debong29 · 2 years
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debong29 · 2 years
Prayers for Bobby, I assumed it to be one of those typical religious films about a family, but I was surprised to find myself emotional while watching it. I've never heard of the film before, so I was intrigued, and I tried guessing the plot from the title. Not only did the film evoke strong emotions in me, but it also made me realize how far society has come since the 1980s in terms of recognizing gays and lesbians and their treatment of people in the LGBTQ+ community. Although I am not a part of it, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for my gay friends and other young gay teens around the world.
Prayers for Bobby is a film about a gay boy named Bobby Griffith who lives in the United States in the early 80's. It's the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, and the belief in homosexuality is rising. When Bobby's grandmother says, "All queers should be lined up and shot," it's clear that homosexuality is not tolerated from the start of the film. His parents are also revealed in the film to be very religious and ignorant, and I can already see that they will not accept the teenager's sexuality. It bothers me how unfair Bobby's condition is because he appears to be a genuine and caring person, which is why I'm delighted his story is being shared to raise awareness about the world we live in.
When the rest of Bobby's family found out he was gay, his mother, Mary Griffith, had the worst reaction as a typical religious close-minded parent since she was in denial and thought she could still cure him because they believed homosexuality was a sin according to the Bible. She sent Bobby to a psychiatrist, placed biblical quotes about his room, and set him up on a blind date with a girl in the hopes of 'treating his kid.' Bobby finally snapped and told her mother, "Accept me as I am or forget me," but her mother still refused to accept a gay son, causing their relationship to end. He then had a difficult time dealing with his sexuality because homosexuality was considered a sin by society, and his family. His negative feelings, such as having to struggle with depression, led Bobby to jump from the bridge and eventually end his life. Bobby's mother suffered and was overwhelmed with regret after he died. Mary Griffith became an American LGBTQIA+ rights campaigner and later told everyone, “There are children, like Bobby, sitting in your congregations. Unknown to you they will be listening as you echo "amen" and that will soon silence their prayers. Their prayers to God for understanding and acceptance and for your love but your hatred and fear and ignorance of the word gay, will silence those prayers. So, before you echo "amen" in your home and place of worship. Think. Think and remember a child is listening.”
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debong29 · 2 years
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debong29 · 2 years
Metaphor: I hope the rain on my car is a baptism
Allusion: If I’m not home by midnight, my car might turn into a pumpkin
Apostrophe: Thinking it’s now or never, choosing this way or another
Anthypophora: May we all drive past our problems and find happiness at the end of the
Anaphora: I love the sounds of cars. I love the smell of the wind when we’re on the road. I
love travelling by car with you.
Polysyndeton: Running with you down streets gave me butterflies and happiness and excitement, but it also made me feel vulnerable and terrified and nervous because I realized I was already falling in love with you
Sometimes in life, we turns, encounter bumps and meet crossroads
We sometimes look back at all the past episodes
See everything as nothing and feel confused about what’s happening
Here I am looking out the window with questions still unanswered
Indisposed and unenergetic, I got everything cancelled
If I’m not home by midnight, my car might turn into a pumpkin
But I don’t care, I hope the rain on my car is a baptism
I messed up life’s rhythm, but everything have changed when I found you
Running with you down the streets gave me butterflies and happiness and
excitement, but it also made me feel vulnerable and terrified and nervous because I
realized I was already falling in love with you
When I met your eyes through, I saw hope and started to look forward
Often in life, I feel coward but when it’s about you, I knew everything I’ll pursue
I love the sound of cars. I love the smell of the wind when we’re on the road. I love
travelling by car with you
To say this is true, I love you
But after miles of our journey, storms, bumps and troubles occur
It is expected yet a lot surprising
A circle of driving, lying,fighting then driving
Believe me, I am trying
But why did you become another crossroad I need to overcome?
Sometimes, being with you feels like chewing an old gum
I know you saved me from misery but you also put me in a puzzling mystery
My car felt the burden lifting a heavy load
The engine slowed and I just want everything to stop
Hop and I know I will drop
Just stop.
