deathdoesntkillyou · 17 days
Chlu & Lolly & Golly
Chloé: Are you determined to kill me
Chloé: Do you have ANY respect for me or your father, just out of curiosity
Lulu: I told them not to even contact you & daddy, it isn’t my fault the request was overridden 
Chloé: They have to, for God’s sake, as you should well know
Chloé: and now we’re faced with the impossible decision of looking like terrible parents or ruining our holiday for this
Lulu: I’m sorry you were faced with such a horrid decision which you’re finding so difficult
Chloé: I’m sure you find yourself terribly original in this moment, you are nothing of the sort
Lulu: I find myself to be a lot of things in this moment, original has yet to make the list
Chloé: Was this really the best way to deal with your problems
Chloé: You couldn’t think of any other way
Lulu: Officially, I don’t have any problems & this was truly a frightful accident
Chloé: I expect this kind of behaviour from your sister
Chloé: but now I have to deal with you too, do I
Lulu: How exactly are you dealing with her? Because I don’t see any reprimands at all for her behaviour, she’s utterly living it up at grandma’s
Chloé: She’s never going to see that man ever again, if he’s any sense at all
Lulu: She doesn’t want to see him, mummy
Lulu: & vice versa, naturally
Chloé: I don’t believe that for a second, please don’t treat me like a fool
Lulu: Dolly told me so herself, she doesn’t care about him
Lulu: he was a means to an end
Chloé: Why would I believe you?
Chloé: You didn’t even know about him, allegedly 
Lulu: [send her the part/s of the convo where she said it]
Chloé: And that’s why you threw yourself out of a window, is it
Lulu: I fell
Chloé: No, you didn’t
Chloé: She reaffirmed what you already knew
Lulu: Yes, I did
Lulu: it’s a simple narrative to stick to
Chloé: I raised two ungrateful daughters who do nothing but lie and lie and lie
Lulu: If it makes you feel any better, you barely raised us
Chloé: Wow
Chloé: Just because you’re playing the melancholic does not mean you need to drag me down with you
Lulu: I tried my best not to, but don’t worry, next time I’ll wait until after I’ve turned 18
Chloé: Why are you doing this
Chloé: I thought you had ambitions 
Lulu: Oh please, you aren’t the slightest bit interested in why or you’d already have those answers
Chloé: Well, what an absolute waste of our time and resources
Chloé: I’m SO glad we paid for that school for Dolly to fuck a teacher and for you to turn out a complete basketcase
Lulu: Well, I’M glad you did, perhaps if you’d let me stay I wouldn’t be a complete basketcase 
Chloé: That is entirely out of the question, look how emotionally disturbed you are as is
Chloé: It’s time you grew up and entered the real world, I’m afraid
Lulu: I had to grow up when I was [insert a horrifically young age] & [insert a horrific anecdote of which there are millions to pick from because her parents are inappropriate af and unhinged and only care about each other]
Lulu: have you considered that could have potentially emotionally disturbed me?
Chloé: You weren’t like this before you went to that place
Chloé: don’t you think it tortures me how horrifically inappropriate they turned out to be? That I wish we had never sent you away?
Lulu: You sent us away when we were 7, yonks before we were old enough to attend there, you’ve always wished we weren’t around
Chloé: How could you say such awful things
Lulu: Because you’re more upset that your holiday is in ruins than you are about the damage done to my body
Chloé: You need to understand that what you did is a wholly selfish thing, so you never do it again
Lulu: Everything you do is wholly selfish!
Chloé: I am a mother, I NEVER get to be selfish
Lulu: When? When are you EVER a mother?
Chloé: Since I was barely older than you!
Chloé: I would LOVE to see you try, you are as useless as you were when you were born, still so fussy and needy
Lulu: I’d love to see you try, except you can’t because it’s far too late, you abandoned Mattie literally when she was born & you barely managed much longer with Dolly & I
Lulu: [do a maths sum like a nerd which is giving you two so her love already divided by 2 and then again for how long you were always at your grandparents and the fact she only did 7 years before she started on this boarding school stuff]
Chloé: I didn’t abandon Matilda, I was forced out of my home and my marriage
Chloé: Try having nothing, and no one, because that is how James left me and how your father found me
Lulu: That is how I’ve been left, with nothing & no one
Chloé: Your doting fucking perfect grandmother and grandfather rushed to your side
Chloé: You are so cosseted you have no clue how good you have it
Lulu: Of course, they feel guilty for being MIA for yonks & yonks because they’re on her side
Chloé: Don’t be so ridiculous, there are no sides
Lulu: Yes there are, they dote on her now, not me
Chloé: Nonsense, I know my own parents, thank you very much
Lulu: Oh good, then you know how much they say beastly things about you 
Lulu: it’s my turn too apparently, I’ve heard grandma, she hates me
Chloé: Ha! Trust me, they were not the people they are today, how else would I end up in such dire straights as I did
Chloé: but they’ve made it up to me, as well as they can, by being devoted grandparents, as much as it pains me to see them treat you how they never did me
Lulu: I was awfully foolish to think you might actually believe me, it’s clearly the pain meds I’m on sending me loopy or some kind of delayed shock
Chloé: Believe you about what, falling from the window
Lulu: About grandma, but okay, as we’re moving on, that too
Lulu: I did do it for you, after all, given how poorly you’re still managing the previous scandal
Chloé: You’re not to ever repeat that bullshit out loud again, unless you want to end up a permanent resident of [giving a private and fancy asylum]
Chloé: You’ve given yourself more brain damage with the fall
Lulu: I’d adore it, the alternative being more of your bullshit regime, your threats are therefore null & void
Chloé: Regime, ha!
Chloé: You have a free house for the whole holidays, do you know what that’s called, free rein and I would have thrown parties every night 
Chloé: Again, you don’t know you’re born
Lulu: Darling, it’s called neglect, bad luck
Lulu: & obviously you haven’t grasped the amount of trouble you’d be in if I hadn’t lied, enjoy your own freedom, mummy
Chloé: Trouble, for your fucked brain, I think not
Chloé: You’re [I think 16/17 but I’m not saying for sure, you get the point anyway] and your grandparents are looking after you and your sister
Chloé: Honestly, one minute I’m Kate McCann and the next I’m some kind of Fritzl, you can’t have it both ways, darling
Lulu: You have the audacity to call me selfish, when I’m protecting your reputation from being in further tatters
Lulu: goodness knows why when this is the thanks I get
Chloé: Protecting my reputation by clearly throwing yourself from [whatever floor is the highest in your house because we’re being dramatic]
Chloé: How are you so damned stupid, Lulu!
Chloé: You may have convinced them to put the tranquilisers down but NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE ELSE is going to believe that lie
Lulu: Wow, I’m supposed to be the beyond hysterical one 🙄
Lulu: It was from my bedroom on the second floor & your friends will, daddy’s family will, all of them are stupider than I could dare to be in my wildest dreams
Lulu: Who else’s opinion matters to you suddenly?
Chloé: Your arrogance is ugly and what makes you the stupidest
Chloé: You’re a child, everyone will be too polite to question your tall tale but they’ll know and the knowing glances will be exchanged 
Lulu: Your contradictions are hilarious, a moment ago I was [her age] & absolutely not in any way a child
Lulu: my apologies, mother, are you going to get tired of it? Because guess what, I’m exhausted too, join the club
Chloé: You’ve zero common sense, zero street smarts
Chloé: this is what comes of sending you to that backwards backwoods school, I should have NEVER let you talk me into that, the mistake has cost me greatly ever since
Lulu: No, I don’t tend to walk the streets like you did at my age, I’m afraid
Lulu: but fear not, I’m sure an unwanted pregnancy can be arranged instead of a university place, since my ideas are THAT bad
Chloé: You live in London, not the Swiss Alps
Chloé: Your lack of friends here before was alarming, how are you going to make any now you’ve crippled yourself
Lulu: [correct her on the exact geography of wherever you were in your beloved switzerland]
Lulu: & I haven’t crippled myself, get a grip
Chloé: I don’t care, Heidi, the dream is dead
Chloé: Whatever you thought you were doing over there, is absolutely meaningless
Lulu: It is, you’re right, hence hoping for the sweet release of death
Chloé: I should have stopped at one child
Lulu: Evidently, as she’s SO perfect, it must be nice to be allowed to thrive without your influence, unfortunately I can’t relate
Chloé: At least Dolly was doing something real
Chloé: You spent the last [however long you’ve been at that school] doing what, being the biggest swot at the nunnery
Lulu: No one is shook to their core to hear sex is one of the only things that means anything to you
Chloé: School is not real life, that fairytale cult castle is especially not real life, you wasted your time
Lulu: You’ve never even had a fake job, what would you know?
Chloé: I’ve lived a life, darling
Lulu: Don’t come crying to me when that life is wrecked because you’ve blown through all the money by [an age that’s giving 5 to 10 years from how old she is now], I’ll refuse to help you
Chloé: Well, I’d assumed you’d have managed to successfully reach the sweet release of death by then
Chloé: Not counting on you
Lulu: That’s rich given your track record, how many times have you threatened to kill yourself, mummy? I’ve personally lost count
Chloé: When have I ever flung myself from the rooftop, you mental bitch
Chloé: A well-timed threat versus an insane action you can’t undo, not really giving brains of Britain, are you dear
Lulu: True, it’s a lot of stairs, you’d be more likely to die of a heart attack
Chloé: Says the anorexic, look that fact up
Lulu: It would be orthorexia, if anything
Lulu: a fact which a woman who has been controlling my diet since I was [however old] should probably have looked up
Chloé: Because you can’t be trusted to keep yourself alive
Chloé: No punchline, just the draining joke that you have made my life as your mother
Lulu: Because you can’t trusted to follow your own advice, I have to make you look good or else you’re a laughing stock among your own circles
Lulu: no punchline, it’s dreadfully unamusing at your big age everything you lack
Chloé: Everything I lack is because it was given to and for you and your sister
Lulu: How noble of you
Chloé: There once seemed a point, how foolish 
Lulu: On that point alone we at last discover some common ground
Chloé: We have nothing in common, and you are nothing like your father
Chloé: I don’t know what kind of genetic throwback you are
Lulu: What a relief, his face has been taxing enough to have to try & wear without being saddled with anything else
Chloé: Don’t talk about your father like that
Chloé: In fact, don’t contact either of us
Lulu: Okay
Chloé: You will not be spoiling our Summer
Chloé: Stay at your grandparents’, I’ll tell them they are to watch you far more closely until we are back and you are back in school
Lulu: Nothing could spoil your summer
Chloé: Not you, not this performance
Lulu: Message received 
Chloé: Goodbye
Lulu: [do it in french, the most slang and the most swiss way you can as a fuck you because not letting go of being heidi haha] 😘
Lulu: I told you so [but in french because it’s about Gabe and golly being over after their summer fling]
Dolly: You been working on that all summer?
Lulu: He’s been texting me since [whenever it started to go wrong, whether she’s giving a date here or a location where golly were in europe, because he would, that’s such a boy move]
Dolly: Ah, congratulations
Lulu: It’s hardly worth any, but thanks
Dolly: Next move is obvious, I hope you aren’t waiting for shock or tears
Lulu: Fear not, I’m solely waiting for school 🤓
Dolly: They’re letting you go
Lulu: Even with both wrists broken, still no shock or tears
Dolly: You’re welcome to him, welcome to the school
Lulu: I’m certainly not waiting for your permission, in either instance
Dolly: No shit
Lulu: Welcome home
Dolly: Good one
Lulu: If my sense of humour also fractured, it’s healed quicker
Dolly: I doubt we’d say it was anything close to healed ever
Lulu: Of course you wouldn’t & there is no we
Dolly: As if I’d come back and want that
Lulu: I know why you’re back, hence my opener
Dolly: I don’t see your point
Lulu: What a surprise
Lulu: you never do
Dolly: Lament at someone else
Dolly: I got what I wanted, so did he
Lulu: Why would I lament? He doesn’t want you any more, as predicted because he is nothing if not
Dolly: Wow, still your mother’s daughter, I’m so sorry
Lulu: Old habits die the hardest, especially when I don’t
Dolly: My condolences
Dolly: At least you got to dine out on that sob story with grandma and grandpa, if not your main targets
Lulu: It’s bad luck, a devoted sister would offer to slash my broken wrists for me ☹️
Dolly: A minute in your company turns devotion into indifference 
Dolly: The worst luck, maybe a family curse
Lulu: Has it been a minute already? Wow! ⏲
Lulu: I should really reply to Gabe, excuse me, it’s all so difficult while injured 🤕
Dolly: Do you imagine I’ll feel anything but pity for you both?
Dolly: You’re going to fuck a boy who found your mangled body and left with your sister and he’s well, Gabe
Dolly: I’ve never heard anything sadder
Lulu: Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not going to fuck him, I’m not you
Dolly: You think you’re being quippy but you won’t be able to resist
Dolly: on the off chance I’ll be as 😭 as you were
Lulu: He’s Gabe, he’s hardly irresistible 
Lulu: & he’s already told me everything about fucking you, naturally it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to compete
Dolly: No, but he’s yours 
Dolly: 💔
Lulu: He’s what he is & has always been to me, sometimes marginally useful
Dolly: Sure he is, Loo
Lulu: No one’s 💔 over that boy
Dolly: You just threatened to kill yourself for no reason in the same breath you begged me to leave him alone
Lulu: I had my reasons, none of them about him, I told you that
Lulu: I’d have begged him if I wanted him, not you
Dolly: You really fluffed the narrative this time, didn’t you
Lulu: Yeah, doctors will believe anything it turns out, all you have to do is bat your eyelashes same as anywhere else 🥺
Dolly: What a useful skill
Lulu: I know, right? 😊
Dolly: We both had productive summers then
Lulu: Seems like it
Dolly: If you want me to feel betrayed that he’s told you shit, you’re labouring under the misapprehension that I thought either of you was to be trusted
Lulu: Oh no, I just wanted to feel something by being told & I did
Lulu: I don’t care about how numb you get to be again now you don’t have to pretend he’s fixing you by fucking you
Dolly: I’m not you
Dolly: I wasn’t pretending and I’m not going back
Lulu: Okay, if you say so
Dolly: Your inability to feel is your business
Lulu: I feel, it just isn’t ever triggered by his penis, bad luck for him
Dolly: You’ve confused pathologies for feelings
Lulu: Have I? Whoops
Dolly: You’ll never know the difference so it makes none
Lulu: & yet you felt the need to say it, clearly it makes a difference to you
Dolly: I feel, you would have had it be otherwise forever so you need reminding
Lulu: No, you needed reminding who you’re supposed to feel for & where your loyalties are meant to lie
Dolly: That’s what you were doing, seriously
Lulu: I’m your twin sister & you don’t care if I die!
Dolly: You weren’t going to die
Lulu: I wanted to, I miscalculated the landing
Dolly: And what is the point in that
Dolly: You’d be dead, any reaction is irrelevant 
Lulu: Living like this is worse than irrelevant
Dolly: No one has asked you to act like this
Lulu: You’re literally asking me to act completely different
Dolly: What have you done my entire life, you can’t last a minute? 
Dolly: Amateur 
Lulu: I didn’t force you to do anything, you have to stop saying that
Dolly: You want me to respect you forcing me to care with a suicide attempt when you don’t believe my truth
Lulu: I can’t believe you would reject me, you’re the one person who’s supposed to understand, me, this, all of it
Dolly: And what the fuck do you even know about me
Lulu: I’ve been with you for [however many years] through everything they did, everything it made us do
Dolly: Everything you wanted to do
Lulu: I didn’t want what happened to happen, Dolly, so sue me, okay?
Lulu: for god’s sake, don’t be horrid
Dolly: Yes you did because if I hadn’t put a stop to it, it would all still be happening now, wouldn’t it
Dolly: They weren’t there, when we were at school, none of it had to be the way it was
Lulu: At school I got you the attention of the only boy within what might as well have been hundreds of miles
Lulu: you wanted experiences, you said so yourself
Dolly: I didn’t need you to, I didn’t ask you to
Dolly: and it’s not as if you let me have it on my own
Lulu: Well, I was trying to help
Lulu: & as if I’d let some boy go near you on your own, he can’t be trusted, which you’ve also realised
Dolly: Jesus Christ!
Dolly: You can’t be trusted, it’s none of your business and the fact you made it yours is just so insane
Lulu: Then I’m insane, fine 🤪
Lulu: for protecting you, which is what families are meant to do
Dolly: Protecting me should extend to telling him to shut up if he goes around telling the whole school
Dolly: That isn’t what it was
Lulu: Basic human decency should extend to asking me how I am when I fall/throw myself out of a window, but you didn’t because you were too busy fucking him all over grandma’s house & then Europe
Dolly: You’ve made it abundantly clear there is no we
Dolly: and I knew that’s why you did it
Lulu: No one could ever make that clearer than you did
Lulu: Mummy & daddy don’t understand how important school is, but you knew & you took it anyway
Lulu: we might not even pass now, all those factors working against us
Dolly: There’s nothing else for you to do, of course you will
Lulu: You risked the only thing that matters when we barely had any time left, why couldn’t you just wait to stage your little revolt?
Dolly: I was done
Lulu: But I’m selfish
Dolly: It’s my life, I should have been living it for me the whole time
Lulu: If you’d spoken to me about this instead of lying to my face for [the length of teachergate] we could’ve both carried on living our lives, you didn’t have to blow mine up 
Dolly: You don’t understand
Lulu: You don’t communicate, I’ll go back in time & read your blinks, shall I? Because you’re truly only ever giving as much as a coma patient would
Dolly: You’ve never been in love, I don’t think you’d know how
Lulu: Ouch, who’s their mother’s daughter now?
Dolly: I’m only faking it anyway, right
Lulu: She thinks I’m worthless, you’re saying the same thing by believing I’m incapable of love
Dolly: It’s all her fault either way
Lulu: I’m the one who has to live with it, not her
Dolly: She doesn’t care, about nothing but herself
Lulu: Tell me something I don’t know
Lulu: my near-death experience didn’t cast a shadow over her scorching summer
Dolly: You’re the one still chasing her, beating that dead horse
Lulu: I’m done
Dolly: Good
Dolly: then it was all worth it
Lulu: She outdid herself this time
Lulu: I fail to see how anyone could fail a test more spectacularly, you & Gabe included
Dolly: If only a comparison to her could ever be a compliment
Dolly: She’s always predictable, if anyone is
Lulu: Everyone is 🥱
Dolly: Tell me something I don’t know
Lulu: You know now that summer’s over, congrats
Lulu: better late than never
Dolly: You were determined to have a terrible one
Lulu: My terrible time was determined by your beastly actions
Dolly: You want to act powerless now that suits your story better
Lulu: How aren’t I for real? I’m still alive, mortifyingly
Dolly: You should be grateful
Dolly: that would’ve been the most embarrassing death
Lulu: I’d be gone, I’d neither know nor care
Dolly: Time for plan B
Lulu: I’m aware of that, don’t waste yours stating the blatantly obvious
Dolly: You’re the one still moping, summer is over, time for a new bit
Lulu: My depression isn’t seasonal, if only
Dolly: It’s situational, if we’re being generous
Lulu: Because what everyone loves is yet another unsolicited diagnosis
Lulu: very generous 
Dolly: It’s your time to waste
Lulu: Gabe’s way ahead of you on that front
Dolly: You’re ridiculous, what do you even have to say to him at this point?
Lulu: At this point, that’s none of your business
Dolly: 🙄
Dolly: Unlike you, it isn’t my life’s work to know yours
Lulu: Then don’t ask
Dolly: I’m shaming you
Lulu: Bad luck, no you aren’t
Dolly: You know it’s pathetic, you’re wallowing, that’s all
Lulu: If you’d ever checked in, you’d know that’s the vibe
Lulu: [with a list of whatever injuries you sustained, healed or not like ugh & duh I couldn’t be more pathetic rn & this is all voice typed thanks to those wrists which would actually be annoying I agree gal]
Dolly: I guess it beats organ failure but for fuck’s sake
Lulu: But it’s fun you think you can shame me from rock bottom 😅 go off, darling
Dolly: Optimistic to assume this is rock bottom
Lulu: 😁😁😁
Dolly: [deleting all of the messages and pictures between y’all with haste after this conversation with your sister]
Dolly: [sending him the message(s) where Lulu says he’s telling her everything]
Dolly: Just in case you thought she cared about you in any of this 👌👌👌
Gabe: [just to ref that he isn’t gonna reply because he is a flop and that’s the coward move when she is actually owed a reply here cos um excuse you wtf sir going back and forth between these gals]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 19 days
Lolly & Golly
Lulu: He’s mine
Dolly: What are you talking about?
Lulu: Oh please, you think I don’t know every thought that boy has, or could ever have, before it’s even close to being fully formed
Dolly: I’d hardly consider that something to brag about
Lulu: & yet here you are perfectly willing to accept his half-baked advances, so, I’m warning you
Dolly: How uncharacteristically considerate of you
Lulu: You don’t have the monopoly on out of character acts, charitable or otherwise
Dolly: He’s not yours, he never has been because we both had to go out with him, at your insistence 
Dolly: You want to change that now, you know he won’t stick around
Lulu: You changed it, by walking away to fraternise with the teaching staff, bad luck, it was [him] who couldn’t get away fast enough
Dolly: It was a crime, Lulu
Lulu: Call it what you want with the benefit of hindsight, darling, I hope it helps spare your 😳💀 truly
Dolly: The only one 😳💀 is our mother, you wish I cared half as much as you do
Lulu: But what else is new?
Lulu: I only have one wish now as far as you’re concerned, stay away from Gabe
Dolly: Why would I do anything for you, when everything you do is actively against me?
Lulu: It isn’t for me, silly
Lulu: If the alleged trauma hasn’t left you with special needs, you’ll do it for your own sake
Lulu: because you may think yourself hard done by already, but you really don’t know the half of it, or want to put me to the test
Dolly: You’re so transparent, my God
Lulu: What a relief, I’m trying to make myself super clear 😊
Dolly: The panicked grasp for control is crystal
Lulu: Panic, no
Lulu: people get terribly calm before they do wicked things, ask mummy about her latest cry for help
Dolly: I try to avoid all contact, which they thankfully make very easy on the whole
Lulu: It’s fine, she’s not the right person to quiz anyway, she doesn’t have my resolve
Dolly: You can channel all that resolve into keeping him then, can’t you
Lulu: Absolutely, you abandoned him, I didn’t
Dolly: We got pulled out of [your old school]
Lulu: You cheated long before that
Dolly: I don’t know why you’re acting as if you’re in love with him now when I know you’re not and so does he
Lulu: It’s laughable you would even use the word
Dolly: I’m not the one pretending, badly
Dolly: We’re so obviously incapable, he didn’t need to come to our empty home to find that out
Lulu: Nor am I, he knows where he stands, not that it’s any of your business how I do or don’t act
Dolly: Unlike you, I really don’t care what you’re up to in the bedroom
Lulu: I’m entitled to care when you invite him into yours at grandma’s
Dolly: No, you’re not, not when it comes to me
Dolly: if you thought you were monogamous, bring it up with him, good luck when you’re the one who set everything up to be shared
Lulu: Sharing him with whichever girls on [his uni] campus he has a passing interest in is one thing, you trying to steal him from me is quite another
Dolly: Get a real boyfriend, it’s clearly what you need
Lulu: No, it clearly isn’t
Dolly: You haven’t shaped him into what you want yet, you’re not going to now
Lulu: The shape of him is irrelevant to this convo
Dolly: This convo is irrelevant 
Dolly: What are you trying to achieve?
Lulu: I told you, if you leave me with nothing, well, of course, I’ll have nothing to lose
Dolly: Join the club
Lulu: I’m not welcome, it’s very much your entire point
Dolly: I’m the one who brought him over to make you feel unwelcome in your own home, oh wait, that was you
Lulu: You started this, don’t get that twisted
Dolly: It’s the one thing I can be proud of, breaking that chain
Dolly: You’re not ready to accept how wrong it all was, your part in it
Lulu: You can’t break it, that’s a fantasy, bordering on a delusion much like the rest of what you’re saying
Dolly: The fantasy is that our family is one, that anything healthy has grown from them
Dolly: It’s over, all of it
Lulu: Never, even if I die, or kill both of you for betraying me
Dolly: Betraying you
Lulu: Becoming a habit of yours
Dolly: You need deprogramming or something
Dolly: I don’t know how to talk to you, do you hear yourself?
Lulu: Do you hear me? It’s over how & when I decide, it isn’t up to you
Dolly: No one is playing your games anymore
Lulu: This isn’t a game anymore
Dolly: I’m not scared of you anymore, you’re just deeply disturbed, I’d feel sorry for you if I could bring myself to have that level of empathy 
Lulu: I am? 😅  You’re emotionless, you should be studied
Dolly: I know that having our parents and you as a sister has fucked me up, am I not playing the victim and playing up, in your own words
Dolly: you need to deal with the reality of our situation instead of placating yourself with revenge fantasies 
Lulu: The reality of the situation you caused & refuse to apologise for is something I’m having to deal with
Dolly: The reality of having parents that neglect us most of the time, then narcissistically abuse us when they aren’t, in her case
Dolly: You thinking it’s about anything else is the problem
Lulu: How exactly is that a problem for you, Dolly? You have grandma & grandpa, they’re so wrapped around your little finger it would be my fault somehow you slept with MY boyfriend under their roof
Lulu: I have nowhere but that empty house you mentioned, because guess what, I can’t even board at school now, thanks to you
Dolly: He’s not your boyfriend
Lulu: You would focus on the least important part of what I just said
Dolly: Because they’re your grandparents too, if you wanted a better relationship, you could have one
Lulu: They hate me, that relationship’s poisoned, you poisoned it
Dolly: They do not hate you, they’re not mum and dad
Lulu: They’ve been taken in by your lies & taken your side
Dolly: What lies?
Lulu: I’m not the villain
Dolly: I don’t talk about you
Lulu: Silence is a condemnation here, you don’t leap to my defence, you never have
Dolly: Grandma and Grandpa do not bitch about you, that’s an insanely paranoid thing to think
Lulu: I’ve literally heard them
Dolly: They worry about you, you conflate the two
Lulu: They think I’m a worse version of her
Dolly: It’s too late to help her
Lulu: It’s too late for me, they’ll be thrilled to be correct in mummy & I having something in common
Dolly: It isn’t
Lulu: You’ve given me no choice
Lulu: ruined my life, wrecked everything that mattered
Dolly: Look, if it wasn’t for them caring more about appearances, you could have stayed there
Dolly: that wasn’t my decision
Lulu: You decided I’m an albatross around your neck
Dolly: You harp on what I did to you, like that wasn’t a reaction to how you treated me for the first [however many] years of my life
Lulu: Like you didn’t love having me as a scapegoat, you didn’t once have to take any responsibility because you didn’t make a single decision, all of them were mine
Dolly: Which is what you wanted
Lulu: You needed me, if I hadn’t stepped in where do you suppose you’d be? Even stranger than we are
Dolly: I will literally never get to know, you didn’t give me the choice, the luxury 
Dolly: There’s no way for us to be stranger
Lulu: I gave you every luxury, we ran that school, we had total freedom
Dolly: What an entirely meaningless thing for you to base your self-worth on
Dolly: We only had 2 years left anyway, then what, you still lose your whole personality when you enter the real world
Lulu: Then we would’ve had actual freedom, away from mummy & daddy
Dolly: That’s how it is now
Lulu: But it isn’t, there’s no we now, you’ve separated us
Lulu: & in your selfish desperation to do that, you’ve brought me back to her
Dolly: You want that, you always have, no one has made you react like this
Lulu: You broke my heart, I don’t know how else to react! I’m sorry I can’t tailor this suffering to become a perfectly executed fuck you to our mother, I haven’t quite reached that level of psychopathy, I’m afraid 
Dolly: I can’t fake it anymore
Lulu: You shouldn’t have to, I’m your sister
Dolly: You made us cross boundaries that make that irrelevant now
Lulu: We’re twins, boundaries are for half & step
Dolly: You still don’t respect what anyone else wants
Dolly: I never wanted that, you forced closeness that wasn’t natural
Lulu: I didn’t force a single thing
Lulu: & you wanted Gabe, you obviously still want him
Dolly: You’re the one that met him
Lulu: Your enthusiastic consent filled the room, we all remember
Dolly: Because I knew you’d not let me strike out on my own, it had to be together
Lulu: Because you enjoyed it
Dolly: You shouldn’t have been there
Lulu: Convenient excuse now that neither of you want me to be
Dolly: How do you not feel sickened 
Lulu: Okay, maybe you do need to get out more
Lulu: people are more intimate with complete strangers, no one is calling them out
Dolly: You wouldn’t know intimacy if it stared you in the face
Dolly: I blocked out the fact you were there, however hard you persisted 
Lulu: How beastly of you
Lulu: what you mean is, you’re persisting in telling yourself you tried to, because you can’t accept what’s staring you in the face
Lulu: none of it happened against your will
Dolly: I wanted experiences, I wanted Gabe and I wanted [this teacher]
Dolly: I didn’t want you but you forced yourself into this as you did everything
Lulu: You want someone to blame
Dolly: If that were true, you’d have known about [the teacher]
Dolly: I didn’t want you, how many ways can I say and show it, you didn’t let me do a fucking thing by myself until I made it happen
Lulu: If that were true & you were devastatingly unhappy, what took you so long?
Dolly: Said as if you’re not still clinging to a devastatingly toxic relationship with our mother
Dolly: You know why
Lulu: I know you’re exhausting
Lulu: if I was the mastermind of some great plot to turn you & Gabe into my vision, you wouldn’t be this weak, you’d be my equal 
Lulu: you clung to me & I had to protect you because one of us should get to stay soft
Dolly: You think you’re strong
Lulu: Needs must, she won’t break me, I’ll beat her
Lulu: in too many ways I already can
Dolly: And what an adversary
Dolly: you’re picking a life-long battle with the saddest woman who ever lived, get a grip
Lulu: I’m surviving the nonsense you sacrificed me to in order to feel like you’d won against her yourself for once with your pathetic teacher fucking shots fired
Lulu: your scandal was as sad as any stunt she’s pulled
Dolly: I wasn’t making a scandal happen
Dolly: I don’t think like you two, thinking you’re playing chess when you’re just playing yourselves
Lulu: You don’t think, period, you can leave the sentence there
Dolly: You’re jealous that you weren’t picked to be someone’s Lolita, that’s the sad truth we’re all meant to ignore
Dolly: You wish it was you so bad
Lulu: If I cared about having him at all, I could have
Lulu: my priority was [the name of their school], not a bland series of sexual encounters which poor sir has undoubtedly blocked out
Dolly: Sure, Lulu
Dolly: then you’ll have no trouble keeping Gabe all for yourself and we don’t even need to have this conversation
Lulu: The uncomfortable truth we’re all meant to ignore is you destroyed a man’s life for fun & then cried groomer when it wasn’t
Dolly: You would need to take that perspective
Lulu: It’s valid, you’ve admitted to wanting him, wanting to escape my suffocation, he’s hardly the predator, is he?
Dolly: He got caught, and faced no consequences 
Dolly: the fantasy you have of me crying myself to sleep over it is because you’d rather I was traumatised than betray you, which is the real truth
Lulu: I’d rather you or I were dead, which can be arranged any time
Dolly: Grow up, for God’s sake
Dolly: We are to each other, that’s what matters
Lulu: What matters is, you left me
Lulu: I’m traumatised by that & you’re blatantly unphased
Dolly: We have nothing in common
Lulu: Because you’re obsessed with the idea of distancing yourself from me
Dolly: Because we’re nothing alike, no amount of forcing made it true
Lulu: Your determination to disregard whatever similarities exist doesn’t mean they aren’t there
Dolly: You’re traumatised by losing an extension of yourself, you don’t know me, you didn’t bother getting to know me as a person
Lulu: Don’t be ridiculous, I spent our whole childhoods with you doing that
Dolly: You decided everything she didn’t
Dolly: Neither of us had a personality not corrupted by her awful decisions 
Dolly: then you micromanaged the shit too small for her to care about, our favourite colour, our favourite toys
Lulu: For god’s sake, I’m not an extension of her
Lulu: I’m sorry I cared about you when it’s apparently a huge sin or something
Dolly: No need to apologise for something you didn’t do
Lulu: Wow, okay
Dolly: Everyone in our house hates each other, there’s nothing about it worthy of saving
Lulu: I loved you
Lulu: I just wanted you to feel loved
Dolly: Jesus
Lulu: Our parents weren’t going to, who does that leave?
Dolly: You deserve to get better, to get help
Lulu: You can have him, even though you deserve way better
Dolly: He can make up his own mind, it isn’t up to either of us
Lulu: Hilarious, what mind? He’s an idiot
Dolly: He still gets to live his own life, we all do
Lulu: I’m done with mine, but you two go ahead
Lulu: live happily ever after
Dolly: Don’t be ridiculous
Lulu: I was being overly optimistic, on purpose, if anything, I give your summer fling a fortnight at most before you realise he’s a bore
Dolly: I know him as well as you do
Lulu: Best of luck & best wishes, naturally 😘
Dolly: You can save the condescension, this is exactly how I knew you’d react
Lulu: I’d work on my last words but there’s very little point, my reaction will speak for itself, you’re right
Dolly: If you want to threaten to kill yourself to keep a boy, that’s your business
Lulu: It isn’t a threat or about him but your continued misinterpretation of me is none of my business
Dolly: It’s entirely unoriginal, is what it is
Lulu: I’m aware of that, but there’s also very little point to carrying out a unique suicide, if such a thing exists
Dolly: You learnt every move from her and she’s the stupidest person we know
Dolly: and still alive, despite all her insistences otherwise, so
Lulu: Not every move, the final one will hopefully go differently
Dolly: Good luck with that
Lulu: Thanks 😊
Dolly: I’ll call the ambulance and you can explain why you’re wasting everybody’s time
Lulu: I’ve only wasted my own trying to talk to you
Dolly: Every threat you make is idle, you’re like a child
Dolly: do you want to be the sad middle-aged woman who’s never had a job and has a relationship that rivals a tween girl’s?
Lulu: Foreign as my desires are to you, I’m not surprised you’d ask
Dolly: No one deserves a drain on their life and savings more than our parents
Lulu: Unfortunately, those aren’t my intentions
Lulu: still, there’s always Mattie when she’s old enough for a mid-life crisis
Dolly: Why not
Lulu: Mummy & I aren’t the same shoe size & I’d loathe living in her skin it’s awfully stretched
Dolly: Room for you both
Lulu: She’d eat me, her appetite is uncontrollable
Dolly: You have that in common too
Lulu: Your list doesn’t give me anything to live for, please don’t consider a future career as a therapist
Dolly: As I said, I’m well aware you need professional help, there’s nothing I can do for you
Lulu: & therefore you’ve washed your hands for your own sanity, what a frightful cliché
Dolly: I’ll live
Lulu: As I said, one of us should
Dolly: Talk to him, I’m sure it’ll have the desired effect
Lulu: For who? You and your desire to be the bigger person
Dolly: Yours to keep him, which is why you’re here
Lulu: Mine has changed, you keep him
Dolly: Whatever
Lulu: Romantic, I understand why he’s smitten 😍🥰
Dolly: Clearly you don’t
Lulu: He believes you’re forbidden, that I forbid it, but no, I don’t
Dolly: He wants to sleep with someone who doesn’t just lie there, that’s all
Dolly: There’s no big secret
Lulu: He wants you again, there’s no big secret he had the time of his life before & now uni is a bore & he’s sulking
Dolly: There had to be incentive for him to do it
Lulu: You’re the carrot & I’m the stick, I’m sure he took all of a second to feed you that unoriginal narrative favoured by old married men globally 🙄
Dolly: You never liked him, I don’t know why you’d be offended now the feeling is more mutual
Lulu: I’m not, him walking out is the most thrilling thing he’s ever attempted, which isn’t saying much, but he doesn’t offer much by way of entertainment
Dolly: How sad for you
Lulu: Hence baby’s first suicide attempt, do keep up
Dolly: I’d rather not, this is boring
Lulu: Agreed 🥱
Dolly: Tell him he can come back over when you’ve stopped playing for time
Lulu: Tell him yourself
Dolly: Sure
Lulu: [goodbye in whatever weird made up twin language you used to have when you were children no doubt because she is unhinged and fully intends to do this unlike Chlo’s attention seeking ass, soz girl we’re not letting you succeed but I’m sure you almost did]
Dolly: [oh hun, what would you like to do next gal gal]
Gabe: Don’t shoot the messenger if you don’t want to
Gabe: but I thought you should know she’s in hospital
Dolly: Right
Dolly: I’m sorry you had to find her
Gabe: It’s a good thing someone did
Dolly: It shouldn’t have been you
Gabe: Your parents aren’t here, they couldn’t have
Dolly: No, I should have just called the damn ambulance like I said though
Gabe: Wait, you knew she was going to do this?
Dolly: Not exactly, she makes threats all the time
Gabe: Well, you could’ve warned me
Gabe: I had to call one, with the fucking language barrier
Dolly: I said sorry and I meant it
Dolly: you should’ve just called here
Gabe: I wasn’t exactly thinking straight
Dolly: it’s fine, she’s where she needs to be now
Gabe: It’s not fine, Dolly
Dolly: It’s not over you, if that’s what you’re worried about
Dolly: she said as much
Gabe: I’m worried about her, she tried to kill herself
Dolly: She’s not thinking clearly, they’ll section her now, she’ll get the help she needs
Gabe: Will she?
Dolly: It’s out of her hands now
Dolly: she’s underage so they’ll bring my parents back, that’s why she’s done it
Gabe: They’re in [the wrong place because why would you remember], right?
Dolly: Somewhere like that
Dolly: You can go home, you shouldn’t feel bad, none of this mess is yours
Gabe: I can’t without seeing her first
Dolly: I don’t know if they’ll let you, I’ve never visited anyone in hospital
Gabe: I don’t know either, what anyone in this fucking country is saying
Dolly: Now’s not the time to lecture you on practising your English
Dolly: whatever you saw, it’s fucked you up, I know
Gabe: It was horrible
Dolly: I know
Gabe: How could she do it to herself?
Dolly: She’s not well
Gabe: She wasn’t that unwell, I didn’t think so
Dolly: I mean, she was born that unwell
Dolly: she didn’t want you to see her like that, I’m sure
Gabe: & now I’ll never be able to unsee her like that
Dolly: It’s selfish
Gabe: She wasn’t thinking about me
Dolly: Or anyone but herself
Gabe: Yeah
Dolly: I’m just exhausted
Gabe: She must’ve felt the same
Dolly: Nah
Gabe: I just mean, in a desperate state to do what she did
Dolly: She lives in a desperate state
Dolly: she’ll get what she wants from it, attention and concern from our mother
Gabe: Can your mother do attention or concern?
Dolly: She can fake it when required, just like Lulu
Gabe: Won’t she be able to tell it’s fake?
Dolly: It’s all we’ve known, the difference doesn’t matter
Gabe: Damn, no big surprise she’s messed up
Dolly: How is that news to you?
Gabe: It isn’t like she talks about your mother to me all the time
Dolly: No but
Dolly: you can’t have assumed we were normal
Gabe: More normal than this
Dolly: What an awkward surprise this has turned out to be
Gabe: Are your grandparents going to the hospital?
Dolly: Of course
Gabe: I’ll come over, you shouldn’t be there on your own
Dolly: You don’t have to for my sake
Dolly: I won’t hurt myself
Gabe: It’s for mine too, I don’t want to be alone
Dolly: Okay then
Gabe: Do you need anything?
Dolly: Just don’t expect me to cry or anything when you get here, yeah
Gabe: She’s your sister, I don’t expect you to feel any type of way
Dolly: I’m immune to it, numb
Dolly: it’s been a lifetime of manipulations, it’s her one move and it doesn’t work anymore
Gabe: So she’s out of moves
Dolly: The game is over but she won’t accept that because she didn’t ‘win’, whatever that means
Gabe: I felt like I won earlier
Dolly: Undoubtedly taking that away was a component if not a reason why
Gabe: You said she said it wasn’t over me
Dolly: [send him that specific message]
Dolly: She wasn’t at peace with the world and ready to leave
Gabe: Was this our fault?
Dolly: No
Dolly: She wants it to be mine for getting us thrown out of [the school]
Gabe: Maybe going home is a good idea
Dolly: I would if I had the choice
Dolly: further away than Switzerland
Gabe: You could go with me
Dolly: You’re only offering because you feel bad for me
Gabe: We both need to get away from here but that’s not it
Dolly: Now you know I’m as bad as her because I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for her
Dolly: and it’s ruined what we could’ve had, hasn’t it
Gabe: You’ve been through a lot, she’s put you through a lot
Dolly: I wasn’t even allowed to go to the bathroom without her as a kid
Gabe: Leave with me, you’re allowed space
Dolly: Where will we go?
Gabe: Your choice
Dolly: Say that you want me there, mean it
Gabe: It wasn’t goodbye, it still doesn’t have to be
Dolly: I don’t know what to tell my grandparents
Gabe: Tell them you can’t stay here, it’s too much & you need a break
Dolly: It’s not a lie
Dolly: the thought of having to be alone with just us in that house, I can’t do it
Gabe: The summer’s yours, you want to live not die
Dolly: I feel like I was only just born
Dolly: or like I was dead until [when this all came out and blew up]
Gabe: You’re a baby then
Dolly: Yeah
Dolly: take me somewhere I’ve never been, you basically have the whole world to choose from, I’m brand new
Gabe: I’ll take you lots of places, we have time for me to show you the world
Dolly: I feel happy, real excitement
Gabe: Me too
Dolly: You know how I felt earlier too, that it was real
Gabe: It doesn’t feel as real now, but we can get it back
Dolly: We have to
Dolly: she’s getting what she needs, we need to do this
Gabe: It doesn’t make me a bad person, when you put it like that
Dolly: How could you be, you were always my boyfriend too
Gabe: I was
Gabe: & she doesn’t need me, she has your parents & grandparents
Dolly: She wants to isolate me, she said you only wanted me because you thought you couldn’t
Gabe: She would say that, she doesn’t think I can do anything
Dolly: I haven’t stopped thinking about all the things you did, honestly
Dolly: I didn’t think I’d miss you
Gabe: Neither have I
Gabe: I missed you in the back garden, before I even really left
Dolly: I knew you’d be looking at your phone, that you’d see me deleting the messages, I didn’t want you to stop paying attention to me yet
Gabe: I want them back, say everything hot again
Dolly: I mean it all even more
Dolly: I need you so much more 
Gabe: Good girl
Gabe: that’s a good start
Dolly: You have my virginity forever, I love that
Gabe: You’re mine
Dolly: I want you to be my daddy
Gabe: My baby, I like it
Dolly: You can smoke in bed in [giving the European countries where they dgaf]
Gabe: You haven’t moved from yours & you don’t want me to
Dolly: How did you know
Gabe: Because I haven’t stopped thinking about what you could be doing
Dolly: There’s nothing else I want to do, need to
Dolly: I’ll kiss you every time you exhale, until you want me as much as nicotine
Gabe: I’m not addicted, but to you, maybe
Dolly: Your lungs are welcome, I’m so much better for you
Gabe: Are you? You take my breath away
Dolly: 😏 You’ve got all the lines, huh
Gabe: You make it sound like I’m playing games & making moves too
Dolly: You are refreshingly straightforward
Gabe: Thanks? 😏
Dolly: No translation error, I mean it as the best compliment I can give
Gabe: She’d mean it like I’m stupid, but I know you don’t
Dolly: She has an inflated opinion of her own intelligence 
Dolly: praise from teachers could be relied upon, I guess
Gabe: We don’t want to talk about her though
Dolly: I know I don’t
Gabe: I know what you want, you’ve been straightforward about it yourself
Dolly: It’s a newly found freedom but one I’m already liking a lot
Dolly: asking for what I want, not being told
Gabe: So ask me for something
Dolly: Bring [some kind of red wine that y’all would know the name of because you’re posh and European]
Gabe: Where am I going to find that?
Dolly: There might be some there
Dolly: check the cellar, [point him in the general direction, it’s more like a cabinet ‘cos your parents are living off their parents so you’re not crazy rich living]
Gabe: [take some pics of their terrible taste in wine/all drinks undoubtedly when you do find said cabinet haha because they suck]
Dolly: 🙄
Dolly: Okay, there’s a shop at the end of [giving this road y’all live along, you get the vibe, it’s London, it won’t be far]
Gabe: Take off your clothes, after this I’m not going to waste any more time
Dolly: Oh, I see 😳
Gabe: Let me see you’ve done what I told you to
Dolly: I’m not used to taking those kind of pictures but I’ll try
Dolly: [and do, being cutely awkward about it]
Gabe: You’re a natural
Dolly: I’ll get better at it
Gabe: While you’re waiting for me, it’ll give you something to do
Dolly: When you first met me, what did you think?
Gabe: You were sexy
Gabe: & I wasn’t wrong
Dolly: You make me laugh
Gabe: No joke
Dolly: I was so nervous, I can’t believe I was sexy
Gabe: I couldn’t tell
Dolly: You were nice, you made it good for me
Gabe: It wouldn’t have been for me if it wasn’t for you, I’d be able to tell that
Dolly: You don’t play games
Gabe: I try not to
Dolly: Me too, now I get to decide
Gabe: What did you think?
Dolly: I’d been told all about you beforehand, obviously
Dolly: it was exciting to have someone to talk to, someone to be close to, especially a boy
Gabe: We were close, I’ve missed that so much
Dolly: It was hard, wanting to be closer
Dolly: but there were no secrets, couldn’t be
Dolly: you understand why I did what I did, don’t you?
Gabe: Of course I do
Dolly: Now, we can be as close as we want
Dolly: as close as earlier
Gabe: Closer, we’ll be in a different country soon
Dolly: Alone
Gabe: Me & [her pet name]
Dolly: Better than my name 😍
Dolly: by far
Gabe: You don’t like it when I call you by your name?
Dolly: Hmm
Dolly: We might have to test that out
Gabe: [voice note her saying her name in as many different tones as you can think of]
Dolly: Oh
Dolly: I’ve never liked my name before, what have you done
Gabe: Nothing yet, compared to what I’m going to
Dolly: Please 
Gabe: First, [the name of this wine he is buying rn]
Dolly: Thought it would help us destress but I just need you for that
Gabe: You’re like my own private stress ball, yeah 
Dolly: You can touch me all over, I won’t move or anything, promise
Gabe: You’ll move, you can’t help it
Dolly: Maybe but I’d try very hard to be good before I did
Gabe: That’s very true & I don’t mind when you have to
Dolly: It’ll be against you only
Gabe: Into me, to get us closer
Dolly: You don’t need to pin me, it’s exactly where I want to be
Gabe: For all of summer
Dolly: School will be so dull
Gabe: Uni too
Dolly: What’s your plan when you’re done?
Gabe: Plans change, why would I make one yet?
Dolly: Fair point
Gabe: In my head I’ve dropped out 100s of times
Gabe: made 100s of other decisions
Dolly: You’re taking it as it comes
Dolly: nothing is guaranteed
Gabe: You’re an insanely intelligent newborn
Gabe: What am I going to do with you?
Dolly: Have the best summer ever?
Gabe: The best because you are
Dolly: I’m not
Dolly: but I’m going to be good for you
Gabe: Are you calling me a liar?
Dolly: Your crush is making you biased
Gabe: And now you’re calling this a crush
Dolly: Are you saying you don’t have a crush on me?
Gabe: I did, it’s turned into more than that
Dolly: Stay with me tonight
Gabe: I won’t even go to the back garden without you
Dolly: Your lap is the perfect place to be, inside and outside
Gabe: Inside you or not
Dolly: Always inside me, I’m missing you badly
Gabe: Let me see how badly
Dolly: [send him a pic of your boobs that are covered in lovebites from him]
Dolly: See?
Gabe: Look what you made me do
Dolly: You should do more, I think
Gabe: What else are you thinking?
Dolly: How loud you made me
Gabe: There’s no one to hear you scream, you can be louder
Dolly: Shit
Dolly: You could do anything you wanted to me
Gabe: In any room
Dolly: Every room, you have to
Gabe: & outside
Dolly: The neighbours can know who I belong to, who’s looking after me
Gabe: Who your daddy is
Dolly: No one else has ever cum in my pussy
Gabe: Why didn’t he?
Dolly: He was paranoid in every way, funny considering how easily we got caught in the end
Dolly: how I know all about deleting messages
Gabe: He’s made what we’ve got more special
Dolly: It ruins the moment, having to stop so you can put a condom on
Dolly: you trust that I’m not stupid like that
Gabe: You don’t need to trap me, I want to be here
Dolly: 😁
Gabe: Do it for real
Dolly: [do because like your sister you do be smiling like that]
Gabe: Your teeth can’t be English, no wonder I forget you are
Dolly: Charmer 😆
Dolly: do I sound different to the [whatever nationality the girls at his uni would likely be] when I moan?
Gabe: I can’t remember how they sound, only how you do
Dolly: Get used to it, it’s the soundtrack of your summer now
Gabe: Getting used to that will take me the whole summer
Dolly: Good
Dolly: I can’t get used to having you all to myself yet
Gabe: I keep expecting her to appear, think I see her out the corner of my eye
Dolly: Me too
Gabe: But that’ll stop, it didn’t happen earlier
Dolly: You had my full attention, anyone could have appeared and I wouldn't give a shit
Gabe: Your grandparents could’ve, I wouldn’t have known
Dolly: 🥺 Now I NEED proof you like me that much
Gabe: More proof?
Dolly: You making me cum in front of an audience we don’t know is there, yes, desperately 
Gabe: What size audience?
Dolly: Will depend where we are, what we’re meant to be doing instead
Dolly: You’re showing me the world
Gabe: What if I was meant to be playing a sold out stadium, would I still have your full attention?
Dolly: Fuck
Dolly: You know the answer
Gabe: I need to hear you say it
Dolly: I’d be more focused on you than I have ever been
Gabe: Because of you I’m the horniest I’ve ever been
Dolly: Unashamedly proud 😁😁😁😁
Gabe: Don’t smile at my suffering
Dolly: Poor Gabe
Gabe: Poor you too if it takes me 2x longer to come back
Gabe: there’s no way you could stand right now
Dolly: No, you have to be quick, I don’t want to be alone now
Dolly: You can make me, fair is fair
Gabe: I already know I can make you do whatever I like
Dolly: I want you to know, have that power
Dolly: it’s yours now, use it
Gabe: I’m about to use you, slut
Dolly: Your slut
Dolly: do you like that too?
Gabe: A lot
Dolly: As much as I like being used by you
Gabe: No, you like it way more
Dolly: You know exactly how much I like that
Gabe: You love it, don’t you?
Dolly: There’s so much that I should be worrying about in my life right now but it’s all I can think about 
Dolly: Nothing else has touched the sides, stopped me feeling numbed out
Gabe: You’re going to feel something when I get there
Dolly: Save me from the worst summer ever
Dolly: Or we’d both end up dead, I’m sure of it
Gabe: Only I can, of course I will
Dolly: Them leaving us alone after all this, it was the final final straw
Dolly: It’s not safe, you are
Gabe: Yeah, I’ll take good care of you
Dolly: You kid but where’s the lie 😏
Dolly: it’s exactly what I need
Gabe: I’m not kidding
Gabe: we’ll both get what we need, there’s no reason why not
Dolly: Yeah but
Dolly: you know I’m not going to do anything crazy like her, I don’t need taking care of like that
Gabe: I know how you need it
Dolly: Having a relationship with a teacher has made me paranoid too, just a tad
Dolly: everyone at that school had parental issues, it’s not like I was special for it
Gabe: You’re special to me, it isn’t like that
Dolly: You don’t have to say I am
Gabe: It’s true, I’m saying it because I mean it
Dolly: I’m not trying to be clingy, freak you out
Gabe: Neither am I
Dolly: We’re on the same page and I’m making it weird, aren’t I?
