daylightecho · 1 year
Quackity REALLY has an good eye to pick people like im SCARED
ok so we all know he has a good eye on picking people to be part of his projects bc all streamers seen to really get along and see each other as great people and everything and they all seen really happy
the thing is: cellbit just said on stream that when he agreed to take part of the QSMP… he didnt know who were the other brazilians
which means the other brazilians didnt know as well
cellbit, tazercraft and felps have known each other for at least 10 years
felps is cellbit’s best friend, and tazercraft and cellbit even shared an apartment for 2 years
Quackity BY ACCIDENT picked 4 people who have been best friends for A DECADE
and then there is FOREVER
Forever knew mike bc they did rpg together before, but this rpg was NEVER posted online and people only found out recently bc one of the members of said rpg posted a small recording in which shows forever and mike playing their characters. but he didnt know any of the others (felps, pac and cellbit)
Richarlyson himself asked “WHERE DID HE [Quackity] FIND FOREVER? I have been following him [Forever] for YEARS but its a completly different style [from the rest of them]”
(richarlyson mentioned before he remembers forever on his youtube channel celebrating 500k subscribers, and right now forever has 3 million)
and then cellbit starts a whole speech about how its been so long since he has felt conected to a person like he feels with forever and that they have known each other for a few months and now they chat EVERYDAY and share a fucking lore
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daylightecho · 1 year
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“The Devil’s Throne”
QSMP x Ordem Paranormal RPG
- q!Roier as The Devil
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daylightecho · 1 year
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first doodle!!
(it was inspired by a screenshot from yesterday’s stream)
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daylightecho · 1 year
hey, i was bored and i decided to open an ask box so people can suggest drawing ideas - try to suggest qsmp stuff related!
i don’t promise i’ll draw all of them, this is just for fun 
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daylightecho · 1 year
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“the hidden garden at the edge of the world”
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daylightecho · 1 year
Jaiden and Her Ghosts AU
More in depth thoughts on the Ghost AU I came up with hours ago where Bad, Cellbit and Foolish are ghosts that haunt/protect Jaiden.
Alright first off, Bad isn't a ghost but a reaper who usually helps pass on the souls of people who have died
Cellbit was a previous resident of the island who lived with his son Richarlyson. Cellbit felt there was something off with the island was especially suspicious of the Federation, constantly investigating and theorizing about the Federation. Though his investigating would be his downfall as he was killed by the Federation after breaking into one of their headquarters.
Bad tried to get Cellbit to pass on but Cellbit refused. His soul will not rest until the Federation is taken down and his son is safe, as after his death, Cellbit has no idea where Richarlyson is.
Time passes and eventually a train arrives to the island with a bunch of English and Spanish speakers.
Cellbit and Bad are intrigued by the new arrivals, watching them as they restore power to the island and get their barings when suddenly one of the islanders is caught up in a big explosion that destroys the wall.
Jaiden doesn't die in the explosion. She should have. An explosion that size should have killed her and yet she manages to walk away with just a big scar across her face and a shredded wing.
She doesn't figure out how exactly she survived the explosion until everyone else has split off to explore the island and Jaiden comes across a man and a tall demon.
Cellbit and Bad are shocked that Jaiden can see them and Jaiden doesn't believe that Cellbit and Bad are ghosts at first, thinking they are regular residents of the island. But when she tries to introduce them to the others, the others tell her they don't see anyone, and Jaiden tries to play it off as possibly having head tramaua due to the explosion.
Bad explains that he decided to save Jaiden from the explosion and that action probably caused Jaiden to be able to see Cellbit and Bad.
So now Jaiden can see ghosts, cool!
The Egg Event Happens and Jaiden is paired with Roier and together they adopt Bobby.
Jaiden frets about not being a good enough parent but both Bad and Cellbit reassures her and gives her advice.
Cellbit also becomes a bit infatuated with Roier.
And then Foolish dies.
It catches everyone off guard but Jaiden even more so when she sees Foolish's ghost after he dies.
Bad tried to also get Foolish to pass on but he wanted to stay so he could see Leo grow up as he died just a couple days after he and Vegetta adopted her. Bad reluctantly allowed it.
So Bad, Foolish and Cellbit just kinda haunt Jaiden in a friendly manner around the island. But they're also there to help her during really difficult dungeons like the whole nightmare scenario with the airship.
After awhile the Brazilians arrive to the island, saying they're looking for Cellbit. Before he died, Cellbit had been sending letters to Felps about life on the island and the Federation. When Felps stopped receiving the letters, he, Pac, Mike and Forever decided to set out to find him.
Jaiden unfortunately has to tell them that Cellbit died at the hands of the Federation and while the Brazilians had just arrived to the island, they vow to avenge their fallen friend.
And in a shocking turn of events, Richarlyson is found in the adoption center and is quickly taken in by the Brazilians.
I'll probably write more of this later or start a fic with this AU but these are just my general thoughts and headcannons for this AU. Let me know if you want more.
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daylightecho · 1 year
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(Federation Trio AU?)
just wanted to draw badass federation agents roseduo
however, i can’t draw guns ;-;
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daylightecho · 1 year
oh my god, q!cellbit and five are also almost the same person
they have a violent historic with both being assassins and going on killing spree
both can be terrifying when they want to be, the tone of voice and their gaze shift
both are known as being intelligent and highly paranoid
they do everything for the people they love, regardless of their own sake
are antagonistic of their previous employers
they love coffee
they both can’t catch a fucking break
is it just me, or the federation gives off some commission (the umbrella acadamy) vibes?
i mean, both of these organizations are known for preaching “the greater good”
- the federation: happiness of the residents (maybe another ulterior reason we don’t know yet?)
