deandepression-blog · 7 years
This is offensive pedophilia
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
Anyone who's anti-kin is sexist and horrible
🔊Anyone 🔊that 🔊is 🔊anti kin 🔊please 🔊block 🔊me🔊
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
So pretty 0o0
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Have some beautiful nature <3 This makes me feel so at home
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
What if there was like,,, an otherkin summer camp??? Where kin could go and meet each other and therians could be in nature and there would be crafts for different kintypes and ahhhh
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
I hate indoors~ but it doesn't have wifi so I have to be inside always 0n0
me, at any time: I’d rather be in the woods
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
Just a quick survey... Reblog this and tag it with the number of kins you have.
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
No mercy 😈😈
what they did doesn’t matter. bite harder.
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
I may be a wolfkin but my teeth just haven't sharpened yet~
bare your teeth. bare your teeth. bare your teeth.
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
I am a demon~ haha
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inspired by @desnos and @howlsnteeth
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
Reblog this post if you know/support/or am someone who is kin.
This includes Otherkin, Fictionkin, and all kin not mentioned.
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
But the floor is the floor you Baka XD
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The floor = The floor
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
Yellow starbursts are my favorite~ Because of this post I identify as a yellow starburst
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You better believe it!
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
So true ;^; I've been broken so many times
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
Grot is soo kawaii~
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
😭😭😭 I loved Logan~ I ship Laura and Eleven from Stranger Things OuO, they're meant for each other
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Happy Father’s Day
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deandepression-blog · 7 years
Hi Tumblr~ ^__^
Helloz~! My name is Abie, I’m 14 but I identifiy as a wolf somedays, but on other days I feel likee Dean from Supernatural! X3  That makes me Wolfkin and Deankin~ I love anime and of course, Dean from supernatural!! I love him but I feel more like a wolf right now, I hope you enjoy my blogs~  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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