deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
It seemed at times like the world was populated with too many people like Porter, who took and they took and nobody could ever catch them on it. People who had the power to stop them turned a blind eye, believing it to not be their problem, and those who couldn’t were stuck as victims. It was those types of people who had killed his father, and those types of people that Jassar took extra glee in destroying. After so long in his line of work though, it was difficult to get worked up over ever sob story that people came to him with, so he listened passively, not really reacting to the memories the man was wrestling to. It was unlikely that Byrne wanted his sympathy, and certainly didn’t want him to comment on anything. Instead he made he stopped emoting, and took notes in an almost clinical fashion, trying to outline what this mystery man was like. “So we’re looking for a noble he might be working for. Somebody powerful–probably a duke or duchess, or less likely but still possibly, a powerful merchant–that he could associate himself with.” It was less of a question than a statement. Jassar closed his eyes for a moment, running through nobles he know associated with the navy, or any that seemed to be inclined towards illicit pursuits. He jotted those names down on a new page. 
“Pious man? Even fake religious?” If he played the lowly sinner, then involvement with the Anglican or Catholic church was a possibility. Weird shit always happened when religion became involved, and at this point Jassar wouldn’t be surprised at anything. The slightest cues were tip offs to his newest client’s various emotions: detachment usually meant that this particular was still delicate and difficult to handle. That wasn’t exactly new information though. “A sadist? Delightful.” This was said more blandly than his normal tone. Those who enjoyed suffering tended to be that much more difficult to handle since they were willing to go farther to win than most, regardless of the cost. “Was it only men? Or females too?” Implicating him for homosexuality was always an option if things got really desperate and if they were able to get proof, which was a big if. “I wonder if he’s married?” It wasn’t such a farfetched idea considering most marriages were political, rather than based on actual love. “If so she might have some information we can use.” The list of things to do was getting rather lengthy–he should of charged more. Whatever shiny thing Byrne brought him was, it better be really expensive. 
“Couldn’t agree more. At least it’s not France; absolutism is a bitch.” Jassar glanced around the room, observing as people were getting progressively more drunk as the night went on, only turning back when Byrne started talking again. “Don’t push yourself too much, don’t want him catching on. I have people who are willing to talk at the right price. If we don’t have surprise we have very little on our side. Smugglers are always good though, they tend to understand the importance of discretion. My only fear is if one of them works with Porter, well, that’s that. We’d have to quit.” Dying on another man’s revenge fantasy seemed a particularly shitty way to go. Reaching above his head and weaving his fingers together, he stretched his stiff back, listening to the small popping noises, before setting his hand back on the table. His rings made a slight bang as they connected with the hard wood. 
With a loud sigh, he rolled his eyes at Byrne’s comment, “Don’t get so touchy, I meant no offense. I only say these things because I’ve been doing this for a long time, and people are fucking idiots. You’re how old and alive as a pirate?You know how to survive, I get it. Emotions often run rampant, trampling logic, so I give my little speech so when a client decides they have a death wish, it’s not on my conscience. I warned them. You pirates take everything as a personal insult, teringlijer.” His next question did give Jassar pause though, as he thought if over, “I can find you, don’t worry about that. You guys are docked here for awhile right?” He scrawled down an address, “This is where I’m staying for the time being, I’m this most mornings. Let’s be clear though, share that address with anyone and I’ll make sure Porter finds you or I’ll destroy you personally.” He smiled through his entire swear, sounded much more delighted than his threats conveyed. However temporary, Jassar hated giving out where he lived, and tended to arrange meetings himself. That wouldn’t work in this case though, so here he was risking it. “I play at the Siren’s Song some nights, or at other taverns and brothels. Ask around and usually somebody will be able to point me out.”
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“More than likely, it would probably explain how he can move about and still be protected from most things-- a benefactor of sorts?” Will suggested giving a small shrug of his shoulders, he didn’t really know or car much for the ins and outs of the politics that the upper-crust got involved in. “Never seemed interested in religion as far as I can tell,” he admitted but it was hardly as if Will was the sort to hang around for long when Porter was skulking “might be wrong on that though so I wouldn’t make any definite assumptions.” Will raised a hand rubbing his hand over his mouth “crew was all men, but I hardly think he’d be the sort to limit his violence.” 
At the mention of not tipping him off Will merely nodded, “I know. I have some that I have profitable dealings with though, they owe me a debt.” Will understood the delicacy of the matter and he had no intention of blundering this up. So instead of responding to Jassar’s little slightly patronising speech Will merely gave him a level look that said he didn’t have to explain. 
“Aye, as far as I know there’s no plans to go raiding so I’ll be there most of the time.” As the address was offered out Will took it studying the address, he knew the area well enough to know where it was folding the paper over and over on itself again he tucked it away into the inside of his waistcoat. “You don’t need to worry about that. I understand the importance of discretion with matters like these.” Still, at mention of the Siren’s Song he merely nodded “I know it, I have some friends who work there.” Satisfied he put both palms flat on the table pushing his stool out and rising to his feet. “I’ll have the rest of your payment soon enough.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Jassar hummed lightly, but accepted the explanation. Besides, that was fifteen years ago. People had the tendency to drastically change over long periods of time. “You can tell a lot about people during times of adversity. When he took control how did he handle the situation? Calmly, steadily, panicky, angrily, or anything else. You lived in close quarters with him for a year, you probably picked up details subconsciously that you don’t even realize you know.” While he questioned Byrne, his mind was also creating a list of where to go next. Katherine likely could get him a book that outlined the genealogy of the Chichesters, then he could figure out what familial connections he might have. She might even know who the family tended to associate with, or better yet she might have met him. An heiress to a trading company would know of him at least, without a doubt. The only problem would be tipping other people off, which was distinctly not the goal.
Byrne story was one shared with hundreds of other forgotten people. The navy was filled to the brink with those society wouldn’t miss, who were forced to work for the glory of the most powerful navy in the world. God bless the King and what not.