Here I am again, seeing nothing and feeling confused about everything
Not indisposed, rather felt the urge to decide
Thinking it’s now or never, choosing this way or another
For sure, just like the clouds, I am teary eyed, but I know, the soon that I decide, the soon it
will subside
I’ve decided to part ways with you
My new journey started like a blue
And honestly, looking at my future leaves me with no clue
But just like choosing a path to take, I may be alone yet I know nothing was a mistake
Just like the beautiful places I have been and the amazing sceneries I have seen
I wish for the calmness of your heart
May we drive past our problems and find happiness at the end of the road
We may be apart in the upcoming journey, but the memories that we had can be a railroad
for a journey that’s meaningful and wonderful
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debong29 · 2 years
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This shot was taken on May 3, 2022. I chose to draw this photo because it is some of my favorite photos since it is of me and my girlfriend. It was my second time seeing her in their new house in General Trias and we hadn't seen each other in weeks. Not only that, but I also met her Auntie and Uncle who live outside the Philippines but were there for vacation and they allowed me to spend the night there, which made me very happy because they are already treating me like a family member. That is why this photo will always hold a special place in my heart
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debong29 · 2 years
A transitive verb that can be used in a variety of contexts. An eight-letter word, a simple word with a profound meaning, has changed the way I think. Many of those things are about the two years I couldn't leave the house to try new things because of the lockdown. I am not yet ready to forget all of the memories, whether positive or negative, that have occurred over the last two years and still remember every significant event that has happened during that time. As a result, I'll be here, taking my time as I go over everything I can remember.
Remember is to keep a piece of information in your memory, a verb. For the first few months, I was in denial; I was scared, alarmed, and upset. I was alarmed because I had no idea how serious COVID-19 was, until the lockdown took place. I was scared because I was concerned about how long the pandemic would last and whether we would survive it or not. Finally, I was upset that the lockdown would prevent me from doing what I enjoy. Basketball is my all-time favorite sport. Basketball is like a safety blanket to me. I treat it as my best friend, whom will never abandon me or judge me. When I'm playing basketball, I feel like I don't have to care about anyone else but just shoot the balls in the ring, as if every ounce of stress coursing through my veins is instantly released.
But I lost hope as a result of the pandemic's lockdowns and restrictions. I assumed that having that feeling while playing basketball would not occur for a long time, and that most people, especially those who are not athletic, would not understand my desire for basketball. Those times when I couldn't walk straight or stand because my legs and body were so tired from playing, or when I was desperate to catch my breath because of all the running and sprinting inside the court, or even when I'd rather play on the court than hang out with my friends. I miss it, I miss being free.
Remembering all of my Basketball memories makes me feel so many different emotions; it's a rollercoaster ride. It makes me happy to remember those days, but it also makes me frustrated. I was at my peak. I worked twice as hard to be a good basketball player, and I was doing well and playing better than everyone else until the pandemic struck. Why did the world have to be so cruel? I was back... to zero once again.
I did a lot of things to keep myself busy because there is nothing I can do to escape the chaos that is happening in the world, and I believe that the least I can do is not be a liability, especially to my parents. I try my hardest to help my parents at home, such as doing every chore they assign me, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't swallowed deep in my mobile phone. I downloaded almost all of the popular online games, such as Mobile Legends and Call of Duty Mobile. I even became addicted to those games because they were the only way I could entertain myself since I couldn't go out and hang out with my friends, which made me remember something, how me and my friends used to spent most of our allowance playing in a computer shop with a keyboard and mouse that weren't really for gaming, headphones that smelled like sweat mixed with rotten eggs, and a laggy monitor, it was indeed the good days before the pandemic.
Looking back on the two years of quarantine due to the pandemic, I realized how much I had grown and how much I had come to enjoy things that I used to find ridiculous. It was loving your own company; I never imagined that having your own business would change everything. It was like a drug; using it can have life-changing effects and is highly addictive. Learning to enjoy your own company can help you recharge your mental and social energy after a long day; it gave me more confidence than ever and made me stop listening to other people's inappropriate comments about myself because I know myself better than anyone else.
