dddannn · 3 years
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dallet house ~ récita |  atlier d’architecture | photos © récita
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dddannn · 3 years
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Pairing: SakusaxF!Reader Warning: death and drugs (not much) Genre: angst
Your smile, your pretty face, your skin, your touches, your everything he can’t get enough of you as if you are some kind of drug to him that makes him want and seek for more. Since the day you met he can’t get you out of his head, he tried his best to win your heart until you became his. Every moment of your relationship feels as if it was the first time, every moment you spent with each other as if you fell over and over again. As if he didn’t get tired at all.
“I'm going home now!” Sakusa announced to the team. They just finished practicing for the upcoming season of the Volleyball play outs. Meian took a glance at him  and took a small pill in his mouth.
“You’re still taking that pill?” he asked and Sakusa just nodded.
“Yeah I needed to. I’m gonna go now.” he said as he was about to leave
“You’re still going to your girl’s place?” Atsumu asked concerned
“Yes, why?” Atsumu just shook his head
“Nothing have a safe trip there.” he sad and Sakusa nodded and left
When he arrived at your apartment, it was dark. It's unusual for you to leave your house dark, especially when you are scared of it. He opened the lights and saw you on the sofa, sleeping. He smiled at the sight of you as he walked near you and kissed your forehead. You opened your eyes and greeted the bright lights that made you groan. Then you noticed him there. You smiled as you pushed yourself up and he seated next to you. You kissed his cheeks
“Welcome home. Sorry I fell asleep.” you said as you lay your head at his shoulder
“It’s okay. Have you eaten dinner yet?” he asked and you shook your head “then do you want to eat something? Anything in mind?” he asked and you smiled
“Chicken?” he chuckled
“That’s it?” you nodded
“How about we order Chinese food and chicken?” he said and you smiled at him and nodded. He smiled back and called for the restaurant and ordered. As the food arrived you set up the table and prepared for the meal. As you guys were eating he noticed that you ate less and finished before he does
“You’re done eating?” he asked and you pouted and nodded.
“I don’t know what’s with me, I'm kinda full now. I haven’t even touched my food yet.” you said
“It’s okay we can eat these tomorrow morning or something.” you smiled at him as he continued eating. He has been so considerate to you. He never changed and it’s been a year since you’ve dated yet nothing has changed. After you guys ate, you cleaned up and washed the dishes. You noticed him taking something from his pocket and put it inside his mouth. You watched him worried
“You’re still drinking those pills?” you asked he looked at you and nodded
“yeah , my head hurts if I don’t drink this.”
“You know you could have hallucinations if you drink that right?”
“I know but, it’s better to be safe than to have my depression strike again. I can’t let you see that side of me.” Then you went near him and caressed his face.
“You don’t need those anymore. You know that and I’m here.” you said as you smiled at him, assuring him that you are always there for him. He smiled at you and leaned closer for a kiss.
The next day he went to his regular schedule. He went to the Gym and met the others
“Morning .” he said as he saw Hinata and Meian
“Oh, Sakusa. How was your night” Hinata asked
“It was great I spent the whole night with Y/n” he said and Hinata got confused
“Y/n?” he questioned and Meian just elbowed him.
“Yeah, my girlfriend. Don’t you remember?” he said in a ‘as a matter of fact’ way
“Oh! Her! How was she? We haven’t seen her for like, a month?” he said as he remembered you.
“She’s doing fine, she said she wished she could hang out with you guys more.” and Hinata just nodded in response
“Well maybe soon we could hang out right?” he glanced at Meian but Meian just glared at him as he continued his warm up. Then Sakusa’s  phone rang and he took it out from his pocket making something fall out from his pocket. Simon noticed it and picked it up. As he saw the item he felt disappointed at him and waited for him to finish his call.
“You drop this.” Hinata said as he gave back the item.
“Oh thank you. I would be dead if I lost it.” he sighed in relief
“Still taking that pill? You know that you are not allowed to take that again right? You have another prescription, why are you still drinking that?” Hinata Scolded him
“It’s such a waste if I didn’t drink everything I bought right? And my head hurts if I don’t drink this” he answered and Hinata just shook his head and returned back from what he was doing. As they finished all their schedules the team driver offered to drive all of them from work.
