deafjamqueen · 4 years
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deafjamqueen · 5 years
" i think your ass is getting fat. "
“ still not as fat as your head,  d.  ”
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deafjamqueen · 5 years
Out of the eight planets, you're the most annoying organism.
bianca squints,   confused.
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deafjamqueen · 5 years
he’d be capping if he had to say she didn’t startle him when she stepped into the room. for the past seven-ten minutes, adonis’ hands has been tussling with his amara’s body. with all the fight she gave him, it’s going to be interesting to see how she’ll be growing up. if she chooses her daddy’s profession, she’ll probably rack up a better dodge rate than mayweather. 
“ it’s not on backwards, girl. ” he protested. it was and he knew it, but pride took precedence over ownership. ” you’re just crooked-eyed. i got this. don’t daddy got this? huh? ” adonis looked to his daughter for approval, hoping he’d win her over with a smile that’s not nearly as innocent as the baby giggles that came in response.
“ crook-eyed? you must be the one that’s crooked-eye if you think that’s in any shape or form,  correct.  stand aside,  ‘daddy’.  momma got this. ” she makes her way across the nursery,  pausing at his side as she reaches down to adjust the hearing device in their daughter’s ear and brushing over fuzz of curls growing on her head.  it’s been a rigorous few months,  in-between dony’s victory against drago and her own continued success,  rocking forward on billboard charts.  their interviews,  separate,  together;  finding time to simply be,  has grown substantially more difficult.  so she stands still for a second,  relishing in the warmth of her small family.  the triumphs after what felt like repeated failures and errors.  “ you wanna learn or you wanna play hardheaded, d. ”  and he could truly be hardheaded,  more than anyone she had ever met.  if her daughter inherits that,  she’s in for double the headache in the future.  
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deafjamqueen · 5 years
“ you put her diaper on backward. ”  bianca says it’s matter-of-fact,  with only a tinge of exasperation in her voice.  adonis didn’t have the younger siblings running around at her feet like she had growing up,  he had no experience in childcare.  so it didn’t necessarily surprise her to walk into the nursery and see baby amara in her crib,  with her diaper on the wrong way.  adonis struggling to adjust the onesie onto her small body.   “ babe,  come on.  ”  
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