbye.
If you love him — and you should — help him. Help him. 
It’s started. I can’t stop it now. 
It all just disappears, doesn’t it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror.
Any moment now, he’s a-coming. 
Times change and so must I.
We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s okay, that’s good; you’ve got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear.
Please don’t change.
We’re probably crashing. 
Stay calm. Just one question. Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?
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datadouble · 6 years
very rough anatomy post so i have these down somewhere before i forget:
teeth like this, roughly (tw the image is .. unsettling, basically what i mean is ax has several rows of jaggedy teeth extending down its gullet if you don’t wanna look at the picture)
synechiae in its eyes, kind of; think like this
two additional, smaller, sets of arms below the main one; the lower two pairs are hairless, but otherwise appear more like cat limbs, ending in “toes” rather than fingers, and they have retractable claws. these two sets of arms can be retracted into ax’s body when it needs to pass for human, though it rarely bothers. (to answer the question you didn’t ask, yes, this means ax has toe beans.)
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datadouble · 6 years
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datadouble · 6 years
(    *    & .    —    THE  GOOD  PLACE  SENTENCE  STARTERS   /  PART 2 .
‘  and  then  i  remembered …  i’m  a  naughty  bitch .  ’
‘  because  i  love  you …  i  think .  no ,  i’m  pretty  sure .  yeah ,  i  love  you .  ’
‘  birth  is  a  curse .   existence  is  a  prison .  ’
‘  girl ,  you  are  a  messy  bitch  who  loves  drama  and  i’m  into  it .  ’
‘  holy  motherforking  shirtballs .  ’
‘  i  am  revved  up  and  ready  to  learn .  my  brain  is  horny !  ’
‘  i  came  to  apologize .  there …  i  did  it .  i  apologized .  ’
‘  i  could  kill  them  right  now  and ,  you  know ,  that  would  be  easy .  ’
‘  i  could  never  get  close  to  anyone .  i  never  even  told  a  boyfriend  i  loved  him .  ’
‘  i  don’t  know  how  to  describe  it …  like ,  a  different  zone  of  time .  no ,  that  sounds  stupid .  a  different  clock  land .  ’
‘  i  don’t  know  how  to  tell  you  this ,  but  i’m  dying .  i  mean ,  we’re  all  dying ,  slowly .  when  you  think  about  it ,  we  started  dying  the  day  we  were  born .  ’
‘  i  don’t  know ,  man .  maybe  just  tell  her  that  you’re  gay .  ’
‘  i  don’t  need  you  to  respond  because  i  know  you  have  trouble  saying  how  you  feel .  ’
‘  i  feel  like  you  always  understand  about  20%  of  what’s  happening .  ’
‘  i  got  a  flu  virus  named  after  me  because  i  kissed  a  bat  on  a  dare .  ’
‘  i  just  have  some  worries ,  as  well  as  some  concerns  that  could  potentially  turn  into  outright  fears .  oh ,  there  they  go .  they  are  fears  now .  ’
‘  i  love  you .  and  i  don’t  need  you  to  respond  because  i  know  you  have  trouble  saying  how  you  feel .  ’
‘  i  was  a  good  person  for  six  months .  that’s  like  five  years .  ’
‘  i  wasn’t  worth  changing  for .  ’
‘  i  will  literally  see  you  all  in  hell .  ’
‘  in  the  words  of  my  actual  friends  :  ya  basic !  ’
‘  is  everything  okay ?  i  mean ,  other  than ,  you  know …  everything .  ’