“Hey bro can you drop me off at this address.” Sakusa asked as he gave the driver the address, which earn a look from Bokuto
“Isn’t that his girlfriend's address? Bokuto whispered to Atsumu which is also confused
“Omi, are you going home to your girl’s house?” asked Atsumu and he nodded in response
“Why is there anything wrong?” he asked as everyone remained silent.
“No it’s just” Bokuto responded and he noticed something at Sakusa’s feet. He furrowed his brows as he saw the pills. “It’s nothing, maybe you just need to rest for now.” Bokuto continued
“It’s okay I can rest well at her house.” he smiled at them and they just stared at him silently as they drove their way there. He was the first one to drop off.
“Sakusa we’re here!” the driver announced and he nodded. He collected his things as he went out of the van
“I’m going now, have a safe trip.” he said as he closed the door. The van was filled with silence. Then Bokuto picked up something
“So he’s still drinking this huh?” he announced which earned the other’s attention. Then Atsumu’s eyes widened.
“Isn’t it his Medicine that made him Hallucinate?”Atsumu asked Meian nodded in response
“I think he’s still confused. We need to hide it from him, he said he’s not gonna stop drinking it until he runs out of those pills.”
“I’m very concerned right now. Maybe we should not leave yet?” Hinata suggested as they all nodded. “We’ll just wait for him at the cafe there.” he pointed at the opened cafe in front of the building.
As Sakusa entered her apartment it’s very dark. Only the lights from the outside are the ones that make the house bright which is not enough. He opened the lights and he noticed that you were not there. Maybe you are asleep in your room. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and reached for his pockets, he noticed his pills were gone. Maybe he left it in the Locker. He just sighed and opened the cupboard and reached for his other medicine and drank from it. After taking his medication he went directly to his room. And it’s still dark inside. As he opened the lights. He saw a messy room. As if it wasn’t cleaned for days. He was so confused as he looked around. It was just very clean yesterday, you just cleaned the room. He walked to the bed and grabbed the sheets thinking that you were sleeping. When he grabbed the sheets off he just saw a pile of unwashed clothes underneath his blankets. He got more confused. Then he tried to call for you, yet no one answered. He looked around the room yet he saw no one. He got concerned and he panicked. He’s scared that you might leave him. He called for your phone, yet it rang inside his room. He went back to the room and saw your phone at the side table ringing while his phone was calling it.
“Where can she be? She never leaves her phone if she leaves?” he panicked as he went back and forth to the kitchen, living room , bathroom and to the bedroom that you both shared. There’s still no one there. Then he looked at your phone, he opened it. He saw unopened messages from your brother a month ago. And his messages earlier this day that are unopened. He has no choice but to call your brother but using his phone. He dialled his number and waited as it was ringing
“Hello Kyoomi” Your Brother asked
“Iwaizumi, is your sister there?” he asked in panicked
“My sister? Dude are you insane?” Iwaizumi asked confused
“ Your sister was here yesterday with me! And she left her phone in her apartment and I can’t find her anywhere she has nowhere else to go, just here and there.” he said
“Dude you are really going nuts! Don’t tell me you’re still taking those pills?” Iwaizumi spat which made him confused
“What’s with those pills ? Everyone asked me about that. And I don’t get it. It’s my medicine.” he shouted hysterically. “Just answer me where your sister is!”
“Kyoomi, where are you right now?” Iwaizumi asked concerned
“At her apartment. We’ve been living together for half a year now.” he answered
“Okay just stay there. I’m calling Meian!” Iwaizumi announced as he dropped the call. Then Sakusa Panicked. He ran around the house and looked around for you as if you were just there. He opened the closet and found your clothes there. He grabbed your favorite shirt and hugged it tightly. You didn’t leave the thought. He just kept on walking around the apartment still holding your shirt, calling out your name while crying as if you guys are playing hide and seek. Then a few minutes later he could hear the door open, he beamed in happiness as he ran towards the door yet he smiled as he saw his Team was there. When Atsumu saw Sakusa’s state his eyes became sad, then he looked around and everything was a mess. And he looked back at Sakusa. He saw your shirt in his hand, holding it tightly.
“Omi, are you okay?” Atsumu said as he walked in the apartment
“Tsumu? Why are you guys here? Did you already left?” he asked confused
“Actually we didn’t leave because we are concerned about you.” Hinata said as he got closer to Sakusa and placed an hand at his shoulder which Wonjae Flinch by the sudden touch
“Guys, what are you talking about?” Wonjae asked confused
“Sakusa, I think it’s good for you to go back to your old apartment, the one you shared with Atsumu.” Meian said.
