deadmandreams · 1 year
maybe i love ryuhei because he reminds me of great teacher onizuka
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leads a biker gang
always in white (i can't find onizuka's biker uniform but it's white too)
anyways i love this old ass anime byeeeee
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deadmandreams · 2 years
I can't wait for Tumblr to overflow with Hakari Kinji smuts and thirsts... 🔥👀
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deadmandreams · 2 years
Well who wouldn't love toji and those meaty goodies?
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deadmandreams · 2 years
Four | Five
⚠️: same old warnings
y/n pov:
you were back in the hallway. naoya was still sitting behind his table. two of his crew were watching outside. scarface was guarding the front door. The other two were keep watching the back door. you were sitting right beside toji. after your huge fight, you decided is time to stop judging him and wait for his plan. diner's weather was a bit cold. you were shaking a little bit. toji noticed your shaky figure. he threw his hand on your shoulders and pulled you to his side. you didn't know was it for mental support or his hot body warmed you up. you felt safe. fuck naoya, you felt safer than ever. maybe having toji by your side was a miracle. without him, you would break down by now. you inhaled his bittersweet scent and leaned into him unconsciously and purred. toji smirked as he looked at your relaxed face. naoya's face twitched.
"tch. I can't keep it up with your stupid show. hope he's showing up soon. masaki how much he's late?"
"few hours sir."
"fucker. that son of bitch I swear to god is going to pay for mocking me. I gotta say your stupid lovey-dovey state is not helping either. toji I thought you're a real man not a fucking simp like this." toji deep breathed through your hair as he stared at him. he was daring him to do something about it. "jealous?"
naoya gnashed his teeth.
"toji don't make me mad, you don't know me and you definitely don't know what things I'm capable to do."
"oh yeah? like what? wanna pick another cute waitress and threaten her to kill me? or you're just gonna cry about it."
naoya snapped out of his place.
"Don't mess with me man. you don't know who I am. I need to make one phone call and your family is going to pay for what you did"
"yeah...same old pussy naoya. whenever you get into something serious you'll go and hide behind your daddy and your stupid family. I know who you are. that fucking zenins gave me nothing but a broken personality and physical damage. I had to pick my dead wife's name to clear up zenins out of my life."
your eyes got opened.
"oh my god...toji..." you hugged him involuntarily. you remembered earlier when you misjudged him. you knew having a terrible family is the worst.
"is alright doll." he patted your head. naoya narrowed his eyes.
"Should've known you were that pathetic loser who got kicked out of the clan. you should be dead by now. you worthless pain on the ass" now if toji did keep it cool before this, he was damn mad right now. you could see it in his eyes. he was thirsty for this man's blood. maybe this was his dark side he warned you about. his eyes were frozen on naoya as he whispered in your ear.
"hey y/n. I want you to go and hide under the counter where no one can see you." "What?"
"it will be over soon. don't come out till I say your name. be a good girl and do as I say."
you ran to the kitchen. you find the closet for bread and groceries and you hide in it. you heard one or two different gunshots and naoya that was swearing to toji and calling for his crew back up. then a few minutes later after they ran out of bullets you heard toji add a few swears and guns started shooting again. you were sure toji just came out of his shelter because there were a few shouts of pain and everything went to a deadly silence. what happened? is he alright? please god please let him be ok so I can hear his voice with a cheesy remark. you heard footsteps in the kitchen. come on toji. please say something. don't let me think naoya did something horrible to you.
"where are you birdie? is over now. told you to go the counter, kitchen is too damn far for an oldman like me." you jumped out of the closet
"there she is."
you hugged him tightly.
"toji im so happy you're alright. one second I thought....everything was fucking silent...I thought something bad just happened."
"for who? for me? cut the bullshit princess is too good to die in a fucked up diner like this. let's go birdie everything is alright now."
you were giggling when you heard someone laugh and pulled the safety lever.
"toji look out!" you came out from behind him and you shield yourself.
toji pov:
naoya that fucker. toji should make sure he's dead next time, not that he's still alive and someone's else blood covered this fact for him.
"alright you disgusting love birds, I will finish you with my own hands. screw this deal and screw this date. that son of a bitch didn't show up and my people died. I guess I have to kill you two and say that mission failed. bummer! any last words?" If it wasn't for y/n in front of him, toji would risk everything and attacked naoya. He's a pussy. direct attacks will scare the shit out of him. toji looked behind him and see your cook, yaga with a chair behind his head. toji smirked
"yeah hears something I like to add."
naoya snored.
