deadturkishpoets · 1 year
yunus emre, fuzuli, baki
"know this well i found the divine after i knew me well the fear to me ever nigh did then quell & now i fear neither the sky nor to die"
translated and adapted from a poem by yunus emre
"the times have lent no joy to anybody everything we meant apparently unseemly and our every act but energy misspent
so take the chance today to cry in every breath for as anybody would say life is frail, and death quickly has its own way
friend, listen to the advice given by your humble poet fuzuli may have his vice but he's wise, you know it & arguing comes at a price for the fools who show it"
translated and adapted from a poem by fuzuli
"to renounce all worldly possession to vanish into thin air in one motion
the bird of my soul lost in the ether i got wanderlust, i can't stay either"
translated and adapted from a poem by baki
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
lewd poem
iffet and her late husband since they tied the proverbial knot every night believe it or not stretching out on the feather bed
"whither the believer
& freedom preacher
whither joie de vivre
whither traveller
whither innkeeper"
iffet no older than twenty three her husband Rıfat only thirty sheltered from the drizzle out in that bed with squeaky springs the two going all the way out be it summer, winter, or spring eating chocolate and sweets as though not in enough heat
& giggling caressing lovemaking
and reading out to each other for good measure kitschy porn with great zing
translated from the poem "müstehcen şiir" by turgut uyar
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
a headstone inscription
suffered worse from nothing in this world than his callus didn't mind as much being born ugly or his tiny phallus
he wouldn't utter god's name in prayer but for cursing him for shoe bites yet wouldn't qualify as a sinner either so death was, and this is no slight, an act of pity on süleyman all right
translated from the poem "kitabe-i seng-i mezar" by orhan veli kanık
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
to the water pundits
i pee with such glee under the morning sun behind me the wall of a madrassa long gone and facing the square where business is run
the itch which abides under the jurisdiction of shared convictions by which i don't abide & dogged addictions seems it hasn't died
i hurried & went to and fro found nothing new though under this sun of ours and i'd grow sad and tired for my quest proved futile in the darkest of hours
oh boy, how i can think of anything and everything all that lies under the sun it all comes to me at dawn and at dusk, too, the sun ascending & descending you, all my woes, begone
the world we coexist in assumed to be spoiled really remains pristine the wicked plans foiled so here i am telling you & everyone hears it too
might be time we turned this off we are always on and never off under the abhorrent clutches of vile curses like tuberculosis and uranium and impasses which we just cannot shake off
and we stopped and fed the flames the birds led behind us the wall of a madrassa long gone and facing the square where business is run
under the sun, the sun
translated from the poem "su yorumcuları'na" by turgut uyar
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
along rivers i have seen women
women through whom river porsuk runs i have seen each at least a hundred times
it is their lot to hold onto hopeless love & it is their lot to live growing sparser against the steppe
each gives a man everything that she's got i have seen all that i've seen in women through whom river porsuk runs
river kızılırmak be damned and fall, fall to pieces a piece of black bread a dime for henna, red
along dirt and gravel their folk songs travel in the dark they remain partly covered & partly nude
& their large eyes, oh mother so frail, mournful and tender who could've frightened this many women one could only wonder
once the train arrives at the banks of river dicle a vast stretch of sky that one just keeps going at
when generally at first their eyebrows appear then their eyes that blink sleepless not even a wink and their cheeks bearing abscesses like dried roses
you too might at some point find yourselves in the country and see for yourselves the women dutifully fated to be defeated
it lies between the bone and the blade between the quiet and the tears shed the defeated women
translated from the poem "nehirler boyunca kadınlar gördüm" by cemal süreya
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
the upbeat song
the celebration's done & a bitter breeze through the trees is all that's left in the yard
the upbeat song plays and my Celia quiver as i shed a tear
friends are gone the fest is over nothing left from pace or fervor that once were
& the only thing that is left in our sorrowful solitude at a random hour
the upbeat song plays and my Celia quiver as i shed a tear
erupted from the most fiery forest saplings the three were, youngest they would chisel from the sun its light
the three as tough as anyone their insolent laugh would shake the light
it turned dark soon as they left before the sun would even set
what came next the longing of fiddles without an ending
what comes next being a mystery opens a unique chapter in history
a blackest consolation perhaps for those that still remain
a dreary, lifeless night expands a prelude to autumn rain
translated from the poem "mahur beste" by attila ilhan
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
reap what you sow
an iota of flickering life, scant possesses the diminutive ant while the enormous elephant just bursts with life abundant yet both get equally frantic struck with deranged panic when death knocks on the door let them know they are done for
translated from the poem "men dakka dukka" by bedri rahmi eyüboğlu
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
as the sun sets
a great many things to choose among the new day will bring while still young
you can help out a bro or perhaps fight a foe then again at sunset heralded by its red
a guy has no time left to search right and left for a rhyme to find or to lose his mind
translated from the poem "gün batarken" by melih cevdet anday
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
the door
it must have been
a mishap or
a mistake
that i was placed
on this earth 
oh i abhor 
oh i ache
i feel misplaced
i am so distant
from the
rest of
the human race
my eyes on the
lookout for
a thing
to bless & grace
yet deep down
inside me
i long for
a different space
as if awakening
from nasty
a voice calls out
from the world
of dreams
of love 
says come out
and that sound
to my ears
so i hear out
a door opens
all i need
now is
to step out
nobody notices
as i depart
& peace out
translated from the poem "bir kapı açıp gitsem" by cahit sıtkı tarancı
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
the tree
cast a stone
at a tree
the stone
i've thrown
at the tree
now stolen
as the tree
made it 
its own
on the count of three
you covetous tree
set my stone free
translated from the poem "ağaç" by orhan veli kanık & oktay rifat
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
the accident
whose gaze are you
just a moment ago
whose hands legs
severed torn off 
in just a moment
all of a sudden
in a horrific hurry
what time'll bury
as has happened
coming your way from
the firmament
while what'll
happen has
dawned anew
as darkness
that was
born grew
& permeated
the moments
now vacated
translated from the poem "görünmez kaza" by fazıl hüsnü dağlarca
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
the trees as if
have forgotten
all life
and the birds
to send away
the day
don't care to
where it is
are hiding
translated from the poem "batı" by fazıl hüsnü dağlarca
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
when we need it
we look for it
but it
's nowhere to be found
where is it?
or whither is it bound?
the response
where is what?
it was right here
right in front of me
come on dear
you remember
around here
i swear
they do know 
they just don't say
no need anyway
it shows
in the implied cognizance
of their feigned ignorance
translated from the poem "yitik" by behçet necatigil
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deadturkishpoets · 1 year
death itself shivers
seized him in a wood
tied him up against
a tree
he closed
like a sleeper would
his eyes against
the peril
a cold wind blows
death itself shivers
and tells of
the blood that flows
with its white voice
they knelt 
and shot
& he felt
the hot
gush of blood
that did flood
his chest
where bullets
now rest
a cold wind blows
death itself shivers
and tells of
the blood that flows
with its white voice
later that night
a dove perched on
and kissed
his hand
quite the sight
and the cuffs on
his wrists
turned then
into a red wreath
and thereupon
ended his plight
a cold wind blows
death itself shivers
and tells of
the blood that flows
with its white voice
translated from the poem "üşür ölüm bile" by ülkü tamer
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