deanhyk · 3 years
So Antonio being a child growing up with lgbtq+ icons like the madrigals doesn’t see anything weird about having a crush on a guy.
Which is good but again he is 5 so it’s just puppy love.
Anyway no one really mentions it until he gets a little puppy crush on Mariano.
Everyone thought it was cute at first but it gets to the point he follows him around wherever he goes and copies what he says.
Mariano being the absolute iconic himbo he is doesn’t notice and is just happy to be spending time with his future brother in law.
Antonio will set up tea parties days in advance just so he can spend time with Mariano.
He also has Pepa set up play dates.
Everyone thinks it’s adorable except for Dolores who can’t believe her little brother is stealing her man.
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deanhyk · 3 years
Can we talk about my Bruno and Dolores ideas?
That when she was younger after Bruno supposedly vanished and she tried to ask Pepa about the tío Bruno in the walls, she was told in hushed tones we don't talk about Bruno
Hearing him every day, and deciding to call him the rats in the wall because that way she didn't make her mother, her tía or Abuela cry.
Or maybe sneaking him food after hearing his scuffles I in the kitchen long after the family had eaten. Making sure an extra portion was saved when she could...
Dolores heard him every day there is no way she could ignore him
She could even have her prophecy after Bruno was hidden away!
Just Dolores and Bruno as quiet allies.
That is all.
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deanhyk · 3 years
i love all the headcanons of dolores and bruno being close while he’s in the walls. but you gotta understand, based on every context clue in the movies, that could not have been the case. dolores KNEW, and bruno probably was like “ah yeah we have a family member who can hear me,” but i dont think they exactly talked more than maybe a few times. cause like. even before bruno left, he was just as isolated and introverted as he is in the walls. not much changed for him other than he doesnt live in his tower. so it isnt some big shocking thing for dolores, and seeing her character in action makes me think she wouldn’t exactly be the type to make the kind of connection that say… mirabel, could make. obviously she kept the secret, but she never wouldve had the thought of “oh he needs company hes lonely hes sad” and all that because he was already like that. plus if she had a friendship with him, we and EVERYONE ELSE would have known right off the bat. bruno living in the walls is her best kept secret among every other secret she has had an impossible time keeping and even then shes been hinting to mirabel the whole time that hes there. “i knew he never left i heard him every day” would be phrased differently if she interacted with him more, it would be a bigger moment. she listened to the rat shows and maybe slipped him an arepa or two every so often and shed do the knocking she did in wdtab to signal to him that its dinnertime but other than that she left him alone, because again he was already like that and dolores didn’t really have very much of an interest. its a nice thought but it makes zero sense considering everything happening in the movie
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deanhyk · 3 years
Do you think the pregnant women in the village go to Dolores to see if she can hear their baby's heartbeat and check that their baby's sound healthy? And imagine the feeling of amazement Dolores might get when she sees the village children running around, knowing that she heard their hearts beating from day 1
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deanhyk · 3 years
y/n: what's a word that's a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
dolores: disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
camilo: smad.
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deanhyk · 3 years
Encanto - Face Claims Suggestions: PT2
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deanhyk · 3 years
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deanhyk · 3 years
Whatever you do don’t think about how when Dolores was born and Pepa was overjoyed and happy and tired and sore and scared and amazed and the thousand other different feelings every first time mother has, and she either had to not hold her newborn baby or she had to force herself to think ‘clear skies’ the whole time she was holding her and feel nothing but general happiness so that she wouldn’t hurt Dolores
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deanhyk · 3 years
I was thinking about that post where it’s like “Dolores was able to keep her Tio Bruno’s secret life in the walls to herself for years but couldn’t keep her cousin’s secret for one night” and then remembered that Dolores was in love with Mariano and had to sit there while he proposed to Isabela and anyway I think she ruined dinner on purpose so he couldn’t propose.
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deanhyk · 3 years
I know everyone wants more of Familia Madrigal and Encanto in general, including myself. So because Disney is Disney and I don't know if they'll ever do it, I wanted to pitch my own version of what that show could be. LONG POST AHEAD:
First, the show is more like "Slice-of-Life" like. No more big adventures or high-risks. Just some good-ol' Familia Madrigal and their very unique life after the events of the movie.
Every episode would focus on a member of the family, and of course their relationships with the family and the town itself, but each one stands alone with it's own little story by itself (BONUS POINTS if each episode gets to have their own song...)