"sweet dreams naoya"
"yeah, you think you're better than me even when I have the gun? that's why I always hated y-"
yaga slammed the chair and naoya fell to the ground.
"YAGA! how did you-"
"is a long story l/n. sorry, I kept long. we should thank our friend for saving us from this illegal mafia. thank you sir"
"yeah. thank you toji. for everything. and of course, blowing those assholes"
"y/n, language!"
"okkay...but we own you big time. we will make it up to you. I will personally make it up to you because of everything you've been through and well you know...anything ever happened to you no matter where you are we will help you out."
toji smirked
"yeah, thanks doll but you don't need to get yourself in trouble. free coffee can help." yaga and you looked at each other. of course, he would underestimate you guys but you meant every word.
toji got his stuff together.
"so you sure you don't need help cleaning this mess?" you and yaga shook your heads
"of course. Don't mind it at all. consider it done."
"alright. I'm going then."
you couldn't stay still
"hey toji"
"yeah birdie?"
"see ya"
he smiled and shook his head, and then, he left the diner. you followed him midway you shook your hand till he disappeared from your sight. A few months later, after toji started and finished several missions, still he was thinking about you all the time. the way you looked in your cute skirt. the way you smelled and talked. and your sweet innocent eyes. he really missed you and the way you acted with your sweet smile. people like you deserve the best. is a shame this world is so unfair against you two. toii was waiting for shiu kong to come and give him new info about his next mission. his pockets are a bit empty so he will accept anything with good money in it. "alright toji here's the new profile. you remember one of your last missions when we sent you to war-torn zone?"
"hey, that was a shitty one. zenin clan is still pissed at me. they threatened me few times and they still send assassins. that is a huge pain on the ass."
"hey I know, I know that was a huge risky one. but come on you wanted the money not me."
"yeah well, whatever it was is over now. alright? I'm not going there ever again. maybe for one cup of coffee but that's all." "alright then. you sure you don't want this new mission?"
"yeah of course I am."
"even if they pay you triple this time?" toji's face twitched
"wait wait...let me see the profile again." "no I'm sorry man it's either in or out. is a real important thing so info is classified"
kong looked at toji with a sarcastic smile. "you bastard. you know money is my only weakness. let me see the profile" kon smiled and slide the documents on the table. toji checked them out. same place. same info. "look you gotta shiting me alright? I told you no one nor a mafia was there alright? is this a prank?" kong raised his eyebrows.
"prank? for christ's sake, NO! look this time our guy find some new information about your target. last time you had nothing. we found some valuable info about their main headquarters and a few names. now you have a name you have a face to kill. I gotta say everyone wants her dead"
"oh yeah?....that will help a lot. let me see this motherfuck-"
Y/N, L/N
Head of new obstructionists in the region
committed few murders against old-line clans.
and there was a picture of you shooting with a machine gun. no, it's impossible. toji looked at the image few times. like he expected it to show a different person each time. but no...there she was with her glory and her beautiful eyes. she was a different person in this photo. a monster. just like him when he was shooting in the diner. seems y/n was right. you will meet again.
Thank you guys for the support and everything. Hope you enjoyed it.
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deadmandreams · 2 years
⚠️: cursing, mention of scars etc.
Three | Four | Five
your hands were hurting so bad. you put frozen pees on them and you hissed as you tried to cover them with bonds. suddenly toji came to the kitchen.
"y/n...I'm sorry about all of this believe me I have to do it-"
"leave me alone toji. I don't need to hear your reasons for this. thought you're better than them but I was so wrong. what I've done in my life that I deserve this? all I asked from this world was a better tomorrow, a better chance for my family, and a better life for my little brother and sister, but in return, I always got hurt. I just don't want this life. if it wasn't for them, I would give up living a long time ago." toji looked out the window.
"yeah, you're right... I'm a shitty person. truth be told I wouldn't come back if it wasn't for my mission."
"you didn't come back for me?" toji looked at you with sucha cold look. it was like he sold his soul to the devil a long time ago and he forgot what would feel like to be a human.
"no. I came back only for my payment."
you felt so cold and alone under his watch.
"I don't know why I expect you to be different from them."
he smirked and looked away.
"anyways I'm not here to waste my time with your preachings. give me your hand." "why should I bother?"
