datura-prince · 4 years
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Illuminated page with a botanical illustration.
Taken from ‘Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne’ (1505-1510) by Jean Bourdichon (1457?-1521).
Image and text information courtesy Bibliothèque Nationale de France - Gallica.
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datura-prince · 4 years
Catalan Witch's Chant on St. John's Eve
On this night, many bonfires were lit to ward and frighten away the witches who flew about gathering herbs which were given an extra power and potency. The witches were said to gather on the peak of Pedraforca and sing: Alfàbrega i valeriana, menta i ruda salven tota criatura Ruda i valeriana menta i alfàbrega, tot ho cura i tot ho salva. Menta i alfàbrega, ruda i valeriana salven tota persona nada. Ruda i Valeriana, alfàbrega i sàlvia, tot el món salven. Basil and valerian, Mint and rue Save all creation Rue and valerian, Mint and basil Cure all and save all Mint and basil Rue and valerian Save every person born Rue and valerian Basil and sage Save the whole world.
The devil in the form of a goat would jump into the circle, singing this in response to each verse:
Més val l'orella d'ós que ho cura i salva tot. The borage leaf is worth more Which cures and saves all.
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datura-prince · 5 years
Ostara Masterpost💐✨
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Stay Positive - Stay Powerful
✨💐Overview 💐✨
Wicca 101: Ostara 
The Witch Talks: The Spring EquinoxOstara and The Spring Equinox 
Ostara - 21st of March 
Blessed Ostara
💐🥚What Can I Do To Celebrate Ostara?🥚💐 
Setting Up Your Altar: Ostara 
Laurel’s Easy Sabbat Planning Guide 
🌸Happy Spring Equinox!!🌸 
Celebrate Ostara!
Celebrate Ostara 
🌻🌷 Spring Witchcraft 🌹💐 
✨💐Food 💐✨
💐🍠Ostara Quiche🍠💐 
Ostara Tea
Ostara Honey Cakes
Ostara Honey Cake
Ostara Lavender Lemonade
Ostara Sugar Cookies
Ostara Honey and Milk Cake Recipe
✨💐 Spells 💐✨
Spring Healing Jar Spell 
🌿Spring Glamour Shower Spell🌻
🌵✨Springtime Spell✨🌵
spring spell 
✨💐 Rituals 💐✨
A Springtime Ritual
🌸springtime renewal ritual
Lushcraft: Cleansing and Restoring Ostara Bath
✨💐Tarot 💐✨
Tarot Spell for Self-Empowerment
New Life Tarot Spread
Ostara Serpent Magic Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to welcome Ostara!
✨💐Correspondences 💐✨
Ostara Plants 
Ostara Foods
Ostara Flowers 
Ostara Correspondences!
Fertility Correspondences 💕
✨💐Other 💐✨
Ostara Psychic Body Scrub
Ostara Oil
Ostara Oil II
Ostara Oil III
Ostara Oil IV
Spring Time Oil 
Offering stones
💘L o v e w a t e r 💧
Quick Guide to Celebrating the Sabbats 🌻
Seasonal Herbs/Ingredients/Flower
Ostara Crafts: Lover’s Wand
💖🥚Ostara Tips!🥚💖
I will be updating this whenever I find anything new!
✨disclaimer // none of these belong to me! all credit goes to the creators! never listen to just one source, do you own research!
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datura-prince · 5 years
One of the most important entries you can put into any spellbook, ritual book, whatever you want to call it, isn’t a spell or a list. It’s your own inspiration or inspired thought. Something you can refer to when you’re feeling the way you are again, your own letter to yourself as a reminder of the last time you were “here”.
Write the mystically inspiring thought that came to you just as you laid down to bed that kept you up half the night or the one that happened just as you jumped into the shower before you headed to work or the revelation that came to you while you were deep in your stats homework. That’s the wisdom you’re looking for when you open that book during your ritual. You don’t need a separate book for these insights, they should go in the one you’re already using regularly, because that’s when they happened, and that’s where you’ll see them.
Those will keep you moving forward in your practice far more than any academic-sounding entry about a list of crystals you will never use.
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datura-prince · 5 years
Sun Oil
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🌞 to borrow the essence of the Sun. Can be used according to the associations of the Sun (energy, luck, happiness, warmth, luck, etc.)
