dawncodes · 24 days
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[research life]
Rearranged my desk recently and its given me a boost of motivation😆📖 Being surrounded by pink makes me so happy🎀✨
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dawncodes · 24 days
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Whatever is learned with satisfaction and enjoyment stays with you forever.
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dawncodes · 24 days
Progress is still progress!
It doesn't matter if you hadn't done the things you were supposed to do. It doesn't matter that if you finished 1 thing out of 4 things. You don't have 3 more things to do, you have 1 less thing to complete.
It doesn't matter if you had relapsed after a day or 3 of productivity and healing into a spiral again. What matters is that you get back up and start again. Because now you're a bit stronger and more resilient than before.
It doesn't matter if all you did today was getting out of bed, eat and change your clothes while you did nothing else. Appreciate yourself and give yourself the credit you deserve for doing those small things.
It doesn't matter if the only thing you did today was to focus on existing and on yourself alone. Be proud of surviving till the end of the day because you made it through knowing that there was a possibility of you not making it.
Progress is still progress. It doesn't matter if you take small or big steps. You're taking a step and that's all that matters.
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dawncodes · 26 days
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Coding, cat café, sunset, and a long weekend.
Can’t get any better than that, I think.
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dawncodes · 26 days
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✨the last couple of days....✨
🌊went to the beach with my best friend!! unfortunately it was raining half of the time and it was freezing cold outside, but last day it was so nice out, i could even wear a t shirt, i was so happy about it🥰
📚 read around 200 pages of the Burning God, this book is giving me so much emocional damage, hence why I'm taking a while to read it
📑 managed to still study a lot. I got up to date with my biomechanics class, why is this all so interesting?? I'm really liking this, which makes me so happy bc i think this is going to be important in the master's degree I want to pursue.
📺 we watched so many anime. It was actually great, on the day the weather was really feisty, we could even hear the wind and rain inside, we watched Weathering with you, bc ✨vibes✨ and omg I was so close to sob my eyes out, and the vibes were definitely vibing LOL
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I'm back to college city, so I've got to: grocery shopping (bc I have literally no food here), general cleaning around the house, bc my housemate left things super messy, and I have an online class in the afternoon
And that's it, hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to normal posting. Hope you have a wonderful day💙
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dawncodes · 28 days
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i love studying. i love writing. i love reading. i love learning languages. i love doing mathematics. i love wandering over some particular sum and trying to come up with formulas to solve it. i love physics. i love biology. i love chemistry. i love history. i love literature. i love learning.
not to achieve the perfect grades ever. but it just amazes me that there's so much to know and learn and write and read about in the universe. my curiosity wouldn't get enough of it.
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dawncodes · 28 days
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march dump: bionics student edition👩🏻‍💻☁️🧫
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dawncodes · 28 days
University pro tip: overwhelmed? Lie down on the floor. I mean it. Flat on the floor. Like a cat.
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dawncodes · 30 days
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dawncodes · 30 days
✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨ 🌿 You CAN do it 🌻 ✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨
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dawncodes · 1 month
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i am once more at a point of the semester where i am just repeating "i just need to survive this week" every single week !
electrodynamics is absolutely kicking my ass ! & i'm doing my best to cling onto hope !
quantum mechanics isn't helping either xppp
standardized testing my mortal enemy fr i just. no matter how hard i try how long i study. i just keep fucking up ! GOD !
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dawncodes · 1 month
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wednesday | march 6
finals countdown: 4 days
today was the last day of covering new material before finals! i've finished all of my "normal" homework for the term, so now it's just a few more days of intense studying and then i'm done. in some ways this is my favorite part of the term - i get to study in my own way, on my own schedule, and then show off all the things i've learned at the end of it.
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dawncodes · 2 months
Coding A Simple Firefox Extension
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Hiya! Today I want to share my experience creating a simple Firefox extension. I was a bit intimidated by the idea of creating an extension, but I was determined to give it a try! Been on my 'projects to-do' list for a long time! 😅
I found that the process was actually quite straightforward, and with some guidance from a couple of YouTube videos, I was able to create a working (temporary) extension in just an hour. My hope is that this post will serve as a helpful guide for anyone who is interested in creating their own Firefox extension~!
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What exactly are we making?
