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davina claire in season three; behind the black horizon.
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( @wildcstmikaclson )
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The Originals Season 3 | Top 5 Favourite Episode Endings [4/5] ↪️ Kol “kills” Davina: “Davina. No, no, no, no, wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.
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davina claire in season three; alone with everybody.
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“Alright love..” He put his hands up with a chuckle. “I suppose I’ll go shower, try not to miss me too much though.” He teased her with a smirk on his lips.
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“I think I can survive...maybe.” Davina kissed his shoulder before sitting up. “Are you hungry at all?” 
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“At least you still do simple spells like that.”
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“It’s always a nice refresher. Do you not practice them?”
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“Well, obviously,” she laughed.  "I’ve only been working on them all day.“  She was just being a little playful with the ex regent of New Orleans.  The best part of working there was how comfortable she was there.  "The window will be full in under an hour.”
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“I wonder why it’s so slow today...” Davina sighed before shrugging. Oh well, not every day could be a hit. “I may or may not have to take some of these with me. I could use a new flower set up.”
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“A bore, which was nice.” Kol had other things on his mind aside from work and soon laughed, “Well I did work out a little while I was there, I take that as a hint that I need a shower.”
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“Well, I’m glad it was a bore and that you’re home...and, yes, you do need a shower.” She responded, although she made no effort to move.
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“It’s okay. I just got here. Is Kol around?” she asked, taking a seat on the couch. She liked to think her and Davina were friends since Kol was one of her best friends. “I brought by a new grimoire I promised he could check out.”
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“Kol? Uh, no, not yet. He’s still at work, but he should be home later today. You’re more than welcome to hang out, or I can tell him you stopped by?” Davina sat up after the other mentioned a new grimoire, “You mind if I take a look?”
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Marcel or Kol?
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Nicholas watched as he lent on the wall, taking in the sight of before him. As he just finished with work and smiled when he saw his mom doing magic, he was always fascinated by spells, and with doing black magic lately, he had become more into magic.
“Sorry ma, was just enjoying your company” he replied as he walked closer to her and smiled and shrugged his shoulders, “not long, I just got done with work, and noticed the lights were on. So came to see if everything was alright”. he replied as he looked closely at her set up with magic. “So, what spell are you doing?” he asked curiously. 
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“It’s not so much a spell as it is a motion or a thought. I mean, if you sort of just...focus and concentrate, you can pretty much light it. It gets easier the more you do it.” Davina lit the candle again. “Um, and everything’s good, yeah. I’ve been practically camped out on the couch all day. How was work?”
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“Hey, Aunt Dav.” Harmony said with a smile, walking further into the room and sitting beside her aunt. “It was only a few minutes, I didn’t want to interrupt.” She continued, shrugging her shoulders slightly in the process. Magic was one of the few things she truly enjoyed anymore, even if it had led her down a path she had to keep hidden. To think her life was going back to normal was an overstatement, but she would take what she could get. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
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“You’re fine! You can always interrupt,” she smiled at her niece. “It’s fine, Harmony. I’m just trying to entertain myself a bit.” Davina shrugged. “What’s up?”
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Kol got home not too long ago, exhausted from his long days and nights at work, but when he spotted his wife, he loved watching her do magic. He leaned against the door frame, watching her with a smile on his lips until she finally spotted him. “I was admiring both your beauty and your magic darling.” Kol smiled as he walked over, kissing the top of her head before taking a seat by her.
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Davina shook her head with a smile. Even after all this time with Kol, she didn’t think she’d ever stop blushing or get used to his all of his compliments. “How was work?” She leaned her head on his shoulder after he sat. “...you smell sweaty...” She laughed.
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When Skylar got her her aunt and uncles place, she smiled when she saw her aunt Davina, “Not long, sorry, I just haven’t done magic in a really long time and I got lost in what you were doing.” She motioned to the candle.
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“No, yeah, it’s alright.” Davina smiled at her niece. “It’s easy to get lost in simple spells every now and then...”
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“Well, there goes my plan to sneak up on you,” she joked sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “I just got here. Having fun with your candle lighting? Maybe once you get really good at it, you could light two candles,” she said, joking yet again as she walked into the room and sat down beside her.
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“No one sneaks up on moi,” Davina joked. “I would’ve already been at two, but I’m too lazy to get a second candle...or a third, fourth, fifth...”
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   She hadn’t been there long, only a couple minutes or so but she wasn’t in a hurry so she let the other female continue with the magic. “I noticed you didn’t, doesn’t matter I haven’t been standing here for long.”She offered, drifting over and sitting down across from Davina. “Really just wanted out of the house for awhile.” 
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“You traded one house for another?” She smiled and leaned back on the couch. “We could go do something, if you don’t wanna lounge around. Are you hungry?”
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Marcel had been watching the witch from far and started on a few branches as the girl spoke to him. He smiled upon hearing her voice, it had been a while since he had gone to visit Davina and that was practically his own fault, “No need to worry about that, my sweet girl, I see you’re still doing you’re magic” he replied as he grew closer to girl and raised an eyebrow as he saw that state she was currently in.
“Is everything okay with you?” He asked concerned, as he took in the girls apperience and sighed as he felt something was off with her, he sensed when something was going on especially with Davina. “Tell me, you’ve not been practicing magic a lot, you know I hate to see you suffer.” He said while placing a hand on her shoulder letting her know he was there if she needed him. “You know I’m always here for you, even if you don’t want it right?”
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“I can’t not do magic. It’s literally my life.” Davina laughed lightly before nodding. “Everything’s alright. No need to go into overprotective dad mode right now,” she teased. “I actually haven’t been using magic lately. I mean, a few small spells here and there, but nothing too straining or complex...” Of course, she didn’t go into detail about why she wasn’t, but she didn’t want to worry anyone.
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Bo looked up from her spot on the counter.  "I’m good,“ she said as she picked up a handful of flowers.  "It’s slow today so I’m making some arrangments for the window.”
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“Yeah, no problem. They look great, by the way!” Davina walked closer to take a look at the arrangements.
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