deadly-virtues · 4 months
Can I know some fun facts about these blorbos
> Yes! Lets see... I'll give you all 1 per each one > The Roundsman chef loves fruits, usually the ones used to create little shapes and like fruit bouquets  > Jester taught himself most if not all of his tricks, though when he was younger that led to a lot more injuries > The Trumpet Player's voice has never been heard by most the people she performs with > The Somnologist has once slept for over 16 hours thanks to some bad sleep habits he had when he was younger > D actually barely knows how to tie his tie, even while being as old as he is he still struggles with it sometimes > The Police Captain has [without a doubt] bitten other people when she was a kid > The Child Caretaker has had pieces of her hair shaved off by the kids they worked with > Cosine has finished multiple sudoku books front to back in their free time > The Astronaut actually has a flip phone, they've never gotten herself a smartphone due to her believing they didn't need it > The Biomedical Researcher had a sheep plush, it's very round and huggable  > The Idol knows way too many languages cause she learned them all for fun > The Street Artist can do parkour pretty well but has fallen off a couple of buildings at the start > The Mafia Boss has fallen asleep standing a couple of a times > The Boxer is strong enough to pick up most of the cast > The Secondary Lead Actor has more pieces of jewelry than he has outfits to wear > The Magician can swallow small objects and bring them right back after.
> They're all very weird in their own ways.
0 notes
deadly-virtues · 4 months
> Meet Cosine
The world renowned Ultimate Mathematician known well for their accomplishments in their field, each one of their accomplishments are now only remembered by the world outside the facility.
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deadly-virtues · 4 months
> CH_0 PT_3.5
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> Continue > The Room Chosen was: > The Library
After a moment of deliberation, Jester pointed to a pair of double doors. He winced the moment he pointed but he was able to say. “There-!” Once he pointed, D turned his head to the door and nodded. “Alright then let's get going, we still have other places to see.” 
With that Jester grabbed D’s hand and squeezed it tightly as he walked over to the doors and opened them up to look inside, wondering what would be on the other side…
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Upon entering the library they found it to be a little more welcoming than all the other rooms they had been in before. Instead of concrete, the floor was seemingly wooden. Though upon walking onto it, the sound of D's shoes making a hollower noise compared to wood made it obvious that it was just vinyl flooring. But the wood that broke up the cold harsh colors of the area made it acceptable, the tiring look of the grey concrete floors was starting to overwhelm Jester. So he took in the look of the wood around as he moved his eyes from the floors to the tables that were set up in the room and then then to the bookshelves that lined the back walls and were filled with books. There were currently no chairs in the room but hopefully there would be some somewhere in another room because suddenly the thought of being able to read in a room that wasn’t as bleak as the rest seemed like a wonderful idea to Jester.
But his thoughts didn't stay good for long because he then noticed who was in the room.
It had been the Redhead who flipped him off earlier, reading through one of the books from the shelves in the back of the room. It was hard to see what the book was but it didn't matter, the individual putting the book down as they turned their head to the two of them. D approached them while Jester stayed near the doors to the room. Whilst staying back he was able to watch as the person scoffed and adjusted their glasses.
“Oh look, it's the old man and the dumb kid." It seemed like they were still not over the earlier shock. "Did you come over to give all of us another shock because the first one wasn't enough?" They weren't stopping with the comments clearly trying to rub in the previous incident and make Jester feel worse about it. But that wasn't going to slide, D only responding with a calmness in his voice.
"Hey. We're all stuck here with no ideas of what's going on so I'd prefer you be somewhat nicer to Jester. He hurt us… but that doesn't give you any reason to keep berating him." To that they laughed before saying. "I have no reason to keep berating him? Hm? You got hurt too and you're still defending the brat?" D opened his mouth before saying nothing, the Redhead crossing their arms as they walked towards him. Quickly blowing on his face which caused him to jolt back. Letting them take the glasses off his face as they spoke. "See? you don't even know why. You clearly have the glasses too but they're just too fogged up to let you realize." 
They then threw the glasses back to him, D fumbling as he tried to catch the glasses, managing to do so as they spoke more. "Now what the hell do you idiots want?"
