davvify-blog · 10 years
I'm going to be gone off tumblr for awhile. I love you guys, thank you for everything.
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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You would be surprised with how many people in your life could be going through depression at this very moment.  People hide it like a paper bag over their heads out of fear of being judged, made fun of, seen as weak, or just not taken seriously.  Depression should not be taken lightly, it holds us down from our purpose and potential in life.  Those who tell you that it doesn’t exist have never experienced depression in their life, therefore not understanding the symptoms and how it’s something that cannot be fixed in a day!  So if you think you are depressed or if you think you know someone else who is, please talk to a friend, a family member, or anyone else in your life that you trust - never overlook the possibility of seeing a doctor for more professional help!!  Your feelings are real, your feelings are shared upon millions.  Don’t hide it, talk to someone about it.  With the right help, you can rediscover your confidence and begin life anew with our undying love and support! We are right here!!
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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Happiness is not only what you allow yourself to find, but what you allow yourself to keep.
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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davvify-blog · 10 years
tbh its pretty much humanity in general who suck. I get yelled at once a week for this same thing by pretty much every demographic 
white culture is wonderful
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davvify-blog · 10 years
I just want to kiss you or hold your hand or be in your arms or fall asleep together or get drunk or shower together or go to the aquarium or go on ice cream dates or go to the beach for sunset or take cute pictures together or kiss you or kiss you or kiss you.
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davvify-blog · 10 years
The world stopped and nothing was real except for the sound of our lips parting and the sound of our hearts welding.
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davvify-blog · 10 years
Chicago bound until Monday night!! :) ❤️
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davvify-blog · 10 years
happy birthday
thank you! :]
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davvify-blog · 10 years
You speak French that's so cool I only know of like others who can not including me
Yeah I like it :) I can't wait for Paris
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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davvify-blog · 10 years
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My calc professor... His words to teach us this: "you can just accept this for now." WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING
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davvify-blog · 10 years
there needs to be an app called cuddlr or something
straight up gender neutral completely non sexual cuddle meetups 
for cold nights. so you could sort by people who have fireplaces and such. or kittens. 
sort by fireplaces and kittens.
and then cuddle.
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davvify-blog · 10 years
don’t date anyone who doesn’t want to hear your favorite song, watch your favorite movie, read your favorite book
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