Now, a run through the few episodes I've been thinking about and basically have a complete plot:
Luisa's Episode: We start like it's a normal day. She wakes up very early and starts her intense workout and positive reaffirmations because YEAH! Luisa is going to crush today! She gets out of her room and gets ambushed by her sisters and cousins. Mirabel asks her "You know what day is today??" all excited and giddy, so what Luisa just goes "Ah, sure. Today is Friday because I have to help Mr. González with his house and I promised Mrs. Sánchez that I would help her with her crops I would usually do more things but I'm trying to, you know, keep it light." and everyone else is like "... Luisa... It's your birthday.". So they literally try to spend the entire day trying to get Luisa noT TO WORK, LIKE AT ALL. Of course that leads to some shenanigans like... Realizing they need 3 or 4 people to move the piano and even if Luisa offers to do it they're all like "NO IT'S YOUR DAY. YOU RELAX" But at the end, she really does appreciate everything her family does for her and just being able to hang out with them is more than enough.
Isabela's episode: You know how in the book, Isabela kinda wishes that her gift was a bit more useful? so let me introduce an original character to the series right here. An apothecary, this girl comes and wanders into the Encanto when the mountain breaks, and she's honestly just lovely and searching for new plants to research. Of course all the town finds her interesting but they once meet and their both like omg. Because one can grow plants and the other can tell her everything that some of them can do and wow. And of course, she's the only one that never knew her as "The perfect Isabela" so she finds a lot more trust there. I just want Isabela to have a friend whom she can be herself with. Also imagine her getting her hands on the dirt, high pony tail and ready to work.
Julieta's episode: We know she's a sweetheart and maybe the mother a lot of us would love to have, but what I bet we don't see is how much time she spends in the kitchen, tiring herself because she cooks for the family and she's basically the only doctor in town. And maybe we even see her trying to relax a bit only to be interrupted by idk... "Julieta? Mr. Ramírez just had an accident while riding his horse" and she just has to go take care of that. Maybe the town is just realizing "omg we only have one doctor and even her powers are not guaranteed all the time like that time the miracle went out." so she teaches Isabela and this new character so they can also be doctors in town. Then we see her teaching Agustín, Mirabel and Camilo how to cook so she doesn't have to cook all the time by herself (The sole idea of a scene like that has ENDLESS comedic potential), but at the end of the day, she's finally not the only one having to bear all those burdens by herself so we see her finally sit down and cuddle to her loving husband in peace.
Dolores' episode: Look, I want to see Dolores in her ZONE with her super hearing. She's just walking around town when a crime happens (Nothing too bad just... Idk, someone took the reverend's wig or something) and Dolores is SET on finding the culprit, and the episode is set like a mystery thriller, Sherlock Holmes-y, where hearing one testimony leads to another and another and probably Camilo asks her at some point if she isn't overreacting but of course not she's DOLORES MADRIGAL and will get to the bottom of this. Maybe the leads are all pointing at one of her own family! Could she dare betray them and hand them to justice? Or could this be the end of the invincible and incorruptible Detective Dolores Madrigal?
Camilo's episode: Like c'mon, the guy's 15, edgy and can shapeshift. We HAVE to have a teen crisis episode here. But let's not rush into negative territory I think we can make it so it's actually a pretty heartwarming episode. He spends the episode searching for something to do because... "Well, when people don't need him to be anyone else what do they need Camilo for?" We see Camilo trying art, sports, music and more and with all those things, a different version of Camilo appears, bonus points if Mirabel joins him while he tries everything but she stays as herself all the time just to emphasize Camilo trying to fit in. In at the end of turns out that Camilo is loved just as he is and he doesn't have to be anyone else.
Abuela's episode: Man, I just really want Abuela's episode to be like Iroh's tale in Tales of Ba Sing Se in ATLA. Abuela runs her errands in town, helping the people and basically showing us that she's the leader in there for a reason (Yeah, yeah, maybe she was kind of the problem in the movie but by the way we see her run the town, she's pretty good for a governess I would say) she buys some stuff like some pretty flowers and a few snacks, passes by a family playing with their children... We see her in the end, approaching the river we saw at the end of the movie (You know, where Pedro... Met his tragic end) she sits down, brings out her basket, lights a candle and we ACTUALLY hear her sing Dos Orugitas while she's getting chocked up. She finishes, opens her locket and says, "Ay mi Pedro. Te extraño tanto. Happy Anniversary." AND THERE. WE ALL CRY A LOT.