Absentmindedly he played with one of the rings on his finger while he talked, twisting it back and forth. “Now you’re a pirate, huh, way to fuck the career ladder.” Normally, the man’s seriousness would be a bother, but given the situation Jassar could hardly blame him. “I wonder if he did something to get thrown off his last boat. Normally Lieutenants stick to a boat for extended times.” It might be completely incorrect, but it would be an interesting detail to know. “Do you know what ship he was on before the HMS St Andrew?” Any and all leads would be checked at this point, because it seemed that Byrne and Jassar were going on a witch hunt. The very idea made Jassar grin, “If you know people in the navy that might know more that would be fabulous, I plan to play with the aristocracy for awhile to figure out more.” Chances were that Jassar had better contacts and could come up with more, but there was always a chance that Byrne would know somebody vital that Jassar would miss. He leaned his chin on his fist, shifting his weight forward, “Any future information you have you need to share, because chances are if fits into a bigger web that you are unaware. No idiotic vigilantism, that’s how you tip him off and get killed.” The number of times that had happened was just exhausting.
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William didn’t like to revisit his past, it was something he preferred stayed buried and thus the invitation to revisit it here and now wasn’t a very welcome one. But everyone had their crosses to bear, and so his head tilted down jaw locking as he drifted back to his youth, a young boy with hopes of fame and glory. There was only one word that came to mind, “serenely, like--- anything could happen and it wouldn’t phase him He just struck you as the sort of man that you took one good look at and just knew something was wrong about him but you could ne’er quite put a finger on it.” Will leaned an elbow on the table, his chin coming to rest on a closed fist “he was a huge suck up to the Captain, literally did whatever he wanted. Captain wasn’t too clean himself-- enjoyed the lash a decent amount himself” but that was hardly a surprising tale in and of itself.
“He was always careful though,” Will went back to speaking of Porter in a semi-detached sort of way like a narrator of a book and not of a life-story. As though whatever went on wasn’t something he wished to relive, disconnecting was the easiest way to keep himself on track “never anything too egregious and definitely never did anything when the captain was around when he wasn’t though... I had a friend who suffered the most, long hair-- served decently enough for whatever Porter was missing on land but he died when the ship went down-- crushed by a canon and sent to the depths” a lie but Jassar didn’t need to know that it was near enough the truth to be told convincingly. “Everybody was too damn scared to do shit about him. Plus, the more you fought back the more he seemed to enjoy it---” Will shrugged, studying the crowds of people with interest rather than meeting Jassar’s eye his expression one more of guilt which would only sell that aspect of the tale. He had the rest of the details in his book and had outlined the rumours of what Porter had done himself. Will didn’t need to say anything else aloud.
“Better this than living under the thumb of a king, at least I have a say in matters and a better wage than most” and that was the truth of it. Why Will had stayed so long. At the end of the day he didn’t want to return to the fold of the good tax paying folk knowing his money would only go to fill the pockets of people like Porter. The inquiry was met with a shrug, “don’t know. He never talked about his life around us.” In comparison to Jassar’s gleefulness Will remained sober, carefully measured and never getting his hopes up. This world had never anything good to give him and he wasn’t about to set himself up for a catastrophic fall because of something as mundane as hopefulness this would succeed. “I haven’t been in contact with anyone in the navy in the last fifteen years-- But I’ll see if there’s anyone I can track down” he eventually nodded “even if I can’t, I know people on this side of the law-- some smugglers with fingers in plenty of pies so to speak.”
His steely blue eyes studied Jassar for a long moment, weighing everything up before saying what the hell. “I might look like I’m as dense as a brick wall but I do have a brain, I’m not an idiot, I know better than to underestimate this man” he stated this time taking the opportunity to look bored with Jassar’s lecture. “How do I get in contact with you if I find something of relevance? Or vice versa” better to figure these things out now rather than later.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
“That could be. Plenty of merchants in the West Indies to hitch a ride with. Just flash some coin and he’d be good.” Jassar carefully observed Byrne’s reactions to things, only to find him disappointedly stoic, only showing micro-expressions or disgust or vague anger every so often.  That was until he mentioned Porter’s other victims, where the other man clearly had a moment. God-dammit. Suddenly why Byrne was so interested in Porter snapped into perfect clarity, making him tighten his jaw in frustration. By no means would Jassar ever call himself a good man, or even a decent one, but the entire sex trafficking industry was one he stayed clear of. If a noble was a perpetrator he would use that information to ruin them, but he never worked for traffickers. Then tended to be like cockroaches or rats: find one and you know there were more hiding in the woodwork. The entire concept made his skin crawl uncomfortably, knowing if he was an unluckier soul that could of been him after his mother rejected him. He focussed back onto Byrne, giving him a disbelieving look, not taking for a moment that that was all the other man knew. 
“If he’s playing noble again, that rarely is an option.” Byrne clearly hadn’t ran with the upper crust of society before, or he’d know the social schedule was grueling. Especially during the season, where you’d attend multiple social events in one day, every day. Perhaps the man had found a person to attach himself to, and let that person do his more public bidding. That would allow him to be more choosy about what he attended. In his journal he noted to look into friends of Porter, or houses he seemed to drift back to. Also what type of events he did attend, and what type he didn’t. On the other hand, narcissistic men, like what Porter seemed to be, rarely had partners. This person would have to be subservient and dependent on the affirmation they receive from Porter. The spineless weren’t exactly difficult to find amongst the aristocracy. Out loud he mused, “I wonder if he’s noble of the sword or robe?” Robe meant he was lower down on the food chain, where sword might mean people would be more inclined to listen to him and he may be distanced from the king. 