‘  is  this  why  you  came  here ?  to  scold  me  on  the  metric  system ?  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  eat  all  this  chili …  and / or  die  trying .  do  you  want  any ?  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  miss  you ,  bud .  ’
‘  i’m  outtie ,  see  ya  in  hell !  ’
‘  i’ve  gained  a  lot  of  new  skills  recently .  for  example ,  i  learned  how  to  be  passive  aggressive .  totally  fine  that  you  guys  didn’t  notice .  ’
‘  love  isn’t  a  triangle ,  it’s  a  five  dimensional  blob .  ’
‘  more  guys  should  be  bi .  it’s  2018 .  it’s  like ,  get  over  yourselves !  ’
‘  none  of  your  exes  have  gotten  over  you .  ’
‘  oh no !  now  the  thing  i  said  after  we  kissed  will  always  be  ‘ hot  diggity  dog . ’  oh  well ,  it  was  an  honest  reaction  and  i  stand  by  that .  ’
‘  somehow ,  i  never  want  to  leave  you .  ’
‘  that  broke  me .  i’m  done .  ’
‘  that’s  not  a  present .  that’s  just  common  decency .  ’
‘  the  other  possible  medical  diagnosis  is  that  you’re  just  a  bit  of  a  dick .  ’
‘  their  bodies  are  made  very  poorly .  they’re  mostly  goo  and  juice .  you  just  take  the  juice  out  and  then  they’re  dead .  ’
‘  there’s  no  point  to  anything  and  you’re  just  gonna  die  so  do  whatever !  ’
‘  ugh ,  of  course  your  hugs  are  amazing .  ’
‘  wasn’t  he  banned  from  disney  world  for  biting  buzz  lightyear ?  ’
‘  what  a  creep .  why  was  i  friends  with  him ?  ’
‘  whatever  progress  i  have  made  it’s  because  you  and  i  have  become  friends .  ’
‘  whenever  anyone  tells  me  a  story  about  their  life  i  imagine  all  the  people  as  being  super  hot .  otherwise  i  quickly  lose  interest .  ’
‘  who  the  hell  is  this  chick ?  ’
‘  why  do  bad  things  always  happen  to  mediocre  people  who  are  lying  about  their  identity ?  ’
‘  why  is  it  every  time  a  new  thing  is  invented  humans  immediately  try  to  use  it  for  porn ?  ’
‘  yeah ,  i  love  you .  ugh ,  that’s  embarrassing .  i  feel  so  itchy .  ’
‘  you  are  too  selfish  to  ever  be  a  good  person .  ’
‘  you  got  it ,  you  piece  of ...  butt .  ’
‘  you  need  to  ghost  her .  disappear .  block  her  number .  bonus  :  anything  she  left  in  your  apartment  is  now  legally  yours .  ’
‘  you  are  brilliant ,  charming ,  obviously  gorgeous .  ’
‘  you’re  my  friend .  that’s  why  i  can’t  kill  you .  ’
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datadouble · 6 years
(    *    & .    —    THE  GOOD  PLACE  SENTENCE  STARTERS   /  PART 2 .
‘  and  then  i  remembered …  i’m  a  naughty  bitch .  ’
‘  because  i  love  you …  i  think .  no ,  i’m  pretty  sure .  yeah ,  i  love  you .  ’
‘  birth  is  a  curse .   existence  is  a  prison .  ’
‘  girl ,  you  are  a  messy  bitch  who  loves  drama  and  i’m  into  it .  ’
‘  holy  motherforking  shirtballs .  ’
‘  i  am  revved  up  and  ready  to  learn .  my  brain  is  horny !  ’
‘  i  came  to  apologize .  there …  i  did  it .  i  apologized .  ’
‘  i  could  kill  them  right  now  and ,  you  know ,  that  would  be  easy .  ’
‘  i  could  never  get  close  to  anyone .  i  never  even  told  a  boyfriend  i  loved  him .  ’
‘  i  don’t  know  how  to  describe  it …  like ,  a  different  zone  of  time .  no ,  that  sounds  stupid .  a  different  clock  land .  ’
‘  i  don’t  know  how  to  tell  you  this ,  but  i’m  dying .  i  mean ,  we’re  all  dying ,  slowly .  when  you  think  about  it ,  we  started  dying  the  day  we  were  born .  ’
‘  i  don’t  know ,  man .  maybe  just  tell  her  that  you’re  gay .  ’