“Why? I’m with my girlfriend now, what’s wrong with that?” he is still confused
“Sakusa, you see this? You dropped it earlier.``He showed him the pills Sakusa tried to grab from him but he pulled back.
“give it to me that’s mine”
“No, didn’t the doctor say to stop drinking this? This is the reason why you are seeing things right now.”
“What are you talking about ?” he asked confused as he look at everyone’s face, they looked at him with sympathy in their eyes “why what happened guys?” he continued to asked
“You see Sakusa, these pills make you Hallucinate.” Meian answered
“I know she told me that yesterday.”
“That’s the point,Sakusa, you need to stop drinking this because you are seeing her.”
“What do you mean?! I really don’t understand and my head hurts so bad!” he said
“Sakusa Kyoomi, listen. You are just Hallucinating.”
“Just get to the point!”
“She’s Dead.”
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dddannn · 3 years
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6K notes · View notes
dddannn · 3 years
Pairing: Meian ShugoX You
Warnings: Smut
Genre: smut and fluff
It’s already been 2 weeks but you haven’t seen your boyfriend. He’s out of town for a Tournament. Even though he didn’t miss a day to call you or face time you, you can’t help to miss him, his touch, his presence, his kisses, his everything. It’s only been 2 weeks since they started their tournaments but you already miss him, especially at nights when you are so used to being hugged and snuggled during your sleep but now it just feels so empty. Now you tried to divert your emptiness, as you were seated at your bed you grabbed and opened your laptop and tried searching for fan cams from his recent play offs. You smiled as you saw some recent uploads. And tried watching some of them. You could see him and his crew have fun in court. And also laugh when you saw their hungry fan girls, good thing you are not the jealous type of girlfriend cause if you are then it would be hard for both of you. As you were giggling in each video you saw you could hear your phone vibrate from the other side of the bed, you instantly grabbed it and answered the call. You know it’s him who would it be? And you decide to put it in a loudspeaker.
“Hey babe! How’s your game last night.” you asked
“It was okay, we really have a lot of crazy fangirls though” he said and you laughed.
“Yeah I know right? I just saw a video of you and some people threw their bra at you. You are really have a lot of fangirls though you’re quite old.” you said and he laughed
“I am not that old though, and they still think I am hot.”
“Yeah, right you are already 32 Shugo, you still think you’re young?” you joked at him
“Yah! What Shugo? That’s Senpai for you!”
“Senpai? Oh please why would I call you that? you are only a few years older than me.”
“Still, I am still older than you.”
“Yeah as if I will call you that”
“Just call me Senpai please!”
“I don’t want to! Haha!” you teased him
“When I see you again, you are gonna get a punishment from me.”
“Then Punish me then.” just then your door opened harshly
“Oh yes I will.” It was him, at your door. Your eyes widened at the sight of him in front of you, it made your heart beat fast. You instantly closed your laptop and put it on the side as you stood up and jumped at him, good thing he caught you as you wrapped your legs around him. Then he chuckled
“Well I guess someone missed me huh?” he teased and you just hugged him tighter as he walked towards your bed and laid you down and hovered over you.
“Then as for the punishment.” he said as he held both of your hands down to your sides and he leaned down closer to you, you smiled as you leaned in for the kiss. As you moved in sync you could feel his tongue brushed through your lips, you gladly opened your lips as he entered your mouth. You could feel butterflies rumbling in your stomach from his kisses. It always feels like the first time everytime he kisses you, but now it feels more exciting maybe because It’s been weeks since you saw each other and you missed each other’s touch. Then he pulled away from the kiss for you to catch your breath
“If this is always the punishment, then I’ll always be a bad girl” you breath and he smirked
“You are getting bolder lately huh?” he said as he kissed your neck which owned a moan from you
“I just fucking miss you” you moaned as you arched your back when he found your sweet spot.
“Then let me do you now.” he said as he pulled up your shirt with your bra, and he grabbed your left boob with his right hand while he sucked on the other, which earned a moan from you. Then he ran his left hand from your chest down to your stomach and he slipped it inside your shorts as he palmed your pussy. You could feel his middle finger playing with your clit.
