SPD/ADHD problems
"this is cute" *feels it* "Bad Texture™!!"
sensory overloads that people just think is being antisocial. no im actually having an episode here let me be in physical pain from a texture for ten minutes
then there's the days where you just don't feel anything (hyposensitive days) and you feel like you're goin insane
"there's a loud sound! quick, put music on that's even louder!! ultimately causing hearing damage!!" (i do this when i mow my lawn)
am i really ADD/ADHD/SPD or am i just faking it?? im using the community for my own selfish reasons even though i am certainly Not doing That
*hyper-foucuses on one song/show/person/ect"
*goes non-verbal for a week*
you have to have something(like a podcast/tv/video) in the background of what you're doing or else you can't focus At All
getting irritated at seemingly nothing (like the jacket you're wearing being a bad texture/earbuds brushing against your face is my personal pet peeve)
when you're having a sensory overload you just feel mad and irritated and like crying and kicking and everything is too much
when things aren't enough (hyposensitive) you feel empty and broken :/
when ur meds turn you into a zombie :(
ADD/ADHD/SPD/Autistic peeps feel free to add more! it will be ok!
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Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea Walkthrough
Game By: Mogeko (Deep Sea Prisoner) Translated By: vgperson Walkthrough By: Admin Stella
*A word before I begin. This game has a rape scene in it. I will let you know before it begins, but it’s a fairly lengthy cutscene right around the middle of the end of the game.
*One other thing: Wadanohara is very battle-based. In the walkthrough it will say “Fight XX” in place of battle. I can’t really help you with these parts, but I will put a little note like “Save before speaking with XX in case you die.” I recommend fighting one of each map’s enemies. (ie if there are 5 different kinds of enemy fight 5 battles. Most battles can be escaped from. This helps you level up easily. I was able to complete the game as a level 25/26.) This game’s weapons come from exploration on the various maps and islands. Once again, can’t really help you there. VGPerson’s walkthrough on her website shows where to get several important items.
Walkthrough is under the cut! Please feel free to ask if you’ve got any further questions about the game!
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Game Freak: Check out our badass legendary armored wolves! They’re the mascots of the games!
The Internet: Sheeeeeeeeep!!!!
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Marth: There’s a rat in my room.
Joker: Yeah, you’re in there.
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Don’t call me out like this
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i use the word fuck so excessively i sometimes forget it’s a swear word
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i need $$$$$ not feelings
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UwU I love my vampire husband https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFFViZBeWO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18gb6c5ixhlwm
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Comfort - ( Azusa Mukami)
Trigger Warnings: Implied Depression, Self-Depreciation/Low self esteem, Brief mentions of suicide 
Word Count: 528
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I gotta change all of Ame’s info because I’m going to put her back with Yuma since the creator of Chris kinda broke up with me soooo
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So I bought Tomodachi Life and Miitopia and here are some screenshots of Tomodachi Life featuring the boys from Diabolik Lovers
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Whoops I’ve been inactive Sorry about that ;;
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Subaru: What do you call a pansexual Nick who works at a CD store?
Subaru: Pan Nick at the disc co. 
Kou: Get the fuck out. 
Subaru: Fine, do you want me to close the goddamn door too?
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Hhhi, if this doesn't go against any rules, how would the diabolik boys (sakamaki and mukami? Or just sakamaki) react to their newly dropped of bride being deaf. As in, the guy who sold her or whatever lied about her well being, so not even Karlheinz knew she was deaf and could only communicate through sign language?
(Rook: Not to worry, it doesn’t break any of the rules!
I don’t usually write reactions in head-canon format but I found it was easiest for this request. I also just went with the sakamaki’s for this one but I can certainly write up a Mukami version.
Please note: If anything mentioned below is wrong/partially offensive, it was not my intention and don’t hesitate to tell me of such either. I like to try and portray subjects as accurately as I can.)
-A little surprised at first that someone had managed to hide such a thing from their father but he doesn’t let it bother him not does he think too much on that fact.
