davheira · 2 months
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Sean is working on a new project in The Bahamas
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davheira · 2 months
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+ 9 avatars Sean Teale (1-9)
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davheira · 3 months
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New interview and shoot of Sean Teale for Maeving
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davheira · 3 months
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sean teale via instagram
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davheira · 3 months
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davheira · 3 months
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get to know me meme >> Favorite Male Characters [26/?] Marcos Diaz (The Gifted)
The X-Men chose us for a reason, and it's not 'cause we can kill. If we wanted to kill people, we would have done it a thousand times already, but we didn't. We have to be better than that.
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davheira · 3 months
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Sean Teale for the charity Humen
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davheira · 4 months
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Christmas Countdown 7.5 - Sean Teale + Yellow
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davheira · 4 months
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Sean Teale for Humen Campaign
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davheira · 4 months
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"I'll always be here, waiting for you, my love. No matter how long it took— a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years. I will never stop looking."
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davheira · 4 months
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New portrait of Sean by Pip
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davheira · 4 months
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"A good Marshal does not ambassador make, but I can't deny it has been a rather interesting task." It is a role he had never seen himself taking, until he had, and he found it altogether too interesting to drop now. He has good rapport with the Senate, his affability and lack of disregard for humanity made him relatively well liked by most, and his song and careless attitude made it so he was ever underestimated by those around him. Easier to gather information that way, easier still to drop a word or two to distract those around them. "I am, yes. Although, I am rather interested in this upcoming Lupercal, I must admit."
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“Abba will be in the rotation, you don’t have to worry about that.” Meryasek grinned a little as he looked at Davhy, tilting his head. “Me? Maybe. I did tell them you were a good Marshal. And it’s only because you loved to talk. And sing. So people were always flocking towards you.” The bard was aptly named, someone who could get information through song, through gossip of the lowly humans that always knew something. Either way, Davhy had gone all the way to the Astral Sea – that stood for something. “Are you enjoying it?”
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davheira · 4 months
"Frankly, all the better for you. Noble Elves are an acquired taste, and they are all the more interesting for it, if not a tad eccentric," he says, as if he had any place to talk. Perhaps that is why he gets along so well with many of the noble folk, while finding difficult common ground with commoners despite his general good mood. For all his faults, Davheira is painfully honest with himself, and he knows he was unusual even before he became a lythari. Now he stood even stranger, but he has never gotten around to caring. Each snowflake is unique in a winter storm, so it stands to reason that former winter fey were equally unique. "It makes you all the more approachable for mortals and immortals alike," he offers the compliment kindly before nodding thoughtfully. "Fair enough. I am planning on doing something similar, if my other plans do not come to fruition. Striking balance seems like it will be interesting."
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"Me and you both." A sly smile paints her lips and she's speaking mostly about her promotion but it sounds as if she's in agreement about the curiosity behind his promotion and it's a bit cheeky but when she is in a good mood, she has the ability to be playful as the spring sun can be when it begins to coax the flowers to grow. "I am noble but I think I've always been the furthest thing from it in practice." At times she worried that the siblings didn't make her father proud and the memory of her late dad with their rebellion and straying from the intended path. "I've always loved to bake and my delight at making pasteries in the early hours isn't likely to go away but it used to be something that I did to give my life purpose and now my life is very full with love so I might spend more hours in the Elven realm than the mortal one." which the opposite used to be true.
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davheira · 4 months
"Oh, my dear friend. I have romantic woes and triumphs, legends come to life and a quest for the legends," he sighs dramatically, placing a hand to his chest and sighing thoughtfully as he dons a mockingly pensive expression before giving the vampire a sly grin. "Though, I hear I am not the only one that has been rather busy recently. What says you, a story for a story until we run out?"
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Davhyeira was an old friend, one of many fey she'd come to care for over time and he had a fair point, she hadn't kept in contact and should have. After Magnus, after the fey had withdrawn from vampires entirely, she hadn't felt right making contact. But she does smile at him as he sits down opposite her, sets her pen down and folds her hands. "Well then what do you have for me?"