At the hostile reaction Jester felt the urge to leave, creeping ever so carefully towards the door before D spoke. “We’re trying to get an idea of the place and trying to get to know everyone around. So come on, at least humor us with your name.”  They only rolled their eyes and thought about it before reaching into their pocket and pulling out the index card from earlier. Moving to hold it out as they spoke. “Here or whatever.”
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D read it for a bit before they pulled it back quickly and spoke. “There. You happy?” He nodded and gestured for Jester to come over, the Circus performer hesitating before walking to the old man and staying right behind him. He figured that D would be the one line of defense between him and whoever this person was. Letting D talk for him as he did. “Yes, in fact I’m very happy to meet you Cosine. And Jester is too.” He looked behind himself and down to Jester who had been shaking his head. He did not like this person and it was not good to meet them. But he didn’t get to have a say about that because D just added. “I’m D, and I'm hoping that even after that rough start to our… day? We can forgive that and try to get along.” D was doing what seemed like his best to defuse the situation but Cosine only had one thing to say in response. “You wish.” They weren’t going to be nicer now that they knew him. But they seemed tolerant to both his and Jester's presence. “Now if you excuse me, I want to get back to this book and see if it can actually be helpful.” They then picked up the book and got back to reading it. While D respected their wishes of wanting to be alone, Jester didn't. D turned to walk away before Jester looked back at the book and its title. 
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To this he let out a noise and tried to point while tugging on D’s coat as he spoke. “Wait! Uh-! Have you found anything in there?” With his sudden speech Cosine glanced at him before looking back at the book and saying.
They then sighed and moved to hold the book against their chest as they spoke. “There are so many ultimates in this book. And not to mention each title has multiple names under them thanks to every country having their own person with the title. So even if we were in here it'd probably be too hard to figure out. Plus it seems like there's pages ripped out.” D looked back to Jester and Cosine, raising a brow before saying. “So we could've been in there?” 
Cosine only nodded as Jester said. “They thought about the fact that we’d check-” 
“Or they made it like that to dangle it over our heads.” They said as they turned the book to Jester and D. Showing a ripped out page in the middle of titles starting with M. “I’d be in it here… if they didn’t rip it out.” As D and Cosine talked about it Jester sighed, moving to walk away as the Detective spoke. “So we can’t just figure our names out that way… well we can try something else eventually. But me and Jester are going to get going. Hopefully you can find something while we're out of here. Good luck.” The older man waved goodbye before going over to Jester and taking his hand. Walking him out of the library so they can go and look in the other rooms.
D looking at Jester once they were out of the library and saying. “Let's see where we can go next alright?”
> CH_0 PT_3.5 END > To Be Continued ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ > CH_0 PT_3 > ???
0 notes
deadly-virtues · 4 months
> Notice!
> Hi! I'm not dead I promise, DR:DV hasn't gotten an update just yet due to stress and burnout from my finals and midterms. Luckily I'm currently working on the next update and I hope to get it out on Monday! After that once I'm done with my school semester I hope to make updates more frequent! > Thanks for sticking around!
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deadly-virtues · 5 months
> CH_0 PT_3
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> Continue
It hurt so much… 
Jester could feel his muscles aching as he laid on the floor not wanting to move even the slightest at the chance it would hurt. He could hear the familiar skittering noises, the little robot who had told them about everything coming over to him and staring right at his face. A new expression showing on it’s little screen… a very upset frown.
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“You’re really stupid aren’t you? I’m shocked you’ve even made it to Nineteen. Everyone applaud the clown in the room. He’s the reason you got hurt. Trying to take off the patches will not only taze the person trying to do it-” it then stared right into Jester's eyes “-but also everyone else in this building. And luckily for us Jester showed that really well.” The robot continued to put down Jester, one of its legs poking his face as he reached out to try and push it away, pushing it barely before his arm tensed up again and he felt the burning tingling pain once again, his arm falling again as he screamed out for a moment before the robot spoke. “Come on don’t touch me, the nerd only got away with it because I didn’t want to spoil the surprise yet. But you really need to learn not to do things. You’re probably the worst out of everyone about that from what I’ve seen already.” 
While he was being berated the others around him could be heard moving around, some of them finally being able to get up, the older man having gotten up a bit after the initial taze and barely walking over, as he got closer the robot skittered back and rolled its eyes. It already had enough of bothering the poor circus performer.