Dolly: You can make me shut up
Gabe: You didn’t turn things weird, she did
Gabe: they started out off & we’re trying to navigate all that
Dolly: It was a misstep, on her part
Dolly: you could’ve told everyone, still could
Gabe: I told you before, I made mistakes too
Gabe: I’m not blameless
Dolly: Neither am I, obviously
Dolly: It was gradual, after all, at first she was alright with just letting me report back, say what it was like kissing you, then she’d ‘accidentally’ walk in… we both know how it ended
Gabe: By the end we were both in too deep
Dolly: Saying no didn’t occur, some fucking how
Gabe: She’s hard to say no to
Dolly: I would’ve been punished, the end goal was to both lose our virginities to you, I knew that, if it was all for nothing she would’ve been unbearable
Gabe: I can’t regret us
Dolly: I don’t, Gabe
Gabe: Whatever else happened, we still did that & I’m never going to feel sorry
Dolly: You were perfect
Dolly: my grades plummeted for a while there, I couldn’t stop daydreaming
Gabe: It felt like I had to have imagined it
Dolly: Do you believe in me now?
Gabe: This is too real now
Dolly: Just right
Dolly: being with you, being your [the pet name he calls her], feels like exactly what I should be doing
Gabe: A summer you can daydream about when it’s over
Dolly: I’ll need the memories to cope
Gabe: They’ll get me through too, we’re in this together
Dolly: Are we really going, you swear 
Gabe: Book somewhere or start to pack, we’ll be leaving whenever you’re ready to
Dolly: You lasted longer in my house than any person should have to
Gabe: Those props are yours, I was hardly there in comparison
Dolly: She needs someone new to share the cell with
Dolly: My release date is in sight
Gabe: Your grandparents’ house is in sight again
Dolly: I’ll stop packing to let you in, perhaps
Gabe: I’m no longer just a guest, I’ll let myself in
Dolly: Wow, very bold
Dolly: what are you now then?
Gabe: Who, I’m [whatever she called him during their hookup that was giving pet name turned !!]
Dolly: That’s right 😳
Gabe: & your daddy
Dolly: Just mine
Gabe: No more sharing
Dolly: No one else is invited
Gabe: Except to watch, as our audience
Dolly: What are hotels for
Gabe: Balconies are built for the purpose
Dolly: I’m built for that
Gabe: You truly are
Dolly: I can feel you picturing my body right now
Gabe: You have the hottest body
Dolly: It’s hot for you
Gabe: I remember
Dolly: Remembering what you did to me has me so close 
Gabe: Get closer
Gabe: be touching yourself when I come in
Dolly: Yes, daddy
Gabe: Good girl
Dolly: Where do you want me? 
Dolly: This whole place is begging to be used
Gabe: How far do you think you’ll be able to get from your bed?
Dolly: You bending me over the stove is VERY good motivation but you’re right
Dolly: if I fall down the stairs now I’ll end up locked up too
Gabe: It doesn’t matter, you’ll be so wet I’ll be able to hear it from downstairs, stay where you are
Dolly: Am I loud?
Gabe: The loudest
Dolly: Is that okay?
Gabe: How could I be anything but into you wanting me that much?
Dolly: I don’t know, I don’t want to give you potential reasons why when I’d rather keep being this blatant
Gabe: Be bold with me
Dolly: There’s nothing or no one to stop us being here
Gabe: Or anywhere else
Dolly: No teachers, other jealous girls
Dolly: you can treat me how I need you to
Gabe: No interruptions
Dolly: I don’t know how we ever got away with it
Gabe: We did what we had to
Gabe: & now what we have to do is fuck 24/7
Dolly: I’ll be so sore by the time I come back here
Gabe: Something to remember me by
Dolly: 🥺 Don’t make me think about that yet
Gabe: Stop thinking
Dolly: All I’m allowed to think about is all the ways I can make you cum
Gabe: You can try
Dolly: Keeping count is keeping me from it myself
Gabe: There’s only a short countdown left until nothing will keep you from it
Dolly: I’m so exposed, if anyone else walked in, I’d be dead
Gabe: You’d be caught & called a naughty girl instead
Dolly: Heaven forbid
Gabe: I know, you just want to be good
Dolly: I’m trying so hard
Gabe: My poor baby
Dolly: You’re teasing
Gabe: I’ve kept you waiting for such a long time, haven’t I?
Dolly: What do I need to do to make you want me again?
Gabe: Remind me what’s waiting for me
Dolly: [send him a boomerang-length video so how much more !! you are is obvious]
Gabe: I’m [very nearby] but I can’t hear you
Dolly: [voicenote where you’ve purposefully put the phone just that bit too far away so it’s only catching sounds here and there]
Gabe: [actually do show up because you aren’t slay enough to prolong this any further, just know that for this ensuing hookup I’m fully picturing the vibe of Queenie and Guy’s first one aka thinking he’s so daddy and dom but kinda flopping, including thinking he’s going down on her iconically but it lasts literally for a sec before he stops to initiate said hookup and he’s lowkey in the wrong place haha]
Dolly: [when you try your best but you don’t succeed, lmao, too real, good thing you were close because of the insanity of the situation and you’re too sold on this idea of running away for all the reasons that you can’t back out now lol, gotta do the most you can with this]
Gabe: [soz girl but mediocre sex aside he will actually offer you the escape you need rn however long we let that last, soz again hun because obvs I fully imagine y’all running away and it eventually going tits up like mine and Trace’s euro trip ngl cos y’all are not it for each other and there is only so long you can both pretend and ignore the fact]
Dolly: [it’s clearly not last/barely making the whole hols and then that’s that on that, so I shall post this and we can decide what we wanna do next, go us]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 19 days
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deathdoesntkillyou · 21 days
Gabe: [Obvious note to ourselves that this is all in Swiss French unless I indicate otherwise because this boy can speak some English but he isn’t going to with her when he never has and she’s fluent, also, this is during his summer visit sometime, pre sulu, until/unless we skip]
Gabe: When are you 2 going to make up? 
Gabe: it’s me who suffers most 💔
Dolly: Poor Gabe 🙄
Dolly: You know you benefitted more than you ever should have to complain now
Gabe: Your defensive 🙄 has no benefit
Gabe: shouldn’t I miss you?
Dolly: You miss the situation, not me
Gabe: I said you, I mean you
Dolly: We don’t know each other, not really
Dolly: We’re not making up though, to answer that question and stop you from getting your hopes up that we will
Gabe: We do when you don’t pretend not to
Dolly: You think I’m the one pretending?
Dolly: You’re there with the queen of
Gabe: You won’t see me, I can’t be anywhere with you
Dolly: Of course I can’t see you, it reminds me of the humiliating and degrading things that happened
Gabe: How can you paint it to all be so bad?
Dolly: It might not be for you, your sibling wasn’t there
Dolly: it’s literally a crime, not to mention all the moral disgust 
Gabe: She doesn’t have to be there now
Dolly: You don’t think this is being read over your shoulder?
Dolly: or will be once you’re in the shower, textbook move
Gabe: I don’t think she’ll care, not like we do
Dolly: Her version of events is I ruined her whole life, you’re the one thing she’s still got
Gabe: Right, I’m a thing to her
Gabe: you’re different, you don’t view me that way
Dolly: You don’t need to tell me how she treats people
Dolly: you do know you don’t have to stay with her though, yeah? There’s a whole world of girls out there, you’re aware of that much
Gabe: I don’t need to tell you why I’m still here
Gabe: what for, you know
Dolly: You think we’ll make up and it’ll go back to how it was
Dolly: I’m never going back to her, I can’t
Gabe: Come back to me
Gabe: it can be however you want, you making the decisions for a change
Dolly: You’d be as bored of me as you are her
Gabe: I wouldn’t
Dolly: Yeah right
Dolly: There will be other girls who will have threesomes with you, you’re not terrible 
Gabe: I have other girls
Gabe: but none of them are you
Dolly: Now who’s talking about people like things 😏
Gabe: Think about it, okay?
Gabe: all I ask
Dolly: That’s not all you’re asking for
Gabe: We could be good together
Gabe: isn’t a fresh start why you left?
Dolly: Me and you isn’t a fresh start!
Dolly: That’s going back to nearly all my old ways
Gabe: I’d help you get over [the teacher]
Gabe: who else’s offering you that?
Dolly: How generous of you
Dolly: you think I’m hung up on [the teacher]?
Gabe: I’m over you cheating on me, willing to give you another chance
Dolly: I don’t think you can really cheat on someone who’s going out with your twin at the same time
Dolly: it was all bullshit, ridiculous fantasy
Gabe: Not all of it
Dolly: I feel bad, about everything that happened, you don’t need to make me, I already do, all the time
Gabe: We both had to go along with her fantasies to get closer but you don’t have to feel bad anymore, we can both be done with doing that
Gabe: follow our own
Dolly: You should
Dolly: but if she could realistically accuse me of stealing you, I don’t even know what she’d do
Gabe: I’m trying to
Gabe: I think about you all the time
Dolly: You shouldn’t think about me
Dolly: You really do deserve better than this
Gabe: We deserve this chance I’m giving you
Dolly: You think you can get things back to how they were, talk me ‘round
Gabe: We owe it to each other to see where this could go
Gabe: you didn’t even say goodbye properly
Dolly: I didn’t exactly get the chance
Dolly: the school and my parents conspired to have us out of there before a scandal could erupt
Gabe: I’m here now, so are you
Dolly: And you see how I can’t be around you
Gabe: You can’t be around her
Gabe: I’ve stopped asking you to
Dolly: This is how it always was, this isn’t new
Dolly: there is no being alone
Gabe: We can be alone where you’re hiding from me
Dolly: My Grandparents? No we really can’t 😅
Gabe: Somewhere else in this city then
Gabe: just once, just us
Dolly: We did do it just us once
Dolly: you don’t remember the hoops we had to jump through for forgiveness
Gabe: I remember it being worth all of them
Dolly: You think she won’t care but she will, in the weirdest way, she thinks it makes us close, do you not find it all insanely creepy?
Gabe: I don’t care & I know you feel the same
Dolly: I’m done with her forcing intimacy
Gabe: I’ll be done with her, say that’s what you want & I am
Dolly: Come on, you know you have it there on a plate
Dolly: I’m not being mean, that’s the whole point, how and why would you resist
Gabe: I’d resist for you
Dolly: Mhmm 🙃
Dolly: You only resisted other girls at [the school] because their parents might actually get you in trouble 
Gabe: Come on, that isn’t true
Dolly: You’re only human
Dolly: How is it there, after we left?
Gabe: Dramatic
Dolly: Yeah
Gabe: But preferable to this place
Dolly: England or my house specifically?
Gabe: What am I shown of England other than your house?
Dolly: Can’t you convince her to take you sight-seeing
Gabe: I don’t want to go sightseeing with her & you don’t want to show me around 💔
Dolly: I’m not convinced you want to 🎡📸
Dolly: and I’m not the one claiming to be good company, I’m not, everything is terrible in that house
Gabe: I want to spend time with you, how else can I convince you of that when this is the longest convo we’ve had since [whenever]?
Dolly: I told you, she’d probably kill herself if I took you from her, even to go see Big Ben
Dolly: it is kind of nice to be able to speak to you with only one voice but that’s as far as it can go
Gabe: Don’t be silly, of course she wouldn’t
Dolly: You think she’s sane, you’re really betting on her mental state, yeah?
Gabe: You’re hiding behind her still
Dolly: No I’m not
Gabe: It’s an excuse, you could let yourself have this
Gabe: we could be happy
Dolly: You’re at Uni, we’re in different countries now
Dolly: Why do you even want me at all?
Gabe: More excuses
Gabe: you say you remember how it was when it was just us, those are my reasons
Dolly: You can’t just swap rooms, swap sisters
Dolly: We can’t pretend 
Gabe: I can’t pretend I don’t feel these things
Dolly: We’re just frustrated, you won’t die
Gabe: You won’t care if I do
Dolly: Don’t be pouty about it
Dolly: I do care about you, you’re another casualty of this bullshit
Gabe: You don’t care that it’s been you all along
Gabe: that I played along with all of it for you
Dolly: Yes I do, I can’t explain how guilty that makes me feel
Gabe: Guilty isn’t how I want you to feel, why I’m telling you
Dolly: Being unable to stand up to her, make my own decisions, none of those reasons make good enough excuses for what I did, for letting you get involved
Gabe: So stop making them
Dolly: It’s over now, I made it stop
Gabe: We’re not until you agree to meet me
Gabe: either for a real goodbye or hi, I’ve missed you too
Dolly: I didn’t think I’d see you again
Gabe: If you don’t want to again after, that’s your decision
Dolly: She’s using you to punish me, you know
Gabe: I know what she’s like, yeah
Dolly: So I can’t be there or if I have to, I have to hear you
Gabe: Tell me where to be & I’ll be there
Dolly: I’ve been trying so hard to do the right thing, always
Dolly: not just going to church because school makes us
Gabe: Didn’t it feel right, me & you without her?
Gabe: it did to me
Dolly: It felt right with [the teacher] too
Dolly: but that’s only because it was going against her wrongs, committing our own, that doesn’t make it right, does it
Gabe: All I know is how much I want you, whether it’s right or wrong
Dolly: Do you know how hard it is to stop wanting, to have to control it
Gabe: You’ve been teaching me by staying away, I do now
Dolly: At least I’m not as entirely alone as I feel on that 
Dolly: Knowing what you’re missing is the worst feeling
Gabe: Yeah
Dolly: I don’t know how to say goodbye to you, that I can
Gabe: You don’t have to, Dolly
Dolly: It’s the right thing to do, I’m meant to be doing just the right things
Gabe: Right for who?
Gabe: it wouldn’t be right for me or for you
Dolly: You’re her boyfriend now, that makes it wrong
Gabe: I’m not, she doesn’t even want me
Dolly: She needs you
Gabe: I need you
Dolly: Just my body
Gabe: I said you, I mean you
Gabe: the only part you wanted me to have was your body
Dolly: You know you were her idea at the beginning, that’s not news
Gabe: At the beginning I didn’t know her like I do now
Gabe: I didn’t know you either
Dolly: Feels like a lifetime ago now
Gabe: We can start to live a different life
Dolly: We have
Gabe: I haven’t, but I’ll change
Dolly: Don’t change for me
Gabe: Why?
Dolly: I’m not good, good enough 
Gabe: I think you are
Dolly: You’re too nice
Gabe: No, but I’d love to treat you nicer
Gabe: begin again
Dolly: Oh Gabe
Gabe: [a pet name that he only uses for her because ofc he has one that’s specific in some way to something that happened when Lulu wasn’t around or some inside joke etc]
Dolly: I’m just so fucked up, I don’t know how to trust anything
Gabe: I’m no better, she’s messed with both our heads
Dolly: I want it to feel like it’s my choice
Gabe: It is
Gabe: tell me when & where, even if that means a year from now
Dolly: Aren’t I the one that’s meant to promise I’ll wait for you
Gabe: You wouldn’t make me promises
Dolly: English people are unromantic
Gabe: I forget you’re English [typed in English]
Dolly: I forget you can speak any
Gabe: A little [also in English]
Dolly: Very good 👏
Gabe: I miss you [in English again, he’s showing off now lol]
Dolly: I miss you too now
Gabe: [switch back because you’re running out of English]
Gabe: You admitted it, that’s new
Dolly: I only said now
Gabe: Very good 👏
Dolly: I could say you’re being funny, that’s new 
Dolly: but I won’t, not very polite and you’re technically a guest
Gabe: Technically, you did say it
Dolly: I apologise
Dolly: I know you’re making the most of the hospitality on offer though
Gabe: I’ll add a proper, real sorry to what I’m waiting for
Dolly: You have a whole list now
Gabe: It won’t be long before I have, you should just meet me now before it gets any more ridiculous
Dolly: I want to so badly, that’s as hard as I have to stay away
Gabe: Please, I need to see you
Gabe: I’m losing my mind
Dolly: Try being me, I’m stuck there all the time
Dolly: and there is no one else for me, not like you
Gabe: It isn’t the same when I’m with her, you know it’s not
Dolly: It sounds like you manage
Gabe: Yeah, I make the most of it
Gabe: but it shouldn’t be this difficult, it wasn’t with you
Dolly: Difficult like how?
Gabe: Like she’s acting her way through everything & doesn’t care if I know
Dolly: Oh, yeah, that’s not fun
Gabe: It’s horrible
Dolly: Then why do you still do it?
Gabe: At least I have her if I can’t you
Dolly: Do you though
Gabe: As much as anyone’s ever going to be allowed to
Dolly: I guess so
Gabe: We’re each other’s consolation prize, she & I
Dolly: Thanks, I thought you didn’t want me to feel guilty
Gabe: I’d rather you felt that for me than feel nothing
Dolly: I’m not the same as her
Gabe: I know, she doesn’t feel guilty
Dolly: Don’t compare us
Gabe: I can’t, you don’t compare to anyone else I’ve been with
Dolly: How long is that list? 
Dolly: So I can know how flattered to be or not to be
Gabe: [give her your number, I’m not going to cos we don’t even know how old you are & I have no idea how many girls to say]
Dolly: Wow
Gabe: I tried to forget you but I can’t do that either
Dolly: That is not why you fucked [this number] girls, liar
Dolly: You’re such a sweet-talker 
Gabe: [an amount of this number which he’s saying he did specifically to try and forget her] of them
Dolly: 😁
Gabe: Don’t 😁 when it hasn’t worked
Dolly: I’m glad it hasn’t
Dolly: I’ve not learnt how to be a martyr suffering alone and in silence yet
Gabe: Enjoy mine
Dolly: I’m trying but
Dolly: it’s not enough
Gabe: Now you know how I feel
Dolly: Feels like that now more than it ever did before
Gabe: I hope it hurts you like it does me
Gabe: & you aren’t silent about it
Dolly: I want you to hear, only you, that’s the problem
Gabe: There’s no problem
Dolly: There is, this is a huge fucking problem now
Gabe: We know how to fix it
Dolly: I’m so mad at you
Gabe: You won’t be when you let me fuck that out of you
Dolly: I miss having you inside me every day
Gabe: Every day without you drags
Dolly: I can’t go back to before, before I knew these things, I’m trying so hard but 
Gabe: You can’t fight me
Dolly: I need this, you to give it to me
Gabe: Tell me where to go [+ her pet name again]
Dolly: Come here, I don’t want to move
Gabe: Don’t, I’ll be there
Dolly: What are you going to say, what’s the excuse?
Gabe: Shh, let me worry about it
Dolly: It’s too late to care now
Gabe: I care more about giving you what you need
Dolly: It’s been the worst, nothing could make it worse at this point, it’s all blown up
Gabe: I’ll make this 1 thing so much better you’ll forget about everything else for a while
Dolly: What was everyone at the school saying about me?
Gabe: They hate on you or hate they weren’t you
Dolly: Is he still there
Gabe: He left when you left
Dolly: Only so much even they can ignore
Gabe: He hasn’t been in touch?
Dolly: Of course not
Gabe: Why’d you do it?
Dolly: To have something for myself, to get away from her, because he wanted me, a combination and more maybe, I don’t know
Gabe: But why not me? I wanted you
Dolly: You wouldn’t get me away from her
Gabe: You didn’t even try to stand up to her & see what would happen
Gabe: maybe it would’ve worked, been enough & we’d still be in the same country
Dolly: Nothing would work but the nuclear option
Dolly: I tried, I’ve tried my whole life
Gabe: You could’ve come to me instead of shutting me out
Dolly: I didn’t think I could trust anyone, I don’t, that’s not the life I’ve led
Gabe: True, your parents are fucked
Dolly: Yep
Gabe: I’ve done the wrong things too
Dolly: Have you?
Gabe: With her, because of her
Gabe: column a & b
Dolly: If you wanted, you could tell everyone, she can’t blackmail you
Dolly: you know you can stop any time you want
Gabe: It’s complicated, she makes sure it’s very
Gabe: makes it hard to stop, she can make me think I don’t want to
Dolly: I don’t wanna talk about it
Gabe: Me either
Dolly: God’s sake
Gabe: If I hadn’t met her though, I wouldn’t you
Dolly: That was my point, why this doesn’t work
Gabe: You’re separate now
Dolly: The history will never be
Gabe: You were to me the whole time
Dolly: Bullshit
Gabe: I couldn’t have liked you more if I saw you & her as identical, could I?
Gabe: you’re completely different from each other
Dolly: You would say that now
Gabe: I’d have said it then too if you talked to me
Dolly: Talking wasn’t really the point, for any of us
Gabe: It isn’t too late, look at us talking a lot
Dolly: Too late for what?
Gabe: Anything
Dolly: Way too late for a lot of things, don’t get ideas
Gabe: Okay fine, I’ll stick with the ideas you’re going to like
Dolly: Smart thinking
Gabe: Your grandparents were smart to live so near to your parents
Dolly: A necessity, remember how fucked my parents are
Gabe: Yeah a necessity, you need me inside you
Dolly: I can say please, you said it first
Gabe: You’ll end up saying it more than once
Dolly: Please be right
Gabe: It’ll feel right
Dolly: I remember how it feels
Gabe: You remember how many girls you fuck better than
Dolly: [giving it as a fraction and a percentage because gave you those two numbers]
Gabe: That’s right
Dolly: If you were French French, you’d say I was better than all of them, amateur
Gabe: I did 
Dolly: then I think you might be worse at maths than me
Gabe: Well, I didn’t say I was good at it
Dolly: I don’t care about maths
Gabe: Where are your grandparents & when are they going to be back?
Dolly: Let me worry about that
Gabe: I spy their car isn’t there, I’m not worried
Dolly: They know who you are, it doesn’t matter
Gabe: Are you really not going to move?
Dolly: Depends, really
Gabe: Don’t you want to greet me as your guest?
Dolly: You’re upset I didn’t pick you up from the airport
Gabe: Get up & show me in
Dolly: [do get up and go to this door so he doesn’t look like he’s just letting himself in here lmao, the least casual door opening of all time nbd]
Gabe: [excuse them everyone shamelessly about to hook up on this day, it simply cannot be helped, so follow her into this house in the least casual manner anyone has ever despite technically not doing anything yet, could cut this TENSION with a knife or some fabric scissors lol lol]
Dolly: [never said this girl wasn’t fucked too, especially this soon in the aftermath of it all, you are the weird twins after all lmao, best get somewhat in this door though for your grandparents’ sake not because you personally care at all in this moment, drag him up to the room you invariably have here and slam that door behind you with the TENSION of it all, turning back to LOOK at him full !! because really didn’t bank on Lulu keeping him around even though you should’ve honestly]
Gabe: [mhmm they all are honey that’s why we’re here and this had to happen whether it’s for the final time as it unfolds rn or it inevitably does again before we end things, because while I must try and remember he doesn’t have any rizz y’all clearly have more chemistry at least than he does with Lulu and he thinks he feels whatever he does so, hence barely letting her slam that door before they’re kissing against it because he has nothing to say and much to do]
Dolly: [my boo says you can’t be too swag, resist urge lmao and she’s so right for that, nevertheless we want you right now and we’re making that happen any way we can and know how so really how drastically wrong can it go for you two, at least there is no time or need to say anything because god knows where you would start, be here taking off his t-shirt in this makeout for him, coming at him with all the energy of someone who was in two very intense ‘relationships’ and then both stopped abruptly and cold turkey]
Gabe: [it’s quite hard actually cos usually we want our characters to be the most swag and do the most so that’s what I’m used to trying to do lol, but yeah, don’t give yourselves time to talk yourselves/each other out of this or be interrupted by her insane twin, likewise take off whatever top she is wearing, which I vote he has to pull over her head too so that it gets stuck on her hair/an earring whatever just as way to show the fucks that aren’t given but also the swag he doesn’t have because this boy is only taking the second it would to make sure there is no now messed hair in the way of her mouth before kissing her again with the same energy, you won’t catch him doing loving big hair strokes, you will however catch his hands roaming with so much !! because she isn’t as skinny as her sister and he’s very into some curves that allows for, we all know that’s a reason he likes her more and a way he compares them if only in his own head]
Dolly: [it’s true but the lack of intense feelings for each other will do the heavy lifting of not taking it fully to those places, I think, we’re fine lol; ANYWAY, this girl loves a giant hoop so no doubt they are getting yanked to hell but I can’t pretend you’re going to feel a bad type of way about that in this state, letting yourself explore his body again like it’s been a million years, running your own fingers over all his muscles, GRIPPING as you also bite his lip slightly as you do a lil GASP]
Gabe: [I knew the hoop thing about her so I had to do it but yeah you’ll both just be into it rn, soz for the beard/stubble rash you’ll probably get later as a lasting reminder of this hun because that meanwhile is this boy’s signature look hence I had to make him a bit older than y’all, pull this girl’s hair in response because she also has better hair than her sister in terms of the texture being not naturally straight af so again you’re obvs about it sir, before doing your own waist GRAB to deal with pulling down/taking off whatever else she’s wearing clothes wise and just leaving her standing here in her underwear which is when you can finally bother to return her LOOK from earlier as you shamelessly check her out]
Dolly: [not the bright red mouth after, casually trying to ice roll that out of existence before your grandparents return lmao, you love to see it, just like you love to feel exposed like this, shivering not from the sudden chill, still, pulling him back towards you like come on ‘we don’t have long’ gonna be speaking in Swiss French in person too unless I make a point of specifically saying something in English]
Gabe: [imagine haha, again not something most characters have to think about because beards are gross imo so I don’t inflict them upon my boys/most of y’all are teens when we are doing things, take that unsubtle hint to hurry the fuck up and kiss her again while pulling her towards the bed, I love that you are yet to say anything sir when I know it isn’t in the way most characters don’t, you just don’t have many thoughts in your head here and now, only the obvious ones]
Dolly: [here trying to be the one to push him onto this bed before he can you, pinning him with your knees either side of him, hovering above his stomach, not initiating contact and just LOOKING at him some more ‘you said you missed me’ almost accusingly like did you really or what, still enough of a statement that it isn’t a question, tugging on his hair softly as you continue looking at him from this angle]
Gabe: [he’s allowing it so that he can basically recline on this bed because lbr he’s lazy and both of these girls are being made to do most of the work most of the time, echoing her ‘we don’t have long’ from this position in response to her LOOKING because she’s now the one wasting time, undoing what are probably jeans because he’s that sort of wannabe rockstar boy ‘yeah, I said it’ as accusingly ‘and so what?’ being added almost like a challenge/a posed question of what she’s going to do about that]
Dolly: [shaking your head and grinning at him ‘you don’t know how long we have’ because true, you only know they’re not here from the car and we’re purposefully not giving you that information, looking back over your shoulder to LOOK at him taking his jeans off, biting your lip again, falling back onto the bed and pushing so you’re reclined the other end to him ‘so show me’ absolutely a challenge]
Gabe: [‘I know it won’t be long enough’ because regardless of how much you do or don’t feel for each other actually that’s also true in the snatched moments of it all now and whenever you had them before, hence taking up that challenge and coming at her like it’s been a thousand years with how he’s stripping her naked, albeit very clumsily because he’s not swag and he’s also kissing her body in every cliche place a boy like him would, never quite doing the most but definitely believing he is ‘show me how badly you need this’ because she said that]
Dolly: [nodding because it’s real and you do feel sad about it in this moment that he’ll be gone soon but what can you say about it, again, at least there’s no need to speak when you can let your reactions to him getting you naked do all the talking, taking his hand in yours and first taking it to your nips like feel and then taking his hand close enough to you that he can feel the HEAT coming off you but not close enough to give you any kind of relief about it ‘now do you see?’]
Gabe: [smiling about all these antics because he do see it and he loves to, it’s 100% giving smug as if you don’t want her as badly if not lbr even moreso, still, get naked yourself very much in a do YOU see kind of manner, giving her a second to LOOK however limited they may be before this hookup then inevitably initiates, he will be positioning them so she’s on top for the established reason that she can do the work but also so he has an excellent view and complete access to her boobs which are clearly his fave thing about her body]
Dolly: [his name escaping your lips like you’re scandalised by what you see and can’t, as you said, wait for him to be inside you, screwing your eyes so tightly shut when he is, clamping your hands over your mouth as a force of habit before the realisation you don’t need to be quiet at all hits and you’re throwing your head back so your chest is really being thrust towards him ‘FUCK’ as a reflex to not having to hold back, no volume control about it]
Gabe: [it goes without saying that he’s obsessed with every second of this and every reaction she’s giving but especially that he didn’t have to take her hands away cos she had that realisation on her own and what she did when it hit, REALLY thrusting himself when she sticks her chest out at him like that, coming at it like a force of nature with his hands and mouth like this is the first time ever because he has never gotten over that other time or her and if this is gonna be the last time potentially then he’s making the most of it]
Dolly: [SQUEEZING yourself tighter around him because you could not be riding him harder about this, rolling your hips and bouncing your other curves against him ‘play with me, I’ve missed how rough your fingers are’ ‘cos peeps who play guitar always have callouses and he’d like you calling attention to it as much as it’s just true ‘I’m too soft’ blatantly meaning that all attempts to deal with your frustration have been impossible, hence we feel more feral than ever, taking a finger of his and sucking at it hungrily, swirling said callouses with your tongue]
Gabe: [this boy doesn’t deserve her all she’s giving atm because he’s really giving his too rn but it is simply not as slay your honour, good point about the curves he has ignored though, do grab her arse while y’all are getting into and keeping up this feral rhythm, oh my boo is SO right about how hilariously into her drawing attention to his guitar playing hands he would be, I lol, saying his own ‘fuck’ as she do but not as loud or dramatically as she said it, and obviously do also touch her as indecently as you are able because you’re not a boy who has your own ideas you’re a boy who follows these girls’ lead while trying to pretend you’re the one in control and therefore not entirely whipped as boys like to]
Dolly: [he may not but ain’t that just life lmao, can’t let that hold you back when you know what you need, leaning so far forward at his fuck that his face is being smothered right now excuse us except we aren’t even slightly sorry, somehow making the pace even more frantic as he’s touching you, moaning his name with abandon again to enjoy this newfound freedom]
Gabe: [mhmm, and he isn’t sorry about any of it either, least of all being smothered to death, calling her a good girl when she makes the pace even more !! as encouragement to keep it like that because we all know both these girls would be FERAL for that phrase + likewise adding her name too because he can and that’s the same newfound freedom for him]
Dolly: [we do know and it’s so blatant that there’s nothing to do but to lean into it as hard as you can, which is what we are doing, as well as attempting to ask him ‘how much better?’ we mean than all the other girls in his list but that’s not being made as clear as it could be because we’re too busy pressing our body into him in the places he clearly admires ‘you like how soft I am’ as an actual observation for once, as if this has only just occurred because your mother is a fat shamer so it isn’t your natural instinct to see your body as more desirable although to a lot of people it is]
Gabe: [being equally blatant about how much better she is than everyone and how much he likes her body with all of his reactions both in terms of his own noises he’s doing which I doubt are moans because a lot of boys aren’t giving that so I doubt he would, but they are as extra as he’d get to the point that he can’t do words, and the effort he’s putting into touching and fucking her when he obvs isn’t someone who is excellent at multi-tasking or putting someone else’s needs first and is clearly LOSING it with how into this hookup he is ‘the best’ coming out indecently in answer to her question eventually & it works for her observation too]
Dolly: [you can shh girl and let him focus on this because you want him to kill you as much as he wants it and you are both doing your most to make that happen here and now, just giving him all the encouragement in pure NOISE not so much words, even though you’re kissing him so hard at the words he manages to get out because can’t not be into that soz]
Gabe: [meanwhile he’s here breaking that kiss almost immediately because he wants to run his mouth suddenly telling her how sexy she is, a flop move because I’ve heard french people use our english word just with an accent so that’s what he’s doing and it SENDS me haha but also the word sexy gives me the ick when there’s so many better words which exist, I had to do it instead of just letting y’all have a makeout sesh which would be the iconic thing to do, at least the way he’s pushing her face from his and keeping her at enough distance to let him speak by holding her hair would be a hot move, you’ve redeemed yourself slightly sir because he’d 100% call her hot after because it’s just basic when again, so much else you could say]
Dolly: [can confirm they do and it’s very funny, does sound like they’re taking the piss but nope, just out here doing the most suddenly, which, again, would be different from it has been ‘cos you know Lulu was always getting involved because whole point for her so this boy actually taking any semblance of control for real is hot, basic as it is in theory, so be LOOKING at him with big eyes whilst you continue to unsubtly do the most]
Gabe: [soz he’s unintentionally hilarious just by not being english speaking, I can’t help that french is so silly, y’all are here finding it hot which is what matters, say her specific pet name, however silly/unsexy that may also be because it isn’t giving baby or anything romantic of the sort, it’s something mundane or bantsy except not to them because it’s only for them, basically coming out as a moan or as close as he’ll ever get in response to how she’s LOOKING at him and how big her eyes are before you then crash your mouths back together as if you didn’t pull apart a sec ago, he’s taking control again and dragging her face to his is the point]
Dolly: [we can’t help that French is silly, I’m sure y’all find it less silly than we do being a native speaker and fluent lmao, gotta have you calling him something you would have only called him in a bantsy/sassy manner before, like Gabey, because it’s not cute and you had to rebel however you could but you’re saying it how you never have before, changing the meaning entirely for this moment, not at all able to focus on this kiss so it’s clumsy af but you don’t care]
Gabe: [not him actually doing something and changing the position up here in this moment so that he’s on top of her because she said that and he HAS TO because DYING about it, shamelessly kissing and fucking her the hardest he ever has anyone in his life until they both can’t cope anymore and are DEAD]
Dolly: [RIP you two, me like you deserve this and do you? Kinda, it’s a weird situation and neither of you is to blame but not blameless so meh, have at it honestly, I don’t blame either of you for ending up here]
Gabe: [jemily regret nothing and neither do y’all, if nothing else he can’t bitch that he didn’t get a proper goodbye now because she did everything she could there and there’s no denying it here in the aftermath when you’re both gonna be so dead and so shook]
Dolly: [when the only time coming close to that was when y’all went off and managed to do it alone because every other time your sister and her influence has been there making you feel sick so how much could he truly do fighting against all that weirdness, just here thinking about that, and how much worse everything was because of your twin and her codependency, at least a sigh right now isn’t coming across as dramatic]
Gabe: [me just knowing that Lulu would be whispering in Gabe’s ear so poor Dolly would never know exactly what was said, oh the mental illness is strong in her, god bless, but anyway, I’m sure he’s doing his own sigh in a more authentically trying to get his breath back way so he won’t notice hers isn’t, I’m also sure that he’ll wanna smoke immediately after this because even if it wasn’t a french cliche it’s a wannabe rockstar one if that isn’t how Swiss people roll post sex, throw your clothes on so you’re not doing this inside, she knows you so she knows your rituals and what is happening, give her the 3 kisses Swiss people weirdly do instead of 2 even though you aren’t intending to leave forever yet]
Dolly: [we know it was constant mindgames and it’s why you’ll never have a relationship again but that’s not a conversation for now, even if this boy wasn’t running off to smoke, shouting ‘back garden’ after him so he’s not at the front door lest your grandparents return because he clearly looks sexed up having only just thrown his clothes back on]
Gabe: [acknowledge you’ve heard her either with a yeah or a noise equivalent and go and have your smoke break because I’m 1000% certain the insane twin has been blowing your phone up that you switched off because the only way I can imagine he left their house was by starting an argument to storm off, and you’ll look even if you don’t respond sir, I know that]
Dolly: [in that vein, be here deleting incriminating messages between y’all, which he can also see happening, because even if he thinks Lulu don’t check his phone, we know that she does, you’re welcome, boy]
Gabe: [mhmm, she is her mother’s daughter meaning absolutely unhinged, there is nothing she wouldn’t do even if this boy likes to pretend there is and she wouldn’t ever actually go as far as we all know she would]
Dolly: [that’s what I’m saying girlies]
Gabe: [he’s gonna be out there for way longer than a smoke break takes reading all these millions of messages she has flooded him with from the second he was out the door until now but do eventually come back up, even if, I fear, it’s to end up saying you g2g, sit on the end of her bed and do a more dramatic sigh of your own first though ‘sorry’ no elaboration if that’s because of how long you were in the garden or because you’re shamelessly about to leave] 
Dolly: [at least you’ve had time to get your clothes back on too and be slightly less dead and frazzled, although we can’t pretend everything is all chill, you’re in a better position to shrug, letting out the unbelieving but at the same time entirely unsurprised breath ‘your choice’ like I don’t have to go back there and talk to her, it you still out here having a relationship for reasons we do not understand]
Gabe: [‘make yours’ in an exasperated tell me what you want and you can have it tone because he’s been out here saying this whole time he’ll leave her for you and he still is]
Dolly: [‘that’s nothing to do with me’ because staying out of everything to do with her is entirely the vibe, putting your hands up like see, washed clean]
Gabe: [‘deleting my messages doesn’t from your brain’ because you still heard everything he said and know what he’s saying rn]
Dolly: [‘I did that for your benefit not mine’ like excuse me but we’re not fully fuming or anything here, hence moving closer to him like come on, putting your hand on his shoulder]
Gabe: [‘if I leave her, it’s for you’ just saying that he isn’t going to leave her unless it’s for this, okay hun, great]
Dolly: [‘why?’ as a genuine question because what are you doing babe]
Gabe: [‘because if you don’t want to be with me, she will’ true but savage, thankfully Lulu is also using you so I don’t feel bad]
Dolly: [‘so will countless girls’ nudging his shoulder with yours now like we aren’t the only girls to exist ‘you said it, we’re not in the same country anymore’ fixing his hair like you’re so casual and the reality of your situation isn’t so fresh atm]
Gabe: [‘they do’ in a but it’s not the same tone because he is slagging around uni but in his head rn they are the only girls to exist hence he can’t walk away ‘when we both finish we can be again’ because god knows how long he has left of uni but courses aren’t that long and you deffo aren’t a fresher ‘until then, we could still see each other, like we are now’]
Dolly: [doing a sad smile he can only maybe see from how you’re positioned right now because you are also stuck thinking about that time you’re only just coming out of, for better and worse ‘if I even finish school now’ ‘cos you would think you’d flop so hard because obviously the system is so different and you only have your A-levels left so that’s no time to get used to UK schooling tbh, resting your head on his shoulder now ‘I’ll see you’ quieter, smaller voice than you were using like you can’t even believe you’re saying it]
Gabe: [‘you’ll pass’ saying it flippantly like duh of course you will because he knows they are both smart and there’s no question of it in his mind, ruffling her hair and doing a lil knock on the top of her head like he’s saying hello you’ve got a big brain in there ‘and you’ll see me?’ having to repeat it as a question because he’s in disbelief and needs the confirmation]
Dolly: [swatting at him as if you’re like ugh stop it but it’s kind of the energy you’re about and thinking seriously about restarting school in September is not something you wish to do now whilst you still have summer left, burrowing your head down so you’re hiding behind his back now on this bed but he’ll feel you nodding against him for that confirmation]
Gabe: [pulling her out from behind his back with so much !! it’s again a hot move, we can’t lie, hugging her so big that they both fall back onto this bed in a heap because he’s buzzing that she’s said yes to this when he was expecting a no]
Dolly: [being equally !! because you were hiding for a reason so now you have to start a lil makeout to avoid him seeing how red you are/avoid being more serious about this ‘I just want you’ like that’s all and it’s not more than you’ve admitted to before]
Gabe: [he will be distracted by this lil makeout anyway but then that’s the green light to go harder when she says that so obvs he’s turning it into a more !! makeout, more slowly taking off her clothes than he did earlier but nevertheless taking them off again]
Dolly: [doing the kind of half grumpy half blissful groan ‘I thought you had to leave’ because that’s obviously where it was going and now you’re here getting more and more undressed]
Gabe: [‘no’ shaking his head playfully as he’s saying it like idk what gave you that idea sis, despite being very unplayful about his antics because he’s kissing her everywhere he takes a piece of clothing off of, not at all casually all over her rn]
Dolly: [‘no?’ giving are you quite sure about that but again, giving him access to parts of you he wouldn’t by shifting your weight this way and that, just very much loving this for yourself]
Gabe: [in answer be kissing her harder everywhere she’s just given you the chance to, shamelessly getting into leaving marks levels with it which you haven’t this deliberately when you were doing it earlier, boobs not included because they are definitely lovebitten but the rest of her was not]
Dolly: [‘don’t’ but from the breathless and indecent way we’re saying this, barely saying, you can tell we mean don’t leave as opposed to don’t mark me]
Gabe: [‘no?’ in the same are you sure tone, playfully mocking and copying her, but he’s as breathless and indecent as he LOOKS at her from wherever his head’s been resting whether that’s her shoulder or her chest or the crook of her neck, any of the above are plausible and a hot position to be in]
Dolly: [shaking your head because wherever he is you’ll be able to tickle/get him with your long ass hair and that’s the only defence you have right now from how WEAK this boy got you feeling]
Gabe: [the way this boy gathers up all her hair in his hand and YANKS her head back as if this a playfight and he’s so mad and so like ugh stop and yet not at all like that is undeniably another hot move, especially because then he has her entire throat and neck to kiss and he REALLY is ‘take off my clothes then’ because he’s staying but fully dressed rn]
Dolly: [not you throwing your head back again in a direct parallel to earlier, welcome for that as a visual that’s entirely deserved because we’re not okay about how hot that was, hence we’re bunching your t-shirt up in our fist before attempting to calm a little and do this reverse striptease moment slowly so he can appreciate it]
Gabe: [and appreciate it we all know he will, along with everything else, soz not soz he’s obsessed with this girl here and now, hence he cannot stop distracting her with makeouts he keeps stopping and starting as she’s trying to undress him, whenever he stops, pushing her away as his own parallel to earlier because the same way basically though he’s grabbing and then holding her face more this time with each go]
Dolly: [SO clearly into this game of push and pull y’all are having here, always coming at him with increased feral energy, as it’s summer, clearly isn’t taking you long to undress him, however much you both prolong it with these antics, when he has pushed you away for the final time and he’s as naked as you are, LAUNCHING yourself at him so hard, pillows flying off this bed with all y’alls clothes, crashing your lips into his for a makeout that is punctuated with your already turned on breathlessness]
Gabe: [mhmm, they are both living their best lives rn soz not soz my twin or the grandparents whose house this is, giving his all to this makeout sesh, in contrast to the push and pull of earlier, catch him throwing his thigh over her to pin her in place as they do because y’all’s bodies couldn’t be closer and gotta keep it like that for the 2nd hookup we’re all aware is gonna happen, definitely will doing the ultimate cliche of likewise pinning her hands above her head with his when he initiates that because both into him taking full control of things]
Dolly: [no one here is soz I’m afraid, jemily is also not soz because we love the delicious drama and you just would do this, it makes sense on every level and yeah, you are undeniably loving it right now, here making indecent eye contact with him on a whole new level because you can but also because you have no other choice in this position so you’re dying over it]
Gabe: [nobody can say it’s us causing drama for the sake of/cos Winnie is forcing us, they both would, it’s the most in character thing ever, I’m loling though because he will be dying over this eye contact literally meaning in no world is this not gonna be a much shorter hookup (not quite giving the Timmy sex scene in ladybird because I could never but) so it is a good job they had that other one and she was already turned on because otherwise you’d be like oh]
Dolly: [y’all were pushing your luck with a full round two but it was a must for that reason lol, as well as the reason of your grandparents presumably being on their way back and the reason of your phone blowing up boy, here again needing to get dressed so doing another reversal by you getting up to get his clothes from the floor pile without putting yours back on, you’re welcome ‘how long are you here?’ when your back is to him, because of course you don’t know, it’s not like Lulu warned you he would be coming]
Gabe: [tell her when you were meant to be staying until but obvs there is an unspoken but who the fuck knows now in your tone because you literally walked out on Lulu and are fully expecting her to be like um okay fuck off back to Switzerland then hun because that is what a lot of girls would do]
Dolly: [‘if you are-’ unspoken I’ll see you later at the end there as you turn back and hand him the clothes you have gathered, half shrug, because you wouldn’t be surprised if she’d keep him around to try and get her own back in a weird way, obviously, you know this bitch]
Gabe: [start putting your clothes back on like it’s casual despite nothing about this being because he knows this bitch too and I’m sure he’d rather go straight to the airport instead of deal with any of her crazy rn but doing that means he wouldn’t see this gal unless he then deliberately comes back to visit her specifically which is and would be a whole thing, hence we all know what’s actually going to happen ‘I’ll text you’ as an unspoken promise that he’ll stick around and this’ll happen again despite how casual it again sounds]
Dolly: [we truly feel for you, even though we think it’s your fault for still being involved with us at all, we know too well the pain of dealing with her crazy, hence fixing his hair is more you patting his head as you walk past to get your own clothes ‘this wasn’t goodbye?’ raising a brow because such a male move to give you something to remember him by, smirking like thank god lmao, getting your hoops stuck again when you pull your shirt back on]
Gabe: [‘it was going to be’ as he comes over to free this earring for her and is then in such ridiculously close proximity, because it was but now it can’t be because the hookup was too fire, yes I am quoting Gypsy Rose as closely as I can there haha, smirking back at her from this position of being right in her grill, tucking her hair behind the ear he freed in such a deliberate move]
Dolly: [‘yeah, it was’ because he was all but begging for it from you and was expecting you to say goodbye, which is also what you thought you’d do but here we are, somehow totally okay with it, moving your body into his, not quite a hug because you’re not putting your arms around him but close enough ‘you know how ridiculous it is that you’re going back to MY house’ like by all rights you should be allowed to go back too but we know why you’re not]
Gabe: [kissing her, not as a goodbye but a goodbye for now but we all know it’s really extra because god knows when y’all will see each other again or if you even will because one or both of you could back out a million times once he’s left this room and neither of you would be surprised in the circumstances ‘yeah, I do’ because it really is and nobody’s denying that, nevertheless catch this boy going regardless once he’s said that]
Dolly: [oh the delicious drama, win you are eating well sir]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 24 days
Sekhmet: 👋🏽✨🌸🧁🩰🎀💝👋🏽 This is like SUCH a bizarre request to have to pose that I can only assume that’s why [the head of drama/this production] is making ME do it, save the cases 💁🏽‍♀️
Sekhmet: But we need your measurements, to start on your costume, can adjust and be more exact at your first try-on, saves me chasing around every cast member 
Lulu: Golly, how potentially triggering 🚩🚩💣 
Lulu: the rest of the cast must be shook, [someone we’re being a bitch about] to her core! 💔😔
Lulu: but as of last night [her exact measurements to a freakishly accurate degree] 😘
Sekhmet: Mhmm… the Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Society are probably on the case as we speak
Sekhmet: [this poor person] doesn’t need to worry though, there’s not a body that doesn’t suit tailoring over everyone wearing some one-size-fits-all monstrosity 💔😱
Sekhmet: Naturally, I’ll make sure you look extra snatched 😘
Lulu: When it’s giving sack it’s giving opening night screening at the wretched RE film soc instead of stage debut, I could never 
Lulu: 😱  I’d be snatched by any other name 🥀 & to an entirely different degree, naturally 😱 
Sekhmet: 🤪🤭 No but why had no one BC heard of a belt?
Sekhmet: You’re SO lucky, girl, this play is giving high fashion in comparison to last year’s end-of-year
Lulu: They’d heard of bdsm the book’s FULL of it & so is EVERY era painting, priorities be like… 
Lulu: That’s me, in the incapable hands of whatever dyslexic runs the inclusivity club 🙄
Sekhmet: So those are the kind of movies they’re watching in that society… I knew there had to be a reason ANYONE joined
Sekhmet: Thanks for the reading rec 🙏🏽
Sekhmet: What’s your role? I have [the teacher]’s notes but what do YOU want your costume to represent?
Lulu: You’re beyond welcome, it’s a real page turner & not at ALL a dry bore of a 📖
Lulu: Oh, I play [whoever your role is] & [pop off about it because you are a nerd and you clearly wanna do this or you wouldn’t be]
Sekhmet: I know there’s a LOT of incredibly hot fashion that takes from it, McQueen’s A/W 96 Dante collection could never be wrong OR a bore 🥵🥵🥵🥵
Sekhmet: You got it, I’m gonna start sketching immediately
Lulu: Bad luck for that girl Eden who doesn’t live up to her name, do you know her? It’s terribly tragic 😢
Sekhmet: I know most everyone here, to a point
Sekhmet: You don’t like her?
Lulu: I don’t like anyone here, to a point
Sekhmet: Bad luck for us
Sekhmet: Why not?
Lulu: A super long story, you’ve got one to read & sketches to start
Sekhmet: I refuse to believe it’s rivalling the length of the bible but I hear ya 🤐
Sekhmet: What are you doing this evening?
Lulu: I refuse to join you for bible study, however tempting the offer clearly is
Sekhmet: Something tells me we’d fall at the first hurdle and that is not my style
Lulu: Mine neither
Sekhmet: I didn’t need notes for that one
Sekhmet: What’s your horse called? 
Lulu: Kasparov
Sekhmet: Suitably grand, I like it
Lulu: What’s yours called? 
Lulu: [make some fashion related guesses for designers you think it could be]?
Sekhmet: My first ever pony was Coco, I didn’t know much more back then but she was such a sweetheart
Sekhmet: Madame, for Madame Grès, the full title felt like a lot but if you don’t know her, you should look her up, you’d like her style
Lulu: 🥺 I still don’t know much more than that, about fashion
Lulu: to me, grès is a sort of stone
Sekhmet: She was a sculptor, well, she was trained but her family didn’t want her to be one, so she designed dresses like Grecian statues
Lulu: She changed her name for privacy numerous times, I love that
Sekhmet: They called her The Sphinx of Fashion, which could only be fitting for my girl, given how Egyptian mama went with our names
Lulu: She really did that, a BOLD move
Lulu: not that I have any room to talk with how mummy was 🎲🎲
Sekhmet: I know, people learn to pronounce it when given reason though so I’m not that mad 
Sekhmet: Your name is soft
Lulu: But a double - did she have to? Pick one, darling, no one’ll accuse us of being impoverished, it’s fine
Sekhmet: The real question is do you feel you fared better than your sister?
Sekhmet: I know I do
Lulu: Undeniably, as I should
Sekhmet: 🥂
Lulu: In answer to your earlier question, what I’ll be doing this evening is falling further down the 👗 rabbit hole 😍🥰
Sekhmet: You are SO welcome!
Sekhmet: I can’t get any of my friends interested in fashion beyond buying it, which, fair enough but 😩😩😩
Sekhmet: Your evening is shaping up better than mine
Lulu: Buying would prove rather redundant in my case 😩😩😩
Lulu: but let’s focus on how offensive it is you’re not excited to spend the evening designing my health & safety approved corset!
Sekhmet: No way, you’re like sample size, you should be wearing ALL the couture ALL the time, it’s practically your duty 😍👏🏽
Sekhmet: OMG, don’t get me started 😒😒 like swooning is entirely appropriate, it’s actually the point, hello???
