deathcaresses · 7 years
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philosopher khalil gibran wrote,           ❝      ——— — –       out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.     ❞     /    ind.   multi   muse   blog   featuring   fandoms   such   as:   the   vampire   diaries,   buffy   the   vampire   slayer,    teen   wolf,    pretty   little   liars,   i   know   what   you   did   last   summer,   cruel   intentions   &   more.          written   &   analyzed   by   evie.
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deathcaresses · 7 years
still a major WIP but it’s there. 
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deathcaresses · 7 years
Is that a bulletproof vest? See, now that’s so insulting. That’s like saying I’m not smart enough to shoot you in the head.
Janet Evanovich, Seven Up, Stephanie Plum #7 (via khadeejafinds)
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deathcaresses · 8 years
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                    ❝ that’s FUNNY. ian’s story sounds a lot different. from what i understand, you & your whole club were in on it. ❞
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“   you’re   going   to   believe   ian?   ian   will   tell   you,   me   and   everyone   else   who   asks   a   different   version   but  none   of   them   will   be   the   truth---   he’ll   keep   that   to   himself.   i   had   no   idea   about   the   tape  until   i   saw   it.   “
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deathcaresses · 8 years
friendly   reminder   this   blog   is   strictly   PLOT   driven   so   never   be   afraid   to   approach   me   with   ideas.
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deathcaresses · 8 years
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“   katherine,   i   swear   i   had   no   idea   we   were   being   filmed.   how   did   you   even   find   out   about   it?   “
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deathcaresses · 8 years
             the  door  slams  and  it  makes  malachai  jump  from  where  he  stands  but  the  sounds  of  a  certain  voice  echoing  throughout  the  house  makes  him  chuckle  in  relief.  their  parents  wouldn’t  be  home  for  a  few  hours  as  would  no  one  else.  leave  it  to  joey  to  memorize  where  and  when  kai  would  be  home  ,  he  couldn’t  help  but  be  a  little  honored  and  proud.  
           ❝    –what  ,  what  ?    ❞      joey  was  speaking  so  fast  that  it  took  kai  a  moment  to  register  what  he  had  just  said.      ❝    you  did  it  ?!    ❞      excitement  rises  in  his  voice  ;  almost  beaming.  he  didn’t  care  for  the  bully  ,  at  all.  if  kai  could  have  his  way  he’d  have  beaten  him  half   to  death  by  now.  he’s  only  imagined  it  a  dozen  times.
         ❝    don’t  worry  !  i  won’t  tell  !  the  point  was  to  scare  him  ,  remember  ?  you  did  good  ,  joey  !    ❞      he’s  ruffling  his  hair  and  grinning  from  one  ear  to  the  other.      ❝    but  you  did  it  !  see  ?  i  knew  you  could.  magic  just  takes  a  little  time  and  practise  is  all.    ❞ 
a   few   breaths   inhaled   to   slow   his   speech,   always   talking   a   bit   TOO   fast   when   he   was   excited.   especially   about   his   magic.   the   family   heirloom   of   sorts.   his   magic   was   one   thing   he   was   proud   of    himself   in.   wanting   to   learn   more,   progress   and   when   he   couldn’t   learn   it   from   joshua,   his   attention   always   rested   in   kai   for   help.   his   big   brother   he    looked   up   to   and   in   no   time,   he   had   learned   a   spell.  
 “   yeah!   it   was   awesome!   “   GRANTED,   he    would’ve   felt   horrible   if   he   had   hurt   this   kid   but   his   pride   came   from   accomplishment.   “   he   was   freaking   out.   “   maybe   now   he’ll   be   left   alone.
“   can’t   you   congratulate   me   with   ice   cream   or   something   instead   of   the   hair?   “   a   half   smile.   he   despises   his   hair   messed   with   and   only   a   select   few   could   mess   it   up   and   kai   was   one   of   them.   it   was   annoying   but   in   the   best   way   possible.   with   it,   came   confirmation   of   his   big   brother’s   pride.   “   what   if   he   tells   and   dad   finds   out   about   it?   “   joshua   parker   could   be   a   scary   man.   he’s   seen,   HEARD   what   he’s   done   to   kai,   and   it   scares   him   everyday.   “   --------------------   did   it   take   you   long   to   learn   magic?   “
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deathcaresses · 8 years
You will never ever annoy me if you
Send me random anons
reply to my posts
send me an ask
reblog me
talk to me
say hello
give me random love
“bother” me
So please stop thinking otherwise.
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deathcaresses · 8 years
Y’ALL   OKAY   SO   i   haven’t   been   active   here   and   that’s   probably   NOT   going   to   change.   basically,   i   will   only   be   over   here   for   plotted   things.   aka   i’m   super   low   activity. 
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deathcaresses · 8 years
❝ But I-I just wanted to make things better. Better for us. ❞ / from who do u think hoe
meme.status: accepting. ❪  @deathcaresses  /  joey  !   ❫ 
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             it  was  a  fucking  mistake  ;  is  what  kai  wants  to  say.  that  it  was  pointless  to  try  talking  to  dear  old  dad  to  be  nicer.  to  any  of  them  but  especially  him.  it  made  poor  joey  look  like  an  abomination  sympathizer  ;  as  if  josette  hadn’t  tried  in  their  entire  lives.  but  he  ,  for  the  moment  ,  wants  to  be  better  than  joshua.   to  not  succumb  to  what  everyone  in  the  coven  thinks  he  already  is.  to  be  what  joey  seems  to  believe  and  know  him  to  be.  kai  could  almost  laugh.   he  felt  himself  changing  every  day.  he  didn’t  always  recognize  it  until  these  tense  moments.  but  he  was  trying  ,  for  right  now  ?  by  hecate  ,  he  was  trying. 