The question was a good one, leaving Jassar feeling  a small amount of respect for Byrne. In a matter-of-fact tone, he noted, “I don’t like variables. It’s that simple. I know very little about this man minus the fact that he abuses my sources, and I don’t like when people fuck with my contacts.” A slight smirk appeared on his face, “Literally or metaphorically.” On top of that Jassar didn’t have a way to control him as the word of a couple servants, if he even could get any to talk, would never topple that of a respected Earl. Even if he was truly socially inept, it would be impossible to miss the sharp glint in the other man’s eye, flint ready to light a fire. “I’m always delighted to have the opportunity to ruin somebody.” The benefit was two fold: it looked good to potential clients and it would eliminate an unknown factor. If there was one thing he hated, it was those he couldn’t control, and he couldn’t control Porter. 
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Eventually Will sat back, an open palm raising to pull along his jaw over the frown that seemed set in place on his typically jovial expression. Stoic was his nature when it came to business but there was just some things you didn’t want people to know. 
“I’m telling you how he was back when I knew him, it was only a year... and most of that was at sea” the light from the candles illuminating the tavern caught a very strange expression on Will’s features. What his schedule now barely made much different in Will’s mind, no doubt Porter assimilated to whatever situation he ended up being put in. He’d always been alarmingly adaptable to advancing himself socially by finding the highest ranking individual around and attaching himself to their side. It was sickeningly annoying. He wasn’t above attaching himself to individuals higher than himself if only to use their fortunes to fund his own ventures and if he was a war hero, well, as had already been pointed out nobility loved that. Jassar’s musing meant nothing to Will who had returned to his quiet contemplation of the matter at hand.
His eyes flickered up at Jassar’s words of not liking variables, could understand and relate to that sentiment well enough himself. Considering Jassar’s line of work it only made even more sense. The smirk and joke did little to shift Will’s serious expression but he did nod. Seeming to accept what he had to say Will lay a flattened palm on the table, fingers following the grain of the wood as something to do when he spoke. “I sailed aboard the HMS St Andrew-- Five years, not what I’d been expecting but once you got in there was hardly any way out. I had my eye on working up the ranks, perhaps earning something more for myself one day but coincidentally in the last year before the ship went down she took on a new lieutenant...” He didn’t need to specify who, their conversation was enough to fill in those blanks.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
She didn’t make it more than a few steps before Harper was at her side, helping to steady her. Leaning onto him Molly didn’t answer when he protested he was right of course, she wasn’t fine but she wasn’t about to start crying. Her steps were still unsteady but Harper held her firmly. She nodded in agreement when he offered to take her back to her room. “I just need to lay down is all.” 
The pair of them moved slowly up the stairs and through the doorway. Stumbling out of her shoes Molly couldn’t wait to get to her bed. Laying on her side, she sighed happily. Reaching behind her she tried to loosen her corset. She could feel Harper’s presence still above her. “Harper?” She said her voice quiet she opened her eyes. “Sorry.”
There was a knock on the door and Will’s tall form ducked into the room. Molly smiled broadly at him. There were long bruises starting to form on her neck, but beyond that, she hadn’t been harm. “He didn’t,” She sat shaking her head from where she lay in the bed. 
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Harper was hovering. He knew that he was but his concern for Molly outweighed everything else. He cursed himself for allowing this to happen, for allowing The Siren’s Song to become a place where people could get hurt, possibly worse. He stood at the corner of Molly’s bed biting his thumb nail and twisting his long auburn hair into knots. “Don’t be sorry, it’s my fault.” was all Harper could manage to say.
When Will entered the room, Harper should have been grateful for how he had helped. But he wasn’t. Harper knew a pirate when he saw one and he assumed they all knew each other. In fact, he didn’t care if Will knew the man at all, he needed someone to blame. “Was that your man? You know him? Because you better hope I never see him in my establishment again. And if you do in fact know this man, you better keep yourself tied to his side, make sure I never so much as see his face again. Got it?” It wasn’t so much a threat as it was a promise. 
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His eyes instinctively went to Molly off the bat, her smile lightening his spirits but doing little to quench the fear that she’d truly been hurt. “Good-- I’m--” but any further words were interrupted as Harper rounded on him and his gunmetal blue hues grew a little steely.
Instead of raising his voice, Will stepped closer to Harper his six-foot-five frame looming as he stared at the other man. He’d never raise his voice not with a friend in the room and thus instead his voice came out low and rough hiss, just enough for Harper to hear but not enough to disturb Molly any more than she had been. He didn’t touch Harper, there was no need for any more physical violence in his mind but his presence and quiet simmering rage alone was a force unto itself. “I don’t ‘ave a fucking clue who he was, and I’ll be glad if he’s dead outside after what I jus’ did t’him” to emphasise his point Will gestured to his bloodied knuckles maintaining his decorum “now, why don’t you have some respect for lady Molly and get yer temper in check.” 
He wasn't about to start another fight, thus tith that said Will ignored Harper instead going over to where a jug of water and a couple of wooden cups rested, pouring some into one and bringing it over kneeling beside Molly’s bed. “You should try ‘n’ drink something lass. D'you want me to stay here with you?”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Wren scoffed at him, her face twisting into an expression of disgust. “Watch your mouth, Locke. I’ve killed men for less,” she answered, shaking her head. It was a good thing they were able to share banter with each other, or her deadpan tone might have been taken as a genuine threat. “A bad lay. I’ve never heard anything so insulting in all my life. And ‘course there are. I could give you the list in chronological order or alphabetical, whichever suits your fancy,” she shot back at him with the hint of a smirk.
He seemed to get a bit more serious when Sybil came up. Judging by the expression on his face, he wasn’t too fond of the possibility of her 'jumping ship’ so to speak. Wouldn’t be the first time a pirate had crossed from one boat to another, but it was usually accompanied by some kind of battle or falling out. Most of them didn’t just jump 'cause they felt like it. “If it makes you feel better, I think she’s pretty happy where she is. Just no harm in her knowing the offer’s there if she needs it. I don’t think Louise likes life at sea too much. Just a hunch.”
