deathaureated · 3 months
Gift baskets from Beast!Mori be like:
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once i was talking to luna about beast!mori ( the mori who is , for some reason , normal &. not a freak &. also so terribly dad - coded ) she said that he would be the kinda guy to give dazai those awful kid chapsticks with the ridiculous scents . you know the ones ? the fruity ones that smell like markers ? do not know why I’m remembering this right now but it’s making me lose my shit skbsksissbmsns
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deathaureated · 1 year
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Dark academia moodboard // Chetham’s Library & John Ryland library, Manchester (2018)
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deathaureated · 1 year
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The house we’d all like to live in (Prague).
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deathaureated · 1 year
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whump aesthetic: surgical whump
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deathaureated · 1 year
~ DAZAI / @ofpowr​ ~
he had gone out because the water was so turbulent. he had thought the rushing current would drag him down and keep his submerged no matter how much his body fought for air. it had only succeeded in slamming his small frame into some sharp rocks that added as a natural barrier that kept the child from being swept down river. it also made to easier to fish him out, mangled from the impact, and sent to mori like a punished child expelled from school.
blank gaze watches the doctor strap him down without protest. it didn’t take like for mori to become privy to dazai trying to steal medication from the clinic in the hopes of mixing himself a deadly cocktail. but more than that, he’s used to the restraints placed on those under suicide watch. he doesn’t really mind – a demon doesn’t have basic human rights. the teen only makes a noise when mori mentions pain. “ fine, ” dazai mumbles, “ i’ll try the ocean next time. ”
fingers twitch as cold hands unwrap the bandages of his right arm. it’s the first time the teen displays any sign of discomfort as he looks away from the doctor’s clinical stare. “ i was trying something different, ” he huffs in trying to defend himself. not from his actions, of course, but because mori called it sloppy. “ the razors don’t feel like anything anymore. why can’t i just have one of your scalpels, mori-san? i bet that would do the trick. ” the child almost pouts at the thought.
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eyes are back to following the doctor as he moves around the table to prep him for surgery. something isn’t right, he should have gotten the sedative by now. lips part as mori speaks, as he explains this lesson and all dazai can do is look up into the crimson eyes with confusion. “ you want me to watch? ” dazai is no stranger to cutting open his own body but it has only ever been blood and bone. he’s not equipped to cut open his gut, would only make a mess of things instead of finding a painless way to go. but he can’t say he’s never been curious.
the carnage associated with the mafia has allowed dazai to see the insides of many people before. but bullets rip and shred and leave nothing but bits of gore in their wake. this is different. this is mori’s surgical precision. and it’s on him. what will he look like when he’s cut open? are the color of his own guts the same as a human’s?
“ ah, alright. ” dazai accepts without protest, tilting his head to the side to watch through the mirror. he doesn’t flinch nor avert his gaze as the first syringe presses into his flesh. after a moment, he feels nothing at all and it’s like the very light in auburn eyes has vanished completely. all he can do is look at his pale, prone body through the mirror and the eyes of something no longer human staring back at him.
               ❝ I really wish you wouldn’t. ❞  The doctor gave a long-suffering sigh as he washed his hands & began to roll on a pair of latex gloves.  ❝ At this rate you’re going to end up with pneumonia from all that filthy water. Or worse, necrotizing fasciitis or some other hideous bacterial infection. I’m certain you don’t want to catch anything that’s been nicknamed the  ❛ flesh eating disease ❜, now do you? If you’re going to attempt death by submersion at least try to stick with filtered water sources; we do have a pool among the fitness equipment, you know. ❞
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               Making sure the localized anaesthetic had taken effect, followed by the paralytic so his body would not react to the trauma it was about to endure, Mori busied himself with setting up the monitors recording Dazai’s vitals, just in case an adverse reaction were to take place he would know when to intervene.  ❝ I’m afraid my scalpels are not currently on loan, Dazai-kun, but if you’re that curious about cutting things open, I’d be more than happy to train you as a surgical assistant. The work can be quite fascinating if you have the stomach for it. Besides, I’m still in need of your on going testimony if you recall. Try to be patient a little longer... there’s no harm in WAITING a bit longer to die, surely? I’m certain we can find something to occupy your attention in the meantime. ❞
               Checking the time since he gave the initial injection, the raven-haired man hummed as he picked up the scalpel off of the procedural tray, adjusting the light.  He prodded a bit at the injection area, testing to see Dazai’s responses.  ❝ You may feel a slight pulling, lad, but if there’s any unusual sensations, do speak up. I wouldn’t want my brightest student going into shock during his lesson, would I?  ❞ With that said, he began to make a rather small incision along his upper left abdomen. 
               Contrary to what nightmarish thoughts most would have at the concept of a surgery following trauma, it wasn’t THAT big of a fuss; there was blood, but it wasn’t a horror movie scene like one might expect. The fact that Dazai was still conscious spoke to the fact the wounds weren’t life-threatening... yet. Still, Dazai was young, & quite reckless, he’d rather not leave it to fate. It was very possible he could heal without surgery, provided he followed Mori’s instructions for 2-3 weeks of bed rest — unlikely for the defiant young teenager. This was the quickest way to ensure the bleeding was stopped before his next inevitable stunt. It really wouldn’t do to have his ward bleeding to death internally after all.
               ❝ Let me know if you have any questions, Dazai-kun. I’m presently slicing through the dermis & hypodermis, that is to say the middle & final, fatty layer of tissue beneath the epidermis, which is the top layer. ❞ 
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deathaureated · 1 year
“When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster?”
— Mary Shelley, from Frankenstein
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deathaureated · 1 year
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@ofpowr​ said: “ i don’t want to have another surgery. ”
               Were ALL children this difficult to keep alive? 
               ❝ Is that so? Well perhaps next time you’ll think TWICE before disregarding my simple instructions in favour of throwing yourself into the river at this time of year when the water is so turbulent. ❞  Mori calmly told the boy as he finished fastening the last of the four-point medical restraints, immobilizing his wrists & ankles. 
               He knew by now not to turn his back on the boy while preparing to treat him, lest he attempt to climb out the window or snatch one of the many medications lining the shelves despite his injuries.  ❝ You have three fractured ribs, as well as acute lacerations internally on several organs from where you hit the rocks. If I don’t take care of it soon, you’re in for a rather PAINFUL infection, Dazai-kun. ❞
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               The doctor’s voice never faltered from a calm, pleasant tone as he reached for Dazai’s right arm & began to unwrap his bandages, cold fingers pausing at the sight of new wounds beneath he knew hadn’t been there a week ago. He studied the child’s face with a clinical disapproval.  ❝ Your technique is sloppy, Dazai-kun. We’ll have to brush up on your lessons once you’re on your feet again, hmm? ❞  
               He prepared a syringe & vial, sighing. What a headache this boy could be. ❝ I’m going to give you a dose of localized anesthetic for the pain, followed by a neuromuscular blocker to keep your lower body paralyzed while I make the incision & see what we’re dealing with, rather than an intravenous sedation this time. I’ll need you AWAKE for this procedure since I intend to teach you more about the mechanism of injury so we can hopefully avoid any further incidents like this next time you find yourself in want of something to do. I’ve positioned a mirror at the end of your bed so you can see for yourself how this procedure works. Do try to pay ATTENTION, alright? ❞
               With a smile that was probably meant to be reassuring, he leaned over Dazai with the syringe in hand, & a moment later a sharp PINCH could be felt in his upper abdomen, right between the area where his liver & spleen were located.