When I looked at my girlfriend, I was reminded of something. It's as if I'm in a romantic cringe movie where the guy spends most of his time annoying his crush and his crush is always getting mad at him, which is funny because that's exactly how we are. I used to look forward to going to school because I knew I'd see her, even though she's so annoyed by me that just hearing my name and voice makes her blood boil. Moving on, despite the fact that so many negative things happened in my life during the lockdown, it gave me the opportunity to be closer to her. We began playing online games together and, over time, we became good friends. She was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a rant buddy, and someone I could go to for help, especially with school activities. Although I hadn't had much experience with girls, I realized that they are like a broken stoplight, where the red light is on but also the orange and green lights are on. My girlfriend is an enigma; the way she thinks and moves has always been a puzzle to me; it's always unexpected, but I don't mind because I love puzzles and her. I know she always has good intentions.
Ala-ala. It's one of my favorite Filipino words, though I'm not sure why; perhaps it's because of how you say it? Or perhaps because of its deep meaning, which meant to remember. I used to dislike remembering, especially memories, because I believe there's no point in going back on something that's already happened because you can't change it anyway, but as I was writing my kabataan essay, an idea just popped in my head. Remembering isn't always a bad thing; it's a part of who you are. Maybe every experience is a lesson, but sometimes if you don't want it to be a lesson, then don't, but never forget because, as I said, it is part of who you are, so laugh, cry, be angry at the memories you could remember, even the memories of you making dumb decisions because we are human, we will always remember things, even the shameful and bad ones, it's not a switch that you can just pick the good ones and forget all your bad ones.
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debong29 · 2 years
The Day our paths crossed: A reflection on the Analogy.” Lockdown Litanies: Countless Untold Stories” an Essay by Dave Pilotin
First of all, it was fascinating how the author created these unique stories. Although the plotlines and conclusions of each of these stories differ, they all teach us that even though we may every once in a while feel hopeless, we should never give up and lose confidence and trust because better days will eventually come. Instead, we should simply hold on and make progress every day, even if it's only tiny steps.
The first poem which is “Dear Diary” I felt something as I was reading this poem. “Got stuck in front of my screen and became distant from people I know.” I picked this line because it was honestly relatable. Life is like that, there are times that you have to go through the lows in order to appreciate the highs in life. You are going to lose people in your life and that’s okay too. “Move away and discover a world on my own.” This line has struck me the most, the author did not lose hope but instead they found a way to end the toxic cycle and heal themselves. You Are Enough by Sleeping At Last, The reason I chose this song is because even though we might felt like our lives are really messed up or we are having a hard time, we must always believe that we will always be enough.
As I read the “The Tale of a Modern Sisyphus,” I realized that the first part was all about royalties as it was mentioned ‘Every girl’s dream to wear the most coveted crown’ Then on the last line of the part one, I think the narrator are judging the women who’s competing as they said ‘Haven’t seen a woman who’s clearly a ten– let alone the judges; they chose a far less seven.’ On the second part, I really like the line ‘A burden is less felt when carried together.’ It is true because you have someone to talk to about it or depend on them unlike when you’re alone, you’d have to do it all by yourself. I have two songs in mind for this poem, You're Beautiful by James Blunt as I believe that every girl should have a crowned and we should empower women more and Lego House by Ed Sheeran because the part ‘I'll pick you up when you're getting down’ in Lego House is all about not being alone and also depending to others.
The third part of this anthology, “O’ Yayi (A Prose Poem)” made me think at first that it would be just like other poems about soldiers or World War II. However, as I reached the end of O’ Yayi, I never expected it to be so heartbreaking. The man loved Yayi for years and never left her side, he was actually the definition of a perfect husband that every woman could ask for. That's why it was upsetting that he was never valued by Yayi and even forgot all about him but he still loved her so much. I could not think of a better song than Joji’s Glimpse of Us because it was also about the person being in a relationship even though they still loved their past lover and always remember a glimpse of them with their ex.