Sekhmet: If I had my way… 😅
Lulu: I escaped Dolly by name but not by nature, my duty is to parade around in whatever monstrosity mummy tells me to 😇
Lulu: sometimes her wild choices do make me feel awfully faint
Sekhmet: Then we have to introduce her to [some designers you are saying would actually suit this girl] as a matter of urgency 
Lulu: Your sense of urgency will have to wait until she’s back from [wherever the hell your parents are because they are always somewhere atm]
Sekhmet: Nice for some
Sekhmet: meanwhile we’re stuck languishing at a school that doesn’t even want to allow heels on stage, for God’s sake
Lulu: Honestly! In what world would anyone but [someone else we’re dragging] fall to her death
Sekhmet: Exactly! I said, if you can’t walk in heels by seniors, what hope do you really have on stage or anywhere, for that matter
Lulu: I’ve been doing the 📚 balancing act since I was practically a toddler, no brag, it’s just, like, a necessary life skill to be able to walk with some poise 
Sekhmet: 🥺
Sekhmet: Girl after my own heart
Lulu: My modelling career was short-lived but all blame to the cringe photographer & his less than thrilling backdrops
Sekhmet: How old were you?
Lulu: [the age range you were when your mother tried to force this but couldn’t make fetch happen]
Lulu: VERY pre glow up 😳💀
Sekhmet: That is so adorable
Sekhmet: I WILL demand evidence when I am taking your mother down the rabbit hole of what to wear
Lulu: OMG make no such demands! I was THE ginger-est child you’ve ever seen! It was horrific 😬
Lulu: 📸 doesn’t just wash me out I’m literally washed away 👋🏻
Sekhmet: Your hair is the most gorgeous colour, I refuse to believe it’s anything but the photographer’s fault
Lulu: [send her the most unflattering pics you can find of the previous play she mentioned like well I’m not gonna get any good ones when we do ours either lol, dragging whoever took these for the school’s website to filth]!!
Sekhmet: 😶😶😶
Sekhmet: I haven’t seen some of those, [naming some of these peeps] will FREAK if they see the light of day 
Lulu: If they don’t get their top uni places they’ll know why, those would actually have a negative impact & I’ve never felt so second-hand embarrassed 
Sekhmet: Never?
Sekhmet: I need to show you around some more
Lulu: Well…
Lulu: okay, every class I’m in is populated with incel boys & pick-me girls, never is a stretch OR I’m growing more & more dead inside from the constant 😳💀
Sekhmet: YIKES, what subjects did you choose? 
Sekhmet: I thought the arty types I was stuck with were tiresome enough
Lulu: Maths, Chemistry & Physics 🤓
Sekhmet: So you’re surrounded by THE worst people but you’re going to be SO rich, I see the vision 
Lulu: Inherited wealth isn’t going to be, not the way my parents blow through it
Lulu: & my daddy’s idea of a jolly good investment is [something which absolutely isn’t and we’re calling him stupid]
Sekhmet: What will you do with yours?
Lulu: That WOULD be telling & you’re far from a confidante for being trusted with my measurements 
Sekhmet: Wait until I’ve measured you in person
Lulu: With no less than utterly bated breath
Sekhmet: Save it for when you’ve got the corset on
Lulu: My faux corset couldn’t cause a swoon if it tried, you said so
Sekhmet: Give me time
Sekhmet: [the drama teacher] can be persuaded
Lulu: Until opening night, that’s everyone’s deadline
Sekhmet: Do you get stage fright?
Lulu: Do I look like a masochist? 
Sekhmet: 🤔
Lulu: 🤭 take your time but I don’t get stage fright
Sekhmet: I won’t stitch a safety net for you then
Lulu: You’ll be too busy attacking me with pins to see how I react now
Sekhmet: No, no, not if you stay still
Lulu: I wouldn’t dream of moving unless you told me to
Sekhmet: You make an excellent Dolly, I remember
Lulu: I’ve had years of practice 
Sekhmet: 📚
Sekhmet: It shows
Lulu: All the world's a stage, to quote [the drama teacher] quoting the only playwright they’ve ever heard of
Sekhmet: It’s giving Coco, truly 🤭
Lulu: No, because that was adorable 🥺🥺
Sekhmet: [send her the content I really have of this horse and you riding it etc]
Lulu: [send her the content I really have of you as a kid on a horse which is literally that one pic]
Sekhmet: 😖 KILL ME
Sekhmet: What a little munchkin
Lulu: My first horse was called Gambit so I totally understand, we were naming in awkward parallel according to our interests
Sekhmet: We were totally precious
Lulu: YOU were
Lulu: mummy would die if she was your mother, she’d kill herself
Sekhmet: Why does that feel like the biggest compliment I’ve ever received maybe?
Lulu: Because it’s the biggest I’ve paid anyone ever
Sekhmet: You’re too sweet 😋
Lulu: I can see her now, doing it in the most dramatic fashion
Sekhmet: I’ll lend her my fabric scissors
Lulu: What makes them different from other scissors?
Sekhmet: Carbon steel, longer blades and sharper edges
Lulu: Wow
Sekhmet: I know
Lulu: Maybe I do care about fashion or I will from now on
Sekhmet: Then my work here is done ✂️💝
Lulu: You’re leaving me? ✂️💔💔💔
Sekhmet: No, no
Sekhmet: This is too interesting
Lulu: You can’t drop the news fabric scissors exist & then dip
Lulu: you’d have to lend them to me
Sekhmet: I see how it is 😏
Sekhmet: I’ll show you how sharp they are at your fitting
Lulu: Okay, I’ll count the seconds until my fitting, that’s what you want
Sekhmet: Is that what I want, are you sure?
Lulu: I know it is
Sekhmet: Do you want me to finish your costume first or last, that’s the question
Lulu: What do you think my answer is?
Sekhmet: I’m in two minds, so perhaps you are too
Sekhmet: You want me to want to finish yours first
Sekhmet: but you want to wait as long as you can to show you can too
Lulu: I’m of the mind what you want matters more
Sekhmet: I’m afraid I can’t bear leaving you any longer than the task requires I do
Lulu: It’s your task, your art
Sekhmet: No one will be able to take their eyes off you
Lulu: What does that feel like?
Sekhmet: Ribbon laced around you, tightening with each glance
Sekhmet: Does that make sense?
Lulu: Perfect sense
Sekhmet: Fabric scissors at your throat sounded too intense but it isn’t wrong
Lulu: Too intense can’t be wrong
Sekhmet: I don’t think so
Lulu: I’ve been labelled as such too many times for it not to fit
Sekhmet: It’s a good thing
Lulu: It feels good or I wouldn’t bother with the thing, I’m not labelled stupid
Sekhmet: You’re a smart girl, your classes didn’t come as a shock
Sekhmet: but neither does this
Lulu: I’m unshockable too
Sekhmet: I don’t think so
Lulu: Why? What are you thinking of?
Sekhmet: We aren’t there yet
Lulu: We’re [the seconds you have counted because maths nerd] seconds away
Sekhmet: 😅 Exactly
Sekhmet: You’re cute, I wish it were time now
Lulu: Can’t it be time for something else?
Sekhmet: What are you doing this evening?
Lulu: What do you want me to do?
Sekhmet: Come out with me
Lulu: You’ll have to dress me, I don’t know how
Sekhmet: Of course, it’s what I do
Lulu: You’re welcome to come here first but I mean it when I say the wardrobes have nothing to pull from, out of my uniform I look beastly
Sekhmet: I’ll show you what you can do with what you have
Sekhmet: Even if it is showing-off, that’s the kind of mood you’ve got me in
Lulu: Pride in the skills you have is valid for every mood
Sekhmet: What clubs do you go to?
Lulu: 😳 …unless you mean after school, I don’t 🤓😇
Sekhmet: 🤯🤯
Sekhmet: So the adorable angel bit isn’t completely one, interesting
Lulu: My parents have lots of parties, I’m not like [someone we’re shading yet again]
Sekhmet: We’ll go somewhere young then, out of your comfort zone
Lulu: If this is an elaborate practical joke, it’s been tried already, most of them have
Sekhmet: God, no
Sekhmet: We’re 17 not 7
Lulu: Tell me about it, I ADORE your school & being the 👽 new girl just because I spoke French instead of English a few times
Sekhmet: You have to teach me, my French is TERRIBLE
Sekhmet: How am I gonna work in Paris without your help
Lulu: Mine’s Swiss which they’d definitely bully you for in Paris but yonks ago I learned what the differences are & how not to trip up
Sekhmet: Were you there for the banking?
Sekhmet: You must miss it, your friends
Lulu: My friends, my boyfriend, everything
Sekhmet: Aw, what’s your boyfriend called?
Lulu: Gabe
Lulu: Gabriel 😇
Sekhmet: So perfect
Sekhmet: Well, we’ll keep you busy so you can’t miss him too bad
Lulu: It’s a top 10 baby name there but we’ll pretend his mother tried harder than my next door neighbour with [the chelsea equivalent of a popular boy’s name] 😅
Sekhmet: When there’s at least 5 [whatever name] per class, it really loses the shine
Lulu: In my class there were only [and the top 10 girls names because girls school, I’m not gonna look them up to make this point when we’re joking and only some of y’all were called that]
Sekhmet: I bet the uniform was RIDICULOUS 
Sekhmet: another picture I gotta see 
Lulu: [send her one of you wearing said uniform because I’m sure you have all your pics from your cult school close to hand because you’re in your hardcore missing it era]
Sekhmet: You look so 😁
Lulu: I was
Sekhmet: Will you go back, are there good Unis there?
Lulu: I can’t, mummy thinks the country is the size of a postage stamp & EVERYONE knows & deeply deeply cares why we left 🙄
Lulu: she’s right anyway, it is ruined
Sekhmet: I know you’re not going to tell me, it’s cool, I’m not going to ask
Sekhmet: You’ll have to bring the energy to wherever you go next
Lulu: I didn’t do anything apart from have my life wrecked, it was my sister’s attention-seeking act
Lulu: & really, what’s to tell? It’s a girls boarding school, pick the most blatant means of getting kicked out, because she did
Sekhmet: I hear the rumours, I just don’t take them in as the truth 
Sekhmet: She really let you be collateral? That’s low
Lulu: She’s the lowest that’s why she’s bringing religion into her bind
Lulu: mummy & daddy aren’t going to forgive her & neither will I, my soft touch grandparents & god are it 👋🏻
Sekhmet: Never?
Sekhmet: You aren’t waiting for a suitable price paid by her or the most opportune moment to play saviour yourself?
Lulu: Anyone else, of course I would be
Lulu: but she was different
Lulu: I trusted only her and she betrayed me as completely
Sekhmet: I get it
Sekhmet: a bridge too far, there have to be some rules that can’t be broken
Lulu: The bridge is in ashes, she broke me & she doesn’t even feel sorry
Sekhmet: I’m sorry, for what that is or isn’t worth
Sekhmet: I don’t know what I’d do in your position, if Hath did that to me
Lulu: I’m sorry you’re here to witness me at my literal worst, I’m a dreadful mess because of her
Lulu: I never anticipated being in this position & I truly don’t know what to do
Sekhmet: I’m not judging you
Sekhmet: Not even a bit, your sister however… 👀
Lulu: I am, I should’ve seen it coming, it’s what I do
Sekhmet: Had it happened before, like lesser aggressions and betrayals? 
Sekhmet: Or was it completely out of the blue
Lulu: It couldn’t have been more out of the blue
Lulu: we were devoted to each other, I still don’t understand how or why she’d do any of what she did
Sekhmet: Crazy…
Sekhmet: There HAS to be a reason there
Lulu: She was willing to make me collateral damage to cause our parents the upset she HAD to
Sekhmet: Oh, teenage rebellion 
Sekhmet: 🙄😬
Lulu: My second-hand embarrassment is back hardcore
Sekhmet: I won’t bother getting to know her now
Lulu: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Lulu: you’re an absolute brick
Sekhmet: Of course, it’s not like we could be friends now, WAY too much drama and no loyalty, what’s to like?
Lulu: True, but don’t you think I’m bringing as much drama?
Sekhmet: No, not to me
Sekhmet: You’ve been hurt by her actions but that’s not your fault, we’ve all got that kind of baggage 
Lulu: I can’t imagine anyone hurting you, not on purpose & not without being the most sorry
Sekhmet: Well, I can make almost anyone sorry, of course 💁🏽‍♀️😘
Sekhmet: People do it unwittingly, more often than not, I’ve found
Lulu: Fall at your feet? Yeah, I don’t doubt you’ve found that
Sekhmet: 😏 Hurt people, I meant
Lulu: Sure you did
Sekhmet: Is that how I seem to you? 🤔
Lulu: Unwittingly means you don’t encourage it, it isn’t a reflection on you, more a light shone on the people around you & they seem fully capable of 😍🥰
Sekhmet: I think I’m flattered
Lulu: Every day of your life, I’m assuming
Sekhmet: Oh, please
Sekhmet: Like you’re totally unfamiliar with that
Lulu: Oh, please
Lulu: I’m not ravishing, I’m just thin & not a brunette bore
Sekhmet: 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️
Sekhmet: Be so fucking for real!
Sekhmet: You’re doing a bit, yeah?
Lulu: I am for real, if I didn’t have those exact measurements I wouldn’t get looked twice at, there’s the trickery
Sekhmet: I know every trick in the 📚
Sekhmet: You can’t fake what you have
Lulu: I have discipline at the dinner table, that’s all
Sekhmet: If this is true, then my new mission is to get you to see the real truth that I’m seeing
Lulu: You’ll over mission yourself, mummy’s fashion faux pas list alone is full time
Sekhmet: I’m productive
Lulu: I’m aware
Sekhmet: You don’t want to like it here, I get that
Sekhmet: but you can like me
Lulu: Bold of you to assume I can like anyone once you’ve been told my intensity level
Lulu: I’m my mother’s child, obsessed or utterly apathetic 
Sekhmet: I don’t see a problem there
Lulu: It wouldn’t be one for you, you’re used to being the object of desire
Sekhmet: But for you?
Lulu: I wouldn’t survive you, not now
Sekhmet: I’m not going to hurt you
Lulu: People don’t intend to, right? Isn’t that what you wrote?
Sekhmet: I’m not people
Lulu: You’re a person, making promises you can’t keep
Sekhmet: I haven’t promised
Lulu: Because you know it’d be broken & I’m already in pieces
Sekhmet: You’re not going to see if I could put even two pieces back together? 
Sekhmet: Isn’t that worth the risk?
Lulu: The risk to me, but it’s too ugly what she did & who I am in the frightful aftermath to subject you to
Lulu: what you think you see, more than flatters me, even if it is a ridiculously false narrative, it’s worth something
Sekhmet: I’m glad
Sekhmet: Seriously, you’re welcome if that’s all that comes of this then that’s worth something to me too
Lulu: I can see how liking you would give people a reason to feel glad, doubly if they were liked back
Sekhmet: You’re adorable, you don’t have to compliment me, truly
Sekhmet: I’m not going to take it personally, this is about your sister
Lulu: Yours is lucky
Sekhmet: I don’t think she’s interested in me these days
Sekhmet: No great fall out or stab in the back, not to say it’s worse but it’s a different type of pain, that’s for sure…
Lulu: 🤯🤯  What or who else could come close to half as interesting? 🤯🤯  Full offence to her 👀
Sekhmet: That’s what I want to know 
Sekhmet: It’s gotta be something/someone 🤯🤯🤯
Lulu: No one from school then 🥱
Sekhmet: Honestly 🤭
Lulu: I thought she’d be coming out with us when you extended that clubbing offer, which you’re free & totally fine to retract after discovering how crazy I am btw
Sekhmet: She likes to go to raves and squat parties, I don’t know if I could convince her to come to a club any more than I could get you there 😅
Lulu: I can’t speak for her, but I’d go anywhere you asked me to
Lulu: vile field & whatever a squat party is?? included
Sekhmet: We’d have to leave Surrey, think [giving London postcodes that are poorer]
Sekhmet: not the direction I aim to go in but you know, that’s her MO, I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
Lulu: No judgement because my sister’s idea of fun is spending her free time with my grandma exclusively
Lulu: they’re teetotal besties & she isn’t a grandma like [insert someone cool but old from the era], it’s insanity
Sekhmet: SUCH a vivid picture has been painted, I just thought she was shy but okay 
Sekhmet: the judgment of me would be SO real from her, I can feel it 😱🥶
Lulu: That’s what she wants everyone to think & it worked on sir so why not? 👌🏻👌🏻 But ask my grandparents & I’m the manipulative one
Sekhmet: Aha
Sekhmet: 😇 hiding 😈s
Lulu: She’s her father’s daughter, finding it thrilling to be stared at however mortifying the reason if everyone’s looking
Lulu: could never be me, I need praise for how 🤓 or 😇 I am, but go off you two
Sekhmet: What does your dad do?
Lulu: You’re NOT ready
Sekhmet: Now you HAVE to tell me
Lulu: You have to come over, I’ll SHOW you
Sekhmet: Now I know it’s good
Sekhmet: I wouldn’t attempt to lure you over with promises of my dad’s office, it’s truly not that thrilling, we can’t pretend 
Lulu: You’ll shriek
Sekhmet: 😱 or 🤣?
Lulu: Depends on the track
Sekhmet: NO
Lulu: I know! 💀
Sekhmet: Not the rock star, that makes A LOT of sense for your mum actually
Sekhmet: I see the vision
Lulu: They are so gauche, it’s unbearable
Sekhmet: You poor thing 
Sekhmet: It’ll have to be a room makeover next then
Lulu: If only
Lulu: you’re going to be gagged by how wannabe 😎🎸 the house is
Sekhmet: Okay, give me a month to convince them to reno, don’t want to overpromise THAT hard 
Lulu: [write the date a month from today whatever that may be like okay there’s your deadline] 📅💞
Sekhmet: Your parents better make a couple IRL appearances in that time or I’m really going to have to do the 📱💞 work
Lulu: You could do the 🛫🤍🛬 work of meeting them IRL in [wherever they are cos we all know the vibe is they aren’t gonna reappear in that month]
Sekhmet: ☁️💫 sure beats my Young Enterprise classes any day
Lulu: The boys in those classes… I don’t know how you do it
Sekhmet: I just find it cute, how they act as if they’re already top rate businessmen because their dads are
Lulu: Some of their daddies 📈💳💵💴💶💷
Lulu: the others are play acting along with their sons 💼👔⌚️
Sekhmet: Exactly, and how could I do anything but coo at that 👶🏽 behaviour?
Lulu: I’m not that girl
Sekhmet: I figured 😏
Lulu: Oh, you think you’ve got me all figured out?
Sekhmet: Not all, no need to be offended, honey
Sekhmet: I’ll give another 📅💞 for that
Lulu: You’ll have until [whenever their last day of school ever is], [the name of their school] doesn’t give the impression it’d frown on Dolly getting up to her old tricks
Sekhmet: And once you’re done here, you’re 🛫🤍🛬 for good
Lulu: The ultimate 📅💞
Sekhmet: I’m not concerned
Lulu: What are you?
Sekhmet: Confident
Lulu: Used to getting your own way
Sekhmet: That makes it sound undeserved
Lulu: Overindulged if you were someone else who didn’t bring anything but we both know that isn’t you
Sekhmet: Or a 😸
Lulu: I’m not that girl either 🐶💕
Sekhmet: I’ve seen your pup on your socials
Lulu: & now you’ll get to meet him IRL too 😊
Lulu: Monty can’t wait, he adores having people over & besides Gabe’s visits I rudely deprive him
Sekhmet: Awh, he wants the social life moreso 🥺
Lulu: I’m such a bad mother 😢
Sekhmet: When did he last have a visit?
Lulu: [Whenever that was, like if this is September then sometime in the summer hols deffo]
Lulu: poor baby 🥺
Sekhmet: You or Monty?
Lulu: Gabe, most of all, naturally
Sekhmet: That’s what I like to hear
Lulu: I have to hear about what a bore it is for him waiting for his uni term to start like he wasn’t told he could stay until then 🙄🙄
Sekhmet: Boyfriends truly are exhausting, I always want rid when I’ve got one
Lulu: How completely relatable
Lulu: Have you got one?
Sekhmet: Yes, I can’t stand being lonely for long
Sekhmet: he’s not a totally tiresome business baby though, don’t worry
Lulu: [a post she’s pulled from the boy’s insta because has clearly stalked and found him via hers or tags or whatever]
Lulu: Is this who he is?
Sekhmet: 🔎
Sekhmet: That’s him
Lulu: & is he coming out with us?
Sekhmet: How awful to make you the third wheel like that, definitely not
Lulu: Aren’t your friends coming anyway?
Sekhmet: They could
Sekhmet: A girls night is a totally different vibe to me hooking up with my man all night though, that’s so uncool
Lulu: I assumed they were, as a given
Lulu: maybe I’ve totally misread the vibe
Sekhmet: I can put out the call, for sure
Lulu: But you weren’t going to?
Sekhmet: I hadn’t thought to, no
Sekhmet: I didn’t know if that would be too much
Lulu: Because I’m too loony & sad
Sekhmet: No
Sekhmet: because you seemed shy, or at least shyer than all that, I didn’t want to scare you off
Lulu: Anti-social not shy
Sekhmet: Here, yeah
Sekhmet: agreeing to go out with me isn’t necessarily agreeing to go out with a whole group but if that’s what you want, we can
Lulu: I know why I don’t want that, why don’t you?
Sekhmet: Because I asked you out
Sekhmet: I’ve been out with my friends too many times to count, I’m not showing them anything new
Lulu: I hate to burst your bubble, darling, but it’s highly unlikely you’re showing me anything new
Sekhmet: You said you’d not been out like this
Sekhmet: I didn’t say it would be mindblowing, still new, like your altered outfit
Lulu: Okay
Sekhmet: Is it a plan then?
Lulu: Yours & I surrender to it as originally devised, no alterations of my own
Sekhmet: Good
Sekhmet: it’s a great plan
Lulu: If you do say so yourself 😄
Sekhmet: You’ve got to withhold your judgment until you’ve given it a suitable crack, that’s just fair
Lulu: I’ll try and be sporting as though we’re 🎾
Sekhmet: If it’s truly that awful, I’ll let you pair with me next 🎾 instead of [whoever she has been that we’re saying isn’t as good as us]
Lulu: Meaning I’ll have to poker face through the whole night pretending it’s beastly to rid myself of [her partner] & have you play with me
Sekhmet: Now I’m helping you with your acting too, see, told you it was great
Lulu: You’ll feel a huge sense of pride watching me perform knowing you’ve had a hand in it
Sekhmet: Both hands, blood, sweat and tears if you include how you look in your costume and how that’ll make you feel on stage
Lulu: Which one of us is crying?
Sekhmet: I can see now how pretty you look when you cry
Lulu: Daddy’s music would have anyone with taste on the verge of tears, I guess I can show you that too
Sekhmet: What if I can’t bear it?
Lulu: The music? No what if there, it’s ghastly
Sekhmet: 😅
Sekhmet: We’ll go with that
Lulu: If you hate seeing me cry, I’ll stop
Sekhmet: I won’t hate anything you do
Lulu: You’ll loathe my clothes, they’re a crime against fashion
Sekhmet: I’ll adore ripping them to shreds to fix then
Lulu: & I’ll be devoted to watching you
Sekhmet: You won’t believe how much can be done, from the tackiest, gaudiest rags, I swear
Lulu: I believe you
Sekhmet: You will, in me and my skills, completely
Lulu: Mummy & daddy wouldn’t recognise me
Sekhmet: Equally undeniable how fucking incredible you’ll look though, blame me entirely if they still want to disagree
Lulu: They will, the idea of me being incredible is entirely foreign to them
Sekhmet: 🥺
Sekhmet: They’ll need to come back home to witness it for themselves, see you like I do
Lulu: I hope they never do, we’ll be having way too much fun in their absence
Sekhmet: True
Sekhmet: be my girl instead then
Lulu: I can be whoever you want, I’m an actress
Sekhmet: You need to be yourself
Lulu: You wouldn’t like her
Sekhmet: I want to be intrigued, not entertained
Lulu: What happens when you find out I’m not very interesting?
Sekhmet: I show you how to make interesting things happen
Lulu: No one has ever answered a question I’ve asked as perfectly as that was
Sekhmet: You deserve interesting things to happen to you, just like me
Lulu: I need something to change for the better, for once
Sekhmet: This is it
Lulu: You’re being the change I wish to see in the 🌎
Sekhmet: It’s too big for your ❤️ to be stuck in Switzerland forever, you need to see more with me
Lulu: [give her your address]
Lulu: come & see the garish cage I need freeing from first, there truly is SO much gold
Sekhmet: 🔐🕊
Lulu: He’d love if I had the voice for daddy daughter duets, it wouldn’t at all threaten his fragile ego
Sekhmet: Well I’ll need you to sing, I need to allow for your diaphragm’s full expansion in your corset
Lulu: Pick a song & I’ll be word perfect by [whenever this first fitting is]
Sekhmet: Good 
Sekhmet: I’ll tighten those extra inches I’m not meant to for you
Lulu: I won’t tell, I am good
Sekhmet: You’ll feel it when you have no room to catch your breath
Lulu: I can hold it for yonks, I used to whenever my grandma was being horrid to me
Sekhmet: To scare her?
Lulu: Yeah
Sekhmet: I love it
Lulu: She hates me, she’d have me committed if that was still an acceptable punishment for your relatives
Sekhmet: How awful, why, what’s her problem?
Lulu: Dolly finished the job mummy’s jealousy started of turning her against me, neither of them can do any wrong, so I am
Sekhmet: You’re stuck, aren’t you
Lulu: Every 🎄🎅🏻 
Lulu: but it could be worse, it was every hol when I was younger
Sekhmet: You should be treated like a 🎁
Sekhmet: every hol
Lulu: I’d die if anyone tried now
Sekhmet: By everyone
Lulu: I’m not you, not a 🎁
Sekhmet: You are, you’re mine
Lulu: I can’t tell if you’re going to unwrap me or tie me up in knots
Lulu: but I accept either way 🎀
Sekhmet: TBD, no schedule
Lulu: [send her a picture of you in a dressing gown because ready for this try on clothes sesh, with a ribbon in your hair to keep it out of the way]
Sekhmet: You are so beautiful
Lulu: No, but I’m ready to be made to look it by you
Sekhmet: I can see how ready you are
Lulu: [a goosebumps pic because true]
Sekhmet: 😍 OBSESSED
Lulu: You can’t leave me here alone, even think to
Sekhmet: I’m coming, you promised we’d have fun
Lulu: This feels like a game I’m incapable of winning
Sekhmet: You didn’t realise you could want anything more than a win, right
Lulu: I’m not that girl
Lulu: but suddenly I am
Sekhmet: You’ve only just tapped the potential of the girl you are
Lulu: You’ve tapped into it, we’re blaming you
Sekhmet: Oh, right
Sekhmet: I can handle it
Lulu: Whoever I am?
Sekhmet: Who you are
Lulu: You have to want her
Sekhmet: I’m here, I sought you out 
Lulu: Technically, you sought out my measurements
Lulu: Gabe wants my body & I could throw it at hundreds of boys, I don’t care about that
Sekhmet: That was a reason to
Lulu: Why would you ever need to hide behind a flimsy excuse?
Sekhmet: It was a test
Lulu: How did I do?
Sekhmet: I’m still here, and on my way
Lulu: Grade me, I need to know
Sekhmet: B+
Lulu: Because?
Sekhmet: We got to the right answer but there were a couple of diversions on the way
Lulu: I wasn’t focused enough, I’m sorry
Sekhmet: You seem like a girl who needs a goal to work towards anyway
Lulu: Absolutely
Sekhmet: Then I pass my test in return by not placating with an A*
Lulu: It matters to you whether or not things are deserved, you’ve used the word lots
Sekhmet: No one has told me they’ve noticed that before, I hadn’t
Sekhmet: but I suppose it does, yeah
Lulu: Fair too, I don’t know anyone else who really cares about what is or isn’t enough to bring it up, my family certainly doesn’t
Sekhmet: Does make me sound like a good person, much more 😇 than I am
Lulu: You’ve been nothing but 😇 to me & I don’t make it easy, I know
Sekhmet: I hate to burst your bubble, darling, but you’re not that scary
Lulu: I don’t want to scare you off, believe it or not, this is a toned down version of me, darling
Sekhmet: That’s mutual
Lulu: When can we mutually agree to stop?
Sekhmet: When you stop being scared
Lulu: When you start protecting me I won’t have to do it myself
Sekhmet: What from?
Lulu: Opening myself up again is dangerous & reckless ✂️💔
Sekhmet: So’s shutting yourself off 
Lulu: Touché
Sekhmet: And dying of boredom seems to me about the worst way anyone could go
Lulu: A broken heart is
Lulu: & less fixable than a dowdy hemline 
Sekhmet: I don’t want to see either of us proved right
Lulu: You want fun & it’s been yonks since I was
Sekhmet: You want fun
Lulu: It’ll be okay, won’t it?
Sekhmet: Better than that
Lulu: I want you to still be here, it’s horrifically lonely 
Lulu: I wasn’t even born by myself, I haven’t been prepared for independence in the slightest
Sekhmet: Did you two do everything together?
Lulu: She spent every second with me, awake & asleep
Lulu: it’s like I had to relearn it all after a coma, rewire myself totally, or she’s my phantom limb 
Sekhmet: She must miss you too
Lulu: She doesn’t, I’m the twin she ate or finally got surgically removed from
Lulu: I miss her, Gabe misses her, Dolly’s thriving out of prison 🥳
Sekhmet: That’s as cold as you’ve tried to project
Sekhmet: Jesus
Lulu: Bad luck I’m not as 🥶
Sekhmet: This would be easier
Sekhmet: but you’ll have a life that’s full of ☀️ and 💞 whilst she clearly can’t
Lulu: Wait until you’ve seen my freckles pop in the ☀️
Lulu: you’ll be as overwhelmed as I am right now hearing you say that 🥺😢😭
Sekhmet: But Summer is YEARS away now
Sekhmet: 🥺😢😭
Lulu: It isn’t if we go on a weekend away 🛫🤍🛬 
Lulu: or use half-term hols to our advantage 🧳👙 
Sekhmet: Felix's family has a place in [whatever European country we’re saying here]
Sekhmet: he’s been dying to take me since before we went out 🤭🥰
Sekhmet: We should all go go, make it a party
Lulu: We aren’t guaranteed ☀️ until [whatever month you’ve just googled the info for the place she said] 📅💞
Lulu: but it’s still a yes
Sekhmet: 📍
Lulu: [tell her about your family holiday homes in this era because I’m sure y’all have multiple, but obvs as per we’re saying it in a slagging them off way not as a brag because everything they do is trashy and not it, feel free to include any your grandparents have as well so a potential shoutout to the villa Chlo ran away to when James left her haha because I think it was theirs, hey girl hey, definitely dropping that tea if they still have that gaff like mummy practically lived there when her first marriage ended etc etc because gotta throw in funny flop anecdotes for all of these places as you go, as I know you also will when she shows up and you give her a house tour, because your parents have so many of them]
Sekhmet: [swap your own stories because your fam would likewise have places even though you’re not shading your fam as hard of course you aren’t obnoxiously bragging either but yeah we know you don’t hate your parents so that is what it is lol]
Lulu: [take a moment to be a nerd and gush about wherever the ruster holiday homes are located, talking about the places you love in those destinations or the places you’d love to go to if you haven’t been, we know the vibes, we’re validating her parents making better choices than ours]
Sekhmet: The less-than-six-degrees-of-separation is really hitting rn
Lulu: It’s being almost related
Sekhmet: 🤯
Sekhmet: It’s wild, how close yet how far…
Lulu: Your daddy was mummy’s one who got away for longer than she’d ever care to admit, whilst sober 🤭
Sekhmet: Awh, that’s so sweet, poor thing
Lulu: My daddy gets hilariously sour about it, poor thing
Lulu: she has a frightful amount of past indiscretions for him to fret upon whilst blotto
Sekhmet: Men are so paranoid, it’s the cutest
Lulu: Gabe refuses to stop sulking about the co-ed thing, as if I personally championed the idea
Sekhmet: Your old school wasn’t? How did you two meet?
Lulu: His mother was the music mistress, he was forever hanging around to borrow some instrument or other
Sekhmet: 😏 Wow, original Gabe
Lulu: Honestly, I should invent a better story, but unlike mummy I don’t intend to bore my children with them
Sekhmet: Cliches are that for a reason, it’s a fun story 
Lulu: Options were limited, needs must
Sekhmet: Sure, gotta do what you gotta do
Lulu: How did you & Felix meet?
Sekhmet: He’s on the Rugby team, I was watching my brother play, or we were there for someone else’s boyfriend, I forget
Sekhmet: but he first approached me at the after party
Lulu: Well of course he would
Lulu: How long ago?
Sekhmet: Last year
Sekhmet: some people changed school for sixth form, he was scared I might before we got the chance to talk 
Lulu: He found his courage, bravo 👏🏻
Sekhmet: 🥰
Sekhmet: He’s pretty great
Lulu: But I’m dying to know why he hasn’t taken you to his family’s place yet, what’s he scared of now?
Sekhmet: I don’t know
Sekhmet: I might not be a family kind of girl
Lulu: It won’t be your fault
Lulu: his father probably has a mistress in residence
Sekhmet: 😅 Maybe you’re right
Lulu: Or perhaps he’s taken it a step further & committed to a second family, assuming he’s still able, those must be dreadfully tricky to schedule around
Sekhmet: Do you know any 2nd families?
Lulu: Both absolute secrets & the terribly poorly kept ones, it’s rife among daddy’s school friends, those who aren’t tellingly impotent anyway
Sekhmet: Do you think you could be that, the spares?
Lulu: Secrecy would mean it has its compensations, I’m sure
Lulu: moreso than the spare I’m made to feel when mummy’s eldest joins us
Sekhmet: Well, she is little Ms Perfect
Lulu: Miss only to her students, she doesn’t find it at all amusing if I address her like that
Sekhmet: It’s a shame she doesn’t teach here, that would be entertaining
Lulu: Tragic, isn’t it? What’s the point of her going into teaching if she isn’t eager to at least try & shape my young mind?
Sekhmet: We haven’t had a good student-teacher here in FOREVER
Sekhmet: Surely she’s offered to tutor you?
Lulu: Mummy would forbid it, her sole form of entertainment when she’s at home arrives in the form of her (mostly) imagined rivalry & exaggerated hatred between us
Sekhmet: I see
Sekhmet: What about Dolly, what’s her role in the production?
Lulu: In light of recent theatrics, her role has been axed
Sekhmet: You think your mum would be OBSESSED with it
Lulu: She’s devoted to stage managing
Sekhmet: Not her dramatics, gotcha
Lulu: We’re supposed to make her look good, spinning the scandal into a positive is beyond her
Sekhmet: You are making your sister sound worth knowing again but
Sekhmet: I did promise
Lulu: Old habits die the hardest
Sekhmet: 💔
Sekhmet: You live really close to Tansy, I’m surprised I haven’t seen you on your way in/out before
Lulu: Mummy & Nancy are sometimes close friends
Sekhmet: A love/hate affair
Lulu: Yeah
Sekhmet: At their big age too
Lulu: No wonder I was such a precocious child, needs must again
Sekhmet: You’ve been competing for her attention forever, that explains a lot
Lulu: Unfortunately it does, I’m a ghastly bundle of clichés 💔😔
Sekhmet: Babe, don’t be 💔😔
Sekhmet: Who isn’t?
Lulu: You’re not
Sekhmet: No?
Lulu: Not as yet
Sekhmet: We don’t know each other yet, right
Lulu: I know that much
Sekhmet: Doesn’t everyone end up disappointing though
Lulu: Without holding out hope someone isn’t going to, I’d have 0 to live for
Sekhmet: Sorry, major downer vibes there
Sekhmet: 🤐
Lulu: I’d be a fine one to talk telling you to shh when those are MY vibes
Sekhmet: Yes, it’s totally your fault that you’ve got me thinking about all the ways people are let downs
Sekhmet: Thanks 🤪🥴
Lulu: I’ll easily make it up to you by being anything but
Sekhmet: The confidence is 👌🏽👌🏽
Lulu: It would be awkward if I’d immediately let you down
Sekhmet: You haven’t, we’ve still got 📅💞 for fun
Lulu: 😁
Sekhmet: You’re too cute
Lulu: [send her a pic of you actually smiling like that because you do]
Sekhmet: STOP
Lulu: Sorry, I can’t 😁😁😁
Sekhmet: I’ve not seen you smile in person
Lulu: When was the first time you saw me?
Sekhmet: 🤔
Lulu: [tell her when you first saw her which is giving in school on her way to somewhere whether that was a class or at her locker or leaving/going to an extracurricular activity, regardless she’s being the most gay about describing this obviously]
Sekhmet: I’ll tell you in person
Lulu: Okay, because you’re almost here
Sekhmet: Because you’ve earnt it now
Lulu: I’ll smile for you in person
Sekhmet: You will, that’s my guarantee, not yours
Lulu: I promise it won’t be fake
Sekhmet: I can tell the difference, so don’t bother faking anything
Lulu: I’ve promised, it’s too late for a test
Sekhmet: There’s way too much to be done before we can get to [the club]
Lulu: We’re going to [the club because she hadn’t said which one before now]?
Sekhmet: Yeah, I think [this place] makes the most sense
Lulu: For your vision
Sekhmet: For your first time out with me
Lulu: My first time out, period 
Sekhmet: I did suspect as much
Lulu: I told you!
Sekhmet: Then you turned around and said you were unshockable so I wasn’t sure which I should go with
Lulu: I am, both can be true
Sekhmet: Touche 
Lulu: You’ll never work in Paris if you don’t type out the é 
Sekhmet: I thought it would autocorrect, UGH 😩
Lulu: I’ll be your autocorrect for now
Lulu: until you have so many 📱💞 convos with mummy é becomes second nature
Sekhmet: 🤓😘 with you until I am your mama, naturally
Lulu: If I end up calling you that, remember you said it first
Sekhmet: OMG, well that came out hilarious wrong but okay 😅 thanks for rolling with it
Lulu: Unshockable
Sekhmet: Or into it
Lulu: Mummy issues are a given, it’s hardly my fault
Sekhmet: We’ve established this is a no judgment zone
Lulu: Thankfully just between you & I, because I’ve made no secret of how into judging everyone else I am
Sekhmet: And who am I to deprive you of your favourite pastime?
Lulu: It isn’t my very favourite, but even if it were, I’d let you deprive me if you enjoyed doing so
Sekhmet: What is it you enjoy the most about chess?
Lulu: Golly, I’ve been devoted to chess forever, playing used to be the most intimate & romantic activity I had access to, in some ways it still is
Lulu: you can make someone love or hate you, crawl inside them without being told no & stay there for yonks
Sekhmet: That’s a good answer
Lulu: It’s a marvellous game 😍🥰
Sekhmet: Next time we hang out
Lulu: Have you played before?
Sekhmet: No, but I’m sure I can pick it up quickly
Lulu: OMG I can’t believe I’m getting a first time from you too
Sekhmet: Fittingly fair, isn’t it
Lulu: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Lulu: I’m fittingly light-headed
Sekhmet: I know, I feel similar 
Lulu: I don’t know how I could possibly have a similar effect on you
Sekhmet: I just know I feel like I’d 😳😳😳 to death if I didn’t learn quick enough for you
Lulu: I’d 😢😭 if it was over too quickly
Sekhmet: I’m not used to being a beginner in front of anyone anymore 
Lulu: It’s fair you let me turn the tables once, I’m a beginner at everything else 🍼
Sekhmet: That’s why I suggested it
Lulu: You knew what it would do to me
Sekhmet: Something like that
Lulu: No, you knew exactly what this would feel like
Sekhmet: Tell me what it feels like and I’ll tell you if I meant it
Lulu: When I was [an age we don’t need to specify] & had [an illness which likewise we don’t] which gave me a fever
Lulu: I couldn’t tell what was real & I thought & said the wildest things
Sekhmet: Like a sugar cube melting under your tongue
Lulu: Yes, because I’d never be allowed to eat a sugar cube
Sekhmet: You’re allowed with me
Lulu: If I earn it
Sekhmet: What about just because?
Lulu: If you say so, whatever you say
Sekhmet: Does free rein scare you?
Lulu: I don’t know, it would be another first
Sekhmet: We’ll slow down
Lulu: Do you want me to have free rein? Everyone else craves control
Sekhmet: I think watching you experience unbridled pleasure in any form would be worth my attention
Lulu: You’re perfectly unusual 
Sekhmet: Hm… is that a compliment or veiled critique?
Lulu: 😅 I don’t veil my critiques, it’s obviously a compliment!
Lulu: I’ve never met anyone else like you
Sekhmet: That’s okay then 😅
Sekhmet: I just want to indulge you, over-indulge, famine to feast
Lulu: I’m NOT okay 
Sekhmet: I can’t ignore how starved you are, I can’t stop thinking about it
Lulu: Welcome to my brain, which doesn’t feel connected to my body right now AT ALL 
Sekhmet: There’s nothing to think about, you feel it
Lulu: You’ll think for me?
Sekhmet: You are all I have on my mind
Lulu: I’ll have nothing on my body except what you put there
Sekhmet: You’re going to see the transformation happen like magic in your mirror
Lulu: I’ll hold my breath until we’re in front of a mirror
Sekhmet: Good girl
Lulu: Will you tell me in person?
Sekhmet: How pretty you look in your new outfit?
Sekhmet: I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I didn’t, not to mention the lack of pride in my work
Lulu: I’ve never felt pretty with my clothes on before
Sekhmet: I hate that
Lulu: He says it when they’re off, naturally, or he wants them to be
Lulu: & I stand there knowing I’m not hideous or anything, but they are
Sekhmet: So many people do themselves a disservice in their clothing choices
Sekhmet: but it’s that it isn’t your choice
Lulu: But it’s the only time she looks at me like it doesn’t hurt her to
Sekhmet: It’s an equalizer 
Sekhmet: to bring you down to her level
Lulu: She’d have to break every bone in my body if she didn’t cover me in the most wretched clothes
Lulu: I can feel how much she wants to when she measures & weighs me
Sekhmet: She isn’t even as big as she thinks she is
Lulu: It’s a thrilling amount of rage, the biggest
Lulu: I get to feel so alive again
Sekhmet: What else makes you feel alive?
Lulu: Praise, knowledge, closeness
Lulu: those are the usual other things, I suppose
Sekhmet: Yeah
Lulu: I’m ruining the vibe, aren’t I? 😶
Sekhmet: No, that was just very succinct 
Lulu: It’s a depressingly short list
Sekhmet: If it was easy, right?
Lulu: You make it seem effortless
Sekhmet: We’re not close enough to give up that secret
Lulu: Yet
Sekhmet: Aim high
Lulu: My secret is, I deliberately aimed to make the list less succinct than it is, they’re all forms of intimacy, really it’s just that one thing
Sekhmet: I think a lot of people would agree with you, if they thought about it
Lulu: Loneliness is a killer
Sekhmet: Okay, now you’re threatening the vibe a little
Lulu: 😅 whoops 🔪s & fabric ✂️ down, I swear! 
Sekhmet: Good or I’d not be coming in at this point
Lulu: You have to, you make me feel the most alive
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deathdoesntkillyou · 28 days
Lolly Sixth Form *and Adonis
okay so our vibe for form is it’s about 30 mins at the start of the day, after breakfast for boarders and before lessons, and there are 4 girls from each year in the form (year 7-13) so the energy is very look after the little ones and go to the older kids for advice and help, as well as your form teacher being your go-to teacher for things you need that aren’t related to your subjects, you probably also have a matron-esque person for things related to boarding; Definitely doing houses also and you get points for good behaviour, academic achievement and clubs and sporting, can also be taken away for poor behaviour and performance, Dolly and Lulu are in the same house just not form. HOUSE TEA, after research it seems like forms and houses are separated by boarding and day students as well as sex, so only boarding girls in your form/house, you literally live with your house if you board, it’s about 60 girls, and there is the housemistress (and her whole fam and dog lmao) a matron, the tutors of the forms in said house and then head girl as well as 6th form girls being prefects, absolutely can think of what the housemistress, matron, head girl and other tutors who live in are like; MORE TEA, school starts 8:25, chapel, assembly or form time, four lessons before lunch, after lunch from about 4:00, 2 clubs a day, sports, drama, art etc until 6:00, final reg ‘til 6:15, then there’s the ‘cultural hour’ til 7:15, prep aka homework for AT LEAST an hour after dinner assumedly, Saturday is chapel, three lessons, lunch, then sports all afternoon depending how much sports you do, there are like 150 clubs so get at it]
Sekhmet: Young Enterprise, Art, Photography & Drama & Theatre Studies
Dolly: EPQ, English Literature, Latin & RE
Adonis: EPQ, English Literature, Latin & French
Lulu: EPQ, Maths, Chemistry & Physics
Hathor: International certificate for digital literacy, Photography, Business & Politics
Okay so our Ruster twins have Photography together that’s it as far as actual lessons go, I assume EPQ is too individual to have any crossover for the weird twins
Sekhmet: Dance Fitness, Horse Riding, Netball, Spinning, Tennis, Yoga & Costume for Theatre (Drama club)
Dolly: Classics Society, Classical Greek Language, Philosophy Society, Religious Studies Film Society, Astronomy Club & Oxbridge Society once you know Adonis
Adonis: Rugby, Football, Boxing, Cricket, Cross Country, Basketball, D of E, Classical Greek language, Art Appreciation, Debating, Classics Society & Oxbridge Society 
Lulu: Chemistry Society, Physics Society, Maths Extension, Peer Mentoring, Drama, Tennis & Horse Riding (I am lowkey gonna be dropping these clubs like they’re hot as the storyline progresses so I needed ones we can axe)
Hathor: I don’t think you’d care to be in any clubs tbh unless your man makes you join the politics society with him or anything else he would
Sulu have Drama, Horse Riding & Tennis together while Lulu is going to those meaning I probably won’t axe them as fast as some of her other clubs
AD have Classics Society, Classical Greek Language & Oxbridge Society together despite the age gap
*Adonis Classics and Modern Languages (French) 4 years Oxford Worcester College
Dolly Philosophy and Theology 3 years Oxford Worcester College
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deathdoesntkillyou · 1 month
Jali pt.2
Johnny: [me like tbf my brother went through a weird stage of pissing in bottles so he could do that, not helpful if you need to go poo though, anyway, enough of me calling Matty out, he’ll be here doing big strokes of her hair how he always does and hence deffo was then, nodding his yeah it was cosy because it was, and then resting his chin on the top of her head for a beat, not saying anything because he wants her to listen to how remembering made his heartbeat, doing a big breath like a sigh when she shrugs because you wish too, telling her quietly how much this dodgy job he mentioned earlier is gonna pay because we all know it’s a lot and will be added to what he’s already saved for them to run away, so an unspoken don’t worry we can go soon]
Ali: [like I do truly believe you could manage it without your parents knowing because they have no reason to be upstairs but your siblings? That’d be harder even if not impossible lmao ANYWAY, doing a little shiver as you’re laying here listening to his heartbeat and thinking all the thoughts you are thinking ‘how long is the job for?’]
Johnny: [mhmm she’s sneaky and smart and I have all the faith in her to be able to pull that off but it’d be game over if that bitch Rosaline found out or baze, so sadly y’all probably can’t get away with that for longer than a weekend at most, rubbing her arms and anywhere else goosebumps would/could happen when she shivers, taking his time lowkey as a stalling tactic because I’m sure this job is gonna last longer than the one he did before and he is eventually gonna tell her, I won’t commit us cos we need to decide how long we want it to be and when we want him to go off and do it]
Ali: [looking up at him as best you can even if this means shifting your positions slightly because he’s stalling and that isn’t a good sign ‘you said it was risky’ remembering because this was the start of this convo and you were preoccupied with your own drama at the time, tone giving you wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t truly risky and thus do we want you doing this]
Johnny: [‘yeah’ because he did say that and he isn’t gonna go back on it now when it’s clearly true, with a tone like and that’s why it pays so well because obviously also true and why he’s considering doing it in the first place because their desire to leave has been upped by mcvickers deciding to parent not to mention the idea that she might be pregnant rn]
Ali: [shaking your head and pushing to sit yourself up because you don’t like it ‘if it’s what you wanna do’ doing a fine shrug because he can do what he wants ‘but not because of my parents’ bullshit, because of me’ we draw a line, it’s not that serious, we can handle this]
Johnny: [shaking his own head because he doesn’t like this response ‘all my work’s ‘cause of you, you’re with me’ bringing back that phrase which he said after their first hookup deliberately for this moment with emphasis on how he’s saying it because she doesn’t get to detach herself from it and their defined roles and provider is his culturally, even as just a boyfriend and he thought she understood that at this point]
Ali: [‘No, I know that’ rubbing your forehead on the back of your hand, trying to word this to put your own point across ‘I don’t know if I want you risking yourself for this then’]
Johnny: [me imagining her getting some mud on her forehead and him wiping it off with his own hand, because they’re much less muddy, despite the seriousness of this moment ‘this is already’ because he has been taking risks from the off so what’s one more]
Ali: [smiling slightly down at this hand at this gesture, trying to wipe some of the mud on yours off onto the grass that isn’t spun up, as if y’all can distract from the seriousness at hand here with busying yourself in some way ‘it’s different’ a sort of come on tone]
Johnny: [giving her a look in which he’s trying to express that yeah it is because as far as he’s concerned the risks he has already taken are bigger and mean more than the dangers of getting hurt or in trouble with the law or whatever on this job without needing to verbalise it because she knows or should know that ‘it’s for the good’ meaning not just this job but every risk he’s taken so far]
Ali: [meeting his eyes and not saying anything for a while, really thinking and processing this as much as you can ‘okay’ trying to be very neutral in your tone because you understand his point and don’t want to give off that you don’t just because you aren’t thrilled at the prospect]
Johnny: [saying ‘you trust me’ in gypsy lingo, taking the time after to repeat the word she doesn’t know there and add ‘that’s trust’ because the gravity of the situation needing this language behind it the same way ILY did, giving her the chance to construct her own I form of that knowing what she already knows and following what I assume would be a pattern]
Ali: [nodding, close to your excessive nod but not quite that because this is a different type of !! than the usual ‘I do’ can’t bring ourselves to use the lingo but we still want to say it]
Johnny: [‘then do, like’ as if it’s that simple and she has no business being worried about him or anything but he’s running his hand through his hair how he does which gives away his own !!]
Ali: [nudging him, softly, using your knee in his side between his hip bone and ribs ‘you’re not used to it, that’s all’ meaning having a girlfriend who cares about you]
Johnny: [his hand automatically going to his hip where she did her married initials cos always aware regardless of how many clothes may be in the way at any given point, throwing out his usual catchphrase of ‘what are we to do?’ quietly and softly to mean how am I ever going to get used to it because yeah he really isn’t and doesn’t feel like he ever will be with how much she cares]
Ali: [LOOKING in a way you know she’s also thinking about those initials now and when she did them ‘stick together’ as softly, smiling up at him because truly believe as long as you do that you’ll be okay which true enough but not what we let happen, soz]
Johnny: [me here HEARTBROKEN but this boy has no way to know so he’s just here LOOKING back at her in a way that’s beyond obvious he’s turned on by the mems of when she did it as well as having it there on him now to be able to feel, PRESSING into it more than the light touch he was doing previously to really be able to feel it and be reminded of how it felt when she did it and how it feels rn in this moment, having to do a lil noise about it as soft as they both spoke but so !!]