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“You could try, though I think killing me would rather piss quite a few people off that you’d rather not piss off” there was something to be said about the Crimson Demon’s reputation at times for those that crossed or threatened its crewmembers. But thankfully Will took no offence to the words that came from Wren, regarding them simply with wry amusement rather than taking actual offence. “Ooft, clearly you’ve not heard much then if that’s the most insulting thing you’ve heard but either way, I’m not interested in a list of your lovers.” Which he debated jokingly remarking couldn’t be all that long if she could list them in a specific order. Though Will knew the boundaries, and thus held his tongue on such a remark.
Still, the talk of one of their crew members not being suited or happy in their life caused him to frown ever so slightly. “What’re you planning to do about it?” it never boded well if crew members weren’t happy.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Despite projecting a facade of disinterest, Jassar listened keenly to the man. Loyalty was a concept that seemed so foreign to Jassar. Why would you ever try and help another person over yourself? Cleary this man didn’t understand that they would inevitably betray him, despite what convenient lies people said. Last time he had relied on somebody he had ended up publicly whipped, so these days it tended to be a hard pass on the whole trust business. Besides being attached to people gave people a way to destroy you. He had enough enemies where that was a no go. With a faux-mournful sigh, he relented, “How dull. Never the less I suppose we have a deal.” Perhaps Ghost would be willing to exchange information on Byrne for a lower price on his newest acquisition of trading routes, or perhaps other crew mates would be more willing to gossip. It was something to file away for later. 
With a small jingle of bracelets, he took his client’s hand in a firm grip, before happily accepting the ten pounds. Delicately, he swept them into an empty pouch and quickly slipped it into an inside pocket of his jacket. It was just common sense not to keep all your money in one location or a singular bag. “After his ship sank the news somehow twisted the story to make him into some hero. I know he injured his leg, so he couldn’t immediately rejoin the navy.” Then in a less sure voice he pried, “That’s probably how you lost track of him.” He moved on quickly to the next subject, “Well, a wounded hero, of course the nobility ate it up. Like most high ranking officers it seems he has ties to the nobility–huzzah for the corruption of the navy–and if my information is correct he’s the third son of the Earl of Chichester. As a third son he probably had no choice but to choose military or church and chose military. Either way it gave hime enough ties to reenter the oh-so-honorable ranks of his peerage a hero.” 
While talking Jassar scribbled a timeline down of what he knew about Porter’s life thus far, with little dates next to the events. Pointing to  “So around the 1690s he joined the navy, and naturally was promoted quickly due to his rank. I’m sure you know more than I do, but he seemed to have a relatively monotonous career. No great victories seem to be credited to him, or the such. That is until his ship sank in 1713. So he injured his leg somehow there, and was suddenly ascended to the ranks of hero-dom and became the face of the fight against piracy. Totally false, but he was a convenient face to use for the cause.”
“He’s schmoozing on the navy’s behalf now. Getting nobles to donate money for the ‘cause.’ The most bothersome thing is he’s becoming quite popular, traveling around the countryside and staying at various estates. Many of my sources are servants and it seems that he’s been sexually abusing various boys. Many of them don’t want to talk, for obvious reasons, but the ones who do talk mention things that seem to point towards venereal disease. Not all the unsurprising given how common it is among the nobility, but I have yet to find substantial proof so it could just be a theory.” He paused for a moment, “I don’t know the specifics about his time amongst the nobility, since its a crowd that is much more difficult to ooze secrets out of, but I know he’s doing something more than just work with the navy. Smuggling maybe? I’m starting to pursue that line of questioning more now. He’s rather hard to pin down, and I’ve yet to actually meet him despite numerous attempts.”
Then stopping again, and looking more seriously at Byrne, he pointed at him lightly, “I hope you understand you’ll have to share your own experiences with him to help me. Understanding his personality can be key to understanding him. Gossip only can tell me so much, and since I am unable to meet him, you’ll need to fill me in.”
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With the coins swept away the tale immediately began, Will shifted in his seat figuring that if this man was indeed as good as he said he was then there would be a lot to hear. Might as well get comfortable. He was proved right in that assumption the more Jassar spoke and Will was disquieted to hear every single detail. He’d become a war hero, of course he had. “Probably got aboard a merchant vessel to get back” he hypothesised, by no means certain of this fact but Porter was a wily son of a bitch even on the worst of days. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to assume that would be how he got home, and likely used pirates as further ammunition to spin his tale and make it believable. After all, nobility loved nothing less than to twist and demonise their way of life. The concept of a place with no governance beyond its own laws made by its inhabitants was a threat in itself to the crown, no wonder they wanted to stamp out piracy wherever it cropped up.
Will’s features were set in a frown at the information, it all made sense and the news that he was popular earned a slightly disgusted twist of Will’s lips but for the most part he maintained his silence preferring to listen rather than interject. However, one part of the topic made Will’s eyes drift away disconnecting from Jassar’s words and the topic entirely but he forced himself back trying to focus on as much information as he could get from the topic. “He doesn’t like strangers, and he’s picky ‘bout those he keeps around him” Will really didn’t know much beyond that. There was only so much you could learn aboard a ship whilst being terrorised by an abusive authority figure.
The finger being pointed at him caused him to tense, all of a sudden feeling very small at the thought you have a vested interest in him... Which would suggest you have plans, what are your intentions for him?” Jassar seemed to be a highly intelligent individual and perhaps someone that might be swayed into bringing this Lieutenant down from his mighty empire. “’Cause I’m willing to talk to some of my contacts and see what they have to say in regards to his activities. You seem to have more means than me in terms of successfully bringing him down-- but I want to help.” If smuggling was indeed what he was up to then Will was fully invested in helping dig up some dirt, if it was a start in removing the bricks from Porter’s foundation then Will would happily take on the hard toil even if it meant removing them brick by brick. There was a darker glint to his eyes, intentions left unsaid that suggested a higher motivation than simple humiliation "I want to see his empire crumble."
