Day 2, Part 2, Far from Home.
Continuing down stream, the pain in my leg where I was stabbed was throbbing. I'd never been stabbed before, not in my past life at least. Who knew it could be so painful. I had to rest every so often and at this rate, there was no way I'd find humans. Even if I did, they'd probably try and kill me. I couldn't exactly talk to them, but I guess I could try and act harmless.
Taking a look at my status, I had a minor bleeding de-buff under my health. Even tho I had wrapped up my wound, things weren't looking good. My health wasn't dropping yet, but I knew eventually it'd start to if I didn't do something. I remembered watching old war movies in my past life and sometimes when a soldier would get shot, they would rub dirt on the wound. I couldn't help but think that this would just give me some type of infection though.
I guess I should try and find something other then the goblins loin cloth to wrap this thing with. Look around the forest but staying close to the river, I used my appraisal skill to see whats around me. Hopefully this will also help level up my appraisal. Maybe if I could learn to communicate again and have a high appraisal skill, humans could see that I'm a cultured Dragon and not an enemy. I couldn't help but try and find the positive in the negative.
Little flowers were scattered here and there, but nothing that could be used to wrap up my leg. I couldn't exactly press down on my leg while walking either. Walking on all fours had it's upsides but not having opposable thumbs was incredibly frustrating. Picking at the flowers and grass was a challenge in itself. I decided to sit down and consider my options again. It seems that pressing dirt in the wound as a temporary fix was my best option. Either that or sit and wait for the bleeding to stop, but if I wait too long then daylight will pass me fast.
Grabbing a claw full of dirt and pressing it into the open wound, I winced a little as I really pressed it in. I kept my eye on my status while I did so, waiting for the minor bleeding to disappear. It didn't take long after I re-wrapped the cloth around it for it to go away. Once it did I continued on my way down the river. Sipping the water from the river every now and then, I couldn't help but wonder if I ever would find a town or city but as I thought this I heard distant ramblings of Goblins.
I stopped in my tracks and lowered myself to the ground. Crawling up to a tree I peaked around, but wasn't able to see anything. I dug my two front talons into the tree and attempted to climb it. I couldn't use my injured leg, but thankfully I didn't need it. Albeit it was much more difficult with only three limbs. Once at the top, I could somewhat see what was around me and immediately the sight of five Goblins appeared. One of them was the one that I allowed to escape.
I can't say I'm too surprised, but it seemed as though it was frantically explaining to the others what had happened earlier. As the Goblin was blabbing on, a slight whistle then a 'THOK' sound startled me as a Goblin on the far left had an arrow pierce it's neck and it crumpled to the ground. I almost fell out of the tree in shock. The other Goblins must have been more startled then I as one of them let out a shriek.
A human wielding a short sword popped out from the tree line and dug his blade into the back of the Goblin that had once escaped me. A human! My excitement for a human was overtook my shock of a Goblin being sniped from afar.
"Wait up!" A female voice made itself known, but I couldn't understand what she had said.
"You've gotta keep yer head in the game if you wanna hang with the big dogs!" Another man jumped out from the bushes followed by a girl who was huffing and puffing behind them. The man had a scruffy beard with brown pulled back hair. He had a bow in his right hand and an arrow drawn back while a quiver adorned his back.
The girl had medium length blonde hair and shortened bangs. She was carrying a book and adorning long white robes that had symbols sewed on them. She was also carrying a backpack which seemed quite heavy.
The Bowman let loose a few more arrows that found their targets in the legs and arms of Goblins while the Swordsman followed up, cutting down his targets with a disturbing grin. The girl just sat back and watched. She must have been either a Mage or a Healer. I looked closely at her and tried using view status. The little black box popped open with all of her stats. Her name was Elena and she was a level 5 Cleric. She had 40/40 HP and 60/60 MP. Her abilities were Protection, Lesser Heal and Remove De-buff. She was quite useful it seemed.
The other two had cleaned up the rest while I was inspecting her. They started talking again while looting their kills, to which they didn't really find anything of use. I used my view status on them as well while they were busy. The Swordsman was Desmond. He was level 10 with 100 HP and 30 MP. He seemed quite strong. The Bowman was named Rell, level 6 with 50 HP and 40 MP. I didn't get the time to view their abilities as they had already started walking away causing the menu to close.