“Ugh, I’ll give you a break. I think you understand the consequences of your actions enough now. I have important things to tell you all anyways, but since you already learned one of the biggest things I’ll let you explore and talk a bit more. You’ll probably want to be ready for life changing news so prepare for that or whatever.”
While the robot skittered away everyone else tried to move around as the old man squatted down in front of Jester with a wince and looked him in the eyes, speaking softly. “Jester- right? Let’s- let’s get you up, it’ll probably be better than you laying on the cold ground.” He then smiled ever so weakly as he reached out and waited for Jester's response. The Circus Performer hesitated as he stared up at him, his hair getting in his face while he laid there and thought about it. Eventually he reached out to the older man, taking his hand and squeezing it.
Then he’d pull him up, making sure the performer was stable enough to stand before wrapping his arm around him to hold him up. It hurt for Jester to stand, his body aching as he tried to, but instead he sucked the tears back up as he let the man hold him up.
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It was like being in a hug, one that was needed after all this time, Jester looking down to the hand on his arm. Staring at the ring on the man's left hand before glancing around. He noticed that once he stood up some of the others glared at him. The redhead who had been holding the robot flipping him off before leaving to another room, the others around giving him different not so good looks before going their separate ways as well. A few people did stick around though, the person who had been sitting on the armchair letting out a sigh as he just reclined back more while the girl who had her hair up in a braid walked over to him and started to talk to him somewhat. 
While they did that Jester watched before looking back to the man who had helped him. Speaking softly as he reached up to pull on the bells of his collar. “Uhm.. we all have names right?- What-” But he was quickly cut off as the other let out a chuckle that scared Jester as he patted his arm and spoke while pulling out the note card that was given to him and showing it to Jester. “What's mine? Well the card I was given says it’s ‘Detective’ but that feels, I don’t know-? Insulting… especially since that ultimate thing says I’m a Missing Persons Detective. So for now I’d rather you call me D until we find out whatever our actual names are” 
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Once D has mentioned actual names Jester looked around before looking back to him as he put away the card. “You don’t think these are our actual names either?” Though he kind of figured that it would be stupid to think they actually are. “Well I don’t think a parent would name their child Detective or Jester, what we were given are more like things used to describe jobs, not people. So it's likely that none of the names we have are our own.” D had shrugged before seemingly glancing towards a hallway pausing for a moment before saying. “ Do you feel like you could walk well enough to look around? Because I saw something in that hallway that I wanted to check out.” 
Jester looked over to the hallway before nodding, whatever D had wanted to do would probably be better than Jester just wanting to do nothing. Exploring would lead them to understanding their surroundings a lot more and with being in this unknown place it would be better than nothing. So when D started walking over to the hallway Jester just followed along trying not to fall over as each step he took hurt. Though they’d eventually make their way into the hallway, finally coming right up to what had been peaking D’s interest. 
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It was what looked like a corkboard and on it it had a bunch of different headshots, upon closer inspection it was obviously pictures of everyone there. But why it was there was slightly confusing, maybe it was a way of keeping track of who was in the building? Or maybe just so all of them could know whos who. But- “They don’t have names on them to say who's who, do you think we should maybe put our names on there one we get a pen? It’d make getting to know everyone here a lot easier.” D had beat Jester to that, the circus performer nodding before looking off to the hallway and pointing to all the rooms down the hallway and then to the end of the hallway where they came from, he knew that the others would most likely be off exploring those rooms, or also back where they started so he wanted to go see if they could talk to them. “We should try to get to know more about the others!” He exclaimed as D broke his concentration from the board and looked to Jester, thinking before saying. “Well Jester if you want to do that why don’t you choose where we go.” 
> CH_0 PT_3 END > To Be Continued ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ > CH_0 PT_2 > CH_0 PT_3.5
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> CH_0 PT_2
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> Continue
After █████ yelled about not remembering anything, some of the other people around sighed. The older man who approached him grimaced as he looked away. There was an unspoken hesitation across the group as they all stayed still. Someone letting out a cough as the others tried to look away, but then finally someone decided to speak up. Her voice had a thick accent, one that was different from the others that █████ had heard so far. His body turning around on the couch so he can lean over the back to talk to the crying boy.