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Even while writing, Jassar’s eyes flicked up to silently observe his newest client. The tightening jaw was the classic sign that the price was far more than the man could reasonably afford. They could haggle there way and come to an understanding eventually. It was nice that the man was an open book, made this entire process much easier. Jassar had spent years learning how to read people’s expressions, and no matter how quickly Bryne tried to clamp down on his discomfort, he couldn’t hide it in time. It answered his question rather quickly, “No need to be coquettish if you don’t mean it.” The other man was attractive enough that just keeping around for looks was a good enough reason to lower the price. Plus he had already done the work, so it wasn’t any skin off his back. If what he had so far was any indication, Jassar would inevitably look more into this money or not. Repeated reports of sex abuse wasn’t exactly something that he could just let go without further investigation. Scared servants were frankly terrible for business, and if he helped they’d be that much more willing to repay the service. 
The most interesting thing about this exchange was there had yet to have been threats. Some pirates tended to threaten first, with very little provocation. This man seemed more controlled than that though. “Where’s your sense of adventure? Not risking your life is just so dull and besides, if you really want this information it’d be worth it.” In reality he just wanted to see him wrestle with the idea of betraying his crew. Measuring loyalty was always an interesting way to learn about a person, and he allowed a moment for the other man to digest his offer. As the man contiued to talk, he delicately raised his eyebrow at the flattery, expression clearly bored, then waved his hand dismissively, “Ten gold pieces, whatever service I ask that we mutually find acceptable, and something shiny I’d like and we’ll call it good.” He had somebody trying to kill him, so maybe Byrne’s muscle could come in handy, if for nothing more than a meat shield. 
It had taken Jassar more than a moment to finally remember where he had seen Byrne’s face before. Though the two had never met, and Jassar had never had previously gotten his name, he recognized the man. “You work with Ghost right? Or at least on that ship.” He had personally worked for Ghost enough times that even as an outsider he understood that you don’t betray Ghost. There were times that he’d board the Crimson Demon to pass information to Ghost, and he’d seen Byrne there before. 
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Will didn’t trade in threats unless it was absolutely necessary, there usually far better options available but sometimes you simply had to do what you had to do. He wasn’t above using his appearance for intimidation, and most at first glance tended to assume him to possess more brawn than brain. He let them, better they underestimate him. Despite his bluff being called Will stuck fast, Jassar apparently had keen eyes and an even sharper mind. Be wary of those ones. But his intel so far had proven to ring true and thus Will was inclined to allow himself to enter into some transaction which meant he would ultimately need to get to know his business partner better. Threats weren’t conducive but clearly the man was interested either way.
“I risk my life plenty day to day, but this venture in particular isn’t worth losing it over” Will had decided a long time ago to get his revenge by being better than what had happened to him. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t take a shot if it came his way but he hardly saw it as a worthwhile reason to get strung up for. “No matter how much I might want to know what you have to share, I value the life I’ve made for myself” with that said he had nothing more to add on the matter, it was truth plain and simple. The mention of Ghost didn’t earn much of a reaction from Will but he saw no reason in lying, “I do.”
His mind turned back to business and the amendment Will merely nodded willing to accept that. “Very well,” with that Will offered out his hand to shake on the matter before drawing it back and counting out ten pieces that he set forth. “Start talking.”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
“I always want trouble.”
Elvira watched him, her brows raised with something akin to surprise. Trust me?It was a hard question to answer. Truthfully, Elvira trusted all but one, but she was skilled at pretending otherwise. A manipulation? No. A veiled-truth, she called it. She reached for her tankard and tipped it back, taking several long swallows from it before slamming it back down. Her nose wrinkled with distaste.
“Something like that,” she said, head tilting to the side as she watched him rise. And to think, she had assumed this night would be perpetually boring. 
Curious as ever once more, Elvira rose to her feet. Tugging the lapels of her coat upward, she offered him her arm, mockingly playing at being a gentleman. “By all means, lead the way.”
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“Guess you ran into the right guy then.”
His words when he’d asked whether she trusted him or not had been more a joke than a genuine question, theirs weren’t trusting natures by extension of their jobs. Even so, Will would never intentionally lead those he considered friends to harm at least no harm they couldn’t get out of themselves. “I’ll take that” he allowed whilst edging out from the table until he was at her side.
Unlike Elvira Will was dressed simply short sleeved shirt rolled up revealing powerful arms, worn trousers, boots and a few of his weapons hanging about a bandoleer across his chest. The weather barely phased him hence his tendency to never wear coats or jackets unless he deemed it absolutely necessary. 
Still, he looked at the proffered arm with an amused expression but took her arm with a small huff even if it was a little difficult considering the almost foot existing entirely between them both. With their arms linked Will made for the door and stepped out into the street beyond. “Hopefully this night’ll prove to be less boring for you now.” He gave no hint as to where they were headed, simply walked the street mindful of the alleys and their lurking shadows.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Jassar grin broadened at the talk of money. Finally the conversation was moving in the right direction as Byrne entire postured relaxed: no more knife threats, or deep distrust. Getting down to business meant that Jassar become more serious, pulling out a small journal where he kept track of accounts. The page was set up in grid form, with a name on the left, a coded description of the general type of thing they were looking for in the next column, date of first transaction in the next, then amount of money owed, and finally date it was paid on. In a knew row he wrote Aidan Byrne, before looking up at the man, “It would normally be twenty pounds, but since I’ve already done the research I’ll drop it to fifteen. If you want me to do more then what I already have, it’ll probably be more money. If you can’t afford that, I can give you ways to lower the price. Nothing illegal or even morally questionable, just answering some question about your crew, past missions, and things like that.”
“I’ve been looking in on him seriously for about five months, casually the past year. He first was mentioned to me years ago, but I dismissed at the time. A lot has changed since then as I’m sure you can imagine.” It seemed harmless enough to give a vague answer, and it would only further verify his validity. With a playful smirk he winked and answered, “I’m know by most as Jesper, but you can call me Jassar, lekker ding.” Flirting with clients was probably dumb, but at this point cation seemed so boring and the man as attractive. Reciprocation wasn’t necessary. “Also, if you want references I can get those too. I come highly recommended.”