Ali: [leaning forward, back towards him, getting close enough to properly appreciate this little noise, flinching as if it was that loud but that’s just how it is getting to you ‘don’t hurt yourself’ as you move his hand gently to look at your handiwork and to see how it looks, always in between fully opened to vaguely healed and we wanna see the sitch today]
Johnny: [‘you’re hurting me’ as he always says when he’s the most turned on he’s ever been because here and now we’re defs feeling it and need her know despite how obvious it is always, not this boy pushing her head down like take an even closer look and while you’re there kiss this better whatever state it may or may not be in, shameless and as per he does not care where they are or how likely they are to be discovered/interrupted at any given second]
Ali: [making your own soothing awh baby noise but with more sincerity than that suggests, of course you are putting your lips to this scarring and LOOKING up at him, the is that better? going unspoken but being blatant in your eyes, doing a few passes off these initials with your lips softly brushing before pressing an actual kiss down, letting your tongue poke out and taste him briefly]
Johnny: [his eyes just being the darkest as they LOOK at her with a blatant but unspoken more in them the entire time because ofc you want more no matter how much she gives you sir you’re just that sort of bear, saying her name practically as a whisper but also practically as a moan when she finally kisses him and he feels that tongue there, moving her hand, regardless of how muddy it still may be because couldn't care less if a handprint is left, so she literally has to feel the effect that is having on him as it’s happening]
Ali: [when you love his eyes the most and even moreso when they’re dark as hell like this because you know what it means and just makes him more intense than he already is, having to close your own dramatically about it, pressing your forehead into his stomach, doing a dramatic breath as you are feeling how turned on he is, not at all being shy about how you are touching him even if it is outside of his clothing it’s still too indecent for the time and place as per, here licking around each letter slowly and thoroughly, retracing your steps and reminiscing, saying your name but as it is with these initials aka with his last name, saying it to yourself more than anything but you’re killing yourself with it so it’s obvious anyway]
Johnny: [at least these neighbours are her enemy so if they saw and said anything it’s more believable they’re trying to start shit than it is that this girl is being this blatantly indecent on their lawn, y’all are welcome for that because he has likewise no chill, he’s here running his hands over her body like she’s not even wearing clothes because that’s how !! you two feel rn, GRABBING at wherever he has reached by the time she’s saying her married name out loud because ofc he heard it and of course he’s dying about it, catch him picking this girl up and throwing her into the backseat of the car he has abandoned so they at least have a tiny bit more privacy, telling her to say it again as soon as her body hits the seat and not a second later with a ‘what was that you said out there?’ all the !! in how he says it and the way he’s LOOKING at her as he asks]
Ali: [your mother would never publicly side with this fam over you, it’s fine girl, I mean it isn’t fine but the least of your worries honestly and you have none that aren’t directly related to this boy in front of you right now, it’s a good thing you’re now in this car because the unholy noise already as you’re here shifting on these seats ‘my name’ because gotta make him ask twice, of course]
Johnny: [this car is saving lives even though it cannot be overstated how immediately he asked that, literally has not even closed the car door exactly like how they never do to mcvickers’ gaff and he’s straight in her grill with that question and now with STARING at her with those dark af eyes waiting for her to tell him what her name is, touching his hip again, having pulled down whatever trousers he’s wearing enough to really do it, but not breaking the EYE CONTACT for a single sec as he traces these initials, the ‘go on’ coming out indecent as hell when it finally does, the most encouragement there could possibly be in 2 words]
Ali: [y’all love a bit of that, the appearance of more privacy but not really lol, god bless, pulling the neck of his top town to touch your name there too like I know you’ve not forgotten, breathing as shakily as your body is under him unable to keep even slightly still, would seem like you were stalling if it wasn’t clear how genuine your inability to get the words out is here and now with him LOOKING at you like that ‘isn’t that what you want too?’ just above a whisper]
Johnny: [will the car door ever be shut who can say but here and now it definitely isn’t going to be lol, no rush ever as far as y’all are concerned, hence catch this boy taking his top fully off when there is no need and it’s 100% not the weather or season for it, and then pushing his body back into her hands like she wasn’t touching it enough before, hit her with a lesson in how to say my name is in your secret lingo, indecently saying the words in both languages because that’s what he wants, we love to see it]
Ali: [GRABBING his body as roughly as you have ever, bruising his skin with all the energy you’re expending to keep the unhinged sounds/any words at all coming out of you because you need the first and only things you say here with your whole chest to be ‘my name is Ali O’Shaughnessy and my husband is Johnny O’Shaughnessy’ because you know that word too and can use it to full effect here LOOKING up at him from where you’re essentially pinned, not that you can stay still for all the trying in the world]
Johnny: [that LOOK being returned with the most intensity it ever has because he doesn’t know what to do with himself about hearing this and her once again saying it as perfectly as she has with no corrections at all needed from him, so what he decides to do when he stops short circuiting and can vaguely function is to go over his name on her chest with the key (which he has not redone since he OG did it) as closely in time to her saying it as he can but he’s inevitably slightly stalled by the fact that he doesn’t wanna ferally rip this chain from her neck and break it, meaning there’s the return of the back of the neck SQUEEZE as he undoes it, lowkey ripping some of her hair out in his haste though to find in this car later, and then whatever top she’s wearing is gonna fully be a casualty whether it’s buttons he’s completely ripping off or a neck hole getting ripped bigger or a strap getting pulled off or whatever it may be because no chill or time to waste, finally going over his name ridiculously hard and deep making this key already slippy with her blood before his gets added from his hand opening up from how he’s GRIPPING this key in both concentration and !! but if you think he’s stopping there after more indecently copying her earlier move on his hip initials to clean up at least some of this blood with his mouth you’re incorrect because he’s adding his long ass last name as well (god knows where or how that’s fitting lol) while pinning her exclusively and even more dramatically with his lower body the entire time because will have never been more turned on than in the moment she realises (and reacts to the fact) he isn’t done and is writing more and therefore what that more must be, and as a result, if either of them even dare move involuntarily he feels like he’s gonna die before this name is done properly and we can’t have that]
Ali: [me here like don’t bleed out and die, casually the longest name of all time lmao, obviously it’s more superficial than all the blood suggests so you’re not going to but it’s still going to be looking like a crime scene in this vehicle with the hair and the blood, y’all love to see it, like indecently so, good thing she is being pinned even though this would look like a violent assault if you hadn’t seen them snuggling on the ground but moments ago, the lack of control she has in every way is no joke, again, thank GOD you aren’t running after an ILY now because she’s all but screaming it in your face, the !! is so real]
Johnny: [I’m so glad you stole a vehicle that needs doing up and not the lads work one or something because imagine they’d think a murder had been committed lol, you at least had that much sense while you were capable thankfully because here in this moment he isn’t, we’re all hysterical, I can’t even spell his last name that’s how ridiculous it is so god bless you for trying to fit it on this gal’s body, kiss her the second you’re done because you both need to shh and physically cannot, hasn’t even let go of this key yet that’s how immediate we’re being with that as soon as he doesn’t need his full concentration on scarring her for life, 100000% leaving a bloody handprint on her stomach as they makeout under the mud one that’s still there though, so it’ll be getting dropped for that]
Ali: [you don’t want those kind of questions being asked, you don’t want to admit you have a girlfriend never mind a potential murder victim lol, not that any of your friends and fams heads are going there, it’d be assumed to be a fight even if a bad one, ANYWAY; like this girl will be covered entirely with your name at this point, I do not know how it’s managing to be so well hidden, in this moment though it is on full display and we’re trying to look at it whilst needing to be kissing you with our all, which is making for a sloppy and confused kiss but we regret nothing ‘you’re the only one-’ as something intelligible to his ear that isn’t just pure pleasured NOISE, not meaning you’re the only boy (although he is) but we’re thinking about how no one else cares about us how he does]
Johnny: [mhmm he has not thought through concealing this at all because in the moment we only care about the opposite which is how visible it is and how much she can feel it rn so no fucks given to the future which I love because unheard of for this stresshead, likewise moving her head to LOOK at it whilst not stopping kissing her for a single second, they’re on the same page with that, to which we can add to the chaos him also trying to nod in answer to what she said, me like please don’t give her another black eye or bloody nose or something she’s trying to keep these antics concealed as much as possible from her parenting parents]
Ali: [we’re in our fearless era, so sad this has to come to an end soon, hate it actually, focus on the now when you truly believe you’ll be away and together soon and nothing and no one can stop you two, putting your hands over his handprints on your stomach and GASPING as if this action has winded you and it’s not him and this and everything about it]
Johnny: [honestly what a time to be alive I wish y’all could stay here forever because what we do in the next era of your lives is the cruellest of us ‘what name do you want the baby to have?’ because he’s here thinking about all the ways he could put 13 children’s names on his body don’t mind him]
Ali: [I will never forgive us for our nasty nasty ways tbh, here so overwhelmed at the idea of naming this baby and the next and the next that you think is coming for y’all, shaking your head to his nod like I can’t, not right now, because will simply DIE]
Johnny: [STARING at her with the closeness of their foreheads pressed together like his dark af intense eyes giving the most eye contact possible will be able to force her to answer instead of just making it harder for her to]
Ali: [just saying his name as an instinct at this EYE CONTACT but also because you mean it, whether you understand that that’s culturally a done thing in this moment or you just want this baby to also have his name so you can say it even more often, who can say but you’re not changing your mind or answer thank you]
Johnny: [0 hesitation in maintaining this insane level of eye contact as he initiates a hookup in response to her answer because no other answer of his own is acceptable, even if he’s still so turned on by everything that’s happened he has no idea how he is going to make this last longer than the immediate first second and contact, simply must nevertheless, love that this door is very much not been closed so everyone can hear his UNHOLY noise as he does, because this is all giving the same energy as the first time he came inside her instead of pulling with how !! every physical reaction is]
Ali: [we know you’re both going to die and we’re okay with that, it’s got to be done and done exactly like this, open doors and middle of the day publicity be damned, excuse us world, at least you can speed off if anyone comes out because yeah, a scene has truly been made here, well done y’all, couldn’t be prouder]
Johnny: [me and Win both like not yet he can’t because everyone and everything but her be damned is exactly the vibe and when this is over in would be an embarrassingly quick time, if y’all cared which y’all do not, his only priority is finding that key he dropped, wiping the blood that’s drying on it against the wetness of her thigh and then touching her indecently with said key because it’s a tragedy that has never happened before and therefore here and now when she is DEAD on this backseat is the ideal moment to give her all the clitoral stimulation he could and did not during that hookup, we don’t make the rules, being so careful so that he doesn’t fuck her up with any sharp parts of this key but so deliberate in achieving his goal to kill her more]
Ali: [out here questioning ‘how can you be so gentle?’ because truly, the contrast would end you if nothing else but obviously everything else about it is so lowkey famous last words there, grip on sanity and consciousness is very loose by this point, at least you’ve never been laid more down in a hookup and there is very little room for you to go anywhere when you do pass out lol]
Johnny: [thanks for passing out girl so that he doesn’t have to answer that because your guess is as good as his how he can be gentle ever when you’re not this bitch nor are you allowed to be anywhere but here, just do some BIG hair strokes until she’s back with you]
Ali: [when you’re blinking up at him like you may have dreamed this all because obviously all your dreams are about him but I doubt however intense they may feel they can truly match up, pulling on his hair gently to pull his face down closer to you, cuddling into him tightly]
Johnny: [excuse him giving her the softest kiss he has ever which will only add to the dreamlike quality of this moment but his fingers are lightly tracing over his handiwork and even that gentle pressure will feel dramatic when his name is as freshly done as it is so that’ll ground her back in reality]
Ali: [a pained noise, as you also deepen the kiss in response, because it would undeniably hurt but that doesn’t mean you’re not into it ‘don’t forget me’ because you know you’re going to have to see him less, for however long this takes and you really can’t stand that thought, nearly shedding a tear about it but you can still touch him and feel his warmth rn so you’re not]
Johnny: [doing his own kind of pained noise at the idea he ever could, a literal non verbal equivalent of I can’t as he’s shaking his head while kissing her like his life depends on it and then eventually manoeuvring her to put this chain back around her neck because he would hate if she accidentally left it behind because of these feral antics]
Ali: [pulling away from the kiss but not far enough you’re disrupting him putting this chain back on, just forcing a pause about it ‘I don’t wanna be brave’ like he was telling you to be with this gesture, the realest and saddest pouty face you’ve ever done because when do you ever get to act like this, answer you do not, not with your family]
Johnny: [using this pause to really LOOK at her, all the feeling in his eyes because nobody gets that more than this boy does that’s his role too always and the exchange of mutual understanding is important in this moment ‘it’s one of the things I can do for you’ after that beat because he’ll be brave so she doesn’t have to]
Ali: [‘we can be sad together’ doing the half-laugh when nothing is funny but you still know how melodramatic you sound and can acknowledge it without derailing your point, because you can be, resting your head on his chest where your name is, looking positively faded in comparison to the fresh wounding of his name on yours ‘I won’t forget how this sounds’ tapping out his bpm how you always do]
Johnny: [fastening this necklace on because has to be busying himself with being helpful in a way he can because there’s a lot of ways he can’t ahead with this forced degree of separation and he hates that because he’s that sort of bear ‘forget and it’d stop’ because he can be melodramatic too and say he’d literally die, he’s always that serious and that intense and we make no apologies for it]
Ali: [stopping your impromptu drumming on his arm to CLUTCH it like NO because the worst thing we’ve ever heard and we can’t bear to think about it, not even in this hypothetical scenario which you don’t believe will ever happen ‘I’ll remember you all my lives’]
Johnny: [‘how many are you thinking you’ll live?’ amused despite the utter seriousness of what he said but a sec ago because it’s funny to him she’s living plural]
Ali: [smiling up at him and shrugging like that’s the mystery boy ‘however many you do’ casually saying it won’t be worth living if he’s not there, it’s fine]
Johnny: [‘we’ve this one to make our most of’ me breaking my own heart because so much time gets needlessly wasted but he’s saying it with every intention of them doing exactly that together]
Ali: [your smile only getting bigger in response because that’s exactly your intention too and of course you don’t see any reason why it won’t happen ‘my parents would love you’ as you’re shifting, only now discovering he’s broken your top and doing a bit of on the go mending casually]
Johnny: [‘I’d go knocking this minute were that so’ because no they wouldn’t but oh how y’all wish you could just date openly like other peeps your age are doing rn, said casually as you watch her fix this top you didn’t even realise was broken as if it’s not the heartbreaking truth of y’all’s life]
Ali: [nodding like they would so ‘you’re so… decent’ looking down to fix this top still as you’re saying this and uncovering his name slightly so LOOKING back up at him and doing a conspiratorial grin ‘what they’d need to know about you’]
Johnny: [putting his hair up for the first time today, because y’all got so hot and bothered with your feral ways it cannot stay down plus it’s bound to be a tangled mess of mud and blood and all sorts by now lol, as he shakes his head no, grinning back even bigger than hers is like an I told so you so to his no I’m not]
Ali: [watching him with your heart eyes and looking like you’re copying him by putting your own hair up for the same reasons, grinning even more wildly like a little kid at all your sharing experiences here, leaning forward to kiss him, seemingly, but instead licking some of this mess off his face cheekily ‘this is no one else’s business but ours’]
Johnny: [cue him holding her face as if he’s trying to keep hers away from his in a playfighty manner except not at all because it’s their signature move and he’s doing it with so much feeling and his own massive heart eyes ‘you’re nobody’s but mine’ quietly but with all the intensity of and don’t forget that either being added unspoken to the end of it]
Ali: [closing your eyes slowly and only briefly, the length it takes you to do a big breath out and to sink imperceptibly into his touch ‘I’m yours’ as the fact it is, no notes]
Johnny: [‘when a girl comes I’ll name her for you’ me SCREAMING crying because he does do that, even though here in this moment you have no idea the turn life is gonna take and you just think you’re saying it like she said it earlier]
Ali: [how dare you honestly boo, you evil little moo, gotta compose myself ‘cos you don’t know what we know but even so, DYING over the idea of your mini-mes, leaning back in to kiss him more ‘I love you’ because what else can you even]
Johnny: [catch him accidentally ruining her ponytail when he kisses her back so immediately after she put her hair up that it would seem like a deliberate pisstakey move done by someone else but it’s truly not he’s just holding her face and her hair so dramatically through this that it’s a casualty like her top was]
Ali: [at least you always have wild hair so this ain’t nothing for your parents to clock lmao, not that that would make us consider stopping you, nothing would and as per nothing registers but him and this moment, just here breathlessly telling him how attractive he is into this makeout]
Johnny: [here lowkey cradling her into this makeout like she’s a baby or Clove, in contrast not breathing at all is how it seems, because it at least vaguely registers to you that there is a clock ticking and he doesn’t wanna leave (as if he’ll suddenly have to if he breathes in or out), even if you have no concept of how long you’ve been here any more because it got so feral so fast as it always does with y’all and you can’t even work out how long you’ve been in this car never mind when you showed up sat on its roof]
Ali: [pressing into his chest, not actually as hard as real CPR of course but enough force to make him like no, don’t die on me, not intending to be that dramatic but needs must ‘we won’t say bye, nothing like that’ shaking your head, like not acknowledging it changes the outcome]
Johnny: [doing such an OTT GASP at her and basically into her mouth as if it was CPR because everything feels that dramatic and he can’t and won’t stop being ever, no notes]
Ali: [we love to see it, honestly, more than you even imagined, kissing him more frantically about it like this is all vital life-saving work being done nbd]
Johnny: [going from having her pinned to within an inch of her life earlier to her being the one pinning you is cinematic and he loves to see it hence he’s letting her and making such a noise about it which is giving the same franticness for them to stay here like this forever]
Ali: [mhmm, we are both here for it, here fully sitting on him, contrary to trying to get him to breathe, also contrary to him being able to go anywhere at all like he was really trying to ‘you can come back, every night’ said like YOU MUST]
Johnny: [press your palm against hers as if y’all are comparing hand sizes but what he’s actually going is grabbing hers and keeping hold of it while he vows this by crushing their scars together, not that his can be called a scar rn when it’s open af from those key antics but still ‘’til you’ve school and I’ve work on the morning’ like yep deal]
Ali: [oh you two and your serious ways will kill me, feeling instantly 100 times better about this situation again because all it takes is reassurance you can still see each other ‘we need to’ like yes, it is bad enough we can’t spend every waking minute together]
Johnny: [‘you’ve a bed for me’ it’s actually Rosaline’s but don’t let that stop y’all from feeling like everything is fated because tis the era where you think god himself is smiling upon you so, we all remember what happened on said bed including this boy who’s smiling himself remembering it]
Ali: [pushing the corners of his smile so happily, even if you’re pretending to be offended ‘had no idea you didn’t want to share that bad’ like lol okay sleepover it is and no funny business]
Johnny: [looking at her stomach as he says ‘you’re sharing already’ as if she’s preggo af and there isn’t gonna be room for him because the girls can dream even if said girls (me and Jonathan) have to wait forever for that to actually come true]
Ali: [looking down at your stomach too, taking his hand that you were still clasping, patting the skin with SO much love it hurts me, doing a little hmm as an okay but ‘you know where you’re needed’]
Johnny: [we’re just making ourselves sad on this day apparently because same boo, little do these happy nerds know ‘sure, we’ll push ‘em together for a bed the right size’ because how quickly he simply must give in to sleeping with her, not soz girl Ro]
Ali: [we’ve only ourselves to blame I fear ‘you’re not going to regret it’ like we’ve really pulled his arm there, covering him in lots of little fast kisses ‘I make the best roommate’ stroking his face as if following the trail of your own kisses]
Johnny: [a hot lol that’s giving but you might in a playful way as is the mischief in his eyes because we all know how extra this boy is and that he simply won’t leave her alone to sleep ever again, at least until said eyes have to close for a second because she’s stroking his face like that and it’s so serious again then because of how good that feels, taking her hand and using her fingers to count off everything she is, roommate now obvs but also wife, mother etc all the things with all their gypsy lingo words]
Ali: [dragging your top front teeth over your bottom lip because he’s hot and you love him, doing the opposite and pulling his top lip into a lazily !! kiss with your bottom teeth, just ‘cos, all whilst being so soft with how you’re stroking his face and then his hair too, emosh at all the things he considers you, not at all casually ‘I’d sooner be nothing to anyone to be everything to you’]
Johnny: [we’re all emosh, have they ever been more in love, no they have not, this boy’s here overwhelmed by the levels of emotion he’s feeling and so am I ‘you made me into something’ not at all casual just because he can’t find the words for it, very much not casual in fact ‘I don’t know about anybody else managing what you’ve’]
Ali: [me like stfu girl before you kill him and yourself, at least you can have the most passionate makeout you have ever about this because no, the love has never been realer than now]
Johnny: [mhmm have your makeout and do the most while you can because for all your every night talk guys who knows when they’ll actually sneakily see each other again, not them and not us yet]
Ali: [you can try your best honeys but yes, we must think on that]
Johnny: [I have all the faith in y’all as I’ve said before but we wanna keep it realistic and the right amounts of cockblockery and angst, so]
Ali: [*life cockblock, can be continued when needed]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 1 month
Jali pt.1
Ali: Are you awake?
Ali: You looked like you were going to fall back asleep when I left
Johnny: No
Ali: No you’re not awake or
Ali: You should go back to bed then, this isn’t going to make you feel any better
Johnny: What isn’t?
Ali: It’s such bullshit, I debated if it was even worth telling you, or if they’d have lost their resolve by tomorrow
Ali: my parents are deciding to parent, suddenly
Johnny: Your eye decided for ‘em
Ali: I told them it was an accident, ‘cos it was 
Ali: but apparently everyone here has been saying how concerned they are behind my back so they’d not listen to a word I had to say in my own defence
Johnny: But you’re not under their lock and key you’re under mine
Ali: I should have stayed with you
Johnny: Be none left of your dress if you’d stayed, you needed some to keep hold of away from me
Ali: I’ll need it to turn into a rope to climb out of this tower I’m locked in
Ali: They’re never serious, not like this, ma especially has lost the plot
Johnny: I’ll see to freeing you
Johnny: What match’s she to how serious I am
Ali: You can’t come on your bike
Johnny: Plenty else here to drive
Ali: She’s all but had your name given to her, I’d kill Joe, if he wasn’t locked up himself
Johnny: Has she sense to not go about speaking it?
Ali: Only if I do as I’m told
Ali: or appear to be, anyway
Johnny: You’ll do as you’ve been told by me, smart girl
Johnny: bring no trouble
Ali: I’m not
Ali: she doesn’t know who you are
Johnny: You’ll not, you’ve all the knowing, who I am and how you’re to act, I’ve trust in you
Ali: But I hate being away from you
Johnny: You’re never to be sent away the now, you’re mine
Johnny: and I’m to keep you, we’ve to be more careful
Ali: Tell me how
Johnny: Busy yourself with what she wants, it’ll not last
Ali: You want the list?
Ali: I had to repeat it back like we’re in the army now
Johnny: Gorjas don’t mean what they say, she’s all only talk
Ali: I’ll see if she actually bothers taking me through the school gates tomorrow, I guess
Johnny: I’ll have my eye out
Ali: 😍
Ali: Promise?
Johnny: Every day ‘til your last through ‘em
Ali: Just makes me want to get out of here even faster
Ali: and I already think about that all the time
Johnny: There’s a job I can take
Johnny: thought a risk before but I’d call what they’re asking a worthy one enough to speed our plans up
Ali: What sort of risk?
Johnny: Sort where it’s best you don’t get told
Ali: I trust you, you don’t make rash decisions, you’re careful
Johnny: If it goes wrong your parents finally bothering themselves to look after you, I’ll worry less
Ali: That’s not an option, only you
Johnny: Be waiting for us and I’ll come home
Ali: Where do you go to church?
Johnny: [tell her]
Ali: With all your lessons, I’m sure I’ll be able to convince them I’m going to Bible study, be free in no time
Ali: I only have to seem like anyone’s word but yours matters to me 
Johnny: Divine guidance was important to you yesterday, had my man Jesus and your man both fooled, is it?
Ali: There’s no secrets between us
Ali: Unless your secret is you’re all-seeing as your man Jesus
Johnny: Maybe
Ali: I’ve felt it, I just don’t know how else you manage it but divine powers
Ali: which we’re gonna need
Johnny: My word’s final as his and I’ve said I’ve need of you
Ali: I wish I could just tell them the truth
Ali: they don’t understand me, what I want
Johnny: We’d that in common from the off
Johnny: the truth and understanding’s only ours, between us
Ali: We recognised it in each other without need of speaking 
Ali: it’s ours to live, I can’t live this bullshit she wants for me like it’s real
Ali: School and homework and pills and no you 
Johnny: Pills? That’s a disgrace
Ali: Well, THE pill
Ali: no mention of the mental kind yet but I wouldn’t be surprised 
Johnny: I know where [the psych ward Joe is at] is, they drop you off I’ll pick you up
Ali: They aren’t going to make it that easy for you
Johnny: No matter how hard it’s made
Ali: I don’t need to ask if that’s a promise
Johnny: I’ve sworn others enough
Ali: Luckily, I do know you
Ali: way she’s carrying on about how I’m being used is enough to give a weaker girl a complex
Johnny: Being held up against the example of Moses and lads like him, who she’s got her knowing of and from, would give a weaker lad one
Johnny: but it’s nothing I’ve not heard everywhere I’ve been
Ali: It’s my da I feel sorry for
Ali: if he’s not convinced you that not every man is your father or your firstborn’s father, what are you still doing together, how is that fair
Johnny: His work’s never to be done by the sounds of
Ali: Hers here is half-hearted when your name has been on me for… how much longer than this bruise
Ali: It’s too late, I’m yours
Johnny: Your daddy’s just a man on his own, singular, and she’s a mammy eager her baby don’t repeat her mistakes, faulting them too hard’d not be fair of you
Ali: You’re fair to a fault
Ali: another thing she doesn’t know about you 
Ali: I know it but she’s just pissing me off, acting like she doesn’t have 4 sons of her own who couldn’t be more different from each other if they tried
Johnny: Respect’s due for what they’ve given you, and me, that don’t mean we let the rest be taken off us on their say
Ali: It should be mutual
Ali: it will be or I’m not talking until it is
Johnny: They’re in the wrong but we can’t make it right
Ali: Not right now
Johnny: Keeping ourselves on the path is what we can & will do
Ali: I suppose I’ll have to go to school then 😒😣
Ali: do what she wants so hopefully she lets me out and I can see you after work
Johnny: And keep on with your paper job
Ali: You’ve changed your mind
Johnny: No
Johnny: circumstances have
Ali: You did say you’d do it with me 
Johnny: So if they’ll not following you along to every door, sure
Ali: Might be 2 down but there’s still 6 of us kids and 1 still a proper baby
Ali: they can’t be that committed to just me, not at [the ridiculous AM a paper round usually is]
Johnny: A proper eye on the girls cuts the numbers down, but it’d do us no favours me telling your parents how to
Ali: Mm, think on
Ali: Bea’s perfect and Ro is never out of their sight so 
Johnny: You’re perfect, they don’t know how to handle you’s what it is
Ali: I’m what
Johnny: You’ve had more schooling than us, read it
Ali: I don’t know if you’ve ever called me that before
Ali: maybe when I’m giving you loads of reason to
Johnny: This here’s a reason, don’t forget who you’re behaving for when your parents reckon it’s them
Ali: I could never forget
Johnny: What’s to happen’s the same
Johnny: we’ll go as we’ve said
Ali: Nothing could change my mind
Ali: that was never in question
Johnny: We can’t force your family into the right no more than mine but we’re doing what’s right for ourselves
Ali: But don’t you find it infuriating like me?
Ali: I want all the things your family value
Ali: and I’d be safer and happier than mine can even imagine with you
Johnny: You know how I find it
Ali: Neither of us gets a chance to prove ourselves
Johnny: I’ll prove myself to you, that’s all what matters
Ali: You’ll keep proving yourself, you already have
Johnny: We’ll a family of our own, as we want it
Ali: 13
Johnny: From as soon as you are
Ali: By your birthday
Johnny: Timing’s set by him to be as perfect as you
Ali: As long as we can dance together then, I don’t need anything else
Johnny: We can dance together whenever
Ali: You remember last night, right?
Johnny: I remember that
Ali: You’re an adorable drunk
Johnny: Ah, give over
Johnny: I weren’t neither of them things
Ali: but you’re ALWAYS adorable
Johnny: You’re never serious, girl
Ali: I’m always serious about you, boy
Ali: my room doesn’t feel like mine now, like it does but mine from the past
Johnny: You’re not their little girl, you’re mine
Ali: You’re home now, wherever you are
Johnny: I’ve been in that room where you are
Ali: Oh, I remember
Johnny: You remember all I said?
Ali: I like reminders
Johnny: Your reminder you’re not to swallow that pill every day
Ali: I’d never hurt our babies, not for anyone
Johnny: [tell her she’ll be a good mother in your gypsy lingo because you basically said it in her room on that day but not as directly as you are now and she knows the word for mother already so she’ll be able to work it out]
Ali: You’re already an incredible father 
Johnny: I’m what?
Ali: [be nice/evil depending how you look at it and say it again as a voice note]
Johnny: You know
Johnny: how important you are to me & that what’s to be handled, I’ll handle to see you taken care of
Ali: I’m thinking he knew the need I had of you, it’s the only explanation that makes sense
Ali: I don’t deserve you but I’ll work to make it so I do
Johnny: You’ve already done what’s needed to deserve me
Ali: We’ll look after each other, it’ll make us the best parents we can be
Johnny: We’re made for it and each other, we can’t do wrong
Ali: I only want it with you, you’re not allowed to do it with someone else
Johnny: I’d be going against God and what he wants for us
Ali: And what we want
Johnny: Right, this is what I have to do
Ali: But say it
Johnny: [send her a voice note back obvs]
Ali: Jesus
Ali: your voice is now the one in my head but when it’s really from you it’s even better
Johnny: Your name on me’s why I can cope with you away but I’m still troubled by missing you harder than I can stand
Ali: It’s like you’ve taken parts of me, you have, I don’t feel whole away from you
Johnny: Maybe you’d feel whole with a baby in you but there’s no testing it, you’ll not be out my sight then
Ali: That you’d trust me, with that much of you
Johnny: You’ve proved yourself to be trusted, a good girl you are
Ali: You deserve the best
Johnny: A son 1st, even if the other 12 are girls
Ali: You can have 7 to 6
Ali: It doesn’t matter to me, as long as they’re like you
Johnny: 13 of each we’ve said
Ali: See, so fair
Ali: What’s the biggest family you’ve ever known, for real?
Johnny: [give her the tea of different families you’ve known cos idk but I bet some peeps are still wilding even if it’s not like way back in the day hence not as cray as y’all are saying you’ll be]
Johnny: ours’ll be the biggest
Ali: Twins run in mine
Ali: My da is 1 of 10 too
Johnny: Goes to prove again you were made for me, exact as I want
Ali: I felt that the minute I laid eyes on you, that connection, no way to put words to it yet
Johnny: Be why you kept putting yourself under my eyes
Ali: I’m not gonna be sorry about that
Johnny: You can’t
Ali: It’s you, it always has been
Johnny: It has to be
Ali: I’m so in love with you
Johnny: When can I come for you?
Ali: I don’t know
Ali: how long do you think I need to give dutiful daughter? 
Ali: things are still pretty tense here
Johnny: Dutiful to them’s a while yet
Ali: But we’ve only been apart [however many hours it’d be] since we got back together
Johnny: I could watch you in their house for [the same number of hours]
Ali: 😳 I can see the benefit for me but won’t you be bored?
Johnny: You’d not let me
Ali: That wouldn’t be nice of me, no
Ali: and you know what window is mine, once they’re sleeping
Johnny: I’ll be there in [however long it takes him], you know
Ali: Enough time to get pretty
Johnny: Time enough to send another message with how you’re dressed
Ali: I won’t pick one of the two dresses I already know you like, be cheating
Johnny: Play fair even though your parents don’t, we’re better
Ali: They don’t know how many reminders of you there are in this place, how unfair that is
Johnny: How long’d you sit on the stairs?
Ali: Whole time she was going on, it was the only way to stop myself telling the truth of it all
Johnny: Be none left to the inside of your mouth
Ali: You’ll have to feel the bite marks, and take my word that I was even wetter than I am now
Johnny: Only fair adding my own, that’s how we’re playing
Ali: I still need the marks everywhere only your eyes see
Johnny: You need proper clothes to cover you everywhere
Ali: Only my eyes showing, yeah
Ali: different conversion
Johnny: More or less
Johnny: they’ll like you dressing for winter, I’ve been telling you ages now
Ali: It’s the only thing that could be public and now I can’t even have that
Johnny: Nobody has need of looking at you but me
Ali: They look at me and know my body's not my own, definitely can’t be theirs
Johnny: Whoever don’t know it I’ll teach the way of things fast enough
Ali: Everyone else may as well be invisible
Ali: no one registers
Johnny: I’ll key my name into you 11 more times before we go from here
Ali: Please
Johnny: You’re losing nothing never, long as I’ve say in it
Ali: Your word is law to me, you know that
Ali: like your name is holy
Johnny: How are we to think of 26 names?
Ali: They’ll come to us too
Ali: if not when we’re making them, when they’re growing 
Johnny: Inside you
Ali: Inside me, from you, growing between us
Johnny: Maybe that’s already happening
Ali: Maybe
Ali: I won’t check
Johnny: I’ll let you, if you’ve a want to
Ali: It’s fate, whenever it happens, I figure
Ali: you only check if you need to do something about it
Johnny: I’ll check looking at you the start of each day whilst you’re throwing papers at other gorjas
Ali: 😍 I’ll try not to get fat, make it awkward for us all
Johnny: You’ve need of fitting in your dress
Ali: Can only look the other way if you’re not looking a total show, ‘course
Johnny: Holy show, for a reason
Ali: Will you see if you can feel it, when you’re here
Ali: I think I’m just driving myself mad here
Johnny: What’ve you felt?
Ali: Not kicks, nothing that big
Ali: but it’s like… fluttering, maybe you’d hear something too if you laid there, that I can’t
Johnny: I’m after hearing that
Ali: I don’t promise, ‘cos I know how bad I want it that it might not be so yet
Johnny: I know it about you, what your word means
Ali: and I know you’ll be able to tell me the truth
Johnny: We’re able to keep on with trying, if there’s no baby now
Ali: We’re not stopping even if there is
Ali: if I’ve any say in the matter
Johnny: Gently maybe, I can’t risk the hurt of either of yous
Ali: The baby, maybe
Johnny: You’re my [the secret lingo word for baby] too
Ali: But you know that I like it, whatever everyone else thinks
Johnny: Your body’ll be getting ready for them, I need to be careful with it
Ali: Hmm
Johnny: You don’t with mine
Ali: That’s not playing fair 
Johnny: S’not a game, what you’re doing for me
Ali: You’re doing it for me too, it’s all real, what we want
Johnny: I’m praying the baby’s real
Ali: I have
Ali: but maybe not properly, you’ll have to tell me how you do it
Johnny: I’ll show you, we can go to [the name of his church] together
Ali: Yeah?
Johnny: You should have knowing of your bible for more than a cover story, you’re to raise my babies
Ali: I don’t know nothing, like
Ali: I just have had it taught to me in different ways than you
Johnny: Go on, tell it to me
Ali: All 783,137 words?
Johnny: I don’t know about you having all those words at hand or in your heart
Johnny: what you do, like
Ali: You got me, I’m not quite that good
Johnny: Close enough for me
Ali: I remember what you called me
Johnny: I stand by it
Ali: All of it?
Johnny: Yeah
Ali: Me too
Johnny: I remember all of last night
Johnny: stand by what I said then too
Ali: You knew I didn’t want to ask
Johnny: I’d say it again for your asking
Ali: Will you say it again, please
Johnny: [voice note her what is only your 2nd ILY ever]
Ali: Johnny
Johnny: I love you, I can’t not
Ali: You tried
Johnny: I’m more after trying to do right by you, love you in the ways that are proper
Ali: We’ve got our whole lives to get it right
Johnny: How long’ve we got ‘til your birthday?
Ali: [do it in days]
Ali: That sounds like forever
Johnny: Feels like
Ali: I’m sorry
Johnny: Can’t be helped, by you least of
Ali: I could be older
Johnny: You remember what I said you are, say it back
Ali: Can’t I talk about you instead?
Johnny: No
Ali: 🥺 but, you’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had
Johnny: You’ve had no others
Ali: Still true
Johnny: So’s what I called you, say it, Ali
Ali: [say it, can hear the 😳 in your voice]
Johnny: That’s my girl
Ali: I’m going to think of all the things I can do here, for the caravan, give me things to do and ways to try not to spend all my time just missing you
Johnny: Whenever I’m not busying myself working I’ll put some in there
Johnny: Oh and I near forgot [sending her a pic of his work in progress DIY project, which we’ve said since is the crib, that he’s done some more of]
Ali: [the secret lingo word for daddy specifically]
Ali: It’s really beautiful
Johnny: Have to make another if the babies are twins 1st but I’d let you help with that 1
Ali: You’ll need all my help, there’s so much to be done for us to be ready
Johnny: Think of them all and make them known to me
Ali: I can already picture your serious face
Ali: We will be ready, no one wants this more than us
Johnny: We’re ready in loads of the ways
Ali: You’re good with kids, I’ve seen you about with your family
Johnny: It’s not what boys are meant to do with themselves but I like it
Johnny: my mammy’s always let me
Ali: You’ll be a better father for it, that’s important
Ali: I think it’s lovely, you are
Johnny: From the start she’s told us the same
Ali: She sounds smart
Johnny: Like you, there’s reminders for me of her in you
Johnny: I’d have her know you, if I could
Ali: I’d love to get to know her, if we could, all your family
Ali: I feel bad, that I can’t give you that
Johnny: You’re giving all you can
Johnny: a family that’s our own
Ali: All I want’s you to be the happiest
Johnny: I am with you
Ali: Good
Ali: you won’t leave me then
Johnny: I’d need to be in my grave to
Ali: No graves, only weddings and christenings and all the other mad Catholic ones you do
Ali: I can’t lose you ever
Johnny: [talk about how you’re gonna have this girl baptised or whatever it is called before you get married, I cannot because I don’t know enough about it but just know he’s been thinking about it and he has it planned quite a lot in his head]
Ali: Do I get to have the dress?
Ali: We can go shopping
Johnny: You can have whatever you ask for, s’your special day
Ali: I liked having you dress me
Johnny: Your turn this time, you’re to pick out my church clothes so’s I look nice for you
Ali: You’re so good-looking
Ali: who else can say they’re covert back into Catholicism handsome
Johnny: I’d cut my hair on your say, only yours
Ali: I would NEVER say that
Ali: your hair is so high up my list of favourite things
Johnny: I’ll grow it on your say then, like our man Jesus
Ali: Jesus is hot, are we allowed to think that?
Ali: I assume it’s on purpose, like
Johnny: Don’t go thinking it in front of me
Johnny: I’d commit the sin of pulling him down from his cross off the wall there, be damning us in his house so you would
Ali: Why is that the hottest thing you’ve ever said?
Ali: Sorry to that man and his daddy but
Johnny: No sorry, you’re mine before you’re his or his daddy’s
Ali: You own more than my soul
Johnny: I’ve given you more than he’s done, he’s only guided my hand some since I told him of you
Ali: You’ve given me everything, all your two hands can provide
Johnny: It’s my duty to
Ali: No one else keeps their little girl as well as you do
Ali: I’m so thankful
Johnny: I’d have you kept as a princess is
Ali: Your locking in feels good
Ali: I love waiting for you like that
Johnny: The key’s to be swallowed before getting handed over to anybody else
Ali: There’ll never be anyone else, not like you
Johnny: The key to our place too, we can’t give it over
Ali: It’s been christened ours a thousand times over, we can’t lose that
Johnny: They’re coming into my head, our memories one after the other
Ali: I want to live in it, until there are too many babies
Ali: then we’ll come back when we’re old and just us two again
Johnny: We have to
Ali: You said you’re happy there, like nowhere else, me too
Ali: you’re my person, that’s our place
Johnny: [talk about how many babies you think you could fit in there which is not a realistic amount because gypsies do be living like that especially traditionally when they had the tiny old school caravans, and we know that old school is his vibe, just basically telling her they never have to move]
Ali: Can we only do it in the day?
Ali: That’s my main concern here
Johnny: You’ll keep on doing what you’re told, you’ve no concerns to trouble yourself with
Ali: You know how loud you make me
Johnny: I can quiet you
Ali: So you promise you’ll still look after me, however crowded the room?
Johnny: [drop a bible quote that means yes, as if you’re starting her lessons rn, I’m not gonna go find one but we know the vibes]
Ali: I’d have you teach me every word yourself, fuck
Johnny: Maybe I will
Ali: Please, please, please
Johnny: I’d have you more than 783,137 times, there’s no enough
Ali: Your name on me that much there’d be nothing left but that still feels right
Johnny: I’d give you my name that much, marry you ‘til we’ve no churches left we’ve not spoke vows in
Ali: I do, I always will, yours ‘til forever is over
Johnny: It’ll never be, there’ll be generations of us
Johnny: they’ll all talk of the love they was born out of
Ali: You’ll see it, in the way they hold themselves, the confidence and the knowing who they are, who we were
Johnny: Nothing could feel righter than that
Ali: This is all meant for us, everything we give and get from each other
Johnny: You’re a convert true enough
Ali: You didn’t need to get me on my knees but I’ll greet you down there every day if that’s what you need
Johnny: I need it 
Ali: My poor mother going on like you hadn’t pinned my head to the front door was a welcomed reminder of how little she knows about who I am and what I need
Johnny: When am I to be of what my lot don’t?
Ali: When you rescue me and take me home
Ali: Your name has never been moaned louder, despite both our attempts
Johnny: I’m here outside your old home, your enemy neighbour’s grass is putting us up
Ali: [rushing to your window to see him, waving so !! it’s almost comical but you’re too in it to even laugh, deadly serious with our extraness right now]
Ali: You can piss on it, they let their dog shit all over the street
Johnny: [do another circle across this grass in whatever vehicle you have brought (definitely one that needs fixing and is therefore leaking oil and the like as well) because the vibe is that you’ve been driving over and over it to fuck it up as much as possible because you know she hates this gal, waving back as he does, obvs then parking up and getting out to piss when he reads that while grinning up at her window]
Ali: [jumping up on your window sill to watch him even closer, lowkey Mae Mobley in this window like how close can I get, hoping your heart eyes read from all the way down there, pressing your palms and your forehead to the glass for a moment like a kiss]
Ali: You’re dreamy, you ever heard that?
Johnny: [blow her a kiss which you have never done in your life before even in a pisstakey manner to anyone so that’s another first happening and we love to see it, mouthing ILY even though she probably can’t decode it from there]
Johnny: I dreamt about you last night
Ali: [when you can see her GASP it’s truly that dramatic because of course she did and of course, we’re not used to it or over it ever, mouthing it back with the biggest heart eyes smile]
Ali: What did you dream about me?
Johnny: [putting a hand to his chest, touching where they both know her name is despite whatever clothes he’s wearing]
Johnny: We was on the bike riding away same as before but you had a baby on you, against your chest to carry it, wrapped up tight how you’d on halloween
Ali: [lifting whatever top you have on up to expose your stomach and pressing it to the window like he has x-ray super-vision and can see if you’re pregnant from there too, touching his name on you right back]
Ali: That costume would make a really good sling, if you ignore it being covered in your fake blood, which I can’t 
Ali: can we go for a ride, anywhere, even if we can’t stay away like before, I miss the bike
Johnny: [the way he’s trying to look so seriously as if he can see, god bless you lads]
Johnny: [also planning some different bike routes they can go on without it being a full roadtrip moment again that would have mcvickers fuming]
Ali: I’ll make a friend that can cover
Ali: 📖📏🧮✏️ dates, how can they refuse?
Johnny: You’ve got that brother I’ve seen you go about with & his mate who’d cover, no? 
Johnny: or was he one who joined in the witch hunt?
Ali: Tommy, nah, not on purpose
Ali: He’d cover for me but he already has been, I don’t know if I should keep asking
Johnny: You’d know best if your parents have sense for the timing of your new friend
Ali: You know I have lots of friends, you hate it
Johnny: This your plan so’s I hate it less, is it?
Ali: I’ve told you I’d do anything to be with you, that’s the only plan
Johnny: An answer I don’t hate
Ali: [still sat in this window watching him so intently]
Ali: I hate that you aren’t in here with me
Ali: but it’s better being able to see you
Johnny: [catch this boy getting on and sitting comfy on this car’s roof so that they’re closer and can see each other better, very romcom of you sir]
Ali: Shame a boombox isn’t very inconspicuous 
Johnny: [nevertheless, turn some music on via your phone to play through this car, 10000% the song(s) they danced to when they were dancing at his brother’s bday, soz not soz to Leesha’s fam, I hope you’re out rn or her dad and/or brothers will be coming out to try and fight him]
Ali: [you know we’re OBSESSED with how bold a move this is for all these reasons]
Ali: it hurts, my feet are trying to run to you
Johnny: Trying to dance to me
Ali: I like dancing with you more than I like dancing alone
Ali: and I loved that before
Johnny: [throw out a mem of her doing exactly that long before y’all were ever a thing, just because we can and we know he noticed her ages before anything happened like she also did him, giving that you remember how much she loved it and what a slay it was with these details you recall]
Ali: I thought you only looked at me because you thought I was mental
Johnny: You are but no
Ali: You need my kind of mental
Johnny: Meet all my needs you do
Ali: I intend to, for the rest of our lives
Johnny: I’ve said you’ll be decent at it
Ali: That’s why this punishment is dumb, what you want is what they should want for me
Ali: would they rather I’m going ‘round with unserious boys like Caleb or Moses or what
Johnny: They’d rather you grow yourself up and only go to school
Ali: They need to be realistic 
Johnny: It’s the culture clash, gorjas feel shame in their daughters being married and having kids when they reckon they still are, some of our lot are the same way now living ‘round yous
Ali: Nah, it’s her own shame and mistakes being made mine to fix
Ali: I get it but I’m not going to, I can’t and I don’t want to, she needs to get that
Johnny: Least the shame’s hers, my daddy would have me take on and fix Moses’ as if it’s my own
Ali: He knows the likelihood of it happening with the boy himself, I guess
Ali: Reward you get for being so reliable, like
Johnny: Oldest boy of more than just [however many brothers and sisters he has]
Ali: You’re really good at it, I almost can’t blame them for leaning on you but
Ali: only means you need looking after just as much in return, by someone
Johnny: By you
Ali: Has to be
Johnny: You’ve your uses, even behind glass
Ali: Charming as always, babe
Ali: What can I do for you right now though, make this less boring 
Johnny: Do a spell, like
Ali: Aside from the love one you’re still under, you mean
Johnny: Am I?
Ali: [scowling dramatically out this window for comedic effect]
Ali: Aren’t you?
Johnny: I thought I had some of my own say in it
Ali: I’d never use magic for evil, well, not now I’m grown up
Ali: but you love to say it’s all your idea so I’ll take this finally admitting it’s 50/50
Johnny: 70/30 to me, maybe, I’ll admit to
Ali: 😏
Ali: you should be flattered that I made the first move
Johnny: Come on now, I made it
Ali: How do you reckon that, boy?
Johnny: How do you different?
Ali: Because I remember telling you that I wanted you, needed
Ali: and you were having none of it
Johnny: You remember having the knowing I wanted you before either of us said words, where’d you get it from if not me?
Ali: Would you have said it though
Johnny: Maybe
Ali: Would it have still happened, what did
Johnny: How am I to answer what ifs?
Ali: I just think about them, can’t help it
Johnny: So do I, but I don’t know for the thinking
Ali: It scares me, the alternative to what we have, what could be instead
Johnny: What we have’s safe, no alternative’s to happen
Ali: You’re my safety, I’m yours
Johnny: I’d catch you, if you’re after going out the window to me
Ali: I’ll find my wings
Ali: but also see what my parents are up to without alerting them
Johnny: More good answers
Ali: If I can’t get out, I can get you in, easy
Ali: their room and the kid’s are downstairs, no need to bother me if I’m busy doing my homework in mine
Johnny: I’ll move the car, point’s been made with the state of her grass
Ali: You remembered she’s my enemy
Johnny: ‘Course, she told you you was weird looking, I’ve not forgotten it
Ali: Fuck it, I’m finding a way out
Ali: I need to kiss you there
Johnny: I wrote your name when I pissed there
Ali: 🥺 is it still there?