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deathaureated · 1 year
DISTRUST PROMPTS for characters who don’t / no longer trust one another. as always, feel free to tweak these as needed, take care, and have fun!
‘why should i trust you after what you did?’
‘how am i supposed to believe a word you say?’
‘i’m not falling for that again.’
‘i know better than to trust you any more.’
‘i’m sorry. i just can’t take that risk.’
‘what? you think i’m blind?’
‘this is exactly the kind of thing you would lie to me about.’
‘you’re just not someone i can trust.’
‘you can say whatever you like, i’m not going to believe you.’
‘i wish i could believe you. but i can’t.’
‘if you’re lying, i’ll make you pay for it.’
‘i can see it all over your face.’
‘we’ve played poker together. i know your tells.’
‘you must really think that i’m stupid.’
‘you had your chance, and you blew it.’
‘i’m telling you that i’m innocent. why won’t you believe me?’
‘don’t make that face. i’m telling the truth.’
‘you’ll be sorry when you realise i’m innocent.’
‘come on. you know when i’m lying, right?’
‘i’m not going to forget this.’
‘you’ll pay for not believing me. just you wait and see.’
‘is there really nothing i can say that’ll change your mind?’
‘wow. i didn’t realise you had this low an opinion of me.’
‘why would i lie about this?’
‘just this once. and then i’ll never ask you to listen to me again.’
‘i’m not what you think i am.’
‘i made a mistake. i’m trying to put it right, now.’
‘i can’t believe you would question me on this.’
‘what kind of monster do you think i am?’
‘you’re making a huge mistake. you have to listen to me.’
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deathaureated · 1 year
hospital themed starters
“ stop messing with your IV. ”
“ hey there - you gave me quite a scare. ”
“ this IV itches. ”
“ i think my nurse is trying to kill me. ”
“ i don’t want to have another surgery. ”
“ i’m tired of laying here in this stupid bed. ”
“ this medicine makes me feel so out of it. ”
“ i just want to go home. ”
“ i’m not leaving this room. ”
“ i feel so tired all the time. ”
“ i’m pretty sure this place is haunted. ”
“ i keep telling them i’m fine. i can go home! ”
“ you’re not fine. you need to rest. ”
“ it’s just a few more days, then i’ll take you home. ”
“ will you stop playing with the bed settings? ”
“ they said i might need another surgery. ”
“ the doctor said it could be worse. ”
“ the doctors are still running some tests. ”
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deathaureated · 1 year
Tweaking some stuff with Mori’s biography & diagnosis (or lack thereof, this man would not agree to go to therapy if you paid him), so if things look wonky on his page it’s just me editing some stuff! It shouldn’t take long!
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deathaureated · 1 year
Mori’s inbox is officially open! Still working on tags so memes might take a little to start appearing on here, BUT if you’d like to send an original prompt or even random, anonymous asks you can feel free to! 
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deathaureated · 1 year
{ Guidelines } 
Hi there! I'm Luna!
I’m 26 years old as of writing this, I live in Canada & my timezone is EST. I've been writing in various RPC fandoms for 11 years now, & have been doing so on Tumblr on & off since I was 19. I'm cis (probably) & use she/her generally but I'm also totally okay with they/them used in a general sense if you’re referring to me. I’m Pagan & have been practicing sporadically for about 12 years now, so you could say I’ve always had an interest in religion, folklore & mythology of all different kinds which may explain the weird assortment of fandoms I’ve participated in.
I am neurodivergent & have a handful of physical health issues on top of working a part time job which causes my online activity to be pretty random but frequent, but other than that, I don't think there's anything else important to say. If you'd like to learn more about me feel free to reach out, I'm usually pretty receptive to new conversations even if I’m sometimes shy about reaching out first!
That out of the way, here's a few things to keep in mind when following me:
This is a sideblog for Mori, & follow backs will come from @moonrisenmuses​. Now, I understand that multimuse / hub blogs aren’t for everyone, & there’s absolutely NO pressure to follow, interact with or look at my main blog! I’ll only be using it to send asks from my sideblogs, & only if you happen to have anonymous asks off! Seriously, I wont be sad or offended if you aren’t interested in my other muses.
I want to state, my Mori blog is EXTREMELY CANON DIVERGENT with regards to his past & certain aspects of his character. To get it out of the way... I don’t write Mori as being a pedophile. Yes, he’s creepy. Yes, he’ll violate the emotional & probably physical boundaries of anyone he thinks he can manipulate. YES, he has abused several children mentally, physically & emotionally. He basically brainwashed Dazai with his fucked up way of thinking + is probably responsible for at least 1/3rd of Dazai’s physical scars with the way he ‘treats’ his patients, & he destroyed Yosano emotionally. You don’t even want to know what he did to my interpretation of Chuuya over on his blog, man had a breakdown & pushed Mori out the window of the Port Mafia HQ to his death in his Mafia Boss AU.
He is responsible for a huge part of the cycle of abuse that infects the Port Mafia. He abused Yosano, he abused Dazai who went on to abuse Yumeno & Akutagawa, the latter of whom then began inflicting that same pain & awful way of thinking onto Kyōka & even Higuchi. 
HE IS A BAD PERSON. If you allow it, he will manipulate your character. Especially young or passive or naïve characters because they are easier to control & have less emotional resistance to his tactics.
But he’s not a pedophile or a rapist so please keep your gross headcanons about what he’s done with any of the underage characters of the franchise to yourself, especially regarding Dazai, Yosano, Q, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Kyōka & Gin. I’m not about that. If you’re interested in following a Mori blog because you think I’d be down for gross proship non-con lolicon pairings, or whatever it’s called, turn back now. I have an alternate faceclaim for Elise & gave him a late wife that completely changes Elise’s manifestation. He’s not a pedophile on this blog because his actions are all based on logic & reason, & in his mind, while he could abuse children that way & not feel an ounce of remorse because he isn’t capable of feeling remorse, he would gain nothing from it. Physical threats & mind games are much more his forte. 
MOVING ON! My blog is 18+ only as well as multiship, multiverse, & again, very canon divergent. The events will stay the same, but Mori’s psychological state & past have very much been customized to my portrayal of him. 
As a general rule, I strongly prefer my RP partners to be 18+ regardless of the fandom simply due to my age & the sort of content I tend to write. Graphic & disturbing, I use swearing somewhat liberally OOC, sexual content, etc. If there's no age to be found on your blog somewhere I won't RP with you, sorry. Even a general idea is okay, it's for my own comfort & safety as well as yours; a 14 year old for example really shouldn't read the type of writing I'll likely be posting. Thank you.
I do tag triggers! Almost all the default triggers (child abuse //, violence //, murder //) etc will be tagged. If you have anything you need tagged that is less common, don't be afraid to ask me to tag it, I'm happy to do my part to make you comfortable!
