dawnakemihikari · 8 years
Ok so like in the avatar world you would thing that waterbenders would be the fire fighters right? Like a bunch a of waterbenders just getting water from a lake or a river and dousing the fire. But you know what’s better? Firebender fire fighters. Just like someone’s house catches on fire and firebenders just… turn it off,,.. Just like no, the fire is done for today
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
Tall girls are great because that is several more inches of lady to be gay for
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
this is the cutest vine ever 😍😩
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
animal crossing go
become completely invested in your community, then disappear
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
when I was like 10 idk my dad out this internet security thing on the computer that didn’t let u use the Internet except 4pm-8pm everyday and blocked every non-educational site including social media. so anyway bc of this I became like a mini hacker like I found his password (I watched him type it a few times) and used it and shut the program, did whatever I wanted to do and erased all the history and turned it back on and rechecked thru the process to make sure I had erased all evidence of computer being used and it’s funny bc my dad probably thought he was so smart and that I was so pure bc of his doing but no I had seen more porn than he had his entire life so I win fuck u dad
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
Rin: Where's your proof I'm gay?
Haru: *swims*
Sousuke: *breathes*
Nitori: *is an adorable cinnamon roll*
Rin: shit
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
Human beings in a mob
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What’s a mob to a king?
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What’s a king to a god?
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What is a god…
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To a non-believer?
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
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the reason for the existence of this hashtag is sad but some of these are hilarious. the little caesars one got me
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
Don’t be afraid to dream
This beloved Cartoon series
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started as this webcomic
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This best seller Manga
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and critically acclaimed hit animated series
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started out as this webcomic
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And this best seller novel
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And award winning blockbuster movie
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started out as a serialized free story on somebody’s website.
Don’t be afraid to write big even if you start small.
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Are you tired of feeling like your art just isn’t improving? Do you want to do a 30-day challenge that’s actually useful? Welcome to 30 Days of Improvement Hell. >:D
I made this because I’ve been feeling super ‘blah’ about my art these days, and I needed something to kick-start myself. Who wants to do this with me!? Start now or whenever you can (now you procrastinators!). Challenge yourself and have fun at the same time!
Tag your posts with #Improvement Hell so everyone can follow along and see each other’s awesome artwork. I may even create a blog and reblog them! :D
What are you waiting for? START!
Self-Portrait - Introduce yourself
Draw a figure using a reference - link to reference
Draw a figure that’s in action, using a reference - link to reference
Draw a part of the human anatomy you have trouble with. x20, with atleast 5 being skeletal/musculature studies.
Draw more figures. Quick gestures and silhouettes. x20, with atleast 10 different body shapes
Let’s have some fun. Design a character from either This or This character generator! Be creative and bring something to life!
Pick the weirdest object in your house/room. Draw it. Shadows and Highlights.
Find 2-3 objects, make a scene with them. Draw it. Bonus points for creativity. Double points for dramatic lighting.
Draw a landscape of a place you’ve never been or drawn.
Draw a BG with 1pt Perspective. Negative points if it’s a railroad or an empty street.
Draw a BG with 2pt Perspective.
Look out a window. Draw what you see. Bonus points for adding something interesting.
Draw an interior setting with the character you designed on Day #6 in it.
BG with either bird’s eye or worm’s eye view.
Halfway there! Draw three ‘action’ scenes with different compositions in each. Quick sketches are fine, just make them interesting and understandable! Bonus points if it’s the same scene, but different composition.
Draw a single page comic with 5-7 panels (the story begins and ends on one page). 
Draw an animal you’ve never drawn before. x10  Link references.
Draw a car. Negative points for whining. Hint: Use a perspective grid.
Think of the thing you hate drawing the most. Guess what? Draw it! Negative points for lying to yourself.
Pick an object in your house/room. Now design a character from it, using the shapes, forms, textures, purpose and colors as inspiration. Also link/post the object you used. Negative points for using a humanoid action figure.
Draw a character/object/scene, and shade them using ONLY solid blacks and whites. Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows
Draw a different object/scene/character. Shade using hatching, crosshatcing, and/or pointillism. Bonus points for lights/shadows and textures.
Colors! Pick a color palette, and paint a scene/character/object using only those colors (some blending allowed). Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows.
Draw and color a scene/object/character - no lines allowed! (aka - lineless art). Don’t forget light and shadows!
Draw a scene/character in a style you’ve never drawn before. If emulating an artist, credit+link. Bonus for color style.
Draw a character. Draw 10 emotions/expressions. Bonus points for ‘uncommon’ emotions. (i.e. anxiety, guilt, despair, loneliness etc.)
