deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
Can’t log onto thread tracker, let me know if I owe you replies even if it’s from more than a month ago.
I’m making a new account on thread tracker so I can keep on top of threads. Even if there’s only been like one reply I wanna kick start them back up c:
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
[[Hi, long time no see am I right? I know I keep going offline for long periods of time and not responding to threads and whatnot but I’ma try a little harder to get around to doing that stuff and interacting with people more. I have a new, far better working laptop and although I’ve just started uni back up I want to keep writing. I have my own space without feeling guilty for being on tumblr for roleplaying because there’s no one waiting for me to get off my computer. So yah.
TL;DR, I owe people shit and  apologise for disappearing so often.
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
@deadeye-talon and me doing shit under the cut.
Keep reading
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
'✍' do et
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//what am I doing with my life
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
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You seem familiar. Ain’t I killed you before?
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
Send me '✍' and I will draw your muse horribly on MSPaint
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
Beach bros
@fingergxns "Hey brother, Talon are moving bases so I have a free long weekend if you're not busy." Outlaw had sent the text from a diner about an hour or so drive from where the old Talon base was currently being demolished. Every few months they moved bases, destroying any evidence of their presence in the process. This usually took around three to five days and during that time Outlaw had figured out that he could go off and do his own thing without anyone so much as noticing his dissappearance. The sun was hot as summer had rolled around and as far as he was aware this was when normal people would take vacations to somewhere far away from where they lived. Although Outlaw far from normal he did wonder whether he could holiday, maybe even go with his brother. It had been a few weeks since he'd last seen his twin and it would be nice to spend some time together again as now was the perfect time of the year to.
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
“You goin’ act like that I’m going to call you out on it.” Outlaw smirked. He ran his fingers over the mark, feeling the indent in the stone which only suited to solidify that the make was there. The mark shouldn’t dissappear, he’d never known the maze to do that. “Good… Should make things easier.”
Watching the man scratch a mark into the stone Outlaw glanced down the chosen route, hopefully they had chosen the right route. “Let’s get this over and done with ‘fore I get too hungry to think straight.” In truth he could go for days without food like any human, but that’s not to say that he wouldn’t hate every minute of it. Frankly, Outlaw just wanted this damned pointless exercise over and done with.
Waiting for the archer to catch up Outlaw walked slowly into the maze, his pace quickening when Higan caught up with him, the speed leveling off at a jogging pace. “So what do you they’re gonna throw at us? Flamethrowers? Saws? Lasers?”
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
“Depends on what your hungry for I guess, we’ll eat what you want. You’ve had a long and a rough day so I think it’s only fair you eat something you want to eat.” Jesse wasn’t a stupid man despite how he often put himself forward as a more simpler man. He could tell that Hanzo didn’t want to be there, didn’t want to be in this marriage and didn’t want to be so far away from his family. As far as he was concerned Hanzo more then deserved to have every creature comfort to make himself feel at least somewhat happy in his shitty predicament.
The trace of pink that splashed Hanzos cheek was, cute, had it been anyone McCree would have made a spassing comment about it. It felt wrong to with Hanzo. There was nothing there for the man, he was just some guy that Jesse now lived with and that just made him feel even more guilty, he’d never say anything about it though. ‘Smile and power through the tough times’ his mother had always said. His happy expression faultered for a moment when he realised exactly how much that expression rang true for him.
“Y-yeah, sure. You change into whatever you like. I’ll...I’ll wait in the living room for you okay? It don’t feel right to be stood gawking at you whilst you change.” Chuckling awkwardly and running his fingers through his shaggy brown hair Jesse pulled the door open to leave, catching his shoulder on it as he tried to mak ehis exit. “Christ! I, er, sorry, I’ll let you...I.....I’ll be outside.” He finished with defeat in his voice. That couldn’t have gone any worse.
Arranged Marriage
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
“Why’d you even need to ask?” Outlaw replied softly, looking down at Genji with soft, dreamy eyes. The surroundings blurred around him, the only thing in focus was Genji and he seemed to glow faintly. Was this how it worked inthe movies? Just as you were saying goodbye to the person who heald your heart, everything shifted and they became the focus of your whole world as they left? How cliche it was, thought Outlaw.
Metal against skin, Outlaw gently cupped the cyborgs face, the artificial thumb lightly brushing the all too human cheek of the other. Even through the metal and wiring he could feel the warm of the blush.
Bringing his face to Genjis he left a soft but lingering kiss planted on the Shimadas lips, savouring the one left on his own as he pulled Genjis head to his chest sharing one last embrace.
More time. He just wanted more time.
“Please... be safe. Promise me you’ll be safe because I need to see you again Genji, I need to.”
However much of a terrible idea it was, all of Outlaws remaining humanity was now pinned to this man. In and around Talon he would be free to act as he needed to in order to keep his rank and place there, allowing the mental manipulation to cloud his mind and block his moral compass from view. He would be the weapon they had wanted him to be. Around Genji he would be a different man, one that resembled the gun for hire lead by a strong moral compass that he used to be. A much kinder and more forgiving soul. 