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We will be making a simple temporary extension - an extension that only you have access to e.g. end-users will not be able to use the extension. This is a way to test if your extension works and find issues. I might make another post on how to actually upload it for other people to use, but for now, this method is for you to use the extension.
This is the link to the official Mozilla Firefox 'Temporary installation' Guide' for extenisions - LINK
Now, for the steps into making the extension:
Setting up the development environment
Creating a manifest file
Adding a pop-up window
Attaching JavaScript functionality to a button
Load your extension in Firefox
Let's get started~!
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Step 1 - Setting up the development environment
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Obviously, you will need to have Firefox installed on your computer. You will also need a code editor, such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text, to write your code. I'm going to use VS Code.
In your code editor, create a new folder where you will store your extension files. You can name this folder whatever you like. For this example, I will call it 'Firefox Extension'. I also recommend adding the following files in the folder:
index.html (or in this case popup.html file)
icon image in .png or .jpg or similar formats
manifest.json - talked about in the next step
Step 2 - Creating a manifest file
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The most important file I believe when creating an extension is the manifest JSON file. This file will contain metadata about your extension, including its name, version, and permissions. In your new folder, create a new file called "manifest.json".
This is the general structure of the file. The icon size you need to have is 48x48 pixel size image and then you can have others to be responsive to screensizes, I just added one extra. The 'browser_action' part includes the default icon image that will display an icon in the Firefox toolbar and the popup html file. In 'scripts', that is where we will add the JavaScript code to run.
Step 3 - Adding a pop-up window
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The code simply displays the text "Hello World" and a button in the center of the window. I assume you're good at your HTML and CSS so I won't go into too much detail here but the CSS is in the style tags within the head tags and what we can see also is what is between the body tags - the 'Hello World' and the 'Click me!' button.
Don't forget to include the script tag at the end of the body tag so it'll link to the script.js file in your folder AND include "scripts": ["script.js"] in the manifest.json for the javascript code.
Step 4 - Attaching JavaScript functionality to a button
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Again, I hope you very basic JavaScript. This code basically adds an event listener to the button with the ID "myBtn" (which is the button with 'Click me!' on it). When the button is clicked, it changes the heading 1 text from 'Hello World' to 'The button was clicked!'.
And that it! Done with all the coding part and now to upload it for you to use~!
Step 5 - Load your extension in Firefox
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Open Firefox and type "about:debugging" in the address bar. This will open the Firefox Developer Tools page. Click the "This Firefox" section to the left of the page, then click "Load Temporary Add-on". Navigate to your extension folder and select the manifest.json file.
The extension is now loaded in Firefox! Click the icon in the toolbar to see your pop-up window!
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Whenever you make changes to the extension, back on the Firefox Developer Tools page, click the 'Reload' button on your extension section and changes should show up!
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I hope that this post has been helpful to you and that it has inspired you to create your own Firefox extension! 👩🏾‍💻💗 Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and experiment with different ideas - play with the colours or sizes or the javascript code! Don't be afraid to try new things and explore!!
Extra links that helped me learn:
How to build an extension for Firefox in less than 5 minutes [video]
Temporary installation in Firefox [webpage]
Thanks for reading 🥰💗
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dawncodes · 2 months
【☆】 Coding Study Tips
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Some study info + tips on cramming coding/programming concepts~!
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dawncodes · 2 months
Built a Mini Robot
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Wednesday 6th March 2024
I bought a kit online a while ago because I felt like wanting to build something. And this is the lil robot that I made last night! She’s a rover kind of robot so she just zooms around!
I’m so glad I got to complete this kit and I’m already wanting to buy more to keep myself busy that’s not programming all the time haha 😅😇
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dawncodes · 2 months
My first React project wooohooooo!!!
Well technically it's not an original project. It's our first solo project in the React course. But I made it a lil' different.
I'm still very proud anywaysss yupeee!!!
Time Management
I find that the Pomorodo technique works very well for me. I usually forget to take breaks when I work and end up getting way more exhausted than necessary. So having a Pomorodo app on my phone helps remind me to. And it makes me feel very rewarded when I'm able to concentrate fully during the 25 mins, without getting distracted . I personally find I prefer to have three 25 minute blocks followed by the 15 minute break, instead of the usual four.
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dawncodes · 2 months
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Living every day like I am Elle Woods after Warner told her she wasn‘t smart enough for law school
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