Johnny: [send a picture like can you see it or no]
Johnny: when you’re down show us what car’s her daddy’s & we’ll key whatever you think they need telling into the side
Ali: I can sorta but I wanna watch you do it close up next time
Ali: you being mine is all that’s in my head but I’ll work on clearing it, being smart
Johnny: Bring a drink out, I can do it while you clear your head
Ali: How’s that gonna clear my head 😳
Johnny: It’ll be full of how I think you look, how in the wrong she is for what she said
Ali: You don’t care what I look like, you like me in ways no one else does
Johnny: No, I do, but I love what you look like
Ali: Yeah but I mean
Ali: not just in the way other boys do
Johnny: Body and soul, not just the 1st one
Ali: [come hopping over your fence having successfully got out of your room and out the back garden undetected, running over to him partly from necessity of being sneaky and not being seen loitering by your house but also from the necessity of running to him, of course]
Johnny: [pick her up mid run and carry her bridal style across Leesha’s lawn until they’re wherever he pissed on it which is giving right in the middle tbh, because he simply must, no notes]
Ali: [no one deserves this vandalism/blatant jealousy you would feel if you are seeing this scene unfurl more, not soz and not soz again because we are SO deep in our feelings here on this day because he came not knowing if you would be able to get out or not, kissing his whole face and anywhere else you can on his upper body like you have been locked in your room for hundreds of years, pressing your cheek against his and he can feel you smiling so big ‘I missed you, I missed you’]
Johnny: [kissing her back as if it’s been a million years because any time apart feels like that to y’all, not only pressing his opposite cheek against hers so they’ve both be done, one each, but pressing his forehead against hers so hard as he’s listening to her speak and taking it in that they fall onto this grass right into the mud he’s churned up with his tires, no fucks given it has gotta be done, putting all his weight on her how he likes to do once they are down there, I hope the grass and therefore mud isn’t really wet or she’ll be covered in it already, haha by which I mean I do sure hope it rained earlier when y’all were talking, defs say ILY in gypsy lingo, I’ll leave it up to my boo to decide if she wants Alison to have been taught that by Carly or not]
Ali: [making happy noises like he also needs to listen to this/you must at how he’s nuzzling you and you are him back, could not be being more soft, inappropriately so for being on the street but you do not care and never will, my boo says wouldn’t it be a shame if y’all got covered in mud tehe and she’s so right for that, at least the way he’s squashing you hides you from sight kinda lol, not that concern is being given, if your mother wants to drag you away she’ll have to at this point; Carly’s lessons were giving more saucy ‘cos that’s what the energy was assumed to be but you could have also heard other people on the site saying it so I’m on the fence, I think the energy would give a lot of context tbh so we’ll assume that’s what you said even if we’re not sure, LOOKING up at him with huge eyes and kissing the tip of his nose which imma say has mud on it so you then have to wipe it off your lips with your fingertips]
Johnny: [Imagine if Tess dragged her in, we obvs won’t do it but IMAGINE, I’m cackling, how heartbreakingly accurate that Carly wouldn’t know the word for love, I’m FINE, must distract myself by focusing on his adorable lil nod like yeah that’s what it means, exactly what you think, before saying it again slower, practically against the lips she’s just wiped clean, like he’s teaching her how to say it and fully expecting her to say it back to him because he is, which sends me because the PROGRESS of this, he’s essentially letting her be one of them]
Ali: [be here taking this lesson so seriously and loving every second of it, trying really hard to get it spot on and put the appropriate emotion and FEELING into this phrase, adding a husband type endearment that you’ve remembered from before too with a smile like aren’t you proud of me]
Johnny: [this boy is so heart eyes about this because it’s so serious to him and we love that she’s taking it as seriously, hence absolutely must LAUNCH himself at her to kiss her the likes of which he hasn’t done since the early days with the amount of !! in the movement but despite the fact he’s lowkey crushing her the actual kiss is so soft and romantic and he’s smiling SO so big into it as well as doing a happy sigh at her as he barely pulls back]
Ali: [when your hands are pushing down into this muddy ground to steady y’all and leaving dramatic handprints like you’ve not seen since the fake blood and body paint of Halloween so you’re pressing up into this kiss with some !! energy as you try to keep it soft and wholesome, again, like it’s appropriate when it never is, unthinkingly stroking his cheek with your muddy hand then having to brush it away with the top of your head like oh no, giggling a little] 
Johnny: [I love a dramatic handprint, impeccable vibes thank you boo, hence 0 hesitation in this boy putting his hands over hers to push them down into the mud even harder like when they’ve done a dramatic handhold before, tutting into her mouth which he literally hasn’t done since the first hookup convo but there’s such an affectionate oh you to it this time, shaking his own head and letting his hair which is loose today and unponytailed, because why not, tickle her face to make her giggle more]
Ali: [looking down at your joined hands in the mud, pushing harder like you’re making a cast here and it’s going to be memorialised right here on Leesha’s front lawn, your eyes darting back to find his like that’s why he was tutting at you, making a excuse me !! sort of noise and kissing him a little bit harder to make up for it, finding a lock of his hair and twisting it around your finger]
Johnny: [telling her about where they can get some concrete from exactly the same way that he told her where they could get a touring caravan from before because we love to live in a fantasy and why wouldn’t we pretend that we actually are gonna immortalise these handprints on her neighbour’s lawn forever, maintaining the eye contact she initiated the entire time he talks about this]
Ali: [pushing your forehead into his so your eyes are practically touching with this EYE CONTACT at this point ‘you would’ for all the reasons, you love me that much and you also would fuck up this girl’s garden and worse for us if we wanted you to because you love me that much, being obvious that y’all are laying here being a nuisance and he’s fucked the whole place up with his car already]
Johnny: [lowkey having a fight with their eyelashes which hilariously is something I said in their first hookup convo, I believe it was, how random that we’re back here lol ‘I’ll’ meaning make no mistake and no joke whatsoever, he will and in this moment fully intends to because no fucks given except giving her what she wants, always but in this moment especially, have treated that like a full sentence but adding ‘fetch it when you get yourself inside’ because y’all don’t wanna think about that time coming but if you inevitably must then we’re giving her something to look forward to with it] 
Ali: [full circle moment baby, you love to see it, we are making a grumpy noise about the prospect of having to go inside, like y’all can lay here on the cold hard ground forever, shaking your head/lowkey headbutting him with the closeness there like no, no, SQUEEZING his hand harder]
Johnny: [after pressing both her hands further into the mud with so much !! we’ll all as per amazed they don’t break each other’s fingers, he’s gotta, as if to say I didn’t mean go in right now this second, pull her even closer to him (somehow) with her top which lifts it a lil bit as it scrunches in his hand so that reminds him of the fact he immediately needs to lift it more so her stomach is exposed and LOOK at it so intensely as if he’ll be able to see if she’s preggo or not now that she isn’t at her window]
Ali: [doing a little whimper because he can pull you closer to him but you can’t pull him closer to you with your hands in the mud, making a more !! noise when he remembers and thus so do you, watching him and waiting for his reaction as if he has any real authority on this matter and can tell if you’re with child for real just by looking, now being the most silent in contrast to 5 seconds ago]
Johnny: [soz that y’all can’t actually tell one way or another by LOOKING alone but that won’t stop him doing so for what would feel like forever as he’s the most serious and intense he’s EVER been, nor will it stop him putting the side of his face in close proximity to her stomach, not touching but almost, to see if he can hear anything like she said, imagine how sinister it would be if he could rn, love that y’all are still on her neighbour’s lawn having this super feelsy moment btw]
Ali: [my boo says time and place? And truly, no thought in where you are and the fact you’re very much on borrowed time whether someone from this house comes out or someone from hers spots this gal being missing lmao, soz we’ve never been more serious, stopping our breathing and would stop our own heartbeat if that were possible for you to hear something because really do think we are and want to be, soz guys]
Johnny: [There’s never any thought to where they are or other people and I love that for them and the consistency from us, catch this boy saying something in gypsy lingo that’s giving the tone how you would talk to a kid if you wanted them to get a move on on the school run/get out of your way, like he’s annoyed at this fictional child not announcing their presence immediately lol, whatever he’s saying has come on energy to it but there’s also affection]
Ali: [you always been those girls, hence it’s amazing you’ve made it this far not being caught lmao, playing with fire and not even being conscious of it whilst you are because you only care about each other, love to see it as does this gal with this energy he’s bringing because even if you don’t get the words it’s unmistakably daddy energy in the truest sense, going to stroke his hair and realising how caked your fingers are by this point so resorting to nuzzling him with your head so dramatically]
Johnny: [I was trying to find where in the re-read there’s a moment that he leaves a handprint on her stomach (in blood I think?) so I could re-read it and do a parallel here with him putting her hand on her stomach rn to leave a muddy handprint but I can’t find it, I’m gonna keep looking a sec because I may have gone insane, anyway I’m sure it happened and a parallel is here and now, being the point *note to future Jemily that my boo found it and it’s after bonfire night]
Ali: [it definitely did somewhere and thus this is not lost on us even slightly, putting a hand over his so seriously, making eye contact as you apply just slightly more pressure pushing into your stomach but not like HARD ‘it’s all real, isn’t it?’ the whisper you’re only hearing with this proximity because the way we don’t want to put our voice to the notion it might not be]
Johnny: [SUCH a serious nod back because this is all real even if she isn’t pregnant rn which jemily knows she isn’t, everything else is and as far as he’s concerned she will be soon if she isn’t already, tis just a matter of time, oh lads if only you knew how hardcore this is gonna blow up and what the future looks like but obvs in this moment you have no way to and are just in love, hence kissing her like you’re vowing it all at the altar because not the first time this boy has done that kind of smooch and I doubt it’ll be the last]
Ali: [here doing your wedding smooching once more like you’re not out in the street on the cold hard ground and we’re not going to put you through hell, so evil, like you are being a bit delulu thinking you can marry this boy but we could at least let you be with him but nay nay; here and now be trying to say the secret lingo ILY but getting it slightly wrong because you’re kissing him and not focusing enough to be spot on]
Johnny: [that’s on her being literally 12 which is wild and I forget all the time just how young she is because he’s older and the normal kind of age range we tend to do, I saw a vid of Dakota at different ages and at 11 which is not that much older than she is now she looked like a literal tiny baby still and at 14 she had braces, I die, Alison is just a child, ANYWAY, he’ll be here grinning into this kiss at her trying to say it but making a mistake and breaking the kiss just enough that he can say it correctly against her lips instead of just fully into her mouth incoherently, saying ‘you love me’ in the secret lingo with a hot lol before his ILY correction, just to throw more gypsy lingo out]
Ali: [I saw that video too, it’s wild because then she was like 15 in the runaways and looked basically how she does now but yes, let him correct you and do your own laugh even if you’re pouting at getting it wrong like oh no, saying it right this time and adding ‘-so much’ to the end in English]
Johnny: [the jump from tiny dot to teenager looking the same was insane and she was so good in that film but I digress, saying ‘so much’ or an equivalent of it in his own lingo because he do and so she can learn it because the more he can teach her the happier he’ll be]
Ali: [repeating it back even though you’re getting distracted kissing him again, still holding his hand where it is on your stomach]
Johnny: [this boy absolutely buzzing because she got that right first time without him having to repeat it or say it slower or anything and it’s just adding to how fated this feels to y’all and how good of a wife and mother etc he thinks she’ll be, so here kissing her back with all the intensity of those feelings as if they have all the time in the world to be making out]
Ali: [when you can feel how pleased he is about it and that makes you happy yourself, grinning into a kiss like an insane person you can’t even help it ‘you’ll come back for me?’ like don’t leave me here grounded and bored because it really is too little too late fam, lived a thousands lives since then and it feels ridiculous to us at this point]
Johnny: [‘I’ll come to live in the car right here before I leave you up there without me’ dramatic but truly how he feels in this moment, imagine, soz not soz Leesha’s parents]
Ali: [‘she’d love that’ not clear who she is but could be Leesha or her mother, we know lmao, scowling at the thought of them objectifying your mans, holding him closer like no ‘you can live in the attic’ not an actual feasible plan but we would like to pretend it is in this moment thank you]
Johnny: [so here for her scowl and everything it means that he can’t help smiling about it but in contrast to that he’s v seriously likewise pulling her closer to him because we’re deadly serious about everything relating to this gal ‘I don’t know about living in no house’ but he’s saying it with the tone that he 1000% would and is willing to learn in this moment, looking up towards the attic and then back at her so !! like okay then to this plan]
Ali: [‘wasn’t it cosy though?’ because you spent a whole night up there at this point and it would be giving caravan as much as it could because a small space that is just full of things she thinks are a vibe, cuddling your head onto his chest like you probably did then like remember, you thinking about the logistics of hiding this boy sending me like you probably could which is troubling but he would need to go to work and such and also use the bathroom and you can’t make him skulk around that hard even though the urge is real ‘can’t I just-’ struggling to verbalise because you know the answer is no so shrugging a shoulder ‘- I wish I could’]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
Amber: I just wanted to say thank you again for earlier
Amber: and sorry if I was noticeably wildly taken aback you exist
Cosmo: It was my ma, don’t need to thank me
Cosmo: Why would you be expecting my existence? 
Amber: Without your ma’s help, and yours, I’d still be walking around hospital corridors
Amber: I’ve already thanked her, we’ve swapped heaps of messages
Amber: I wasn’t expecting Dash to have a brother I didn’t know about is what I guess I’m trying to say
Cosmo: We’ve plenty experience
Cosmo: Of course you have
Cosmo: It’s like you don’t know Dash either, isn’t it
Amber: Yeah, your of course is bang on, your mum’s lovely
Amber: He outright lies and deliberately misleads, I have experience of that, sure, but this seems a new level, or low, doesn’t it? It’s really unnecessary
Cosmo: She’s familiar with you lot, like she said
Cosmo: I knew that, he’s a fake
Amber: She’s been telling me what [the commune] was like when she lived there, it all sounds unsurprisingly familiar
Amber: Oh he’s heaps of things alright
Cosmo: Shock horror a 60s throwback isn’t heralding in a brave new world
Cosmo: Well, my apologies you had to find out like this, absent jailer can only be so efficient in keeping her bedbound
Amber: The shock was reserved for you, and horror is a touch dramatic, we weren’t close enough for my world to be rocked
Amber: You definitely don’t need apologise either, by the way
Cosmo: Sure, he’s a throwback but I did mean the whole ‘commune’ idea
Cosmo: Even our nan wasn’t born in the 60s, an actual joke
Amber: Okay, but how many original ideas are there anyway?
Cosmo: Talking like the time and country you’re from isn’t original either but it’s logical
Amber: He can’t escape talking like the country he’s from, however much he’d kill for an American accent
Cosmo: Are you South African?
Amber: No, but I get that heaps
Amber: even from people who don’t know I’ve been to [and wherever in south africa you have, giving the poorest parts obvs because your parents are crusaders]
Cosmo: How the fuck did you end up in [wherever the commune is located, like exactly]?
Amber: Long story short, my parents’ jobs
Amber: how and why the majority our age move around
Cosmo: Not enough starving kids in Africa? Who knew
Amber: Poverty affects every country, including this one
Amber: I think that’s fairly well known
Cosmo: And it’s definitely tackled by making the doss house seem wholesome with some veggies and some chickens, not getting a job and engaging with the real world
Amber: I told you they have jobs a few sentences ago
Cosmo: Yeah, the saviours charging in always do
Cosmo: anyone who’s been there longer than a year don’t
Amber: Congrats on tackling your prejudices, it’s going really well
Cosmo: Boo hoo, I don’t feel bad for anyone there
Amber: I doubt anyone is asking you to, like you said, we don’t engage with the real world
Cosmo: You just did, a few sentences ago
Amber: I did not
Cosmo: Yeah, you did
Cosmo: Prejudice is a dog whistle for sympathy
Amber: You should work with slogans, that’s an awesome off the top of your head attempt
Cosmo: Thanks, I’ll leave the politics to the private schoolboys and do-gooders though
Amber: I mean, you’d know better than I would what real world jobs call for it, but advertising would be a good fit too
Cosmo: I know what I’m going to do, I already do it
Amber: How old are you?
Cosmo: 17
Amber: And how long have you had your future career mapped out?
Cosmo: Long as I can remember
Amber: Wow
Amber: What is it?
Cosmo: I play football, I’m at [whatever academy] on the junior side
Amber: Irish football, soccer or American?
Cosmo: Not calling it soccer but that one
Amber: So you’re like Keira Knightley in that film, got it
Cosmo: ?
Amber: The one with the Beckham cameo, but I don’t know, it could’ve been a lookalike
Cosmo: Your references are cooked
Amber: I don’t watch heaps of tv, it’s one of the few dvds without scratches, for some reason
Cosmo: Surprised you have one
Amber: Me too, tends to be the first thing to get sold, maybe the tv’s days are numbered but for now, we still have one
Amber: and a dvd player
Cosmo: And you’re surrounded by cosplaying kids and enabling users
Cosmo: should charge them, Dash would soon stop bothering himself and you
Amber: Unfortunately, I don’t think bouncer is the career path I’m going to be on
Cosmo: I wouldn’t bet on it, proving a point isn’t worth getting murdered
Amber: Talking about my potential murder wasn’t something I’d bet on doing with a stranger today
Cosmo: Why are you here?
Amber: Would you like me to go? Ideally not because I’ve been murdered but
Cosmo: I mean, you didn’t need to search me up to say thanks
Cosmo: but you’ve done that now, so
Amber: I wanted to
Amber: you’re right though, I’ve done that now
Amber: I’ll see you when I’m over for a cuppa, if you’re around then
Cosmo: If you’re humouring her because you feel sorry for her, you don’t need to, she has plenty of friends
Amber: You’d have to ask Daisy why she invited me, hopefully she doesn’t feel too sorry for me
Amber: I’m coming because she’s nice
Cosmo: I don’t need to ask her motivations
Amber: Okay
Cosmo: If you think this is going to endear you to him, it won’t
Amber: I beg your pardon?
Cosmo: Whatever time you came for tea, he’d not be there, he doesn’t give enough of a fuck about her to give a fuck about you being a good samaritan 
Amber: I’m well versed where he spends 99.9 of his time, it’s where I live or in classes with me, if I wanted an in, I’ve had heaps
Cosmo: I’m glad you’re not that dumb then
Amber: Thanks, I have my moments and some brain cells knocking about 
Cosmo: More than can be said of most he hangs with
Amber: We haven’t hung out for a while, I’ve lost my shine for him by now
Cosmo: Doubt that
Amber: There’s newer, more age appropriate girls for him to focus his attentions on at any given minute
Cosmo: He’s never really concerned himself with what’s appropriate but sure
Amber: He’s in great company
Cosmo: I know
Amber: And I’ve made it crystal clear I’ve got no romantic or sexual interest
Cosmo: I wasn’t doubting your lack of interest, just his
Amber: He’s persistent but I’m as stubborn
Cosmo: He’s a brat
Amber: Hard same when I need to be
Cosmo: Must be nice
Amber: I wish I didn’t have to use it as a fallback, but hey, if boys will be boys, girls will rely on whatever methods they can
Cosmo: It’s not a safe place, if your parents are any kind, you’ll be out of there before something worse happens than some pathetic teenage fuckboy
Amber: My parents are the kind to honour their commitments 
Cosmo: What about their commitment to being parents then
Amber: What about it? I’m taken care of in all the ways I’m supposed to be
Cosmo: Doesn’t sound like you feel very safe
Amber: Well, I’m sorry I gave you the wrong impression somehow and somewhere
Amber: I’m the amount of cautious any woman is because I’m that amount of default unsafe, no more
Cosmo: Relax, I’m not going to do anything about it
Amber: Except voice your opinion, which I respect, I don’t know when to shut up either, famously
Cosmo: You famously messaged me, which is weird, by the way
Amber: Still being here might be, but why is reaching out in the first place weird?
Cosmo: You ain’t meant to talk to strangers, you never heard?
Amber: We talked at the hospital, I did anyway, you mainly stared at me or at the floor
Cosmo: I didn’t stare at you
Amber: Daggers, the stabbing feeling’s only just gone away
Cosmo: Not the first or last of his friends we’ve run into
Amber: You’re calling me his friend, I don’t know if he or I would
Cosmo: It makes no odds to me whether he’s got in your pants or not, that’s his definition
Cosmo: you’re still the same
Amber: Good to know by his definition we never will be, less fantastic to be tarred with whatever brush you’ve got out
Cosmo: You could be one of the ones that needs help, I don’t know
Amber: Saying I’m not makes it sound as if I am, I can’t win with that kind of protest
Cosmo: If you ain’t then you deserve that place and his company
Amber: Throw me to the wolves then, damn
Cosmo: Who am I, your personal saviour 
Cosmo: you just said you were good
Amber: Everything about you is so confrontational, I’ve been trying to give you the benefit of your stares being where this stops getting aggressive
Cosmo: I’m not aggressive
Amber: What are you?
Cosmo: I just don’t use that faux therapy talk you’re used to
Amber: You’re white knuckling onto your snap judgment, I’m used to that being a thing too, sorry I bothered you
Cosmo: There’s no point not, is there
Amber: You tell me, you seem to have all the answers and I 1000% don’t
Cosmo: Aren’t you meant to extol the benefits of giving people a chance? That’s not me, judgmental and aggressive 
Amber: You’d refuse to feel the benefit to spite me, boy
Cosmo: I’ve been there, done that, got the burns to prove it
Cosmo: you’re too shiny and new and too late, girl
Amber: He speaks like he’s from the 60s and you act like you’re in yours
Amber: it’s never too late, unless you’re ashes pressed into the [however tall he is] shape of a guy
Cosmo: Who asked you to come and judge my life?
Cosmo: You don’t even know him by admission, you haven’t got the first clue about me
Amber: You don’t about me but when has it stopped you?
Cosmo: I know that place, better than you ever could
Cosmo: if I was judgmental or aggressive about anything, that’s what it was, not you
Amber: The last thing I want is to know that place like the back of my hand, I’m not your brother or whichever of his ‘friends’ you’ve met
Cosmo: He don’t know shit he thinks he does
Amber: I’ve lived there [however long]
Amber: a week was long as to get the feel of it, whatever else I am, I’m not gullible, believe that or don’t
Cosmo: I’m as glad for you as I can be for any stranger
Amber: And I’ll be as glad to cross paths with you on [whatever day she’s going for tea and biscuits]
Cosmo: Don’t worry, I’ll stay out of your way
Amber: Your whereabouts don’t worry me, it’s your house and if you feel like scowling at me from any corner of it, I can’t stop you
Cosmo: I’ve got a life, thanks
Amber: Right, soccer
Cosmo: Oh and what the hell do you do that’s so important?
Amber: Excluding when mama needs urgent supplies, nothing I do is important
Cosmo: What does your ma even do?
Amber: Women’s health stuff, a giant umbrella, but we can sum it up by saying she cares more about period poverty than starving kids in Africa
Cosmo: Right, well needing to find your mammy is the best reason you’d need pointing to OBGYN
Amber: I’m not asking your worst case scenario for me, I dread to think
Cosmo: You’d only accuse me of calling you stupid if I asked you what you reckon most people go there for, so, yeah
Amber: I’m 17 not 7, I’ve ideas why most people do most things
Cosmo: You said you were in his classes
Amber: Yeah, I’m not beating the stupid accusations any time soon after all, am I?
Cosmo: I didn’t know that happened, seems very American
Amber: They’re probably making an exception because I’ve been unschooled up to now, or because I massively embarrassed myself with the test they gave to find out where I’m at
Cosmo: I’m sorry
Amber: Why? I fought to be in school and I am
Cosmo: I’m sorry that you weren’t until now
Amber: My dad’s a teacher, I didn’t need to be, I wanted to
Amber: I warned you about me being a brat
Cosmo: Not good enough of one if you’re that behind though
Amber: It’s my own fault, unschooling is child centred, I decided what I wanted to learn at what pace
Cosmo: Almost like a child isn’t qualified to make life decisions like that they have no capability of understanding
Amber: Who knew?
Amber: Me, I cared more about swimming
Cosmo: There’s a reason we still have to do our lessons at the academy 
Cosmo: ‘course you didn’t want to, no kid does
Amber: Do you learn Irish? They won’t let me join those classes
Cosmo: Sadly
Amber: You hate it?
Cosmo: Maybe the Irish footie lads can use it, doesn’t have no purpose for me
Cosmo: I’m sure someone’d teach you but that won’t help you do any better on the tests
Amber: I’ve picked up a handful of words, far as I ever seem to get in all the languages of all the places I’ve lived
Amber: I could order you a drink in heaps of countries if you keep it simple and want a beer
Cosmo: It’s a dead horse language, honestly
Cosmo: Everyone speaks English, any time we’re away in Europe, never an issue
Amber: Are you away much?
Cosmo: Not as much as the proper team but [however much junior clubs do go away, idk but it would happen, I’m sure]
Amber: I wonder if we’ve ever been in the same place at the same time
Cosmo: Where have you been?
Amber: Where have you? It’d be easier to list where I haven’t yet, you’d get bored
Cosmo: Alright, show-off
Amber: No, but give it up, where have you?
Cosmo: God, let me think
Cosmo: [list them, I shan’t lmao]
Amber: [discuss dates and if there’s been any crossover on the places she has also been because what are the odds but that would be cinematic peak romance if there has and y’all didn’t even realise]
Cosmo: [me like sadly for you boo bear/this girl, I doubt he remembers the dates he was places, he doesn’t have the energy for that]
Cosmo: Where was your favourite place?
Amber: Ever or out of the places you’ve been to?
Cosmo: Out of the places you’ve been to, I’m sure I’ll have heard of it, still
Amber: You’ll have heard of it because it’s where I’m from, when you nail that guess, anyway
Amber: I liked my life best when we stayed put for longer than our record of [however long which is clearly giving no longer than a year to 18 months max because your parents are cray] in [wherever you stayed the longest that wasn’t new zealand, I don’t need to specify it isn’t that important]
Amber: Where was yours?
Cosmo: It’s the other one, shoulda figured you were too light-skinned to be any kind of African but I don’t know anything about New Zealand beyond hobbits and rugby
Cosmo: everywhere was the same, I was just there to play
Amber: Do you want to know anything about New Zealand beyond hobbits and rugby?
Cosmo: You can tell me
Amber: [jokingly tell him things about stuff he’d wanna know based on how he’s been this convo so about politics and how safe it is or isn’t and how everyone speaks english and maori is kinda like irish cos they really killed it off only to resurge it in like 1987 and anything you can about football lol, cos gotta playfully sass him as the tea realistically is you don’t really remember as much about the place as you wish you did cos you’ve been everywhere since and were clearly young when all this hardcore travelling started so, not trying to get into that and be sad/prove him right that your parents suck rn]
Cosmo: Well, you can always be a travel agent when you finish school
Amber: Encouraging travel isn’t very eco warrior of me
Cosmo: Hippie = hypocrite, don’t you know?
Amber: I’m gutted you’ll never meet my mama, seriously
Cosmo: I’m glad she’s not a doctor or I already would have
Amber: Long as yours doesn’t get pregnant again or an STI, you’re safe
Cosmo: Shut up
Amber: I’m likewise doing my damndest not to, I’ll ask her to make a pact with me
Cosmo: Because that’s funny
Amber: I wouldn’t joke about a baby or a sexually transmitted disease, both sound like hellish experiences 
Cosmo: You just did though
Amber: I did not
Cosmo: Are you an only child as well as homeschooled? 
Amber: At the moment
Cosmo: It’s too late for you not to have both those energies
Amber: Ouch
Amber: I thought the daggers hurt
Cosmo: Sorry, that was kind of harsh but
Cosmo: you’re very strange
Amber: I do try not to be, but I guess it genuinely is too late
Cosmo: You’ve not been around normal people to learn it, not for long enough
Cosmo: it’s your parents’ fault, not yours
Amber: I’ve made a couple of friends at school
Amber: hopefully not entirely out of pity
Cosmo: Sure they’re not
Amber: How many friends is a football team? 
Cosmo: [the numbers ‘cos it’s always so many playing and so many reserves and I’m not getting into the weeds of that]
Amber: Mr popular
Cosmo: Hardly
Amber: I don’t believe you, you’re super friendly and open
Cosmo: Ha ha, Miss stalker
Amber: Your mammy gave you an easily stalkable name, which she dropped when you refused to introduce yourself
Cosmo: Which makes it okay
Amber: I’m not outside in your bushes
Cosmo: Really sounds like you are
Amber: You’d be kicking a ball somewhere and I wouldn’t have eyes on you if I was, what’s the point? 
Cosmo: I don’t know what your interest is, you find me intolerable and intolerant
Amber: I was attempting to smooth things over and make them less weird, okay? Which I know has backfired, before you say it
Cosmo: You’re self-aware, give you that
Cosmo: There is nothing to smooth over though, honestly
Amber: Maybe I just wanted to talk to you then
Amber: to see if you would this time
Cosmo: You took it personally
Amber: It was personal, so yeah
Cosmo: It really wasn’t
Amber: You really looked at me like you wished the floor would open up and swallow me, to mean you wouldn’t have to look at me again
Cosmo: It could have been anyone from that place, that’s what I have the problem with
Cosmo: I don’t know you
Amber: You don’t want to know me because I’m from there
Cosmo: Like I said, anyone that wants to get out, that’s different
Amber: It isn’t that simple
Cosmo: It isn’t easy, is what you mean
Cosmo: it’s perfectly simple
Amber: Finding good doesn’t mean you condone the bad, people have heaps of their own personal reasons to stay which doesn’t equate them to Dash or your dad
Cosmo: Places full of vulnerable people attract abusers, that’s never going to change
Cosmo: and that’s why a group of well-intentioned but stupid fucking people can’t just be left in charge of people who need actual help and protection
Amber: Not every vulnerable person is willing to accept the kind of help and protection you’re talking about, what’s your solution, stripping them of any autonomy to make their own choices because you think yours are better?
Cosmo: It’s just like alternative medicine, your ‘help’ actively encourages those people to not suck it up and seek real
Cosmo: and none of it fucking works, do you know how many junkies have died there? Fucked up teens offed themselves?
Amber: I don’t need to know, I’ve lived in enough similar places and seen it play out, you aren’t telling me anything I haven’t lived through already
Cosmo: What, do you think that makes you sound impressive?
Cosmo: You’re living in a fantasy cooked up by men who wanted to abuse drugged up runaways, there’s nothing good about it, never was, never will be
Amber: I know how it makes me sound
Amber: but the reality is, I’m living there
Amber: even if I hate it, I love my parents and they love me, whatever misguided ideas they have and however much I disagree with heaps of what they say and do
Cosmo: Anyone who loved you properly wouldn’t put you in that kind of danger
Cosmo: to stroke their own ego
Amber: You have no right to claim they don’t love me
Cosmo: I’m sure they think they do but they aren’t acting in love, they aren’t thinking about you even, never mind doing right by you
Amber: How dare you, they’re flawed yeah, they’re human
Cosmo: I could lie but you’re still stuck there with the truth
Amber: They believe they’re doing right by me, that’s the truth to them
Cosmo: Use that’s done you
Cosmo: use it’s done my brother, she’s turned him into Caleb, the man who turned her into a cripple, good one
Amber: What use is there in projecting your feelings about your family onto mine?
Cosmo: The state of you is real, sorry to break that one too
Amber: The state of me
Cosmo: Yeah
Amber: You don’t even know me
Cosmo: You’re covered in tattoos, you can’t pass [whatever year she’s in], you’re a social nightmare and you’re destined to bum around the same shitholes you spent your childhood in because they’ve opened you up to nothing but their bullshit agenda
Amber: At least I’m not this cruel
Cosmo: Then you’ll be on the receiving end of it your whole life
Cosmo: that’s how the world works
Amber: Your world, and for once I’m glad I’m not part of it
Cosmo: Good for you
Amber: No, good for you knowing everything and how wrong everyone but you is
Cosmo: Owning my choice doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it
Cosmo: difference between me and anyone at that place is I know I’ve doomed myself
Amber: The difference is, your mother made a choice that took you away from that place before you had to make it for yourself
Amber: You expect me to turn my back on mine, on everything, and do what exactly?
Cosmo: You haven’t got a fucking clue
Cosmo: Her hand was forced, she didn’t mention the existence of that place, knew they’d shut it all down
Cosmo: she’d be back there if she could fucking walk, why do you think she wants to be your mate?
Amber: You can’t go around forcing everyone else’s hands in retaliation, I don’t have a choice right now
Cosmo: You have a choice, if you seriously plan to come see her, Dash is to never find out, or you stay the fuck away
Cosmo: This isn’t Daisy’s house, it’s Nan's and he knows he isn’t allowed anyone from that place to step inside, none of his friends
Amber: Dash isn’t going to find out anything from me
Amber: but just so you know, I’ve been inside before, he isn’t playing by your rules
Cosmo: Well done on earning him a beating
Cosmo: I hope that felt great
Amber: No, it doesn’t
Cosmo: Another lesson you can choose to ignore then
Cosmo: thanks for the tip, like
Amber: Should I stay away?
Cosmo: What difference does it make
Cosmo: She can’t go back, she’s a depressive bitch about it anyway
Amber: I don’t know, I met her today
Cosmo: She’ll be nice to you
Amber: It isn’t about me
Amber: I don’t want to make things worse, for her or for you
Amber: Will I?
Cosmo: It can’t get any worse
Cosmo: You wanna do me a favour?
Cosmo: Do fuck my brother, move yourselves in and you can look after her and nan
Cosmo: before I lose my chance, for good
Amber: I could help you look after her without involving Dash
Cosmo: You met her today
Amber: Which isn’t relevant, what is, I can’t have sex with your brother
Amber: and you want help
Cosmo: It’s quite relevant when it comes to throwing away your future to feed and clean someone
Cosmo: I’d never let anyone else do it, except him because he’s a fuck up who’ll fail everything anyway but hey
Amber: According to you, I don’t have a future to throw away
Cosmo: You still have to try, there are lucky ones, ones that get out
Amber: I would be out, your house is a million miles from anywhere I’ve ever slept, it’s so nice I almost cried when I walked into it
Cosmo: It’s not much, you should see how some of my teammates live, not even thinking they’re well-off
Cosmo: but it’s hers, she worked her whole life and bought it off the council when she could, I’m not having my ma or him turn it into a spill-over for fuck ups they take a shine to, no chance
Amber: It’s amazing
Cosmo: She’s left it to me, in her will, she told me, and she did it before her mind went so it’s not a mistake
Cosmo: but she’s leaving my ma with it, there’s no more away games if I can’t trust nan to look after the pair of them, it’s over
Amber: You don’t know me and you’re going to think this is insanity, but if you let me help you, it doesn’t need to be over
Cosmo: Why would you want to do that?
Cosmo: I’m not oblivious, I know how nasty I was to you, it was on purpose
Amber: Because you have a future and I seriously don’t unless I have somewhere quiet I can study
Cosmo: I don’t know if I could pay you, the money is stretched to capacity
Amber: I’ve never been paid for anything, it’s a miracle I even vaguely understand money, you don’t have to
Cosmo: Your school is a lot closer to here than mine
Cosmo: we could start by you coming and doing lunch instead of me, if you’re serious
Amber: Show me how you do things and I’ll follow your lead
Cosmo: I will
Cosmo: You can do whatever you need to do whilst you’re here, it’s not payment but it’s as close as I can do, food, shower, the quiet you want
Amber: All of those things are worth more than money to me
Cosmo: Then this could work
Cosmo: or I’ve cracked, finally
Amber: One maybe snag
Amber: I’m not as strong as you, do they need help like that?
Cosmo: Ma has the things, the equipment, I’ll show you how to use it all so you don’t hurt yourself
Cosmo: Nan is just getting forgetful, right now, she can physically do everything well enough
Amber: Is she going to let me in? I can only cover so many tattoos and try to be normal
Cosmo: I’ll have to think up a backstory to introduce you, she trusts me, I’m not like them pair, you’ll be my friend instead
Amber: Okay
Cosmo: Failing that, you can buy like the… tabard? things that carers wear online, we’ll get that and she’ll think you’re someone I’ve hired legit
Amber: What happens when you’re at school? I need to still go
Cosmo: Of course
Cosmo: I’ve put sticky notes everywhere for nan, telling her how to do everything, she doesn’t have keys to get out
Cosmo: I give them breakfast, I come back at lunch and then home after school
Amber: Easy switch
Cosmo: I know it’s not perfect
Cosmo: but when nan started going too, that’s when I made the choice, I stayed or we went into care and they both went into homes, I guess, I don’t even know… I didn’t pick that option
Amber: How long has it been?
Cosmo: He was only 12
Cosmo: I know I said he’s hopeless and he is but I didn’t want him to really REALLY be, you know
Amber: God, you were really young too
Amber: and now I don’t have a leg to stand on calling you cruel, because you’re proven not
Cosmo: I can be, I was to you
Cosmo: I don’t usually talk to strangers like that, my social circle is limited to medical professionals who are famously bad at bedside manner at this point
Amber: Please do me a favour and don’t talk to any girls like that, you’ll be doing yourself one at the same time
Cosmo: I don’t talk to girls
Cosmo: as you’ve gathered, he doesn’t sneak people in when I’m around 
Amber: You’ll finally have a bit of free time to, if you want
Cosmo: I’m not going to waste it
Amber: I’m far from your coach or anything, but isn’t downtime as important?
Cosmo: I already can’t do the after-school and weekend practices, I’m barely scraping by in terms of effort as far as football is concerned
Cosmo: but if I can just make it pro, then I could pay to have them cared for fully and dedicate myself
Amber: Fine, no distracting girls
Amber: or boys, I’ve totally assumed, and only realised this second, sorry
Cosmo: Correct assumption allowed
Cosmo: go so far as to say appreciated but that’s probably homophobic
Amber: I’ll allow it, I put my foot in it constantly and I’m supposed to be completely woke, whereas you’re a grumpy old man
Cosmo: I’ll take it
Amber: What do I do if Dash comes home?
Cosmo: I’ll tell him about this, I mean, if he even notices 
Cosmo: I’m sure you’ve had experience helping people out, the places you’ve been, makes you useful, doesn’t make it a free for all
Amber: Comes with the territory, my do-gooder parents practically insist, babies, kids and old people
Amber: and it’ll be a relief not being roped in to prepare meals for [however many people are living at the commune rn, god knows] for a change
Cosmo: Are they going to notice?
Amber: When they do I’ll give them the bare bones, no incriminating details, I’m studying, helping out a friend etc
Cosmo: That settles it
Amber: When shall I start? 
Cosmo: Come and let me show you what I need to soon as you can, then, again, soon as you can
Amber: Show me now, that way I can start tomorrow
Amber: no time to waste, boy
Cosmo: You’re not an actual stalker, are you?
Amber: Too late to worry about that at this point, I reckon
Cosmo: If you kill them, you’re pretty distinctive, you’ll be getting dobbed in immediately 
Amber: My hit list wouldn’t start with your mum and nan, if I had targets for murder, which I don’t
Cosmo: A loaded if
Cosmo: everyone does, it’s okay
Amber: I don’t have boundaries but I still know not to share my secrets with you, they’d be weaponized the next time you feel cruel
Cosmo: It’s not a requirement of the arrangement 
Amber: Are there any real ones left to tell me?
Cosmo: Let me think
Cosmo: Don’t bring anyone ‘round here yourself
Amber: Done, my school friends already think I’m strange without this
Cosmo: Welcome to my world
Amber: There’s only one person I’d even consider from [the commune] and she wouldn’t be very eager to go anywhere near Dash’s house
Cosmo: Seems like a close encounter with him has that effect
Amber: He sucks, we all know he does
Cosmo: Oh, mammy thinks he’s incredible so keep that in mind with her
Amber: I’ve earned experience biting my tongue thanks to my own mama’s opinions about heaps of things
Cosmo: You’ll find enough to talk about with her
Amber: Talking is something I’m good at
Cosmo: I believe it
Cosmo: I had to be really cruel and you’ve still not gone away
Amber: It’s adorable you reckon I haven’t heard worse, what a sunny, rose tinted world you must live in
Cosmo: Ha ha
Cosmo: you’re just faking upset then
Amber: I didn’t say I don’t get upset, it hurts every time
Amber: I’m saying pick a slur that vaguely applies, or looks like it might, and I’ve had it directed towards me
Cosmo: Nan hasn’t hard R’d either of us yet but she’s not Caleb’s biggest fan so she might have it in her
Amber: I’m totally with her on that one, we’ll have that much in common going in
Cosmo: Who is, even Dash has to see how little shits the man gives
Amber: My light skinned privilege will protect me, as usual, it’s okay
Cosmo: New Zealand without the natives must be about as diverse as here, you get it
Amber: Yeah, we’re about the same colour, give or take
Cosmo: You’ve got less freckles
Amber: Sadly, yours are incredible
Cosmo: Ginger genes were weirdly strong
Amber: And you lucked out with a more pleasing accent
Cosmo: It’s funny, that could be endearing to some people
Amber: Everyone at school laughs
Cosmo: You’re there to get the piece of paper at the end, right
Amber: I’m trying
Cosmo: So fuck ‘em
Amber: You and your catchy slogans
Cosmo: Inspirational
Amber: I’m inspired to keep walking in the direction of your house instead of away, true
Cosmo: This thing has worked out mutually beneficial, it doesn’t need to go further, if this is all we have in common then I can leave it at that
Cosmo: I’m not going to insult you
Amber: Please don’t, my retaliation would get me fired for sure
Cosmo: Keep it professional
Amber: I’m terrible at boundaries but attempts will be made
Cosmo: That’s been established, I’m not
Amber: He’s a professional
Amber: I said I’d watch and learn
Cosmo: We’ll start with the easy stuff
Cosmo: You don’t fuck that up, maybe we can work something more permanent out
Amber: You’ll employee of the month me before you know it
Cosmo: ⭐️s for you
Amber: Lifted from daddy’s stash
Amber: but also, I want a cake like it’s my birthday, take a mental note
Cosmo: You ever had cake that doesn’t contain a vegetable for no good reason?
Amber: No, my birthday cakes suck, which is why I want one
Cosmo: We’ll see if you earn it
Amber: I’m going to, you can’t dad talk your way out of it
Cosmo: This is the brat behaviour you mentioned, I see
Amber: Uh huh
Cosmo: Nan can make sick cakes
Cosmo: get her to like you and you could have cake every day
Amber: Oh, that settles it, she’ll love me
Cosmo: Take years to fatten you up, diabetes might be quicker though
Amber: Stop planning my death
Cosmo: You know full well I have two victims at home
Cosmo: no need to rage-bait random girls off the street
Amber: I don’t know what your preferred victim is, maybe it’s random girls off the street matching my description
Cosmo: No one but you matches your description
Amber: Oh my god, you’re probably being mean but I’m taking it as a compliment
Cosmo: Have at it
Amber: Remind me of your street again, I was high as the last time I was there
Cosmo: ‘Course you were
Cosmo: [give your address] you in the right stratosphere or?
Amber: How many streets is a stratosphere, do you think?
Cosmo: I can’t pretend I really know what it is exactly
Cosmo: wasn’t planning on being book-smart to escape
Amber: I was going in roughly the direction needed
Cosmo: Explains why you cried too, you’re going to be disappointed in the sober light
Amber: We’ve got different definitions of disappointment, mine’s outside toilets and no running water
Cosmo: It should be illegal to subject a kid to that without need but anyway
Cosmo: better steer clear of that topic
Amber: It feels illegal being a girl under those conditions
Cosmo: If we had a spare room
Cosmo: I know that’s not what you asked but, yeah, I’m glad you get to appreciate the miracles of plumbing to their full
Amber: If you have a bathtub I will sober cry, in front of you, sorry not sorry
Cosmo: Oh, God
Amber: I remember showering but not the logistics of where, purely the joy
Cosmo: He’s such a 
Cosmo: fuck’s sake
Amber: He wants to have sex with me, nakedness is at least semi required
Cosmo: I don’t talk to girls not because I don’t understand them
Amber: You don’t understand me
Cosmo: You’re not like other girls, yeah
Amber: Yeah I am
Cosmo: We don’t need to understand each other
Amber: Professionalism needs a level of understanding, doesn’t it?
Cosmo: Of course but that doesn’t need to include anything like that
Amber: Like what?
Cosmo: Don’t be annoying
Amber: You’re being more annoying evading the question
Cosmo: You don’t wanna play dumb
Amber: What if I am, with no games being played? I feel stupid all the time
Cosmo: I’m saying we don’t need to talk about my brother or your sex life
Amber: I don’t have a sex life with your brother
Amber: in fact there’s nothing to talk about because I don’t have a sex life, period, as of now
Cosmo: I wasn’t asking, I promise you
Cosmo: just explaining
Amber: Are you a virgin? Is that why this is an awkward topic for you? Because there’s nothing to be ashamed of, if you are
Cosmo: It’s awkward because I don’t want to know
Amber: Too much information, alright
Cosmo: I’m not like him, I don’t find it entertaining or amusing to ask personal questions
Amber: I’m not comparing, it’s a me thing, I find it difficult to differentiate what are and aren’t personal questions
Cosmo: Most people like to keep their sex lives private
Amber: That isn’t true of most people I know
Cosmo: Most people you know are actively trying to have group sex
Amber: Yeah, okay
Cosmo: Bragging or gossiping with friends is different too
Cosmo: but you said you have some friends and I’m on a football team so the bases are covered
Amber: I won’t ask your ma or nan about theirs, explanation taken on board
Cosmo: Thanks, like
Amber: I want them to like me, for this to not crash and burn spectacularly as per my track record of being a disaster, so
Cosmo: Ideally for me too
Cosmo: I won’t take the piss out of you if you want something explained
Cosmo: it just seems like you’re taking the piss out of me sometimes
Amber: Sometimes I am
Cosmo: Very handy in working out when you’re laughing or about to burst into tears again
Amber: You can tell you’ve never had a sister, or serious girlfriend
Amber: younger feminine energy is lacking for you
Cosmo: Lacking would imply I’d missed it, which I don’t think so now
Amber: Every girl isn’t as emotionally unregulated as me, don’t worry
Cosmo: Yeah, about half of my non-serious girlfriends have been, you’re not alone
Amber: You do date!
Cosmo: Sound more surprised
Amber: Well yeah, you’re out here pretending to be a monk or something
Cosmo: Your impression because I didn’t want to talk about you in the shower, which, by the way, would be really unprofessional
Amber: I’m not suggesting you watch me take my next one, that would be
Cosmo: Correct
Cosmo: but we do have a bath, so you can have one
Amber: You’re not playing to get me back, are you?
Cosmo: Nope
Amber: I’m nearly speechless
Cosmo: Then my work here is nearly complete
Amber: Silence has to be unprofessional
Cosmo: Depends on the profession
Amber: Mine, we need to talk
Cosmo: Yeah, we need to talk sometimes
Amber: You’d be a good teacher too, you’ve got their disapproving aura down
Cosmo: That what your da is like?
Amber: Not at all, but he’s unconventional
Amber: my teachers at school are basically clones of each other when it comes to me and how they deal
Cosmo: All shit?
Amber: Like they reckon I am, a piece of clinging to their shoe
Cosmo: Glorified babysitters anyway
Cosmo: You’ll have no excuse now, all this time, peace and quiet, be easy
Amber: I’m hoping, I’ve been waiting for something they’ve taught me to click since I started
Cosmo: You’re not dumb, it will
Amber: You don’t know that, you haven’t actually been near me or my books with any gold stars
Cosmo: You can tell a dumb person by talking to them, I can
Cosmo: you’re not that, at any rate
Amber: Thanks, it must’ve killed you to be semi nice to me
Cosmo: If only
Amber: I’m scared I won’t pass, can’t
Cosmo: Caring is half the battle
Amber: What if I lose the rest of the battle? Try and try and try, but fail my exams anyway?
Amber: you’ll go pro and I’ll be a highschooler in my 20s
Cosmo: You’d go to college to do it, with other adults
Cosmo: and they’d not waste time with all the extra stuff like teachers, just the basics you need
Amber: Yeah, no, you’re probably right, and we’re making progress because I’m barely pained to say you are
Cosmo: ‘Cos it’s not personal, just facts
Amber: Plus, you’re being pretty kind
Cosmo: Well, the bar is in hell so
Amber: Limbo’s my game
Cosmo: Bit of a dick move to challenge my mother
Amber: I’m challenging you
Cosmo: You’re short, there’s less way to go down
Amber: We’ll adjust it to keep you from being disadvantaged
Cosmo: Are you sure that’s the best use of our time?
Amber: Team building’s famously never not a fun time
Cosmo: Okay that’s definitely a joke
Amber: He’s learning
Cosmo: 👏
Cosmo: But I mean, maybe we could go over some basics, if I’m around
Amber: And you do mean it?
Cosmo: I’m not saying I’m a brainiac but I might be able to help some, as I’m where you’re meant to be
Amber: What an insanely sweet offer, it sucks I can’t accept when you’ve got heaps on your plate with football
Cosmo: Sure, not a priority
Cosmo: but > limbo, that’s all
Amber: Good luck beating the old man allegations with this anti limbo stance, but okay, I’m in
Cosmo: Being on the bench for a party isn’t my craic, doesn’t go down well
Amber: Excuse me, the only p word coming out of my mouth is professional
Cosmo: Let’s keep it that way
Amber: Yes boss
Cosmo: I hate both my names but 
Cosmo: Neither lends to a good nickname
Amber: What do your friends and non-serious girlfriends call you?
Cosmo: The team usually goes by surnames, anyone else calls me my name, too much effort to try and change it
Amber: Are you in charge of the team? I could nickname you captain
Cosmo: I don’t know if it’s very professional to make such a power dynamic
Amber: Oh, but you’re in charge of this arrangement, that’s a fact
Cosmo: It’s mutually beneficial though
Amber: I know, I know
Cosmo: Call me what you want, it’s all good
Amber: I don’t mind making the effort to find something you don’t hate
Cosmo: Let me know if you do, by all means
Amber: I need my gold stars, I’ll keep you updated
Cosmo: Maybe I’ll teach you an Irish word each time too
Amber: I’d love that
Cosmo: Does helpfulness end at 🍺🍻🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🍾?
Amber: If it did you could leave the language dead and buried, at [the commune] they create their own, I don’t need to hit up the bars
Cosmo: ‘Course they do
Amber: Dandelion wine wins most popular, but they’ll use and brew anything
Cosmo: If weed wine wins I dread to think what’s losing
Amber: It tastes better than you’re imagining, I swear 
Cosmo: I’ll take your word on that one
Amber: You don’t fancy me bringing you a bottle?
Cosmo: I’m sure ma would like it
Amber: She does, she’s mentioned it
Cosmo: Slainte then
Amber: [write it in every language you know it in, I’m not gonna do all that cos god knows how many that is, blowing his phone up with these one after another haha, put the flag emojis next to each one when you can so he can work out what’s what]
Cosmo: Miss 🌎🌍🌏
Amber: A token gesture, appreciated wherever I go though
Cosmo: Effort counts
Amber: You don’t have to play nice on every subject now we’re colleagues, it’s okay
Amber: everything ends up performative and I don’t put in enough, ever really, to be counted
Cosmo: I get why you wouldn’t, that’s all
Cosmo: yeah it’s performative bullshit but you’ll be gone before you’ve unpacked, so, why would anyone bother
Amber: Because other people don’t get to travel? I don’t know, it feels both disrespectful to the culture we don’t bother to integrate into and ungrateful to complain that it’s excessive
Cosmo: Honestly, it’s egotistical either way
Cosmo: Your arrival isn’t as awaited as your parents would have it be, no one cares
Amber: I love you
Amber: and I diva demand you print that on a t-shirt for me to pack when we leave
Cosmo: It’ll suit you
Cosmo: and make you suitably unpopular
Amber: In what colour?
Cosmo: 🤔
Cosmo: What does the New Zealand flag look like again?
Amber: [send him the emoji]
Amber: it’s not cute
Cosmo: Awkward
Cosmo: wearing that here would also make you a little too unpopular
Amber: What does your footie costume look like?
Cosmo: It’s a uniform, or a kit
Cosmo: 💙🖤
Amber: Blue it is
Cosmo: Sorted
Amber: We’re not leaving any time soon, I’ll be clocking in for ages yet, promise
Cosmo: Do they give you a timeframe or just decide one day?
Amber: I used to fall for how they pretended to frame it as a discussion, but it isn’t, I know that now
Amber: I get a say if I’m agreeing 
Cosmo: Of course, they can’t actually leave you anywhere
Amber: If she’s counting down on that option, she’s got [however long til your 18th bday cos you do have one but we don’t know when this is set] left to serve
Cosmo: What’s your plan then?
Amber: The rate I’m going, I’ll be nowhere near leaving cert, yet in deep enough throwing my progress away would still be an idiot move
Amber: fingers crossed your nan does love me and leaves me your couch to sleep on in her will
Cosmo: Well, there’ll be a room going if you’re not scared of ghosts
Cosmo: or her wallpaper choice
Amber: I’d overlook possible ghosts for wallpaper, sure
Cosmo: You could take his bed but that’s no better than where you are, I’m sure
Amber: I don’t have a bed where I am, beggars can’t be choosers
Cosmo: What do you sleep on there?
Amber: Hammocks when the weather doesn’t suck, floors when it hardcore does
Cosmo: The weather is never that good
Amber: Layers are my besties
Cosmo: Jesus
Amber: I’m 17 not 7, remember
Cosmo: You still need a bed
Amber: Sleeping on the floor’s great for your back, old man
Cosmo: Sleeping without proper warmth isn’t
Amber: Print that specific wisdom on a blanket and gift it to me, you’ve heard when my birthday is
Cosmo: The place needs condemning 
Amber: The housing crisis needs addressing
Cosmo: Get your parents on it then
Amber: The hero worship deserted me before 7
Cosmo: You know my thoughts, people hiding in dangerous living situations isn’t going to fix anything
Amber: Your thoughts are still going round and round in my head, believe me
Cosmo: Sorry
Cosmo: can’t take it back now
Amber: You wouldn’t, don’t lie
Cosmo: I wouldn’t
Cosmo: but you’re not responsible solely for that place by a long shot
Amber: I’m aware of my limitations
Amber: egotistically and practically
Cosmo: Then you’re already better than your parents
Cosmo: isn’t that what they all want?