I waited a second before scrambling down, digging in my front claws to ease the speed. Keeping my body low I stalked the adventurers through the forest. Elena stayed in the back while the two men lead the group. I couldn't understand what they were talking about but it seemed like Elena was just the pack mule for them.
The Bowman was observing the grass and markings on the trees while they moved. After a few minutes of that, they discovered a small cave and suddenly it clicked. They're looking for the Goblins den! and it seemed that they found it. A small wooden totem sat outside, almost as if a warning to those who came near. The two men hollered in excitement while Elena just looked more nervous.
"This is it, let's exterminate these pests and collect out reward. You just stay close behind us and carry any valuables." The Swordsman waved at Elena, who just sighed in response.
The two men lead the way in, not hesitating even for a moment. I peaked over a bush, watching them disappear into the darkness of the cave. I decided to camp out up in another tree until they came back out. I needed to discover where they lived and concoct a plan to befriend them. Being up here will also help keep me out of sight from predators.
I found a comfy position to lay in up in this tree while waiting for them. I couldn't hear any fighting of the sort, so the cave must of been quite deep for how small the entrance was. Time seemed to pass by slowly and the injury in my leg was bothering me more and more. I couldn't exactly tell what time it was, but if I had to guess it was a little past noon. Meaning that they'd been in that cave for almost two hours.
Maybe I should take a peak inside... If something happens to them, I'll be that much further from getting help. I guess I could always retrace their steps from where I first saw them, but who knows if that would work. I waited a few more minutes before stumbling down the tree again.
I won't go too deep and at the first sign of trouble, I'll leave. Nodding to myself, I took my first step inside. I was only a couple feet tall, so I didn't have to duck inside like they did. However, I could hardly see what was in front of me. The air was stale and smelled of dried blood. The ground of the cave was cold and unforgiving. Clutching the wall, I only took a few small steps at a time. Thankfully, I spotted a lit torch on the wall ahead of me. I guess even Goblins needed to see. I made my way towards it and grabbed it between my teeth and continued on. My bare talons slapped against the rocky floor until a small clang caused me to halt.
In what seemed like an instant, I heard a man yell out in pain and a woman's scream. I stopped in my tracks for a minute out of fear until the clashing of metal snapped me out of it. They were close and sounded like they were in danger. I sped up my movement, the cold wet floors no longer bothering me. Turning a corner I came upon a sizeable room. There laid the Bowman in front of Elena who was trying to cast something on him. There was a ton of blood pouring out of him and the Swordsman didn't seem to be fairing well either. They were surrounded by at least ten Goblins. They were all wielding an assortment of weapons, from daggers to clubs to pickaxes and shovels.
There was one however, in the background who was adorned in robs and wielded a staff like a Mage. I used my view status on him to see that he was a level 5 Shaman who could cast buffs on his allies. I looked over to see the Swordsman who only had a sliver of HP left. The Bowman had died and Elena had a few cuts on her as well, but still past half HP but almost no Mana. Every other Goblin in the room was level 1 or 2, but their numbers were too much.
I realized I was kind of standing out here with the torch in my mouth, so I placed it behind me around the corner. When I did, the Swordsman cried out, causing me to rush back around. Multiple Goblins were stabbing him in the back while Elena watched in horror. The moment he was done for, the other goblins started to slowly surround Elena.
I had to do something, I have to move now. My legs were trembling and I could feel acid in my throat. I took a deep breath in through my nose and out my mouth. Looking one more time at my own status, I saw that I still had enough MP for two more casts of Dragons Breath. Alright, let's do this. I charged in using Intimidating Shout, causing everything in the room to look at me...
| Authors Note: I need to review these before I post, but I usually don't have time due to work. I'll get on that when I can. Thanks for reading. |
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Day 2. New World, New Me.
I survived the night and now we had a new task at hand. Finding a source of fresh water. I thought about retracing my steps to see if my parent had come back for me, but those chances were slim. On top of that, I could feel my body drying up from thirst. My head was pounding with every step I took.
My smell and other senses aren't too bad, but I don't exactly have a keen sense of smell like a dog does. I tried to sit still and listen for anything, but the sound of insects, birds and the wind drowned out any chance of hearing water. I wandered around aimlessly, picking at small plants for nuts and the ground for bugs. I tried using my view status screen on them to see if they were edible, but the voice in my head said I didn't have a high enough appraisal level.
