Little Colonist
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Amelie designed a little colonist on the ship who was reading a book of some kind, maybe either some documents they found or a menu featuring Zara’s logo. The type of clothing that the little colonist is wearing suggests that they are from the later colony finding something from the first group.
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Colony Heads
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King and Queen chess pieces representing people of high authority on the ship, these characters look rather serious and they look powerful which represents there positions of power. I really like the detail the faces have, they look really well made and professional.
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1920′s furniture
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I did some research on what type of furniture was used in the1920′s and used this information to create ideas on where the doll could be places, like where it could sit. I drew some of these pieces of furniture next to doll so I could see how they look together and how they fit.
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Advertisement for the New Ship
Adrien made a really cool video advertisement for the ship encouraging people to join but the video is corrupted and glitched. It hints strongly at the idea that something is wrong and twisted , that there is something that isn’t being said. I however couldn’t figure out how to get it onto my tumbler.
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The Great Adventure of the SS Romulus
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Dagen made a game to show and teach all of the passengers on the ship how to safely deal with the new creatures that they would find on the new planet.
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Pilot Concepts and the SS Romulus
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Liam designed both the new ship called the SS Romulus along with the captain of the ship who has been taken over by the ship’s AI using the implants connected to the pilot. He also designed space pirates who take black market goods to the ship.
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Creature Journal
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A creature journey designed by Alfie to document all the new creatures and all of their features and habits. Whether they are friendly or hostile, etc.
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1920′s survival kits
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Survival kits found by second colony designed by Alex. The first colonists took with them a bunch of survival kits to help them survive on the new planet, the kits cover a bunch of different scenarios.
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The Cult
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Religous sect grown from first settlers made by halime, they used parts of the first ship to not only alter there surrounding but themselves as well which I though was really interesting.
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The Scater
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The Scater is a really cool looking creature designed by Halime and it was inspired by peacocks with the male having more vibrant colours and the female having a duller feather/ fur coat.
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Fish from the New Planet
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Alexandra designed some really cool looking fish that can separate there bodies into segments when threatened in order to avoid any injuries, I also like how the jelly fish like creatures stick there heads above water . Perhaps they do it to either breathe or attract prey.
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Flora from the New Planet
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Flora designed for the new planet by Charisma. All of it is very colourful and alot of them have a sort of wavy design which is interesting and fits in with the trees from earlier.
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Flona carcinis
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The prey for the nector Plumph.
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Nector Plumph
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The Nector Plumph is a blind creature that relies on it’s hearing and seeks out nectar based plants to survive on. This creator and its prey was designed by Nathaniel.
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Colonist Cabins
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Colonist cabin designs made by Chloe, The colonists would live in small cabins like this. Probably with some slight variations depending on who lived inside it.
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Trees from the Planet
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Trees for the new planet made and designed by Chloe. The trees have a droopy design for the leaves and some of them almost look like springs , I wonder if they are bouncy.
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Photo Album from the First Colonists
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A photo album from the first colony which is then found later on by the new colonists designed by Emily. It shows the joys and wonder of the new planet found by the first voyagers and later on hints to the tragedy that befell the owner of this book later on.
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