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davheira · 4 months
"And you shall, for I keep my promises," Davhy says solemnly, a hand over his heart as if to underline his words, before sending Even an indulgent smile as his child scampers off to do as asked by his mother. He keeps looking after him for one long moment, before sighing and turning his face towards Isla. There is tiredness in his features as he looks at the mortal, something so ancient and inhuman that is nearly unrecognizable of who he is before he wipes it away and offers her a raised brow. "I am only encouraging his curiosity. I believe he is at an age where that is necessary, right?"
He hears her confession and nods promptly.
"It is best not to remember. If I am to be honest," and as a high elf he can't be anything but, "I would choose to forget if I had a choice. The future had taught me much, but the lessons are not worth the memories." His pensive mood is quickly wiped, a snort leaving his lips as he nods. "A wolf-like creature, but close enough, yes. It was a gift from Lady Sehanine during my time on the halls of Arvandor."
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Isla managed to smile without even thinking as Davhy playfully winked over and, for the first time in ages, she considered that maybe they really could make this work and be good friends. Isla had awoken to the world redone with memories of her son as a young man and, as she held him in her arms again as a toddler again, she had promised herself that she would not let memories of what once were affect the new future her child would know. For that reason, Isla had taken to her phone and filmed the stories what she could of the memories she should remember, and advice, while the memories finally faded away. Now, all she had left were those videos of the past. She had spoken in them at length about how Isla needed to make good with Evan's father and make sure that Evan grew up with the possibility that supernatural and mortal could coexist peacefully and even happily. That she had seen peace in a place called Haven and that even if she forgot it, she needed to know it happened.
"Pixies," Evan gasped. "I want see pixies!"
"Well, now look what you've done," Isla muttered towards Davhy, though there wasn't any real annoyance in her voice at the moment; maybe just uncertainty. She smiled wryly as she approached. "Sweetheart, why don't you go pack up your Frozen backpack like we practiced?" The 1 year old beamed and hopped down from his father's arms. "Toys for the pixies!" He raced clumsily towards his room as Isla once more turned to the elf. "... I don't remember anything, Davhy, just so you're aware. Evan grew up... I couldn't let a future that never happened affect how I see our son. But I left myself messages. So apparently you can turn into a dog now?"
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davheira · 4 months
Niko is warm, in juxtaposition to Davheira's natural coolness. It's a perfect pairing, and one he had been yearning for since he had last lost it. Hands gripping him tight, he falls into the kiss like a starving man, returning the passion the druid had found with his own desperate need. It's a renewal, to see him again, and one he will not deny himself now that it is so very close. A gasp escapes him, when he feels Nikolai's hands on his cling to him and begin to move, feverish delight building as they raise and raise.
A breathless laugh escapes him as Nikolai asks, a parallel to a time the other has forgotten, and Davhy rewards him for his care by showering his face with kisses amidst his nods.
"Yes, go ahead, amata," he croons playfully, not a siren by virtue of his court, but far too alluring for mortal tastes nonetheless. "I am yours, do with me what you want, and I assure you, I will like it. Because it is done by your hand."
Soft encouragements flow from his lips, as he gives Nikolai all his patience and stops himself from simply getting rid of his pants and turning around to give the other easy access.
Nikolai, the name slipped off the elf's tongue so effortlessly. Before Niko's lips crashed against his, cutting off any other word that may have been spoken. Yet, in the back of the druid's mind, he wondered what other names Davhy would have called him. How many times had their lives been tangled together? How many times had the elf waited patiently for the druid's return? For memories that should have come back, of a previous life, or several. The cool air slipped across his exposed torso, moments before Davhy's hands found purchase upon his shoulders. And just like that, Niko had been once more drawn from his thoughts, brought back into the present moment.
Lips moved so hungrily against those of the other, as his hands clung to the thighs that pressed against his sides. This would all be relatively new to Nikolai, who had barely had any time in this life for such endeavors. He could only hope that Davhy enjoyed it, that he did not grow bored with the exploration that seized the druid. Whose lips moved much quicker than his hands did, as they slipped along his thighs until they found the hem of his shirt. Here they lingered, for a brief moment, before he pulled back just slightly. "Can I --," words spoken against the other's lips halted, if only because now he second guessed even asking. Should he have simply done it? Pushed and pulled at the shirt until it could be tossed off into the forest somewhere. But now he had put it out there, and his fractured mind couldn't seem to come to a conclusion on his own.
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davheira · 4 months
Being grabbed by the jaw and kissed til I’m breathless will definitely fix me
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