On Triggering Material: I will not write any of the following on the dash: graphic animal abuse, graphic sexual assault/rape (allusions/references are fine as it's sometimes part of a character's background including my own). This may be in the form of flashbacks, discussions of trauma, recovery threads, etc. I just won't write scenes of it, I'm also fine with 'close call' threads where my muse rescues yours from assault or vice versa since that’s a very real thing that can & does happen IRL. I’m just not willing to post such content blatantly on the dash as I know it’s a deeply upsetting subject, & I have no desire to romanticize sexual abuse. I will not write anything to do with pedophilia or any sexual content with characters or muns under 18, bestiality (as in actual animals, not ability users who are able to become animals), necrophilia, etc. basically the 'main' major things that would squick out most people. For my own & my mutuals comfort PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU THINK ITS OKAY TO SHIP MINORS & ADULTS.
I do tend to format my replies using small text & customizing with bold & italics for the sake of the aesthetic/emphasis, but I don't expect you to. If you have any issues visually or language wise with how i RP come talk to me & we can try to work things out. I will also be using icons at some point, but not constantly, mostly just to dress up a reply now & then.  
Don't force shipping with any of my characters. If a ship happens, that's great, & you're 100% allowed to just come & ask me if I'd like to ship but don't just go ahead with it without asking. It’s okay if you don’t remember what each muse’s orientation is, I’m fine giving gentle reminders or letting you know what is/isn’t okay to assume if the topic of shipping happens to come up. Just don’t get upset if I turn down a ship because it’s incompatible with my muse’s gender or orientation; it would be uncomfortable & unfair to try to force a ship on him if your muse isn't what they’re typically inclined towards. That being said, all of my muses are open to unrequited romances as well, & in fact you don't even need to ask. It's okay for your muse to have feelings for mine, but they might not always reciprocate!
Finally, my blog is absolutely drama free! I will not share callouts of any kind unless someone is an imminent danger. I've been roleplaying for 10 years now & frankly I'm just here to have fun without getting into fights. IF I FIND OUT YOU’VE SENT ANONS HARASSING MY FRIENDS I WILL BLOCK YOU! Seriously, you have a problem with me, come to me about it, don’t be a fucking pussy.
If you made it to the end of this congratulations! There's no passwords or anything here, please feel free to follow me if you think we'd click, & welcome!
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deathaureated · 1 year
Warning: This following character biography contains HEAVY subject matter including but not limited to — emotional & physical abuse, graphic murder, death, graphic descriptions of violence, medical malpractice, coercion, exploitation of children, emotional & physical abuse of children, torture, manipulation, mental health issues, suicide & suicidal ideation, non-consensual drug use, self mutilation, physical trauma, gaslighting, kidnapping, non-graphic mention of pregnancy ending in maternal death, terminal illness, human trafficking, & more. If any of these subjects are a trigger for you I HIGHLY suggest not following, but if you really want to but have one of these triggers feel free to DM me for a recap / summary of the info here if you think you will be unable to read it.
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NAME: Mori Rintarō, M.D., Ph.D., M.A., B.S.
ALIASES / NICKNAMES: Mori Ōgai; Boss; Mori-Sensei; Doctor
SPECIES: Gifted Human
GENDER: Cis Male 
AGE: 40 { Present }, 33-36 { Fifteen - Dark Era }, 32 { Mafia Boss Succession } 26-28 { Great War + Aftermath}
D.O.B: February 17th, 19XX
HOMETOWN / BIRTHPLACE: Tsuwano, Kanoshi District, Shimane Prefecture, Chūgoku Region, Japan
APPEARANCE / STYLE: Standing at about 5’9”, Mori is a fairly tall man with a slender & elegant physique. He has a fair complexion, straight, chin-length black hair slicked back with bangs hanging down either side of his face, & wine-coloured violet eyes. Normally dressing as one might expect for somebody might expect for a man in his position, his usual outfits consist of a sharp suit comprised of white button-up dress shirts, a black pinstriped suit jacket, black dress shoes, black trousers & a purple & white striped tie. Over this, he wears a black trench coat & a long, almost knee-length maroon scarf he leaves hanging over his shoulders, untied. He also wears white gloves to avoid leaving his fingerprints anywhere unwanted. This also hides the wedding band ever present on the fourth finger of his left hand. 
In public, Mori wears much less lavish attire, more typical of a "doctor". He wears a purple button-up shirt, black tie, black trousers, black shoes, and a long white coat. Furthermore, he leaves his hair loose, with a couple of strands falling over his forehead. During the Great War, he wore a military uniform of Army General Surgeon which included the badges & military accolades he procured pinned to his jacket.
As a result of his father’s wrath when he was young, Mori also has numerous scars across his back & shoulder blades from getting beaten by a leather belt when he was young.
PERSONALITY: Mori is a rather enigmatic person whose true intentions are rarely put on open display, as such it can be difficult to discern what he’s all about with ease. When meeting new people, he tends to put on a mask of an ordinary, somewhat awkward & even clumsy run of the mill doctor, though this façade can quickly slip if things aren’t going according to plan, revealing the calculating intensity that lurks just beneath the surface. An expert at keeping his composure in times of high stress, Mori is an excellent strategist & planner. Cruel, merciless, & downright terrifying when it’s required, there is almost nothing Mori wouldn’t do for the sake of achieving his most vital goals. However, it should be noted that he is not cruel for the pursuit of any form of twisted pleasure, though it can certainly appear that way; rather, Mori possesses a mind that is pragmatic to the extreme. If something needs doing, he will make sure it is done no matter the emotional or physical cost to those around him. In his eyes, if it’s for what he perceives is the greater good, any means is justified. This attitude makes him incredibly dangerous. Mori is incapable of emotional empathy on any level, but extremely well versed in cognitive empathy & a master of manipulation, both subtle & obvious. Mori always weighs the gains & losses of his decisions, choosing the optimal solutions for the Port Mafia as a whole. Consequently, these decisions leave a bloodstained path & have hurt & traumatized countless other people. 
That said, his intelligence allows him to manipulate & abuse many people by appealing to their needs & wants. Emotional manipulation & abuse have gotten Mori far in his motives at the cost of many lives, & by the time someone's realized they've been used, it's often too late for them to turn back. He is not unaware of the damage he is capable of causing to people psychologically, however, again, Mori has such a warped sense of thinking that, if the benefits are ultimately more plentiful than the losses, he won’t hesitate. In his mind it’s a no brainer & he becomes genuinely perplexed when people he views as being of a similar intellectual capacity don’t agree with him. Because of his inability to empathize with someone’s emotions on a chemical level, Mori never takes emotions into full account, the epitome of logical thinking & strategy. To Mori, a 'heart' only gets in the way of victory, a belief leading to his irredeemable actions of using Yosano's ability & mentally breaking her during the Great War. While a largely logical person who knows how to use words to his advantage, Mori is not above threats & intimidation typical of a cold, experienced mafioso. Age & gender do not matter to Mori, but when it comes to his grander schemes, he has a history of manipulating children, as their inexperience makes it that much easier to control them due to their naïvety. Mori's use of manners & polite conduct mostly attribute to maintaining a sense of control & power in any situation. For the most part, acting like a 'normal' person makes those around him less wary, as when he's in public & needs to avoid suspicion. Otherwise, it creates a certain distance between him & others, as if nothing they say ever fazes him, this is due to his extremely limited range of emotions. Fukuzawa, his former ally, knows the depths of Mori's darkness; he & Dazai are most often the ones to see straight through Mori's many pretenses. Once this façade disappears, Mori's intensity & willingness to do anything, even kill, become apparent & unsettling. His intensity is so much that even Lucy is paralyzed with fear when Mori confronts her.