Amber: I’ll turn up on your doorstep crying, is that what you want?
Amber: because that’s the loveliest thing anyone’s ever said to me
Cosmo: If you want my mum to shout at me as revenge
Cosmo: if not, please don’t
Amber: Before I’m on your street I’ll get myself together then
Cosmo: All for her benefit, I’m sure
Amber: No, yours
Cosmo: She’s a hippie, however bitter life’s made her, the shouting is nothing to be scared of
Amber: So’s mine, and I’ve been wearing the getting shouted at t-shirt daily, especially lately
Amber: I’m not going to wish the same on you
Cosmo: She seems like a ballbuster
Amber: Correct assumption with no notes, she is
Cosmo: Unlucky
Cosmo: though a backbone is better than none
Amber: She gets enough flack from men as a strong woman without me piling in, yeah
Cosmo: She’s still a nightmare, just a different nightmare from Daisy
Amber: She’s still my mama, I’m just being a brat
Cosmo: That what she calls you?
Amber: Her vocabulary’s different, the meaning isn’t drifting far
Cosmo: What decade is she from?
Amber: Who’s she talking to? In the nightmare she can obviously shapeshift
Cosmo: 👽
Cosmo: Whatever superhero hype she’s on, there’s no powers
Amber: Now that’s a costume
Cosmo: Halloween sorted
Amber: Well, I have to dress as a soccer player
Cosmo: I’d be honoured to replace your ma as the biggest nightmare, sure
Amber: Of course you would
Cosmo: What I aim for
Amber: You’re aiming for the big leagues, why stop on the field?
Cosmo: I thought it was over
Amber: Think again, Miles Morales
Cosmo: No time for us to get sentimental, MJ, there’s work to be done
Amber: We’ve got time, I had to walk from [wherever you were, whether that’s the commune or somewhere else, the point being she wasn’t and isn’t 5 mins from his house]
Cosmo: No need
Amber: Less talking more walking, gotcha
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
Lush pt.2
Lux: [you better finally show up girl, even with an outfit change and finding something edible, time is here and you are so much more !! than you ever intended to be]
Dash: [soz he’s so extra and down bad that he’s wearing her down always, case in point catch him waiting for her sluttily with his feet in the stream, god knows what time of year it is but regardless I’m sure said water is freezing and yet, oh lord the cinematic turn to look over his shoulder with heart eyes and a smile as she appears, we’d all fall for it sis]
Lux: [it’s the reality, soz Amber, soz Amber’s mum, we cannot help it remotely, smiling back at him so huge, pushing your own face away because you can’t stop after a point, standing over him because you still wore your heels and you’re already a giant, handing him some sort of fruit to eat before you do, in fact, sit with him, going to unstrap your shoes to put your feet in the stream too]
Dash: [less soz Hazel because ma’am you’re a bitch and it’s none of your business, handle your own first, love, but speaking of Ambah, where are you hun, you’re supposed to be keeping her away from this boy, I love that she’s a flop friend because they never really stay in one place long enough for her to be a proper one yet, but anyway, Winnie says he hopes it’s a juicy fruit like mango or a peach etc etc so he can eat that sluttily in front of her too because he absolutely will, using his free hand he’s not eating sluttily with to reach out to help her, then really sluttily holding the fruit in his mouth so he can 2 hand this, do you wanna shamelessly just touch her somehow yes, but are you actually also helping with her shoes, also yes]
Lux: [also real, yes, Winola gay you are so correct for that because the mood is already feral, gotta do everything in your power to just make you lose your mind, making a little noise, like it was ticklish but it wasn’t even and your feet are pushing into his hands rather than pulling away, if anything]
Dash: [the way he’d bite harder into that piece of fruit because of that little noise she made and the feet antics just making juice ruin down his chin a lil bit, it’s honestly borderline pornographic, we love to see it, especially because once he’s offered her a hand, without getting up, just by stretching and whatnot, the few unnecessary steps into this stream and she’s feet in and sat next to him (after he’s made her twirl in place like that vid she sent that he’s obsessed with watching over and over again, because I’m sure her outfit change needs a moment of appreciation whatever it may be) he will be offering her said fruit with said giant bite mark while finally wiping his sticky chin with the back of his hand]
Lux: [biting your lip, in a far less awkward way than you did before, far harder too, like you’ve mistaken your mouth for your own piece of fruit which remains untouched and in whatever bag you’ve brought the food in, rubbing it almost disbelievingly like you can’t believe you just did that, because you can’t believe this boy and everything about this moment, your hand would low-key be shaking as you take this fruit, determinedly so however because you have to also eat this fruit in the same manner, to show you can keep up]
Dash: [his own hand going up to touch her bottom lip as she takes this fruit and gives him a free one, just for the moment before her mouth is full of said fruit and he drops it though, and his own hand also shaking a lil as he did that gentle lip brush, it’s cinematic again baby, rubbing his sticky chin clean in the same hard and disbelieving manner but his eyes are fixed on watching her eat, accidentally on purpose lowkey playing footsie in the stream because he isn’t looking where his feet are kicking but they’re kicking more because he’s !! as he stares at her eating this fruit so they get tangled in hers because y’all are sitting close]
Lux: [trailing your fingers on your free hand dreamily in this stream, using the water to wash his face, like you don’t really need to now he’s dealt with it but are going to, obviously, just to touch him too, using the tangle of limbs in this water to pull yourself just that tiny bit closer to him again]
Dash: [the GASP is not because the water is cold, we all know, taking what’s left of this fruit from her mouth and putting it back into his before he can say anything/make any other extra sounds, taking such a dramatic bite again to coincide with her getting closer]
Lux: [doing your own GASP but managing to make it believably mocking, like how dare you, moving your face closer to his, tilting your head to the side how you do to kiss, as if you’re going to take it right out of his mouth with your mouth but you’re not close enough to actually do it, paused so you can make the glittering !! EYE CONTACT in this beat between action and inaction]
Dash: [maintaining the eye contact as he closes the gap with his own head tilted and passes her this fruit with his mouth, for what is probably the final bite so again cinematic, barely pulling away once he has given it so they’re that close for the length of time it takes her to eat it]
Lux: [pulling him closer by the shoulders, crashing contact between your mouths so the MOAN that is definitely not about how tasty this juicy fruit is is somewhat stifled by said mouthful and him, trying to share every last bit of this final bite]
Dash: [they gotta do it, messily and dramatically, and when it’s all gone he’s gotta lick her lips and down her chin in such an indecent manner, I don’t make the rules winola gay does]
Lux: [when the way you’re panting has nothing to do with the way you had to lowkey hold your breath to complete that saucy move and everything to do with his now, still holding him by the shoulders and doing a laugh of disbelief over how bad you want him, gently pushing him back into the grass and putting a leg either side of him, similar to how you ended up in the tree but more blatant]
Dash: [when you were about to start kissing her neck but you can’t even be mad she pushed you back and prevented it because it’s such a hot move and a throwback, doing your own hot lol as you LOOK at her from this new position, a hand being run through his hair in case it dares to get in his way and even remotely block his view rn, licking his own lips too obvs, simply must]
Lux: [fixing his hair with him, tangling your hands how your feet tangled in the stream, giving his hand a SQUEEZE which gently tugs the hair that is caught between your fists ‘my present’ in a far-off kind of voice, because you had forgotten/stopped giving a shit again why you were here, then you realise this makes it sound as if you’re implying he’s your present so you go bright pink and do another laugh like no wait, shaking your own hair in front of your face for a moment’s privacy before you tuck it back behind your ears]
Dash: [a lil !! noise at the hair tug, in such a quiet and breathless almost caught in his throat way that if there was any real background noise going on/y’all weren’t in such close proximity and so intent on each other’s reactions it would’ve been barely noticeable/easily brushed off, doing a breath as if he’s just trying to catch his when she blushes but really he’s blowing on her hot cheek and lowkey a lil bit into her ear accidentally on purpose to be saucy, and then into her hair even as she’s already tucking it out of the way so it’s totally unnecessary to pretend you’re helpfully moving it like that, sharing the laugh but in an even more breathless and !! way as he reaches into his pocket (of the trousers he adorably rolled up to be feets in the water, such a lewk) to get this gift, which of course is a carved fox he has whittled like we did in the OG, because I gotta bring that back and it’s something for him to have been working on while she did her fashun]
Lux: [laying down on his chest, unprompted and unceremoniously, sorry for winding you lowkey more than you are boy lol, a bold move but you have your reasons, main reason being you can’t allow him to watch your face whilst you open this present and react to it, you simply can’t because you really didn’t have many friends back home so you were not receiving gifts that weren’t from your family, which were never sentimental or what you wanted, let’s be real, down here on your stomach just stunned silence and !! you’d only know she didn’t hate it because she’s padding it gently across him like a kid]
Dash: [me imagining him in a slutty lil crop top long before we ever discussed a chubby lil wooden fox walking across him and dying at that visual, letting her do this and the silence continue, watching her instead of where this fox is walking though, trying to get the force of his LOOKING to catch her eye and bring it to his, if only for a nanosec]
Lux: [you really do love to see it, taking this fox on a whole adventure across his body here, don’t mind us, trying to process a boatload of emotions about it so we don’t just sob at you because not the mood not the moment, clearing your throat SEVERAL times before you say ‘it’s incredible’ SO sincerely even with all the feeling you have held back, it’s still obvious we love it]
Dash: [0 hesitation in wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to his chest because it do be obvious she’s got all those emotions and wants to sob ‘I’ve got all that inside me about you’ meaning not just that he thinks she’s incredible but everything she’s holding back from letting out rn because he really is having some massive emotions himself to try and process too that wasn’t all just fuckboy talk]
Lux: [allowing it with ease that shocks you but also doesn’t, snuggling into him in a way you weren’t before, you were just lying on him, now you’re actively holding onto him and doing the imperceptible micro-movements to stay ever closer to his body, the tiniest ‘oh’ with the hugest !! behind it because you feel totally speechless about him feeling the way you do, the possibility of it even being true]
Dash: [she’ll be able to hear his heart going harder because they are snuggling for the first time and it’s getting to him, these soft hours and the closeness that isn’t grabbing each other and wanting to fuck which was their vibe before and is usually his vibe ‘I’ve missed you, baby’ also soft, he hasn’t called her baby before as far as I’m aware but I shall go and quickly skim check lol because important info]
Lux: [tapping the rhythm of his heart out, doing it down one of his arms until you can do it on the palm of his hand, intertwining your fingers how they were in his hair but with far more intention, ending up properly holding his hand this time, LOOKING up at him reflexively with the baby mic drop, like you’re checking he really said it, that he meant to say it now, to you, which obviously he did so manoeuvering so you’re laid directly on top of him instead of kind of nestled in one side in a snuggle position because you need to fully face him and kiss him now ‘I’ve missed you too’ shared between your mouths like fruit]
Dash: [have a deserved in the grass makeout sesh because knowing this place god knows when some hippies could appear out of nowhere to faff in this stream, gotta make the most of your aloneness while you can, especially because he is MOANING into her mouth with so much !! because there was a part of him that thought she was gonna hardcore stick to her no kissing rule, for longer at least if not completely on this day, and he couldn’t be more thrilled she isn’t]
Lux: [is embarrassing how quickly you entirely abandon your rules and principles but that’s the point and in this moment you are not concerning yourself with it AT ALL lmao, also made a promise to yourself that you won’t run this time if someone comes but you also don’t want to be caught being really saucy with it, the one eye out you would need to keep but aren’t, whoops]
Dash: [my boo says we’re all second hand embarrassed for you hun haha but it’s okay because it’s embarrassing how quickly he’s turned on by her to such a ridiculous and obvious degree, has not remotely learnt a lesson from having to converse with those orchard peeps while the most horny he’s ever been and clearly will not, me like be careful you don’t literally roll into the stream because of how !! he’s rolling her around in this grass as they makeout because clearly needs to be on top of her immediately but then also back to vice versa as immediately because wants the best of all worlds and positions, also don’t lose that chobby fox in the grass please]
Lux: [it wouldn’t be deep but it would be like throwing cold water on fighting cats for your horniness, which, whilst practical, is not what either of you wants lol, I promise we will not lose the chobby fox boo, don’t you worry, throw him absentmindedly in the direction of your bag for safety and also because you need to have both hands in this boy’s hair right now]
Dash: [like, will I probably have him throw her in the water at some point, yes, but is now the time, absolutely not, they have kissing to be doing and doing it they TRULY are because this boy is DYING about these hair antics, the noises he’s making about it, unholy so thank god y’all are still alone for now, meanwhile both his hands are on her waist for that throwback]
Lux: [shhing him with and into a kiss, teasingly and happily ‘I want to stay’ like he’s trying to get y’all caught here, pushing him back down again so you’re on top, giving playfight but barely because you are MAKING OUT hardcore ‘I want you’ like it’s a clarification you need to make]
Dash: [likewise kissing her back SO hard to match this playfight but really just hardcore makeout vibe (and to try and shh because you wanna stay too obvs), his hands on her hips now, to give yeah stay here exactly where you are because INTO it, moving her specifically as he’s moving, to give that she’s such a tiny tiny girl once again and to fully be dryhumping here in a shamelessly !! rhythm on this grass in response to what she said]
Lux: [you will get the full force of the 🥺 from this angle, putting your hands over his so he can’t take them away, as if he was about to, slowly grinding against his movements with your own GASP, unaware and unbothered how loud you may be being ‘I’ve never done anything like this’]
Dash: [hitting her with an irl ‘that’s my girl’ for all of it, he’s gotta, said so indecently especially because it’s said so quietly that it’d be like they’re the only 2 peeps in the world nevermind alone here, basically whispered into her skin as he starts to kiss her neck the way he was denied earlier, continuing to move her and move in sync ‘me either’ cos in this moment it really feels like you have never, the other times you’ve done this have left your mind or feel so incomparable to what’s happening here]
Lux: [PRESSING your face into his hair and breathing so heavily and dramatically when he’s kissing your neck, doing almost silent but obviously audible to him due to proximity whimpers, his name being the loudest you do, your hands running over your body, creating just enough space between you that he can see and watch you move under the waistband of your skirt, just slightly]
Dash: [out here treating her neck like that piece of fruit, licking and sucking on it like his life depends on it, but only biting when he hears his name, v gently compared to how hard he bit the fruit but it would feel !! to you both because it’s the first time, obvs watching INTENTLY everywhere her hands go and then actually biting her harder when it’s apparent where they’re going, but it’s more like her shoulder cos that’s where he was looking from]
Lux: [‘tell me I’m sweeter’ fully MOANED there is no chill, obsessed with this energy, the ‘baby’ you give him to the shoulder bite being even louder about it, prompting you to run your other hand over him in a similar path, stopping at the same spot with all the !! energy in the world]
Dash: [‘sweetest’ slightly muffled by these antics that haven’t been paused but still very coherent he’s making sure, moaning her name in response to the baby she called him because he hasn’t said it yet and it’s vital, but then said, indecently but definitely said not moaned, again, in response to what she’s doing like a yes to the question she hasn’t technically asked, almost exactly like before they kissed for the first time except more !! and he’s answering instead this time]
Lux: [any hesitation you had is going out the window with the way he says your name, twisting your skirt up to your waist so he can see the knickers you have on and that’s the only fabric between your body and the layers he has on, which you’re carefully pushing down to make him as equally unclothed, shaky hands pressing you together, rubbing the silky fabric between your dicks and using the rhythm of the dry humping to guide you]
Dash: [we all know he didn’t have any hesitation anyway, not for himself only for going too fast for her and she’s setting the pace here so it’s fine by him, his breathing is as shaky as her hands are, chest literally heaving at this contact, his hands moving to her arse to gently hold it in both hands and further guide her movements for her, going slowly deliberately not just because she’s never done this before but to prolong everything]
Lux: [STARING at what you’re achieving here, shamelessly and frantically fighting the slowness without intending to, just needing to, pushing your booty back into his hands ‘yours’ with such feral sincerity, letting yourself slip out the top of your knickers and your bare skin touch his, unclear if it’s accidental but the reaction is everything]
Dash: [grabbing her booty with the same feral energy so it’s likewise unclear if it’s accidental or not at first that when the cheeks inevitably spread wide apart he touches her booty hole but then he’s deliberately rubbing it with his finger, through her underwear, very much giving a girlie fingering experience which is why he’s keeping it up before finally asking, when their bare skin touches ‘can I touch you too?’ because meaning more than this and without the clothes in his way but still like this]
Lux: [BEAMING at him, ceasing what you’re doing momentarily to grab his chin and kiss him so passionately on the lips, sucking the full bottom lip into your mouth and biting it like the fruit, moaning and letting your eyes flutter back as you release his lip but are immediately back to tracing his whole dick in his pants, nodding dramatically ‘please, and everywhere’ like I don’t mind any sexual touch because not the kind that doesn’t like to acknowledge their dick, clearly]
Dash: [love how feral the girls are being in public today as if nobody is likely to rock up ever, and I also love this boy not knowing if she is that bitch and hence being like we’re going for euphoria instead of dysphoria today sis, trying to do the most to make her feel like a girl always and rn with his ideas of fingering and treating prostates like clits, we stan, touch this booty hole, like you did with her underwear on at first, just rubbing it, but then gently and carefully put a finger inside of her after sucking it (in an almost exact parallel to when his finger was bleeding in the orchard coincidentally and he wanted to stop it, but don’t worry everyone we’ll make sure it’s not that injured one) god bless]
Lux: [when we said we were trying, did not know you’d take it this far but pop off, here doing the biggest heart eyes at him sucking his finger, going to tell him how cute he looks but being cut off by the moan you have to do, low and continuous whilst your brain explodes over this sensation ‘I’m so yours now’ like you don’t even understand, boy]
Dash: [but he does understand though because almost cumming himself right there and then about it, as per in such an OBVIOUS way lol, and it’s not even happening to him it’s purely her reactions ‘forever’ because when he said he’d be 🤯😳🥵 about her forever cos of what they’d already done he meant that and we’re really cementing that thought here and now and taking it further]
Lux: [‘we’re both going to squirt all over my pants’ because neither of you is lasting forever in this exact moment however much you want it and you know it ‘push it inside me, then it’s real’]
Dash: [‘should’ve let me throw you in the water’ cos the clean up would’ve been easier, rolling a lil playfully as if he’s gonna fr roll them in like I feared earlier but it’s just to do the most with his every move and continued antics really before he’s LOOKING at her like are you sure]
Lux: [doing a grumpy face ‘I want to keep it’ like how dare you suggest such a thing but you’re making happy noises when he’s rolling you about in the grass, pulling his forehead to yours when you stop, by some necklace I’m sure he has on ‘make us cum together, just use both hands instead of one’ demonstrating jerking y’all off touching your full bare dicks together and shuddering, being unable to stop doing it yourself for him to take over, looking at him with the biggest eyes]
Dash: [taking a sec to kiss her grumpy face when she makes it exactly like she did to him earlier, complete with biting her bottom lip and everything, it has gotta be done, until the only thing he can do is give her the BIGGEST heart eyes he’s yet done at what she says and what she’s then doing, unable to stop STARING at this lil scene, almost panting at how !! you are at the contact and at the idea she’s put out there, he will never survive to do it bless him haha]
Lux: [‘I can feel you throbbing against me, you’re so close, Dash’ almost encouraging tone with how much you are loving how into this he also is ‘I’m ready for more of you, another’ straining to get this out with the readiness, truly]
Dash: [doing his own whimper at her because she’s so right, he is and his brain and body are both nearly short circuiting about it, gotta do what she says though, however embarrassingly fast it’ll then be over with when you do follow these instructions, it’s okay you’re not your gross dad in a hammock, kiss her again SO dramatically and then go for it, boy]
Lux: [you need to be kissing because the sounds you’re about to make when you both start cumming, covering both of you in jizz and making his fingers so much slippier that they fuck into you faster is going to be louder than you thought you had ability to be, full stop, so it’s gotta be dampened somehow as you are squeezing every last drop, spasming on his fingers]
Dash: [me like imagine if this was the moment some kids decided to play in the water, thank god it isn’t, because truly what a scene that’s unfolding here, this boy absolutely shook to his core because he has never had an experience like this for all his slaggy ways]
Lux: [stay away stay away, there’d be no running even if you wanted to at this point, it’s giving stunned silence after the pure NOISE of that makeout, twisting your skirt back down in an absolute daze, doing your best to catch your breath]
Dash: [mhmmm catch this boy found DEAD, lying on his back in the grass winded and stunned, staring up at the sky in complete shock and awe, no notes]
Lux: [getting up to straighten all your clothes out, patting your body like it belongs to someone else, wandering to stand in the stream, like the cold water might snap you out of the fog that’s come from total pleasure overload like you’ve never experienced ‘I don’t feel real now…’ getting the chobby fox from his safe place and sitting, stroking him top to tail ‘what have you done?’ which sounds way more accusatory written than it sounds coming from her mouth, like she genuinely just wants to know]
Dash: [still lying in the grass but in a slightly more casual and less shooketh manner, watching her wander to the stream and giving hearteyes as if to say cos she’s unreal without verbally saying it, pulling her to him when she sits (assumedly near enough to him) so that her head’s on his chest again and she can hear how insane his heartbeat still is because hasn’t recovered remotely, as if to say, what have YOU done, stroking her hair in an accidental parallel to her stroking the chobby fox, he just has to be soft in this aftermath moment, not realising that there is still some lingering jizz on his hand, despite him trying to wipe them off on the grass while he was watching her I’m sure, because it truly was lowkey everywhere (in an unintentional parallel to when he got blood on her in the orchard) so putting his mouth to the side of her head when he feels it there on a new stroke like oops lemme get that for you and kissing her hair clean essentially, if she’s looking at him she’d be able to see the cogs in his head turning trying to work out whether it’s hers or his or a mix of theirs both but he won’t really know because jizz tends to not have a strong taste unless you’re eating wild shit or being really gross, soz sir, btw I would like to point out he has not sorted his clothes, get re-dressed you heathen, anyone could arrive at any time and you’re trousers down at the gig lol but he is unphased]
Lux: [leaning against his chest still as out of it, this part feeling even less familiar because the vibe was very much secret meetings with the gay guy back home that were just about messing around and then not acknowledging each other, that vibe, so this softness is making you feel less real by the second; turning to face him, furrowing your brow at the sensation of your hair being nibbled on like that, like hello ??? shaking your head at him and combing your fingers through the patch of hair to make sure it’s all out ‘I hate showering here’ because I’m sure the hot water situation is always precarious and the bathrooms need cleaning before you feel like you can get clean yourself]
Dash: [oh god the bathrooms would be a nightmare and there definitely aren’t enough of them for how many peeps are always at this gaff because there’s gonna be 2 max and literally could be just the 1 if this is an af old farmhouse vibe, the queues, imagine it! Hence him saying ‘use the one at my house’ like that’s nbd because he has defs let other people in the past including Amber when she came over that time, getting up (finally getting dressed, thank god, so he doesn’t trip) heading towards the stream himself with the intention of washing his hands in the water so he doesn’t cover her with more jizz by accident but deciding to just get in, cue him lying on his back looking up at the sky again in this cold af shallow water]
Lux: [watching him do all this quietly, not replying until he’s looking at the sky again and not at you, shivering and rubbing the goose-pimpled skin of your biceps in response to him being laid in the freezing water ‘I’m obviously not going to do that’ with the scoff half-laugh at the idea because you think that’s beyond rude, not to mention if you did have jizz in your hair you don’t want to traipse through town to deal with it, thank you ‘I’ll get used to it’ said SO uncertainly because you don’t particularly want to get used to these living conditions if you’re being honest with yourself but you’re in your trying era so you’re putting a bright smile on your face in case he looks over]
Dash: [excuse this boy floating along like he’s not fully clothed, such silliness, ‘what’s obvious about it?’ with your own kind of half laugh at the fact she’s so quickly dismissing what’s a good idea in your opinion and defs no big deal, splashing about to get up so you’re sitting and can look over at her with a raised eyebrow like um why no]
Lux: [we are wondering why you got dressed to do this but not about to ask in this moment because he’ll only act like that’s obvious too is the feeling ‘your family doesn’t want random strays using their facilities’ as if this is the most obvious thing in the world like hello but pairing it with a shrug like it’s also no biggie and you don’t feel akin to homeless because you are ‘besides, that’s not how I want to meet your mammy’ a verbal nudge like boy, what sort of first impression, get with it]
Dash: [‘you’re not’ with too much !! to be casual because he’s hurt and offended she’d call herself a random stray when she means SO much to him obvs, running a hand through the wet wurls and doing the kind of back of neck scratch so many boys do and don’t realise when they’re feeling awks because of the !! not being chill ‘and we can head there when she ain’t’ like you don’t have to meet her coming out of the shower, it’s fine, as if that’s remotely feasible because I doubt this paralysed woman who needs her son to be her carer has a full time job getting her out of the house but pop off, Amber clearly didn’t run into her so she must be out sometimes if only for doctor’s appointments and things like that, me knowing damn well you’d tell your mum to hide if you had to and she would, don’t love that]
Lux: [doing the small, appreciative smile at him as he’s scratching his neck, leaning slightly towards him to show you hear as well as see him in this moment but it is still very thank you, but- because ‘I am to your family though’ reaching to your bag again because this is awkward and you can attempt to lessen it by distraction, getting some food out and taking a bite, even if you’re sat here chewing forever because you can’t seem to swallow, just shaking your head at the persistent offer because it’s not happening, guise of your mouth being full to stop you needing to provide any further answer]
Dash: [likewise scooting forward slightly in this water he’s still sat pissing about in to be closer to her, shaking his head SO big like nope remember I told her all about you she knows exactly who you are but not verbalising it because you don’t wanna start being extra about your feelings while she’s eating some picnic, shrugging it off like it’s again casual and you aren’t slightly upset she didn’t jump at the chance to let you be the shower hero you wanted to be]
Lux: [jokingly recoiling a bit like he just covered you in water droplets like a dog out the bath there, I’m sure there were some from his curls but we’re trying to lighten the mood more than anything, wiping one drop from the back of our hand, forcing your swallow, at last]
Dash: [reaching out a hand like he did in the orchard to help her up a tree, deliberately being unclear from his smile if he wants her to help him up out of the stream or if he’s planning to pull her into this water with him because there’s lowkey always mischief on his face unless he’s heart eyes or grumpy so that doesn’t give her as big of a clue as it should]
Lux: [we clearly do not trust you as you have mentioned multiple times a desire to pull us into this water so we’re recoiling even further back but grinning at you with it, shaking your head like your hair is wet too and can cover him in similar fashion]
Dash: [spring out of this water your hippo self with your own grin and shamelessly grab her so that she gets wet from how closely and tightly you pull her into your body from behind in this like bear hug you have going on, lifting her up off the floor slightly with the !! of it and as if you’re gonna fully like throw her over your shoulder and then into this water, shamelessly playfighting about trying to do that in a more flirty manner than a practical one because he is a skinny boy and I’m not sure he could actually pick her up like that v easily, tis simply the flirty threat your honour]
Lux: [the girly kind of shrieking and threats to not back, obviously, pulling at the clothes that are now sticking to you with dampness and pulling at his in the same manner, like you intend to pull them off but not actually doing it, shaking your head again ‘it’s going to take forever for you to dry’ like what are you like sir]
Dash: [laughing at her shrieks and walking backwards and pulling her towards this stream with him with both hands, dragging her basically but in a more flirty way than that suggests lol, but as they get to the edge she says that so he stops and answers as if she did ask wtf he’s doing, with much more sincerity and !! ‘I’m keeping me from overheating while you’re being so hot’ standing there holding both her hands in his for a beat while he LOOKS at her, before using them to pull her into him again]
Lux: [wrapping your arms around his shoulder again, tilting your head to one side with heart eyes that give way to affectionate eye-rolling, batting his face gently away like ew shh ‘what a line’ looking down at your now clasped hands as you go pink from his LOOK though ‘I’m trying’ in the tiniest voice from within this embrace]
Dash: [getting his face all up in hers when she bats it away, even going as far as to rub his cheek against hers which we can all pretend is just because it’s wet and a playful move but it’s actually an orchard throwback and the way he’s doing it is giving no feel me I’m actually burning up because hot and bothered is the way he always feels around her all the time we know, watching hers go pink when he’s moved back and she’s looking at their clasped hands but then they’re in this embrace and he’s holding her like I know girl, stroking her back like she is the chobby fox because it’s not even in a there there comforting kind of way it’s like I’m gonna take a sec to count all of your vertebrae, just being intense on the low yet again but it’s really giving let’s see if and then yep I think you’re strong enough to carry this all] 
Lux: [looking up at him in this proximity as he bumps down your spine, watching the cogs whirring in his mind again, like you can tell what he’s thinking already and like that means something greater and romantic about you two and your connection, freeing one hand from his to lay it on his cheek and feel the heat again, checking it’s still there and not a trick]
Dash: [his own hand LINGERING on her lower back when he’s done counting, remembering y’all’s feral antics not very long ago, leaving it there while he leans in to kiss her because feels like he must rn immediately or he will simply die]
Lux: [going from pink to deepest, darkest red when you understand why he’s lingering, the noise of protest, small yet !!, needs to be muffled by this kiss ASAP, both hands now on either side of his face]
Dash: [his hand going down to her arse as they kiss, to be joined by the other one, cupping it like earlier, thankfully he isn’t ending up being as feral as then because y’all gotta be on borrowed time as far as not being interrupted goes, just holding onto her via there thank you]
Lux: [jumping at the contact, the memory it brings flooding back, now somehow closer, further into his grasp, deepening the kiss, wrapping your own arms around his waist, pulling him into your push slightly but with an insistence born of frustration, also thinking of how someone is bound to show soon, clearly]
Dash: [likewise being flooded by mems rn so as she’s deepening the kiss his hands are doing more of a grab, trying to pick her up via this booty hold so that she can wrap her legs around him and they can be that close, actually managing to when he feels her frustration, if y’all nonexistent as yet peeps can see her flashing in her skirt during any of this, no you cannot, bye]
Lux: [GASPING happily, breath caught with the force of him lifting you up like this, kissing his cheek and down his jawline feverishly, rubbing the back of his neck, where he self-consciously did earlier ‘I love kissing you’ before you can realise what you’re saying, purely because you do and it came into your head]
Dash: [stumbling back a step when you hear the L word because you think she’s gonna say ily for a hot sec and almost falling into the water cos bitch I said they were right on the edge and they are, but managing to keep hold of her and stay upright so you’re just standing in said stream making out like your life depends on it, I imagine she does kinda drop a bit so he has to put her down and they are both standing then but nobody falls in and the makeout continues the entire time as if he’s trying to pull out all the stops so she REALLY loves kissing him]
Lux: [about to break another one of your rules by BOLTING when you think he’s about to freak out himself, half paranoid you did say you loved him instead of what you actually did, thank god he’s not leaving you enough room to truly freak out/get to running, enjoy your mid-stream makeout lads, until you inevitably getting stopped by someone or other coming to do whatever they plan to do in said stream]
Dash: [we should say it’s the gaggle of kids, all together and unaccompanied which is so dangerous but so typical, because then it’ll be less awkward than if it’s someone your ages or god forbid the judgy terf ladies, because they know Lux from school and they’re friends with Dash because he’s a big kid still, you can actually have some fun with these children together instead of having to run away]
Lux: [we’re being kind today lol]
Dash: [I can’t be evil after her first sexual experience, the poor girl deserves a nice day]
Lux: [ya welcome]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
Ambux & Lush pt.1
Amber: Tell me to mind my own
Amber: but are you okay?
Lux: I didn’t hurt you, did I?
Lux: I’m so sorry for running like that, I felt kinda sick, I needed to find some space to be alone
Amber: I’m this close to a fake out, but hey, we all know this place’s first aid kit doesn’t contain bandages
Amber: no though, you didn’t really
Lux: I’d be surprised to learn of a first aid kit at all, if not for your ma
Lux: Good, I think I stepped on some guy’s toes, I don’t know who though
Amber: It’s [the name of a strain of weed and whichever essential oils the girlies are using to heal themselves and we’re shading because sick of it haha]
Amber: that’ll teach him not to wear shoes, ever, when there’s a time and a place
Lux: I’ll be careful not to need anything stronger than peppermint
Lux: At least I wasn’t wearing my heels, that’s something, I suppose
Lux: Thanks, for asking, I know I looked like a 🦇 out of hell
Amber: Do you need something for your stomach?
Amber: not that I’m asking for myself out of a need to leave before this bonfire or anything
Lux: It’s my head, really
Lux: not like I’m crazy or anything, nerves, that’s what I mean
Lux: I was going to go but now I can’t… have you been invited to another party somewhere else?
Amber: Not even, that’d be all my head like I’m crazy, in no world am I getting heaps of invites
Lux: But you’re so cool
Amber: [the name of this commune] cool
Lux: I don’t know how to fit in here
Amber: You’re too sane
Lux: Never been accused of that before 😌
Amber: I know what you mean, first to be hit with the accusation of insane, me every time
Lux: Why don’t you want to go to the bonfire?
Lux: if you don’t mind me asking
Amber: I’ve got my own nerves, I guess you could say
Lux: It’s a lot of people
Lux: it always is, but all in the one spot doing the same thing
Amber: This thing happened with one of the people and I usually avoid him in the day to day, but I know he’ll be there tonight doing his thing
Lux: That makes sense
Lux: it’s sort of like you have to join in every activity here or you’re not being supportive or group-minded… I can only pretend to be sick so many times
Amber: Mama got to you too, say no more
Lux: No, it wasn’t her
Lux: someone welcomed me, was trying to convince me of the utopia this place is
Amber: Oh, it was Dash
Lux: Does he always do that?
Amber: Always is a stretch
Amber: but you’re who he would, for sure 
Lux: That doesn’t sound good…
Lux: Was he playing some kind of prank?
Amber: I’ve made him sound way more shady than he is
Amber: I just mean, you’re his type
Amber: new, available, cute girl is him all over
Lux: He was talking about you, you don’t need to apologise
Amber: He used to talk at me before I spelt out he’s too young to be using words like those in my direction
Lux: I’m so stupid
Amber: No, he’s smooth
Amber: he’s put in the work with heaps of girls before either of us
Lux: I’m not just a normal girl, with normal experiences, he knows that
Amber: In fairness to him, he’d see you as one
Amber: for all his flaws, that’s not
Lux: I told him
Amber: Did you run away, is that what that was?
Lux: Yeah
Amber: And I’ve made you feel worse, running my mouth
Amber: I’m so so so sorry
Lux: No, it’s all entirely obvious
Amber: I could be wrong, I am about heaps of things
Lux: You aren’t
Lux: he told me, about you and his da, that’s who you don’t want to see, isn’t it?
Amber: How and why would my sex life come up? God, I don’t know why I’m surprised, why wouldn’t it? 
Amber: typical this place
Lux: I did say he shouldn’t gossip
Lux: we were talking about his parents, I think, but beyond that, yeah I don’t know why he brought it up either
Lux: well, now I realise he thinks it’s impressive, aspirational behaviour
Amber: Generational toxic masculinity being alive and well inside these walls is no big shocker either
Lux: Oh God, how do I avoid him forever
Amber: If I get a working system going, I’ll let you know
Amber: his dad is the kingpin of suck, it knocks me genuinely sick I went there
Lux: Is he not, like, extremely old?
Lux: I couldn’t call his daddy a creep to his face but… why did you?
Amber: [drop his exact age because you are mortified]
Amber: I don’t know what happened, there’s a whole long story how it did, not long enough to excuse me though
Lux: I know some girls like older guys, I’m not judging you, only him
Amber: I do when Dash is asking, and I’m not about to lie about truth to it at other moments, but
Amber: circumstances were what they were, he was there, not exactly in a he could’ve been anyone way, there’s levels of unhinged I haven’t reached
Amber: I was upset and how he decided to comfort me was the least creative method there is, to keep the story short
Lux: My sort of boyfriend from home, I only kissed him because he was the only gay guy I knew of
Lux: that makes me feel mortified admitting it but my point was we probably shouldn’t be that hard on ourselves
Amber: Being kind to myself is hard when no one else is about it
Lux: Yeah, I know what you mean
Amber: And he’s so persistent, I officially can’t be found crying ever again
Lux: I could promise to look after you if you promise to stop me from talking to him again, beyond the polite, community-spirited small talk
Amber: Okay, I promise
Lux: 🤞
Lux: Why were you crying?
Amber: It was stupid, I had a fight with mama
Amber: I don’t remember what about now, everything and nothing
Lux: Ah, I understand
Amber: I was in a hammock trying to silently, or quietly anyway, sob it out and he got in thinking mine was empty
Amber: damn near tipped me out, and when he saw I was crying he thought he’d hurt me, like his body crushed me or something
Lux: That’s a shame, it’s almost cute
Amber: Which is what got me to fall for it
Lux: I’m sorry
Amber: He was being nice and I wanted someone to be nice to me
Amber: I know you like her, but she can be so not, to me at least
Lux: I know parents can be one thing to the world and quite another at home
Lux: I’m not going to tell her
Amber: When I kissed him, I reckoned even as I went to go for it that it would be okay because he’d stop me, how could he do anything else, right? He’s old enough to be my dad, and for the record the older men I like are always under 30, but he didn’t
Lux: He should’ve
Lux: but as you said, unsurprised he didn’t
Amber: I should’ve snapped out of it, had words with myself
Lux: You were upset, and a kid, to his adult anyway
Amber: She couldn’t even bring herself to treat me like a kid when I told her, just once would it kill her?
Lux: What did she say?
Amber: She had the pill waiting for me next to a mug of green tea and a plate of cut up fruit before I’d opened my mouth, she must’ve heard through the grapevine, I didn’t ask
Lux: Oh
Lux: Helpful but clinical
Amber: And the fruit’s caring, she did chop it up before her prepared speech about what she’s trying to do here and how happy my daddy is teaching you all
Lux: She thought you were making a point, throwing a tantrum, parents always think that
Amber: Maybe I was, I don’t know, part of me
Lux: Maybe you had a point
Amber: I hate living here, and in the heaps of other heres like this
Lux: It’s their dream, the life they want, not yours…
Amber: Check my privilege definitely, talking to you, I know how I sound
Lux: Not at all, it’s nice, to be talked to like I’m normal
Amber: Congrats, you’re pretty normal, but I can’t be or I’d have shut up half a bad sex story ago
Lux: If I had my own to share I’d chip in but
Lux: not that kind of normal
Amber: I’m proud of you for not getting under that boy, from your past, but also Dash
Lux: I did K-I-S-S him up a tree, like a complete cliche but that’s as far as that goes, scouts honour
Amber: The bloody orchard, been there
Amber: every boy treats it like he’s the first to think of it as a uniquely romantic destination, I swear to god
Amber: calm down, they’re a few apple trees
Lux: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I can never forgive myself for entirely losing my brain
Amber: It was a good kiss, I forgive you
Lux: I didn’t say that, did I?
Amber: Honey, you didn’t have to
Lux: Oh no 😩
Amber: It’ll be okay, I’ve promised
Lux: He’ll be onto the next new girl or boy, or back to my previous, I’ll have to just get over it
Amber: What hiding spot are you using? I could come find you, bring [whatever the best food and drinks are this lame bonfire has to offer]?
Lux: I’m in the attic
Lux: there’s no ladder yet and you are quite short, no offence
Lux: I could give you a leg up though
Amber: Some taken, I’m short but I’m super flexible
Amber: ask Dash’s dad, except don’t
Lux: 😶😶😶!!!!!
Amber: He didn’t last long enough to experience [whatever advanced af yoga pose you’re namedropping here because you’ve probably been doing yoga since you were a literal baby, love to shade Caleb for being bad at sex and I will take every opportunity thank you]
Lux: Were you still in the hammock? 
Amber: Oh yeah, he wasn’t going anywhere once he struggled in
Amber: it was over so fast I’d have been able to forget it happened right after if everyone else would let it go
Lux: That really sucks
Lux: do you think Dash will say anything to anyone?
Amber: How did you guys leave things? Was he pissy and petty or mr nice guy?
Lux: Okay, I think
Lux: I just said I’m not going to the bonfire, he didn’t seem mad
Amber: He won’t say a word if he thinks you’ll climb up another tree with him, he’s no idiot
Lux: Ah, yeah
Lux: smart thinking
Amber: His school friends are a separate little world, but I’m there to overhear and I’d let you know
Lux: Thanks
Lux: maybe it’s best I don’t know, don’t think about it
Amber: We can do that too
Amber: maybe there won’t be stuff to talk about anyway, if he’s not about you to the lads
Lux: If he’s done that and more with however many people, yeah, why would he
Lux: You’re right
Amber: I’d brag, you’re beautiful, but I didn’t say that because girls are more than their looks and objectifying anyone is wrong, blah blah blah, I know
Lux: 😳 But coming from you, woah
Amber: Don’t worry, it’s not coming from me like that, bisexuality is assumed because of how I look and where we live but I’m not, despite the pleas to give it a chance
Lux: I’m not worried
Lux: and probably not bisexual either
Amber: It wouldn’t be any easier, girls can suck as bad, I’ve lived with heaps who do the most to live up to the very worst stereotypes boys have of us
Lux: If only things were that simple
Lux: I’d give it a chance, in a heartbeat
Amber: Anything once, or I’d be disowned for being narrow minded
Lux: Labels are my bag, another Dash-ism
Amber: He’s awesome, I completely understand why everyone’s falling over themselves on any given day
Lux: 🙈🙈🙈
Lux: I blame my parents for sheltering me so much
Amber: Hard same, but the opposite
Amber: someone give me a bit of shelter please, that sounds really nice in the right quantities
Lux: There must be a nice balance there in the middle… and some lucky people who get to experience it
Amber: Unfair and therefore I imagine 100% true
Amber: like me not having sex since, because I just can’t, and him being the lasting impression and memory I’m left with now
Lux: That is unacceptable
Lux: You have to find a nice boy immediately, a normal one from your school, not here
Amber: Nice, normal boys are intimidated by my alien otherness
Lux: And your ridiculous good looks, undoubtedly
Amber: Ridiculous, yeah 
Amber: good, I don’t know
Lux: You don’t look ridiculous
Amber: My parents have been letting me get tattoos from the age of [I dread to think but the point is that you’re saying you’d have made different choices if you’d been older which anyone who gets one as soon as they are 18 even usually agrees with so]
Lux: I would have made infinitely worse decisions than you seem to have, if that’s any consolation
Lux: I went through so many awful names before ending up where I did
Amber: Sorry, my brain’s designated you agony aunt tonight for some reason
Amber: I’m not even high, I guess that could be why but I’m not going to think about it, a problem for another day if I’ve got a drug problem
Amber: this name suits you, thankfully, more than mine does my accent
Lux: It’s been mutual, and as I can’t talk to anyone else about him, it’ll have to stay that way so you better take up the chance
Lux: The contact high is permanent, I try to avoid it and it’s impossible so
Lux: you’re cute, Ambah
Amber: Girl, we need to get you in school
Amber: cleaner air, other gorgeous lads, friends who aren’t my mama
Lux: But your da would miss the conversation with someone over the age of [however lil these lil kids are giving lol]
Amber: She’ll shepherd in some more teens any day now, especially if she hears your wool is going black
Lux: 💔 Ouch
Lux: I know I can’t hide here forever but
Lux: I don’t know if I can step foot inside a school again
Amber: I know it’s scary, I stayed out of spite for ages because I’d begged and begged to go and I didn’t want to give the satisfaction of an I told you so
Amber: then it got gradually better, honest
Amber: I’ve found a little tribe and everything, the work’s still hard and I’m laughed at for being grades and years below where I’m meant to but I don’t hate going every day
Lux: It’s brave of you, without meaning to sound patronising even a little
Lux: I don’t know, I don’t feel safe anywhere so it shouldn’t be any different on my nerves, I guess
Amber: I’m stubborn, like someone else we both know
Amber: When’s your birthday? You’d be in my year, I reckon, the one they’ve kept me down in for not knowing heaps of things
Amber: we’d have each other
Lux: It isn’t a bad trait, if she wasn’t, I’d still be at home or God knows where
Lux: [tell her because you would be]
Amber: Okay, that’s settled
Amber: I do need to warn you, Dash will be around too but you can’t let that put you off
Lux: Settled?!
Amber: Uh huh, daddy will fix it up for you when I talk to him and you’ll get to come to school with me
Lux: You’re kinda scary you know 😅
Amber: Yeah, I am, school’s got nothing on me
Amber: I’ll watch your back
Lux: He said that too, not to accuse you of coming onto me now 
Amber: I’d be tempted if he was the kinda boy who’d back off but he’d just expect both of us to be his girlfriend
Lux: 💀💀 me
Amber: That sounds bad, I’m not saying I would because you were born a boy biologically, I hope you don’t think I was getting at that
Lux: I wasn’t taking it as a serious proposition, or like that, promise
Amber: I’ll throw myself off the attic height, I promise, or just stop talking
Lux: You have to tell me all about school first, including who else to avoid
Lux: but we can do that in person, if you want to
Amber: If I ever show up in person
Amber: mama was throwing daggers when I first tried to leave, then daddy wanted a dance, then Caleb was blocking the exit dealing
Lux: 😬
Lux: Do you know what happened to Dash’s ma?
Amber: What do you mean by what happened?
Lux: Why’d she like, leave him here
Lux: when clearly Caleb isn’t a good enough father to be left raising him
Amber: Leave him?
Amber: Honey, hold on, did he tell you he lives here?
Lux: Yeah, I swear, I asked him where he sleeps and everything
Lux: what do YOU mean that he doesn’t?
Amber: He sleeps here sometimes, at the weekends
Amber: he isn’t like us, he doesn’t have to stay
Lux: Oh my God
Amber: He’s fully got a house, I’ve been there when I was new
Amber: I didn’t meet his mum or whatever but he’s got one that he assumedly lives with
Lux: It just gets worse and worse
Amber: I’m sorry, I didn’t know his web of lies was including a fake backstory
Lux: Now I’m doubting what he said, or what he purposely didn’t
Lux: but I’m not reading it back, it doesn’t matter now
Amber: How sick
Lux: I thought she might be dead, seriously
Lux: I wouldn’t have leapt to those conclusions for no reason
Amber: Giving him the tiniest benefit for the shortest second possible, I didn’t meet her, maybe he does live with someone else, different family and she is gone, I’m not sure
Amber: he doesn’t live in [the name of the commune] with Caleb though
Lux: I think she’s around, he talked around everything, in hindsight
Lux: he would think it was Utopia, it’s a holiday for him
Amber: He’s having the luckiest escape me not knowing where he is right now
Lux: I do
Amber: Where? I’m going to kill him
Lux: He won’t be alone
Amber: Like I care
Lux: I do
Amber: I’ll get rid of the audience, he’ll be ecstatic to be alone with me, he’s been trying to be for months
Lux: That doesn’t make me feel better
Lux: it’s not you, it’s… whoever else
Amber: I’m lame as at this, aren’t I?
Lux: No, he’s just a jerk
Lux: tell your ma that you’re going to make me [some remedy for stomach aches she swears by] that should buy you some time without the daggers
Amber: Okay, yeah, I’m on that
Dash: what’s up?
Lux: Nothing
Lux: you?
Dash: I ain’t heard jack from you in time
Lux: What’s to say? We only had the one convo, like
Dash: wdym 
Dash: we’ve had no bad scene, why you being off?
Lux: You can’t think of a single reason?
Dash: nah
Dash: ??
Lux: So you do that whole routine every time but why’d you lead me to believe you live here when you don’t
Dash: what routine? 
Lux: Playing dumb and making me describe it all to you is annoying, you know what routine
Dash: I don’t
Lux: You said it yourself, fresh meat, not subtle really, in hindsight
Dash: you’re getting unglued over a past I laid on you?
Lux: No, it’s not your past, it’s now
Lux: you let me think your ma abandoned you here when you literally have a home
Dash: I said she split from the farm
Dash: she did
Lux: I think it was pretty obvious I thought you lived here, you don’t
Dash: I feel at home here
Dash: why am I the big bad 🐺 for that?
Lux: You can say you didn’t lie but you didn’t tell the truth once
Lux: if you were actually interested in getting to know me, you wouldn’t have been so duplicitous 
Dash: I told you my truth
Dash: no scams, fake or plastic nowhere near what I rapped to you
Lux: I’m sure there’ll be someone new before we know it
Dash: yo, how can you be like this?
Lux: How can I?
Lux: That whole tree bit isn’t even your idea!
Dash: someone’s been putting ideas to you to get you to trip
Lux: Why would anyone want me to freak out?
Lux: You had reason to want me to buy what you were selling
Dash: reason to want you, you know it
Lux: That’s as far as it goes
Lux: chalk it up to a loss, I suppose, I will a complete mortification
Dash: you’ve gone off the deep end
Lux: You’re gonna call me crazy? Like this isn’t a really bad look for you as is
Dash: you’re gonna act it, running round behind my back checking up on what words I’ve put out there when you could’ve just come to me to untwist this all for you
Lux: How could I trust you to
Lux: it’s said and done now, I shouldn’t have behaved so stupidly
Dash: you never trusted or it wouldn’t be said & done 
Lux: I don’t want to be friends with someone who only wants to screw me
Dash: not my action or my energy
Lux: Sure thing
Dash: I’ve kept this thing honest cos I’m sure we could have something unreal
Lux: How much did we even find out about each other?
Dash: finding out don’t gotta be a mad 🏃🏼‍♀️⚡️ like you jetting from the orchard
Dash: we were vibing
Lux: I just feel like you weren’t interested in getting to know me, or letting me get to know who you actually are
Dash: you think I’m a phoney cos you’re listening to idk, beats me who
Dash: instead of me
Lux: Someone who had similar experiences, enough that an off-hand comment hit base
Dash: they couldn’t
Dash: the experience we had hit different
Lux: Don’t tell me I’m special when the opposite is true
Lux: I don’t need to be special, I’ll survive but it’s mean to tell me otherwise
Dash: I’m telling you the opposite ain’t
Dash: who else was there?
Lux: You do it all the time
Dash: it don’t feel that way all the time
Lux: I don’t know, I only have one person to compare it to
Dash: comparing you to [however many] people, I know you’re special
Dash: & we were making magic happen together
Lux: We could still be friends, if you were willing to be more open, not mislead me, intentional or otherwise
Dash: whoever’s snitching’s misleading you about me
Dash: I’ve opened myself up to you 
Lux: And I did to you
Dash: you’ve closed off now
Lux: You said it’s not a race, if you mean it, getting to know each other properly shouldn’t be an issue
Dash: you haven’t moved, you’re on some 🐢 race
Dash: keeping yourself hid while I’ve been 👀 for you everywhere
Lux: You have not
Dash: have
Lux: Not very hard
Lux: and you took someone else up that tree when I didn’t show
Dash: I kissed up to Hazel ages, it was a real drag
Dash: & quit trying to rattle me, you didn’t show
Lux: You didn’t even wait, what, an hour?