“None of us can remember either… it's been like that since we woke up”
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To what was said the taller individual next to him pulled her back. Whispering to him as he then whispered back. Everyone was trying to mind their own business but as more was said they all couldn’t help but pay attention. 
It was a commotion that only freaked out █████ more.
"None- None of you remember anything!?"
Once those words were said everyone just nodded, mumbles covering the room before █████ pulled down on their collar as they grumbled loudly. What was going on?? Why did no one remember anything? The more he thought about it, the more the tears on his face grew. The bells jingled more before the older man next to him moved closer and hovered his hand over █████’s shoulder, hesitating about trying to comfort him before pulling his hand away and bringing █████’s attention up to him with a soft snap. Bringing his hand to his chest right after.
 “Hey, kid… right? Let's try to take a deep breath in and calm down. Crying isn’t going to get us anything good other than being tired.”
To that █████ nodded as he started taking deep breaths in as the other watched and waited. He tried calming down for a while before finally doing so. Bringing his hands down from his collar as he stared down at the ground, the older man staying by him so he could be there for him. Thankfully once he calmed down, a commotion started within the group, stopping any further worrying about what was going on with their memories. The two who had been around the little robot could be seen moving back quickly as a loud metallic sound split through the room. A light filled up the area of the coffee table as █████ and everyone who hadn’t been looking rushed over to see what was going on. 
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A robotic voice filled the room as the hologram of what looked like a way smaller individual projected up from the robot. “You all talk too much, you also take way too long to get here, like I had to wait so long for this. Not to mention...” The projection turned its head around 360 like an owl to stare at the Red head as it spoke. “You don’t know when not to grab things, don’t you? I’d very much prefer my machinery to not be picked up. I have legs for a reason.” To that they rolled their eyes as it moved off the table, the projection disappearing as it did.
It would walk off towards another room disappearing for a bit before coming back with a stack of index cards on top of it. Skittering on back to the group and saying. 
“So since none of you remember anything. I have been told you guys need these to know the basics about yourselves. So take them and help each other get the right one. Or don’t! I don’t care!”
To that there was a pause from everyone around before an older woman with grey hair took charge, grabbing the cards, looking at them before shuffling through them in one hand. With each one she moved between those around handing them each their card. It took her a while to get to everyone, handing it to those on the couches and around the table first before getting to those behind them. Taking time to read each one before giving them out.
Finally she got to █████, handing one to the older man before holding out the last one to him. Shaking it as she spoke.
“Here’s yours kid.”
Once her voice spoke to him and he saw the card █████ grabbed it, pulling it close before moving to read it.
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It took him a minute to process what he was reading, it was hard to place the words in his head, like he was reading something that had been foreign to him. Though with multiple rereads he eventually got it. Looking around as he looked back at the card, 'Jester'? that… wasn't a name- at least he assumed so. He wanted to say something about it but instead stayed silent as someone else had another thought to speak about. 
"What's an Ultimate?" The watch holder said as she shook her card around. Jester upon hearing this looked back down to his card, staring at his. 'Circus Performer', that made a lot more sense with the outfit he had been wearing, his thoughts not being able to linger on it long as the robot spoke.
"Ultimates are people who excel at and are the best at what they do, they even do things that can be notable around the world. And these talents aren't too specific things. They can be crimes, entertainment, or many other things. You are all the greatest at what you do and that's why you're here!"
Jester just nodded his head along before moving to the older man and leaning against him, trying not to focus on everyone talking about what they had learned. Instead fidgeting with his hands before trying to speak up.
"The white things on everyone's necks-! Uhm! What is that for?"
That was a question no one was going to ask, everyone looking at him as there was a pause before the robot spoke again. "Oh the patches… they're not important, well you knowing what they're for. So just don't think about it, especially since you'll probably want to take it off. You can't and you shouldn't, you won't like it!"
Once Jester was told of the patches and told not to take them off because they wont come off he couldn’t help but zone out and think about it. When being told not to do something it’s your first action is to do it, and with Jester it was just that. He didn't know what would happen if he tried, even if something bad did actually happen it would be a chance at getting whatever it was off. So, with some hesitation he stood there silent before reaching up to try and grab the patch…
But that was stopped when all of a sudden a sharp pain pierced through the back of Jesters neck and then a burning sensation filled his whole body. It felt like his whole body was tingling and it wouldn’t stop. His arm jerked hard, moving away from his neck as all his mind could think of was the excruciating pain he had been in.