He does treat his subordinates with respect insofar as he knows they are of use to the organization, valuing their skills & contributions & acknowledging their power. As such, even when facing a certain degree of insubordination, Mori is willing to overlook some mistakes so long as the outcome benefits the Port Mafia in the end. This contributes to why he never punishes Akutagawa’s rash behavior. Even then, according to Mori, "effort is what matters, results come second", in the face of Akutagawa's previous failures. This also aligns with Mori's leeway towards the organization's most active, powerful members, allowing them a certain degree of 'freedom' & independence from his tight scrutiny. Generally, he usually only regularly speaks with his two most active executives, Kouyou Ozaki & Chuuya Nakahara, the former of which often the first to criticize Mori's eccentrics in the form of dry banter. He & Kouyou converse the most often, & their partnership leads to Mori agreeing to spare Kyouka after she defects. As a result of the Port Mafia's prosperous control in Yokohama, Mori enjoys being held in high regard, either by respect, fear, or a mix of both, by his many subordinates. Mori views the position of an organization's leader as both ruling them & being their slave. This belief drives Mori to his drastic and ruthless strategies. Furthermore, he is more than happy to use a common enemy to his advantage, as when revealing Naomi & Haruno’s hideout to the Guild in hopes of using the Agency to take care of them & alleviate the Port Mafia's own workload. He uses the same tactic when leaking the orphans' location to Gide, gettIng the orphans slaughtered & driving Oda to his own suicide mission in order to eliminate Mimic in exchange for the Port Mafia’s own Gifted Business Permit. In both cases, Mori makes it so his direct word never reaches its intended target, leaving the power of his actions to force their hand instead without ever dirtying his own hands directly. This manipulation & usage of knowledge is the core of Mori's decision-making and tactics, making him incredibly dangerous.
Losses & failure are Mori's worst enemies, such as a large number of subordinates & racketed collaborations dying during the Q incident or Kouyou being held at the ADA. Likewise, he detests "parasites" such as smugglers and the ilk, people he believes they suck Yokohama dry for their own gain & upset its delicate balance. Given Mori's respect for Natsume, he agreed to keep balance in Yokohama, & takes this seriously. For as cruel & cold Mori is, it's unmistakable that he's vital to Yokohama's balance. The only time Mori's acknowledged a major oversight in his decisions is when taking in & mentoring a young Dazai. He largely underestimated Dazai's own intelligence & shrewd, detached way of looking at the world, at least in the beginning. Ironically, their near-identical nature unsettled Mori. Nonetheless, Mori takes his mistake & molds it into a valuable discovery: a subordinate & right-hand that knew his way of rationalizing. Control over Dazai was crucial to Mori, considering Dazai's intelligence could one day be his undoing. This largely contributes to Mori's decision to use dear friend of Dazai, in eliminating Mimic & driving Dazai to defect. This was because, for all of their similarities, Mori neglected to take in account from the beginning that unlike himself, Dazai had the capability to form emotional attachments to people beyond their usefulness to him, & was thus willing to turn his back on Mori if there ever came a time that the needs of the Port Mafia, & the safety of those he cared for, came into conflict. 
Though he’s never received an “official diagnosis” ( & most likely never will due to the persona he puts on in front of regular people ) before, he has run a few rudimentary self examinations & scans of his own brain that revealed some interesting things to him. Mori is not a sadistic man, though he often seems like it due to his merciless nature. The fact is, Mori is physiologically incapable of certain emotional processes due to the way his brain developed. He isn’t physically capable of taking pleasure from others’ suffering, because that would require him to be able to feel enough empathy to understand the pain of others in the first place from something other than an observational level. He cannot feel fear, at least not how humans typically experience it, nor can he feel things like bonding, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations, chemical love, sadness, self doubt, low self esteem, empathy, regret / remorse, hatred, resentment, stress, envy & chemical trust. Anything that requires the processing of oxytocin is unavailable, & these emotions are beyond him. He may be able to understand them to some degree, from a textbook definition & hearing about these first hand, but he will never experience them himself. It’s not how he’s wired. Things he can feel: anger ( in brief flashes mostly; he never experiences rage ), annoyance or irritation, amusement, boredom, contentment / satisfaction, curiosity, disapproval, awe, surprise / being startled, admiration, happiness ( an elevated state of contentment, really; he’s never going to feel an overwhelming amount of joy ), lust / desire. Truly, the only person privy to Mori's less menacing & controlling side is Elise, even though there's incredible irony in the fact that even Elise's demanding, harsh attitude against him is something he intentionally configured. Though beyond the typical forms of attachment & love, Mori does have an almost subconscious obsession with his deceased wife, & he moulded his ability’s appearance to her likeness. Not her personality though; Mori firmly believes if his wife had been less frail, less human, less good hearted, she would not have died nor left him, & in his own way, Elise is his attempt at keeping her alive despite denying he misses her in any capacity.
BIOGRAPHY: Mori’s childhood is not something that is remembered fondly by... well, pretty much anybody but himself. To say he was a nightmare growing up would be an understatement. The only child of a pair of physicians from very notable families, there was a lot of attention on him from the moment he was born. Independent as far back as he could recall, little Rintarō was an extremely willful, defiant boy who was both terribly dishonest & brutally honest at the same time. A child prodigy who scarcely found something he couldn’t succeed at, he was pretty much disconnected from the world, too caught up in doing things he felt like doing. Not only that, but he had absolutely no boundaries & would do whatever he felt like, when he felt like it. He stole, got caught, lied about it, was punished, & the punishment had no effect on him since he was immune to remorse or guilt in any capacity. His parents but especially his mother were beside themselves with frustration. Pretty much the only thing that could get him to do something he didn’t feel inclined towards doing was to offer something he would want more, providing an incentive for him to behave himself for even short amounts of time. Mori would tell you his mother had ‘the patience of a saint’, & while she did not understand him in the least, she did love him. His father on the other hand had a temper, especially when he felt he was being ignored & disrespected. 
The rage-induced beatings didn’t have a lasting effect on Rintarō aside from the numerous scars on his back, the trauma did not have an emotional effect on him... instead it taught him something much more dangerous at a young age. That if you wanted something from somebody, & bartering did not work, nor did patience, that violence was an excellent way to make your feelings known to someone. He learned to manipulate his father quite early on - forcing himself to cry would sometimes cause him to cease with the punishments, but not always. He used his learned manipulation to control his father’s fierce temper & his mother’s gentleness, & with kids less of a physical threat...? Well, he certainly learned a lot about how ‘most’ kids experienced things like fear & pain when he was teaching them exactly what his father was so fond of dolling out. His artificial curiosity about inflicting pain to get what he wanted improved as he grew older, becoming more aware of the fact he was different from other people in some way & that children have an easier time getting away with bad behaviour than adults. So he learned how to get what he wanted in more subtle ways. Passive manipulation, bribing or bartering worked better than physical intimidation or harm. One would think he would resent his parents for going through so much effort just to mould him into a half-functioning human being, but no, he actually admired them quite a bit & has nothing but respect for the fact that they didn’t simply drown him when he was small to save themselves the headache. When they did die, however, in a car accident which he was also involved in at age 10, Rintarō quietly watched the funeral before leaving with his grandfather to his new home, only feeling a vague sense of dissatisfaction at the thought he would not see them again, nor taste his dear mother’s cooking.
