dawgparty · 7 years
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C'mon Husky, ya gotta find another place to nap. I need to lock up my bike and you don't even have wheels on ya
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dawgparty · 7 years
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Doing Yoga is the PITTS. Get it, pup? DO YA GET THE JOKE?
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dawgparty · 7 years
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Are you a Scotty? Are you a Terrier? Are you a Chihuahua? Whatever you are, you’re gettin’ the bird. 
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dawgparty · 7 years
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Hey mixed street mutt, don’t look so sad. This means you’re number one, ya turkey.
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dawgparty · 7 years
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If you think your animated personality can save ya from this tasty treat, ya got another thing coming! NOTE: We’ve leveled up our DAWG PARTY game and are now accepting videos. Flip your pup the bird, take a video and we’ll make it a gif!
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dawgparty · 8 years
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WOAAAAAH there fluffer. I don’t care if you’re feeling “down undah” the weather - you’re an Australian Sheppard, so get to sheepherding or whatever it is that you do you while I’m earning you more kibble. 
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dawgparty · 8 years
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Wow, Pug. I don’t even know where to start with you. Earmuffs? Tounge out? Are you even old enough to BE IN THIS BAR? 
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dawgparty · 8 years
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Listen, Boxer Terrier mix guy, I’ve gotta break it to you. You’re no longer the baby around this place and are going to have to start picking up your own poop from now on. Now, stop giving me that look and head out to the yard - you’ve got some rent to earn!
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dawgparty · 8 years
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Keep givin’ me that look and I’ll send ya right to a Fairyland that isn’t Endor, ya little Ewok lookin’ Shihtzu!
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dawgparty · 9 years
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What’s the matter pup, can’t handle a little number one action? Whatever, you’re not even a real Frenchman.
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dawgparty · 9 years
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It’s 1:30 in the afternoon - get a job ya lazy dawg! Whattya think this is, Bahhston?
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dawgparty · 9 years
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You’ve heard of sideways looks? Well, check out this sideways finger ya goofy mutt Dawg.
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dawgparty · 9 years
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You’re looking at me weird? I’m not the one who looks like a Corgi, Pointer and a paintbrush had a baby then slapped a collar on it. I’ll let it slide this time, since you’re such a great looking dawg.
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dawgparty · 9 years
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You make a better speed bump than a dog, dawg. 
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dawgparty · 9 years
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Hey Boston, you’re numbah one!
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dawgparty · 11 years
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Oh, Cool Malamute - I've always wanted to lint roll a mountain of fur off a couch. 
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dawgparty · 11 years
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Uh, that's a strange looking Dawg you got there.
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