“Shugo” you moaned as he inserted a finger in you.
“What did I tell you earlier?” he teased as he slowly inserted his finger in and out.
“I don’t want to..o”
“Are you sure?” he teased as he inserted another finger. You just opened your mouth and moaned ignoring his request.
“Are you really not gonna call me that?” He teased as he curled his fingers inside you.
“Shugo...ahh I need you now.” you moaned and he smirked
“What did I tell you?”
“I need you now, Senpai” you breathe and he smirked as he pulled his finger out from you, he pulled your shorts down with your panties. Then he eagerly unbuckled his pants and pulled it down, revealing already hard dick. He took a hold of his dick and pumped it a few times, then he opened your legs as he positioned himself in between you. Then he slowly entered you, which earned a moan from you.
“It feels so good inside you, fuck” he moaned as he thrusted in and out from you.
“You feel so hard you, ah! Fuck harder!” you moaned as he thrusted harder in you
“Shit why are you so tight?” he moaned as he started harder and harder which received a moan from you, then he grabbed your hips and pulled it up and he thrusted harder with him in his knees and you arch your back at the sensasion.
“There! Oh my god FUCK! There!” you screamed as he hit your spot, then he grabbed one of your leg and put it over his shoulder as he position himself and he trusted in to you harshly
“Here?” he said as he thrusted harder “you want me to thrust harder” and he thrust “here?” then he thrusted again
“Oh yes there! Don’t stop” you screamed as he thrusted that spot again and again, and harder and harder. Then suddenly you grabbed his shoulder and you digged your nails at his shoulder, he knows that you are already near, so he thrusted in and out in you faster and harder as before, and you can’t take it anymore, your mind is already becoming blurry
“Shugo, I’m already…”
“Me too” he moaned as he cummed inside you, and you moaned as you reached your climax as well, you could feel him fill you up down there. Then after that, he pulled out from you and laid beside you in the bed, he grabbed the sheets and covered both of your body. As you are trying to recover from the sensassion you looked at him and you saw him staring at you, you smiled and you snuggled near him.
“I thought you’re on tourament.”
“Well, we are not done yet but our next game is still next week so we still have time to be here” he said as he wrapped an arm around you
“It must be fun playing huh? Especially when girls throwing their bras at you” you teased him and he laughed
“You want those bras? I could give them you you”
“Ew, that’s gross!” you hit him and he laughed and hugged you tightly.
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dddannn · 3 years
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Pairing: SunaXF!Reader
 Warnings: Alcohol, other than that none
Genre: Fluff
///ring///**///ring/// you smiled as you saw the caller before answering the call
“You have plans for tonight?” your smile became bigger upon hearing his voice from the other line
“I’m fine thank you, how about you?” you replied with a mocking tune “of course, how could I forget to meet you up tonight? We always do this right?” you laugh as you could hear him sigh with relief at the other line thinking you forgot your promise.
“So what time and where?” he asked
“You always make me do all the choosing, how about you decide this time?”
“You know I don’t really care where, as long as we could hang out.”
“Oh, I heard Kita’s gonna throw a party tonight?”
“Are you sure you wanna hang out with them? I mean it’s your cousin and stuff but you know”
“Well you decide then?” you waited for him to answer but he just sighed in defeat
“Alright then so I’m gonna pick you up by 9pm?”
“Yes! Just pick me up by that time then. See you!” you said as you hang up.
Checking yourself at the mirror for the nth time,  thinking if the clothes and makeup is too much? Well you’re attending a party it’s not like any ordinary hangout like you guys usually do. You 're wearing a black off shoulder long sleeve crop top, a high waist denim short, and boots. Not really much since you don’t want to get unnecessary attention when you arrive there. As you are combing your long hair, you heard a knock from your door. ‘It must be him’ you thought. You quickly opened the door and saw your friend smiling as you opened the door for him to enter.
“You’re quite early today.” you looked at the clock and walk back too your room
“Well, I really have nothing to do now so I just came early.”
“We’ll I’m done preparing, should we go? It’s still 8 o'clock and the party starts at 9:30 though” you replied as you grabbed your stuff and went back to the living room
“How about we grab something to eat first, I’m hungry. And I know a great place” he rubbed his stomach, you smiled at his invitation since it’s the first time he suggested something when you go out.
“Okay let’s go!”