Following the deaths of his parents, the young boy continued his vigorous studies in his grandfather’s household in Tokyo, Rintarō very quickly reached a level that surpassed even what the best tutors could match for him. By the time he was 14 he was admitted into the University of Tokyo, during which he spent two years studying the basics of medicine, the German, English & Latin languages, followed by two years of applied medicine & two years of medical clerkship that flew by. At the age of 19, he became the youngest person to ever earn a medical license in Japan, becoming a trauma surgeon & general physician much to his family’s delight. Rather than choosing to open his own clinical practice immediately, Mori enlisted in the Japanese Armed Forces, where he was promptly sent to several cities & villages in Germany to continue his medical & military training, in addition to law, physics, political science & more. On the travel between Munich & Berlin, a massive snowstorm hit that left him stranded in a small farming village in Bavaria. His family was extremely influential & had contacts everywhere, so he made arrangements to stay with a local family, the Reynolds, though he wasn’t pleased about the delay in his studies. Upon meeting them, however, he was introduced to their youngest daughter, Elisa, a 19-year-old farm girl who immediately struck Mori speechless with her beauty, a reaction he had never had in proximity to a single person before, male or female, no matter how attractive they objectively were. 
She was a frail girl, physically, but her gaze & voice carried an assertiveness & strength that the young man didn’t understand why he found so appealing. The days turned into weeks & they began spending an inordinate amount of time together. Despite his at times brusque & detached way of speaking, she was also very kind, & he found himself impressed by her ability to see through his attempts at manipulation, always quick to see the truth of what he was saying despite his best attempts to conceal his intentions at all times, just as he’d always done. The storm ended up shutting down the most populated travel routes for the entirety of the winter season. Upon his time to depart, he found himself strangely... reluctant to leave. He did not care for the village despite its charms, but Elisa...
Evidently she felt the same way, because she visited him the night before she left to declare her feelings. If he were a normal man, he would have proposed to her on the spot, content with a beautiful wife & the quaint little town. But he had never been normal. It did not stop him from giving into his desires for her, & he left the next morning, determined to put those three months behind him. He was well into his studies in Berlin when she arrived on the doorstep of the home he was residing in, six months later, & clearly very pregnant. He was initially shocked; Mori had never found the idea of children appealing. They were loud, needy, unintelligent little beasts with disgusting behaviours. Even so, seeing Elisa there, carrying his child, a look in her eyes he couldn’t understand... it did things to him. He did wind up marrying her. It seemed like the next logical step. He expected her parents would be furious with him, but to his continued surprise they were thrilled - Elisa was such a temperamental & demanding girl they thought for sure she would scare off any potential suitors, the fact that the one who’d planted his child in her was willing to take her hand after was a major relief. 
After corresponding with his grandfather back home, Mori asked Elisa if she would return to Japan with him once he fulfilled his military requirements, & she agreed without hesitation. In that moment, the man believes he chose to allow himself to love her.
Unfortunately, things would take a turn for the tragic not longer after.
Her health had always been delicate, & Elisa seemed to grow more & more pale & weak as the months passed, despite his best efforts to keep her healthy. Soon, she was housebound. By the end of her pregnancy, she could no longer get up out of the bed. While attending a late evening dinner with some of his tutors across town one night, Mori received a phone call that his wife had gone into labour. He immediately apologized & cut the dinner short, making his way back as quickly as he could. By the time he got there, things had already begun to go wrong. The baby was delivered safely but in spite of their intervention, Elisabet was actively bleeding to death in front of him. He made the decision to call for an ambulance, & she grabbed his hand & told him to stay, please. “You’re dying.” He told her. “I know.” She smiled & touched his face, so tenderly. “Sometimes things happen that aren’t fair. But I don’t regret a damn thing. Just make sure you take care of our little girl...” She passed in his arms even as he held her tight & encouraged her to hold on. The death passed over the room like a shadow snuffing the life from a candle. 
Mori felt his first, genuine flash of anger ever & lurched for the baby, the foul creature that took his Elisa—
She was practically the mirror image of her mother; blue eyes, soft silvery blond hair, almost angelic as she lay contentedly in the nursemaid’s arms. 
His anger fizzled in an instant, leaving a feeling of exhaustion & a hollow ache he could not identify. After cleaning up both mother & child, Mori had arrangements made for her burial. Her family was devastated, of course, & came right away. Mori... could not bring himself to hold the girl, nor gaze upon her directly. There was something sharp twisting in his gut each time he tried. It shouldn’t matter that she looked like Elisa, but somehow... it did. He knew then he could not raise her, & left her in the care of her grandparents. He kept a generous fund for them to take care of all her needs & expenses as she grew up, & despite his insistence that they stop doing so, they continued to send photographs of little Sara at each milestone. He did not delete them. 
At age 21, Mori completed the required military training & was sent back to Japan, just as the Great War in Europe took a turn for the brutal. He was quickly drawn into the frontlines & became the head surgeon & medical expert where the troops were stationed at Tokyami Island. Realizing how vastly underprepared they were, Mori made the choice to move the Ability users to the front offensive lines, & ordered those back home to bring in as many as they could. It wasn’t enough. Recalling a young girl he had met upon his return home, working in a candy shop, he made a decision to have her called upon as well, despite the backlash he was met with. Age was just a number, & their men were dying at an unprecedented rate. In the meantime, he submitted the classified essay "The Immortal Regiment" to the emperor, which aimed to show ability users' usefulness to the government's top brass. To concretize this agenda, Mori left 11-year-old Yosano Akiko the task of healing any wounds that his corps soldiers sustained using her healing ability during the intense battles. 
Despite his fierce determination & incredible intellect, Mori failed to account for the amount of trauma that seeing such brutal death up close would do to a young child, particularly when the troops began to crack themselves under the inability to leave the battlefield no matter how gruesome the injuries they sustained were, as Mori often forced them back out onto the field the moment they were healed enough to stand upright again. He succeeded in convincing his superiors that Abilities were valuable weapons in combat, but his overall goals ended in failure after Yosano was driven into suffering a traumatic breakdown. Mori had continued to force her hand when she no longer wanted to heal the maimed soldiers who wanted to simply go home.
When the soldier Yosano befriended got a minor wrist fracture that took him off the field, Mori insisted Yosano on healing him to have him return to the frontlines. Exhausted & scared, Yosano refused, but Mori coldly called her 'different' from ordinary little girls, & ordered her to use her ability. He then listed off histories of armies failing to adapt to evolving weaponry & strategy, leading to their downfalls. Now, ability users reshaped war, and Yosano's role was to make the military understand that shift. Regardless, Yosano defied him, so Mori shot the soldier in the chest, putting him on the brink of death & leaving Yosano no choice but to heal him. The constant violence, trauma & healing proved to be too much for several of the soldiers, including Yosano’s friend, who ended up hanging himself & indirectly blaming her, referring to her as an Angel of Death. 
