LOL i said that many times on Twitter and YouTube and her bootlickers sure get angry and still lies that she so called stand up for free speech.
JK Rowling is all about letting women speak...until the women don't agree with her and support trans rights, then she's suddenly trying to make the women out to be either naïve or trying to get attention from men.
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Today B.B. Alston anounced that Amari is going to be set up for five books for now.
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I do not blame you for being obsessed with a handsome guy like me to be honest.
And i do apriciate you again do not deny her cruelty but than again you already said you are aware of it.
Hey look it is that dirty liar who think JK Terf never said anything bad about trans people
I didn't even say that ☠️ I said she's not calling for their murder lol
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Ha so you see that children do not care about HP as well. Great.
And indeed you are right what is it with those Rowling bootlickers insulting anyone ?
I find it weird that people get so upset that other people enjoy art made by a bad person, you do realise that doesn't mean they think the individual is a good person???
you can't just turn off your enjoyment of media just because the person who made it was a bad person, I enjoy a lot of stuff made by really bad people, hell, (TW nazi mention) I think THIS is good art and it was made by fucking HITLER
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you aren't a bad person for enjoying art made by bad people, you would be a bad person if you were condoning and justifying their bad actions.
you can even agree with some things they say! sometimes bad people say things that are just right and you are allowed to agree with them.
an example for that would be radqueers and their really good takes on how we deprive children of autonomy (even demonising them, not even sometimes, there's literally entire generations that make fun of children for being children and say they "hate them" or they're "annoying") because a lot of the things they have to say about that are pretty true and we definitely should be reevaluating how we treat children as a society. (That said, not everything they say about children having autonomy is right, (TW child rape) children still should not be having sex, it has a lot of possible long-term consequences in all sorts of ways)
TERFs even have good points about (TW grooming) children being groomed in the queer community because it is an issue, it's just their solutions to it are wrong and the way they claim it happens isn't really true. It's less "trans people groom minors to be trans so they can mutilate their bodies and get SA'd then become a big bad trans groomer too so we should just stop people from being trans so less people get groomed" (which is a very flawed ideology and if the world starts lacking acceptance and safe spaces more then that is even more dangerous for everyone because it's harmful to queer people and the queer people who are predatory will be more likely to behave predatorily if they're accepted less) and more "queer children/minors have to be more careful about hiding their identity outside of the internet because being outted to homophobic adults is much more dangerous when you're a child and children are simultaneously more and less vulnerable then adults in that they're more vulnerable to abuse but they're less vulnerable to the consequences that an adult would have to face for doing bad things from most authority figures (as long as they live in a safe enviroment, of course) so they look for safe spaces and half the time there are predators that infiltrate those safe spaces so they can take advantage of young people figuring out there identity and looking for acceptance which is why we need safer safe spaces for minors instead of more 18+ safe spaces where adults don't have to interact with minors (which is much more common then safe spaces for minors, I've found)."
Anyway, you can agree with things bad people have said and you can enjoy things they've made. Not everything bad people do is inherently bad and you shouldn't feel guilty for liking things they do, of course, if you agree with the bad things they do then that's bad and it isn't the same thing as acknowledging a good thing they did was good. Please stop demonising people for not being able to turn off their agreement/enjoyment with agreeable/enjoyable things bad people have done.
Also you can argue about bad people benefiting from people supporting their work and stuff but i'm not talking about supporting them I'm talking about how the chemicals in your brain reacting to art and music and books made by bad people and which chemicals react (idk much about the science of joy) and how you shouldn't feel guilty because your brain chemicals went off while listening to molly by mindless self indulgence before learning about what one of the members did, it's a good song, I know it's a good song, the people who made it were bad people but liking it doesn't make you a bad person.
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Her cruelty is a real problem.
And your obsession with me too.
Hey look it is that dirty liar who think JK Terf never said anything bad about trans people
I didn't even say that ☠️ I said she's not calling for their murder lol
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Lol most males care more about woman rights than your precious terf. Ha ha.
Hey look it is that dirty liar who think JK Terf never said anything bad about trans people
I didn't even say that ☠️ I said she's not calling for their murder lol
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Ha ha ha no need to try it already happened most children do not care about it.
Oh and look a whiny JK stan act tough by calling sane people losers.
How predictable. Ha.Ha.