• ingredients:
-saffron (wealth, warmth)
-bay leaf (cleansing, wards negativity)
-lemon and/or orange zest (energy, cleansing)
-lemon and/or orange seed (attract the Sun’s energy)
-red pepper flakes (energy, heat)
-citrine (sunshine, joy, luck)
-red carnelian (Sun energy, physicality)
-glitter (optional; sunshine)
-petals of any yellow, orange, or red flower (optional)
• sunflower oil is best for this but you can use any oil you like!
• leave to charge in sunlight for a day
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datura-prince · 5 years
nothing is better than finding a walking stick
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datura-prince · 5 years
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Orb weaver, 2018
📷: urldeath
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datura-prince · 5 years
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datura-prince · 5 years
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Update on my pentacle garden altar - plants inside: mugwort, hosta, calla lilly, parsley, mint, petunias, bugleweed, marshmallow, chamomile, calendula, periwinkle, and rosemary.
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datura-prince · 5 years
Resources for Tea Magic
Updated: July 21st, 2016
General Resources
[Herbal Tea]
[Herbs & Properties For Tea Blending]
[Herbs for Magical Teas]
[Tea (and Such)] (a masterpost)
[Tea Correspondences in Magic]
[Tea Time]
[Tea Witchcraft]
[Witch Teas]; [with some additions]
Magic, Spells, and Recipes
[Anger Dispersion Magick Tea]
[Easy Anger Release Spell]
[To Free Yourself From Anger]
[Calm That Anxiety Tea]
[Make Your Own Herbal Medicine Chest for Anxiety]
[Rainy Day Anxiety Spell]
Calming and Comfort
[Autumn Tea]
[Calming Herbal Tea]
[Calming Spirits Ritual Tea]
[A Calming Tea]
[Lavender Tea]
[Rainy Day Tea]
[Simple Relaxation Tea]
[Winter Spice Tea] 
[Cleansing Lavender Mint Tea]
[Cleansing Tea]
[Banishing Self-Doubt] (tw: gif as blog background)
[Quick Confidence Potion]
[Summer Divination Tea]
[Tea for Divination]
[The “I’m Tired, I’m Dying” Spell]
[Potion of Extreme Stamina]
[Ridiculously Easy Energy Tea Spell]
The Fae
[Fairy Tea] (tw: music autoplay)
[Fairy Wisdom Tea]
[Witch Tea: The Fae Garden]
[Mental Focus Tea]
[Blues Tea]
[“Everything That’s Wonderful” Spell]
[Lavender Blues Balm]
Healing and Health
[Cold Tea] (for treatment of colds)
[Headache Brew]
[Healing Milky-Spice Tea]
[Herbal Tea for Tension Headaches]
[Instant Feel Good Tea]
[Marshmallow Tea] (for sore throat or digestive problems)
[Respiratory Tea]
[Spell for Cramps]
[Stomach Ache Tea]
[Tea for Clear Skin]
[Tea for Headaches]
[Upset Stomach Tea]
[Winter Sore Throat “Tea”]
Love and Romance
[Love Renewal Tea]
[Love Tea]
[Tea for Love]
[Tea for Love]
[Lucky Tea]
[Financial Success Magick Tea]
[Money Tea]
Motivation and Productivity
[Witch Tea: Productivi-Tea]
[Afternoon Sun Tea] (to relax and re-energize)
[Apple Tea Spell] (for protection and to help with mental health)
[Glamoured Chai Latte] (beauty and sexual desire)
[Healing and Courage Tea]
[Herbal Tea Remedies]
[Herbal Tea Remedies]
[Liquid Love and Happiness Potion]
[Morning Coffee Spell] (to feel energized and empowered)
[Starbucks Brews for the Witch On-the-Go] (includes teas for study / motivation, self love, and calming)
[Tea Spells] (tw: music autoplay)
[TeaLC — Ten Herbal Teas for the Body and Soul]
For Others
[Sweeten Them Up Tea]
Past Lives
[Past Life Tea Spell]
[All Around Protection Iced Tea]
[High Protection Winter Tea]
[Psychic Protection Tea]
[Witch Tea: Securi-Tea]
Psychic Powers
[Psychic Divination Tea]
[Psychic Stimulation Tea]
[Psychic Tea]
[Teas for Increasing Psychic Abilities]
[A Spell for Relationship Clarity]
School and Studying
[Witch Tea: Going to Class]
Self Love
[Self Love Magick Tea]
Sleep and Dreams
[Dreamwork Tea]
[Good Night Lavender Chai]
[Happy Dreaming Tea]
[Insomnia Tea]
[Jigglypuff’s Sleepy Time Tea Spell]
[Mellow Insomnia Tea]
[A Simple Sleep Spell]
[Sleep Sleep Tea]
[Sleepy Time Tea]
[Sweet Dreams and Good Sleep Tea]
[“Afraid of Doctors” Tea Spell]
[Tea for Mental Strength]
[Anti-Stress Herbal Tea]
[“Truth in a Cup” Spell]
[Seers Tea]
[A Tea to See]
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datura-prince · 5 years
The Great Goddess Hecate (Hekate)
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Who is Hecate? She is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, Ghosts, Magic, and, in some instances, the Night, Darkness, The Mist, and Moon. For some She is also the goddess of motherhood, protection, and the sea. She is a Hellenic deity, born of the Titans Asteria and Perses. There’s a few beliefs circling around Her being a crone goddess or a Triple Goddess, but those are modern and neopagan beliefs—which She predates. I also consider Her to be a part of the Chthonic deities.
