debauchedsammy · 1 year
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the bees knees
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
Fifteen year old Sam asks “Daddy” for salt. Both Dean and John reach for it.
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
Dean knows big brothers aren't supposed to notice the curve of their little siblings throat, know of the sweat that pools on their clavicle, the flush of their skin in pleassure, the sound of muffled gasps under his palm. He's not supposed to know where to bite, and lick, and suck; what to whisper to make his little brother plead and beg and cry for more. He's not supposed to know the taste of tender flesh, the feel of soft, perfect skin as his palms mark, and bruise and claim.
But how is Dean to resist the temptation and pleassure of his brother's flesh when Sammy looks at him with those big doe eyes, and pleads with pink lips that spin words like sugar and could lead even the best of men to hell.
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
something about Dean being Sam’s sexual awakening makes me go absolutely batshit insane. Sam’s dawning horror that this is fucked up, him being jealous when Dean brings home girls and hating himself for being jealous. Teenage Sammy getting off in the shower and realizing nothing gets the job done faster than thinking about Dean. Being out of his mind terrified that someone, somehow will read his mind and out him as a freak. there’s so much there.
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
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by @16ddddd33333
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
It wasn't fair.
Those girls didn't know Dean like he did. They didn't know what his favourite movie was. They didn't know his favourite type of pie, or which magazines he liked from the gas station. They didn't know what shitty trash TV was his favourite or how he liked his beer.
Sam knew.
Sam knew it all, and yet he had to sit and watch these girl take the one part of Dean he wasn't allowed but damn deserved.
No, all they cared about was what he was like in bed. Sam wished he knew. He ached deeply for it, a deep sickly yearning settling in the pit of his stomach late at night when he couldn't sleep.
It wasn't fucking fair.
Dean's eyes met his through the gap in the door.
It felt purposeful - the sock on the door handle, but keeping it cracked open. There was a lock on the inside. Sam was, for all intended purposes, capable of looking after himself for twenty minutes. Dean had almost intentionally set him up with a movie and popcorn before he snuck off upstairs with Amy or Amanda or whatever the hell she was called.
The door had been left cracked open, and Sam didn't know why.
If he left now they could ignore it. Dean could move onto the next one. Sam could pretend he was headed to the bathroom and act as if his heart wasn't shattering in his chest.
He stayed there, looking through the gap at Dean's naked torso as he fucked her. Dean held his gaze, lip being assaulted by his teeth as he sped up.
Intentionally, right?
Sam swallowed, his eyes falling to the floor.
"That's it, baby," Dean said, and the girl under him moaned loudly. Sam noticed his brothers legs tighten, sweat glistening over his body as he came.
His eyes didn't leave Sam.
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
dean gives sammy shit about his hair being too long all the time, but deep down, he loves it.
days with a good breeze always have sam running his slim fingers through it, trying to keep it out of those beautiful eyes.
sam uses it to hide behind sometimes, like the glorious security blanket it is.
plus, dean absolutely loves the sounds sam makes when he gets a little rough and tugs on it.
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
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by @shaartwork
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
Dean: I said you and dad should make up not make out
Sam: you know that makes a lot more sense
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
🔥 🔥 🔥
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
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made for the lovely @egipci​ <3 these banners are free to save and use for anyone, just rb this post before using. enjoy <3
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
John coming home from a week-long hunt. He's tired. His body aches. Luckily nothing major needed to be patched-up, but he still feels like he was "drug through a knot-hole backwards" as the saying goes. All he wants to do is take a shower and collapse into bed. As he approaches the door though he's hears a rhythmic smacking sound coming from the other side. He pauses for moment, listening. The faint sound of whimpering and "Deeeeaaaaan" in that whining voice his youngest has become an expert in comes to him and he shakes his head. Guess he'll have deal with this first.
The boys freeze when John opens the door. Sam is draped over Dean's lap, jeans and underwear around his ankles, his butt already a bright red, and all John can think of is deer-in-the-headlights as they both stare at him for a moment. John closes the door firmly behind himself and cocks an eyebrow at Dean. "Wanna tell me what he did this time?" Dean seems to shake himself out of his shock and clears his throat, pulling Sam a bit closer to him, almost protectively. "He, um, he went to the library after school without asking. Lost track of time and didn't come home till they kicked his ass out. I was worried sick. So..."