Mariano's episode: YES. I'm giving Mariano an episode BUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY. Mariano is trying to make a surprise party (maybe even engagement party, who knows) for Dolores. There. That's it. On the surface it sounds like a pretty dull plot. But you're forgetting something. Mariano is trying to prepare a surprise for tHE ONE PERSON IN TOWN THAT HEARS AND KNOWS EVERYTHING. And he's going to need the help of everyone in Familia Madrigal to make this work. Just imagine how that first conversation would be like: He is hiding behind a bush and goes "Psst... Mirabel I need your help." Mirabel is all like "Wtf Mariano what are you doing in there what do you want" and he just goes "Actually we have to travel to the other side of the town for me to tell you so..." Yes. It's a disaster. Yes, Dolores almost discovers them a lot of times and of course... Yes... It all works out in the end.
Episodes I've been thinking about but don't have there quite yet:
Mirabel's episode: She has a new room! No more nursery for her. But when trying to decorate it, everyone tries to decorate in their way and gives her totally polar opposites tips so at the end it all looks like a franken-room but turns out Mirabel LOVES it that way. Maybe end it with her taking her picture with her door so it can be displayed in the mural of pictures that Abuela has with everyone else and their doors.
Bruno's episode: First of all I want to have a dinner scene here because I want to watch Bruno's plate in the table with everyone else's. Oh I don't care how to make that scene fit. IT WILL FIT IN THERE. Also, like cmon, we cannot let Bruno's CLEAR interest in theater go to waste. And I'm thinking imagine him telling a story to Antonio, Mirabel, Camilo, Luisa, Dolores and Isabela. One he made up as one of his telenovelas while living in the walls. And he gets sooo in the mood and has everyone so into it. Ah, I wanna see some wholesome Uncle Bruno. (Also, please, a cameo from Jorge who makes the spackle)
Antonio's episode: I could watch Antonio play with animals all the episode, but you know what sounds like something a little child could do? A show. He sees his uncle Bruno's kinda trained rats and goes... I'm gonna make a show with my animal friends. They even team up and of course because it's Uncle Bruno and Little Antonio everyone is like "Oh what a silly little game" BUT DO THEY MAKE A SHOW.
Pepa's episode: Very hot day. Everyone is fanning themselves, and super tired to do anything. Even Luisa is like "Nope, can't work today because of the heat" and everyone just looks so defeated. Get this... Pepa makes a waterpark for the entire town. And with the sun hitting so hard and Pepa's rain, the entire town fills with rainbows.
Agustín and Félix's episode: Yes I want those two together because we've seen in deleted scenes how they help around the house a lot, cleaning sometimes. And I would just LOVE to see them just like that. Treat it like a comic-superhero duo episode but it's just this two dads cleaning around, having THE time of their lives while dancing and singing their hearts out. And with Félix's carelessness and accident-prone Agustín we see Casita saving them quite a lot of times. Maybe them even trying to include Bruno to their boys club idk, sounds so cute.
And WELL the possibilities are ENDLESS. Maybe even some stories about little Pepa, Bruno and Julieta or little Isabela and Dolores or chaotic kid duo Mirabel and Camilo. Ah, I just really wish we had more Familia Madrigal content🥺✨
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deanhyk · 3 years
helloo, how are you??? could you do a scenario with child and sibling!reader where madrigal family discovers that the reader suffers from anxiety, please??? thank you so much and feel free to reject if you don't feel comfortable or don't have time :))
Dolores, Mirabel and Luisa reacting to their sister suffering from anxiety
Note: Hello! Thank you for this request, I am not someone who suffers from anxiety so I hope you like this.
Also! Sorry I was gone, I was on a break and I have a math test coming up tomorrow and I’m sick.
Pairs: Dolores Madrigal x Little sister!Reader, Mirabel Madrigal x Little sister!Reader and Luisa Madrigal x Little sister!Reader (Platonic!)
Type: Comfort, Platonic and Headcanons
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Dolores Madrigal
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When Dolores discovered you were suffering from anxiety, she was very surprised since you look so happy and cheerful all the time.
Dolores is the only one in the family who knows about your symptom so she always stands close to you.
If you get an anxiety attack, Dolores will hold your hand and tell you to take deep breaths.
It is Dolores’s duty to take care of her siblings as the oldest child of Pepa’s side of the Madrigals.
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Mirabel Madrigal
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Mirabel would definitely be the first one to know you have anxiety.
She would look after you 24/7.