Lux: Imagine I had shown up, you don’t think that’s harsh
Dash: this isn’t a trip you can lay, you weren’t gonna, I was hip to that before I did anything
Lux: Proving that marking the tree out was just to make you look good and make me feel bad then
Dash: when I marked it I was keeping the faith, I waited & you didn’t change your mind
Lux: You have the attention span of a gnat, clearly
Dash: I wanted to hang with you, you shut me down
Lux: Because I was upset
Dash: you ran & then went 📻🔇 babe
Dash: I don’t dig that either
Lux: A friend would have cared, someone who only caught the tail end bothered to make sure I was okay
Lux: you didn’t
Dash: you forced me to go to the bonfire
Lux: You know why
Dash: you knew it’d be a bummer without you
Lux: Doesn’t sound like it was though
Dash: you cut me low, friends cared
Lux: How do you think I felt learning it was all recycled
Dash: it wasn’t
Lux: How could I get told every move play-by-play without needing to prompt the convo at all
Lux: It’s fine, that’s how you operate, I was the idiot for assuming otherwise
Dash: search me, I’m not the slick operator I’m being painted as
Lux: As a potential friend, I should probably let you know that the whole orchard thing has been caught on to then, like, big time
Dash: caught onto as what? my fave place to 💭 & 💤?
Dash: it’s where I chill & I like you so I brought you, there’s no conspiracy
Lux: You didn’t bring me there to 💭 & 💤
Lux: and that’s not the general consensus of why you take anyone there, why anyone does
Dash: we could’ve
Dash: you’re turning on me & this dark
Lux: You’re allowed to do what you want, and I didn’t say you forced me
Dash: I’m not with none of what you’re talking about
Dash: I don’t get it
Lux: Are you embarrassed by it being obvious or?
Lux: It’s more embarrassing to have fallen for it, trust me
Dash: I wasn’t playing
Dash: I don’t about 😍
Lux: Can we just, I don’t know, draw a line under it?
Dash: you can
Dash: I’m not gonna just get over it
Lux: Why are you making this my fault?
Dash: why would you believe everybody but me?
Dash: you felt how for real I was
Lux: I can’t ignore when someone tells me that you laid the exact same thing on them when they were new
Dash: but you can tune me out for as long as no sweat
Lux: You don’t know how I’ve been feeling
Lux: what about hiding from you says that I’m okay?
Dash: you’re acting like I feel zilch 
Lux: That’s how it feels
Dash: I didn’t know it could feel like you’ve got a 2nd 💓 but that’s how I did
Lux: Dash
Dash: nah, don’t name me when you’re trying to shame me in the same breath
Lux: You’re confusing me so much
Dash: I told you about chosen family
Dash: I would’ve about her if we were tight
Lux: Okay
Lux: it’s not that you owed me it’s just weird that you didn’t mention you don’t live here, then I look so dumb when I act as if you do to someone who knows what’s up
Dash: it’s heavy & someone can rap like they’re hip to what the deal is all they want but they’re full of it
Lux: They didn’t say they knew your whole life story or anything
Dash: right on, stories to turn you off & hassle me’s their bag
Lux: If you feel that hassled, I’ll leave you alone
Dash: nah, colour me gone, I’ll bail
Dash: you live here, I’m only a tourist
Lux: Don’t put that on me
Lux: like I haven’t stayed out of your way this whole time
Dash: you’re shining a light on me not being welcome
Lux: You can’t expect everyone to want you like that
Dash: my expectations were I could hang with my da & friends & make new ones without it being how you’re making it sound, like I’m out to shaft everyone for my own kicks, whenever I want
Lux: No one is stopping you from either of those things, no one would
Dash: cos I’m gonna roll up on a bad scene & have a good time, gimme a break
Lux: So you can upset me but I try to have a conversation with you and that’s, like, evil
Dash: what convo?
Dash: you’re jazzed to draw a line under me
Lux: It’s like you haven’t listened to a word I’ve said
Lux: I’ve asked if we can start again, be friends, I’m not going to beg you
Dash: you don’t trust none of mine
Lux: We don’t know each other, you didn’t trust me with your truth
Dash: yeah I did
Lux: didn’t
Dash: I gave you more truth than you could deal with
Lux: No you didn’t
Dash: that’s how it felt watching you leave & stay backed off
Lux: That was about the people who showed up, I told you that
Dash: & now you’re telling me how uncool I am
Lux: We’re just incompatible in that regard, maybe
Lux: you want to be with everyone
Dash: I wanna to be with you
Lux: Not now you don’t
Dash: more now
Dash: you’re so choice, I don’t have one
Lux: Do you think I’m playing hard to get?
Lux: because I’m not, where’s the sense when you know exactly how quickly I gave in to you
Dash: your sweetness soured the whole orchard for me
Dash: yeah I made a move on someone else but kissing them couldn’t go near the rush kissing you gives me
Dash: whenever I 💭 about it I’m lit up 🎇🌌🌟
Lux: Why is it a rush?
Dash: you’re electric
Dash: our chemistry is
Lux: Did you miss me this time?
Dash: you want me to rap what you already know’s my deepest truth?
Lux: I don’t know anything, anything you think or feel
Lux: you’ve been moving onn, with anyone you can
Dash: nah, I can’t 
Dash: you’ve blown my mind & I’ve got a totally different head after
Dash: 💭🧠👀 fresh
Lux: It could be a good thing
Lux: My mind is changing, has to, to be here, move on
Dash: we could be on the journey together
Dash: 🌱 next to each other
Lux: I suppose we will be, you’re here all the time, home or not
Dash: don’t hit me with it like you’re bummed
Lux: I’m not, I promise
Dash: friends?
Lux: It’s a truce
Lux: friends 😌
Dash: groovy cos I’ve something for you
Lux: Really?
Dash: right on, want me to pass it to Hazel?
Lux: You really been talking to her too?
Dash: yeah
Lux: I bet she’s given you a harder time than me
Dash: that’s my karma
Lux: 😏 I wouldn’t go that far
Lux: It was a misunderstanding, more than anything
Dash: beats no idea how you are, like you were giving
Lux: I didn’t think you wanted to know
Dash: you don’t think I care
Lux: Didn’t
Lux: I believe you now, that you want to be friends
Dash: cool
Lux: Cool, he says
Dash: what else?
Dash: I’m not shining you on & you’re finally with that
Lux: You’re cool, I told you before
Dash: 🤞🏽🤞🏽 what I made’s as cool to you when you take 5 to grab it
Lux: Are you sticking around? We could hang, if you want
Dash: if you do
Dash: where?
Lux: You can recommend another place
Lux: this time I swear I won’t assume the worst
Dash: [give her directions again, I’m imagining a stream that’s on the boundary of the plot this commune be on, because that’s a mood even if it’s tiny and there’s barely any running water]
Lux: Okay… I THINK I know where you mean and can get there on my own, see you in 5 🤞😌🤞
Dash: or I’ll look for you in 6
Lux: Good thinking
Dash: keep the faith first
Lux: I’m not directionally challenged, just new
Dash: 🍒
Lux: Kinda sour
Lux: Do they grow here?
Dash: new & kinda perfect
Dash: [tell her everything that everyone is growing here because we all know there’s a massive veg patch as well as the orchard which she’d already have experience of from being and eating here but I’m sure there are also sneaky other overspill corners for other things that she might not]
Lux: The food is fresh
Lux: taste depending on who’s head chef, though
Dash: should’ve grabbed 🥪🍎🍌🍊 my bad
Lux: I can
Dash: didn’t teach you how to 🤹🏼‍♀️ yet but go for it
Lux: Didn’t ask me if I already know either, like
Dash: girls are hip to carrying 👛💄👜👠🔮👑👓🌂💐🛍️🎀🧸🎈🔑📚📱☕️
Lux: Around here, definitely
Dash: & at school
Lux: You’re meant to offer to carry their 📚s
Dash: you dunno I don’t
Lux: Uh-huh 😏
Dash: I’ll carry your 👜👠 back
Dash: or you on mine, whatever
Lux: I’m a professional, I can wear my heels almost anywhere
Lux: tree climbing was even a step too far for me, mind
Dash: wearing ‘em in the water ain’t the move
Lux: We’re going IN the stream?
Dash: you gotta on your first time or she’ll be offended at you
Lux: Who will?
Dash: the water
Lux: Oh
Lux: well, in that case, I better get changed
Dash: I’d’ve been better keeping my mouth shut & throwing you in 😏 
Lux: You think so
Lux: I just finished this, I wouldn’t wanna be your friend if you ruined all my hard work 🐺
Dash: finished what?
Dash: quit holding out on showing me your 🧵🎨
Lux: [send him pics, I’m imagining the type of artsy clothes where it’s made of something recycled that would not withstand water for real, not practical, hardwearing clothing because you do fashion more like that for the art and not everyday lol]
Dash: that’s the most! 
Dash: 🤯🤩
Lux: I needed something to do in my hiding spot
Lux: but the kids wanted to see it today so I put it on
Dash: idk what to say 😍💓  you’re like a serious 👩🏼‍🎨
Lux: That’s a nice thing to say, thank you
Lux: Amber’s daddy lets me do it for an hour a day, whilst he’s doing finger painting with the kiddos
Dash: what hour? I wanna be there to 👀
Lux: One when you’re at school too, man cub
Lux: but I’ll show you my sketches, whenever
Dash: later?
Lux: Sure, if you haven’t tried to drown me
Dash: floating vs drowning, you remember
Lux: Amber wants me to go to school with her
Dash: you down?
Lux: I don’t know
Lux: sometimes I think it might be fun, but my last school wasn’t, the reality of this one probably doesn’t match the ideal in my head either
Dash: sit with it for a sec
Dash: Amber being rash don’t mean you gotta, y’know
Lux: I’m glad she likes me that much
Dash: I like you that much
Lux: I know, you mentioned it too before
Lux: I didn’t realise she was in your year
Dash: establishment won’t let her pass hers
Lux: Makes sense, school hasn’t been the focus, wherever they’ve been
Dash: was it her?
Lux: Huh?
Dash: who ratted on me
Lux: She didn’t rat, she’s the person who asked me if I was okay after though, I almost flattened her on the way in
Dash: she didn’t tell you I don’t live here & all that stuff?
Lux: I said something about it being hard to avoid you, because you lived here, she corrected me
Lux: it’s not snitching
Dash: 🐀  she thinks she’s righteous cos her mama’s taken on this place for a cause
Lux: She does not, her and her mama argue all the time
Dash: I tried to give her a shoulder when she showed up but she didn’t wanna lean long
Lux: I know
Dash: she’s against [the name of the commune] that’s why I took her to my ma’s house
Lux: Makes sense
Dash: didn’t work
Lux: Again, I know
Lux: you’re too young for her
Dash: everyone knows I am now
Lux: You’ll get over it
Dash: I’m ages over it, she’s been around since [whatever month]
Lux: Great to know the time we’ve got left
Dash: take it easy
Dash: timing to see we 👀 at things through different lens is what I meant
Lux: I’m just teasing you
Dash: you do wanna get thrown round
Lux: No I don’t
Lux: you deserved it and more
Dash: you’re my karma, huh?
Lux: Maybe
Lux: though I’ve no doubt Amber not liking you back cuts deep enough on it’s own
Dash: not anymore 
Dash: I’m about new depths with you
Lux: Smooth, very smooth
Dash: I clocked some time 💭 you didn’t like me back
Lux: I was going to try not to
Dash: eats me up
Lux: Don’t, I want to like you
Lux: and I want to like it here, to feel like I belong, make it work
Dash: everybody’s got their arms out for you, just let yourself feel it
Lux: I just want to be me
Dash: you can be whoever you want & take whatever you need from all of us, you’re home, you found it
Lux: I’m not like people where I’m from but what if I’m not like people here either, what’s the next move, what if I run out of places
Dash: your heart’s as open as anyone I’ve met here, that’s all they ask to accept you in
Lux: Then I’ll really try
Dash: 🏡🌞 & 🌚
Lux: You can help me, with the stuff I don’t understand
Dash: you name it 🦊
Lux: 😌🙏
Lux: I’ll start the list
Dash: in your head on your way
Dash: I can’t wait no more
Lux: I already knew you had no patience, I’m on my way
Dash: 👼🏼🙏🏽
Lux: You just want your 🥪🍎🍌🍊
Dash: I wanna give you your 🎁 babe
Lux: I do like 🎁s
Dash: come find me then
Lux: I am!
Lux: You know I had to get changed as well as forage
Dash: I know you can 🏃🏼‍♀️⚡️
Lux: When I need to
Dash: like now
Lux: You need me to
Dash: & you need it too
Lux: We’re not kissing, okay
Dash: 👌🏽 
Dash: we’re still in the same ⛵️ with our same 💓
Lux: Yeah
Lux: I don’t want to lead you on, any more than I want to get hurt
Dash: I’ve got you
Lux: 💓
Dash: as a constant
Lux: I believe that about you
Dash: that’s my girl, you gotta believe
Lux: 😳
Dash: I’m forever gonna be 🤯😳🥵 about you
Lux: I will be about you
Dash: you’re an untouchable part of me now, whatever
Dash: new heights & depths
Lux: Do you like English at school?
Dash: nah
Lux: but you’re so poetic
Dash: if we read about girls like you maybe I’d be into it
Lux: Have you read Orlando?
Dash: who?
Lux: The Virginia Woolf book, it’s about her lover, it’s good, you’d like it
Dash: I’ll go buy it before school, gimme something to do all day, reading it
Lux: There’s even pirates in it
Lux: You can borrow my copy
Dash: you draw your 🎨 in it?
Lux: Of course
Dash: rad, I’ll borrow yours
Lux: You can draw in it too
Dash: 👨🏽‍🎨
Lux: or make notes, whatever feels right
Dash: write you one 💌
Lux: I hope it will make you think of me
Dash: already all I do & my whole 👜🎒
Lux: You make it so hard to hold my resolve
Dash: I only wanna hold you
Lux: I miss something that only happened once like it was my everyday
Dash: it can be
Lux: It can’t
Dash: why?
Lux: Because we want different things
Dash: I want you & you want me
Lux: You want 🍒 over all else, I don’t think I can handle being replaced, maybe jealousy is my bag but, it is what it is
Dash: you’re irreplaceable
Dash: you’re my golden girl
Lux: Do you mean it?
Lux: it’s a nice thing to say but is it just that
Dash: you felt it with me & I’ve said you were different for me
Lux: I can’t stop remembering how it felt
Dash: what happened happens how many times? we can’t let it go like we’ll find it again somewhere else, no biggie
Lux: but there are so many things I don’t know that you do
Lux: and I don’t mean physical things, I don’t know if I like girls like that, I don’t know if I like sharing
Dash: we’ll get answers together
Lux: My need for you scares me
Dash: you’re safe
Lux: You’ll look out for me?
Dash: no falling from no 🌳s cos you’ve got that tie to me
Lux: It’s different with me, with us
Lux: you mean it
Dash: I’ve been ate up by you staying clear of me
Lux: I missed you, so much, thinking it wasn’t real killed me
Dash: it’s unreal
Dash: I rapped to my own ma about you too
Lux: What did you talk about?
Dash: I did 😢 more than speak if we’re keeping things honest
Dash: about blowing it when I finally had a beautiful thing, true believable magic
Lux: I cried over you too
Lux: I want this fixed, to believe it all with you
Dash: our connection is what’s 🍒
Lux: No one has ever told their mammy about me, at least, not in a good way…
Dash: she wants to meet you but I’ve never brought a girl to her like that
Lux: You can sit with it, see if you want it
Dash: sit with me
Lux: Always
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
Lush pt.2
Dash: they’re still on you 🩰 from before, I can’t quit playing your vid
Lux: I should be embarrassed but I can’t be, it only makes me want you to see me more
Dash: I’ve gotta while there’s ☀️ light left to 👀 you by
Lux: There’ll be the 🔥 then the 🌟s
Dash: meet me in the orchard for a sec, we can choose our tree
Lux: Now?
Dash: just for 5
Lux: You’ve already upped how long but
Dash: but yeah? you wanna?
Lux: Yes
Dash: I’m off my knees & omw
Lux: Hopefully I know where you mean
Dash: [give her some directions]
Lux: I thought so
Dash: I don’t wanna lose you
Lux: [turn up at these trees after manoeuvring through this messy jungle of a garden, careful or you’ll need a tetanus hun]
Dash: [speaking of, catch this boy casually eating an apple off a pocket knife as he leans against a tree waiting, only to literally cut himself when she appears because he’s so down bad that he’s immediately LOOKING at her instead of what he’s doing, dropping this half eaten fruit because it’s got his blood on it and putting his finger in his mouth, what a greeting]
Lux: [walking over to him with the caution of being OVERWHELMED by how he looks, and actually allowing yourself to look at him, if not make full and consistent eye contact, this giving way to rushing over and cradling his hand, those eldest instincts kicking in, trying to see if this cut is superficial and chill or something to concern ourselves fully with, as I doubt you’re bleeding to death, shaking your head with a small smile ‘no hooks’ like what did I tell you about juggling knives, boy, taking the step back and moving from the contact that circumstances forced into happening that quickly]
Dash: [when you were trying to look so cool and you fumbled it haha, we can all hear his heart BEATING at this hand cradling moment because it’s the first contact she’s initiated, circumstantial or not, hence smiling a bit too big at her joke purely because he’s !! before clearing his throat when she steps back and looking up at the tree he was leaning against because that’s the excuse of why they’re here, then looking at her like okay how about this one? even though we all know he blatantly has a fave that he’d choose and is waiting to see if she will that isn’t this tree]
Lux: [looking up into the canopy too, swallowing back any response to his reaction there because you cannot, walking from trunk to trunk, not entirely sure what you’re meant to be searching for in a tree because you can’t even imagine it, dropping your eyes back down to meet his quizzically for a moment ‘do you tie yourselves in?’]
Dash: [have a lil wander through these trees, him either walking close enough to her that once again their arms brush if there’s space to be side by side or so close behind her that it would be laughable if that was the mood instead of this tension, casually reaching out to touch a random set of initials that someone has carved into one of these trees at some point because he’s thinking he has a knife and he literally could do theirs but he’s not trying to freak her out by being extra af ‘people do, I don’t’ in such a what will be, will be tone, as if, if you’re destined to fall out of a tree then so be it, again feel my Junie eye roll, sir your mother is paralysed don’t be a reckless fool]
Lux: [looking around y’all at floor level, a sigh of relief at there not being all the people around that there was in the living room when you were watching your film, tracing these initials with your finger, following behind his like you were just walking moments ago; raising a brow at this statement because you think that’s ridiculous and will not be chancing a paralysing fall from a height but you don’t need to come for him about it that hard]
Dash: [not noticing her eyebrow raise because he’s too busy being a silly lil monkey boy and climbing up one of these trees, despite it still not being his ideal one, staying on a pretty low branch and reaching a hand down to help her up because it isn’t his ideal tree so we don’t need to climb to the top but he’s just doing the vibe of when you’re looking around a house and you’re not at all interested but you still are nosy anyway] 
Lux: [hoping he doesn’t notice you wiping your hands on your skirt because you’re scared they’ll be clammy when he reaches for them but you do let him help you because it’s practical but you also want the excuse to briefly hold hands, sit down beside him, dangling your legs]
Dash: [gonna say the hand he reached for her with is his dominant one and thus the one he cut his finger on and even though that isn’t deep it’s probably still bleeding/bleeding again with this climb in that annoying way fingers do, so at some point later when she’s gone back inside to carry on getting ready for this bonfire or whatever she can notice that she has some of his blood on her hand, for the peak romance of it all, but anyway, for now look around and incline your head towards some other trees in a check those out, what do you think of them from up here and this new angle kinda way, before he inevitably gets distracted watching her legs dangle because whether or not she’s in her bonfire outfit yet I nevertheless doubt she’s dressed for tree climbing and gotta check her out always]
Lux: [when you can barely bring yourself to look at these trees because you don’t really care but you do think it’s adorable that he does so of course you oblige, smiling to yourself about it as you let your eyes flicker back and forth from him and these trees, swinging your legs up and leaning your back against the bow of this branch, as if testing out what sleeping here would remotely look like but your feet are in his lap because he’s here and there’s not going to be room enough for the two of you to stretch out]
Dash: [this boy could likewise no longer care less suddenly from the moment her feet are in his lap, we can’t lie, LOOKING down at them and shifting as if to get y’all both as comfy as you can be but really you’re just HYPER aware of your own lap rn in that teen boy way like oh no please don’t let my body make it super obvious how into this I am and make this awks, nevertheless can’t help but LOOK over at her and try and make eye contact though despite knowing that would make said awks and said horniness much more likely, it all feels that out of his control rn]
Lux: [actually making eye contact because you said you wanted to and you meant it, the !! noise making you choke practically with your attempt to swallow it down, red-faced again but determined not to run away right now, shuffling forward, putting your feet either side of him, moving into the space between his legs, knees raised, resting your head on one like the cool skin there can calm down your blushing cheeks]
Dash: [it cannot be overstated how much every second of that makes him die because he didn’t expect to actually get the eye contact yet so that’s killing him because immediately feeling a type of way about it and then there’s her noise and her blush and then she’s moving and basically posing looking like art, tis a constant onslaught on this boy’s senses in a way he is not used to AT ALL because he’s usually the one having this effect on people and like she said, it being basically effortless, softly saying her name like he’s trying it out what he thinks of it and if it’s perfect for her or not, much like they are here trying out trees, because the first time he has said it, shamelessly also trying out the effect it’ll have on them both too, ofc, because already we’re so glad that her feet are no longer in his lap, let’s just say that, horniness off the charts]
Lux: [knocking your knees closed reflexively as he says your name for the first time because no one has ever said it like that or in a context even a little like this and that’s short-circuited your brain in this moment, the recognition and how right it feels, pushing yourself up and onto your knees so you are leaning over him, LOOKING down and doing a shaky breath ‘Dash?’ quiet but intense]
Dash: [has 10000% short circuited his own brain as well by saying it and how it made him feel, god bless, nevertheless instinctively and immediately moving towards and putting his arms on her to steady her as she moves, despite what he said about it being up to fate if he falls out of a tree or not, I imagine they’ve naturally found somewhere to rest that’s accidentally on purpose more saucy than the safety of it all requires, like her waist or something, not moving them away though as he LOOKS back at her for what would feel like a thousand years but is defs only a second, but still, SQUEEZING in that second so he’s really holding her in a deliberate way]
Lux: [when you say his name for a second time there is no hesitating question in your tone at all, the comparative loudness making it seem as firm as the way he’s holding you, a moan, instinctively sinking into him and getting as close as you can here, putting your hand at the base of his neck as if it’s just another steadying measure when that’s just a fraction of the reasoning]
Dash: [making such a !! noise about all of that, quietly but you might as well have screamed it for how dramatic it would feel because you can’t stop it from happening and how close y’all are to each other, moving his head so that they are close enough to forehead touch or kiss but not yet because in no world do you wanna rush that even though you blatantly also do, saying her name again, but with a question in it in the way that he’s clearly asking for permission]
Lux: [the concentration it is taking to not crash your face into his immediately, doing tiny pants, tongue slightly poking out with the effort, licking your bottom lip as you nod, swallowing to make your voice come, still hoarse, unavoidably so ‘I want you’]
Dash: [immediately crashing his face into hers the exact way she wanted to a second ago but did not because what a perfect mirroring moment and we love to see it, moaning against her lips almost before they’ve even touched because of how !! he is and how much he wants to, adorably despite feeling feral and literally unavoidably and instinctively PULLING her into him so dramatically with his hands which haven’t moved, trying at the same time to keep this kiss really innocent and soft and chaste because he remembers her saying she’s only done this with 1 other boy before]
Lux: [gasping as you likewise pull him to you, hugging your arms around his shoulders and finding yourself pulled back down so you’re sat between his legs and he’s between yours, god bless you trying but all logical thoughts have gone out the window so we’re really frantically and messily going for this kiss, even if the way we are is clumsy and teeth are knocked together, we aren’t becoming self-conscious yet we’re too in this]
Dash: [we’re all aware that attempt at chivalry is only lasting a nanosecond anyway before he’s abandoning it to match her in doing the absolute most as if y’all aren’t in a tree you could fall out of, letting go off her waist so that his hands are alternating between grabbing her hair and holding her face as if it’s possible to pull her closer and deepen this makeout sesh via either of those when it simply is not]
Lux: [thank god we’re not here to fuck y’all up like that right this second, you’re welcome, losing yourself in this so ridiculously, pulling his tongue into your mouth as far as you can, muffled words that can’t be understood, only in vibe alone, begging him to go deeper]
Dash: [imagine, that would be so rude, however low this branch may be that you’re on rn, I keep thinking that at any moment some peeps could appear to pick fruit or have their own shenanigans and see this, not that either of you can or would care at all atm lol, you’re welcome that we’re likewise letting you live and letting everyone be busy with bonfire prep and meal prep and all the things, anyway, giving her the same muffled nonsense back which if it could be understood would be a running monologue of exactly how he feels rn and about her because he’s so !!]
Lux: [undoubtedly someone will come a running and that will be what breaks y’all apart but we won’t do it this quickly, let you have a full Moment ™ here, making out ferally, not falling from the tree, just]
Dash: [this tension has been building over the course of however many hours and that would feel like forever to you hormonal teens so we gotta let y’all release at least some of it and have the privacy to do that because lord knows the bonfire won’t give you that, there’ll be hippies everywhere, Amber included I’m sure because as much as she’s sick of this her mum would lowkey force her to get involved in everything because she’s that bitch, for now you’re alone and allowed to make the most of that, cue him ferally running his hands over her entire body basically as this makeout continues, GRABBING her everywhere like he’ll fall to his death if he doesn’t]
Lux: [mhmm, and it’ll be a mission to convince you to go to the bonfire once you get quote-unquote caught out here so we’re truly not betting on that here and now, if we were thinking at all and not just following what feels right]
Dash: [mhmm, you’d feel like everyone was talking about you at said bonfire, I don’t blame you gal I would not be going in your place, meanwhile in the here and now I like to imagine that one of these branches are creaking ominously thanks to how feral this makeout sesh has become but it would take it actually breaking to stop him and it isn’t, so]
Lux: [exactly dr phil, it’s a valid paranoia honestly, who can fault you, a paranoia that exists to the point that this creaking has you pulling back, freezing, to assess where the sound came from, when your own movements elicit the same noise, you can laugh for now, pushing back into him, still laughing into the kiss]
Dash: [^^ it would be perfectly valid for a cis teen girl and she has the added fear for not being however much he claims everyone is nice and accepting because yeah hun they are to you, you’re not the target of these jk rowling-que terf lesbians or gross angry straight men, but I digress, join her a breathless hot lol even though it’ll turn into just shamelessly unhinged breathing when she’s kissing him again because that momentary pause was enough to have this fool almost forgetting/downplaying just how !! kissing her is but then he cannot and he’s moving her onto his lap with an unholy noise into her mouth about it]
Lux: [‘miss me?’ intended as a playful joke at his unhinged response but it’s too real and you have to make your own !! sound about it, pressing against him in an undeniable way, just to test it]
Dash: [doing the most insane nose rub of his down the entire length of hers as he emphatically nods in answer to that question because they are that close and lbr kissing again as soon as she’s asked it, doing a ‘yeah’ which is fully a MOAN in answer to the question she asked with that move because he’s so into it and needs her to know as if it wasn’t obvious af]
Lux: [rubbing your cheek against his, like you’re amazed it could get any hotter and he also needs to know RIGHT NOW, alluding to but not directly mentioning or drawing attention to the fact you’d both be able to feel how turned on you are, painfully so at this point, nodding back like your head’ll fall off, moving from cheek to cheek to a dramatic makeout once more]
Dash: [these two both found dead from how turned on they are tbh, which is very possible given how much he cannot keep still in any way in this tree rn, catch him taking a sec to kiss her cheek and all along her jaw and down her neck while she’s nodding, before like my boo said she’s rubbing against his other cheek and they are making out again]
Lux: [I’ll take this chance to be evil and cockblock y’all before you are allowed to get any more carried away, the way these people saw nothing but are now going to see this gal sprinting down from this tree back to the house like a gazelle, like hello??? Lol soz guys but you’ve had your fun]
Dash: [mhmm, we all know where that heading if we didn’t and nobody needs to see y’all doing that up a tree thank you, soz to whoever that gal collides with at some point on her way because peeps everywhere at all times, in every room, doorway and on every step, whoever you are you will be falling like bowling pins bye, catch him calling her name from up this tree with so much !! as if that’ll stop her in her tracks, nope sir it will not, following her down but by the time he has climbed from even that low branch she is long gone because not with it enough to be as immediate as her/really did think calling her name would give him that sec he needed for her to stop and him to slightly recover his senses, me imagining said peeps like oh hi Dash ?? fancy seeing you here lol lol how random so he is also getting waylaid to have a matey convo he isn’t in the mood to have whilst still the most noticeably turned on and flustered anyone has ever been]
Lux: [mortifying, you must have found some hidey-holes by this point and that’s where you’re trying to get to as fast as you can whilst apologising profusely to anyone you run into, RIP]
Dash: [soz huns but we had to do it to you, especially you Dash because you wanna be mr popular, how’s it feel here in this moment when you can’t just run away, hmm? How do you like the taste of them apples as my father would say LOL LOL, we could say Amber is one of the peeps she runs into btw as an in for doing a them convo after this because obvs she’d message like um are you okay sis?]
Lux: [good idea girl]
Dash: don’t flip out
Dash: they only saw me 😍 & 🤯😳🥵
Lux: I nearly ran them over
Dash: you’ve got a bonfire to dress outta sight for 
Dash: it’s chill
Lux: That’s not how it looked
Dash: it’s what I said, I covered you
Lux: Oh my goodness
Dash: you’re a wallflower, [namedropping these peeps like she has any clue who they are or that’s in any way helpful that you’re saying they know she’s shy] know about being new
Lux: This isn’t about being new, or shy
Dash: nah but that’s why they think you bugged out is what I’m laying on you
Lux: They so do not, come on!
Lux: It was too obvious
Dash: they were looking down not up, trust
Dash: they didn’t even 👀 you before your split
Lux: They wouldn’t say if they had
Dash: why you so pressed if they did?
Lux: Are you serious?
Dash: it’s cold you don’t wanna be seen with me
Lux: No, that’s not what it is
Dash: what is it?
Lux: It’s just embarrassing because it is, not because of you
Dash: you 🏃🏼‍♀️⚡️
Lux: I shouldn’t have done that but I shouldn’t have been up the tree with you so it’s the lesser of two evils, I can say I felt sick
Dash: you’re rattled 👌🏽 but it cuts low you’d say kissing me was 👿 & a shouldn’t thing
Lux: Not like that, in a public place, in the middle of the day
Dash: alone in a tree
Lux: Someone could come at any minute, and did
Dash: I’d kiss you anywhere in front of anybody
Lux: You said they saw you 😍 & 🤯😳🥵
Dash: yeah
Dash: I am still
Lux: People aren’t stupid, what do you think they’re thinking
Dash: that I want you & I do
Lux: Why would you not just
Lux: never mind
Dash: nah, finish up
Lux: You knew how ashamed I was by the way I ran off
Dash: right on, they gonna 💭 I’m 😍 & 🤯😳🥵 one sided & you ran from me
Lux: Well, that’s not what I wanted
Dash: you freaked out, cut yourself some slack
Lux: I don’t know, I’m sorry
Dash: accepted, we’re good
Lux: You enjoy the bonfire 
Dash: wait
Dash: you’re not coming?
Lux: I can’t
Dash: for real?
Lux: There’s no way I can see anyone now
Dash: we can just hang alone
Lux: No, you should go, you were looking forward to it
Dash: for you 
Lux: I’m good here, I’ll chill
Dash: I picked a 🌳
Dash: if you change your mind, this’ll help you find me
Dash: [and a pic of his bandana, cos he’d always have one in his hair or around his wrist ofc, around a branch of said tree to claim it]
Lux: See you around, okay?
Dash: later, golden girl
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
Lush pt.1
Dash: welcome 👋🏽
Dash: 🤞🏽🤞🏽 you’re digging the scene here 🌱
Lux: Hello, oh, yes, I’m so grateful for the place to stay
Lux: Everyone has been quite welcoming
Dash: I’d’ve rapped at you sooner but I didn’t wanna 🐞🐛 you before you were in the groove
Dash: not my 👜🎒 y’know
Lux: I don’t expect anyone to, I certainly wasn’t thinking you ill-mannered for having not, there are lots of people here I still don’t know the name of
Lux: but you aren’t bugging me, it’s a nice surprise and nice to meet you, virtually, Dash
Dash: I can give the hook up of everyone I’m tight with however you want it
Dash: no biggie 
Lux: I know Hazel, so I know [list her crew of people you would have at least had a convo with including Amber and her dad etc]
Lux: It seems like you know everyone
Dash: right on
Dash: she’s your mama 🐻
Dash: you’re with the freedom riders & I hang with the other dropouts
Lux: She helped me out, even though it wasn’t technically her job, obviously letting me stay here goes beyond
Lux: What do you mean by dropout?
Dash: nah we’re not flakes who’re gone all the time 🚀🪐💫
Dash: means we’re 🏡 here
Lux: I understand
Lux: Home not being where you’re raised, necessarily, that is
Dash: I was born here but 👶🏽 ain’t true for most
Lux: Oh, wow, I didn’t know that
Lux: Who are your parents?
Dash: my da’s Caleb, ma cut out when I was young so you’d not know her
Lux: I’m sorry to hear that
Dash: a downer but she had her reasons 
Lux: People should be there for their kids no matter what
Lux: but they aren’t
Dash: I don’t let her unglue me
Lux: You have to find a way to be you
Dash: you get it 🌷
Lux: And you have your daddy, that’s not nothing
Dash: I’ve a whole family here 
Dash: 👶🏻👧🏼🧒🏽👦🏿👨👩‍🦰👳🏽‍♂️👩🏿‍🦱👴🏼🧓👩🏾‍🦳🐣🐓🐈🌱🍃🍂🍁
Lux: That must be comforting
Dash: it’s far out
Dash: if we were 🟫 only the Ambers would be lucky
Lux: Sorry?
Dash: everyone gets 👶🏻👧🏼🧒🏽👦🏿👨👩‍🦰👳🏽‍♂️👩🏿‍🦱👴🏼🧓👩🏾‍🦳🐣🐓🐈🌱🍃🍂🍁 here & to have a blast
Lux: Oh, right, now I see
Lux: What do you do for fun?
Dash: me or what’s cool about this place?
Lux: I’d been led to believe those would be the same thing
Dash: I can’t take all the credit 
Lux: Less credit, more meaning you seem passionate about this place
Dash: 🏡 sweet 🏡
Lux: You aren’t going to tell me?
Dash: I’ll give a demo, how’s that?
Lux: I’m not sure
Lux: though you’re kind to offer
Dash: you can jet if you don’t feel the passion
Dash: no 💦
Lux: I’m not very confident, if it was awkward, that would be me
Dash: I hang loose
Dash: nothing heavy
Lux: I can tell
Lux: Not everyone is as chill, I fear
Dash: chill with me at the bonfire later
Lux: Really?
Dash: it’s gonna be laid back
Lux: I haven’t talked to anyone our age
Dash: lay it on me til then if you’re feeling uptight about the 💭
Lux: It’s not that I don’t want to, I don’t know what to say
Lux: Everything is heavy, where I’m from
Dash: you don’t have to talk
Dash: there’ll be 🎶🕺🎸🥁🪕🎵💃🌠🎇🎆
Lux: So I’ll just be there?
Dash: if you wanna just 👀 nobody’ll be turned off
Lux: Woah, you’ve made me sound SO creepy! 😰😅
Dash: nah you’re 🍒 & 🦊 
Lux: More slang I’m too lame to know? Oh no
Dash: decoded idk, the meaning’s like, new & hot or shiny & pretty ✨🎀
Lux: No way 😳
Lux: just new, maybe shiny, outfit depending
Dash: yeah way 🐥
Lux: It’s very hard to tell when you’re being serious and when you’re joking, you know
Dash: I don’t joke about 😍
Lux: I remember what boys can be like, remember
Dash: how many boys like me were there where you’re from?
Lux: Fair point
Lux: none that I knew
Dash: welcome to the new 🌎🌍🌏
Lux: Do you go to [the school that Amber goes to]?
Dash: you going? I’ll catch you there 👑
Lux: I get taught here right now, safer, I figured
Lux: but it’s different
Dash: bummer
Dash: school would’ve been way less of a drag with you
Lux: It’s mostly little kids here
Lux: You don’t like school?
Dash: I tune out
Dash: what they try & teach’s lame
Lux: I enjoy learning things, schools, not as much
Dash: I’m learning to make stuff here
Dash: sewing, whittling, cooking, y’know hands on things like that
Lux: I make things too
Lux: Clothes, art
Dash: you 🧵 [an item of clothing he’s seen her wear]?
Lux: Depends if you liked it
Dash: you looked way out
Lux: 😌
Lux: Thank you, I could make you something similar, if you like
Dash: unreal
Lux: I think it could suit you too
Dash: what do you want in trade? I could make you or teach you something
Lux: Whittling sounds cool, I’d like to see how that’s done
Dash: 👌🏽
Lux: When do you want to show me?
Dash: I’ll go look for some wood now & bring my knife tonight
Lux: It’ll take me [however long this garment would, idk but you would is the point] but I’ll start right away
Lux: What colours do you like to wear?
Dash: no discrimination
Lux: 🌈 it is
Dash: but I’ll wear ✨🎀 later for you
Lux: For me?
Dash: yeah
Dash: so you’ll spot me
Lux: Of course
Lux: I wouldn’t say you need the help standing out though
Dash: for you cos I 💭 you’re outta sight then
Lux: Says you
Dash: what do you mean?
Lux: I’ve never seen a boy with hair like yours
Dash: til you got here & laid eyes on ½ the boys
Lux: Yours is still different, it isn’t straight but it isn’t afro hair either
Dash: my ma’s as white as you but 👩🏻‍🦰
Dash: irish as they come
Lux: Is that where you get all the freckles from?
Lux: Well, aside from the sun, obviously
Dash: right on 🌞
Lux: She must be pretty
Dash: I’ll show you a picture
Dash: [scroll and find one from when she was young and lived here, pre-accident obvs, I’m sure you could without having to go home and dig out a literal photograph because the time periods we’re in]
Lux: Oh woah, she is
Dash: I’ve got the same 👃🏽 piercing when school stops forcing me to take it out
Lux: That’s a dumb rule, how’s it getting in the way of you or anyone else learning
Dash: all their rules are, they care about control down to what time you 🚽 & nothing else
Lux: What are your rules? Your personal philosophy
Dash: [I’m not gonna write out all his hippie cliches but we know damn well the kinds of vibe]
Lux: 🌞🌎🌍🌏🌈
Dash: what’s yours?
Lux: I think I’m still working that out
Dash: you could be born here too, I dig that
Lux: Being different makes you have an open mind to everyone else's different, right?
Dash: that’s been my scene
Lux: You’ve been kind to me
Dash: love’s the point
Lux: Who could argue with that particular philosophy
Dash: haters but I’d argue back ✌🏽
Lux: Haters, you’re funny 😅
Dash: knock, knock
Lux: …
Lux: Who’s there?
Dash: honeydew
Lux: honeydew who?
Dash: honeydew you wanna dance at the bonfire?
Lux: Okay
Lux: only because that was an incredible joke, obviously
Dash: 😁
Lux: What kind of music will there be?
Dash: all kinds
Dash: [and then namedrop different peeps who play different instruments and what styles they go for, I’m sure there’s girlies giving full irish folk and lads trying to be rockstars etc etc]
Lux: Do you play?
Dash: want me to play for you?
Lux: I was wondering if you would, at the bonfire
Dash: what music you into?
Lux: [tell him, lord knows I ain’t lmao]
Dash: I’ll play [the easiest song possible from the options she gave lbr because I’m not saying he’s an amazing musician]
Lux: Wow, you really are rolling out the welcome wagon for me
Dash: you really are welcome 🦊
Lux: I’ll have to call you 🐺
Dash: calling us a pack is rad
Lux: Yes, I thought you’d like that
Lux: it does seem rather fitting
Dash: [send her a voice note of you howling and then getting whichever friends you are with/are nearby to join in, turning into lols at the very end]
Lux: Oh my Goodness 🐶 perhaps suits moreso
Dash: nah that was my best 🐺🔊
Lux: Don’t be offended, Mowgli
Dash: [send her you playing a song from the jungle book because just picking up a guitar randomly from wherever you are duh, whichever one would be the easiest idk, but it should probably be bare necessities cos I feel like that’s the only one Mowgli sings on as far as I can remember? Even if you’re only doing the instrumental]
Lux: 😍😍😍
Lux: Are you meant to be giving sneak peeks before tonight?
Dash: idk I felt like you’ve been giving so much
Lux: Most people say I’m closed off
Dash: they gotta be putting their wipe out on you, cos nah
Dash: you’re open to me 🌻
Lux: It’s a learning curve
Lux: I haven’t been me for very long
Dash: jazzed to meet you
Lux: It’s mutual
Dash: it’s a learning curve rapping to someone so 🍒 & 🦊
Lux: No one makes you feel 🍒 I can tell
Dash: I’ve been in this groove for long, my jungle, y’know
Lux: It’s been a while since you had to kill any 🐅s
Dash: yeah, you get it
Lux: And you talk as old as that film
Dash: people say I’m an old soul
Lux: I see it
Dash: I 👀 you living your best, new life here in this brave, new 🌎🌍🌏
Dash: 🦁🐯 & 🐻s
Lux: I’d really, really like that
Dash: 🏡 sweet 🏡 of yours too
Dash: no place like it that film says
Lux: THAT film?
Dash: [send her the wizard of oz clip that’s like lions and tigers and bears, oh my, as you ref-ed above]
Lux: It’s so much more than just a film!
Lux: Shall we watch it so you remember that?
Dash: when?
Lux: Whenever you’re free
Dash: I’m free now
Lux: It’s nearly 2 hours long, won’t the bonfire be happening by then? Or, you’ll be needed to get firewood
Dash: I got some when I found my whittling piece
Dash: but if you’ve gotta get ready
Lux: Do I?
Dash: gimme a twirl 🩰 show me what hip creation you’re wearing today
Lux: [send him a lil self-conscious video]
Dash: you ain’t gotta do zilch 🌟
Dash: split from Hazel & come hog the 📺 with me
Lux: Who else is in there?
Dash: [tell her whoever is because peeps everywhere all the time]
Lux: They’ll all be cool?
Dash: 🧊
Lux: Okay
Dash: 👌🏽 I’m saving you a seat
Lux: Shall I find snacks?
Dash: [send her the song hungry like the wolf as a yes, a clip of them singing that bit lol]
Lux: 🥩 is off the cards
Dash: since I was [an age you’re saying you stopped eating meat even if that’s a barefaced lie, it’s giving toddler or something silly considering you’re not Amber and you don’t have those parents, you probably stole the age from her if anything, which is hilarious cos she’s out here sneakily eating meat and junk food now]
Lux: Committed
Lux: The 🐓🐣 thank you, I’m sure
Dash: lifestyle’s been mine from 👶🏽
Lux: It is pretty easy here
Dash: & the 🐓🐣 are friends of mine too
Lux: Don’t tell them I’m a 🦊
Dash: whole place knows
Lux: I don’t think so, Dash, it’s just you who says it
Dash: they’re all thinking it
Lux: I’d rather everyone was thinking that than the alternatives that seem more plausible 
Dash: they are, trust 
Lux: It’s okay if you’re just being nice, that’s still nice
Lux: You’re a sweet boy
Dash: I know everybody
Dash: you’re in a safe place
Lux: 😌
Dash: 🤗🥰
Lux: I’ve got roped into washing up… bear with
Dash: 🧼🧽 you’ve got 5, Snow White
Lux: You’d offer to help if you were concerned, Dopey 😏
Dash: princesses don’t sit on the floor
Dash: I’m keeping our seats
Lux: Do you have a bed here? 👸🏽 
Dash: I’ve got beds everywhere 🪑🛁🌳🛌🏽
Lux: That’s what I meant, yeah
Lux: I guessed the people who have been here longest had priority though…
Dash: I give mine to the youngest
Lux: That’s good, kids need stability like that
Dash: & elders but they’re rarer here
Lux: Yeah
Lux: I can’t see this being a great place for old people to be
Dash: how long’ve you been crashing with us?
Lux: [however long, probably not long at all is the vibe]
Lux: I’ve been talking to Hazel longer
Dash: she give the tour?
Lux: Sure, showed me all the work that needs to be done
Dash: scope of the sink & dirty dishes, yeah, I heard
Lux: The issues are slightly more than cosmetic 
Dash: issues? 🧦’em to me
Lux: You know, the outside, the stairs could fall through any second, all that stuff
Lux: I don’t mean personal, I’m good, grateful, like I said
Dash: it’s been standing [however long] 
Lux: Sure but nothing lasts without upkeep
Dash: [someone who calls themselves the handyman for this place but clearly doesn’t do fuck all]’s already on that 🔨🧱🧰 trip
Lux: It’s more than a one-man job, how many people live here, come on
Lux: Hazel has lots of plans though, you must know that already
Dash: I know Hazel, sure
Lux: She says the attic could be a whole two bunks, everyone could have beds
Dash: it’d be electric up that high under the 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙
Lux: Right?
Dash: a choice room, I’m stoked for you
Lux: Don’t you want a real bed too?
Dash: gonna save me one?
Lux: Well, you’d have to be in the guy’s bunk, obviously but why wouldn’t you get one, yeah
Dash: nah I crash where I fall 🍃
Lux: Oh, okay
Dash: tonight we’re in the orchard
Lux: You’re camping out? Cool
Dash: join if you want
Lux: I couldn’t but thank you for the offer, sure it’ll be awesome
Dash: couldn’t?
Lux: Yeah, you know why
Lux: I need privacy, a trusted person, safety measures
Lux: more than any normal girl
Dash: I’ll be your trusted person
Dash: there’s no plastic on me, I’m being real with you
Lux: Don’t you think that’s a lot to ask someone you’ve just met?
Dash: you’re not in a lot of danger
Lux: You say that like you don’t know what I am
Dash: nobody’s looking to hassle you 
Lux: For now, because I’m being quiet and helpful and keeping to myself and doing everything just so
Lux: that’s how it is, I don’t expect you to get that, any cis person
Dash: nah, they wouldn’t be rattled whatever, ain’t the vibe here
Lux: I can never not be careful, that’s all
Lux: It’s my responsibility, not a judgment on anyone here personally
Dash: you’re used to a bad scene
Lux: Guess we could say that
Dash: it’ll blow your mind when you let it all hang out though
Lux: That’s how it is for you? 🤯
Dash: 🤯✨🌠🎇🎆⚡️☄️🪐🌌💫🌟🌞🌝🌛🌜🌚🌱🌳🍄🌼🌻🌷
Dash: magic
Lux: You believe, don’t you, no bullshit
Dash: no fake 🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♂️🌠🧜🐚🧜🏽‍♂️🧙‍♀️🍄🧙🔮🧝‍♀️
Lux: You’re very lucky
Dash: don’t shut yours down when 🍀 brought you home & us together
Lux: Me and you?
Dash: you & everyone
Lux: Right, totally
Lux: It was entirely by chance, meeting Hazel, that is a kind of 🍀
Dash: right on
Lux: I don’t know why I thought you meant me and you, what a dumb thing to say
Dash: I’m part of it
Dash: one of everyone
Lux: 🌎🌍🌏
Dash: I don’t wanna lay a trip on a girl who just got here
Dash: sweet as she is
Lux: We can be friends
Dash: friends
Lux: 🤝
Lux: I could use all the friends I can get
Dash: beats me why you won’t come to the orchard
Lux: I can come hang, ‘til I need to crash, if that’s okay
Dash: you can crash next to me but I’ll back off & cut you some slack
Lux: Before here, I’d only ever shared a room with my brother
Dash: I’d protect you like a lil sis 
Lux: Do you have any?
Lux: I was oldest, a brother and two sisters
Dash: lost count how many 👶🏽s Caleb has
Dash: [but give it your best guess]?
Lux: That’s insane
Dash: that’s free love
Lux: The pill came with the movement for a reason
Dash: & the babes he scores with are as free to use it
Dash: like Amber must’ve
Lux: What about Amber?
Dash: she’s not showing 🤰🏽
Lux: Are you saying that your dad and Amber… Hazel’s daughter Amber?
Dash: the one & the same
Dash: the Amber
Lux: Your dad is old
Dash: age’s a number
Dash: people want who they want
Lux: Umm, woah
Dash: she made the move
Lux: I don’t think it’s your business to tell me this, I’m sure she doesn’t want everyone talking about it
Dash: we’re talking about the sexual revolution
Lux: No, you’re talking about Amber, for whatever reason
Dash: you know her I didn’t 💭 it’d be news to you
Lux: I don’t know her like that, I only just got here
Dash: 👌🏽 my bad
Lux: Y’all should start the film without me
Dash: don’t be like that
Lux: It’s fine, honestly, the cupboards are super dirty and need organising
Dash: I’ll bring people through with me to help then ✌🏽
Lux: This is really awkward
Dash: I said I was sorry
Lux: You don’t need to be sorry to me
Dash: you don’t need to be off with me but that’s the craic now
Lux: Why would you even bring that up?
Dash: idk 
Dash: like I said, I figured you knew 
Lux: Even if I did, why would we talk about it
Dash: we were rapping about my da, that’s his bag
Lux: That’s really horrible
Dash: I’m not him
Dash: I do my own thing
Lux: No, like, I’m sorry you’re around that
Dash: no 💦
Lux: It can’t feel good
Dash: he can be uncool he ain’t alone 
Lux: Parents shouldn’t be peers, that’s confusing
Dash: takes a village & I’ve got one 
Lux: Nothing can replace the real thing though, can it
Dash: chosen family is real
Lux: But it’ll never be the real one again
Dash: can be better
Lux: I don’t know how that can be true
Dash: bonds are bonds, what’s blood to do with it?
Lux: People back home know me, have known me all my life
Dash: I could know you the rest
Dash: as deep, deeper
Lux: That’s a lot of faith, that anyone will want to
Lux: blood is meant to be indisputable, you can’t help but love your family
Lux: but, here we are
Dash: anyone here would want to, I keep that faith
Lux: I’m scared I don’t belong here either
Dash: I’ve freaked you out
Lux: I’m permanently, it’s really not on you
Dash: take 5 for your cupboards
Dash: it’s been real but got heavy too
Lux: Sorry
Dash: nah, I did it
Lux: I’m heavy
Dash: you’re golden 🐥🌻🍯🌞🌝🌛🌜👼🏼🎇🎺🌟🧚🏼‍♀️⚡️👸🏼📀🔑
Lux: 🐺🕸🦈🐚🪨🐁☄️💨🎤🎧🎼🗿🛸🎡🌁💿📺📻🔩⚙️📡🔦🔭🔬🔗🧷
Lux: you
Dash: what a gas
Lux: You like emojis more than words
Dash: idk what to say sometimes
Lux: pictures say a lot
Dash: & don’t lose it til they’re rapping about downer stuff
Dash: killing the mood
Lux: Forget it happened, seriously, we’re cool
Dash: I’m not cool though
Dash: you make me not
Lux: I think you’re the coolest person I’ve ever met
Dash: 🤯😳🥵
Lux: It makes me wanna never open my mouth again, seriously
Dash: you can’t be serious
Lux: I’ve never heard anyone talk like you
Dash: you must’ve tuned out
Lux: You’re still awesome, no downer changed that
Dash: still friends?
Lux: Definitely
Dash: gonna let me squirrel into the cupboards then? 