Following losing several more friends & even surviving an attempted assassination, Yosano suffered a severe mental breakdown towards the end of the War, leading her to attempt to blow up the army’s ship & everyone on it with explosives in an attempt to end the constant cycle of suffering. She was quickly removed from the frontlines & placed in a psychiatric hospital.
Upon the end of the War lifting restrictions on travel, Mori visited the small village in Germany upon realizing the account he’d set up for his daughter had not been touched in months. What he found disturbed him greatly. The village was not only abandoned, but had been for some time. According to locals in neighboring towns, they’d been hit hard during the War, & several raids for supplies on the community had left it barren. He found the graves of his in-laws, but absolutely no trace of his daughter. If she were dead, surely there would have been something to indicate such. Not having any clue of what to do about the situation, he reluctantly returned to Yokohama.
At age 25, Mori finally opened his own clinic. Though completely legitimate from the outside, he operated in neutral territory & took to treating all sorts of ‘tainted’ patients that could not be taken to normal hospitals: Mafia members, injured assassins, those hurt in gang wars, prostitutes who were injured on the job, even victims of child sex trafficking. He was utterly unfazed by all of it. By this time, the state of the city’s nightlife had become quite bloodthirsty, as the Port Mafia’s boss continued to mentally deteriorate for unknown reasons. At this point, Mori answered only to Sōseki Natsume.
Mori then met his "bodyguard" Yukichi Fukuzawa, who clarified to Mori that he acted on Natsume's orders. As the two exchanged banters, some gang members sought Mori; the latter ordered them not to start a fight, as he shall also treat the person who shot their comrade. Mori then left & assured Fukuzawa his clinic is neutral ground. Later that night, Mori was held hostage by men collecting intelligence on the Port Mafia's fortune. Despite being beaten & tied up by them, Mori remained indifferent & nonchalant, causing his captors to lash out on him. One of them told Mori of their plans on using the mafia's increased violence as scapegoats, going as far as to steal & use their firearms. Mori then concluded that they were illegal immigrants and, suddenly taking a sinister nature, condemned them as parasites leeching off his beloved city's resources. He then addressed Fukuzawa, who arrived after having killed over 20 of the group's men. Mori used Fukuzawa's arrival to distract his captors, freeing himself of his restraints and cutting open the men's throats with a medical scalpel.
With the enemy defeated, Mori informed Fukuzawa that his plan to feign capture worked. Knowing where the group's base is, he determined it's prime time to counterattack, revealing this to be all part of Natsume's own plan. This effectively marked the beginning of Mori's & Fukuzawa's partnership under Natsume's instruction. With his intellect & the latter’s strength, the two were seemingly unstoppable. Until... three years after the war's official end, Mori finally discovered Yosano's whereabouts. Ignoring her broken & near-catatonic state, Mori intended to use her Ability once more, but Fukuzawa learned of Mori's scheme & fought him. Mori argued that Yosano is vital for the Tripartite Framework & Yokohama's peace, claiming an 'immortal regiment' against Port Mafia's current boss would be the best way to ensure the city’s survival. As Fukuzawa condemned Mori's heartless strategy, the battle dissolved their alliance, after which Mori ultimately lost Yosano to the newly formed Armed Detective Agency.
Over the next several years, Mori eventually rose to a position of high standing the Port Mafia, acting as the Boss's primary physician & right-hand man even as his seemingly incurable physical illness began deteriorating his cognitive abilities rapidly. During this time, he eventually met a 14-year-old boy named Dazai Osamu, a shrewd, troubled child who found himself unwilling admitted to Mori’s clinic after a failed suicide attempt. Upon learning of Dazai's intelligence & that he had no family to speak of to go back to, Mori decided to use him as insurance in assassinating the ill Port Mafia boss, & the two worked as accomplices, albeit Dazai was more of a pawn than anything as Mori had promised to teach him a painless way to die in exchange for his cooperation. Dazai was to be Mori's 'witness' of the late Boss bestowing leadership upon Mori; he claimed the boy as his ‘ward’ & thus drew no suspicion when the teenager accompanied him everywhere, including to the Boss’ private quarters. However, Mori's intention was for Dazai to have committed suicide soon afterward, taking the truth of Mori's murder with him in death. Dazai's many failures proved both an obstacle & an advantage for Mori. This proved a rare miscalculation on Mori's part, as he failed to correctly read Dazai's intentions & nature. Mori denied Dazai's accusations, pointing out how simple it would've been to let Dazai die instead of treating him from failed suicide attempts. He reached the conclusion he could not let Dazai die, as the former boss' remaining supporters would quickly know that his death was, in fact, a murder conspiracy.
Although he largely underestimated Dazai's intelligence and dark nature, Mori also found the child disturbingly similar to him in nature, and, as a result, a competent future right-hand man. He was not a good ‘parent’, & had not learned much from his mistakes with Yosano. Instead of taking into account his tendency to push children far passed their mental capacity, he concluded a like-minded boy to himself would be the solution, & this caused him to further extend efforts to mould Dazai’s mindset as similar to his own as possible. After that, he began actively denying Dazai the death he wanted at every turn. In fact, Mori was more exasperated by his attempts than concerned. He would frequently lecture Dazai about his sloppy work while patching him up, in some cases showing him what he did wrong & how to improve. In doing so, he added quite a few of his own scars to Dazai’s collection. Dazai cut himself but failed to actually do much damage? He would show him the proper way to bleed somebody out. He took an incorrect mixture of medication trying to kill himself? Rather than give him anything to alleviate the symptoms, Mori simply restrained the boy to his hospital bed & forced him to writhe in agony & sickness for hours until the drugs were out of his system. These were only a few of the horrid things he put the child through. He wanted to eliminate all the emotions he saw as a potential weakness in the teenager, to prepare him for the necessarily cruel decisions he would need to make as the heir to the Port Mafia eventually.
About a year or so after the takeover, Mori issued him a silver oracle, which granted him considerable influence & power over the mafia in investigating the disturbing rumors of the former Boss 'returning' from the grave in Suribachi City. Just before Dazai left, Mori asked him why Dazai wanted to die so badly, but, as expected, received no clear answer. During Dazai's mission, Mori contacted him to receive affirmation that the Port Mafia's predecessor returned surrounded by black flames. Eventually, after Dazai and Ryūrō Hirotsu were confronted by Chuuya Nakahara of the Sheep, a mysterious black explosion knocked the group out. After retrieving them, Mori had Chuuya restrained in his office by sub-executive Randou. Impressed by the abilities the boy had that Dazai filled him in on, Mori asked Chuuya about the explosion & bluntly asked him if he'd like to join the Port Mafia. This infuriated the boy, which Mori anticipated given his resentment against the Port Mafia thanks to the late boss' mindless havoc over Yokohama. Though Mori noted he 'died from illness', Chuuya did not believe him, quick to note Mori's desire for power & the rumors that he assassinated the boss. In a calm, cold manner, Mori then frankly admitted killing his predecessor.