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As the man pulled out a notebook Will eyed it, most couldn’t read half as well as he could but even upside down and from the other side of the table he could tell it wasn’t written in any sort of language he could comprehend. Which meant pilfering it would hardly be worthwhile. His jaw worked, it was steep steeper than anything he could truly part with even with how much he needed answers but money was better to part with than secrets in his mind. Frankly Will would have preferred illegal and morally questionable over gossip of crews. His loyalty at the end of the day belonged entirely to his crew, they were his family and he wasn’t about to get kicked off his crew because of spilling information. Perhaps an alternate proposal could be made. 
It was hard to ignore the way the other man-- Jassar’s eyes lingered on him, and the inflection on the foreign word only served to prove the other man’s interest to be perhaps slightly more than business inclined. The attention made Will’s skin crawl uncomfortably, he preferred to deal with advances on his own terms usually making the first move himself. A little of the tension eased back into his frame but nowhere near the same levels as before but he tamped down on his discomfort opting instead to offer Jassar a smirk of his own. Will never felt entirely comfortable deceiving people but for the moment his morals were thoroughly in the grey zone. This man had information but his prices were frankly more than Will could honestly part with and still live on in the mean time at least until their next raid or until he found some other employment that would fund this potential expedition. 
“I don’t need to imagine,” was all Will had to say on the matter but a brow arched allowing his expression to grow curious as he leaned just a little forwards, nothing major but enough to suggest he was interested in what Jassar had to say “I bet you do” his tone relaxed slightly into something more of a drawl. Let him take the words how he wanted, Will had motivations and who said he had to play by the rules. “I’ll pay you ten and I’m sure you’ll make it worth my while.” Gesturing with an open palm, “as a man of business I’m sure you understand that sharing things my crew have done doesn’t bode well for me keeping my job or my life which I would frankly like to keep.” He paused before speaking again “so, for the sake of that I’ll pay ten but in exchange of secrets to lower the price I’ll lend you my services and skills free of charge should you need them. Willing to compromise?”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
The corner of her mouth quirked at his touch, grew into a smile as his lips met his thumb. Elvira pulled away then, sitting up with a straightened spine. All around them, the tavern was alight with excitement, with sin. Yet none of it appealed to her in the way it once had when she was just a girl, when she had first arrived in London. She had always hated staying still– it had earned her more than enough Hell as a youth– and now was no different. London was too melancholy for her, too serious, too confined. 
She craved freedom in every sense. Not a kingdom crowned with cages.
“Who– me? Cause trouble? I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.” Elvira threw her hair over her shoulder, laughter on her breath. “Trouble always seems to have a way of finding me first, you know. But it does make life more exciting.”
And though it depressed her to say it, she had no real plans while the Reaper remained at port. Her entire life was out on the sea. All her plans were out on the water, out past the horizon. Here on land, well… “I’m quite bored, Will,” she decided to tell him solemnly. “I despise the feeling.”
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There was no intention behind the act beyond simply wiping the droplet away because it bothered him, because he wanted to. Plus, it was hardly as if they were strangers to one another as it was and therefore Will knew Elvira wouldn’t exactly shy away which is why he possessed the confidence enough to do exactly that. Where most might let their touch linger his was pragmatic, calculating and drawn away just as quickly as it brushed the strong line of her jaw.
“Mhm, yes you” he echoed the sentiment arching a brow at her and a wry grin coming to his lips. “Is that you saying you want a little trouble?”
Frankly, Will had an idea that could benefit them both right now. Elvira wanted something to do and he needed some funds, what better way than to combine both their interests into something more actionable and tipped certainly in their combined favour? “Well, we can’t have that now can we?” he declared with a look that said he knew exactly where they should go. With that in mind he lifted his tankard, drained it one, wiped the slight excess from his lip with his broad forearm and set the metal cup down.
Pushing himself to his feet he caught her gaze, “trust me?”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
He inclined his head in understanding. Though it was bothersome to be forced to answer various questions that seemed obvious, Jassar was used to proving his reputation. Less and less he had to everyday, but back when he started his business he was forced to show that he wasn’t some poor kid, desperate to lie for money. Besides, it was a fair enough question. Plus the man seemed to be quickly reaching his breaking point and Jassar had no desire to be on the receiving end of the man’s ire. Pirates were always a different species from the nobility. Telling that a noble was frustrated was simple, they would start getting red in the face and immediately start threatening you. Pirates tended to just get darker before they pulled out a gun and shot you. 
The moment he really heard the questions, he immediately realized that this man clearly was either on that ship, or overly familiar with it. That indicated a navy background or he was part of the group of pirates that took the ship down. He leaned towards the former as it seemed this man was deeply invested in Porter, so he probably was personally familiar with him. He filed that away for later and moved on. Perhaps if he hadn’t just been looking over the Lieutenant’s life, it would of taken him a moment, but he had so he quickly ratted off the information in a bored manner, “The ship’s name was HMS St Andrew, it sunk in Castaway Cay on June eighth, seventeen-thirteen.” With a loud sigh he asked, “Is that enough? I’ve done my research.” 
“Now can we start talking money?” Jassar was getting tired of the angry looks and brooding glares, he just wanted to get down to business. Inevitably Byrne was going to agree to his terms, since he clearly wanted this information more than anything. “I’ve been looking into Porter for awhile, so that makes both of our lives easier.” 
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Will didn’t know this man and therefore by default didn’t trust him. His questions came out of the need to prove whether the other individual was a fraud or not, nothing personal but as had already been pointed out it was too commonplace these days. So once they were posed he sat and waited for the answers if what this man had claimed thus far proved to ring true then, well, there was indeed a business venture to play out here but first Will needed information. As the answers were given, Will eyed the man for a long hard second before the ball of anxiety at the base of his neck loosened. Sitting up straighter there was the barest hint of a nod that signified he accepted these answers and his grip though remainining on the knife eased somewhat.