He wasn't able to process what had been going on until he felt his body tense up and immediately fall straight to the ground, his arms and legs losing their strength leaving him limp. It didn’t take long for him to notice that everyone else who was standing followed suit as screams filled the room. Jester’s mind couldn't think straight while he continued to lay the ground groaning, staring forward towards the old man who had recently tried to comfort him, just like him he had collapsed too, it was obvious that what he tried to do hurt everyone else as well. 
His muscles hurt, his body barely able to move as he wanted to try and get up but just couldn’t.
He had hurt everyone in the attempt to try and do something he was told not to.
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> CH_0 PT_2 END > To Be Continued ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ > CH_0 PT_1 > CH_0 PT_3
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
If you could pick one Sin and one Virtue to hang out with at the same time for one day, who would you pick?
> Well for Sins probably The Somnologist, he'd probably be the best to hang around cause the others in actual life would be unbearable > And for Virtues, it has to be The Roundsman Chef, especially since he's probably one of the few who is around my age and has the same interests as me.
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
What inspired the idea you had for this Fangan? Did you just wake up one day and say: "Y'know what, I'm gonna make a Fangan with the sins and virtues."?
> Okay whats funny about this is that well
> I did wake up one day and start this idea
> It actually started out as a random little thing from a dream I had when taking a nap.
> I had made designs sometime after, and a bit in I realized as I kept drawing them 'Hey this would be very interesting if it was based off the Sins and Virtues' it later on influenced some of their designs and how I did their colors.
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
Out of the cast, who was your favorite to design?
> Favorite to design? > Fuck man. > As a culinary major The Roundsman Chef was fun to design cause I based his design off of my school uniform. > But like generallyyyy > Probably The Missing Persons Detective > Or The Somnologist > ... > Or The Astronaut > Im not great at picking things, and they were all so fun to make.
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> CH_0 PT_AF
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> Continue
After █████ yelled about not remembering anything some of the other people around sighed. The older man who approached him grimaced as he looked away. There was an unspoken hesitation across the group as they all stayed still. Someone letting out a cough as the others tried to look away, but then finally someone decided to speak up. Her voice had a thick accent, one that was different from the others that █████ had heard so far. His body turning around on the couch so he can lean over the back to talk to the crying boy.
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Yeah the second part isn't done yet. I have one drawing left but after that it's done! I just wanted to do this for today! As a sorry for the fake out have some more drawings of the cast!
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The next update is coming this Friday! Hope you guys are excited!
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
can i save d
> Errr > No...
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
credit card number ?
> Erm
> 123 456 7890
> 👍
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> CH_0 PT_1
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> Started
It’s cold… the last thing to remember was that there was something stuck right into the back of █████’s neck, it hurt for a bit before everything then went dark. Though now such an event was blurry, it only being remembered due to the fact that there really wasn’t much else to remember. While he slept, his mind tried to focus on something.
Eventually, it did, but his mind didn’t get to focus for long as soon enough there was a ringing that filled the air. It was loud and hard to ignore, like an alarm clock that wouldn’t shut off. In fact, it was an alarm that didn’t seem to stop. █████ laying on his bed and barely coming to as the sounds of the ringing continue to fill his head. Eventually, it would stop once he finally opened his eyes. Shifting around on the cold bed as from the corner of his vision he could see something moving around. The thing was a person dressed in dark colors, and their hair was up in what looked like a bun tied up with a light red ribbon. Something of which █████ mumbled about as he yawned. Though as he yawned the other walked over to him and moved to try and shake him awake.
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To the touch █████ was quick to turn away and rewrap himself in the blankets he woke up with. Closing his eyes as he could hear something being said. 
"Come on-."
The other sounded somewhat worried but █████ didn’t really care, instead rolling over to lay on his stomach as he right then fell back asleep.
He’d sleep for another while before finally being woken up by the ringing again. This time it was louder, it didn’t just fill his head it felt like he was being shaken awake by just the sound itself. So to get it to stop, he groaned out. “I'm up…” before finally sitting up and rubbing his face. 
