dayaaan · 10 years
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dayaaan · 10 years
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dayaaan · 10 years
Reminder: Women do not need to be polite to someone who is making them uncomfortable.
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dayaaan · 10 years
Oh my gosh! so adorable! Haha!! <3
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dayaaan · 10 years
do you ever like a celebrity so much you actually get jealous when other people say they like them
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dayaaan · 10 years
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Check out lanasquotes for more
I <3 U 
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dayaaan · 10 years
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dayaaan · 10 years
You’ll be fine. You’re 25. Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don’t avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it. Take a breath. You’ll be okay. Even if you don’t feel okay all the time.
Louis CK (via dinocube)
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dayaaan · 10 years
growing attached to people but not wanting to be that clingy friend
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dayaaan · 10 years
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dayaaan · 10 years
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dayaaan · 10 years
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That girl on the left was who I was a year ago, and on the right that’s me, now!
Height: 5’10
Weight: 300 pounds
Now: 196 pounds 
Goal: 150 pounds
Many have asked me why and how?
I have been obese my whole life and I have gotten used to my size a very long time ago. You got to admit that kfc tastes better than celery right? 
Despite many people’s advice to lose some pounds all my life, I give in to temptations all the time. :( Of course, I’ve fallen off the wagon a couple of times but life is full of ups and downs. It’s never too late to become what you might have been. As long as you’re trying and working out hard, the results will come.
On my first day of work, this particular person told my boss: ‘don’t put that fat girl beside me’. Hurting huh? I guess that pushed me even further and built up my desire to lose weight. 
August 2013 was my turning point. My beloved second auntie passed away. My heart was so broken, I cried even harder when one of her friends told me how much she was looking forward to attend my customary wedding dinner. She has battled with her weight all her life and I know she wouldn’t want me to go on the same path as her. 
I decided to lose weight, this time for real. 
Not for those whom have secretly or openly despised/laughed at me or my weight but for my family and my friends. I want to be around for them when they need me. I want to be around my siblings when they need my help and advice. I want to be around for my mum to share her burden. I want to grow old with my husband and watch our kids get married. I want to be around for my friends to bring them joy.
Bottom line is I want to be around to see the world. 
Being obese has too many health concerns. (I am getting my medical report tomorrow and yes this is one of the reasons why I’m drafting this in the middle of the night. I’m scared but keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be alright tomorrow. No matter what the outcome will be, I’ll be strong. 
Flexed biceps
I’m posting this to encourage everyone out there to stay healthy for better things in life. It’s not necessarily about the looks but it’s really about being around your love ones. Oh yes! And please do it healthily! 
I’m not where I want to be but I know I’ll get there someday!
Lastly, smile! Life is short, Live it the way you want it to be!
Follow me on my tumblr: 
Instagram: piings89
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dayaaan · 10 years
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dayaaan · 11 years
If your reasons for losing weight don’t excite and inspire you, then it’s no wonder they’re easily displaced by the sight of a piece of pie. If reasons like I want to be healthier or my doctor/spouse/mother says I should aren’t cutting it for you, then find reasons that do. Keep digging till you feel a thrill of excitement. That’s what will power you all the way to success.
Michele Connolly, WeightLossMissions.Com (via motiveweight)
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dayaaan · 11 years
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5’6. This has taken me around 5 months I think. The first picture was around 74kg but I don’t really weigh myself anymore. 
I know it sounds really cliche, but the most important thing I learned was was to love myself. Use losing weight and getting fit as a way to get to know yourself more. Figure out what you like and what makes you feel good. Never let yourself go hungry. Eat for your soul as well as your body, even if that means eating a whole pizza on occasion. Don’t wreck yourself if you slip up. Don’t treat it all like a punishment. Don’t make yourself miserable over getting skinny. Make yourself stronger, both mentally and physically. eatmyselffit.tumblr.com X
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dayaaan · 11 years
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dayaaan · 11 years
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When you finish an Insanity work out, its like 
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