As you seated in his car before you could even lock your seat belt, he removed his leather jacket leaving him with his white shirt and placed it on your lap, you looked at him with a questionably. “It’s gonna be cold” he just said and you nodded in response. Along the ride you played along with some songs that are in his playlist, you were singing along with then the song iffy turned on then you teased him because it’s his  favorite song. He just laughed at you. You and Suna have been friends for 2 years now, you’ve been acquainted because of your cousin’s birthday party. Your cousin has no intention of introducing you to any of his friends but it happens that Suna is such a friendly person and asked for everyone’s number at the party. You usually gather with big groups and eat out but  eventually from group meetings turn into both of you meeting up every now and then since others are too busy. You didn’t mind it either.
“You know that Atsumu is there right?” you looked at him and nodded
“Of course, you , Shin and him are in the same Team before right? why? Is anything bothering you about Him?” you asked him
“No, it’s just be careful around him. He’s a fuck boy” you looked at him confused
“You’re the one who looks more like a fuck boy” you laugh
“It’s true, he might not look like it and he has a reputation to hold but believe me, he has his ways to get people under his hands.”
“Hahaha, you know that I met, and befriended Atsumu before you right? And why are you even worried about that?” you said, as the car stopped in front of a casual restaurant, you removed the jacket on your lap and handed it to him as you walked out the car. Then he followed you and he put his jacket on your shoulders, you were about to ask him but he cut you off by saying “cold” as you entered the restaurant.
After your meal, you went directly to the location where your cousin’s party was held. When you arrived at the venue, there were already many people there. You walked through the crowd in order to find your cousin as Suna followed you along like a puppy. Then at the area where people were chilling you saw your cousin
“Shin!” you beamed and he looked at your direction. When he saw you he his smile widened and he spread out his arms asking you for a hug, and immediately you jumped at him.
“God, I miss you so much, how have you been?” you asked as you let go of the hug
“I’m doing great as you can see, how’s my princess doing?” and he looked at the back of you finding Suna behind you. “Oh you’re with Suna?” you nodded
“We thought if we could hang out tonight and I remembered your party so we went here instead.” you smiled at him
“Are you two perhaps? Dating?” Upon hearing the question your head instantly turned to Suna and gave him a look, he got what you are trying to say and answered Kita’s question on your behalf.
“No uhh, we are just...uh..friends” he walked closer to you and looked at you, then you smiled at him. Then suddenly you heard someone shouted your name, your eyes instantly switched to the person who called you and gave him a big smile and a hug
“It’s been days since I last saw you” as he kissed your forehead earning a glare from Suna
“I know right? You guys don’t usually come when we hang out.” then he gave you a questioning look “you guys hang out?”
“Yeah, like we used to before yet you guys are started to get busy because because of your Tournaments”
“Oh, those times, I kinda miss those. But we’re kinda free nowadays we could hang out often now” he smiled
“Atsumu, where’s Osamu by the way? I haven’t seen him since I got here.”
“Oh, I guess he’s with the others or something. And it’s Tsumu for you.” you rolled your eyes at his remark.
“I don’t even call Suna ‘Rin’ and he didn't complain”
For the whole night you were with Atsumu and forgot the whole reason you were there is because you promised Suna to hang out. Yet you found him at the bar talking to some girls, so you shrugged off the guilty feeling of breaking your promise, maybe he might get a girl tonight. As time passed by your shots become liters, from talking turns into flirting, and from simple skin brushes turns into touches. You felt uncomfortable at this point, maybe because of the alcohol, or the fact you can’t imagine the cute Atsumu you know is flirting and touching you at some point. Yet you still pretended that it didn’t affect you. As Atsumu pulled you closer to him and grabbed from your waist, you felt someone yanked you gently away from him, when you looked at the guy, it was Suna. You smiled at relief, he saved you.
“I think she needs to go now, right?” he said signaling you to look at the time. As you look at the clock, it’s already 2:48 in the morning. You have nothing going on the next day but sensing that it’s the proper time to go you agreed.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry Atsumu I gotta go. I still have ummm.. Appointments later.” you excused as you left the poor boy along at the table.
As you got in at his car, he gave you his jacket so you could cover up. And started to drive. The whole ride was silent, he didn’t say a word, nor did you. Then the car stopped at the traffic light as it turned red, you wanted to get rid of the tension between you two, so you decided to speak up first.