- the commission: the apocalypse and the timeline
most fanarts of cucurucho are it using a suit and a bear mask. the commission agents also use suits and masks during missions
both organizations have an eye on everything
both organizations handle tasks for their agents or potential agents
both organizations had traitors among their ranks
- q!cellbit (it’s complicated)
- five hargreeves
both organizations don’t mind violent methods
- the chainsaw incident and all the times cucurucho shot someone
- i don’t think i have to explain the commission, they kill and torture people, that’s it
and also, cucurucho and the handler are very similiar
maybe i’m crazy, but i just can’t stop seeing the coincidences
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daylightecho · 1 year
is it just me, or the federation gives off some commission (the umbrella acadamy) vibes?
i mean, both of these organizations are known for preaching “the greater good”
- the federation: happiness of the residents (maybe another ulterior reason we don’t know yet?)
- the commission: the apocalypse and the timeline
most fanarts of cucurucho are it using a suit and a bear mask. the commission agents also use suits and masks during missions
both organizations have an eye on everything
both organizations handle tasks for their agents or potential agents
both organizations had traitors among their ranks
- q!cellbit (it’s complicated)
- five hargreeves
both organizations don’t mind violent methods
- the chainsaw incident and all the times cucurucho shot someone
- i don’t think i have to explain the commission, they kill and torture people, that’s it
and also, cucurucho and the handler are very similiar
maybe i’m crazy, but i just can’t stop seeing the coincidences
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daylightecho · 1 year
(Federation Trio AU) - A confession
"I'm fucking tired of pretending I'm fine, man!" q!Roier cries out, louder than the thunderstorm, "I said I was okay when they backstabbed me. I said I was okay when Bobby died. I said I was fine when q!Cellbo went missing, when q!Jaiden went missing, but I-- I can't keep doing that..."
"I'm not fine! I miss my fucking dog! I miss my fucking son! I miss my fucking best friend! I miss-- I miss the someone that loved me!" His voice trembles, but he doesn't stop, "What did I deserve this?! WHY DO I HAVE TO LOSE EVERYTHING I LOVE?!"
The dark skies don't answer him.
"I hate this place! I hate this island! I hate the federation! I hate mt fucking life." A voice crack, and he starts crying. He tries to control it, but the more he tries to bottle it up, more tears run across his face, mixing with the rain. "I hate being this fucking weak..."
His knees give out and he sobs. It's loud, it's ugly, but he doesn't care. He sobs his heart out, not caring people will hear him.
Because no one can.
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daylightecho · 1 year
(Federation Trio AU)
I'd like to think that, after q!Cell and q!Jaiden's disappearance, q!Roier isolates himself. He moves out of the castle to Bobby Fields and just tries to pretend he isn't more alone than ever. He's at the edge of the world, where no one can hear him sobbing his heart out.
He uses a necklace with q!Jaiden's old feathers and uses one of q!Cell's old green jacket he found on his not-finished castle. He still uses his overalls, dirty with the dirt of the rose fields, spending hours gardening roses, blue flowers and, recently, amaranthus.
Sometimes, he wakes up in the middle of the night, or just doesn't sleep, and he reads the letter his gatinho gave to him, or he sings the songs he used to sing for Bobby.
I'd like to think that q!Roier feels so tired. Life took too many things from him, so why bother fighting back?
For now, q!Roier just lives to see the next sunset, that's all.
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daylightecho · 1 year
(Federation Trio AU)
I imagine after q!Cell's disappearance and not finding him during the rescue mission, q!Forever started to dig deep into the investigations, just like q!Cell did when he was solving the enigmas.
q!Forever stops going after q!Phil, or any romantic interest, because he wants to find his friend/ex-husband and now he needs to lead the Order. Richas, the others brazilians, q!Bad, q!Baghera and q!Maxo are always trying to show support, but they also want him to take care of himself.
I imagine q!Forever sleeping in q!Cell's old office, looking through his files, trying to find a clue, or just humming under his breath the little song q!Cell used to put when they talked, to remember a time they were okay, at their safe space.
I imagine q!Forever feels so guilty because he couldn't bring q!Cell back for Richas, for the Order, for the brazilians, for q!Roier...
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daylightecho · 1 year
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“i got some friends from the other side”
Federation Trio AU
(based on my previous post)
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daylightecho · 1 year
AU where q!Cellbit is never rescued. The islanders find q!Felps, yes, but q!Cell is different. He is a traitor from both sides, regardless of his intentions. He tried to play with the Federation, and they don't like that.
AU where q!Jaiden is recruited earlier by Cucurucho. No one is there to warn her. They are too late to save her, but it's okay. She follows her plan to keep the eggs safe, and pays the price. She's gone and q!Roier seems the only one to care.
When the elections are announced, the tension around the island skyrocket it, especially around q!ElQuackity. To assist their candidate, the Federation assign him a campaign manager and a bodyguard.
To say people were in shock is an understatement.
(this is just a silly au, i haven't think too much about it, but maybe i'll develop it more later on. for now, i'm working on a fanart)
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daylightecho · 1 year
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a moment of peace
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daylightecho · 1 year
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“family outing”
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daylightecho · 1 year
mini-comic: badboyhalo's first babysitting
(based on the hcs and discussions around q!cellbit being a kid during the hunger games)
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