Appraisal was an incredibly useful skill to have, so hopefully the more I used it, the better it'd be. I found it kind of ironic that the most ferocious monster of any fantasy type world is scavenging for food. I must be the most pathetic dragon in the world. While I was wondering, I saw what looked like fruit growing from the ground. It had a stem but was round like a water melon. The top was semi green while the rest was a deep red. It looked poisoned to be honest.
I gave it a tentative sniff, being sure to get my nose up close. It smelled somewhat sweet. Grabbing it with both claws I brought it in close and started to dig my claws into it. With a few cracks, I was able to break it on open. It really was like water melon on the inside. I gave it a few more sniffs to see what it might taste like, but it only smelled sweeter.
Here goes nothing. Opening my jaws wide I took a huge bite. If I'm gonna do something, may as well jump both feet in. Chewing it thoroughly, it tasted somewhat sweet, so I took another bite, but as I chewed the next one, an intense spiciness started flooding my mouth. Ha-ha-hoo-hoo! I started blowing air out of my mouth and danced around the spicy melon things. This stuff was deceptive! I hope this doesn't mean I'm allergic.
I had absolutely nothing to cool my tongue with. I swear it felt hotter then breathing literal fire! After enough time the spiciness calmed down. It wasn't exactly quenching me, but I really had no room to complain, so I dug into a few others and suffered through the pain. There were still a few left laying around, so I decided to start marking the trees as I left the area so that way I could make my way back here just in case there was no water nearby.
The morning was still young, so I had time to adventure. Thankfully though, it only took me another hour before I heard the faint sounds of a river. My ears perked up and I started running towards the water. I stumbled upon a clear flowing river. I couldn't help but flop on my belly and start chugging as much water as I could. I didn't know if it was safe to drink, but I wasn't thinking about that at the moment. I couldn't help but let out happy yelps when I did. I even to the time to roll in it. Feeling the coolness against my skin was refreshing.
Once I got my fill and felt satisfied, I knew I had to follow it. Every civilization builds near a source of water, so one had to be nearby. Although, this was called the Abandoned forest.
"Graa, walaha!" Strange sounds started to appear next to me when out came from a bush was a little green Goblin wielding a spear. I was so taken aback that I had stood there and stared for a minute, when it realized that I was there too and stared back at me. For a solid few seconds we just looked at each other. I could of sworn I saw the Goblin begin to sweat. I lifted my foot, causing the Goblin to stumble back on it's butt.
"WAA-WAA" It screamed out as it aimed it's spear towards me. The thing was about the same size as me but it was trembling. I used Status Viewer on it to see it's stats. "Goblin, Level 3, 10 HP 0 MP. Abilities: Punch, Thrust. Goblins travel in packs in order to make up for their weakness." A description this time, huh? Wait, that must mean this things not alone.
As if on queue, two more Goblins came running from behind it. I guess it must of called for it's friends there. I was only level 2, so I didn't stand much of a chance against 3 or more of these things. I started backing up in hopes that it would get the hint that I didn't want to fight, but all that seemed to do was give them confidence. They started to smirk at me while aiming their spears while advancing forward.
You gotta be kidding me, why can't anything here just back off? The other one started circling around to my right in an attempt to block to block off my escape. "Raaaar!" I took one more attempt to scare it with a roar. I faked a lunge forward, causing the one in front to stumble back again.
Now! I used that as an opportunity to charge, using my claws to knock it's spear away and digging my teeth into it's neck with my bite. I tried to be peaceful, but you took advantage of my kindness. Now become my EXP! When I had it's throat wrapped in my jaws, the other goblin to my side charged at me and jammed it's spear right into my hind leg.
"Rawwr!" Letting out a high pitched roar of pain when it did. I swiveled around with my three other limbs, freeing the goblins neck and biting the aggressors leg, causing the goblin to lose it's grip on the spear. I did my best attempt at slinging it around like a dog with a chew toy. Once it fell I dug my claws into it's stomach and dragged it towards me, bringing it face to face with me. Out of anger I let out the loudest roar I possibly could which triggered my breath of fire, melting the goblins face. It screamed and writhed in agony as I did before finally stopping it's flailing and falling silent.