I find it weird that people get so upset that other people enjoy art made by a bad person, you do realise that doesn't mean they think the individual is a good person???
you can't just turn off your enjoyment of media just because the person who made it was a bad person, I enjoy a lot of stuff made by really bad people, hell, (TW nazi mention) I think THIS is good art and it was made by fucking HITLER
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you aren't a bad person for enjoying art made by bad people, you would be a bad person if you were condoning and justifying their bad actions.
you can even agree with some things they say! sometimes bad people say things that are just right and you are allowed to agree with them.
an example for that would be radqueers and their really good takes on how we deprive children of autonomy (even demonising them, not even sometimes, there's literally entire generations that make fun of children for being children and say they "hate them" or they're "annoying") because a lot of the things they have to say about that are pretty true and we definitely should be reevaluating how we treat children as a society. (That said, not everything they say about children having autonomy is right, (TW child rape) children still should not be having sex, it has a lot of possible long-term consequences in all sorts of ways)
TERFs even have good points about (TW grooming) children being groomed in the queer community because it is an issue, it's just their solutions to it are wrong and the way they claim it happens isn't really true. It's less "trans people groom minors to be trans so they can mutilate their bodies and get SA'd then become a big bad trans groomer too so we should just stop people from being trans so less people get groomed" (which is a very flawed ideology and if the world starts lacking acceptance and safe spaces more then that is even more dangerous for everyone because it's harmful to queer people and the queer people who are predatory will be more likely to behave predatorily if they're accepted less) and more "queer children/minors have to be more careful about hiding their identity outside of the internet because being outted to homophobic adults is much more dangerous when you're a child and children are simultaneously more and less vulnerable then adults in that they're more vulnerable to abuse but they're less vulnerable to the consequences that an adult would have to face for doing bad things from most authority figures (as long as they live in a safe enviroment, of course) so they look for safe spaces and half the time there are predators that infiltrate those safe spaces so they can take advantage of young people figuring out there identity and looking for acceptance which is why we need safer safe spaces for minors instead of more 18+ safe spaces where adults don't have to interact with minors (which is much more common then safe spaces for minors, I've found)."
Anyway, you can agree with things bad people have said and you can enjoy things they've made. Not everything bad people do is inherently bad and you shouldn't feel guilty for liking things they do, of course, if you agree with the bad things they do then that's bad and it isn't the same thing as acknowledging a good thing they did was good. Please stop demonising people for not being able to turn off their agreement/enjoyment with agreeable/enjoyable things bad people have done.
Also you can argue about bad people benefiting from people supporting their work and stuff but i'm not talking about supporting them I'm talking about how the chemicals in your brain reacting to art and music and books made by bad people and which chemicals react (idk much about the science of joy) and how you shouldn't feel guilty because your brain chemicals went off while listening to molly by mindless self indulgence before learning about what one of the members did, it's a good song, I know it's a good song, the people who made it were bad people but liking it doesn't make you a bad person.
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Lol she cannot even write woman characters properly in her books without bashing them. Please go be butthurt somewhere else.
I genuinely cannot wait for the day JK Rowling dies purely because of the parties that are gonna happen. There's gonna be a month longer celebration covered in blue, pink and white and it'll be glorious
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It is very weird that some people keep insisting that JK never said she wants trans people dead but she has no problem showing it.
Granted you already know the trut about her cruelty :)
Hey look it is that dirty liar who think JK Terf never said anything bad about trans people
I didn't even say that ☠️ I said she's not calling for their murder lol
12 notes · View notes
I am glad you admit you made a mistake. Good to see that you know how evil JK Terf is and want trans people to suffer.
Hey look it is that dirty liar who think JK Terf never said anything bad about trans people
I didn't even say that ☠️ I said she's not calling for their murder lol
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Oh alright so long you do not lie to other people who know how horrible she is.
Hey look it is that dirty liar who think JK Terf never said anything bad about trans people
I didn't even say that ☠️ I said she's not calling for their murder lol
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You comment did not make sense at all. LOL. And Harry Potter a great series ? Good joke.