With this reveal, Mori retracted his invitation to Chuuya & instead arranged a deal to have him work alongside them to solve the rumors, as they could both benefit from the information the mysterious Arahabaki rumors. He warned Chuuya that if he refused, he'll kill the Sheep members; as proof, he held up a transmitter from which Sheep members called for Chuuya's help amidst mafioso surrounding them. Hence, Chuuya begrudgingly agreed to Mori's deal. To begin with, both parties thought that the dead could not be revived. However, Mori presented footage of the predecessor in the Port Mafia's highly guarded vaults, where the supposed specter mentioned Arahabaki's name. After Chuuya discussed Arahabaki's origins, Dazai theorized that someone might be using the previous boss's alleged resurrection to cause an uproar against the current boss, most likely an ability user's doing all in order to turn Mori's people against him. Mori ordered Dazai to uncover the truth, which Dazai reluctantly agreed to. When he pointed out that he could not accomplish anything alone, Mori decided to make Chuuya work with him, much to their dismay. Against their protests, Mori threatened Chuuya is in no position to refuse orders. Since the culprit was against the mafia, it'll be easier for an outsider to collect information, with Dazai to act as surveillance & his nullification ability as insurance to ensure Chuuya would not betray them.
As the two adolescents accepted his order, Mori dismissed them & looked forward to hearing good news. Once left alone, Mori mused a lesson from Sōseki Natsume: that only diamonds can polish diamonds, or only those with high potential can bring out another's high potential. Using Dazai & Chuuya, Mori intended to verify this claim for himself. Amidst their mission, Dazai contacted Mori after running into Shirase & two other Sheep members. He requested the ones held hostage by the Port Mafia to be released, which Mori approved. Months after Randō's reveal as a traitor & his burial left in a makeshift gravestone, Mori assigned Dazai – now an official mafioso – to head one of their troops as his first mission to eliminate the GSS & the Sheep, the Port Mafia's most active rivals thus far. However, the truth behind this task was to recruit Chuuya, knowing of the Sheep's resentment against him. Using the Sheep members' lives as leverage, Dazai successfully convinced Chuuya to join the Port Mafia. As the mafia's tradition, Mori offered Chuuya a black hat, previously found among Randō's personal effects. Mori also informed him about classified documents & confidential material they discovered that revealed intel about the research facility where Chuuya was found in; the main purpose was to combine abilities with existing beings, namely artificial abilities. Nonetheless, Mori asked Chuuya to rise through the ranks if he wished to access the documents only for executives.
Chuuya asked Mori what it meant to be a leader, and Mori returned to his belief of being both their leader & 'slave' who would place their subordinates where they're best suited, using & discarding them if needed. Mori admitted that he is willing to do anything inhumane for the sake of both the organization & Yokohama. His words inspired Chuuya, who pledged his life to the Port Mafia & city. Later, Mori walked down a corridor with an injured Dazai & the recently retrieved Q. During the conversation, Chuuya, alongside Kouyou, ran into them. As the boys instantly argued, she questioned Mori's decision to allow them both in the Port Mafia, but Mori insisted it shall be fine.
Following the King of Assassins incident, & the death of 'the Colonel', a former executive, during the Dragon's Head Conflict, Mori assigned Dazai & Chuuya as the newest Executives of the Port Mafia. He largely left the conflict to Dazai's discrepancy & noted this as the beginning of the infamous partnership Twin Dark, whose power, skill, & dynamic mirrored that of Mori's & Fukuzawa's former partnership. At least two years later, Mori orchestrated a grand scheme to acquire a skilled business permit. As such, he sent Ango Sakaguchi – a Special Division for Unusual Powers agent sent in to spy on the mafia – to Europe for a business trip. He learned of a guerrilla organization known as Mimic that way & figured they'd be the easiest way to set his plan into motion, having Ango contact them & illegally aiding in their entrance to Japan all to force the Special Division into issuing the mafia the permit. Sometime later, Mori summoned lowest-ranking mafioso Sakunosuke Oda to his office. After an initial exchange of pleasantries, Mori tasked Oda to find someone, particularly mafia informant as well as Oda's & Dazai's mutual friend, Ango. When Oda agreed to the assignment, Mori noted having heard of Oda's reputation. Formerly a teenaged assassin of unprecedented skill, his composure & level-headedness made him a valuable asset, and Mori expected great things from him. He soon handed Oda a silver oracle, granting him written permission to order any mafia member & even executives without question, including Dazai. Before Oda took his leave, Mori complimented his pistol and inquired about the rumors surrounding him as someone who refused to kill anyone, which Oda confirmed. Mori asked why, but after telling Oda he's only asking out of personal interest, Oda plainly stated he'd rather not tell him.
After Mimic established a hostility with the mafia & slaughtered the orphans Oda looked after, Mori attended a meeting on a ship facilitated by Ango between Mori and Santōka Taneda, the commander of the Special Division. As mafia boss, Mori was beseeched to wipe out Mimic, but Mori pointed out Mimic gave the Port Mafia its fair share of trouble. In exchange for the mafia's cooperation, Taneda issued him a skilled business permit. After Dazai failed to dissuade Oda from attacking Mimic on his own, he asked Mori to provide Oda some backup. Mori approved his request, but he wondered if it worth to send in executive-level men just to save one low-ranking member. Despite Dazai's insistence, Mori doubted that Oda wanted their help. He explained that being the Port Mafia's boss means being both its leader & a slave to it. He must be willing to perform any necessary and logically conceivable atrocity, all for the sake of ensuring their strength & defeating their enemies. His tone made it clear he had expected Dazai to have adapted this mindset by now, & was disappointed that he hadn’t. His explanation built up to a vital reveal upon sliding the mysterious black envelope to Dazai. The truth behind the war between Mimic and the Port Mafia finally came to light to Dazai, who abruptly dismissed himself, only for Mori to stop him. As Dazai deduced Mori as the one who orchestrated the entire elaborate scheme.
Mori claimed Dazai was giving him too much credit, pointing out it wasn't that easy to manipulate the Special Division, as they're much more powerful than they let on. Dazai acknowledged this, noting that even the Port Mafia must tread carefully or risk being snuffed out, arguing this was why Mori orchestrated such an elaborate scheme in the first place in exchange for a single black envelope. Ultimately, when Mimic became an issue in Yokohama, Mori took advantage of the situation & "offered" the Port Mafia's assistance in exchange for the envelope. Mori confirmed his accusations and asked if there's anything wrong with how he helped earn the mafia a victory at the expense of a single, low-ranking mafioso. From a logical standpoint, Dazai could not argue with Mori, though he soon realized that it was the boss who leaked the orphans' location to Mimic, which Mori considered would push Oda over the edge and thereby defeat Mimic as their best and only candidate to do so. Mori's response remained the same, explaining that the Port Mafia had & would have always committed the worst crimes to obtain their goals. Unable to debate any further, Dazai attempted to leave again, but Mori told him not to. Dazai knew Mori would not gain anything from killing him, with which Mori wondered what Dazai would gain from disobeying him. Dazai dismissed Mori's attempt to make sense of his intentions, simply pointing out that Oda was his friend; he finally left Mori, who watched him leave with a faint smile.
Two weeks after Oda's death and Mimic's defeat, Mori listlessly read over the silver oracle he bestowed Oda that was retrieved from Mimic's base. He was informed of Dazai's absence for two weeks and asked to discuss his executive successor, but Mori ordered to keep his position open. In the end, everything went according to Mori's plan, with their acquired skilled business permit making up for their losses, including Dazai's disappearance. Nonetheless, Mori lamented how things would get "boring" by then in the Port Mafia
That ‘boredom’ would go on to last for only four years or so before things in Yokohama finally become interesting again.
