dear-apollon · 4 years
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🌞Apollo being the seggsy bih he is? Its more likely than you think...🌞 I CANNOT STOP DRAWING HIM... im a simple simp. keep tuned for Artemis next😳
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Straight people telling the myth of Hyakinthos be like “friend,” “companion,” “Apollo’s favorite,” “the youth,” “other words that do not denote same-sex sexuality”
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dear-apollon · 4 years
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Woman takes a refuge at the altar of Apollo
* Shuvalov painter
*  c. 420 BCE
* Kassel, Antikensammlung (Schloss Wilhelmshöhe)
Source: ArchaiOptix, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Simple, chill ways to worship!
Maybe you need to worship on the DL/aren’t out about your religious beliefs to those you live around, maybe you can’t spare the money for altar supplies like candles, or maybe you don’t have the physical or mental capacity for rituals/offerings/big prayers. 
All of that is fine! While physical altars and offerings are nice, they aren’t necessary to worship a deity! Even your everyday activities can be acts of devotion. I mainly worship the god Apollo, so I’ll use him as an example here! Apollo is the god of music, art, poetry, medicine, plague, and the sun, so here are some of the things that I do to honor him outside of offerings:
Listen/dance/sing along to music
Wearing sun symbols, yellow, silver, etc.
wearing your deity’s colors or symbols gives them power and they give you protection, power, and guidance in return!
Make playlists
bonus if you make one dedicated specifically to Apollo
Try new music
Draw/doodle, make any form of art
bonus if you branch into art forms/mediums you haven’t tried before
even more bonus if you make art of Apollo
Reading/writing poetry
again bonus if you write about Apollo
Support other artists 
liking, reblogging, retweeting their work
buying from their shops
following their accounts
giving them encouraging comments and messages
Tagging posts with a god’s name
when I reblog art or aesthetics sometimes I will tag Apollo as an act of devotion and to send some art his way
Open your blinds or windows to let the sunshine in, or spend some time outside
Taking care of your mental health!! (Apollo and Dionysus preside over this together)
taking your medicine (safely taking medicine in general! when i take my weekly testosterone shots i send prayers and thanks to Apollo!)
music and art therapy (using any form of art for venting/self-expression/mental health is a devotional double whammie for Apollo! I express and vent a lot through writing poetry and it makes him very happy.)
Getting your annual check ups, vaccines, medicine, etc. 
these can be a bit of a drag, and inaccessible to some, but he really values taking care of your health. it’s flu season so it’s super important to protect yourself and others. remember flu shots are free and can be obtained at doctors offices as well as stores (in the US) such as CVS, Walgreens, and Target!
Silent prayer
Praying mentally is just as powerful as speaking out loud! It can also help develop mental connections with deities.
Worship can be super intimidating, especially when there isn’t a concrete doctrine or set of guidelines like most popular religions have. Just remember that as long as you’re honoring the ideals and aspects of your deity, you can’t go wrong!
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Prayer to Apollon
“Lord Apollon the Far-Shooter, son of Leto and Zeus Great God of Light, Music, Healing, and Oracles, I praise you on this day Thank you for all your guidance and blessings, Radiant God of Delos Thank you for bringing music, prophecy, and healing to Man And with your gifts, we honor and give back to you Whenever we make beautiful music or heal the sick, we honor you, Mighty Apollon Your glowing, warm presence can be felt with every beat of music and in every warm ray of sunshine Thank you for always being there and teaching us, Lord Apollon And we will forever honor and praise your mighty name, oh benevolent One”
Written by me.
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Where do you see the gods?
Aphrodite: The love songs that run through your head, pretty people smiling at you, all the I love you’s, learning to care for yourself, dismissing the people who put you down.
Apollo: Laying in the sun shining through your windows, happy and loud music, fast conversations, caring for others, seeing yourself recover, the feeling of your heart glowing when someone compliments you.
Ares: Protests, angry youth marching through the streets fighting for what’s right, the feeling of pure fire in your soul when you see something unjust.
Artemis: Misty days, deep dialogues with strangers, lying on the ground staring at the stars, girls protecting girls, being enough for yourself.
Athena: Peacemaking, calming arguments with a firm tone, teaching young children how to be better people than the last generation.
