deardarlingdesigner · 5 months
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How Might You Relate Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design to Your Domain? by Creativity Post
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deardarlingdesigner · 5 months
My (Very Casual) Learning Journey as a Graphic Designer: Day 1/∞ 30 practical tips for InDesign users Ebook by Redokun
What do I think of it?
Where has this been all this time??? It summarizes a lot of nifty tips & tricks to make your InDesign workflow much more efficient. These tips covered a lot of the work I used to do manually, such as paragraph spacing, styles formatting, and even doing the little things a handy GREP style could do instantly.
In short, designing is much more fun now. It does take time to get used to, but once you get the hang of using these tips to the point of muscle memory, you'd feel like a wizard.
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deardarlingdesigner · 5 months
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Kicking Off My (Very Casual) Learning Journey as a Graphic Designer
As a rookie designer it's normal for me continuously learn and improve my design skills. But I've only now taken it seriously. No more sporadic bursts of tutorials and last minute how-to's while designing. This time I'll give it more thought, more intention, that's why I've build a learning hub with Notion.
It took me some time to set up, but the very first thing I had to accomplish is determining what I wanted to achieve by the end of, let's say, 6 weeks (give or take). Setting up a big goal made it easier to line up my small goals.
I convinced myself that watching a 15+ minute Youtube tutorial was enough for a small goal. I wanted to take this slowly but surely. Because I knew that the bigger the goal, the more effort it needs, and the tougher it is for me to accomplish.
Throughout building my learning hub, I constantly reminded myself to "Take small steps my dear, and you'll soon realize how far you've come just by taking them." And that made it all the more exciting.
Just started today, a week in review would be better story I think.
For now I'm testing if having an outlet for the journey would help. As a reserved person, this feels like uncharted waters for me. Please wish me luck.
And of course, I'll setup and share a library of the (free) resources I've gone through here (page in construction).
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deardarlingdesigner · 6 months
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Some of my favorite work by Jr Korpa
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