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Dear you, 
        I miss you, its 4:50 right now. once again I'm on your Facebook wishing you'd surprise me by liking one of my posts or messaging me in secret letting me know your okay and somewhere in the world that you can't tell me about, at least then Id know your out there still spreading your ....joy...... honestly I hate what this family has done to that word. it used to be a little light of hope I had, but now I feel drowned by our family by it and I think its ridiculous. they took that away from me like you.. but it makes them happy so Ill let them have it. I don't believe in signs or anything but please give me one that helps me continue. This hasn't been easy lately but I fucking miss you so much. I feel sick to my stomach right now.  this is such a mess of thoughts but I promise as I continue this they will get better, at least I hope.. 
luv ya bruva
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