Symbology: Black dogs, Wolves, Keys, Torches, Flames, Torches, Crossroads, Serpents, Daggers, Birds of Prey (crows, ravens, owls), the Moon, witchcraft tools (such as cauldrons, tarot, athames)
Offerings & Devotional Acts for Her:
Figurines of any of Her symbols
keys, skeleton keys, lockets
fire witchcraft and candles, flames, matchsticks
dedicating any lunar or symbolic jewelry to Her
black/dark crystals such as obsidian and onyx
nocturnal animal imagery
black/cool colored glitter
baneful/poisonous herbs and plants
pomegranates/berries (She seems to really like blackberries)
dark blend wines
honey, cinnamon, poppy seeds, chocolates (dark)
mugwort, lavender, roses, jasmine, dragon’s blood
bones and feathers from birds of prey (please check your local laws about obtaining these)
pinpricks of blood (please DO NOT attempt this if you struggle with self harm/etc, blood magic is particularly strong and isn’t for everyone. She will understand if you cannot offer that to her).
Taking midnight walks, setting up altars and rituals at crossroads, paying respects to the dead and practicing your craft in a cemetery 
Any playlists, poems, literature, whether it be your own or just a piece you associate with Her, also make wonderful offerings. 
Lunar Influences & Connections: Reaching out to Hecate tends to work best at night, and really any time the moon is at it’s peak. The Witching Hours, midnight to 3A.M., during strong lunar influences (blue moons, blood moons, eclipses, new moons, etc) all hold strong bonds with Hecate. Also, any time it is particularly foggy or your surroundings are covered in a mist is a good time to try to connect with Her.
Disclaimer: These are correspondences that have been gathered through my personal experiences working through my craft with Her. If you find She responds better to different offerings/during different times, by all means, stick to it! Your bond with Her is your own and should be cultivated in whichever way works best for you and Her. Thank You!
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datura-prince · 5 years
a little urban witchcraft story
the best, and most successful ritual i’ve ever done was in the back of a shopping complex’s parking lot, at the bottom of a hill that sat about a mile from the highway.
we were totally concealed yet in plain site
with some of my closest friends we wished for better lives, more money, and the happiness that comes with it. we wanted to have fun and get paid for it. money isn’t everything, but we’ve all been struggling for it lately. we made that collective wish.
our circle was made from glitter spray paint. we didn’t have salt.
we haphazardly threw around herbs and shoved them in our respective jars, since one of us needed to get to work on time. it was rapid-fire witchcraft, and by the end of it we were covered in glitter, herbs, grass, maybe a little bit of candle wax. we passed around ingredients in a circle, and the energy was pure chaos. it was the most fun i’ve had in a while.
we gave offerings to our respective deities.
poured them out by the nearby man-made lake.
and to end the spell, we all stood up and talked about what we wanted to manifest, ending each affirmation with hoots and hollers and applause from one another. each spell jar was blessed with that energy, the energy of love and support for a friend! i still feel it now.
it was one of the quickest and sloppiest spells i’ve EVER done, but the positive energy of my friends was just PALPABLE. and guess what? the spell worked.
you don’t have to have fancy rituals in dark rooms. you don’t have to do it by the book. if it feels right, and you FEEL that energy, you did a good ritual.