Demeter: Laying in the grass, the feeling of wanting to run off and start a farm so you can live off the land, watching the bees bumble around the flowers.
Dionysus: Partying with friends, the feeling that thrums through your veins when you’re at a concert, being yourself even when others detest you.
Hephaistos: He Creating something with your own hands, campfires, strength, and warmth of true family.
Hera: Stonefaced, the feeling of power when you see your plan go perfectly, silver hair, confidence filling your body, debating on something you are right about.
Hermes: Traveling with friends and family, the urge to run away and explore the world, collecting mementos from everywhere you go, meeting new people, laughing so hard you can’t breathe.
Hestia: Fighting for the ones you love, baking fresh bread, the feeling of dried dirt on your skin, overgrown gardens, hugging your mother.
Hades: Seeing crows in the trees and understanding that they comprehend so much more than you know, meeting a new child, waving at babies everywhere you go, the feeling of clarity when someone passes away after a long and content life.
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Hermes Offerings
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"Hermes is the Olympian god of herds, trade, heralds, travel, athletes, and thieves."
Large altars:
White wine
Red wine for His chthonic aspect
Chamomile tea
Olive oil
Foreign foods
Virgo or Gemini moon water
Myrrh incense
Lavendar incense
Golden objects
Silver objects
Musical instruments
Small/Hidden altars:
Foreign money/coins
Silver or silver objects
Gold or golden objects
Orange topaz
Strawberry scents
Lavendar scents
Turtle shaped objects or art
Strawberry art or toys
Crocus flowers
Written stories or letters
"Travel food", food you would take on a long car trip, i.e. trail mix, seeds, nuts, candies, etc.
Souvenirs from your trips
Travel to new places
Learn a new language
Learn a new sport
Practice speaking in public or online
Practice writing
Learn astrology
Learn astronomy
Learn about agriculture and animal husbandry
Learn slight-of-the-hand magic tricks
Collect coins
Have a feast in His name
Dice games (yes, this includes DnD!)
Card games
Donate to homeless shelters in His name
Give money to the homeless
Keep a dream journal
Write Him stories, poems, or jokes!
Honor the dead, especially family members who have passed away
Invoke Him on your travels or when looking for a job and always thank Him when you arrive safely or have some luck in your life
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dear-apollon · 4 years
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Apollo and Hermes
Statues at the Sansoucci Park
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Hello everyone!
This blog has been dead for a while as I have been struggling with my mental health and haven't taken the time to really even think about the gods. It's a struggle to keep up your worship when you can't even take care of yourself. But I've been thinking about Apollo and Hermes a lot more and have found that my mood always gets lighter when doing so.
I'm going to try and post something on here every day, even just reblogs, because I want to be closer to them again. I also want to say a little prayer each night.
I've just drifted too far and I want to come back. I've felt lost for so long but I'm on the right track again.
I hope they forgive me for faltering in my worship. Also, if anyone has any other ideas for small things I can do for them each day, please let me know. I can't do much because of my current state, but I want to do something.
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dear-apollon · 4 years
I have some issues trying to get myself to get into a habit of offering and praying to the Gods but an acquaintance gave me some good advice and I think I'm going to follow it.
Even if I have nothing to say, I am going to try to get into the habit of just lighting a candle or giving an offering daily to the Gods even if I don't say anything besides "I give this to X"
Hopefully I'll be able to build a good habit from this
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dear-apollon · 4 years
Fun conversation prompts for Hellenic polytheists
Fun new ask box meme: ask me fun questions about my religion.
Whole pantheon or select few?
Which theoi hold domain over areas of influence in your life?
Which theos do you think has the coolest/most interesting story? Why?
Which theoi are you closest to?
How often do you make offerings?
How do you, personally, make offerings?
Which pillars (if any) influence your practice the most, and how/why?
Do you follow the delphic maxims? Which ones are most relevant/important to you?
Do you celebrate any festivals? Which ones?
What’s your favorite myth? And which version?
How do you feel about new myths and re-writes/adaptations of old myths?
Do you keep a prayer book?
Do you dress up for ritual?
Do you wear/use devotional jewelry, outfits, make up, perfume/cologne/body spray, or anything of the like?
When did you find your way to Hellenic polytheism?
Do you worship any deities outside of Hellenic polytheism?
Share a current picture of your shrine or altar if you have one!