Two notices of 10 EXP appeared in front of me. I looked over at the last goblin that had been sitting on it's butt in utter shock after seeing it's two comrades brutally killed. I took one step forward but the goblin regained it's sensed and scurried off in the opposite direction. I let it go. Let it be a lesson to any other goblins about messing with me, I flexed my biceps. Besides, running was too much effort, especially with this wound. I needed to cover it asap.
I took a dip back into the river, washing off the blood and removing the spear. As I stared at my own reflection, I realized I was a pretty cute dragon. Kind of hard to say that after what I had just done to those two goblins. I had a small snout, my eyes were a soft magenta. I had two long ears that stretched out towards my back. No horns, surprisingly. It was still hard to believe that this was me.
While admiring my new cute appearances, I could feel a rumble in my stomach. I did work up quite the appetite fighting those two. Speaking of, I wondered if I could eat goblins? Can't say it sounded very appetizing, but it beat trying to chase down small wildlife and possibly dying of starvation. I sat there and stared at my victims thinking about how I was supposed to eat this. I ripped off the goblins cloth that it had slung around it's chest and waste and used it to bandage my leg.
Tapping my chin with my claw I thought about eating it raw, but man, what if it had worms? Fire breath did char that ones face pretty horribly, maybe burning it was best. Sure burnt meat tasted horrible, but I couldn't exactly complain. You know what? Yeah, I will eat it burnt. What am I, Gordon Ramsay?
Taking the time to pick around the meat and discard the nasty parts, I scored the meat as best as I could. The taste was horrendous, but I was a dragon now. I didn't need to be picky like I was when I was human. It was incredibly chewy and hard to swallow, but nevertheless I ate it. The mess I had discarded was quite visceral. I guess the least I could do was give them a proper burial. I piled up their bodies and set them alight before moving on down the stream. I still left marks on the trees to find my way back.
I tried being a big tough dragon eating that goblin, but in truth, I hope I never have to do that again. I was more determined to find civilization now than ever. I wasn't sure how I'd approach humans now that I was a monster in their eyes, but surely I could befriend someone, or even eat their scraps. My MP was drained after those few fire breaths, so I needed to take it easy for a while.
I trotted along the stream, keeping it nice and slow due to my leg. I wanted to find civilization before dusk, but fate had other plans for me.
| This ones a little longer cause I wanted more to happen. Thanks for reading as always. I'll keep trying my best to get better! |
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Did some doodles using references and attempted some redraws. On the far right is Illusia from DoraTama which heavily inspired my writing. My writing may as well be a fanfic atm, but I plan on giving it more originality. Isekai's love using "God\God's voice" as a major factor in the story but I don't plan to. I'd like to blend it with a more DnD style writing but with that Isekai element.
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Day 1 Part 3. Not a dream.
I finished my impromptu dinner. It wasn't exactly a 3 star meal but I couldn't complain considering the situation I was in. The sun had begun to set and I still had no idea where I was, only that this was called the Abandoned Forest.
Oh Voice of God, I could really use some help here...
"Voice of God is unable to respond to this command." Sigh. Of course not, that would be too easy. A thought came into my head as I pondered. Since I discovered that I was able to see the statuses of other creatures, maybe I can see my own?
I closed my eyes and thought about the box I had seen real hard. When I opened them a little display was in front of me. Nameless, Race: Dragon. Stats: 10\15 HP 10\10 MP. Str 12, Agi 12, Int 10, Wis 10. Abilities: Bite, Fire Breath.
I could see it! It seems I had taken some damage in that fight, but it may have been more from the tumble then anything. What stuck out to me the most was the ability Fire Breath. So I really could breath fire, huh? My stats were low, but that's how any RPG started out.
I nodded to myself, a new found determination began to swell in me. RPG's were my forte back when I was human, as long as I could grind levels, I could live an easy life! I started through the forest, walking to the beat of my own drum. That is until I realized I was losing vision to the night.
Maybe I should have gone back to where I hatched. Taking a look behind me, I couldn't see a thing. Oh boy, it was way too late to go back, I have no idea where I ended up after that scramble. My thirst hadn't been quenched yet. I could hardly eat that Lynx, not only because of how little meat it carried on it, but also due the fact that it was really gross.