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datura-prince · 5 years
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“What’s My Problem?” Spread
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1. What you think the problem is 2. What the problem actually is 3. Your role in the problem 4. Outside influences 5. Past cause/Source 6. Current obstacles 7. Immediate future 8. Advice/Solution 9. End result (if advice is taken)
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(If the same spread already exists, it is purely coincidental!)
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datura-prince · 5 years
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Blouse: Moi Meme Moitie Pants: Fan + Friend Waist Corset: Black Peace Now Top Hat: Villagehatshop OTKs: Innocent World Jabot, feather epaulette: Self-Made
Mostly black mature gothic ouji coord. I’ve been wearing a lot of blouses + skirts/pants lately (so comfy) and wanted to photograph something similar. I made the poofy jabot myself. It’s the kind of shape I have wanted from a jabot and I could not find! Also this is the first coord to be shot in my new home studio I made.
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datura-prince · 5 years
Here’s another little lesson that’s on Spells, Spellwork, Ritualwork, etc. My coven does a lot of lessons for witches and witchlings~! I hope this helps you all. If you have any questions, my inbox is always open!
Dictionary Definition of a Spell: A spell is a spoken or written formula that when used in an act of magick is intended to cause or influence a particular course of events.
Spells, Charms, Hexes, Curses, oh my! This is that part of witchcraft where everyone gets into, and most often the topic you hear when you hear the word “witchcraft” itself. Today in this Lecture we will talk about the details and magick of Spells.
What’s in the structure of the magickal spell?
There are 5 tips that will help create the spell itself:
Intention: What you aim for.
Will: Your determination and courage
Desire: Your interest of the spell
Knowledge: How much you know about the spell (associations)
Visualization: The magickal process
Another form of magick crafting and structuring, is the Witches Pyramid.
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To Dare - Audere
Water - West
Audere is associated with courage. It is the witches emotions of the spell, as well as their intent. It’s their drive to make the spell. They dare themselves to surrender and follow the universal energies to solve the situation they desire. They dare themselves to do magick without fear or self-doubt.
Association:  the witch’s emotions – heart – sense of challenge – drive to overcome and courage.
To Will - Velle
Fire - South
Velle is where morality stands. This is the belief system, what their conviction and how it will manifest the magic. You don’t want to curse when you don’t think it’s right. This is how your opinion is on the matter of the magick. This is also the internal drive of your magick.
Association:  the witch’s will – belief system – discipline – application of magical skills – approach to life – approach to magic.
To Know - Noscere
Air - East
Noscere is the knowledge you need to conduct the spell. There’s of course knowing what to do, the associations that go along with the spell(ie. Materials) and your reasoning and understanding. The more the witch learns, understands, and continues to learn, the more powerful and effective the magick will be. This is where you have to know yourself, your craft, and continue to apply your knowledge then. Intuition applies.
Association:  reason – intellect – intuition – wisdom -psychic awareness -abilities – rationalising – analysing – imagining – skills in the art of magic and mystical knowledge gained on any level, either through tutors on the earthplane or those from other realms.
To keep silent - Tacere
Earth - North
Tacere is the quiet understanding, and that not everything magickal needs to be shared. Sometimes there is power in silence and understanding. Some things are just better understood than spoken about. This also applies to internal silence, the grounding and centering before any spell. Still and clear channels are made before invoking energies.
Associated with inner calm, silent knowing, protecting sacred knowledge.
To Go - Ire
Ire is the magick manifesting. It is the point to where the magick is made and directed and going forth. This is also applying to “forget and move on”. If you keep thinking about the spell you made and hoping so much for it to work, the energies will be still trapped within. The moment you forget and move on, the magick flows freely forth. Ire brings the 4 elements into balance. Ire is also the product of the spell.
This is very important, and if any one of the 4 balancing base elements are affected, the spell may be affected itself. If you have trouble getting a successful spell, try and reflect over the Witches pyramid and what could’ve improved. Another thing to remember is to be patient. You don’t want to cast a spell, and after being impatient on it’s product, conducting another spell to help it, and another, only to have it all be effective simultaneously, creating a mess.
Now after learning the structure of the spell, let’s learn the different types!