Share a story about a time you felt the theoi were involved actively in your life!
Write something nice for one of the theoi!
Tell us something about your practice!
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dear-apollon · 4 years
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From Olympus
Photo: Ana Martinez 
Styling and Creative Direction: Mario Ville (Kattaca) 
Makeup design and make up artist: Lewis Amarante for Kryolan and Pankr0 
Makeup and hairdressing: Sergio Jiménez 
Models: Ricardo Nkosi, Mary Ruiz, Lewis Amarante, Aya Gueye, Juana Mum, Karina Soro, Ruben Buika, Virginia Buika, Isabella Menam, Oliver Lewis, Megane Mercury, Mendes Vieira, Claudia Duharte, Taylor Oscar Ruiz, David Durrant, Marina Gomes, Oscar Chibuike, Guille Gibbs, Lil Bambina, Elian Coiscou and Tigi.
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dear-apollon · 4 years
for uhm personal reasons I need to know all about feminine apollo so please tell me more
Aha, that's something I love to talk about. I was about to make a post about this anyway so: There's a lot of ancient greek vase paintings that show Apollo wearing feminine robes and accessories that were usually worn by women. For example,
a veil
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(Heracles ascending to Olympus)
Multi pinned sleeve
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(Apollo helping Hector in the Trojan war)
Cross sash
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(The musical contest between Apollo and Marsyas)
Periskelis (the thigh band)
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(Orestes seeking shelter at Delphi)
Here, he is wearing the chiton in a way that girls wore
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And these lithographs of ancient art have him wear such pretty dresses
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Since he is an eternal youth, 99% of the times he has long hair and youthful face - those are the very important physical traits of Apollo. There are many paintings where you will confuse Apollo for a girl.
Apart from these, I have found quite a few statues and marble reliefs too. Many of these are from Hellenistic Greece and Roman era:
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As you can notice, most of these present Apollo as a musician, so maybe music played a part in Apollo being effeminte? Did the Muses have a lot of influence on him?Idk, food for thought I guess. Oh and there are a number of headless statues identified as Apollo Patroos (fatherly), where again Apollo is wearing long robes.
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Lastly, some quotes from literary sources (FYI I have not included the hundreds of quotes describing Apollo's long hair and smooth chin):
"And ever beautiful is he and ever young: never on the girl cheeks of Apollo hath come so much as the down of manhood."
- Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis (trans. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.)
"Apollo puts his hair in order by shaping his flowing locks with soft foliage and braiding it with a golden diadem."
- Virgil, Aeneid 4.147 (trans. Ingo Gildenhard) (Latin poet C1st B.C.)
"These children Niobe placed above those of Latona [Leto], and spoke rather contemptuously against Apollo and Diana [Artemis] because Diana was girt in man's attire, and Apollo wore long hair and a woman's gown."
- Hyginus, Fabulae 9 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.)
[describing an effeminate man]: giving himself excessive airs of daintiness and indulging in all sorts of effeminacy; sometimes darting his eyes about; sometimes throwing his hands hither and thither...sometimes personating Aphrodite, sometimes Apollo"
- Tatian, Address to the Greeks 22 (trans. Pratten) (Assyrian Theologist C2nd A.D)
"[in the fragments of Lucilius' satires (C2nd B.C)]: Taking issue with Apollo, whom Romulus mocks as a pretty boy (pulcher) with a fondness for effete dance, Romulus rants against foreign luxuries"
- The Cambridge Companion to Seneca (ed. Shadi Bartsch, Alessandro Schiesaro)
fair number of Renaissance paintings continued this tradition by making Apollo look feminine and beautiful. But for some reason most of the modern adaptations make him macho, the typical Manly Man 🙄 (just like they make Dionysus either old or obese, or both). Come on people, you're throwing away the potential here! I wanna see an Apollo who can rock a suit and a pretty dress. Give me more of Apollo and Dionysus hanging out together at drag parties.