I find it weird that people get so upset that other people enjoy art made by a bad person, you do realise that doesn't mean they think the individual is a good person???
you can't just turn off your enjoyment of media just because the person who made it was a bad person, I enjoy a lot of stuff made by really bad people, hell, (TW nazi mention) I think THIS is good art and it was made by fucking HITLER
Tumblr media
you aren't a bad person for enjoying art made by bad people, you would be a bad person if you were condoning and justifying their bad actions.
you can even agree with some things they say! sometimes bad people say things that are just right and you are allowed to agree with them.
an example for that would be radqueers and their really good takes on how we deprive children of autonomy (even demonising them, not even sometimes, there's literally entire generations that make fun of children for being children and say they "hate them" or they're "annoying") because a lot of the things they have to say about that are pretty true and we definitely should be reevaluating how we treat children as a society. (That said, not everything they say about children having autonomy is right, (TW child rape) children still should not be having sex, it has a lot of possible long-term consequences in all sorts of ways)
TERFs even have good points about (TW grooming) children being groomed in the queer community because it is an issue, it's just their solutions to it are wrong and the way they claim it happens isn't really true. It's less "trans people groom minors to be trans so they can mutilate their bodies and get SA'd then become a big bad trans groomer too so we should just stop people from being trans so less people get groomed" (which is a very flawed ideology and if the world starts lacking acceptance and safe spaces more then that is even more dangerous for everyone because it's harmful to queer people and the queer people who are predatory will be more likely to behave predatorily if they're accepted less) and more "queer children/minors have to be more careful about hiding their identity outside of the internet because being outted to homophobic adults is much more dangerous when you're a child and children are simultaneously more and less vulnerable then adults in that they're more vulnerable to abuse but they're less vulnerable to the consequences that an adult would have to face for doing bad things from most authority figures (as long as they live in a safe enviroment, of course) so they look for safe spaces and half the time there are predators that infiltrate those safe spaces so they can take advantage of young people figuring out there identity and looking for acceptance which is why we need safer safe spaces for minors instead of more 18+ safe spaces where adults don't have to interact with minors (which is much more common then safe spaces for minors, I've found)."
Anyway, you can agree with things bad people have said and you can enjoy things they've made. Not everything bad people do is inherently bad and you shouldn't feel guilty for liking things they do, of course, if you agree with the bad things they do then that's bad and it isn't the same thing as acknowledging a good thing they did was good. Please stop demonising people for not being able to turn off their agreement/enjoyment with agreeable/enjoyable things bad people have done.
Also you can argue about bad people benefiting from people supporting their work and stuff but i'm not talking about supporting them I'm talking about how the chemicals in your brain reacting to art and music and books made by bad people and which chemicals react (idk much about the science of joy) and how you shouldn't feel guilty because your brain chemicals went off while listening to molly by mindless self indulgence before learning about what one of the members did, it's a good song, I know it's a good song, the people who made it were bad people but liking it doesn't make you a bad person.
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Nah only her bootlickers do.
But boy are they infufferable indeed. And apearently neither their parents familly or teachers in daycare has read them fairy tales because they have this weird thing of believing she was the first one to come up with witches.
So to them Harry Potter has precered Hansel And Gretel Baba Yaga and The Wizard Of Oz ?
people act like jkr invented children's literature and it's insufferable
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Indeed Kingsley at least is likeble.
okay so the marauders targeted snape because he was "up to his eyeballs in the dark arts", despite the fact that the person who said that (sirius black) canonically used an illegal hex (apparently illegal malicious magic is something totally different from the dark arts) with james potter on a random girl at school at least once, and not because snape was the a conventionally unattractive, poor and unpopular slytherin halfblood(aka an easy target) for them to pick on.
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Both the Marauders and Snape are horrible but Snape is the more horrible one.
okay so the marauders targeted snape because he was "up to his eyeballs in the dark arts", despite the fact that the person who said that (sirius black) canonically used an illegal hex (apparently illegal malicious magic is something totally different from the dark arts) with james potter on a random girl at school at least once, and not because snape was the a conventionally unattractive, poor and unpopular slytherin halfblood(aka an easy target) for them to pick on.
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Nice. I like you mention Rugrats i have not seen that show since i was very small.
I'm sorry though if I last ask seemed rude but I just am weirded out? How you can hate on a character who did something for revenge and to stop someone from spreading lies that can destroy lives vs someone who literally mocked someone's death? Like seriously Cedric died in front of Harry and the first thing he does? Mocks Cedric's death. And you somehow forgive Draco but hate on Hermione, ok. All I'm trying to say, it's fine to love a character but please don't hate on other fans without actually knowing the context and everything. Don't blatantly go around hating a character without knowing why that happened and what led to that action. Hope you have a great day <3 Draco is a complex character, I know but so is Hermione and I wish you would understand that.