Don't tell me I'm gonna have to drink my own pee like that television survivalist... That's the last thing I wanted to do. I don't even know if that really worked or not. I guess before it comes to that, let's try to make a fire. There was no way I was going to find water in this visibility.
Scouring around my little area, I gathered as many sticks and leaves as I could. Ok, come on Fire Breath! Opening my jaws wide I tried to imagine the fire like I did with the view status menu, but it seems like this was a bit different then that. I was beginning to get nervous, especially with how quiet the forest sounded. Every now and then you could hear animals howling or barking.
Please, please work. Continuing to push out air through my mouth I could feel my breath getting hotter. Eventually a few sparks came out. It's working! With new found motivation I continued my effort. One of the sparks hit the pine needles that I had gathered and a small flame started to dance.
Placing my arms around the makeshift campfire I started blowing air onto the flame. It grew almost immediately and created a full fledged fire. I couldn't help but stand up on my hind legs and let out a yelp of victory. I couldn't speak English anymore, but that's okay, I could still celebrate. I curled my tiny Dragon body close to the fire and shut my eyes. They felt heavy but with every noise and crack that I heard, they startled right back open. This was going to be a long night.
At some point I must have passed out completely, because morning had begun flooding my eyes with light. The fire was completely extinguished. I survived the night and worst of all, this wasn't a dream. I guess this was my new reality. I could feel myself well up, but nothing spilled out. I had to move forward, I couldn't let myself be swallowed up by sadness. I just couldn't help but think about how good I used to have it.
| Thanks for visiting my page. I'm trying to get better at being more descriptive and using more flavor words. |
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Day 1 Part 2. Bewilderment.
I did not in fact, wake up. I squeezed my eyes shut and re-opened them as if I was going to suddenly wake up in the hospital. Maybe this Voice of God can tell me. Voice, did I really die?
"Voice of God level is too low for this question." Figures. But considering that it told me I had a level means that I must be in some sort of fantasy world like DnD. I wasn't sure on how to take this information at the moment, but what I did know is that if I sat around for too long, I'd be dead again.
Walking around for a brief second to gain my bearings, I took in my surroundings. The forest didn't seem too dense and I could hear wildlife all around me. Next to me was a steep hill. That must of been the one I rolled down. Considering that I'm a dragon, I must have a family, right? I decided on trekking up the hill to where I thought I left off.
I felt very small in comparison to everything around me. I must only be about two feet tall. I made it to the top but I didn't see any sign of other eggs let alone another dragon. I wondered if I should just wait, maybe my parent left me to go hunt and would be back. Using the time I had while waiting, I tried to get used to this new body of mine. It was hard to control, and it definitely felt different from when I was human. I could somewhat stand on my hind legs, but walking around on them was a little difficult.
Tapping my chin I wondered, since I'm a dragon I bet I could breath fire if I wanted to. Taking in some air, I tried to yell out thinking that maybe something would come out. Instead it just sounded like a yelp. I tried again but this time like I was coughing. Nothing. As I sit there in blissful unawareness, I didn't notice the predator that was sneaking up on me.
WHA-! I jumped into the air as I felt something pounce onto my back using its teeth to try and dig into me. I flipped around violently and my surprise predator made some distance between us. It looked like a Cat tried getting the better of me. When we locked eyes a small box appeared next to my foe. "Fire Lynx, level 2." It really was like an RPG. I couldn't see it's health though, but I at least knew what I was up against. I didn't know how to fight, but even I could take on an oversized house cat, right?
Maybe now that the jig was up, I could intimidate this thing and make it run away. Standing up on my rear legs and taking in air I let out a Raaawr! It wasn't very loud but I tried my best. The Lynx immediately pounced on me again, it didn't care about my intimidation factor at all. We had gotten entangled with one another and tumbled all the way down the hill.
As we tumbled the Lynx let out hisses as it tried to bite me, but it was rather unsuccessful. I twisted my body as we tumbled in order to land on top of it. So you think you can bite me, huh? Well try this! I gave it a bite of mine own straight into it's neck. My teeth weren't exactly sharp yet, but having bitten down with all my might I could taste copper fill my mouth. The Lynx yelled out in pain, I decided to let go thinking that maybe it learned it's lesson. Unfortunately, that just seemed to make things worse.