“Is there anything that is bothering you Suna?” silence, he didn’t reply he’s just tapping his fingers at the steering wheel while looking at the road.
“You're not usually this silent, during our ride home, is everything alright?” you questioned again and received a sigh from him.
“We’ll other than completely ignoring me for Atsumu all night, and I literally told you he’s a fuckboy yet you didn’t listen, and him flirting with you and touching you everywhere with his filthy hands, and the way his hungry eyes looking at you makes me get on my nerves but other than that  everything’s particularly alright” you were just shock at his rant.
“Are you perhaps, jealous?”
He cleared his throat “what do you think? If I could pull out those eyes of his as he stares at you as of you’re some kind of meat” you hummed in response and remained silent the whole ride. You know he’s jealous, he clearly is but he won’t admit it, maybe because he doesn’t have the right to do so? And he didn’t say anything else too, so you decided to keep your mouth shut.
“Where here.” he announced and you nodded then you gave him his jacket, as you walked out. When you walked towards the building you could hear the door closed behind you, you looked back and saw him following you.
“Do you need anything else?” you asked
“I’ll just want to drop you off by the elevator since you drank a lot. Someone might ride with you with weird intentions.” and you nodded in response, and smiled at what he said. As you reached the elevator and you pressed the up button.
“You know what Rin, Atsumu was the first person who I knew from your team right, aside from Shin?” he nodded “and he means nothing to me other than just a brother”
“What are you tryi-”
“you see I’m already seeing someone” he widen his eyes from your announcement “he’s funny, he’s sweet,he’s sexy, he always ask if I have any plans even though he knows we are planning to see each other, and he always makes me decide where to meet cause it’s okay for him we would be anywhere as long as we are together he’s okay with it. I really like him, more than a crush I think” you chuckled and the elevator arrived. Then you entered the doors and looked back at him “I hope he likes me back as much as I like him” then the doors started to close but Suna was quick enough to enter the elevator before it fully closed, making you shocked at his actions. “What are you do-” he cupped your face and smiled at you before he leaned in capture your lips for a kiss
“that’s a confession right?” you smiled and he kissed you again
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dddannn · 3 years
Sooooo....I am planning to rewrite my old fics and try to post them here. And since im simping with haikyuu amma try to change the characters into readerxHQ characters
I hope people will like my stuff..stay tuned 😌
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dddannn · 3 years
So I just wanted to share my thoughts...
Sooo... there is this Volleyball player that I have been crushing for a while( since 2015.) And for me he kinda lowkey resemble Akaashi Keiji or Sawamura Daichi From Haikyuu (or maybe Im just Blind)
And this is Him
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So, His name is Kim Yohan and he is a professional volleyball player. Maybe it’s his hair that kinda makes me think he looks like Daichi and Akaashi
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Then, I just happened to saw a video that he is kinda featured in it so I looked him up for his recent pictures. And since I saw his recent pictures. so since then, every-time I read an Ushijima Wakatoshi Fan Fic I cant help but think of him as a real version of UshiWaka
It’s just me okay hahahaha if you dont agree then it’s okay too 😌 ps. He’s 2m tall
And these are some recent photos
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11 notes · View notes
dddannn · 3 years
holy trinity of big tiddies men
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You can redraw yourself on the pic, you have my permit! But repost on the other website is not allow 💕 enjoy
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7K notes · View notes
dddannn · 3 years
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I think I’m in love
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dddannn · 3 years
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72 notes · View notes
dddannn · 3 years
Thef? 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
The poster in episode 5
Not sure if this has already been touched upon but I was drawing some volleyball cuties and needed some clubroom references for the background. I loaded up episode 5 to and came across this scene:
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Perfect! Exactly what I needed.
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An idol group poster? Wait a second…are those labels?
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From left to right: Suga - Likes older women Tanaka - Pervert Ennoshita - M, likes tsunderes Lolicon Narita
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Short hair is life! - Kinoshita Likes big boobs - Daichi
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20K notes · View notes
dddannn · 3 years
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87K notes · View notes
dddannn · 3 years
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Art of “ Mischelle Moy ”
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dddannn · 3 years
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tokyo dreams 💭
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dddannn · 3 years
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dddannn · 3 years
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Miyamura + his secret tattoos.
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dddannn · 3 years
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Aobajousai High | 青葉城西高校
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