FAMILY: Mori Shizuo { Father; Deceased }, Mori Mineko { Mother; Deceased}, Elisabet Reynolds { Wife; Deceased }, Sara Schuyler / Kisara Kiyomizu { Daughter }, Yosano Akiko { Foster Daughter; Verse Dependent }, Dazai Osamu { Foster Son; Verse Dependent }, Yumeno Kyūsaku { Foster Child; Verse Dependent }.
SUPERNATURAL ABILITY: The manifestation of that which Mori desires, Vita Sexualis allows him to summon & configure a protector entity ( not entirely unlike Demon Snow or Golden Demon ), one which he can configure to have any personality or appearance he wills. Prior to his trip to Germany, this entity was emotionless & a rather generic looking Japanese woman as he knew vaguely or what he found attractive but never cared to examine it further, & whom he’d never bothered to actually name. Following his wife’s death, Mori named the manifestation Elise in his late Elisabet’s honour, & proceeded to mould it into her image. He can make Elise levitate, chase after an enemy at high speed, & make her save him from imminent peril. Moreover, he can notably summon Elise having a medical semblance and make her attack his opponents with a barrage of large medical equipment, with her typically taking on the appearance of a nurse in battle. Although Elise is powerful, Vita Sexualis requires Mori's strength and energy. As a result, when infected by Alexander Pushkin's virus, summoning Elise takes a toll on the ability herself. In their battle, when Fukuzawa cut her down, she gets dismembered & eventually dissipates. As Mori's ability, Elise does not die, but it takes time & energy for Mori to re-summon her. Elise has shown her displeasure in Mori's ability in which she stated he always gets to "set the scene" and make all the decisions.
STRENGTHS / TALENTS: Without a doubt, Mori’s strongest ability - possibly even stronger than his Gift - is his ability to flawlessly manipulate other people through a combination of bribes, threats, human psychology & superficial charm. He is able to easily see that which someone most desires, & will often use that as a bargaining chip. He’s extremely intelligent, arguably even a genius from a solely academic perceptive. Fluent in Japanese & Chinese from a young age, Mori additionally studied English, German, & Dutch during his upbringing, & later classical Greek & Latin as well. He became fluent in the French language after returning from Germany when he met a French priest during the Great War whom he took lessons with. With a very full repertoire of psychological tactics & being versed in warfare, Mori knows just how to spot an enemy’s potential weaknesses & exploit them fully. He’s also not above using a person’s fears against them if he believes it will get him something he wants. He is quite a frightening being when he wants to be, having taught Dazai quite a lot in terms of strategizing, observation, pain & exploiting the weaknesses of others. In essence, he moulded the already prodigal boy into the Demon Prodigy that would still be remembered with trepidation even four years later. He’s also a skilled surgeon that has undoubted saved more lives than he’s taken - directly at least - but it never comes without a price.
WEAKNESSES: Mori’s biggest failure as both a leader & a person in general is that he never takes emotions fully into account when calculating his higher risk decisions, because for someone like him, emotion often does not play a part in his day-to-day life. He is quick to sacrifice his people if he feels its worth the potential fallout, such as when he manipulated Oda into fighting Mimic to the death, resulting in him also losing his right hand man, Dazai. Which was a risk he was aware of, as Dazai later points out, he was wary that the boy might one day seek to take his place. However, it was also a calculation on his part that Dazai might react that way... but he had hopes still that Dazai would see the value in what Mori had done even at the cost of his friend’s life, as it ultimately benefited the organization. Or the time he released Q from their imprisonment to combat the Guild, & it ended up costing the lives of many Port Mafia members & nearly destroying the city when the Guild captured & used Q’s involuntary Ability to their advantage. Mori also finds it very difficult to do anything that would harm Elise, his ability manifestation, despite knowing she will live as long as he does, because of her resemblance to his late wife, he does not want to fight her during the events of the Shibusawa incident.
RELATIONSHIPS / ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Elisabeth Reynolds { Wife; Deceased }
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Aromantic Bisexual { Heterosexual Preference }
QUIRKS / HABITS: Has a tendency to gesture with his hands when he speaks as it tends to offer a flourish to his words. Also adjusting his hair frequently to mirror his current mindset.
HOBBIES / INTERESTS: Reading, writing, medicine & surgery, human psychology & mental health, the history of warfare & battle strategy / combat, studying foreign languages, philosophy, Chinese poetry, chess & other strategic games. He also enjoys spoiling Elise, much to her continued irritation. When he was younger he especially enjoyed the adrenaline of a good fight.
DISLIKES: Leeches & parasites who suck the life & resources out of Yokohama without contributing back in any way ( such as smugglers ). Dislikes raw foods, mackerel in miso, & those who make idle threats without any intention of following through as he considers them boring & a waste of his time.
SCHOOL: Attended the University of Tokyo & it’s Graduate School of Medicine, graduating summa cum laude with, initially, a pre-med Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology before applying for surgical clerkship While working on his M.D. { Doctor of Medicine }, he earned his Master’s Degree in Medical Science, his M.D. & a Ph.D. in Medical Psychology.
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Yokohama City, Japan
OCCUPATION: Boss of the Port Mafia; Army Surgeon General { Former }, Underground Physician { Former }
FRIENDS / AFFILIATION: The Port Mafia, Japan’s Armed Defense Force, 356th Infantry Division { Former }
RELIGION / BELIEFS: Having studied both Buddhism & Shintoism from a young age, Mori can fairly safely say he falls into the category of an Agnostic. He doesn’t discount the fact that Gods may exist, especially given the fact that Ability Users fly in the face of everything known to modern science, however... whether they do or do not exist is of little consequence to him. It’s not something he’s overly concerned with.
POSSESSIONS: Mori typically does not need to carry any plethora of weapons or tricks up his sleeves, his intelligence & Elise are usually all that he requires in potentially dire situations. He does, however, carry a surgical scalpel, the very same one that he used to slay the former Boss, in fact. Following meeting Dazai, he laments that fact he also started to require carrying first aid supplies once more, most notably surgical medical gauze & purgatives. Also, occasionally explosive defusing tools.
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deathaureated · 1 year
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                              ❝ The war is just when the intention that causes it to be undertaken is just. The will is therefore the principle element that must be considered, not the means... He who intends to kill the guilty sometimes faultlessly shed the blood of the innocents... In short, the end justifies the means. ❞  —  Henry Kissinger
An independent, PRIVATE & highly selective portrayal of MORI ŌGAI from the manga & anime BUNGOU STRAY DOGS. Canon Divergent & Headcanon Heavy. Multiverse & Multiship, Crossover & OC Friendly. NSFW & TRIGGER HEAVY. Minors do NOT interact. Mun is 21+ with over 10 years of RP experience in multiple fandoms.
A STUDY ON: Life, death, morality, reflection of oneself, leadership, philosophy, strategy, the necessity of cruelty, obsession, pragmatism, the hunger for power, sacrifice, manipulation, trauma, the ravaging cycle of emotional abuse, & more.
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