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dear-apollon · 4 years
me: *is hurt*
the sun: *shines brighter*
thank you, apollo â˜€ïžđŸ’ž
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dear-apollon · 5 years
I was trying to draw a sigil to put in a spell jar while invoking Apollo and I thought I was done and went to draw it and the pen would not work. So I went back to my sketch and it immediately worked again. Same type of paper and everything. Apollo basically said “no, no, no, add more, we ain’t done yet”
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dear-apollon · 5 years
far-shooter apollon
your love is bright and raw
golden and scorching
healing and undoing
all at once
light kisses my cheeks
and i can feel your warmth
hear your blessed lyre
take my mortal hand
and i will not flinch away
from your wild fire
but instead welcome it
as the sky welcomes you
every single day
you are everything to me
every hope of tomorrow sings
with your presence
my heart is filled
with your voice
and will be forever
radiance, by apollons-arrow
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dear-apollon · 5 years
Hellenic Resources Masterpost {Last Updated 11.28.15}
Hey guys! :D I answered a bunch of questions regarding Hellenic deities, so I thought I would make a post linking to them all ^_^ 
Beginner Help
How Do I Know When A Deity is Interested in Me? What if they Aren’t?
Tips on Getting Started
How to Introduce Yourself
What’s hair wrapping/veiling, and why is it something some Hellenic Polytheists do? 
How did you personally begin worshiping your deities? Do you have any tips regarding some of them?
How can I connect to a god/goddess that I am beginning to worship?
How Can I Do Rituals When I Live in a Loud Home?
How can I worship deities if I am a secret polytheist? (includes advice specifically for Athena and Artemis as well) 
I’m having a hard time getting my words out to introduce myself to the deity I want to worship. Have any tips?
Sacred Locations for the Main Twelve Olympians
How Can I Discover My Religion/Deities?
I’m Anxious About Introducing Myself. Any Tips?
Playlists I’ve Made So Far
Do you know of any offerings that would work for almost any deity?
Can I throw away offerings that aren’t nature-friendly? If so, how can I do that respectfully? 
How can I learn to write poetry that I can give to the gods as offerings?
How can I give offerings without burning them? 
Types of Books to Read to the Gods
Do I have to Read Aloud When Reading to my Deities?
I Told Someone That I am a Hellenic Polytheist and They Aren’t Taking it Seriously.
What Are Some Ways I Can Show my Devotion?
How Can I pay More Attention to my Deity?
How did you know your deity asked you to do Hairbinding/veiling? 
DIY Devotional Prayer Beads
Epithets of the Gods 
General Offerings
How Do You Use Prayer Beads?
DIY Freeverse Devotional Poem
How I Make Offerings At Lunch
I want to maintain an altar, but I don’t have a lot of space. Do you have any ideas?
How do you maintain an altar in secret?
How can I use my body as a shrine?
Autumn Shrine Decor
Receiving Sings/Communication
What Are Some Steps I Should Take to Communicate With a Deity?
How can I communicate with Deities?
How Do You Scry To Communicate With a Deity?
~Specific Deities ~
I’m depressed. Can I still work with Aphrodite? & How can I know what god/goddess is trying to get my attention if I am bad at picking up on signs?
I have self-harm scars. Will Aphrodite be displeased by me? Can I still use my body as an altar?
How should I make an altar to Aphrodite/make an altar for any deity?
Offering Ideas, Shrine Ideas, and Resources for Athena and Aphrodite
Aphrodite Devotional Day Ideas
Aphrodite Walking Shrine Ideas
Aphrodite Offering Ideas
Connecting During Everyday Tasks 
Offerings for Apollo and Selene, altar ideas, and resources
Apollo Masterpost
Apollo Walking Shrine Ideas
Apollo Worship/Tips for New Worshippers
Connecting During Everyday Tasks
Offerings for Ares and Morpheus and resources
Ares and Hermes Walking Shrine Ideas
Is there a difference between Selene and Artemis?
Altar ideas and resources for Artemis
To Anyone Interested in Artemis, read this tip from an Anon :)
Artemis Links
Walking Shrine Ideas for Artemis
Morning Worship Ideas for Persephone and Artemis (Separated)
Small Ways to Connect
Offering Ideas, Shrine Ideas, and Resources for Athena and Aphrodite
Body Altar Ideas for Athena
Devotion Ritual
Small Ways to Connect
Do you Have Any Ideas on How to Honour Ananke or the Moirai?
Tips for Beginning Work With the Moiria
How can I approach Demeter?
Demeter Resources
Small Ways to Connect
Cheap and Discreet Shrine Ideas for Hades/Persephone and Dionysus
How should I worship Eos?