"tsked... you're so lucky that naoya is in a good mood today. I know him very well to say he's being kind to you. by the way don't think I'm doing this cause I'm into you princess, naoya said his plan to me and you can't keep a gun straight with those hands."
"fuck you, I don't need your help bastard." you were running away from him but he grabbed your hands and pulled you to his chest. you were buried in his tight black shirt. he whispered his words to your ears. "this is what we're gonna do. I'm gonna take out small glasses, rub betadine on your scars and I will cover em with bondage and you on other hand are going to keep your voice down and be a good girl for me. you better do as I say or you'll see the dark side of me. and when I show it to you, you wish you were good for me."
"I hate you."
"no one likes you either."
he pulled out beer glasses out of your hand as you bite down your lip.
"ok, you're clean now. the easy part is over." "what do you mean is over? you brought my whole life infront of my eyes and you call it 'the easy part'?"
"don't sweat it princess. it will sting a little at first, but you'll get used to it."
"yeah sure thi- AUCH...AW AW....cut it toji it hurts so much!"
"what are you eight? said so much about how hard your life is but you're almost dying from a simple disinfect"
"you know what? I'm so tired of how you pretend you have the saddest backstory here. face it you just don't care about others."
"what did you say?" he looked shocked, it was your first time seeing him like that. "yeah...you're a fine hitman or whatever you are that is making a shit ton of money and you're so deep into this swamp like others that I bet you're even worst than naoya in inside."
his reaction was flat. it wasn't his first time getting judged by people like this he was used to hearing it all time. but hearing those words from you made him feel something after decades. maybe it was sadness, anger, or a simple desire for being understood by people. he grabbed your chin and made you look him in the eyes.
"what do you know about other's past? you were probably working here your whole life in this shitwhole. you people disgust me, thinking you're better than anyone and judge them without giving them any chance to defend themselves. You're all talk sweetheart, all talk believe me. 's not your fault, you're just like this. You're no different from them. I guess every fucking time that I trust someone, and think we understand each other, they have to let me down somehow."
you saw that look again. it was freezing. his eyes pierced through your soul. you felt suddenly naked. his green eyes were looking so deeply through you like he could see all your desires, hopes, and fears. after that horrifying storm, you saw a part of him so warm and free of this undeniable anger. as if it was real toji was hidden someplace between his layers. wished to see more of him like this. more of his vulnerable part. the part that is still awake not buried deep down his heart. you believed this man is far from what he displays. and you felt bad. you felt bad for all of that cruel words you threw at him. you were sorry
"I'm sorry. wished that I know you at another time and place. maybe I wouldn't be so harsh and crude. maybe this time I won't have to judge and you to hide your real self from anyone. you're right. I am truly sorry for judging you so unfairly." he stilled silent
"is alright, give me your hand. we're not finished yet." you gave your hands to him. he put more betadine on them but as he said, you did use to it. he finished his wrapping and your hands were as good as new, he held them in his
"let me make it all up to you. let's start all over. friends?"
his eyes weren't cold anymore. it was different, good different.
you smiled and he watched you. what world did to this man that his warm eyes can have sucha cold look?
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deadmandreams · 2 years
the parallel between these panels …
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fujimoto please . i am at my limit
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deadmandreams · 2 years
Warnings: cursing, a lot
Two | Three | Four
"alright, I'll do it."
"excellent. masaki take her to the back door and teach her how to use the thing. remember that this little bitch is going to kill someone for us so don't give her more than two bullets. one for the first shot and the other in case she misses"
"yessir." Another guy with a creepy scar on the right side of his face got you out. you were so worried for poor yaga. what they'll do to him.
"You're not going to do anything serious with him, are you?"
"no, as long as you point the gun at the target and press the trigger your friend will be alright. he will just take a nap. now eyes on me I'm not going to repeat myself. first, you will insert the magazine you should hear a click. then disengage manual safety with another click and slide rearmost. pull the trigger one time for each shot and be careful to keep your finger away from the hammer. it can pinch it real hard when you're shooting. that's all the basics you need to know. it's easy even for someone like you. you understand?"
you didn't take offense. "yes."
"now try it for yourself. I will give you the full magazine only for practice. like my boss said you only have two chances to shoot him dead. capish?"
"here's some practicing. shot those cans from five feet distance." you shot five bullets. two of them missed
"is not bad for the first time. beginners luck I guess. don't think that's at all. try to shoot them all from further distance." our friend sir scarface was purely shocked a few seconds later. you shot all the cans with no miss. it was clear as day. you were born for this.