"Very well” Will finally said his tone less aggressive than before and verging more towards diplomatic “what’s your fee?” The topic perturbed him greatly, and Will knew that until the matter was settled the anxiety he felt gripping his chest would likely only continue to grow. “How long have you been trailing him?” he couldn’t help the questions, he needed this information more than anything else in his life at the moment. “And what do I call you?”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Elvira mulled over his words in silence, nodding her head as she contemplated. She had been a pirate for what felt like her entire life (even if it had only been a fraction of it), and yet even she acknowledged the burdens that accompanied plundering the seas. Her own job aboard the Reaper was a hard one– and she was certain her crew acknowledged such a fact when they elected the Bitch of the Reaper as their First Mate. She could vividly imagine the weight that pressed down on Will’s shoulders. She was familiar with it all (except perhaps, prioritizing the happiness of the crew; for Elvira cared more for their survival than their misery. Let Sava worry about them gaily singing while they work). 
Satisfied enough, perhaps even distracted herself, Elvira shrugged. 
“It is what it is.” She reached for her tankard and took a genial sip of its contents. A lone drop ran down her lips, made a slow descent down her chin. Looking up at him, she made no effort to wipe the drop away as it slid toward her throat. “If there’s anything I can do to help,” she said, “you need only ask.” 
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They both understood within reason the importance of their position upon the crew, and whilst his own rank might be one rung lower in comparison William knew the ins and outs of Quarter Mastering if only for the fact that should something ever happen to Ghost he would be the one looked to stepping up and filling such a role until a vote could be held to elect a new QM. Not that Will was really interested in ranking up bar the boost in his earnings, power never had been his goal simply earning enough to send home to his family whilst whatever was left over tided him by though it was still hardly a fortune. He was thrifty with the money he did earn, saving it until it was absolutely necessary to spend it. At the moment his coffers were tight considering he’d given a decent sum away to the information broker but it seemed ultimately worth it for what he now knew.
“Indeed,” he agreed observing her in his peripheral vision and the lone drop rolled along the distinct curve of her chin and towards her throat drawing his attention. His paw of a hand lifted from where it rested on the table, thumb idly catching the droplet swiping it from her skin with a slight drag of weather-roughened fingertips gentle despite the sheer size he possessed. “Aye, I know,” he assured well aware that he could count of her assistance if required. Drawing his warm palm back from the column of her neck he sucked the droplet off his thumb before speaking again, “so, what are you up to whilst you’re here? Plans to cause some trouble?” he asked in a slightly more jocular fashion.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
“I can’t say the same,” was her retort. She offered the bar wench a nod as her tankard was set down in front of her. Elvira took a deep swallow of the ale, then set it aside. Alluringly beautiful, she could almost laugh– and laugh she did. Loudly. Freely. With a sigh, Elvira rested her head on Will’s shoulder. She swatted his chest lazily with the back of her hand. 
“Distracting, am I? Belay that talk, man. I’m not even in one of my distracting moods,” she teased, and still curiosity urged her forward (a bad, blasted vice). “Might I ask what else is on your mind, William? Besides me.”
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Her laugh brightened his spirits, and Will tilted his head back leaning it against the wooden panelling of the booth he’d opted to sit himself in out of the way of most but with a decent vantage to observe the ongoings of the tavern and his fellow pirates. As the drinks were set down he slid some coins across the table for them. The pressure of her head falling to rest on his shoulder caused him to slouch a little so that his looming height was less of a problem and she could settle comfortably. His frame buzzed with unrestrained laughter upon being told to stop, “sorry to say you don’t even need to be in a distracting mood to be distracting love.” 
The continued press on what was on his mind caused him to sober slightly merely find some other point also giving up an answer that wasn’t entirely truthful to his thoughts “just the crew, making sure everyone’s happy and not getting loose tongued sometimes gets a bit tiring.” His hand reached out to take the tankard taking a sip “don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it but fifteen years... It’s a long time to be in our line of work.” She didn’t need to know Will was currently stewing on thoughts of murder of a certain high-ranking nobleman.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Oh, that was even more adorable, the man was trying to threaten him. Cleary the other man didn’t understand that Jassar had dealt with far more deadly and come out just fine. The people he worked with always cared about the information, so the man’s rage did nothing to frighten him. Instead, he leveled an unimpressed look at the man. The entire display was predictable, childish, and did nothing to change Jassar’s outlook. In the end, this was a profitable venture if he played his cards right, if not he cut ties and left. The man clearly wasn’t rich and probably didn’t have the resources to hunt him down. Leaning back in his chair, he crossed his legs and shifted his look into a more calculating grin. In a slightly bored tone he nodded, “You’re armed and already barbarically threatening me, well done.  Alas though, you need me alive for the information so please stop this display. I understand as well as you that you could kill me, but neither of us really want that.” 
With a small tut, he shook his head, “That’s not how this works. You see, I have a reputation to uphold so I want this information to be as accurate as possible. False information is frankly terrible for business. The problem is, that I get much of this information through word of mouth–gossiping servants, jilted lovers, injured parties, and other sources that will trade stories for money–but this means that the smaller details can be misconstrued. Thus far I do have a fairly comprehensible timeline of your friend’s location and rise through the years, but the smaller details are normally just rumors that I have yet to have verified. So you pay be seventy-five percent now, I tell you everything I know, if you’re satisfied you pay me the rest.” 
If he just told people everything and then asked for money, he’d never have made a cent in his life. He passed on what he knew, tried to make it as accurate as possible, and hoped the person was satisfied enough to pay him the rest or hire him to do a more in depth search. “You personally don’t interest me beyond what you can pay me, I rather keep my respectable reputation and earn my money than lie to you Monsieur…” He trailed off not knowing the man’s name. “I’ll gladly tell you everything I know when you pay me.”
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Will was unconvinced. His fury was a quiet one, simmering for the time being but he loathed to have his time wasted. There was nothing the man had given him thus far to prove him worthy of being handed any of William’s cash and therefore his fingers merely curled a little tighter and his eyes narrowed distrustfully in the direction of the other man. It was a warning if anything not to try his patience, Will might not be above murdering him but when this topic was broached there was nothing that said mutilation was out of the question.