“It’s a wild idea but if Angela could rebuild your body I’m sure she could free me of this damned device, that’s providing that I’d let her live after gettin’ that close to me.”  All agents of Overwatch must be eliminated. The command forced its way into his head and for the briefest of moments Outlaw sought to put a bullet straight through the cyborgs head. The intrusive thought took the agent off guard and had Genji not have been there and had Outlaw not locked eyes with the cyborg, weapons very well might have been drawn. But there it was, found deep within the hazel eyes of the cyborg was Outlaws humanity, his reason to keep the revolver clipped in place out of action. 
Deep breaths were taken to regain composure and gather thoughts. His own thoughts.
Time was working against them, every second they spent in the passage was another second closer to getting caught but Outlaw didn’t want to let Genji go. It was too soon. “I better get some damn fine nudes, ‘else I’ll start a fuss and you won’t get any from me.” The pressure was on them but this silly talk of long distance calls and nudes seemed like the most important thing in the world to them. 
“You will see me again, and again and again. Then maybe another time after that. I ain’t going down so long as you ain’t.” A faint smile flickered for a moment before fading. They needed to move on. Needed to get Genji to safety. Needed to see each other again. “But if we’re going to see each other again we need to first be apart. I don’t want that but it’s gotta happen; ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’ as my mother used to say.”
“If Angela could get close enough,” Genji said softly, thinking it over. It wasn’t like Angela couldn’t hold her own, she absolutely could. It was just…hard to think of the idea that Jesse would and could kill her like this. He couldn’t do that. Couldn’t lead Angela to her doom. “The safer option might be me stealing one of them and bringing it back to be looked over.” 
The sudden flicker has Genji…wary but he trusted Jesse. Trusted him not to pull that gun. They were in close quarters and Genji had the upper hand here. But he just…knew that Jesse wouldn’t do that. Wouldn’t make him stare down Peacekeeper. 
“I’ll get dressed up and send a series of me stripping for you,” Genji teased gently, not ready to leave, not wanting to go. “I’ll wear something sexy, then you’ll have to send me the best nudes. You can keep the hat on if you like~”
It was far easier to flirt than face the reality of what was probably going to happen. 
“I suppose,” Genji nodded, following along, holding onto his arm as they moved. “It makes sense, it doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.” He could see the obvious exit from here, biting his lip, following along before stopping. 
“Kiss me again? Before I go?”
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
It was long shot and Outlaws aim was off. There was no point trying to keep his lie going, additionally the idea of having his soul become a snack was certainly less than appealing. Though he mused that his soul would probably just taste of smoke and whiskey so why anyone would want to snack on that was beyond him.
"Well then, at the risk of my soul becoming a midday snakc for you, lets just say I can neither confirm nor deny my knowledge of what lays underneath that mask of yours." Resisting the urge to don a shit-eating grin the agent stuck his hand into his coat, fumbling around in the lining for a moment before producing the stolen items and setting them down onto the nearest table or desk.
"There. I put them back so no harm, no foul, right?"
Reaper didn't need to say or do anything to make it perfectly clear to Outlaw that 'no harm, no foul' was not the case. Sensing that the situation could go even more wrong the Outlaw took small steps away from the desk with the items, his eyes never leaving Reaper as he slowly edged his way closer to the door which was still blocked by the cloaked figure. "I put the things back okay? Now if you let me out I, er, I promise I'll go and give back the other things I took, it'll be like this never happened."
The theifs nervous smile grew as he shrunk back further away from Reaper, he was doomed to a painful punishment unless he could talk or lie his way out of the situation.
First off he had to calm down, his nervous behaviour already made him look guilty. Calming breaths, calming breaths and….calm. The fog that panic had blocked any reasonable thought process had cleared leaving Outlaw to think more clearly about his way out. It was either bullshit his way out or try to take on Reaper in close combat, the latter most likely ending with him more damaged than recieving any punishment.
Brushing back his hair with his fingers Outlaw managed to reach behind himself and find his hat. Shooting up from the ground he slipped his hat back on and hooked his thumbs into the loops of his belt adopting a casual stance. “You see boss, I wasn’t stealing your things so much as borrowing them for a personal project I’m working on. I figured out who’s underneath that mask of yours and I was making something out of your things but you had to make me ruin the surprise. I hope you’re happy.”
    His face remained unchanged beneath the mask, his stance telling that he wasn’t buying it or impressed by the idea of the surprise, and even less thrilled when it was mentioned what was beneath the mask.    It took effort not to bristle up and lung at Outlaw. Though, his step forward was no less than an intimidating movement, a few wisps of shadows slipped from his body and beneath the mask, “So, you wanted to rub in the fact you think you know what lingers under my mask?”    Nope, he wasn’t buying it one bit, “That is a risky thing to know, Outlaw,” bitterness covering something else undetectable, “the last person who figured that out ended up having their soul becoming a snack.”    It was a touchy subject to say the least, and the mere fact that it was his things being taken didn’t help the matters. There was very little in tangible objects that Reaper kept, but the ones that lingered with him were valuable, and to be touched by another was unacceptable.    “So, if you know what’s good for you, those items will be put back and you explain the real reason you are snooping around and stealing things.”