Draw three random shapes using your opposite hand (or your foot). Now design characters from those shapes.
Turn on the tv (or load your illegally downloaded movies). Pick an actor and draw them.
Almost done! Let’s have some fun. Draw some fanart. Bonus points if it’s super obscure and unknown. Make people guess what it’s from.
Last day! Find a drawing you did within the last year. Now draw it again using what you’ve learned! Link it for comparison!
 Look at all that amazing improvement! Congrats!
[Update] There is now a sequel challenge, Draw All The Things!
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
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an offering of friendship !!
website patreon
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
i walked two kilometers to hatch an egg and its a zubat this is why i cant be a parent i cant wait 9 months for a kid what if its a fucking zubat again
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
pokemon go is singlehandedly shaping the entire fuckdamn globe. places looking for hire are listing “active pokemon go gym nearby” as a perk of the job. bars are placing lures at nearby pokestops to attract customers. dog shelters are taking advantage of the trend to get people to walk the dogs while they play. this is the most positive possible outcome of pokemon’s wild popularity i love it so much
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
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Protester in Baltimore trying to avoid violence
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
Disliking Korrasami doesn’t make you a homophobe.  DISMISSING it does.
I meant to write this a few weeks ago when I saw a sudden resurgence of antipathy between the Korrasmi and Makorra fandoms.  There was “All Makorra shippers are homophobes” accusations from some members of the Korrasami fandom, and there was outright homophobia from some members of the Makorra fandom, and it was generally unpleasant.  I even got about halfway through this post then, but I figured it wouldn’t have been the right time and I wasn’t sure if I even had the right to comment on this (Generally speaking, the straight male doesn’t get to judge what is or isn’t offensive treatment revolving around a relationship between two women).  However….
As the post title says, simply not liking the Korrasami relationship or the ending to The Legend of Korra does not necessarily make you a homophobe.  There are a thousand different reasons not to like the ship or finale, as there are with every single TV show and romantic couple that has ever been written.  Maybe you have a different ship preference.  It could be you ship Korra & Opal (I could easily see the connection there with their mirrored development; Korra becomes more patient and understanding as Opal became more assertive and self-confident), or Korra & Bolin given how they had such a warm and constant friendship (If I didn’t ship Korrasami I would have definitely been in the Borra fandom), or even–yes–Makorra.  Maybe you don’t have any shipping preference and you wanted Korra to end the series not in a relationship at all, to show that a woman doesn’t have to be in a relationship.  Maybe you do ship Korrasami after all, but you dislike the execution in the series proper.
Not liking something doesn’t mean you hate what it represents.  We in the Korrasami fandom can’t just dismiss every criticism or remark from the Makorra fandom as homophobic just because their ship is m/f.
However, dismissing Korrasami–saying that they’re not together at the close of the finale, that it doesn’t “count”, that it’s not “real”–is homophobic.  Whether or not you like what happened, it did happen.  It was clear enough in the show itself, and was then explicitly confirmed by the creators.  To say that it didn’t happen at all is erasure.  Saying their romantic overtures are just “friendship” relegates all wlw relationships to just friendship, of less depth and seriousness than m/f relationships.  Saying that it doesn’t count because there was nothing explicitly sexual about it–even tame sexuality as appropriate to a kid’s show like kissing–reduces all wlw relationships to merely being physical instead of emotional.  If you reject its very existence, and all that it represents and means to the fandom, then yes, you are a homophobe.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t still ship Makorra, or write fanfic or change the ending.  I’ve seen Korrasami fanfic that re-wrote the series back to the first season to get them together then, even at points when Asami or Korra were honestly with Mako.  That is the very essence of fanfic, re-writing what happened to give you what you wanted, but you need to recognize that you are changing what happened.  If you want to write a post-finale canon continuation of the series that has Makorra at its center, then you need to explain how Korra and Asami broke up, because in canon they ended the series as a couple (And you need be careful here in general to make sure that you breaking them up doesn’t delve into homophobia all on its own).  If you want to make Korra & Asami never a couple at all then you need to re-write the ending of the series (And probably longer before that) so that they never got to the point where they got together.  Just writing “And the two friends came back from the Spirit World just as they had left–as friends–and Korra started dating Mako again” doesn’t cut it.  That’s you taking what is a canon wlw relationship and saying “No, canonically it’s not that way”, and that is homophobic.  That’s erasure, dismissal and reduction all rolled into one.
Ship who you want to ship, love the characters you want to love, and write/read what you want to write/read, but recognize and deal with what is out there.
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dawnakemihikari · 8 years
me: *in the closet but very vocal about lgbtq+ issues*
cis/het: why do you care so much? are you like gay or something??
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