When you get a anxiety attack she will tell you to calm down your breathing.
She will caress your face while she’s embracing you to the side.
She will always look out for her family.
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Luisa Madrigal
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She thinks it is her job as the strongest Madrigal in the family to take care of them.
Whether you like it or not she will hug you, not instantly crush you but a gentle hug because you are the second youngest in the Madrigal family.
Luisa will be there for you, always.
She will check up on you all the time.
Thank you for reading!
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deanhyk · 3 years
I really love encanto but I'm legitimately confused abt this
Specifically, when Dolores says " the only one worried about the magic is you. And the rats talking in the walls."
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Dolores' power is to hear things really well, not talk to animals, and Antonio just got his power that last night. Unless Dolores and Antonio had a little get together to find the rats and talk to them, how would Dolores be able to understand what the rats were worried about/talking about?
If anyone has an explanation please please tell me bc I am genuinely interested in knowing
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deanhyk · 3 years
Betrothed To Another
isabela x reader, slight dolores x reader
summary: the title is pretty self explanatory
a/n: i don’t think there are any specific pronouns used, but reader has the facilities to get isabela pregnant.
plus, i wrote this in like 3 days because i kept on getting distracted.
“do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take isabela madrigal to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the vicar asked.
you looked into isabela’s eyes. she was smiling, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes. neither of you wanted this. “i do.” you whispered, but it was loud enough for everyone on the front row to hear.
“and, do you, isabela madrigal, take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife?”
“i do.” isabela said weakly, making you frown in sympathy.
“you may now kiss the bride.”
you leaned forward to connect your lips into a soft, sorrowful kiss. you ignored the cheers around you as you rested your forehead on isabela’s. “i’m sorry.” isa just raised her hand to her face and wiped away a fallen tear.
you moved away from her, and held your hand out to her. she took it and the two of you walked back down the isle. the two of you shared a look as you left the church. isabela picked her dress up off the floor, and then ran at full speed to your house.
“god, i hate this suit.” you laughed as the two of you collapsed onto your bed. you were so much better as friends.
“tell me about it. this dress is so… big.” isa chuckled.
you sighed contently. again, so much better as friends than spouses. the two of you stayed where you were, looking up at the ceiling and engaging in a conversation. you jumped at sound of your bedroom door being knocked on.
“one second.” you called out, brushing yourself off, before rushing to the door. “hi.”
“hi.” dolores squeaked, looking up into your eyes. the two of you stared at each other for a solid 12 seconds before isabela cleared her throat, making you look to her. “uh, abuela and tía julieta want the two of you home.” dolores said awkwardly, not meeting you or her cousin’s eyes.
“we’ll be there.” isabela answered when you didn’t say anything. dolores nodded at her cousin, and glanced at you one last time before leaving. “what was that about?”
“what?” you asked stupidly, shutting the door.
“the way you looked at each other— it was like you had just fallen in love.” isabela furrowed her eyebrows before smiling widely. “you like dolores!”
“she can hear you, isa.” you widened your eyes at her as she apologised.
you were sat next to isabela, and, inconveniently, opposite dolores, who was flustered, and refused to meet your eyes. or even look at you. you jumped when you heard your name being called, making you hum and turn to abuela. “si?” you asked. “what were you talking about? i missed it.”
“children.” abuela answered, making you choke on your drink.
“pardon?” you asked, clearing your throat. “don’t you think it’s a little soon? i mean, we just got married.”
“nonsense.” alma said, making you shrink back in your seat. your fingers were bouncing on the table until isabela rested hers on top of yours, making you calm down a bit. “how many kids do you want?”
“zero.” you and isabela answered at the same time.
“isabela, Y/N, the two of you are in your twenties. you need to start thinking about your future— this family’s future.” alma told you, making you nod obediently. “now, i believe dolores is next.”
everyone turned to her, and she looked up from her plate. the second her head was raised, she locked eyes with you, but looked away instantly. the only people that noticed, were isabela and camilo. “i suppose.” she whispered.
the dinner conversation went on like that for the majority of it— talking about marriage, honeymoons and children. you despised it. but you couldn’t get your eyes off of her. dolores.
“hola, dolores.” you greeted as you walked through the house, hand in hand with isabela.
“hi, Y/N.” dolores whispered, with a small, weak smile as your wife dragged you along.
after a little while, you and isabela split up. she went out to do her chores, but you went to her tío. you hummed along to a song that had been stuck in your head as you knocked on bruno’s door. “Y/N… hi.” bruno said anxiously, making you smile widely.