"have you shot before this?"
"no haven't seen a gun closely. is my first time touching one."
"well, you're fine. you don't need more than this. it's wasting time for you" he took the gun from your hands and like he said he only put two bullets in it. one to kill and the other in case you didn't.
"I think two bullets are even more than you need. you can kill him with one if you want. let's get inside."
"hey...I know your reasons for killing this guy, but what has he done that your boss is so scared of him?"
"tsked you knew so easily? god naoya must look so bad from the outside."
"It's not he that I'm asking, is just why even you guys think they're sick."
"listen lady, the reason even US think that he's a sick son of a bitch is he killed hundreds of people in one blink of an eye" "you mean civilians?"
"no I mean important people, even bigger than my boss. he just decided that he does not like activities other than him in the region. one fucking day he came out from his shadows sent one message to our whole organization and said 'he doesn't like filthy rats like us, who only know how to kill innocent people just for their personal purposes what kind of fucking psychopath would say that? and then tomorrow after all people got his message they say..." "who says?"
"I don't know. no one knows, but some rumors say he went personally to the meeting, shouting something like 'to only death pure your dirty sins and wash the blood of the innocents from your hands. Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here(1)' and exploded the whole cabin. most of the people were dead or they died as they were running and asking for help but he with just insanity followed them all and kill them one by one...fucking sick bastard."
"and he's coming over today?" "yes...YES...he's coming and that's why we want you to kill him for us. now stop fuckin chit-chattin'. he can be here any moment and he's kinda late by now."
when you got inside you could hear some people talking in the diner's hallway. there were yaga tied down on a chair and there was someone new with them. tall guy, with long black hair, big muscular figure...and....and green eyes with a scar in corner of his perfect soft lips. toji was now smirking at something funny. he saw you coming in. he made eye contact with you but then, he looked somewhere else." pretend I wasn't here" is what he said. scarface's boss was laughing his ass off.
"masaki...masaki we got company. you missed a lot man, training that lil minx."
"boss I said don't call me by name." toji jumped in.
"no worries, no one is going to remember you and your name either."
"look! he's that funny! first, he got in here and said something like...what was it toji?" "this place is so fucked up no wonder they forgot to waste a rocket for it. up here it looks completely devastated"
"yeah...and I wasn't sure if this guy is cool...I kinda thought he was our special guest...but it showed up that there are still real men around here not just dead bodies. hey girlie if you're finished with your lessons get some drinks for us." you were going to your counter.
"where should I even put this thing?" you showed him the gun in the air
" I don't know in your pocket...hey you can put it in your garnet, women with a gun in their garnet are the hottest. I give anything to get killed by a sexy slut taking a gun out of her gurnet and the last thing I'm seeing is a beautiful sight of her cunt"
"amen to your death scene brother."
"amen. didn't you hear me bitch? I said drinks. NOW" he shouted as he punched the table. you went to your fridge. beers were all alcohol you had. seven beers for six idiot assholes around the table and course their crème de la crème. you hated how toji changed his personality, or maybe it was his real self? you brought beers to their table.
"what's this? you only have beers? no wonder you have zero customers. no garnets nor real alcohol is the lack of service" you huffed.
"I'm sorry it's not good enough for your taste but it's all we have in here."
"bet you're right." he stood up from his sit and looked through your eyes. even though he wasn't that bad looking, what made him look disgusting was his ruthless behavior and short temper. he was taller than you but shorter than toji looking down at you, but unlike toji's pure muscle build, he was smaller and skinnier.
"I can't stand that a worthless bitch like you is having this attitude with me, naoya zenin. you're so lucky you're not facing naobito"
you looked at him. you had enough of these people. the way they think they're on top of the food pyramid made you sick. you were hesitating that you should or shouldn't kill that guy for them. whether who he was or what he does, he seems to treat these people right.
"what makes me feel sick of bitches like you, is that look. that annoying look that says 'oh look everyone im an innocent angel and I reserved a special place in heaven next to mother teresa'. you're the most pick me up bitch I've ever seen. fuck you and of course your cheap beer that tastes like piss." he said all of it and threw his beer to the floor. "bitches like you deserve to be on their knees, dontcha think boys?" his underlings threw their beers one by one, even scarface threw his. there were glasses everywhere on the floor.