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
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//I am still so gay for that lifegaurd McCree skin that I had a goddamn dream about it. Save me.
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
((just come back from my holiday after a six hour drive, I'm happy to be back in my own bed and gave WiFi that lasts for more than five minutes. I'm exhausted from a fantastic Cornwall break so after a days rest or so I'll try to get some replies out. Hope everyone's had a good week! ~Jacob
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
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// Honest to god idk why yall are following me bc im a garbage can but thank you??? I appreciate it v much. So imma just blab abt my favs below & stuff!!
Keep reading
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
[[I’ll be going on holiday tomorrow for about a week so my replies will take even longer than normal ahaaaaa
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
However much of a terrible idea it was, all of Outlaws remaining humanity was now pinned to this man. In and around Talon he would be free to act as he needed to in order to keep his rank and place there, allowing the mental manipulation to cloud his mind and block his moral compass from view. He would be the weapon they had wanted him to be. Around Genji he would be a different man, one that resembled the gun for hire lead by a strong moral compass that he used to be. A much kinder and more forgiving soul. 
“It’s a wild idea but if Angela could rebuild your body I’m sure she could free me of this damned device, that’s providing that I’d let her live after gettin’ that close to me.”  All agents of Overwatch must be eliminated. The command forced its way into his head and for the briefest of moments Outlaw sought to put a bullet straight through the cyborgs head. The intrusive thought took the agent off guard and had Genji not have been there and had Outlaw not locked eyes with the cyborg, weapons very well might have been drawn. But there it was, found deep within the hazel eyes of the cyborg was Outlaws humanity, his reason to keep the revolver clipped in place out of action. 
Deep breaths were taken to regain composure and gather thoughts. His own thoughts.
Time was working against them, every second they spent in the passage was another second closer to getting caught but Outlaw didn’t want to let Genji go. It was too soon. “I better get some damn fine nudes, ‘else I’ll start a fuss and you won’t get any from me.” The pressure was on them but this silly talk of long distance calls and nudes seemed like the most important thing in the world to them. 
“You will see me again, and again and again. Then maybe another time after that. I ain’t going down so long as you ain’t.” A faint smile flickered for a moment before fading. They needed to move on. Needed to get Genji to safety. Needed to see each other again. “But if we’re going to see each other again we need to first be apart. I don’t want that but it’s gotta happen; ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’ as my mother used to say.”
Outlaw could think of a few reasons why Genji should stay away. There was so much he needed to tell Genji, so much important information that could threaten this renewed bond but could cause so much damage if left untold. Quite literally programmed to attack at any time, Outlaw was dangerous and although his overwhelming feelings for Genji could suppress his programming, the same could not be said for anyone else. What if he tried to kill someone Genji cared for?
What if he accidentally killed Genji because of it?
“It ain’t gonna be easy this time round, I’m a dangerously unstable man/weapon like you were only without the angst.” The gunslinger chuckled with a sly grin as he made light of a less than peachy reality. The two were alike now more than ever as they both were part machine and made that way to be a weapon for an organisation. It gave Outlaw perspective on how Genji had acted during his early days as a half man, half machine.
“What I wouldn’t give to just remove everything Talon did to me and leave this place with you right here, right now…”
Alas, it wasn’t so easy. Should he be found out trying to leave the organisation or be missing too long his collar would be activated sending the leathal shock through his body killing him. He would be able to see Genji for only the short period of a day or two before having to return to his base again, having to wait weeks before breaking out again. It would be torture but it would be worth it to just get the chance to see and spend time with Genji again.
“But I guess we’ll just have to have a long distance relationship. Wouldn’t be too bad. The time we wouldn’t see each other would only make the time we do seem more special and we can still talk through your com thing so it ain’t all bad.”
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deadeye-talon-blog · 7 years
.:Closed thread:. mamamccree
Assassination missions were a personal favourite of Outlaw, the simple nature of the task and the joy of completing it, watching the life be so suddenly cut short by his own hand brought a sickening smile to his lips. Life at the Talon base wasn’t always the most eventful so Outlaw took pleasure in the little things, this manifested as his love for assassination so when he was ordered to take out a target he more then jumped at the offer. 
The location was somewhere near Route 66, a place where Outlaw had spent his wasted youth as part of the Deadlock Gang, however since the gangs forced separation by the hands of Overwatch the location had long since fallen quiet. 
The buildings were in a state if disrepair, the inhabitants no longer around to keep the buildings in check. The familiar tag of the Deadlock Gang still spray painted over every building, Outlaw chuckled as these images now only served as relics from a part of his youth no longer important. 
Blowing air between his fingers the gunslingers loud whistle echoed through the empty buildings and bounced off the high rock walls surrounding the area.”Yall can quit your hiding and just come out all nice and easy. If you do, I’ll make your death real quick, sound fair?” His voice echoed much like his whistle did only he could hear his own voice becoming more distorted as the echoes overlapped each other.
Eyes scanning the area around him Outlaw searched for any movement as his ears searched for any sound that didn’t fit in with the natural ambience. Come on... give me a sign...
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