‘  i  don’t  need  you  to  respond  because  i  know  you  have  trouble  saying  how  you  feel .  ’
‘  i  feel  like  you  always  understand  about  20%  of  what’s  happening .  ’
‘  i  got  a  flu  virus  named  after  me  because  i  kissed  a  bat  on  a  dare .  ’
‘  i  just  have  some  worries ,  as  well  as  some  concerns  that  could  potentially  turn  into  outright  fears .  oh ,  there  they  go .  they  are  fears  now .  ’
‘  i  love  you .  and  i  don’t  need  you  to  respond  because  i  know  you  have  trouble  saying  how  you  feel .  ’
‘  i  was  a  good  person  for  six  months .  that’s  like  five  years .  ’
‘  i  wasn’t  worth  changing  for .  ’
‘  i  will  literally  see  you  all  in  hell .  ’
‘  in  the  words  of  my  actual  friends  :  ya  basic !  ’
‘  is  everything  okay ?  i  mean ,  other  than ,  you  know …  everything .  ’
‘  is  this  why  you  came  here ?  to  scold  me  on  the  metric  system ?  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  eat  all  this  chili …  and / or  die  trying .  do  you  want  any ?  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  miss  you ,  bud .  ’
‘  i’m  outtie ,  see  ya  in  hell !  ’
‘  i’ve  gained  a  lot  of  new  skills  recently .  for  example ,  i  learned  how  to  be  passive  aggressive .  totally  fine  that  you  guys  didn’t  notice .  ’
‘  love  isn’t  a  triangle ,  it’s  a  five  dimensional  blob .  ’
‘  more  guys  should  be  bi .  it’s  2018 .  it’s  like ,  get  over  yourselves !  ’
‘  none  of  your  exes  have  gotten  over  you .  ’
‘  oh no !  now  the  thing  i  said  after  we  kissed  will  always  be  ‘ hot  diggity  dog . ’  oh  well ,  it  was  an  honest  reaction  and  i  stand  by  that .  ’
‘  somehow ,  i  never  want  to  leave  you .  ’
‘  that  broke  me .  i’m  done .  ’
‘  that’s  not  a  present .  that’s  just  common  decency .  ’
‘  the  other  possible  medical  diagnosis  is  that  you’re  just  a  bit  of  a  dick .  ’
‘  their  bodies  are  made  very  poorly .  they’re  mostly  goo  and  juice .  you  just  take  the  juice  out  and  then  they’re  dead .  ’
‘  there’s  no  point  to  anything  and  you’re  just  gonna  die  so  do  whatever !  ’
‘  ugh ,  of  course  your  hugs  are  amazing .  ’
‘  wasn’t  he  banned  from  disney  world  for  biting  buzz  lightyear ?  ’
‘  what  a  creep .  why  was  i  friends  with  him ?  ’
‘  whatever  progress  i  have  made  it’s  because  you  and  i  have  become  friends .  ’
‘  whenever  anyone  tells  me  a  story  about  their  life  i  imagine  all  the  people  as  being  super  hot .  otherwise  i  quickly  lose  interest .  ’
‘  who  the  hell  is  this  chick ?  ’
‘  why  do  bad  things  always  happen  to  mediocre  people  who  are  lying  about  their  identity ?  ’
‘  why  is  it  every  time  a  new  thing  is  invented  humans  immediately  try  to  use  it  for  porn ?  ’
‘  yeah ,  i  love  you .  ugh ,  that’s  embarrassing .  i  feel  so  itchy .  ’
‘  you  are  too  selfish  to  ever  be  a  good  person .  ’
‘  you  got  it ,  you  piece  of ...  butt .  ’
‘  you  need  to  ghost  her .  disappear .  block  her  number .  bonus  :  anything  she  left  in  your  apartment  is  now  legally  yours .  ’
‘  you  are  brilliant ,  charming ,  obviously  gorgeous .  ’
‘  you’re  my  friend .  that’s  why  i  can’t  kill  you .  ’
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datadouble · 6 years
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NIKITA | 1x05 The Guardian
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