             ❝    i  know  …  i  know  lil’  guy.  but  y’remember  how  dad  can  be  sometimes  ,  right  ?    ❞      his  mouth  tasted  like  iron  and  joshua  was  sure  not  to  hit  him  where  the  younger  siblings  could  see  ;  that  is  if  they  would  even  see  him  soon.  not  that  most  of  them  would  care.  only  two  and  those  two  ?  mean  everything  to  kai. 
            ❝    but  it  means  a  lot  that  y’tried  ,  y’know  ?  i’m  sure  dad  will  calm  down  soon.  i  just  gotta  be  grounded  in  my  room  for  a  little  while.    ❞      joshua  knew  better  than  to  lock  him  in  a  room  with  a  boundary  spell.  he’d  suck  the  magic  right  out  of  it.  now  ?  it  was  locked.  with  too  many  locks  and  kai  couldn’t  figure  the  way  out.  he’d  jump  out  the  window  ,  in  fact  ,  he  will  when  most  of  the  house  was  asleep.  for  now  –  he’d  find  comfort  in  talking  with  his  baby  brother  through  the  locked  door. 
            ❝    i  ain’t  mad  at  you  ,  okay  ?  i  know  you  were  just  trying  to  help  ,  joey.  i  know  that.    ❞      white  lies  never  hurt  anyone  …  right  ? 
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deathcaresses · 8 years
❝   kai   !   kai   !   ❞   eager   footsteps   could’ve   been   heard   as   soon   as   the   front   door   slammed.   knowing   his   parents   weren’t   back   from   the   store   yet   to   yell   at   him   for   engaging   in   magic   learned   by,   his   father’s   words,   an   abomination   that   shouldn’t   have   been   born.   one   of   two   of   the   parker   siblings   to   not   see   his   big   brother   as   a   burden   upon   the   coven’s   line.   it   doesn’t   bother   him,   the   looks   from   his   siblings   for   doing   what   they   refuse.   kai   is   seen   as   special   to   joey.   he   knew   where   kai   would   be,   almost   falling   into   a   routine.   he   should’ve   knocked   first   before   entering   his   brother’s   room   but   his   excitement   left   no   room   for   boundaries.   ❝   guess   what   ?   guess   what   ?   you   remember   that   jerk   i   told   you   about   in   school   ?   remember   i   was   having   a   hard   time   learning   the   fire   spell   ?   i   did   it   today   !   it   was   on   accident   though...   i   caught   his   shirt   on   fire   but   it   went   out,   i   promise.   ❞   he   knows   he   shouldn’t   be   proud   of   himself   for   nearly   setting   a   kid   on   fire   but   he’d   been   working   so   HARD   on   this   spell   for   days.    ❝    ------------------   but   don’t   tell   dad.   you   promise   you   won’t   tell   dad   ?   he   might   get   mad.   ❞ 
@killertwin   !   
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deathcaresses · 8 years
"Loving you was the most idiotic thing I’ve ever done.“ / ( to kai, love joey. )
harsh starters / accepting / @dispiritedhearts
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 it  was  impossible  to  find  josette,  and  finding  joey  was  a  miracle  in  itself.  malachai  hadn’t  been  sleeping  much  (  or  if  at  all  )  anymore.  it  was  as  if  his  younger  self  had  been  thrust  into  the  present  with  only  the  knowledge  of  what  he  has  done.  but  despite  that  not  being  his  reality,  it  felt  like  the  truth.  what  he  was  before,  was  far  easier  than  what  he  was  now.  countless  of  letters  had  been  written.  not  just  for  josette  but  for  joey  as  well,  since  their  last  reunion…  no  apologies  could  really  make  up  for  it,  could  they?  emotions  he  didn’t  understand,  and  forgiveness  was  an  even  more  foreign  concept  to  him. 
 but  regret  overwhelmed  malachai  to  the  brink  of  tears,  letting  him  only  smile  at  joey’s  words.  they  were  well  deserved,  their  dad  had  done  a  good  job  into  making  him  the  title  he  made  him  wear  throughout  his  entire  life.  the  parasite,  the  abomination,  even  josette  hated  him  now.  he  knew  since  before  the  merge  that  it  was  impossible  to  change  that  now,  but  he…  couldn’t  repent  with  doing  nothing.  maybe  letters  and  leaving  were  enough.  maybe. 
 ❝  awesome  sauce,  i  don’t  suppose  you  can  just  do  me  a  favor  and  hand  this  to  jo,  can  you?  i  can’t  find  her,  but  you…  ❞  the  other  envelope  is  evident  with  his  name.  ❝  i’ll  be  outta  your  way,  kinda  seems  like  a  neato  deal.  ❞  without  dr.  mario  and  all  the  candy.  he’s  forgotten  how  many  times  he’s  written  he’s  sorry  in  joey’s  letter.  and  the  honest  truth  was:  not  enough.
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deathcaresses · 8 years
Y’ALL   OKAY   SO   i   haven’t   been   active   here   and   that’s   probably   NOT   going   to   change.   basically,   i   will   only   be   over   here   for   plotted   things.   aka   i’m   super   low   activity. 
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deathcaresses · 8 years
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Matt Lanter in 03x03 Vision
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deathcaresses · 8 years
i’m not ashamed to say siobhan has been where all my muse has been. consider this blog and my others besides shiv on a hiatus because wow this brat has stolen my attention. 
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deathcaresses · 8 years
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buffymeme + favorite scenes [6/8]
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deathcaresses · 8 years
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