"what is it toji? you don't want to waste your royal drink on a bitch? I understand you bro." you were on your knees picking glasses with your hands that toji stand. you looked up at him with your glossy eyes and shaking lips. he looked deep through your eyes. like he was taking a mental picture of you. on your wounded knees, you look so vulnerable, so out of this world. that son of a bitch was right. you were an angel. just it wasn't your fault to be right in the middle of the worst time to live.
"nah....just it makes me feel good to see them where they belong"
he threw his bottle. everyone laughed and something broke in you. as time goes by humans gain nothing, but instead, they lose their humanity little by little. you gathered all of the glasses. your hands were bleeding in several places and your tears were falling on your cheeks. toji looked at you and said something and went to the bathroom. you ran to the kitchen where you can use some ice on your scars. you were crying like there was no tomorrow and thinking how good it would be to just go back before all of this. before seeing these demons or even before seeing toji. 1: a poem from Dante's inferno
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deadmandreams · 2 years
Warnings: nothing special just a bit of swearing
One | Two | three
Toji pov:
"toji what is it over there? who are they?" toji wished that he have enough bullets for this party. seeing a land rover from distance with crazy dirtbags on it.
"y/n remember about those people I told you about?"
"They're here. pretend I wasn't here"
"but toji..." toji was out finding someplace to hide and observe his target. five or six people come off the truck. damn. he was here for them at the first palace but now he was surprised. and y/n was in danger. they got in and went straight to y/n. they were saying something and one of them shot through the air. those few customers in the diner ran away. the cook got out of the kitchen but they punched him in the face. y/n was shaking and crying. some of them pointed a gun at her and threatened her. even though toji felt bad for her but he couldn't risk his situation. y/n agreed to whatever they said and they kept the cook.
y/n pov:
toji got out of the door. A few seconds later some men got into the diner and started firing guns.
"alright folks, we're closing. get the hell out of here." one of them got closer
"not you, you're gonna stay " suddenly yaga attacked them
"NOO yaga please don't. they're armed." but it was too late. Yaga fell
on the floor
"no please...please don't hurt us...please...we didn't do anything wrong." "is alright. you don't wanna hurt? no one wants it either. it's easy. listen to whatever we say and we let both of you go. deal?" you agreed. you will do anything to stop this chaos.
"good. good. what did I say to you guys? they will understand. as long as you put a gun on them they do anything." other guys laughed.
"Now little girl you're gonna do us a favor and nobody will get hurt. Aww, you don't need to cry."
you couldn't stop your tears. having a family that waits for you at home makes it so hard to think straight.
"alright. now listen carefully...listen. we're here today to deal with somebody. but this somebody doesn't take what we offer him, instead, he wants more. you know young people who are new in business think they're better than anyone but it's not true. anyways this guy is new in the business but wants a lot more than he deserves. so he pissed us off. and you know when someone pisses me, naoya zenin off, should pay for what they've done. you know what I'm sayin?"
you shook off your head repeatedly.
"good. so like I said we agreed. but he put one condition. that we shouldn't have any weapons at this meeting. now I'm not a person who can take my gun away from me, but this guy is the sickest person I've ever seen. I've been in this business long enough to know what these sick people can do. I'm not scared, we're not scared of him. but he needs to know his place. so in conclusion the favor we need you to do is..." he snapped and one of his people gave him a gun
"That please kill this son of a bitch for us." "WHAT?"
you blinked. one. two, three times. someone just asked you to kill a person for them. they looked at you like they didn't expect you to scream out
"I'm sorry gentlemen for letting you down but I never touched one of these. and killing someone with it? this is far from my personality and personal beliefs. I highly recommend you to find a better place or at least a person to this deal."
you were ready to go and hide behind anything before they change their mind, but he gripped your shoulder and pressed it hard. you kept down your voice to not squirm.
"listen princess, don't you remember a few seconds ago when I said YOURE GONNA LISTEN TO WHATEVER I SAID SLUT OR IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU."
you just remembered how these guys played that dramatic show in the beginning.
"I'm sorry that I do not know how to do it, I'm sorry that I haven't killed anyone before"
"You're talking sarcastically to me? bitch" after his heavy slap you couldn't hear or see things clearly. you fell on grand and he grabbed the front of your uniform.
"I gave you one chance. god if he didn't make me come here I would kill you first in the place. it's your last chance. no more games. I'm giving you this gun and my people will learn you how to use it. you better use it properly and kill the bastard with the first shot. also if you want to do anything funny remember that we got your friend hostage."
