dearjasdero · 11 years
Dear Jasdero. Recently I've hurt someone I dearly care about. I'm not sure how to fix it, I didn't mean to hurt them and unfortunately the situation became worse when I tried making it better. We haven't been speaking for a few days now... And I'm afraid that things might not be able to be fixed. I'm terrified because this person is the love of my life and I don't want to lose them, I feel so much regret and pain that I hurt them this badly... Is there any way I can fix this.. Or is it just over
Dear Anon,
Well, hiii. The best thing to do is to talk to that person. You need to talk to them and explain to them the situation. And you can’t give up and say its over without talking to them about it. The best thing to do is talk about it, alright anon?
Talking helps work things out, and be completely honest and open about it. Holding anything back, normally strains these kinds of situations.
Dero wishes you all the luck, hiii.
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dearjasdero · 11 years
Dear Jasdero, do you have any advice on how to get stronger for those you care for?
"Well, hiii. The best way to get strong for someone is to be there when they need you. To let them know that you are there for them. Stronger doesn’t mean strength, it can almost mean that you are there for them."
"The best way to be strong is to be compassionate, hiii. Debi would say to always protect the one you care for, but somethings will happen, the best thing is not to let them deal with it alone."
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dearjasdero · 11 years
Dear Jasdero, my mom has finally figured out that my ex was abusive and gave me quite the lecture about it, but my dad still doesn't know. I know I should tell him, but I don't know how or when I should.
"It would probably be best to sit down with you dad and mom, that way you have your mom will help support you while you tell you dad. That's the best way, Dero can think of doing it."
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dearjasdero · 11 years
"Hiii, yeah, you can do that~Congratulations by the way."
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Hey babe, I wanna do a giveaway but have no idea when or what i should do.... also do you have any ideas for a new icon for me? i'm flat outta luck...
"Hiii, Well how many followers do you have or maybe just do a Halloween give away, where you will draw different people in costumes for whoever wins?" Jasdero smiled softly.
"That would be fun~ And icons…. Dero likes your icon though. But Dero guesses you could draw yourself on someone’s chest, hii. You do like them…."
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dearjasdero · 11 years
I don't want be an Exorcist OR Noah anymore, I just want to live a normal live, Dero! Is there no escape?
"Well, you can’t be a noah unless you are chosen, and all the noahs are spoken for. But you always become an akuma… In this world, the only way to escape is to be dead, hiii… or be an animal…. But animals still get killed by the Akuma…."
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dearjasdero · 11 years
Jasdero, I have a question. My mun doesn't want me to ask, so I can't reveal my identity. But it's be troubling him for some time now. He's been struggling with his emotions lately, regarding a particular female. It wouldn't be so bad, but with restrictions on his social life, and the fact that they live quite some distance apart, he's wondering if it would be right? They've gone out before, but long distance is no fun. But they care so much for each other they're willing to. What do you think?
"Well, hiii... The best thing Dero can say to do is talk to the girl, and see how she feels... and since they care about each other so much. Dero thinks they can do it. If they believe it is worth it, then they will fight for it."
"But they should definitely take it easy too, because overwhelming yourself because of the stress would just put strain on the relationship, hiiii."
"So Dero says go for it, if you are willing to take the bad with the good, then it is worth it.."
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dearjasdero · 11 years
Do you know how I could fix it up with our family?
"Hmmm.... Dero doesn't think you can fix everything. Hiii, you killed almost all of the noah family, that burns through the memories. Even Bondomu feels it and is bothered by it...."
"But... the best way to start would be to probably try to get friendly with Road again.... she's probably the biggest way to start to patch everything up, hiii."
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dearjasdero · 11 years
Hey babe, I wanna do a giveaway but have no idea when or what i should do.... also do you have any ideas for a new icon for me? i'm flat outta luck...
"Hiii, Well how many followers do you have or maybe just do a Halloween give away, where you will draw different people in costumes for whoever wins?" Jasdero smiled softly.
"That would be fun~ And icons.... Dero likes your icon though. But Dero guesses you could draw yourself on someone's chest, hii. You do like them...."
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