datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
This is me.
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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bitch ass nazis
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
sometimes people don’t come back. and sometimes it’s okay.
k. azizian (via kianaazizian)
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
I’m trapped between ‘I don’t want to fuck this up’ and ‘I want to get fucked up’
(via thespiritualgangsta)
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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13 (after Patricia Smith)
Donte Collins’s book, Autopsy, is released on the 18th July!. Get your copy now!
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
Highly sensitive (introverted) people process their environments - both physical and emotional - unusually deeply. They tend to notice subtleties that others miss - another person’s shift in mood, or a lightbulb burning a touch too brightly.
Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (via wordsnquotes)
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
My favorite lie.
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
All that's alive must die and go back to the earth.
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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Sometimes there isn't enough vodka to cure this feeling.
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
Mr. Drummer
Theme Song: Angel by Massive Attack
Compatibility: 9/10
Looks: 8.5/10
Personality: 9/10
You had me at “I play the drums” and we still haven’t missed a beat.
This story starts in a bar that’s just somewhere basic.Your intellectual comments fueled the conversation with my laughter stitched in between like lace. This involved drinks and bar hopping with “classy” settings while trying to find just the right songs on the jukebox. I watched the time pass through our fingertips as afternoon turned to evening. You kept me high always wanting more. Then like a shadow in the night we slipped away together with sealed promises of bliss in an unspoken language only we share. 
The next chapter involves art, emotion and enjoying each other, not only as a distance but also up close. My cheeks hurt from the constant smile smeared across my face. The butterflies not only danced in my stomach but they danced everywhere you touched me, leaving invisible memories. We suspended our bodies together in time and space to only turn and walk away from one another.
The distance too unbearable, again we meet. I felt frozen in a moment that I just didn’t want to leave. Kisses in the rain, kisses on the forehead, kisses on my lips and hands tightly woven together in the lights of the city. Sharing glances without a single word whispered. You’ve seen the beauty of me. Keep it safe. Keep it close. Like a flower I do not open often.
This just isn’t over yet.
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
Mr. Whispering Winds
Theme Song: Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Compatibility: 8/10
Looks: 7.5/10
Personality: 8.5/10
You had me from the start and still do, wrapped up within the sweet whirl of spring air.
You are without a doubt a beautiful free individual. We had dinner, talked for hours and just enjoyed the company of another human. Wine and laughter sitting outside in the cool breeze. Your smile and kiss could calm the most wild storm. Never lose who you are. You came and left within the same sentence and yet I cannot forget you. The inspiration you left within my soul will safely be kept tucked inside.
I let you perch within my hand like a wild thing and then smiled as you flew away knowing that there’s a chance you’ll come back. 
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datingdiva365-blog · 7 years
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Theme Song: Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill
Compatibility: 6/10
Looks: 6.5/10
Personality: 5/10
You had me at professional gambler and lost me at “can I borrow $40”.
Date one, you’re late. Well since I’m a big girl so I go get my latte and patiently wait. (queue Jeopardy music) You finally get there things are okay and we just talk awhile. But I’m pretty sure my coffee was better company than you.
Date two, dinner. I arrive at 6:30 and ask if you’re there yet. You’re 45 minutes away bowling with your friends. Why am I not surprised at this point?  You tell me you forgot because your a stoner with ADD. Uh sure okay. I keep calm and collected even though I’m heated AF. We meet at 8 for coffee instead.
Now here is where sh*t gets weird. One afternoon you turned into a monster; angry, evil, and without any empathy. At this point I’m sure you’re trying to run game staring me as your side chick. I wrote the rules, nice try, game over.
Finally a few days later you pop up again and randomly ask to borrow $40. Dude, go kick rocks kid.
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