Once he was finally up the noise stopped. His head finally being able to think as he looked around. He noticed that the room was decently cold and uncomforting already, something that didn’t seem normal to him. But when he realized that he had woken up in something similar to a doctor's room, that was when he became worried. █████ quickly looking around as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. But when he realized that he couldn’t remember stuff like how he ended up here or even his own name, that was when he started to panic.
His movements were quick, he threw the blanket off himself as he got off the bed, bells jingling from his outfit as he moved around to find something that explained what was going on. Though to his disappointment he found just a few things that didn’t tell him much of anything, a box filled with things like headphones and multiple items made of different textures. As well as a mirror. 
This mirror of which he approached and looked into. Staring at the reflection that stared back at him. 
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When he stared at himself it felt as if he was staring at a stranger. He wasn’t sure if that was him- no it wasn’t him was it? Carefully he reached up to touch his face as he stood there. The longer he stared the more worried he became. Tears starting to build in his eyes as he tried to breathe in and out to calm himself. When he didn’t find that working, he quickly moved to the door of the room, pulling it open and rushing out of the room, following down the hallway that was connected. He needed answers, he needed something to quell the worries he had.
When he reached the end of the hallway, he ran into the sounds of talking and some bits of laughter. It looked like there were a bunch of people here, and when Jester showed up all of them looked at him. There seemed to be no worries from anyone in the group as they all were sitting around. One person leaned back against one of the walls as he looked away from the rest, there two people holding on to what looked like a squirming spider like robot. A taller woman stood off to the side of the couch with a watch that she clicked closed once █████ showed up. Some others weren’t doing much either, the three girls off to the right spoke with each other as one of them watched. And some others were sitting on the couch talking. There also happened to be people sitting on the floor behind the couch, looking up to █████ when he entered. What had seemed to be the same with all of them was something on the back of their necks, something █████ noticed before there were words spoken to him and everyone started looking at him.
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“Now you wake up! You got good sleep, right?” Says the person who tried to wake him up earlier with a smile on his face, moving his hands in certain ways as he speaks, it seems to be methodical like there was meaning to the gestures. █████ could tell the person talking was the one who tried to wake him because of the ribbon that held up his bun. His voice also sounded just like what he heard for that time he was up. It had the same pitch, though now it sounded less worried.
As he said that an older man walked over to █████ and spoke with a soft smile, one that seemed to try to be comforting. “You alright kid?” 
He had noticed the crying and was worried about him, his hand reaching out to touch his shoulder until █████ jolted away and started crying louder. Why didn't none of them seem worried about anything!? He started to panic more, his head was spinning as he stood at the end of the hallway. Words were so hard for him to even get out at this point that it felt almost as if he couldn’t speak. Reaching up to grab at the bells on his outfit as he tried to get something out but nothing did come to be said, not for a while. He needed to speak, to say something and tell them all that something was wrong. It was tough to do so but eventually he was able to muster out something as his hands rattled around the bells and then pulled on the collar of his outfit. His voice cracked as he -at this point- screamed what he wanted to tell the others.
“I can’t- ! I can’t- re-member! I can’t remember- my name- or- or where I'm from! I can’t remember anything-!”
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> CH_0 PT_1 END
> To Be Continued
> CH_0 PT_2
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
how many smackaroons to save the idol from you
> None. > You can't convince me to save any of them
0 notes
deadly-virtues · 6 months
> Sneak Peak
> CH_0 PT_1 is in the works! > Here's a sneak peak for one of the art pieces
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
why must you hurt them
> Why not? > :3
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> Meet The Volunteers
> The Roundsman Chef > And > The Circus Performer
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> The Trumpet Player > And > The Somnologist
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> The Missing Persons Detective > And > The Police Captain
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> The Child Caretaker > And > The Mathematician
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> The Astronaut > And > The Biomedical Researcher
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> The Idol > And > The Street Artist
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> The Mafia Boss > And > The Boxer
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> The Secondary Lead Actor > And > The Magician
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> Aren't you just excited to meet them all? > They are helping the world after all.
> Intro > CH_0 PT_1 [To Be Linked]
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