John was nodding though. "So, you're teaching him the consequences of his actions." He gets nods in return from both boys and he walks a few steps closer, taking a good look at Sam's rear end. "Doin' a good job there." As he speaks he starts unbuckling his belt, and both boys tense. But he's their father. He always has the final say. "Now Sam," his voice stern, "you get off your brother's lap and go lean over the table so I can finish this up." Neither of them move though and Sam cranes his tear-stained face up to his Dad. "Please.... can I just stay here?" Before John can respond to the strange request Dean is nodding. "Yeah Dad. He's already here." He grips Sam's side more firmly while leaning his torso back a bit, out of the way. "I'll hold him still for you."
Normally John would insist on doing it, every detail, his way. But neither one is debating John using the belt on Sam, just positioning. And well, he can still hit his target as long as Dean stays out of the way. And he really wants to just get this over with and get in the shower. So with a nod he doubles-up his belt and stands to the side a bit. He notices one of Sam's hands moving to grip Dean's leg while the other continues to brace himself against the floor. Without further ado he brings the leather down hard over Sam's ass. The crack is loud in the otherwise silent room, but is immediately followed by a groan from his youngest. Dean grips him tighter and John continues, whack after whack. By the third Sam is squirming but Dean makes sure he stays in place. By the fifth he's breathing hard and jerking forward with every swing. At the tenth, Sam finally lets go with a sob, shuddering from the pain, before he goes completely limp over his brother's lap. Just for good measure John gives him 5 more (to match his age plus one) but Sam just continues crying softly while Dean rubs his back.
Now done with that unpleasant business, John tosses his belt onto the other bed. "No doing that anymore, you hear Sam?" He leans down to grip his son's shoulder and gets a shaking nod in return. "Y-yes ss-sir." Satisfied, John heads toward the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower. You two get ready for bed. Sorry Dean, you're gonna have to share with your brother tonight."
Dean looks up at his dad and gives him a reassuring nod. "It's okay Dad. Don't worry about it."
Once John is in the bathroom and they hear the shower going, Dean helps his brother up off his lap. There's a wet spot on his jeans where Sam's dick had been. "Man, I thought we were busted," he murmured softly. Sam, still flushed from the whole experience nods, wincing as he gingerly rubs his throbbing behind. "Yeah, same. But..." and now he's blushing which just causes Dean to grin. "I... um... kinda liked it." Dean can't help it anymore and pulls his brother down for a passionate, if brief kiss. "Hurry up and clean up." He nods towards the kitchenette sink. "I'll rub some lotion on it before Dad gets out." As he stands he shucks off his own soiled jeans and his t-shirt. It's warm enough, them sleeping in just their boxers isn't that out of the ordinary. Sam grins at him as he steps out of his own pants and heads over to the sink to take care of things while Dean collects both their clothes to put in the laundry duffel.
It HAD been a close call, but it might be something they'd have to replicate again.
In the shower, John stands for a bit under the hot spray, letting it relax his sore muscles. Almost of its own accord his hand drifts downward and before he knows it he's caressing his thickening cock. It's no big deal, he tells himself. He just needs to blow off a little steam, then he'll be able to sleep, no problem. And he tries to bring up mental images of women, of their breasts and thighs and butts. But then he's seeing a smaller butt, turning red, under his belt. And it's got him harder than any of the other mental images he'd had. He doesn't WANT to picture his son but... the sounds he was making. The way he was moving. He knew (thought he knew) there was nothing really to it, that Sam hadn't known how... how alluring he'd looked. Had he realized he was almost raising his ass invitingly for the belt? John finds his release and then stands there, leaning his head against the cool tiles. He berates himself for using THAT while jerking himself off, but can't banish the images entirely from his mind. And he tries to tell himself that as long as it stays strictly between himself and his own hand, it's not that big of a deal.
And he tells it to himself again when he walks back into the room, now dark with the boys in the one bed, Dean's arm curled protectively around Sam. It's no big deal. Dean's always tried to comfort Sam after the boy's been punished, even if Dean was the one who had to do the punishing.
They're alive and they're okay. That's all that really matters, right? (Hope you enjoy! 💜)
oh my god.
Oh my god, you really wrote this and sent it to me and I read it while I was at my mother’s house I’m going straight to hell. I love it so much.
Love the relationship with Sam and Dean, and Sammy so young but fully aware of and into his kink. Love Dean taking care of him.