"NO please let him go. why you're doing this? at least you could've asked him instead of me to do this job for you."
"I don't know. I liked your skirt kinda. if it was me I wouldn't expect a cute waitress like you is going to kill me. after all your big friend is unconscious now, you better watch yourself or he will stay asleep forever."
you hiccuped and tried to stand on your legs again. it seems there's no choice. you have to cooperate with these people.
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deadmandreams · 2 years
Hello, I'm new here and this is my first work. Since English Is not my first language it can have a few grammar mistakes but I hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: no sexual theme, mild swearing
One | two
there was no volunteer for this job. no one except toji fushiguro. rather the bonehead he was he didn't care how dangerous this mission is. well, he knew this area is someone else territory but as long as they paid him a good amount of money he would pass some limits. the job was easy. he should find the famous newly established mafia's head and eliminate them without any waste of time. The only challenge in his way was that no one knew what he looks like. problem with this gang was they're fucking powerful and dangerous and only professionals can deal with them. toji checked his map. he already passed all bridges and there was no way back. there he goes to the mafia official headquarters. to his surprise, the mafia's activities have been done on this wrecked diner. as kong said no one, and he meant NO ONE ever escaped this palace alive. few good spies lost their lives in way of gathering info. On second thought toji considered his options. maybe risking his life for a few bucks wasn't the best deal. but after all, what did he have to lose? his only son megumi was safe. he wasn't sure but the last time he met him he was. been years of not hearing anything about his son. toji had made his choice a long time ago. he said ''here we go" and entered. the diner was nearly empty. one or two random customers and one waitress. at this far everything was all right. toji sat behind one of the tables and after a few minutes a lil birdie just came to take his orders
''hello sir welcome to our diner what can I get for you?'' toji looked her in the eyes and y/n felt her chicks getting warmer. toji smirked.
''what's your name little birdie'' you got as red as you could and oh dear hell this is going to be amusing for him. It wasn't your first time seeing soldiers and of course mercenaries. perks of living right in the middle of a war
''y/n sir, at your service. we have special meals for today you can orde-''
''y/n are you the only person here?''
'' sir excuse me?..''
''im saying is there anyone else besides you?''
'' no sir. we're a bit free these days not having many customers who can effort to eat. so most of our staff lost their jobs or they taking smaller shifts. it's just me and our cook in the kitchen. but we serve anything you want.'' toji looked around. weird. what this wrecked empty diner could do with such a huge mafia
''i have a black coffee sweetheart.''
''course. right now.''
you flew to the counter. couldn't be happier than this in your life. you had no idea what operation is happening in this region but whatever it was, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. having technicians and other militaries in your diner will surely help you to save more money. you being the sweet girl you are brought the cup of coffee for toji
"thanks doll. can you sit here with me? for a moment.''
''sorry but it's against the rules.''
''aw come on. you're not that busy. It seems I'm your only customer right now. be a good girl and sit with me."
''but ...''
" sit birdie it won't take long. here. here's a bounce for your special service.'' seeing green bills made you sit down.
''atta girl. Now I'm gonna ask a few questions. that's all. You're all right with it?''
you shook off your head.
''alright. Here's one. do you have regular customers here? like people to come and go a few times?
"no sir. most days we have none.''
''ok call me toji...so you haven't seen anyone doing any suspicious activities here?is that right?''
''no sir...I mean toji not at all.''
"all right...I don't know what to say now. you can go if you want"
''but what are you looking for exactly?I mean we have nothing here but hills of dust and dirt"
"yeah. let's say I'm looking for buncha people. to say dangerous people." "dangerous sir?"
"seriously dangerous. you don't want to have anything with them."
"oh dear lord...no no...we definitely do not want them around"
"smart girl. so in conclusion you or your co-workers haven't seen one?"
"No toji. no not at all"
toji tsked for the wrong information. of course no serious person would do anything with this palace. coffee was good though.
"thanks for your time...and the coffee. here, as I said to you." he put the money on the table and your eyes got wide open
"this much? sir this is too much even for tipping!"
itching the scar on the corner of his lips he gave you one of his rare smiles
"take it. I'm being generous today. maybe I come by sometimes."
there were happy tears in your eyes. you believed this man came straight from Heaven, but not knowing what filthy things he can do. the good thing about you, you judge people with their hearts not what they do for living, right? toji was getting out when you stopped him. not knowing what is it this time, he looked back from his shoulder and saw you pointing something infront of him.
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