Types of Spells
The 3 C’s:
Consecrating: blessing and making something sacred
Charging: to fill an item with an intended energy
Cleansing: Literally cleansing or removing of negative energies to a specific person, thing, place, or situation/event.
Blessings: Bringing positive energy(of a certain intent or just in general) to a specific person, thing, place, or situation/event. Bringing upon good luck.
Glamour: Charming an item or being to give an illusion of a changed appearance
Jar spells: Doing a spell charm using jars.
Charms, Amulets, and Talismans: Often enhancements on a specific item with a certain intent.
Negative/Punishing offense Magick: These are often the “dark” part of magick, where the intent is darker and tend to be more negative.
Curses: Any spell meant to cause harm(Physical, Psychologically, or emotionally) to someone of something..
Jinx: A spell that causes repetitive and/or continual bad luck(Normally the intent is to cause irritation)
Hexes: A minor Curse, not as powerful or last as long as a curse.
Binding: restricts the person/entity from doing something. Normally cast to keep the person/entity from hurting themselves or others. Also can be reversible.
Materials, Tools, and Ingredients
Materials, Tools, and ingredients are what help give that spell an “UMPH”. Some people see it as an enhancement to the spell, or, to compare, possibly a recipe to a great big food(metaphorically speaking). The most important tool is yourself, Remember that. Without you, the magick can’t be made. You can make the spell by yourself, and you don’t NEED the ingredients.
The first thing to start off in this are the associations made. How to associate the Materials, Tools, and Ingredients? USE YOUR INTUITION. It’s way more accurate than others. If you don’t feel as though this certain association fits, then use the association that you think would fit best. I will list down some basics and commons on associations, but do not follow if you do not “vibe” with it.
Crystals: used to enhance the energy of an area/person, and possibly charge an item(for example, gem water)
Some known examples:
Amethyst - Calm, Sobriety, Psychic enhancement/awareness
Quartz - universal energy enhancer, substitute for any crystal(all-purpose stone)
Rose Quartz - Love, Romance, Peace
Herbs: Used to enhance the spell by burning, mixing, ingesting, brewing, etc.
Lavender: Calmness, Peace
Cinnamon: Fire, Enhancement, Power, Courage
Pink - Permanent rather than passionate love, Compassion, Gentleness
Magenta - Powerful energy source, Transformation
Red - Love, Passion, Strong emotions, Strength, Anger, Transformation, Truth
Orange - Activity, Change, Dynamism
Yellow - Intellect, understanding, Air, Travel, Comprehension, Memory
Green - Money, Prosperity, Luck, Stability
Blue - Relaxation, Peace, Healing
Purple - Psychic, Deep relaxation, Meditation, Magick
Beige - Sweet Sentiments, Permanent Tranquility
Brown - Earthy, Justice, Balance, Moderation, Stability
Silver - Moon, Intuition, Artemis
Gold - Sun, Strength, Apollo
Black - Mystery, Letting go, moving on, Banishing, Necromancy, Control negative forces
White - Substitute for any other color, enhances energy of other colors, Purity, Cleansing, Healing, Divine.
This list is also a great quick reference to candle colors, as they can be used to also invoke specific energies and intentions.
Circles and Rituals
Dictionary definition of Ritual: a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order
Rituals are, as the dictionary says, a ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed in a certain order. Not every spell is a ritual, but not every ritual is a spell. Circles are temporary protective spaces used to conduct rituals. Sometimes, certain rituals can drain, so remember to ground and center!
Making your own spells vs. using other spells
There’s a lot of controversy on spell making and using others spells. For my opinion, it’s whatever you want to do! Some people just can’t write spells and it’s okay! I think of spells as a recipe. You can share one, share them, and others can follow as well. As long as you follow the instructions it’s okay. Remember, the magick comes from you. Now it’s up to you on how to direct it and structure it.
In Conclusion…
Spells are a spoken or written formula that when used in an act of magick is intended to cause or influence a particular course of events. They are what gets a lot of people into witchcraft. There is a structure in every spell, and following it can help outline the spell. There are many different kinds, from blessings to curses. Some spells require materials, tools, and ingredients, and it’s up to you whether it fits with associations. Circles and rituals make up some spells and it’s also up to you.
🔮 All-Things-Witchcraft 🔮
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datura-prince · 6 years
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Witchy Moon*:・゚✧
A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!
The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!
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datura-prince · 6 years
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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