Love them getting off on daddy fulfilling it without realizing, and John’s reaction is just!!!! Like I feel like he subconsciously noticed how Sam was responding to him, and maybe that’s why he reacted the way he did, but now he’s got all that delicious guilt. And he’ll be thinking of it later, the next time he has to discipline Sam, the next time he sees Dean doing it.
Oh, I love this so much 😍😍😍😍😍
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
Submission from @all-4-wincest after we spent way too long lusting over the idea of John walking in on his boys 🥵
Soooo…. I started writing “That J3” fic that we talked about and I thought you might appreciate a small snippet of it. So here goes nothing!
Warnings: Wincest, Sam/Dean, Voyeur!John, NSFW!!
John practically falls through their latest seedy motel room smelling of his last hunt. When he sees his oldest son fucking into his youngest relentlessly, at first he’s shocked, closing the door with a loud bang.
Dean is startled first. Jerking out of and away from Sam, his Sammy, so violently that he falls to the floor. For his part, Sam slumps down to the mattress trying to bury his head under the pillow.
They both hear the thunk of John’s duffel, which they both know is loaded with weapons, hit the floor. Expecting the absolute worst from their father, it’s like they’re frozen in time. Then John speaks. He speaks in that hunter hardened voice that’s John’s standard.
“Don’t stop what you’re doing on my account. What I know you do every time I’m not here for more than 20 minutes.” John says with his hardened but somehow sexy voice. He kicks off his boots and the next thing Sam and Dean hear is John dropping into the nearest chair and the unmistakable sound of someone’s fly unzipping.
“Christo” they both say in unison. Dean peeks up from the floor, Sam from under the flat pillow. Huh, nothing happens. “Dad?” asks Dean, still from the floor where he sees John has pulled his mostly erect dick from his boxers. “Wa..what’s going on?” Sam stutters.
“Go ahead, my beautiful boys. I want to watch.”
I know it’s in desperate need of editing, but I hope you enjoyed!!
P.S. The preceding is ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
Feedback you say? I absolutely need to know what happens next! - Mads xx
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debauchedsammy · 2 years
Ok but obviously when Sam and Dean are younger and hooking up, they hide it from John.
And Dean hasn't noticed, but Sam has.
Dad has been watching them almost warily recently. His eyes are glued to them at all times, brows furrowed when he sees them sitting close enough for their thighs to touch.
And Sam knows maybe he should go tell Dean. Tell him it might be time to stop, except he's 16. He's pissed at dad for the crappy hand they got dealt in life, and all his rebellion in the world just seems to get him crappy punishments and lecturers.
And this? This was quite literally the biggest fuck you Sam could give to him.
It's so stupid, and he knows if Dean knew he would be freaking the hell out, but he hasn't noticed and Sam's getting quite a kick out of the idea. Of showing dad that he's getting fucked by his big brother, and it's all his fault really, because he loves Dean far too much than he ought to, because of the fucked up way John dragged them up.
He links their fingers under diner tables, and Dean doesn't question it. Just grips his hand right back and continues his lunch with one hand, talking away while oblivious to the stare dad is directing at their arms as they disappear beneath the table.
They've always had some issues with personal space, but Sam really tries to up his game. He's practically sitting on Dean's lap on Bobby's couch, and when he leans across Dean's thighs to reach his book on the floor, dad straight up leaves the room. Sam smirks, and Dean is too focused on whatever is playing on the TV to notice the events that just transpired.
He keeps it up for weeks. He stumbles into Dean a few too many times to be natural, and his brother grips his waist to steady him. He wipes food from his face, and asks to try some of his pie even if he really has no interest in the stuff, because dads face is a fucking picture when Dean lifts a spoon to his mouth, and he really makes sure to groan and lick up the cream. It even has Dean squirming in his seat, and Sam's fairly certain dad picked up on that too.
It all comes to a head soon enough, and honestly? This time, Sam wasn't planning it.
He was riding Dean's lap like his life depended on it, his big brother burying his face in his neck while Sam grips at his shoulders. He doesn't hear the impala pull up, but he sees the door open.
He sees John staring through the crack, and his expression is one of pure shock, far more grim than Sam had seen him wear on any hunt.
And Sam just grabs on tighter, staring John in the eye as he moans Dean's name and slams back down onto his brothers cock.
"God, Sammy. So fucking amazing baby."
The door shuts silently, and when John returns a few hours later reaking of whiskey, Dean is asleep, all the evidence is gone, and Sam is pretending to be asleep.
Sam can't help but feel a sick sense of satisfaction.
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