daylatte · 2 years
I think I love doomed romance so much because it shows that the experience of loving someone is worth it even if you're not together forever. Loving you was worth the heartbreak and I can't say I'd ever wanna live in a world where I didn't know you like this
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daylatte · 3 years
sometimes you need to remind yourself that you’re a part of something bigger. you’ll step into the sun feeling like a ghost, but you will return with something new and hopeful stirring in you. maybe you need some time to sit under a shade of a big tree and do nothing else except feel a sense of connection and unexplainable fondness to that tree. maybe you need time to lie beside the stream and watch the way sunlight falls on water, thinking nothing except “how pretty...” feeling close to the earth and sky will remind you of how little your worries are. the trees and stars understand your solitude, and creatures and birds accept you as part of their landscape without asking anything of you. when you’re alone, nature reminds you that even if you are invisible and fleeting, your existence is a miracle and you’re part of the earth. you exist at the same time as the little black cat you saw in your garden and that alone connects you to them. you belong here, just as much as the sparrows and flowers do. you’re alive and you belong. everything else is so small and temporary.
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daylatte · 3 years
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the simple joys of life are its meaning
“leaves” lloyd schwartz // ilya kaminsky // good will hunting (1997) // unknown // @flowerais // kedi (2016) // unknown
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daylatte · 3 years
i need 2 nourish my body so when i die i can contribute maximum nutrients to the trees
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daylatte · 3 years
Had a very nice dream about Osamu Miya being my boyfriend I hope I’m psychic and he’s my Christmas present :/
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daylatte · 3 years
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daylatte · 3 years
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Jujutsu Kaisen Ending >> ALI  [LOST IN PARADISE feat. AKLO]
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daylatte · 4 years
have you ever noticed you pick up little habits and phrases from the people you love? it’s no wonder our hearts are so easily broken when people leave. we become a reflection of the people that we care about and those personality traits stick with us even if the people don’t
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daylatte · 4 years
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daylatte · 4 years
i need to stop venting on tumblr dot com. the 4 likes from anime profile pics can only replace therapy for so long
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daylatte · 4 years
.* ·゚✧ ─ okay so everyone is talking about iwaizumi hajime (27) the athlete trainer,,
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daylatte · 4 years
“Goodbyes? I don’t believe in goodbyes. I believe in chapters ending, the sun saying see you later to its dearest sky, and people waving their hands to the person they love as they board on a train but never in goodbyes. When two beings truly care for one another, they’ll always carry a part of each other wherever they go even when they don’t know where their other is or what song is now their new favorite or what makes them smile when they’re feeling tired – they’re always together in soul subconsciously searching for pieces of what makes them destined to be right for each other for eternity no matter what. I believe that when two people are in love, warmly, passionately, and utterly in love, there’s always going to be a gift of another hello.”
— Juansen Dizon
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daylatte · 4 years
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Relationships can be hard sometimes. It can take forever to find someone you have a connection with, and when you finally start dating someone it can be a struggle to communicate effectively and keep the spark alive for years down the road. Everyone has a different personal style when it comes to being in a relationship. What’s yours?
Take the following tests below and see how far you are and how far you’ll go in the name of love:
These ‘Would You Rather’ questions will reveal how you are in a relationship
These questions about love will determine your current relationship status
Who should your Disney husband be?
What does your significant other love most about you?
Ace this Love Language Test!
Where will you meet your soulmate?
What zodiac sign is your true love?
What kind of lover are you?
How much of a relationship expert are you?
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daylatte · 4 years
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daylatte · 4 years
how to survive bad school days, from morning till night
my last year of high school starts rather soon, and i’ve had more than my fair share of days when i wake up wanting to cry. there aren’t many things you can do when obligations like school force you to get over it as soon as it starts, so here are some tips to make your day better.
1. dress opposite the way you feel. even though sweats might be super tempting, dress up. wear your favorite pair of jeans, or a dress, or your cutest sneakers, even. wear bright colors at least. sweatpants and such will just make you feel even more blah and unfocused throughout the day. 
2. moisturize! this might seem like an odd idea, but moisturizing and going into school glowy and soft definitely helps me feel more comfortable and less ugh during the school day. it helps keep me in my home-y comfort zone, if that makes sense. 
3. carry something from home. this can be a book (even if you don’t read it), a tube of chapstick, a big waterbottle, etc… i have even gone as far as wrapping myself in a small blanket and walking around like that for the day. if you like this option and don’t feel comfortable wearing it, fold it up and place it in your backpack, just so you know it’s there.
4. plan out your day. even if it’s just making a mental note, tell and remind yourself of the things your going to do and when. this will get rid of any unnecessary stress and pressure. if something unexpected comes up, this will also help you manage your time a little better.
5. eat and drink happy things! pick today to pack a lunch, no matter what your usual routine is. drink plenty of water throughout this day, and eat as many fruits and veggies as you can. fill a reusable water bottle with water, fruit (like lemon or strawberries), and chia seeds! it’s perfect to sip throughout the day for a reboot or just to boost your mood. 
6. when you get home, bathe immediately! wash off the day’s dirt. drop everything as soon as you get home, and either jump in the shower or relax in a bath with your favorite soaps and scents and a book. give yourself a break before you have to get back to work.
7. don’t ignore your work. by work, i mean school work. if you’re having a bad day, don’t hesitate to take a break from talking to people or running (low-priority) errands. you don’t want to ignore schoolwork, though, because teachers aren’t the most lenient people in the world, and getting it done will take a lot off of your shoulders. pushing it away will only gain you more bad days. 
8. go to bed. get sleep! you want to be refreshed and happy for the next day, even if it’s a weekend. there’s a good chance your bad day began because you didn’t get enough sleep, or because you were ripped out of bed. reward yourself with rest after a long day. 
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daylatte · 4 years
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♪  shining through the city with a little funk and soul, so imma light it up like dynamite  ♪
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daylatte · 4 years
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the many faces of iwaizumi hajime
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