Lux: They’re not MINE, so, yes 😳
Dash: but I only wanna help you
Dash: say yes to that
Lux: Yes
Dash: & the rest
Lux: the rest?
Dash: 📺👠🦁 & 🔥💃🏼🕺🏽 & 🌳🍎💤
Lux: Okay, yes x3
Dash: [do come and ‘help’ her with these cupboards even though you’re defs being more of a hindrance and making more mess by messing with stuff instead of cleaning it up]
Lux: [lord knows any attempt is better than the fuck all that has been done here in forever but honestly, at least the shyness this girl is experiencing will mean she is doing double the work for y’all]
Dash: [soz that he’ll make you feel more shy because can’t stop watching her do everything, by which I mean shamelessly checking her out the entire time because he thinks she’s the absolute cutest]
Lux: [very much doing the trying to look at someone without them knowing you are glances because 0 way we are directly meeting your eye right now but we can feel you watching us]
Dash: [we’ll be kind and say he’s looking away sometimes when his interest is piqued by the gross cupboard in some way/he’s attacked by an avalanche of things he then has to pick up etc etc so that she can sneak those glances, probably get a cobweb on you sir those are really sticky and take ages to get off]
Lux: [you can help him deal with that cobweb instinctively, not realising that you’re casually upping proximity and attention like that until you have, flicking your eyes up briefly and doing the smallest smile]
Dash: [the biggest smile back as he’s looking at her with what are essentially heart eyes because can’t not, the kind of laugh you do when you know this is a moment and you’re trying to put her at ease and make the vibes less !!]
Lux: [smile bigger at his smile and then fully grin at his laugh, wiping some of this cobweb onto whatever t-shirt he’s wearing, like you’re playfully pushing him back here but you’re lingering]
Dash: [we all know he’ll be getting this cobweb onto his hand and starting the softest and most flirty playfight of all time like he’s gonna wipe it on her but also like she’s the most delicate beautiful dainty girl and we absolutely can’t and will not play rough about this because gotta validate how she wants to be seen and how we clearly see her]
Lux: [heart eyes yourself as you avoid getting covered in cobwebs in the girliest way imaginable, not quite squealing because you never bring attention to yourself so it’s lowkey like a squeak]
Dash: [1000% live the cliche of getting some dirt off her cheek whether it’s really there or not, simply must because of how his fingers are basically shaking because of how gentle he’s being when he does touch her face and how much he’s holding back when he typically never does]
Lux: [closing your eyes and breathing as shakily because you know how hot your cheeks are gonna feel and you weren’t spring cleaning hard enough for that to remotely be the excuse]
Dash: [STARING at her when her eyes are closed as if she won’t feel it and you can freely be that intense in that aspect at least because whatever dirt has not come off with how lightly he brushed her face but dare not do it more dramatically and so his bright idea is to lick his finger just slightly with the tip of his tongue very quickly and re-do as if that’s any more chill purely because it’s barely wet and he hasn’t fully spat on it in a feral manner, god bless]
Lux: [your eyes SHOOTING open big and wide like he fully just licked your face but you can see his finger and what actually occurred and it’s such a childishly adorable image so you can grin at him again, even if it is a breathless and !! grin in comparison to the former ‘thanks’ as the first thing you’ve said to him out loud, though to call your quiet self-conscious voice loud is misleading]
Dash: [grin back in exactly the same way because it’s infectious and yours has all the !! and mischievousness as if she caught you in the act of doing something way worse ‘it’s chill’ which is misleading because he’s clearly the most not chill he has ever been lol]
Lux: [do that arty thing of framing his face up with your hands, squinting as you line it all up before quickly licking the tip of your thumb and as speedily swiping it across his cheek before he can catch on or stop you, taking several steps back and looking down but with a smile still ‘now we’re even’ like it is now chill even though, yeah, arguable lol]
Dash: [when you’d literally be able to see on his face, after the shock and playful oi! expression has hit and he’s grinning again, that he’s remembering she said she makes art, like yeah okay that tracks, his smile becoming more of a genuine one to mirror that as opposed to his wide grin a sec ago, giving that he’s thinking and wondering about said art as he nods to being even, technically, and then has to run a hand through his hair because it’s in his eyes and in his way] 
Lux: [shaking your head like he’s trying to show off his hair when you’ve already complimented him for it, carrying on with this cleaning/organising task but we’re noticeably less concerned with the task, completing it to a that-will-do level so you can look at him expectantly because was going to watch the film after]
Dash: [gonna say that he very half-heartedly also goes back to this cleaning task, blowing his hair out of his face as if he’s so hard done by and overworked which simply isn’t true because as she’s looking at him expectantly because she’s done he’s messing with a different cupboard and eventually opens it properly, I imagine to get out movie snacks more than to clean lbr, after ages just pissing about swinging the door open and shut, to find there are ants everywhere because ofc there are with all the open food just lying about and so instead of whatever he was gonna say in reply he pulls her behind and into him SO protectively as if these ants were gonna fly at her face and attack her and then pulls her away to the living room like omg we g2g, lowkey running away because it’s such a vibe to flee the scene romantically but also typical irresponsible him]
Lux: [thanks for giving her no time to react because not only would she scream too loudly for her liking but she’d also actually want to deal with this problem that should not just be left, trying to vocalise as much as y’all are running but you’re half laughing half out of breath more from the shock than the running, same for the permanently pink cheeks]
Dash: [sadly y’all don’t have far to run so pull her into the living room, laughing with her and grinning, obvs, but because you’ve lost your saved seats with all these cupboard shenanigans you can enjoy another cliche of having to sit somewhere together that isn’t quite big enough for you both and leaves you in such ridiculously close proximity with all the accidental knee and thigh and arm touching moments etc etc during this film, whether you’re in a beanbag or loveseat or a literal shared seat, whatever]
Lux: [shrugging your oops, sorry at him wordlessly, scrunching your face up in sympathy as if he was always the princess who could not sit on the floor because where’s the lie there, at least it’s not a long old film because you’d be DEAD if you had to sit here that long with all this closeness you’re acting like you don’t notice but clearly do because the hair on your arms is standing up and you have goosebumps all over whenever your bodies accidentally make contact, snack bag hand touch cliches to boot, why not]
Dash: [gotta shrug back as if you’re unphased and don’t mind because clearly or you’d move and sit on the floor to give her the full seat to herself but he is not that gentleman and he’s LIVING for every accidental touch, as am I because I gotta give this gal all the romcom cliches I can while I can to make up for this boy being a flop in so many ways lol, likewise acting like he is just watching this film unaffected but we all know he’s shifting in this seat to make more accidental touches happen, bonus points if it is a beanbag type thing because literally every time he moves she’d lowkey fall into him, and he’s sporadically also moving his hair out of his eyes like he did earlier as if he can’t see otherwise but that’s the same ploy, I’m sure at least a strand of it has fallen onto her somewhere accidentally on purpose because long hair is notorious for that]
Lux: [it’s cruel of us because you are thinking this is a romcom and then you’ll find out it is not and feel like a massive fool who made it all up but you know, tis the point, I’m afraid so be here having all your Moments ™ and developing a bigger crush on him by the second, it’s fine hahah]
Dash: [we are rude, especially because I know there will come a point (idk when because I haven’t seen the film) when the snacks run out and his attention span goes (even though this is a film he probably likes, he’s just that bitch) and he’s looking at her more than he is the screen, soz gal]
Lux: [me like Judy didn’t get abused for this lmao but you’ll just think it’s romantic, obviously, back to peeping at him almost like it’s a game but it isn’t, you’re truly that shy about it all, pulling this strand of hair off your clothes and tying it in a bow and untying it to do it again, repeatedly, assuming he isn’t truly paying THAT much attention to you that he’ll notice that but he clearly will hun]
Dash: [me likewise offended like just watch the film sir please but he isn’t because he’s gotta watch her do that not at all subtly and then use the v flimsy excuse of sharing some blatantly obvious piece of trivia about this film that she 10000% already knows because she’s obvs a fan and I’m talking OBVIOUS trivia here, insert my personal Junie eyeroll, to lean in and whisper in her ear, to get that close to her and tuck a strand of her own hair behind her ear, and for no other reason because there’s 0 need to whisper for anyone else’s benefit, I imagine there’s chaos surrounding y’all in this room]
Lux: [jolting back an inch or so, hair falling fully in front of her eyes, shaking your head to shake it back into place and to shh him, with wide eyes like everyone else in this room is a. Silent and b. Paying any attention to what is on this TV right now, god bless]
Dash: [giving her such an oh you look and smile, so affectionately because she’s adorable, before half-heartedly turning his attention back to the tv again his hippo self like okay I’ll be good, but within minutes this boy is here FIDGETING again on this seat even more than before, cannot keep still soz, meaning all the touches again]
Lux: [when you can’t even be mad, mainly because you’re crushing on him lbr but also because it’s not as if you’ve been able to pay any real attention to the film so you get how much harder that makes it to tune back in when you were never really there in the first place ‘you don’t have to watch this’ practically mouthed you whispered it so quietly but facing him so he’ll be able to get the gist, pulling the corner of your mouth in on itself with your canine teeth awkwardly, as if you really forced him to in the first place]
Dash: [shamelessly pretending like he did not get the gist purely as an excuse to put his ear practically against her lips like go ahead, we see you sir, we see you]
Lux: [making the near cartoonish GULP sound, suddenly SO self-conscious of even breathing never mind saying words when his ear is that close to your lips, hence it takes you a while, the cogs clearly whirring in your head for the simplest of sentences ‘we don’t have to finish watching’]
Dash: [we ALL know he’s enjoying how long this takes and the blatant effect everything he does has on her, mhmm, hence staying ridiculously close when he mouths ‘I’m hip to how it ends but that’s the grooviest part’ translation, I know how it ends but we gotta see it through because the ending slaps, whether it does or not or he’s just saying that for the cliche of giving her her own happy romcom/disney ending I’ll let you decide, I know damn well what I think the answer is]
Lux: [honestly this ending right now is going to be really upsetting in ways you haven’t thought about until you are now thinking about it like oh fuuuuuuuuuck, there’s no place like home?! How could we do this to her, honestly accidentally because you were just thinking about the technicolour of it all but now you’re like oh I don’t actually want to be sat here with these random people experiencing those kinds of emotions; run girl, some excuse of going to the bathroom thrown quietly but carelessly over your shoulder to Dash as you bolt for the exit]
Dash: wanna be followed or backed off of?
Lux: Sorry, I just realised how heavy that was going to be
Lux: I’m cool, I’m just taking some quiet, we’re good
Dash: not 🧠 surgery why you split 
Dash: but take 5 more & I’ll hit you up later
Lux: I’m really sorry, I was having a nice time with you
Dash: there’ll be others
Lux: I’m not like…
Lux: a total wreck
Dash: you’re not in the zone yet either though
Lux: yeah, it’s fresh
Dash: 🌱
Dash: don’t grab for 🌈 cos you’re colouring me gone without 🌷🌹🌼🌻 I’m around
Lux: You’re so cool
Dash: you’ve given me time to find the threads & ✨🎀 to be
Lux: You saved me from bug bites, that could make us equal
Dash: 🐜🐜🐜🐜
Dash: they dig you too, I get it, but I’ve never had to be jealous of no ants before, be a trip
Lux: They dig all the crumbs 🍯 talker
Dash: they’d score a bigger rush from you
Lux: Where’d you learn all this?
Dash: all ??
Lux: You know what
Dash: I know I’m not scamming
Lux: I didn’t accuse you of that
Lux: this is just how you are, all the time
Dash: I don’t meet girls like you all the time
Lux: I see
Dash: you feel it
Lux: I don’t know what this is
Dash: chemistry
Lux: What are you? 
Lux: 🤦‍♀️ like, how do you identify
Dash: what you 👀 is who I am
Lux: It’s okay if you don’t know
Dash: I’m with it
Lux: You’re so vague sometimes
Dash: idk what you’re asking
Lux: If you’re straight or gay or something between
Dash: labels are your 👜🎒 huh?
Lux: Labels keep people like me safe
Dash: hurting you ain’t my action
Dash: but if you need somewhere to put me ~
Lux: Alright, that’s all I was asking
Dash: I’m about the energy, if we vibe 
Dash: 🐥 or 🐈 or whatever, all the animals
Lux: Cool
Dash: yours is
Lux: I’m the least cool person to exist, I’m pretty sure
Dash: nah you’re the most
Lux: I do not feel it now
Dash: bonfire’s a reset, we’ll meet again
Lux: You think I’ll just click into place this time?
Dash: being in the same place’s enough for me
Lux: There’s lots else to do and see
Dash: yeah
Lux: Everyone here is so interesting to look at
Dash: you’re still the most
Lux: Do you have a partner right now?
Dash: I love the words you rap with
Lux: If I’d said boyfriend/girlfriend you’d say oh so the binary is your bag
Dash: the binary is your bag 🦊
Lux: It sounds very accusing 🐺
Dash: nah, I’m hip to that, I’m a boy 💙
Lux: It’s not like I’m phobic
Lux: that would be ridiculous, I’m just a girl and I’ve only ever liked boys before
Dash: I’ve only ever been a boy, it’s cool if you like me
Lux: We’re friends, we already decided that
Dash: just friends?
Lux: Friends means I like you
Dash: 👌🏽
Lux: And you like me?
Dash: before I scoped you out in the kitchen even
Lux: That’s the look
Lux: but I guess we don’t know each other much better than yet
Dash: I wanna get to
Lux: I would like that too
Dash: we’ll be tight by the AM
Lux: Can you see the 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙 through the 🌳s?
Dash: I’ll show you everything there’s to 👀 through the 🌳s
Lux: I’m looking forward to it
Dash: new heights
Dash: & branches’ll be more laid back to share than [wherever they were sat]
Lux: You won’t rock me out this time?
Dash: I didn’t that time
Lux: Felt like you were trying to
Dash: beats me how anybody wouldn’t be amped up to move closer to you
Lux: You’re 🐒
Dash: I feel it
Dash: 🐒 like outta control
Lux: You’re completely in control though
Dash: tell my 💓
Lux: Woah
Dash: can’t blow your mind you’re a babe
Lux: Shh, you’re ridiculous
Dash: cut me some slack I’m 😍
Lux: I’ve never seen eyes like yours
Dash: that why you can’t look in ‘em?
Lux: Only partly
Dash: no biggie, I’ll look into yours til you’re there
Lux: I don’t know how to be like you
Dash: keep being yourself
Lux: I’ve only kissed one boy
Dash: kissing [however many, I honestly dread to think because that’s mostly what you’ve been doing at this age, kissing and touching] girls don’t mean I wouldn’t be 🤯😳🥵 to kiss you
Dash: that’s fresh
Lux: What if I mess that up too?
Dash: we’d try it again, unless you didn’t wanna
Lux: I’d want to hide under a rock, may have to run away, again
Dash: gotta climb down a 🌳 to jet
Lux: You’ve made it sound like a plan
Dash: cos I can’t quit 💭 about kissing you
Lux: Aren’t other people going to be there?
Dash: not in our 🌳 
Lux: No one will see?
Dash: I’ll 🐒 so you’re covered, if we’re spied on they’ll only see me
Dash: & ⭐️🌙⭐️
Lux: I will have to think about it more 
Lux: but that means you can keep thinking about it too
Dash: 💭🐥🌻🍯🌞🌝🌛🌜👼🏼🎇🎺🌟🧚🏼‍♀️⚡️👸🏼📀🔑💭
Dash: you’re a song playing on repeat in my head
Lux: It would sound like I was just copying the movie to say everything else looks 🖤🤍 right now but…
Dash: it’s the mood
Lux: What kind of thing will people be wearing to the bonfire?
Dash: 🧚🏼‍♀️🪐🩳🧙‍♀️🩰🌻👗👖👼🏽👒🩱👠👑🌌👩🏼‍🎤🥻👸🏾👚🌼👙🦚🦋👢🌈🧜🏻‍♀️🦄🌷✨
Dash: free expression
Lux: 💭🤔
Dash: bring technicolour back
Lux: Oz over Kansas
Dash: be where you are
Lux: It’s another vague brief but I’ll see what I can do
Dash: you’ve got this 👩🏼‍🎨🧵
Lux: I don’t want to be overdressed but it sounds like that’s not possible
Dash: [send her a selfie of you dressing up in as much of those emoji vibes as possible, like a kid raiding a dressing up box and putting on everything lol, not as your finished lewk which we know is gonna be pink and girlie but just for funsies]
Lux: Where did you find all that?
Lux: ✨ the kids will be so mad at you 😅
Dash: [a video of this rabble of kids loling and helping him get dressed in all this and also getting dressed up themselves cos they are clearly his silly besties and have been helping him]
Lux: Sweet 🍧🍨🍦🧁🍰🍭🍬🍫🍩🍪🍯
Dash: how old’s your brother & sisters?
Dash: if the question’s not a drag
Lux: [so we have a sister that is closest in age, giving a year, 18 months apart, then your other sister is giving 3 or 4 years younger than you and then your brother is the youngest probably 5 to 6 years younger]
Dash: were you tight, y’know, before?
Lux: Perfect family, yeah, 2 of each
Lux: I messed up the ratio, the image
Dash: nah 3:1
Dash: & they’ve still got their 💙
Lux: That isn’t how it went
Dash: that bummer’s why you’re here
Lux: For now
Dash: now’s good
Lux: Now is where you always focus, no need to say
Dash: now’s where we met
Lux: No moment is guaranteed, I know
Dash: tonight’s guaranteed far out, trust
Lux: Is Amber coming?
Dash: search me
Lux: Oh, well
Dash: we’ll have a blast
Dash: Amber or no Amber
Lux: Of course, she’s the only other kid our age I vaguely know, that’s why I asked it
Dash: I’ll hook you up with intros, I said so
Lux: I’m nervous
Dash: they’ll dig you & I’ll protect you, like the 🐜s
Lux: What if they want to bite me too?
Dash: that’d eat at me
Dash: but you’re a catch, best thing since 🍞
Lux: Not how I meant it and you know it 😳
Lux: but you’re popular, if I’m with you, people should be pleasant
Dash: 🤴🏽👸🏼
Lux: Hmm, let’s not get carried away…
Dash: I’m not full of it, you’ve got the 👸🏼 look
Lux: That would be quite the costume choice
Dash: you’d be choice in a 👑 babe
Lux: You’ve got all the dressing up on your body, last I saw
Dash: I’ll take it off for you
Lux: You’re terrible! 
Dash: [send her a pic of this crown wherever you’ve left it]
Lux: 🗺 ✖
Dash: 🏴‍☠️🧭
Lux: That seems more legit for you, yes
Dash: you’re a trip
Lux: You’re a pirate
Dash: 🦜 would be a killer pet, I’d dig it
Lux: You could teach it all your old man talk
Dash: old man’s boyfriend in my talk
Dash: 🦜 making a move on you’d be worse 💔 than 🐜s, real uncool of a friend
Lux: It could only mimic what you teach 
Lux: maybe someone can train the ants 🎪
Dash: I can 🤹🏽‍♂️
Lux: Can you do it with 🗡s?
Dash: find [however many he’d need to juggle idk] & I’ll give it a shot
Lux: Someone’d lose an eye before you lost a finger, probably
Dash: you want a pirate, hook hand’s the deal
Lux: When did I say I wanted a pirate? 😏
Dash: when you said 👌🏽 x 3 📺👠🦁 & 🔥💃🏼🕺🏽 & 🌳🍎💤
Lux: Is okay the same as wanting
Dash: don’t you want me?
Lux: You can’t just ask that
Dash: why?
Lux: Okay, you can’t ask and expect an answer
Lux: that’s too much
Dash: that’s an answer
Lux: I can’t be like you, the people you’ve kissed before
Dash: I’m not asking you to be like nobody else
Lux: You are, free, easygoing
Lux: I’ve never been that, wouldn’t know how
Dash: you know we’ve got something
Lux: I know what you look like
Dash: hang a mirror in the attic when Hazel gives the go ahead
Lux: Everything about you is effortless
Dash: everything about you’s more electric than 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙
Lux: I want to look in your eyes
Dash: yours are like jumping into a river
Lux: Feeling like I could drown is exactly how it feels
Dash: floating ain’t drowning, that’s how I want you to feel
Lux: like in your song, Mowgli
Dash: like I’ve got you & 0’s too deep
Lux: You’re a good friend, I think
Lux: I only had the couple, none now
Dash: pick a number & that’s how many you can have here
Lux: 🤞
Dash: it’s in motion
Dash: first me, then everyone
Lux: First you
Dash: let me stay high for a sec before you cut me low for the others
Lux: Do you think that’s what I’ll do?
Dash: there’s loads of 🐥 & 🐈s doing beautiful things
Lux: Aren’t you too
Dash: I help keep things running smooth but idk if it’s more than that
Lux: If that’s what you want to do, what makes you happy
Dash: the way I was travelling through before today was a straight line but you’ve got me twisted
Lux: I don’t want to 🌀 you
Dash: I’m bent like 🌱🌿🌹🌼🌻🌷 to your ☀️
Lux: Woah, wow 🥺
Lux: You could be a poet
Dash: I know you’re poetry in motion & we ain’t even danced yet
Lux: Will you cover me again?
Dash: totally
Lux: I can’t handle anyone else’s eyes on me if yours are
Dash: beats me how you’re gonna make friends cos my eyes won’t go nowhere else now
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
Ruster pt.2
Buster: It would be seriously cruel of me to wait until we’re alone to touch you when we’ve talked about what everyone knowing you’re mine means to you and how closely you want to be kept
Buster: whilst we’re sitting with my parents, I’ll make sure we’re no more than [the length of his longest finger like when he told her his dick measurement because again just saying he’ll be inside her all the time, this time via fingering under the table] inches apart at the most
Buster: [and then because he is a big nerd doing some maths of his own about it, here measuring the exact length of every finger he is gonna use and adding them together and finding an average or something idk, you know what I mean, it’s shamelessly an excuse to give her all the reminders of earlier and how he’s gonna touch her when he finally can but writing it down as a sum with all his working out and everything so she can follow his thinking exactly]
Rio: 😳😳😳 I feel so
Rio: Why would you do this to me?
Rio: I can barely be quiet here alone, and you think I can in front of your parents, fuck 😿
Buster: What do I always say? Practice makes perfect, baby
Buster: if you can do it now, you’ll be able to do it then
Rio: I’ll need to
Rio: [whatever lesson you’re in] is as deadly silent as it is boring
Buster: Think about the length of my tongue and how it’ll feel inside of you when we’re finally alone and you’re lying on top of the same table
Rio: You can’t think about anything else 
Buster: It’s an obsession
Rio: Yours
Buster: Mine
Rio: My hands should be in your hair right now, that’s mine, how unfairly beautiful you are
Buster: We’ll share each others once they’ve been allowed to happen
Rio: I want to share everything with you
Buster: You know I won’t hesitate to give you everything you want
Rio: I know
Rio: The issue is knowing when to stop asking
Buster: That’s simple, don’t ever stop
Rio: You say that now
Buster: I’m not going to change my mind
Rio: I’m scared that you will
Buster: Well, I’ll prove to you that isn’t true
Rio: You don’t have to
Rio: There has to be space for either of us to change our minds
Buster: Not about something that fundamental, I’d become a different person
Rio: Aren’t you scared?
Buster: There’s nothing to be scared of, if something goes wrong again, I’ll find a solution, that’s what I do
Rio: Basically every example you gave had things go wrong, for years at a time sometimes
Rio: I don’t know if I can handle it, letting you go
Buster: We aren’t letting each other go, no matter what
Rio: Do you mean it
Rio: will you mean it when you’re in America? [however many miles it is] away from me?
Buster: If I go to America, you can hold me to it even harder because I’ll mean it more
Rio: I don’t want to be crazy but I feel it
Buster: What you are is in love
Rio: I know 
Rio: I know because nothing else is registering, this lesson, what’s being said by my friends, or by everyone else, even
Buster: I can’t concentrate either, and you know how unlike me that is
Rio: Do you want to? 
Rio: I’ll find a way to resist messaging you until your next break
Buster: No, I want to focus on you until you’re here with me and I really can
Rio: You have changed
Buster: I haven’t, you just didn’t know how much time or attention I devoted to you before 
Rio: Well, I do think it’s pretty rude of you not to have told me
Buster: I told you as soon as I could
Rio: Just saying, there’s so much time to be made up for
Buster: Yeah, I’ve said it too
Rio: This half-term is a start
Buster: Tell me how long we have again
Rio: [do in every measurement of time you can break it into]
Buster: You’re incredible
Rio: I want you for [and pop off with infinity maths nerdiness, you know the vibe because forever]
Rio: All your seconds
Buster: They’re all yours
Rio: You are
Buster: I am
Rio: No one else's
Buster: I wouldn’t dare and couldn’t be dared
Rio: You can’t want anyone else, it’s impossible
Buster: I never have, not for a second
Rio: Neither have I, never will
Buster: You’re all I want, I’ll keep repeating myself until you’re not scared
Rio: All I’m scared of is that one day not being true
Rio: I could never be scared of this, it’s so mutual, this want
Buster: You still believe I’ll get bored of you, could fall out of this, but that’s impossible, you said it yourself
Rio: I know that life can throw things out that we can’t expect to see coming at our age
Buster: Life already did and we’re closer not further apart
Rio: And I hope that’s what happens every time
Buster: Share my faith that it will, you want us to share everything
Rio: My nan would love you
Rio: but okay, I will
Buster: Good
Buster: because I love you
Rio: I love you, Buster
Buster: And I miss you so much
Rio: I know, but I like missing you with you much more than missing you alone
Buster: Me too, even though shared means it should be halved, but in fact it feels doubled, if anything
Rio: We’re finally acknowledging it, before, we could lie to each other, everyone else, it at least works partially on ourselves too
Buster: We let ourselves properly feel this, no holds barred
Rio: Missing you still feels better than the alternative of ignoring you, a hundred times over
Buster: No going back, you could barely ignore me before, you’d have no hope now
Rio: Um, you were actively trying to get my attention, excuse you
Buster: I always will be, including in the hypothetical rewind
Rio: You’re pretty worthy of attention, honestly
Buster: Thankfully, as I badly need yours
Rio: You’ve had it all your life, who else can say that’s true
Buster: A hundred lives wouldn’t be enough
Rio: You’re being poetic again, I already need you
Buster: I can’t help how true it is
Rio: I’ll be yours in every lifetime, I promise
Buster: If you’re as flawless in every one as you are in this, you have to
Rio: I’ll find you
Rio: we’re born to always be connected, however that happens to be, I believe that
Buster: So do I, I’d fight for you
Rio: You already are, against what everyone wants
Buster: I don’t regret anything, remember that
Rio: I’d do it all again, no matter what
Buster: We will, every life, like you promised
Rio: Even if we were twins, you’re my soulmate before you’re anything else
Buster: I wish could swap you for her, for longer than [however long they have]
Rio: Me too, I used to be so jealous of how close I thought you were, ‘til I quickly realised you weren’t
Buster: It took me ages after we moved here to rid myself of that association, everyone assumed we were
Rio: It’s usually not the case, the girls aren’t
Rio: we would be but we’re special
Buster: Ours would, they’d be special as well
Rio: They’d learn from the best
Rio: we’d all be the closest
Buster: We’d all be perfect
Rio: I need to give you so many babies
Rio: the most perfect family
Buster: I need to give them to you
Rio: Waiting will be sweet agony
Buster: We’ll practise a lot
Rio: It’s necessary 
Buster: We want to do it right, after all
Rio: Perfect, like you said
Buster: I like our odds
Rio: Me too
Rio: I just understand why everyone struggled to wait before us
Buster: What you said about things not being easy but being doable for us nevertheless applies here, yeah
Rio: We’ve waited this long for this part, there’s no rushing
Buster: I’d hate to, you should be savoured, every part of this with you
Rio: We’ll learn how together
Buster: You’re the only person who’s managed to teach me some patience thus far 
Rio: I’ll take it 🤓
Buster: You’re supposed to tell me what I’ve taught you
Rio: Oh, hmm
Rio: You might have to wait a minute 
Buster: I see, you’re testing what I said a minute ago
Rio: That and the list would take me too long to write, obviously
Buster: You’re obviously not writing what you’re meant to be, go ahead
Rio: Of course you want it unabridged 
Buster: I’ll wait
Rio: Now you’re being kinda hot
Rio: definitely hotter than [your actual teacher right now lol]
Buster: That’s definitely the most backhanded compliment you’ve ever paid me
Rio: You don’t know, maybe [teacher] is extremely attractive but still no match for you
Buster: Are they?
Rio: No, sadly not but the sentiment is still there
Buster: Don’t be too sad about it or I’ll get jealous and possessive as my sentiments
Rio: How terrible
Buster: For [this poor teacher lol]
Rio: 😍
Buster: Future lawyers know better than to incriminate themselves, but you know me, use your imagination
Rio: You know me and my imagination
Buster: Intimately 
Rio: You’ve taught me what that actually feels like
Rio: not forced and pretend
Buster: I’d put that pretty high on my own list of things you’ve taught me, maybe at the very top
Rio: It’s a good one
Rio: I feel different for knowing, but in a good way
Buster: We’re only changing in the best ways
Rio: Promise that’s true?
Buster: Worse isn’t an option, ever
Rio: It could be, so easily
Buster: I swear, I won’t let it be
Rio: Thanks
Buster: You don’t need to thank me, babe, you’re doing the same for me
Rio: I feel closer to the edge of complete fucking mess than you, babe but
Rio: Yeah, of course I swear too
Buster: Right now, but as you’ve pointed out plenty of times, we can’t be completely sure what the future holds, my turn could be coming next
Buster: and as I’ve pointed out, I need you regardless
Rio: But I only want you to think I’m incredible 
Rio: I only want to be perfect for you
Buster: Which is what I do think, Rio
Buster: you’re the furthest from being a mess, you’re holding it together when many others in your position would’ve folded and given up
Buster: you’re such a strong and resilient person, I want you to realise that
Rio: I wish I felt that, felt strong
Rio: if anyone could make me, it would be you 
Rio: I just don’t know if it’s possible right now
Buster: It’s okay, trust me, that I know you and I see things in you that you don’t, it’s something else you already do for me and can be mutual for us
Rio: I see you, you see me, that’s true, always has been
Rio: I somehow feel exposed and invisible to everyone here now, my name is only brought up with theirs 
Buster: In London everyone’ll be staring at you for the right reasons, all they’ll know is how beautiful you are, maybe they’ll be wondering where they’ve seen you, but that’s because your likeness belongs in a gallery on a wall or as a statue
Buster: and they’ll only hear your name the way I say it
Rio: Even your compliments are refined
Rio: How do you come up with this stuff?
Buster: It comes from you, I’m stating the facts, that’s all
Rio: You’re my favourite nerd
Buster: I’ll take it
Rio: You’ve heard the rest
Buster: Have I?
Rio: Okay, not everything but haven’t I complimented you a lot in the past [however many hours you’ve been together]?
Buster: You do the maths, you’re very good at it
Rio: I’m hearing no amount of compliments is enough for you, I understand
Buster: Other people can stop, but not you
Rio: I can’t stop
Buster: Don’t
Rio: I never will
Buster: Promise
Rio: You deserve constant praise, I mean that and swear to treat you exactly how I should for our whole lives
Buster: I really hope you put that in your bath vows
Rio: As you like it, of course
Rio: I’ll make a shortlist instead of doing [whatever lesson you’re in]
Buster: I’ll write mine in the margins of [whatever expensive af textbook you have for your lesson because love to put things in books clearly we remember that with the childhood photo]
Rio: I’ll get to spend even more time in your mind
Buster: Even [whichever lesson you hate the most] will be bearable
Rio: The time is going to fly by
Buster: And soon you’ll be flying to me
Rio: It seems crazy that everyone thinks it’s such a good idea, that I’m allowed
Buster: Of course they do, it is such a good idea
Rio: As far as they’re aware, sure
Buster: As far as we’re concerned too though
Rio: We’ve got the full picture
Buster: So do they, like I’ve said before, they see what they want to
Rio: It is obvious I’m not going for Nance right now
Buster: You should hate her, from a POV as detached as theirs that’s apparent
Rio: Hate might be strong but her lack of tact is known, before this even, it’s not a reach to imagine how she’s being
Buster: Going to her birthday party as though she isn’t tactless and self-centred would be more inappropriate than anything we’re going to do
Rio: I hope not, like
Buster: You know what I mean, nothing about this is a mistake and that would be
Rio: You want me to say how right it is
Buster: You have, but I’m not opposed to hearing it again, obviously
Rio: Nothing or nobody else makes sense for me, we’re a perfect match
Buster: Perfect isn’t the word, we do need a stronger one
Rio: Soulmates
Buster: Yeah
Rio: We need a stronger word than yeah, definitely
Buster: Well, that depends how I’m saying it
Rio: Go on then
Buster: [do such an indecent voice note about this, I hope you’ve gone somewhere where there isn’t a class full of peeps in earshot, knowing you probably the corridor outside of it because you have no patience or chill lol]
Rio: 😍😍😍
Rio: IOU a truth or dare
Buster: Save yours for the plane
Rio: Don’t forget
Rio: You do need to keep me entertained the entire hour and 25
Buster: You could nap, you owe me one of those, remember
Rio: Now?
Buster: I was thinking to kill 25 minutes of the flight, but I suppose you have more time to kill now
Rio: Why do you want me to nap so bad?
Buster: You hardly slept
Rio: I’ve had worse nights sleep
Rio: I promise I’m fine
Buster: Not since you’ve been my girlfriend
Rio: You’re the most loving
Buster: I’m responsible for looking after you
Rio: When am I meant to stop getting turned on by it? Because I never want to
Buster: Also never
Rio: Even when you’re a real daddy?
Buster: Especially then
Rio: I’ll only share you with our kids
Buster: I’ll only make you share with them
Rio: Mine first
Buster: And always
Rio: Did you keep my picture as your background?
Buster: [show her that you have because ofc you have]
Rio: The idea of that being seen over your shoulder 🥴
Buster: I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas about the photos we can take together
Rio: We need some updated ones, to go with [your fave childhood ones you’ve mentioned]
Buster: That’s a nice thought, recreating that one when I’m back in Dublin for your birthday
Rio: We have to
Buster: Don’t worry, I’ve made a mental note 
Rio: I’ll recreate my outfit
Buster: Your mum probably still has it stored somewhere
Rio: God, probably…
Buster: Whereas, mine definitely doesn’t
Rio: I bet you still have something near identical in your big size though
Rio: you haven’t changed
Buster: My impeccable style has no need to
Rio: Nor your cute face
Buster: You want me to be red-faced in [whatever lesson he is in], but that’s something I can only do in front of you
Rio: 🤐 promise
Buster: Unlikely, unless you are planning to go to sleep
Rio: Cheek!
Buster: I love it about you
Rio: You don’t think I’m like your sister, do you
Buster: Christ no, that comparison couldn’t be further from what I think
Rio: I’m never speaking for the sake of it, especially not with you
Buster: Every word you say, or type, is worth listening to, and I want to be the person who is
Buster: first, like you said
Rio: I love you, talking with you
Buster: When was the last time we talked in person?
Rio: Summer? Maybe?
Rio: Not enough in forever
Buster: I owe you so many conversations
Rio: It’s mutual
Rio: all the minutes wasted stopping myself and hanging back from approaching you 
Buster: Do the maths for me
Rio: Tell me how high up the list of obsessions it is first
Buster: You know how obsessed I am with this
Rio: [do try and work it out from all the angles you could because giving how much you wanted to talk to him and how restrained you were this whole time etc, obsessed is certainly the vibe however you look at it]
Buster: Fuck
Buster: you truly never disappoint
Rio: Thinking about how long we’ve wanted and waited is another obsession
Rio: the answers come easy, honestly
Buster: Almost as easily as the solutions have and will
Rio: We both know what a good idea it is
Buster: I’ve got what I’m going to do to you down to a fine art
Rio: You’ve thought about it for so long, every way you can have me
Buster: Over and over, as if I’m incapable of having any other thoughts
Rio: That’s how it feels, once I let myself go there, I don’t know when I’ll be able to stop
Buster: I forget where I am, who I’m with, how much time has passed, everything
Rio: We’ve already seen the sun come up together so many nights 
Buster: Which is just as well, because the last time I can be certain I’ll notice anything else is [the night before she arrives]
Rio: We don’t need to, we need to be together
Buster: I need to look at you for hours
Rio: I want to memorise you, every second
Buster: Commit me to memory, I want us to commit to each other in every possible way there is
Rio: I want that too, badly
Buster: Write my name on you again
Rio: [do that, somewhere you can cover with your skirt but get to right now without fully flashing so it’s at danger of peeking out at any moment lowkey more than if you left the room and did it somewhere really private]
Buster: [likewise do hers, I’m imagining on his wrist cos we know how this boy feels about a wrist grab being a child of baze, so that it’s covered by his shirt sleeve but is in the same danger of peeking out because they love it, deliberately using a pen with more staying power than the fountain pen he used before to match the temporary lipstick vibe cos gotta see how long we can keep this]
Rio: I’m going to look so obsessed with myself, going between staring at my own thighs to my name on you 
Buster: You should be obsessed with yourself as well as with me
Rio: You’re always number one to me
Buster: Make me happy by validating my great taste then, love yourself as much as I love you
Rio: You’ll make me blush
Buster: Look at yourself once you do and that’ll prove my point
Rio: I don’t not like myself, it’s just complicated right now
Buster: I know, but I’m determined to uncomplicate it
Rio: I’ll let you
Buster: You won’t regret anything you let me do
Rio: You know there are no limits
Buster: The only rules are the ones we decide together
Rio: We’re 👑
Buster: Exactly, I told you, it’s simple
Buster: you’re royalty, treat yourself like that
Rio: I feel better for having your name on me
Buster: Wait a few years and you can have my name permanently on you
Rio: How will we ever decide where to put it permanently though
Buster: By putting it everywhere in pen until then and seeing how each place feels
Rio: How it makes you feel, that’s what I care about
Buster: I’ll show you
Rio: [drawing a B on your hand and doing lovey-dovey doodles]
Buster: [sending her a selfie of his heart eyes as if he isn’t in class lol, defs doing it so she can also see her name peeping out on his arm]
Rio: [change your background to that picture immediately and show him]
Buster: I’ve never smiled in [this lesson] before
Rio: That makes me happy, I want to make you smile everywhere
Buster: You’ll completely ruin my reputation, babe
Rio: You did say you were ready for that
Buster: I feel ready
Rio: I’m prepared to be yours in secret if we change our minds
Buster: I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you, as a secret or not
Rio: Exactly
Rio: don’t think I’ll leave if everything doesn’t go exactly as we’ve said, because I won’t, the reality is more important, whatever it is
Buster: The reality is, I love you and I want this, us
Rio: I love you
Rio: the only thing standing in our way is other people but we can only pretend they don’t exist for so long
Buster: And those people can only stand in our way for so long
Rio: Your friends know how to overstay a welcome
Rio: but they should be so out of it you won’t need to be shy about it
Buster: I know how to make someone feel unwelcome, if you want them to leave rather than stay for how bold I am
Rio: I’m not scared
Buster: You’re a brave girl
Rio: Your brave girl
Rio: who makes no promises of being able to leave you alone
Buster: You promised not to leave my side
Rio: I can’t, I need to celebrate with you
Buster: And I need to celebrate you more than I do my birthday
Rio: It doesn’t bother me at all what your friends think, you’re my boyfriend
Buster: They’re barely my friends, their opinions don’t matter
Rio: I’m only slightly concerned that Nance won’t be as drunk as we think, that’s it
Buster: Think of as many drinking games as you can, I’ll do the same
Rio: I’d feel bad, if it wasn’t what she wanted
Buster: Keep in mind her lack of sympathy for you or your family
Rio: I am, she’s getting blackout
Buster: And sleeping it off in [whichever room in the baze gaff is the furthest from his but still somewhere he could feasibly leave a drunk Nancy]
Rio: Then I get you, all to myself
Buster: Finally
Rio: The others were always there, it’s never been just us
Buster: Rewriting it in my head could only achieve so much
Rio: Because everyone knows, what’s going to happen the second we are, it’s always been this way
Buster: Inevitable
Rio: No one is getting between us this time
Buster: We’ve planned for all eventualities, learnt lessons from each of those frustrating previous times
Rio: I can’t care, how I did, I can’t pretend that I’d stop for anyone
Rio: Only you can tell me no at this point
Buster: I’m only going to tell you yes
Rio: Even if I want to touch you right back under that table with your parents?
Buster: Emphatically if that’s what you want to do
Rio: I can’t let you just get me off when I know you’ll be aching too
Buster: Maybe I’ll get used to it once I’ve sat at this desk all day
Rio: I should be under it
Buster: You’re small enough to fit perfectly
Rio: I would stay there all day, I’m serious about how much I would love nothing more
Buster: You love to be hidden in plain sight
Rio: I know how happy it would make you, I can imagine your face perfectly
Buster: I can imagine yours, happy isn’t the word
Rio: My mouth would be too busy to smile, it might be an obsession 
Buster: Your eyes would, I’d have to change my phone background immediately
Rio: You know I’d have never looked better, happier
Buster: Neither of us have known happiness like that yet
Rio: But we’re going to know it every day
Buster: I refuse to let you go to bed upset like last night
Rio: You’re responsible, my favourite man
Buster: You’re precious to me
Rio: I’m your baby
Buster: Until you give me one
Rio: But after too, your biggest and most jealous
Buster: You said you’d share, no jealousy
Rio: Fine, no jealousy, just feed me your cum whilst you feed our baby
Buster: Going from princess to queen isn’t something to pout about
Rio: You have to love me most your whole life, I belong to you
Buster: My whole life will revolve around you, you’ll have given most of it to me
Rio: I’ll follow you, to America, I’d follow you anywhere
Buster: America’s just a possibility, you’re not
Rio: I’m sorry for last night, just let me say it because I am, I freaked out because it’s so clear what I want
Buster: I understand, I’ve been there myself 
Rio: It’s bound to happen, who wouldn’t worry when they know that they’d be so fucking happy shackled to their cousin’s bed if that’s what he needed
Buster: It’s a lot to want, but you don’t need to worry, you know that now
Rio: I meant that, I’m not scared, of you, of this
Rio: You love me, the only thing to be really scared of was that not being true
Buster: As soon as I knew what love meant, I knew I loved you
Rio: I’ve been yours since that moment, I knew I could rely on you like I couldn’t my other daddy
Buster: He doesn’t deserve to be called that
Rio: I know, old habits
Buster: If I ever hurt you like he does, I’d hurt myself way worse somehow
Rio: I never want you hurt
Buster: Then I better not let you down
Rio: You’re incapable, I swear, you love me too much
Buster: Yeah, I do, I swear
Rio: I want it to be our 18th, now
Buster: I’d marry you now, you’d have no time to plan anything
Rio: Our school shirts are white, what else do we need?
Buster: Mine won’t be if I bite my lip as hard as that idea makes me need to
Rio: If it were the olden days, I’d have to bleed for you
Rio: and everyone would agree I’m your rightful bride
Buster: Everyone would be stood around the bed watching you not bleed because of how much you want me
Rio: Imagine how they’d go and copy what we did, how many people we would have cumming
Buster: How many babies would be born
Rio: Our family even bigger, all because of us
Buster: I don’t think anyone else could actually copy a single thing you do though, not really
Rio: That’s why you want me, no mistresses
Buster: I’d send them all away
Rio: They can watch, only as punishment
Buster: Very fitting
Rio: Clean me up, not you
Buster: Why am I being punished by not being the one to clean you up?
Rio: You made the mess, you’re king, you don’t have to
Buster: But I do have to
Rio: You should be here when I get up
Rio: I know this chair is going to need licking clean
Buster: I’m jealous of whoever sits in it after you, they don’t even realise yet how lucky they are
Rio: You want me to leave it? 
Buster: As the alternative is me getting on a flight and telling you not to move a muscle before the plane lands, which I unfortunately can’t
Rio: I’ll let you clean my dining room chair before you put me on the table
Buster: Promise not to fall off while I’m busy
Rio: I’ll be mesmerized, easy promise
Buster: I’ll hold you still, I’m never that busy
Rio: You’re going to make sure you get every last drop
Buster: Of course, every drop is mine
Rio: You’re such a cumslut, I am obsessed
Buster: I don’t share my toys and you’re my favourite
Rio: You never have to share me again
Buster: You know I won’t, anyone who looks at you for too long at the party is dead to me
Rio: 🥰
Rio: You’ll have to check alone because I’m not looking away from you
Buster: You can watch what happens to them by staring into my eyes
Rio: That’s the hottest and most romantic thing you’ve said simultaneously 
Buster: It would kill me to deny you anything
Rio: You would never, you could barely keep to it when that was the unspoken agreement 
Buster: That bullshit was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do
Rio: Hard agree
Buster: Tell me how many hours we have left, because this waiting game honestly feels like a ridiculously close second
Rio: [tell him] 🙄 
Rio: How do we usually go months? I’ve forgotten every trick I knew to make it okay
Buster: I’ll think of new tricks, you’ll be okay
Rio: Will I?
Buster: I’ll make sure you are
Rio: Okay
Buster: And you’ll make me proud
Rio: Shh
Buster: Absolutely not
Rio: Have you gotten any work done today?
Buster: My work’ll all get done
Rio: Hmm, not an answer
Buster: You don’t need to worry about me, there’s your answer
Rio: You worry about me, isn’t it meant to be mutual?
Buster: Come on, I’m going to be offered admission to Harvard, school isn’t a concern 
Rio: That’s years away, nothing is guaranteed, boy 
Buster: I’ll guarantee it with years of hard work and good grades
Rio: Good, then I don’t need to worry, do I
Buster: I told you
Rio: Don’t be a know-it-all
Buster: Don’t be rude
Rio: You’re ruder
Buster: I am not
Rio: You are
Rio: What about my work? You’ve not even asked
Buster: Because we’ve already discussed priorities, I trust you to behave, in school or anywhere else, with or without me
Buster: I don’t call you my angel for no reason
Rio: You haven’t called me that in ages
Rio: Far too long, in fact 
Buster: Do your work and I won’t have a choice but to
Rio: 😒 FINE 
Rio: I don’t know where I am though, just with you
Buster: If you can’t follow the lesson, I’ll help you with your homework later
Rio: I’m not surprised that’s a fantasy you have 
Buster: Don’t you want to study with me?
Rio: Didn’t say that
Buster: Say you do
Rio: Of course I do
Rio: you’re one of the smartest people I know
Buster: You’re one of the smartest people I know
Rio: It’ll be easy work for us
Buster: Easy isn’t the word
Rio: What is
Buster: Perhaps I’ll write you a list
Rio: Perhaps you ought to focus on tutoring me
Buster: Okay, tell me the last thing you remember being able to focus on from this class
Rio: 😶
Buster: Come on, there must be something
Rio: Haven’t we been talking this entire time? You come on
Buster: I’m flattered
Rio: As you should be
Rio: don’t worry, nothing important is being learnt, I can tell that much from everyone else
Buster: I’ll teach you everything you need to know anyway
Rio: We can make time to do all the work you need, within reason, of course
Buster: Nothing unreasonable, this is your holiday
Rio: Our birthday
Buster: Yeah
Rio: Let’s do everything together, whatever mundane everyday thing we can think of
Buster: I can’t think of a single thing that wouldn’t be better done with you
Rio: It’ll be like playing house, but
Rio: realer
Buster: We both need real
Rio: Everything has been so real it all seems fake, distant now
Rio: not my real, you know?
Rio: We’re the right kind
Buster: I’m glad I can be that for you
Rio: No pressure, yeah
Rio: that sounded less intense in my head
Buster: I thrive under pressure, remember
Rio: No, not cool of me
Rio: I have to rein it in
Buster: Don’t
Rio: Not pulling away again but enough
Buster: Enough for what?
Rio: Enough to be fun and not scary
Buster: I’m not scared, you know that
Rio: That doesn’t mean I want to be scary to test you
Buster: You don’t have to rein yourself in to protect me
Rio: I don’t want to lose myself, my grip on reality and feet on the ground
Rio: except, I do want that but it’s a dangerous thing to want and I know that now
Buster: You aren’t going to lose anything, there’s only everything to gain
Rio: How do you know that?
Buster: Call it ego if you like, you definitely would’ve before
Rio: If the shoe fits, like
Buster: On the other hand, I’d prefer to say I like you too much to let any parts of you go
Rio: I like you 
Rio: I’m not spiralling, not here 
Buster: Curl around me as soon as you’re here, we’ll create our own spiral
Rio: God, [countdown] go faster 
Rio: I need you like that
Buster: I need all of you not some watered down version, if you feel like you have to do that bullshit, I’ve failed
Rio: It isn’t you, you know it’s not you 
Buster: No, it’s you, how indescribably great you are
Buster: But I have to let you know that or I’m not doing enough
Rio: You are letting me know that
Rio: it’s not us, it’s everything else, how that weighs
Buster: Shrinking yourself smaller will just mean you’ll struggle to carry it
Rio: No one expected it to happen to her
Rio: unspoken but undeniable I’m the ideal candidate 
Buster: You think it should’ve been you because you want the chance to take her place, she’s your sister and you wish you could spare her what she’s been through
Buster: that’s a normal response, there’s no more to those thoughts, and there certainly isn’t truth to them
Rio: [a moment to excuse yourself from this lesson real quick because you gotta]
Rio: I’m still here
Rio: I don’t know what to say though, and that’s to you, what will I say to her? When she wants us to visit her, if she ever does
Buster: You’ll find the words
Buster: but if you couldn’t at first, Edie wouldn’t hold a temporary silence against you, not after asking to see you
Rio: She isn’t going to ask, not for me
Buster: Come on, you don’t know that
Rio: I do, when has she ever?
Buster: Things have changed
Rio: You could certainly say that
Buster: All bets are off
Rio: That’s not going to be comforting, however you put it
Buster: I’ll be here to comfort you whatever happens
Rio: I know
Rio: as long as she’s getting help and support, it isn’t about me
Buster: You’re allowed to want to visit her
Rio: If she doesn’t want it though, I won’t, not for my own sake
Buster: Obviously not, you’re the least selfish person I’ve ever met
Rio: You really think so?
Buster: Thinking about it used to make me really angry
Rio: You thought it was holier than thou, I get it
Buster: But now I do get it
Rio: Being any other way makes no sense to me, it wouldn’t occur 
Buster: You take after your mum
Rio: I guess so
Rio: I don’t know how she carries on though, every time
Rio: I don’t have that in me
Buster: You are carrying on
Rio: Am I?
Rio: I came running to you the second I could
Buster: She has people she leans on too, everyone does, even my mum
Rio: This time, for now, sure
Rio: but how great did those people turn out to be, you’ve already pointed out happily that my da sucks too
Buster: You’ve undeniably got better taste
Rio: It isn’t funny
Buster: I’m not joking, I’ve already also pointed out we have the luxury of learning from their mistakes
Buster: no one’s happier than I am that I’m not as traumatised as my parents are
Rio: You don’t have to be so arrogant about it
Buster: I’m being honest, I haven’t exaggerated my importance or capabilities, I don’t need to
Rio: It’s just smug, alright
Buster: It’s excessive in your opinion, I disagree
Rio: Good for you, disagree on your own
Buster: Fine
Rio: [oop, at least that shut y’all up I guess lmao]
Buster: [we did need to lol, soz though lads]
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deathdoesntkillyou · 2 months
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