When I had let go, the Lynx had suddenly bursted into flames. Fire had surrounded it's body. What the hell was that?! The Lynx charged at me in a furious state. Oh hell no. I started running away as fast as I could. I was not about to fight something on fire, that things crazy! Zig-zagging in the forest and dipping around the trees, hoping that I could shake this thing off, but it wasn't working. It was hurt pretty bad after I had bit it, so now this was a game of attrition.
Dude, give it up already, you're gonna die! This thing was determined on taking me down with it, but I wasn't about to let that happen. I had thought about running up a tree, but considering that it was a cat, it could probably do the same. If only I were a little bit bigger I could use my wings, but they hadn't grown in yet. God, I hadn't run in years, let alone sprint!
My stamina started to fail me as we continued darting around the forest, but every time I turned around to look at my opponent I could see that it was physically in much worse shape. Suddenly the Lynx fell over and it's fire puttered out. It must be too weak! I took this opportunity to spin around, my feet skidded across the dirt as I did. Come on, just give it up. It's whole body was shaking, but it still looked like it wanted me dead. I stood my ground. The Fire Lynx took it's stance once more.
The Lynx let out one more growl before springing toward me. It was so slow that I just dodged to the side, but I didn't have to counter. As it landed to the side of me it flopped dramatically.
"15 EXP gained. Level 1-2. Appraisal 1-2. Agility up, Strength up. Bite obtained."
I can't believe how determined that Lynx was. What did I ever do to you? While I was panting another box appeared next to the Lynx's dead body.
"Fire Lynx, 0 HP 0 MP. Bite, Claw, Self immolate." Now I could see more of it's stats and abilities. My stomach begun to speak to me. Hunger and thirst was setting in quick. I've never had cat before, but I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't exactly feeling picky right now.
| Author's note. Thanks for reading. I really like using this as practice. I doubt I'll really keep a continuous story line, I'm just having fun. |
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Day 1. Hatching Day.
My vision had gone black, the last thing I had saw was a car heading my direction at break neck speeds while I was crossing the road. I didn't feel much of anything. Only a loud *smack* and a ringing in my ears. White flashed before me and then darkness once more. I guess this is what death is like, just darkness and loneliness. Oh well, I was used to being alone in my thoughts. All I ever did was play games and sit inside all day. I wish I could of at least had friends to show up at my funeral.
I sat in the darkness a little while longer, the ringing had finally stopped, but suddenly I felt something. I could of sworn I had moved. Even if it was just a wiggle. I tried it again but this time with a little more effort. Once more I felt movement. That was until I felt something surrounding me. It was still pitch black around me, but if I concentrated on my arms, I could feel a hard shell like material surrounding me.
I could only put so much focus into my movements, but I continued to push forward and now kick. That is until I suddenly rolled forward. What the hell was going on here? In my frustration I put everything into one push. Uh oh. I began to roll forward at a faster speed. Frighteningly fast. I couldn't speak but I could feel my blood pumping. I closed my eyes and waited for it to stop and when I did I could feel the G-force leave my body for a brief second. *CRACK*
Oof. I hit something, hard. I wormed around for a minute trying to gain my bearings. I don't know what exactly happened but that crack couldn't of been good. Light began to assault my vision. I squinted in an attempt to block it, but it didn't do much. I started to work out of whatever it was that I was trapped in. Pushing the spherical object over my head, I feel forward with an oof.
Rubbing my face a little bit, I could feel that my body was off. My eyes were still getting used to the light. I continued to feel around my face and body. I felt weirdly malformed yet smooth. I pushed my lower half free and sat in bewilderment. Allowing my eyes to get accustomed to the sun, I saw that my hands were no longer hands, but rather claws! I fell backwards at the initial shock.
My skin had patches of scales, and the color was a light blue. My tummy, chest and underside of my hands, or rather, claws, were a grayish white. I felt an appendage from my back side swing suddenly. I whipped around to look, only to spin in a circle for a minute. What the hell am I?!
"You are a Baby Dragon, Level 1." A soft voice chimed in my head. I looked up and around frantically. Who are you!? Where am I?
"I am the Voice of God. You are currently in the Abandoned Forest."
I couldn't believe it. I'd lost my mind. That car must of really done a number on me, but surely I was going to wake up any moment now... Right?
| Authors Note | Hey there! I don't really know what I'm doing here but I wanted to practice writing, so I thought I'd come here! I hope you enjoy my short stories.
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