Well, thanks for the follow-up. I don't know if you are a different anon from the other one who has been condescending to me. If you're not, then don't mind my slightly annoyed tone.
What's there to be weirded out by?? People have character preferences. Preference is not always positively correlated to character morality. Which I spoke about here:
How you can hate on a character who did something for revenge and to stop someone from spreading lies that can destroy lives vs someone who literally mocked someone's death? Like seriously Cedric died in front of Harry and the first thing he does? Mocks Cedric's death. And you somehow forgive Draco but hate on Hermione, ok.
Because Draco's actions are painted as bad by the narrative. While Hermione's are not. That is why I can get over Draco being a jerk, but I can't stand Hermione. And I hate her even more when fandom tells me her actions are justified. Kidnapping someone inhumanely is NEVER ok and I refuse to tolerate people's glorifying it. If Hermione wanted justice, she should have reported Rita to the authorities. As I have said before, if Hermione was criticized for her flaws properly I would probably like her more. I wouldn't love her but I wouldn't hate her. But JKR and general HP fandom have made me despise her. I wish she died and Ron ended up with another girl. Hermione being a complex character means squat if she gets away with everything.
All I'm trying to say, it's fine to love a character but please don't hate on other fans without actually knowing the context and everything. Don't blatantly go around hating a character without knowing why that happened and what led to that action.
I know the context alright. But what Hermione did is still not ok. So my disdain is justified. I can hate Hermione as much as I want. Until someone can prove to me why I shouldn't. I don't go to anti Draco accounts and argue why they shouldn't hate him. My interactions with her fans/stans have not helped in the slightest either. And as I read more of the books, I am not impressed. I would never use Hermione as a positive female role model for my potential future kid.
Anyway, have a great day as well. But unless I say something incorrect about Hermione or the trio in the anti tags, please don't engage me again. I am tired of repeating myself.
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The fact that some of those stans are grown ass adults make it even more pathetic.
I'm sorry though if I last ask seemed rude but I just am weirded out? How you can hate on a character who did something for revenge and to stop someone from spreading lies that can destroy lives vs someone who literally mocked someone's death? Like seriously Cedric died in front of Harry and the first thing he does? Mocks Cedric's death. And you somehow forgive Draco but hate on Hermione, ok. All I'm trying to say, it's fine to love a character but please don't hate on other fans without actually knowing the context and everything. Don't blatantly go around hating a character without knowing why that happened and what led to that action. Hope you have a great day <3 Draco is a complex character, I know but so is Hermione and I wish you would understand that.
Well, thanks for the follow-up. I don't know if you are a different anon from the other one who has been condescending to me. If you're not, then don't mind my slightly annoyed tone.
What's there to be weirded out by?? People have character preferences. Preference is not always positively correlated to character morality. Which I spoke about here:
How you can hate on a character who did something for revenge and to stop someone from spreading lies that can destroy lives vs someone who literally mocked someone's death? Like seriously Cedric died in front of Harry and the first thing he does? Mocks Cedric's death. And you somehow forgive Draco but hate on Hermione, ok.
Because Draco's actions are painted as bad by the narrative. While Hermione's are not. That is why I can get over Draco being a jerk, but I can't stand Hermione. And I hate her even more when fandom tells me her actions are justified. Kidnapping someone inhumanely is NEVER ok and I refuse to tolerate people's glorifying it. If Hermione wanted justice, she should have reported Rita to the authorities. As I have said before, if Hermione was criticized for her flaws properly I would probably like her more. I wouldn't love her but I wouldn't hate her. But JKR and general HP fandom have made me despise her. I wish she died and Ron ended up with another girl. Hermione being a complex character means squat if she gets away with everything.
All I'm trying to say, it's fine to love a character but please don't hate on other fans without actually knowing the context and everything. Don't blatantly go around hating a character without knowing why that happened and what led to that action.
I know the context alright. But what Hermione did is still not ok. So my disdain is justified. I can hate Hermione as much as I want. Until someone can prove to me why I shouldn't. I don't go to anti Draco accounts and argue why they shouldn't hate him. My interactions with her fans/stans have not helped in the slightest either. And as I read more of the books, I am not impressed. I would never use Hermione as a positive female role model for my potential future kid.
Anyway, have a great day as well. But unless I say something incorrect about Hermione or the trio in the anti tags, please don't engage me again. I am tired of repeating myself.
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