“hola, bruno!” you squealed. “can i ask you for a favour?”
“uh… sure.” he nodded, stepping to the side so that you could walk in. “what is it?”
“can you read my future?” you asked, blunt but kindly.
“oh. yeah.” he nodded.
once he had set up all the things around you, he sat cross legged in front of you and held your hand. you watched as his eyes glowed a bright green and the sand around you spun, revealing people. it was you, and… children? you were so confused.
you looked around the vision to where the two children ran off to. there was a woman sat in a chair, cradling a baby as you leant down to kiss her. as the vision turned around, you frowned at the sight of dolores in the chair. what. the. fuck.
you quickly thanked bruno before rushing out of his room and to isabela’s, shutting the door behind you before you ran and collapsed on her bed. “are you okay, mi amor?” isabela asked, running her hand through your hair. she didn’t care to admit it, but she thought that the married life wasn’t so bad.
“mhm.” you hummed, making her nod.
“i have a surprise.” she whispered into your ear, making you look up. “but you have to wait until dinner.”
“what?” you groaned in annoyance. “you have to tell me before everyone else. i’m your spouse!”
“i don’t have to do anything, mi vida.” isabela smiled, leaning down to kiss you.
“whatever.” you rolled your eyes, collapsing back onto her lap.
by the time dinner came around, you were holding isa’s hand underneath the table as you eat your food. when isabela let go of your hand, you looked up, and she stood to her feet. “i have an announcement.” she said, making you smile.
“thank god. i’ve been waiting to hear this for hours.” you groaned sarcastically, making her roll her eyes.
“go on, isa.” julieta ushered her eldest daughter with an encouraging smile, confusing you.
“i-i’m embarazada.” she squealed in excitement, making your smile drop.
“that’s amazing, hija!” augustin said, wrapping his arms around her as the rest of the family congratulated the two of you.
a million thoughts rushed through your head. what happened to not wanting children? is she keeping it? what if-
“Y/N.” you snapped your head up at isabela, who looked at you with concern. “are you okay?”
“si, soy muy bien.” you squeaked out, making her face fall. “uh, mi vida, can i talk to you for a second?” you then asked, making the whole table quiet and tense.
“uh, yeah.” isabela said anxiously. did you not want it?
you glanced between her and the family before walking out of the dining room, isa hot on your trail. “isa-“
“it’s okay if you don’t want it.” isabela cut you off, making you frown. “i mean, i understand. i-i’ll get an abortion if you want me to, but-“ you cut her off with a passionate kiss. “what was that for.”
“i love you so much.” you whispered to her before crouching down in front of her stomach. “and i’m gonna love you too, little one.” you said before standing back up to your full height. “i would never make you kill our child, isabela.”
she laughed quietly before resting her forehead on yours. “i love you too.”
meanwhile, dolores had tears in here eyes as she tried to block out her family rapidly asking questions about what was happening in the next room. sure, she was happy for you and her prima, but she was in love with you.
she always had been.
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deanhyk · 3 years
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i can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling
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deanhyk · 3 years
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bruno through the years
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deanhyk · 3 years
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A follower on instagram also just confirmed that Jared has said Bruno would also have involuntary visions at times as well.
᛭Bruno’s head had once again started pounding, the migraine filling his eyes and every section of his head with immense pressure and pain. With his blurred vision he once again seeks out his sister Julieta for help, involuntary tears of pain running down both cheeks. Sometimes he would reach Julieta or Pepa in time before passing out, and sometimes Casita would have to lead one of them to his crumpled body on the ground.᛭
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deanhyk · 3 years
Madrigals, Miracles, and Mother’s Magic
Has everyone seen Encanto? Because today we’re talking about Encanto!
Spoilers ahead. ALL the spoilers.
So I really liked Encanto. A lot. Not only was it visually gorgeous, with great music and a story that focused on family rather than romance, but it’s one of those stories that you can keep thinking about and finding more layers in.
Especially the story of the miracle.
“This candle holds the miracle given to our family.” That’s how Abuela begins the story of the Madrigal family, telling it to a very young Mirabel. In the first version of the story, when Alma stands beside the river she falls to her knees, passive and hopeless, and the candle, the Miracle, comes into being to protect her and her children. In that context, her fear of the Miracle failing is pretty rational. She has no idea how or why it happened, and she’s terrified of what might happen if her family loses its protection.
Keep reading
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