-He’d find it troublesome as he tends to be more of a sound-based person but he understands it’s not something the bride really has control over. She didn’t choose this and it wasn’t exactly something that could be so simply fixed.
-It wouldn’t seem like it but since he was curious about her, he’d make efforts to try and communicate with her in his own way. 
-As they get closer, he’d ask them how they enjoy music or other activities that are typically sound reliant and may even ask to try some of what they tell him. He may not be fond of it, if it requires an obnoxious amount of noise 
-The bride’s expressions would make it worth while in his opinion
-Surprised Reiji is surprised!
-He didn’t understand how such a powerless man could successfully lie to their father about the bride’s condition although he tries not to let it phase him for long (it really doesn’t)
-It is a bit bothersome but he understands that it isn’t the bride’s fault and the situation really is beyond her control.
-Reiji would try his best to make according accommodations for the bride and may be a little bit more lenient with her about certain things. I can also see him as learning sign language to communicate with her
-If they bond, he’ll ask her questions about how everything happened and understands that some questions might cross a line but he’s respectful about the entire situation.
-The new bride is w h a t?
-Not entirely shocked that someone hid such a thing from their father but not surprised either. I think he’d be far more impressed that someone managed to succeed in such a thing.
-He is a little bit ignorant about the entire thing at first but eventually comes around. Personally, I think he’d kind of like the whole concept of sign language and may go out of his way to learn it
-I can also see him getting a little frustrated while learning it but it happens
-Whether or not the bride knows how to lip read, he’ll resort to more physical forms of teasing (Nothing on Laito level) with the bride, taking great pleasure in the reactions he gets from sneaking up on her
-I don’t think he’d really be one to question the bride about her condition but as they get closer he’d maybe ask them any questions he had. Be warned, he may cross some comfort zones but he’s not doing it intentionally.
-Rook had a fun time figuring this one out
-Doesn’t really care that someone managed to hide the bride’s condition from Karlheinz, honestly.
-I think he’d find her presence peaceful to a degree. I can’t see him really wanting to take the time to learn sign language so an alternate form of communication would need to be established
-Which could take some time. Out of every Sakamaki brother, the bride would need to learn to be VERY patient with Kanato.
-I can also see the potential of the bride dying being a little higher with him as with the bride’s condition, she seems more akin to a doll rather than a person to him. Not only that but she could be put at more risk with his tantrums.
-He likes to dress her up though. 
-Also surprised that someone managed to hide the bride’s condition from their father but in the long run, that fact doesn’t really change much, honestly.
-As Laito is said to be quite good at reading people so if need be, he’d try to guess the bride’s feelings but I still think he’d learn sign language to further tease her.
-I don’t think too much would change when it comes to Laito. Although I can see him being quite intrigued with her and even coming up with other forms of communication (again, mainly to flirt with/tease her)
-If they manage to bond, he might play piano for her and place her hand on the piano so she could feel the vibrations of each note
-Like Kanato, he doesn’t really care that someone managed to sneak this passed their father. Yeah, alright. Congratulations, dude. 
-He’d try to be a little more gentle around the bride, whether he admits it or not, but he still has his moments. 
-Subaru would learn sign language and like Ayato, would probably become frustrated along the way but again, that does happen when learning new things. Especially new forms of communication
-I genuinely believe that out of all the brothers, the bride and Subaru would get along best. Over time they’d begin to have an unspoken (I’m sorry please don’t hit me) understanding of each other.
-He’d become a little protective over the new bride but would aggressively deny all claims of this. Stating it’s just because his brother’s were idiots.
Karlheinz: I don’t think papamaki would be too pleased about being lied to and would most likely have someone sent out to get revenge on the liar but I believe he’d be curious to see how both his son’s would react to such a bride and how it would affect the experiment. 
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Diabolik Lovers as that 70′s show quotes
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Laito (in response to Kanato):
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Karl Heinz: 
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