“You want my money? Prove your intel’s good--- first give me name, place, year and date that his privateering ship sank.” If he could answer that fact then Will at least had some measure of understanding that the man he spoke to now was genuine with his statement of knowing about Porter’s timeline and a fact that he himself could corroborate. As the man went on about his business Will understood well enough but it still did little to shift his doubts “whilst that’s all well and good I’m sure you understand my scepticism, anyone can say a name and that they have information on said person but I need a little assurance you really do have something I feel is worthwhile paying for.”
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Will studied the other man “answer that, name your fee and then I’ll consider paying for the rest of what you know.” Will arched a brow waiting for him to respond, “we have a deal?” Names didn’t matter right now in his mind, he wasn’t about to go blundering in blabbering his own name left right and centre when it came to this particular individual of his history the smallest of slip ups could be his own potential demise when it came to Porter. “Byrne. Aidan Byrne.”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
She eyed the tankard of ale with a wrinkled nose. Strangely enough, Elvira had never grown accustomed to alcohol, nor the excessive drinking that commonly plagued other pirates. Still, she wasn’t one to intentionally make herself the odd one out, and bearing that in mind, she grinned at him.
“The usual.” She gestured to the tankard with her chin, then gnawed on her lip. “Why the long face, Will? You look… distracted.”
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William shared in the notion, alcohol tended to lead to loose lips and spilled secrets neither of which proved to be conducive to the successful completion of a raid. Thus, he tended to observe from the sidelines drinking but never to excess. With her given answer he gestured for the bartender signalling for two tankards to be delivered. Being called out on his stupor caused him to shrug and tilt his head eyeing her thoughtfully a marginal upwards curve coming to his lips amusement starting to play on his features masking his formerly dour mood “lots on my mind lately, plus, when an alluringly beautiful woman walks in who wouldn't look distracted by her very presence, hm?” Will flashed a slightly cheekier look in her direction then hoping a little charm would distract from himself. "Didn't realise you were in port, I would have come to say hello sooner."
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
If he was a lesser man he would have laughed. Dead? Lieutenant David Porter? That was cute. Porter was becoming quite the subject of gossip within the upper ranks, and anybody who had any information on the nobility should of heard of his name by now. He was one of the few navy men who seemed socially apt enough to learn how to dance the complicated steps of court with grace. Jassar looked over at the man who had interrupted his not so private conversation. The first thing that immediately popped into his head, was damn this man could snap him easily. The stranger was huge, with clearly defined muscles and scars to prove he doesn’t fight for play, he fights to win. This was not the sort of man that Jassar had any interest in pissing off, making him even more glad he didn’t laugh. 
With a chipper voice, he grinned sensing a deal to be had, “Not dead I’m afraid.” The idea of money, or more information on the man, far outweighed the fear of the stranger beating him to a pulp. “Regrettably though, information like this tends to slip my mind without some gold to show for it.” It was a cocky move, to immediately ask for a bribe, but the manor in which the stranger had jumped in made Jassar know that he was desperate to know what the conversation was about. “And I can promise you nobody knows as much, or will be able to find as much about him, as me.” That he said with utter confidence, knowing it was the truth. 
The gold bag on the table was set out as a clear move to show that the other man was interested, so Jassar dismissed the man he was talking to and looked calculatingly at the stranger. “You’ll forgive me if I check to see if the money is fake?” He gestured towards the bag, “People these days can be so deceitful you see.” Without waiting for a responce, he pulled out a small piece of ceramic that he kept on hand for such occasions, and dragged one of he coins across it, checking to see if the mark was gold or black. Seeing that it was gold, he then bit it to see if there was a mark. There was a mark, though it could still be gold plated lead. Signs were looking good though. “It seems real enough that I’m interested in making a deal. Money for information on our dear Lieutenant Porter.”
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The small twitch on the other man’s features was a sure enough sign that for a second the thought of laughing crossed his mind, but William’s features in kind were set in a an almost murderous scowl. Blood rushing through his ears and vision at the thought of this being truth. Just a name alone had brought about this reaction. By the way he set the money bag down determinedly, followed by taking up the seat his other arm settled in such a fashion that the small blade he palmed carefully enough to be out of sight by others by just visible to the other man caught the light. A silent threat, nothing outright for now but proof that Will wasn’t in the mood to be messed about. You lie, I’ll gut you personally.
The other man’s chipper nature did little to sway him, Will merely fixed him with an intensely level stare at being told he wasn’t dead and his eyes narrowed marginally at the blatant request for a bribe. “Depending on what you have to say’ll depend on whether I’ll believe that” his voice was rough but the underlying point carried. If this man proved to be false Will would hold him accountable, and if there was one thing that William was sure of it was keeping his promises.
At the request to check the money Will’s hand that had for the time being remained firmly held over the placed bag eased loosening a piece for the man to take and test as required. The bag was then drawn back for the time being and once the man’s tests were completed he spoke again “start talking. The facts, no tales or sideroutes.”
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
closed to @deadmanslocke·
Having recognized a familiar face from across the room, Elvira strode across the Drunken Maiden (minding brutish men waving their arms about, spilling their tankards haphazardly, shouting with spittle flying from their lips) and seated herself in the chair next to Will’s. 
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She kicked her feet up onto the table, offering the man a lone wink: “What are we drinking?” 
Will was tucked away in one of the slightly more shrouded corners of the tavern, nursing an almost empty tankard and staring into empty space. His mind rolling over the recent information he’d learned from that mystery information broker, William’s reverie was interrupted however by the arrival of a familiar figure and frankly a welcome distraction. His sombre expression was replaced by a smaller smile as Elvira settled looking to his tankard and then her. “The usual” that being answer for ale, Will hardly drank as much as the rest of their kind but it hardly stopped him from having some fun. “What’s your poison this evening m’dear?” 
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