As for the fourth part, “Two Red Laces on the Wonderwall,” A poem about two people in love. “Tried my luck with several men, but you felt like home, where I belong.” This actually shows what love really is because even if you tried denying it or running away from it, your love for someone will never change. When I first read the title of this poem, I felt like the ‘Two Red Laces’ was like the ‘Red Thread of Fate’. This poem reminds me of Naked by James Arthur especially on the last line that says ‘All because of you, I bare my soul.’ is similar in the song, ‘I’m standing here naked,’ as both of the lines are about taking risks and giving everything now to their partner.
The fifth part of this anthology, “Umbilical” is about an unborn child who felt the mother’s pain. ‘The pain she suffered just for me to see.’ This line definitely explained well how our mother always sacrifices everything, it doesn’t matter if it might kill her or make her suffer because as long as it’s for her children, the mother would do it. ‘Drained herself to save me from misery’ and ‘Wrinkles, fragile bones, gaunt face in plain sight’. I love the way the author made the lines so perfect and beautiful in every way. The song “You're Gonna Be” by Reba McEntire ‘Life has no guarantees but always loved by me. You’re gonna be me, always loved by me’ This shows how much a mother can love her child, it’s always and forever.
Moving along to the sixth part, “RE: Paper.” Honestly, when I was reading this poem, it was really confusing yet it was also interesting. I believe that it demonstrates our current living situation. It’s difficult to find a job and not only that, our school life is also affected as we are forced to adapt to online classes and modular work. The poem had a line that said, ‘Teachers must upskill on how to implement these competencies for student development’ " and I agree since sometimes it is the teachers who are to blame when students struggle with their studies. That’s why I chose Teacher Teacher for this poem.
For the seventh poem which is “3 A.M Awakening,” I feel like this piece is a person experiencing an extreme emotion that’s why he needed to be calm. ‘Breathe as if it’s easy to do today’ although breathing is an involuntary movement, there are days that it can be harder to breathe especially when you’re stressed out or even when angry. ‘People hold truth in fiery tongues and spit’ How the author constructed this line is really good as there are situations when people are expressing the truth but saying it incorrectly can affect the truth. “Breathin” by Ariana Grande is the song I believe fits on poem perfectly, ‘I can so overcomplicate, people tell me to medicate’ this line made me feel like it was related to one of the lines of the poem, ‘Heaven spoke lies to me telling I’m sick with people’s daggering every inch’.
As I read the eighth poem, “My frail lady,” It was very clear that the poem was all about a girl who committed suicide. The moment I read ‘The most beautiful suicide’ and the name ‘Evelyn Mchale’ I instantly know who she is as I already read the article before, it was about a girl who jumped off the 86th-floor observation deck of the Empire State Building. ‘Freedom at long last upon here long, quiet pause,’ this line at first was light to read but as I was reading it over and over again, I realized how dark this line is because she finally got her freedom after a long pause which is passing away. A song that I could relate this piece to is “Goodbye I'm Sorry” by Jamestown Story, ‘So here's my goodbye, no one will cry over me. I'm not worth any tears.’ The girl from this poem actually has one wish which is to have no service and remembrance for her.
For the last poem in this anthology, “Major Arcana,” I could not really get what the poem is all about at first as all I think is that it was about Tarot Card as there were 6 cards all of that was from the Tarot Card. For me, I believe that each card from the poem represents happenings in our lives. It shows difficulties but also hope for each card, ‘You silently sit on the storm you created for yourself.’ This line from the poem shows that the storms we created are the results of most of our bad decisions that we make and for that I chose Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles because even though we might face difficulties in our daily lives, it’s also important to believe that everything will be okay.
In Conclusion, after reading this anthology, it was clear that each poem was unique from the others, thus to sum it up. However, I truly like how distinct and fascinating each of their individual stories is. The poem "Umbilical," which shows how strong our mothers are and how their love for their family always comes first, is my favorite in this collection. This Anthology also enabled me to view things from a different perspective. Some of the stories even convinced me that because we are all flawed, it is normal to make mistakes and that what matters is what we do next—are we going to strive for improvement or reject change? The author(s) of this anthology should be extremely proud of their work because it is well-made and built.
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