Gaia Shrine Ideas
Secret shrine to Persephone and Hades
Hades Tea Offering Ideas
How can I introduce myself to Hades and Persephone?
How can I use my body as an altar to Hades & Persephone?
Hades/Persephone Masterpost
Do I Have to Introduce Myself to Hades Before Becoming a Devotee?
Cheap and Discreet Shrine Ideas for Hades/Persephone and Dionysus
Is Hades the Devil?
Tips for Incoming Worshipers
Shrine Ideas
Tips For New Worshipers II
Worship Dates/Festivals
Small Ways to Connect
Devotion Ritual for Hades and Persephone
Hecate Resources
Hecate Shrine ideas and Resources
More Hecate Resources
How Can I Worship Hecate?
Hera Resources and Shrine Ideas
Small Ways to Connect
What are some arcane-ish symbols/things Hermes is related to?
Ares and Hermes Walking Shrine Ideas
Connecting During Everyday Tasks
Hestia Offerings, Resources, and Shrine Ideas
Hestia Worship
Connecting During Everyday Tasks
Offerings for Ares and Morpheus and resources
Small Ways to Connect
Nyx Resources
Shrine Ideas for Nyx
Nyx Worship Ideas
Nyx Walking Shrine Ideas
Offering Ideas
Pan Offerings and Resources
Can you tell me about Persephone? How should I introduce myself to her?
What should I put on my altar to Persephone?
Secret shrine to Persephone and Hades
How can I introduce myself to Hades and Persephone?
How can I use my body as an altar to Hades & Persephone?
Hades/Persephone Masterpost
Cheap and Discreet Shrine Ideas for Hades/Persephone and Dionysus
How Can I Worship Persephone in Everyday Life?
Tips for Incoming Worshipers
Morning Worship Ideas for Persephone and Artemis (Separated)
Small Ways to Connect
Devotion Ritual for Hades and Persephone
Poseidon resources, acts of devotion, shrine ideas, etc.
Small Way to Connect
Is there a difference between Selene and Artemis?
Offerings for Apollo and Selene, altar ideas, and resources
I want to begin working with Zeus. How should I get started, and what are some tips or pointers you have?
Cheap and Discreet Shrine Ideas for Zeus
Devotional Acts for Zeus
I Want to Connect With Zeus. Any Advice or Tips?
Some Zeus Resources and Worship Ideas
Zeus Masterpost
Walking Shrine Ideas for Zeus
Small Ways to Connect
~ Tips for Hellenic Polytheist Who Have No Money ~ By: Me, a Hellenic Polytheist With No Money
Shrine Decor
My Take on the Underworld/Afterlife **Opinion and Personal Research**
Elysium/Getting There
Fields of Asphodel
Recreating Hairstyles { Soloontherocks }
What’s Miasma? { Royalautumnfrost }
How Can Men Veil/How Was it Done in Ancient Greece? { songbirdspells }
Good Websites to Learn About the Gods { shipping-the-gods }
Introduction to the Underworld { Waterspeak }
Hellenic Terminology Page { baringtheaegis }
Honouring the Nymphai { Bayoread }
Sacred Animals of the Gods  { thewhisperingmountain }
What Even is Hellenic Polytheism? What are Some Good Links to Read When First Getting Started? { Royalautumnfrost }
How to Make a Libation { Bayoread }
Do the Gods Always Respond? What Does it Mean When A Bond I have Already Formed Doesn’t Seem to Be Active Suddenly? { Pomegranateandivy }
More About Getting Started { thepaganstudygrouppage }
Hellenic Veiling Ideas/Tutorials/Inspiration {Shipping-the-gods }
Fasting Tips { baringtheaegis }
Masterpost of Pagan E-Shrines { Hellenicappalachia }
Ritual in Hellenismos { @mythologyrules​ }
Pillars of Hellenismos   { @mythologyrules​ }
Pillars of Hellenismos { @soloontherocks }
Finding Your Ritual Calendar { @hearthfirehandworks​ }
How to Make an Offering { Bayoread }
Building Your Worship { @pomegranateandivy​ }
Pomegranateandivy’s Hellenic FAQ { @pomegranateandivy​ }
How to Write a Prayer { @hearthfirehandworks​ }
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